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Configurati on Guide Adap tiv e Ser v er ® Enterprise 15.0 [ UNIX ].
DOCUMENT ID: DC35823 -01-150 0-04 LAST REVISED: March 2007 Copyright © 19 87-2007 by Sybase, I nc. All righ ts reserved. This publicatio n pertai ns to Sybase sof tware and to any sub sequent relea se until othe rwise indica ted in new e ditions or technic al not es.
Content s Configu r ati on Gu ide iii About This B ook ................................................................................................................ .......... vii CHAPTER 1 Introduction ................ ............. ............. .
Contents iv Adaptive Se rver Enterpri se Stopping Adaptive Server........................................................ 24 Stopping Backup Server.......................................................... 25 Stopping Monitor Server ..................
Conte nts Config uration G uide v 50 How a client uses directory services .............................................. 51 Creating a directory services entry ................................................. 51 Supported directory drivers ..........
Contents vi Adaptive Se rver Enterpri se Available sort orders ................................................................ 90 Language modules ......................................................................... 93 Installing a new language module .
Configu r ati on Gu ide vii About This Book This manual, the Configuration Guide , pr ovid es instructio ns for performing specific configuration ta sks for Sybase ® Adap tiv e Serve r® Enterpris e on UNIX platforms .
viii Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • Chapter 2, “Starting an d Stopping Server s” descr ibes how t o start an d stop Adaptive Server , Backup Ser ver , Monitor Server , and XP Server . • Chapter 3, “Conf iguring the Ope rating Sy stem” describes h ow to set up your op erating syst em to work with Adaptiv e Server .
About This Book Configu r ati on Gu ide ix • What’ s New in Adaptive S erver Enterprise? – descr ibes the ne w features in Adaptive Server version 15.0, th e system changes added to support those features, and changes that ma y af fect your existing applicatio ns .
x Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • Locking – describes ho w the various locking schem as can be used for impro ving per f orm a nce in Ada pti ve Serv er . • Optimizer and Ab stract Plans – describes how the optim izer processes queries and how abstract plans can be u sed to change some of the optimizer p lans.
About This Book Configu r ati on Gu ide xi • Using Sybase Failo ver in a High A vailability S ystem – provides instruction s for usin g Sybase’ s Failover to configure an Adapti ve Serv er as a companion server in a high availability system.
xii Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • The Sy base Produ ct Manuals W eb site is an online versio n of the SyBooks CD that you can access using a standard W eb browser . In addition to product manuals , you will find links to EBFs/Maintenan ce, T echnical Documents, C ase Management , Solved Cases, newsgroups, an d the Sybas e D evel op er N etw ork .
About This Book Configu r ati on Gu ide xiii Sybase EBFs a nd sof twar e maintenanc e v Finding the l atest informatio n on EBFs and soft ware mainten ance 1 Point yo ur W eb browse r to the Syba se Supp ort Page at ort . 2 Select EBFs/Maintenance.
xiv Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • Syntax statements (d isplaying the sy ntax and all options for a com mand) appear as follows: sp_dropdevice [ device_name ] For a command with more options: sele ct column_name from t able_name where search_conditions In syntax statements, keywords (co mmands) are in normal font and identifiers are in lowercase.
About This Book Configu r ati on Gu ide xv • Ex ampl es of out p ut fr om t h e computer appear as follows: pub_id pub_name city state ------- --------------------- ---------- - ----- 0736 New Age B.
xvi Adaptiv e Server Enterprise For information about how Sybase supports acces sib ility , see S ybase Accessibility a t http://w ww .sybase.c om/acces sibility . The Sybase Access ibility site includes links to inf orm atio n on Section 508 and W3C standards.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Sybase Adaptive Server Enter prise for UNIX is a full- featured Adaptive Server that runs on t he following platforms: • HP-UX •I B M A I X •S u n S o l a r i s • Lin ux 32 -bit Note The instructions in this book assume that Ad aptive Ser v er is installed and running.
