SynologyメーカーRackStation RS3614xs+の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Synology NAS User' s Guide Base d on DSM 4. 3 Document ID Syno_UsersGui de_ NAS _ 20130906.
2 T able of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapt er 2: Get St arted with Synology DiskStatio n Manag er Install Synology NAS and DSM ....................................................................................................................
3 Table of Contents SSD Cache ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Manage E xternal Disk s .....................
4 Table of Contents Chapt er 13: Sh ar e Photos, Videos, a nd Blogs with Photo Stati on Install Phot o Station ............................................................................................................................................
5 Table of Contents Receive Event Notifi cation s ............................................................................................................................................... 104 Access Appl ications w ith Inde pendent Logi n ......
6 Cha pte r 1 Chapter 1 : Introduction Congratulat ions on y our purch ase of Synolo gy NAS. Synology NAS is a multi - functi onal Net work - Attache d Storage server, serving as a file - sharing cent er within your Intr anet.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 7 Chapter 1: Intr oduct ion Organize Videos w ith Video Statio n Video Stati on allow s you to or ganize your collectio n of movi es, TV show s, and .
8 Cha pte r 2 Chapter 2 : Get Started with Sy nology DiskStation Manager Thi s c hapter ex plains how to l og in to Sy nology NAS’ web - based manageme nt UI, Sy nology DiskStation Manager (D SM) , custo mize your ow n deskto p, manage i ts taskbar a nd widget s, and use t he Main Menu to access DSM settings an d applicat ions.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 9 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager DiskStation Ma nager Appearance When you log in to Sy nology DiskStatio n Manager (D SM), you can see the d esktop , tas kba r and widgets.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 10 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager 2 The Main Menu butt on: Click to reveal t he Main Menu .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 11 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager Manage DSM w ith the Mai n Men u The Main Menu is where you can find all the app lications and setting s provided by Synolog y DiskStat ion Manager .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 12 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Dis kStatio n Manager Use the Control Pa nel Choose Contr ol Panel from th e Main Menu to se e the th umbnails of D SM setting s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 13 Chapt er 2: Ge t Started with Synolog y Disk Station M anager Account Under Account , you can edit y our account se ttings, ena ble 2 - step v erificat ion, and v iew recent login activ ity of your DSM account .
14 Cha pte r 3 Chapter 3 : Modify System Settings After you h ave conne cted to S ynology Dis kStation M anager ( DSM) and lear ned how to access its functi ons and customiz e its appeara nce, use rs belonging t o the admini stra tors group c an begin to modify basic settin gs.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 15 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings HTTP Service Click the H TTP Service t ab to change the p ort numb er for accessin g DSM or configure HTTPS settin gs .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 16 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings Change N etw ork Se ttings Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Netw o rk to m odify the f ollowing netw ork settin gs of yo ur Synology NAS . For more de tailed ins tructi on s, please see DSM Help .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 17 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings Wireless 1 Click Wirel ess on th e left sid e to connect t he Synol ogy NAS to a w ireless netw ork. W irele ss netw ork is availabl e only w hen a wireless d ongle is plugged into the USB port of y our Synology NAS .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 18 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings Modif y Region al Op tions Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > R egional Op tions to c onfigure t he following r egional options. For more detailed instr uctions, ple ase see DSM Help .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 19 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings Use Energ y Saving Features Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > H ardware to manage t he follow ing energy saving f eatures prov ided by DS M. For more detail ed instru ctions, ple ase see DSM Help .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 20 Chapt er 3: Mod if y System Settings UPS Under the UPS tab , you can modify UPS - rela ted setting s. UPS (Uninterrupt ible Pow er Supply ) is a backu p power device that allow s the Synology NAS to continue operati ng fo r a short time if pow er failure o ccurs.
21 Cha pte r 4 Chapter 4 : Manage Storage Space Before taking adv antage of t he various feature s of your Sy nology NAS , y ou need to set up at leas t on e storage space.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 22 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace Quick or Custom V olumes When creat ing a new volume, the f ollowing o ptions ar e avail able: M etho d Features Quick Creates a n SHR (Synology Hybrid RAI D) volume.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 23 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace R AI D T yp e HDD # A llowed Failed HDD # Description Capacity RAID 1 2 - 4 (HDD #) - 1 The system will write identical data to each hard drive at the same time, so data integrity is protected when at least one disk is normal.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 24 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace Hard Disk Require ments In order to change the R AID ty pe of a volu me or Dis k Group, there mu st be a suffi cient num ber of availa ble hard disks instal led in your Sy nolo gy NA S .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 25 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace Expand a Volume o r Disk Group b y Adding Dis ks For SHR, JBOD, RAID 5, RA ID 5+Spare, and RAI D 6, the storage cap acity of v olumes an d Disk Gro ups can be expanded by adding mor e hard di sks if there are empt y hard driv e bays in y our Synology NAS .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 26 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace Manag e iSCSI Targets Go to Main Menu > Storage Manag er and clic k the iSCSI Target tab to manage iSCSI Tar gets on you r Synology NAS . T he maximum number of iSCSI Target s varie s depending on the mode l.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 27 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace Clone iSCSI LUNs LUN Clone 1 Go to Main Menu > St orage Manager and clic k the Clo ne button to m ake a w ritable copy of an iSCSI LUN or an iSCSI LUN sn apshot allows you to creat e near - instant aneous vir tual c opies of a LU N.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 28 Chapt er 4: Man age St orage Sp ace Hot Spa re Hot spare 1 The RAID type of the v olume/D isk Group/iSCS I LUN mu st be one w ith data pr otection ( i.