System-specif ic issues 2 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Adaptive Server also: • Manages multiple databases and m ultiple users • Keeps track of the data’ s locatio n on disks • Maintain s the ma.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 3 System user roles The Adaptive Server installation and se tup proc ess defines var ious us er rol es .
Environment variables 4 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • DSQUER Y – defines the Adapt ive Server name t hat client progr ams attempt to connect to if no Adaptive Server is specified with a command line option. If DSQUER Y is not set, and you do not supply the Adaptive Server name with a co mmand line option, clients attempt to con nect to SYBASE.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 5 When using the s ource files: SYBASE.csh or SY BAS E. sh , the foll ow in g paths are prep ended to the LI BP A TH e nvir onm ent va ria ble : $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/lib:$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/ lib: $SYBASE/SYBASE_FTS/lib, etc.
Adaptive Server devices and system databases 6 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • The sa m ple dat ab a se s, pubs2 and pubs 3 , are stored on the master device at installation, but should b e moved to a user -defined device af ter installation.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 7 • pubs2 and pubs3 – provided as learning tools for Adaptive Server . pubs 2 is used for most o f the examples in the Adaptive Server d ocumentation; other examples use the pubs3 databa se. Both ar e available in U.
Adaptive Server devices and system databases 8 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise All the job, schedule, an d scheduled jo b information, an d data needed by the Job Scheduler task for internal processing is stored in the sybmg mtdb database. Most access to da ta in the sybmgmtdb database is via stored procedu res.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 9 Determining the loca tion, type, and siz e of a database device Adaptiv e Serv er requires several dat abase devices. T able 1-1 below shows baseline values for eac h of the devices. See the releas e bulletin for any last minute changes to these values.
Adaptive Server devices and system databases 10 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise When preparing a raw partition device, follow thes e guidelines: • Do not initialize a database device on the partition that co ntains your Sybase installation softw are. Doing so destroys all existing files on that partition.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 11 Client/s erver commun icati on Adaptive Server commu nicates with ot her Adaptive Servers , Open Server™ applications (such as Back up Server), and client s oftware on your network. Clients can talk to one or more serv ers, and servers can communicate with other servers by remote procedure calls.
Changing Adaptive Server configuration 12 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Figure 1-1: Communicatin g with a server us ing interfaces file During installat ion, you us e the srvbu ild utility to create and configure a new server .
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 13 Language s other th an U. S. En glish If you are r unning srvbuild in a language o ther than U.S. Engli sh, verify that any input you provide uses a character set that is s upported by the us_engli sh character set.
Adaptive Server specifications 14 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Maximum nu mber of users per da tabase 214648 4223 Maximu m num ber of grou ps pe r databa se 103219 3 T able specification s User ob je c.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction Configu r ati on Gu ide 15 Adaptive Server extended-limit cap abi lities vary by type of table and the database logical page size.
Adaptive Server specifications 16 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Larg er logical page sizes can contain mo re data. T abl e 1- 5 lists the maximum data for each lo gical page size.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 17 CHAPTER 2 S t arting and Stopping Servers This chapter de scribes how to start and s top Adaptive Server , Backup Server , Monitor Server , and XP Server .
Starting servers 18 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • The s ys tem env ironment v a riabl es di s cus sed i n Chapter 1, “Introduction” • Access to SySAM licenses. For more information, see the Sybase So ftwar e Asset Management Us er ’ s Guide .
CHAPTER 2 Starting and Stopping Servers Configu r ati on Gu ide 19 Changing st art- up p arameters Y ou cannot chang e any of these default start-up parameters unless you directly edit the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN _ server_na me file.
Starting servers when the operating system restarts 20 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Using the startserver com mand T o start a server from the co mmand line, enter: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/starts e.
CHAPTER 2 Starting and Stopping Servers Configu r ati on Gu ide 21 For HP-UX In HP-UX ver sions 10.0 and later , you cannot edi t commands in the /etc/r c file, so the System A dminist rator mu st cre a te a script that executes when the operati ng sy stem star ts or shut s down .
Starting servers when the operating system restarts 22 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise sleep seconds_of_rest Note T o enable res tart of a Backup Server when the operating system starts, add a Backu p Server start-up comm and to /etc/initta b . Use the p ath of the Backup Server RUN_ server_name file in this command.
CHAPTER 2 Starting and Stopping Servers Configu r ati on Gu ide 23 ln /etc/init.d/ script_name /etc/rc#.d/S# # script_name For Lin ux: Use ln -s to create symbolic links from th e script name to the app rop riate run c ont rol ( rc ) directory , rc # where # is the run level.
Starting XP S erver after initial in stallation 24 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise S t arting XP Server af ter initial inst allation If you install Adaptiv e Server and XP Server in the same build session, srvbuild automatically adds inf ormation about th e XP Server to th e sysservers table of Adaptive Server .
CHAPTER 2 Starting and Stopping Servers Configu r ati on Gu ide 25 2E n t e r : 1> shutdown 2> go The default for shutdown uses the with wait o p tion , which allows Ad apt ive Server to finish executing SQL statemen ts or procedures, perf orm a checkpoint in each database, d isable new logins, and perform other s hutdown tasks.
Stopping servers 26 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise This is no rmal behavior . I f a message indicates that Adaptive Server o r Backup Server is waiting fo r processes to complete, and you must stop Adap .
CHAPTER 2 Starting and Stopping Servers Configu r ati on Gu ide 27 kill pid where pid is the process identification of an y dataserver or backupserv er process, as de termined by the showserve r command. Killin g one engine for a particular Adaptive Server k ill s all engines for that server .
Stopping servers 28 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise If Adaptive Server is config ured with a memory size that is gr eater than the MAXSHMSEGSIZE parameter in t he oper ating system then Adaptive Server may create additional shar ed memory segm ents and for every additional shared memory s egment that it creat es, an additional file with SERV ER_NAME.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 29 CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System This chapter discusses the operating system configuratio n se ttin gs that you can adjust after inst alling or up grading Adaptive Serv er . Unles s stated otherwise, the information pertains to all s upp orted UNI X plat forms.
Configuring new servers with srvbuild 30 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Y ou may want to verif y that the Adap tive Server environmen t variables in T able 3-1 are set correctly .
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 31 5 In the Adaptive Server type screen, select the: • Server page size • Master device path • Master device size • Master da.
Configuring new servers with srvbuild 32 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • Por t number 7 T o configure Monitor Server , select the following info rmati on in the Monitor Server screen: • Maximum numb.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 33 • Sybmgmtdb dat abas e size • T ransport type • Host name •P o r t n u m b e r 1 1 In the “Config ure Self Management.
Restoring correct permissions 34 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Restoring correct p ermissions Sybase software files and directories are installed with the co rrect access permis sions.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 35 For Linux The numb er of fi le de sc ript ors per p roce ss i s li mit ed t o 10, 000 . Y ou can set the number of f ile descr iptors usi ng ulimit . For Sun Solaris For Sun Solaris, you can set both soft and hard limits f o r file descriptors.
File descriptors and user connections 36 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise ulimit -Sn new_value where n is the current value for the soft limit, and new_ valu e is the val ue to which you want to increase the soft limit. Note Y ou can use the preceding commands in your RUN_s erver_n ame file to increase the hard an d soft limits.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 37 where pr ogram_name is the n ame of the compiled pro gram, and master_device_name is the full path of Adaptive Server ’ s master device.
Enabling asynchronous disk I/O 38 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise setuid(uid); /* run the program indicated as arguments to this program */ execv(*++argv, argv); } For additional information on user connections , see the System Adminis tration Guide . Enabling asynch ronous d isk I/O For HP-UX This step i s mandator y for HP users.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 39 4 At the UNIX prompt, execute the following s tatements as “root”. The user ID of the u ser who is starting Adaptiv e Server and B ackup Server m ust be the ow ne r of th e /dev/async directory .