29 Cha pte r 5 Chapter 5 : Manage Storage Space (for R S10613xs+) Before usi ng featur es or servi ces on y our Synology NAS , you need to create RAID Groups and manage storage spaces.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 30 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) RAID Group T ypes Your Sy nology NAS sup ports the f ollowing R AID Grou ps type s : R.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 31 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) Change R A ID T ypes The RAID types of ex isting RA ID Groups can be change d without losing ex isting data, allow ing you to ea sily and economica lly manage st orage capacity.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 32 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) Manage Volume s Volumes are basic stora ge spaces on which you can create shared fo lders, iSCSI LUN s (r egular fil e), save da ta, or instal l packages.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 33 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) SSD TRIM If a volume consists entirely of SSDs (Sol id State Dr ives), w e recommend enabling S SD TRI M.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 34 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1 0613xs +) Manage iSCSI Tar gets By mapping iSCSI Targets an d iSCSI LUN s , cli ent se rver s can a ccess sp ace on a storage serv er as if it w ere a local dis k.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 35 Chapt er 5: Man age St orage Sp ace (f or RS1061 3xs +) SSD Cache SSD cache dr ives can be insta lled and mo unted in a R AID 0 conf iguration t o boost th e read speed of a v ol ume , including iSC SI LUN ( Regular Files) on a v olume, or iSC SI L UN (Block - Lev el) on y our Synology server .
36 Cha pte r 6 Chapter 6 : Access y our Synology NAS from the Internet You can conn ect to y our Synol ogy NAS over the I nternet, allo wing its serv ices to be accessible fr om anyw here and anytime .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 37 Chapt er 6: Ac cess your S ynolog y NAS from the Inter net Set Up P ort For w arding R ules f or Ro uter If you r Synolo gy NAS is within the local netwo rk , you can s et up port forwarding rules f or the router to a llow your Synology N AS to be a ccessible ov er the Inte rnet.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 38 Chapt er 6: Ac cess your S ynolog y NAS from the Inter net Register DDNS for t he S ynology N A S DDNS (D ynamic Domai n Name Serv ice) simplifi es connec ting to your Synology NAS over t he Internet by mapping a ho stname to its IP address.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 39 Chapt er 6: Ac cess your S ynolog y NAS from the Inter net Access DSM S er vices via Q uickCon nect QuickConne ct is a so lution tha t help s cli ent applicatio ns (such as DS file, C loud Station , DS audio, etc.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 40 Chapt er 6: Access your Synolog y NAS fr om the Internet Set up VPN Connecti on VPN Server is an add - on pack age that enab les your S ynolog y N.
41 Cha pte r 7 Chapter 7 : Enhance Internet Security After your S ynology NAS is available on the Inter net, you w ill need to safeguard it agai nst any attacks from Internet ha ckers. Thi s chapter ex plains h ow to s et up firew all , contro l outgoing traffic, enab le D oS protect ion and enab le auto block.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 42 Chapt er 7: En hance Intern et Secur ity Ap pl y Firew all Rules to Source IP Addresses I n the Source IP sectio n , choose to allow or deny access from a sour ce IP addr esses us ing one of t he follow ing options: All : Choose this opt ion to a pply the rule to all source IP ad dresses.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 43 Chapt er 7: En hance Intern et Secur ity Configure Bandw idth Settings After sel ecti ng a service, you will need t o set Guarant eed Band width and Maximum B and width to limit its outgoing traffi c.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 44 Chapt er 7: En hance Intern et Secur ity Automa ticall y Bl ock Sus picious Logi n Attempts Auto bloc k allows y ou to preve nt unautho rized logi n. After en abling th e service, an IP add ress will b e blocked if it has too many failed lo gin atte mpts.
45 Cha pte r 8 Chapter 8 : Set Up File Sha ring Synology N AS can beco me the fil e sharin g center w ithin the local net work or over the Int ernet, allow ing user s to access it s files anyt ime and a nywhere. For more deta iled in structions , please s ee DSM Help .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 46 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Enable NFS Ser vice for Linu x Clients Click the NFS Service tab at Main Menu > Control Panel > Win/ Mac/NFS to a llow Linux client to a ccess t he Synology N AS data.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 47 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Binding to an LD AP Ser ver LDAP allow s your Syno logy N AS to join a n existing dir ectory service a s an LDAP cl ient, and t hen retri eve user or group informat ion from an LDAP server (or "direct ory server ").