Enabling asynchronous disk I/O 40 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise # ls /dev/asyn* idev/async /dev/asyncdsk For I BM AI X Enable asyn chronous disk I/O. This step i s mandatory fo r IBM users. Enable asynchro nous I/O by adjusting the kernel parameters, using the System Management Interf ace T ool (SMIT): 1 Enter “smit” at the UNIX prom pt.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 41 Adjusting th e client connection time out period Adaptive Server uses the KEEP ALIVE option of th e TCP/IP pr otocol to detect clients that are no longer active.
Checking for hardware errors 42 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise For Sun Solaris T o display the timeout value, enter: /usr/sbin/ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_kee palive_interval T o reduce the timeout per iod to 15 minutes (900, 000 ms.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 43 For IBM RS/6000 The errpt command includes s everal options for limitin g the report to events that match certain criteria. Use the errpt command on a regular bas is. If errors appear , use the diagnostic tool dia g to check your memory and dis ks.
Monitoring the use of operating syste m resources 44 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise •T h e ps command pr ovides a snapshot of accumulated CPU time and usage for in dividual pro cesses. •T h e time command can be useful i n determin ing the vario us user , system, and real-t ime resources used ov er a complete run.
CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System Configu r ati on Gu ide 45 •T h e ps command gives you an accurate snapshot o f accumulated CPU time and usage f or individual processes. This can be very helpful in determining the dataserver -, engine-, and process -specific loading.
A sample C shell maintenance s cript 46 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Next, the script in vokes an isql backup script for each database for which no 2500-level er rors occurred and adds the “Backing up database_ name ” li ne to dbcc_mail.out . Fo r example, the script master .
Configu r ati on Gu ide 47 CHAPTER 4 Adaptive Server Default Configuration When you install or up grade Adaptive Server , it includes some default parameter settings and a few of its aux iliary programs.
Default settings 48 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise T ab le 4-2 lists the default s ett i ngs fo r the Backup Ser ver , Monitor Ser ver , and XP Server . For more inf ormation about these servers, see “Introduction” on page 1.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 49 CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Adaptive Server can co mmunicate wi th other Adaptive Servers, Op en Server applications, and client software across a network. Clients can communicate with one or more servers , and servers can communicate with other servers via remote procedure calls.
How Adaptive Server determines which directory service entry to use 50 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Servers also need n etwork infor mation. W h en a server starts up, it looks in its interfaces file to determin e where to listen for client connection req uests.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 51 3 Looks in directo ry services for an entry whose name match es the name found in the s teps above. 4 It uses th e network infor mation provi ded by the di rectory se rvices entry it has found to listen fo r client connections.
Supported directory drivers 52 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Supported directory dri vers There are three sup ported drivers: • interfaces driv er • Lightweight Directory Services driver .
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 53 A client’ s interfaces file do es not need a master line. It functions corr ect ly with only a query line.
Heterogeneous and homogeneous environments 54 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Figure 5-1: Establishing network conn ections in a heterogeneous envir onm ent If both a client a nd a server are run ning under UNIX, the s ame interfaces file is valid for both.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 55 Figure 5-2: Est ablishing ne twork connec tions in a ho mogeneous environm ent Underst anding the format o f the inter.
Understanding the format of the interfaces file 56 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise servername retry_attempts delay_in terval <newline> <tab> service_type api protocol de vice address filter &l.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 57 machine Netw ork n ame or addres s of serve r ’ s ho st mach i ne. Y ou can use e ither the host name or Intern et a ddress.
Creating a master interfaces file 58 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Creating a master in terfaces file A master int erfac es f ile contains entr ies for all Sybase s ervers on the network. It can be used with every server an d client connected to the network.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 59 1 Concatenate the individual interfaces fi les. 2 Make a copy of the file.
Configuring interfaces files for multiple networks 60 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise 2 In your interfaces file, use a text ed itor to add copies of the “master” line for your Adap tive Server; one for each addi tional interface you want the server to listen on.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 61 Using one network-independent DSQUER Y name If uniform client DSQUER Y naming is important, you can make the necessary changes in the network addressi ng of the clients in the interfaces file.
Configuring interfaces files for multiple networks 62 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Y ou can concatenate the original serv er name and the network na me. For example, if your serv er is named PRODUCTION, you could choose the names PRODUCTION_network1 and PRODUC TION_netwo r k2.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 63 The followi ng example sh ows how to configure a back up network that will be used only if the normal connection fails. Th e primary network is “corporate network ” and backup is “eng ineering network.
IPv6 support 64 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • IPv6-enabled – an ap plication th at, in addition to being IPv6-aware, take s advantage of some IPv6 features. • IPv 6-required – an applicat ion that re q uires some IPv6 features and cannot operate over IPv4.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 65 • RPC mechanisms • Job Sched uler T ask / Agent sess ion connect ion • Ne t work Ho st AP I • UDP Message s up.
Troubleshooting 66 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Before star ting Adaptive Server for IP v6 -aware operations, make sure that your infrastructure is correctly set up. Once your operating sy stem is correctly configured , an IPv6 connect ion hand ler can be configu red and enabled.
CHAPTER 5 Setting Up Communications Across the Network Configu r ati on Gu ide 67 2 00:00000:00002:2003/09/22 12:37:23.68 server Unable to initialize network 0 00:00000:00002:2003/09/22 12:37:23.68 kernel ninit: All master network listeners have failed.
Troubleshooting 68 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise information on how to bring XP Ser ver up. XP Server cannot start b ecause the port number may be in use by anoth er process. Use the nets tat com mand des cri bed i n the prev io us sec tio n to determine if the p ort number specified for XP Server is in us e.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 69 CHAPTER 6 Using the Lightw eight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service Adaptive Server us es directory serv ices to establish client and RPC connections over the Internet. This chapter provides information abo ut using LDAP directory services to estab lish connections.
LDAP directory services versus the Sybase interfaces file 70 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise The LDAP server stor es and retrieves information abou t: • Adapt ive Server , such as IP add ress, port numb.
CHAPTER 6 Using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service Configu r ati on Gu ide 71 • A network-based alternative to th e traditional Sybase interf aces file • A single, hi.
LDAP directory services versus the Sybase interfaces file 72 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise The traditional interfaces f ile with TCP connection and a failover machine looks like: master tcp ether huey 5.
CHAPTER 6 Using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service Configu r ati on Gu ide 73 In the example abo ve, the entry des cri bes an Adaptive Serv er named “fo obar” listening on a TCP connecti on with a port number of 5000.
Enabling LDAP directory services 74 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Y o u should edit both the libtcl.cfg and the g files to ensure compatibility between 32- and 64-b it applicati ons. The defaul t libtcl.cfg file is lo cated in $SYBASE/$S YBASE_OCS/config .
CHAPTER 6 Using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service Configu r ati on Gu ide 75 • Add the LDA P URL under the [D IRECTOR Y] entry . See T able 6-3 for supp orted LDAP UR L values. W arning! The LDAP URL must be on a single line.
Adding a server to the directory services 76 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Adding a server to the directory services Wa r n i n g ! Mo st L DAP serv ers h ave an ldapadd utili ty fo r adding director y entries. Sybase recommends you use dsedit instead since it has bui lt- in semant ic c heck s tha t ge ner ic too ls do not p rov ide.
CHAPTER 6 Using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service Configu r ati on Gu ide 77 For example: ldap://huey:11389/dc=sybase,dc=com??one Note Microsoft Internet Explorer d oes not recognize LDAP URLs. For more i nformation ab out dscp , see the Open C lient/Server C onfiguration Guide , in the 1 1.
Encrypting the password 78 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Encrypting the p asswo rd Entries in th e libtcl.cfg file are in human-r eadable format. Sybase pro vides a pwdcrypt util ity for basic password encr yption.
CHAPTER 6 Using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol as a Directory Service Configu r ati on Gu ide 79 Migr ating f rom the interfaces file t o L DAP There is no di rect method to upgrade an existin g server using t he interfaces file to one that uses lightweight directory services.
Migrating from the interfaces file to LDAP 80 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 81 CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptive Server This chapt er provides informati on about Sy base localizati on support for international installati ons, in cluding configuring lan guag es, character sets, and s ort ord er .
Overview of localization support 82 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • Latin America •A s i a • T ransla ted system messages – Adaptive Server includes langu age modules for : • Brazilian Portugu.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 83 Default character se t s for servers The default character set is the character set in which data is encoded and stored on the Adaptive Server databases.
Overview of localization support 84 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise By default, when Adap tive Server and Backup Server ar e installed on HP systems, the installati on installs the character set files f or ROMAN8, which suppor ts the W estern Eur opean languages .
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 85 • Hebrew – se e T able 7-8 on page 87. • Japanese – see T able 7-9 on page 87. • Korean – s ee T able 7-10 on page 87. • Thai – see T able 7-11 on page 87.
Overview of localization support 86 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise T able 7-3: Simplified C hinese cha racter sets T able 7-4 lis ts the tradition al Chinese character set: T able 7-4: Tra ditional Chine.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 87 T able 7- 7: Greek ch aracter se ts T able 7- 8 lists the Hebrew character s et: T able 7- 8: Hebrew cha racter set s.
Overview of localization support 88 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise T able 7-12 : Tur kish charac ter sets T able 7-13 lis ts the Unicode character set: T able 7-13 : Unicode cha racter set T able 7-14 li.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 89 Character set conversion Backup Server passes messages to Adaptive Server in the client’ s language and in the Adaptive Server ch aracter set. Adaptive Server then co nverts the messages and issues them in the client’ s language and character set.
Sort orders 90 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise When a localized client application c onnects to Adaptive Serv er , the server checks to see if it s upports the client’ s language and character set.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 91 Sort orders are located in sort ord er definition files ( .srt files) that accompany your character set def inition files. Note A vailable sort orders vary accord ing to the character set ins talled on Adaptive Server .
Sort orders 92 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise T o see the sort orders that are available, use sqlloc to display the sort ord ers for the character s ets you plan to us e. For more infor mation on unicode so rt orders for utf_8 , see Chapter 7, “Configuring Ch aracter Sets, Sort Orders, and Languages ” in the Syst em Administratio n Guide .
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 93 Language module s If you w ant Adaptive Server error messag es to be di splayed in a language ot her than U.S. English ( us_english), you must install the ap propriate la nguage module.
Localization 94 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise For example, if your client’ s language is Latin, the Sp anish lang uage module is installed, an d Spanish is sp ecified as the Adap tiv e Server default language, the client receives messages in Spanish.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 95 About the directory The $SYBASE/locales directory contains a subd irectory for each available language. Each lang uage subdirector y co ntains a subdirectory fo r each character set available with that languag e.
Localization 96 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise • platf orm_locale is the platform-specific keyw ord for a locale. For acceptable values, see y our operating system docum entation. When the locale being defined as the default for the site, platf orm_local e is “default.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 97 Editing t he locales.da t file Before beginning th e edit, make a copy of the original file, in case you h ave problems with the result ing edited version. T o edit the locales.
Changing the localizati on configuration 98 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise During the inst allation process and thr oug h reco nfiguration, yo u can specify a diff erent language, char acter set, and sort or der . Adaptive Server localiza tion Each language us es about 2MB o f database space per modu le.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 99 Backup Server loca lization Y ou can ch ange the Backup server languag e and character s et by modifying the RUN_<backup_server_n ame> file. See the Utility Guide for more i nformation on the backupserver command ar guments.
Changing the localizati on configuration 100 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise 6 Use yo ur normal pro cess on your UNIX syst em to reboot the server , usual ly by invoki ng one of th e RUN_xxx scripts from $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ ASE/install . 7 The server s t arts, rebuild s all the system indexes, then shuts down.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 101 Character sets T able 7- 18 lists the supported c haracter sets and their Syb ase name. T able 7- 18: Sybase c haracter set n ames Scandi navian These sort ord ers work only with CP 850.
Changing the localizati on configuration 102 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise charset utility Use the charset utility to load character sets and sort orders into Adapti ve Server . If you are using charset to load the defau lt character set and sort or der , this should be done only at the tim e of installatio n.
CHAPTER 7 Customizing Localization for Adaptiv e Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 103 Syntax charset [ -U username ] [ -P password ] [ -S server ] [ -I interfaces ] [ -v version ] sort_order [ charset ].
Changing the localizati on configuration 104 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 105 CHAPTER 8 Logging Error Messages and Event s This chapter d escribes how to use the er ror logging fe atures of Adaptive Server .
Setting error log paths 106 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Enabling and disabling er ror logging Logging to the Adaptive Server erro r lo g is always enabled. However , when you create or modify a spe cific user -defined message, y ou can set it to be omitte d from the log.
CHAPTER 8 Logging Error Messages and Events Configu r ati on Gu ide 107 Managing message s When event logging is enab led, you can manage its func tions in the f ollowing ways: •U s e sp_addmessa ge or sp_a ltermessa ge to control whether a specific user -defined message is log ged in the Adaptive Server error log .
Managing messages 108 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Logging auditing events By default, Adaptive Serv er does not log aud iting events. However , you can use sp_c onfigure parameters to specify whether Ad aptive Server is to log auditing events, such as logins, to the Adaptive Server error log.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 109 CHAPTER 9 Managing Adaptive Server Dat abases The administration of Adaptive Server databa se s i ncl ud es b oth r outin e tasks and perf ormance and tuning co nsiderations. •T h e System Adminis tration Gui de dis cusses m ost of the administrative tasks in detail.
Managing database devices 11 0 Adaptive Server Ente rprise • The mini mum device size for a 16K page server is 4MB • The max imum number of database devi ces is 2,14 7,483,647. H owever , Adaptive Server m ust retain a descrip tion of each device in memory , so in practice this num ber is limited by y our s ys t em’ s memory .
CHAPTER 9 Managing Adaptive Server Databases Configu r ati on Gu ide 111 In this example, "size = 2048" tells th e command to allocate 2048 “virtual” pages to the device. A vir tual page is 2048 by tes, so this command creates a 4MB device.
Managing database devices 11 2 Adaptive Server Ente rprise.
Configu r ati on Gu ide 11 3 CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functional ity to Adaptive Server This chapter provides instructions for adding optional fu ncti onality to Adaptive Server: After you have installed the Sybase p roducts on your system, s ee the product documentation for configu ration and admi nistration i ssues.
Adding auditing 11 4 Adaptive Server Ente rprise • The audit trail, which consists of several audit devices and tables that you determine at configuration time • The syslogs trans action log device, wh ich stores transaction logs The sybs ecu rity devic e and dat abase The sybsecurity device stores the sybsecurity database.
CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functional ity to Adaptive Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 11 5 Pre-installation t asks for auditing devi ces Determine the location of th e raw devices for the sybsecurity , syslogs , and sysaudits table devices. Y ou will need to provide thi s in form ation later .
Adding auditing 11 6 Adaptive Server Ente rprise 1. Release directory: /usr/u/sybase 2. Configure a Server product 3 Select Configure a Ser ver Product. 4 Select Adaptive Server . 5 Select Configure an Existing Sy base Server . 6 Select the server to config ure.
CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functional ity to Adaptive Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 11 7 2 Select Sybsecurity Physical Device Name. T o create a device for an audit table: 1 Enter the full p ath of the physical dev ice (raw partition) that you located in “Pre-installation tasks for auditing de vices” on page 115.
Adding auditing 11 8 Adaptive Server Ente rprise List of devices for the audit table s: Logical name Physical name Seg ment name Table name Size 6.Audit_01' secret1/sybase_dr/insta ll/aud1.dat’ sysaudits_01 5 5 T o add multiple audit devices, repeat step s 1– 6.
CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functional ity to Adaptive Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 11 9 where path_to_part ition is the path to the raw partitio n for the de vice.
Adding auditing 120 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Logical name Physical name Segment name Table name Size 6. Audit_01' /secret1/sybase_ dr/install/aud1.dat’ sysaudits_01 5 7. Audit_02' /secret1/sybase_ dr/install/aud2.dat' sysaudits_02 5 8.
CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functional ity to Adaptive Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 121 3. size of the new device (Meg): 5 4. Device size for auditing:5 3 Select each remaining entry you want to change.
Installing online hel p for Transact-SQL syntax 122 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise Y ou can install any o f these script s, depend ing on the need for Sybase information o n your server . The first script you execute creates the sybsyntax database and the needed table s and indexes .
CHAPTER 10 Adding Optional Functional ity to Adaptive Server Configu r ati on Gu ide 123 3 Use a text editor to edit the scr ipt, if necessary , to change the d efault device from the master devi ce to the device created in step 1. For infor mation on the default device, s ee “Defaul t device for the sybs ynt ax dat aba se” on page 122.
Installing online hel p for Transact-SQL syntax 124 Adaptiv e Server Enterprise If you h ave set the DSQ UER Y environment var iable to the servername , you can rep lace the server name with $DSQUER Y .
Config uration G uide 125 Symbol s ::= (BNF notation ) in SQL statem ents xiv , (comma) in SQL statem ents xiv {} (c urly br aces) in SQL statem ents xiv () (parentheses) in SQL statem ents xiv [ ] (s.
Index 126 Adaptiv e Server Enterpri se C C shell 29 case sensitiv ity in SQL xv changin g character sets 83, 97 langu ages 97 sort orde r 97 character devi ces improv ing I/ O pe rfor mance o n 38, 39.
Index Config uration G uide 127 sybs ystemd b 5 sysprocsdev 5, 6 databases 9 0 dbccdb 7 devices 10 9 master 5, 6 model 5 sample 6, 7 sizes of 13 specific ations 13 sybsecurity 7 sybsystem procs 6, 13 .
Index 128 Adaptiv e Server Enterpri se devi ce fi les 109 locales.d at 95 localiz ation 82 localized error mes sages (.loc) 95 runserver 19 shared memory 27 sort order definitio n (.
Index Config uration G uide 129 query port back up c onfig uration 62 query serv ice type 56 retry_at te mpt compo nent 56 servernam e com pon ent 56 service_typ e componen t 56 spaces in 55 tab chara.
Index 130 Adaptiv e Server Enterpri se M machine compo nent in interface s files 57 master interfaces file 51, 58 service type 56 master da ta bas e 5 master devi ce 5, 9 maxfiles kernel parameters 34.
Index Config uration G uide 131 paths, err or lo g 106 per missi ons 34 required in en vironmen t variable s 2 9 restori ng of 34 PID. See pro cess identification platform s, supp orted v ii platform-specific locale names 95 port comp onent in interfac es files 5 7 port numbers and interface s files 59 PPID.
Index 132 Adaptiv e Server Enterpri se sort orde rs 90 binary 91 changin g 97 character sets and 90 databases and 90 definitio n files 90 diction ary 91 spaces in in terfaces files 55 Span ish dictio .
Index Config uration G uide 133 user-defined mess age 107 utilitie s slloc 91 V vmstat comma nd HP-UX 43 IBM RS/ 6 000 44 Sun Sol aris 44 W Wind ow s Soc k ets default socket 47, 48 X XP Server defaul.
Index 134 Adaptiv e Server Enterpri se.
デバイスSybase DC35823-01-1500-04の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSybase DC35823-01-1500-04の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSybase DC35823-01-1500-04の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSybase DC35823-01-1500-04デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。