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 48 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Manage Users a nd Gr oups Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > U ser or Group t o create us ers or gro ups, and al low or deny their acc ess to different shar ed folders.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 49 Chap t er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Allow Self- ser vice Passw ord Reset If you w ould like to a llow user s to reset f orgotten passw ords via email, y ou can c lick Passw ord Setting s and tick the box mark ed Allo w non - admin users to r eset forgott en pass words via email .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 50 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Create Groups Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Gr oup to creat e and e dit a group, add us ers to the gr oup, and th en edit t he group's prop erties, saving y ou the tro uble of edit ing users o ne by one.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 51 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Built-in Shared Fol ders Created by the S ystem System built - in shar ed folders are create d when the services or applic ations requ iring th e folders are enabl ed.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 52 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Allow Users or Gro ups to Access Shared Folde rs Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > S hared Folder , c lick Privileges and c hoose Priv ileges Setup to allow or deny users' or grou ps' access to the sh ared folder s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 53 Chapt er 8: Set Up F ile Sha ring Define Window s A CL Pri vileges for Shared Folder Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > S hared Folder t o defin e ACL privi leges for a shared f older.
54 Cha pte r 9 Chapter 9 : Access Files f rom Anywhere When you hav e set up u sers o r groups w ith proper a ccess priv ileges to the shared folders, t hey can sh are their files w ith your Synolo gy NAS f rom any where. This chapter ex plains the way s to acces s the Synol ogy NAS shar ed folder s w ithin the loc al networ k or over the Internet.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 55 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files from An ywhere Access Shared Fol ders from M ac Choose Go > Conn ect to Ser ver from the menu bar . Type the IP address or name (app ended w ith .local ) of the Synology N AS precede d by smb :// or af p:/ / in the Server A ddress fiel d and clic k Connect .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 56 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files from An ywhere Access Files via FTP If your Sy nology NA S is accessibl e over t he Intern et, you ca n use a FTP applicati on to acc ess the shar ed folders.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 57 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files fr om An ywhere Access Files via WebDAV By enabling WebDAV or C alDA V (at Mai n Menu > Control P anel > WebDAV ) , you can re motely man age and edit files or calendar s stored o n t he Syno logy NAS.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 58 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files from An ywhere Sync Files via Cloud Station Cloud Statio n is a file sharin g service t hat allow s your Sy nology NA S to become a file syn c center to sync fil es between multi ple client comput ers.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 59 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files from An ywhere Access Files via File Station File Stati on is DSM 's file mana gement tool, allow ing DSM users over the I nternet to access t he Synol ogy NAS folders w ith their w eb browser s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 60 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files from An ywhere Search for Files or Folders You can type key words in the Filter field at the to p - right corn er of File S tation to filter t hrough files or folder s in the current folder.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 61 Chapt er 9: Ac cess Files from An ywhere Mount Remote Fold ers or Virtual Drives File Stati on allow s you to mou nt remote f olders t o access co ntents shared by netw ork computer s or other Synology N AS, or virtu al driv es to ac cess contents within d isc image s.
62 Cha pte r 10 Chapter 10 : Back Up Data Synolo gy off ers compr ehensiv e backup solut ions for your co mputer an d Synology NAS , allow ing you to b ack up data on your compute r to Synology NAS.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 63 Chapt er 10: B ack Up Data Use Data Replicato r for Window s The Sy nology Data Re plicator installatio n package can be fo und at Sy nology' s Download C en ter at: http://ww w.synol og y .com/support/do wnload.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 64 Chapt er 10: B ack Up Data Back u p Da ta or iSCSI LUN on S ynolog y N AS Other tha n backing up computer data to Syno logy NAS , use r s belonging to the admin istrat ors group c an back up data or iSCSI LUN on the S ynology NA S .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 65 Chapt er 10: B ack Up Data Perform Backup Ta sks on S ynology NAS Go to Main Menu > Backup and Resto re to perfor m backup tasks on S ynology NAS.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 66 Chapt er 10: B ack Up Data Sync Shared Fo lder Contents between S yn o l o g y N AS Shared Fold er Sync allows y ou to sync shar ed folder cont ent s f rom a source Syno logy NAS (or "clie nt") to a destination S ynology N AS (or "server") over the netw ork.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 67 Chapt er 10: B ack Up Data Back u p Da ta on USB De vice or SD Card You can g o to Main Menu > C ontrol Panel > Devices and Printers t o spe.
68 Cha pte r 11 Chapter 11 : Host Websites, Email Server, and Print Server Synology N AS is desig ned for small and med ium busin esses (SM B), prov iding the ability to set up web, em ail, and print servers on a single S ynology N AS without spending ext ra mo ney.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 69 Chapt er 11: H ost W ebsites , Email S erver, an d Print Server Enable MySQL You can e nable M ySQL to use t he My SQL database fun ction for your websit e.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 70 Chapt er 11: H ost W ebsites , Email S erver, an d Print Server Before you st art Register a domain na me for your IP addr ess , or apply for a DDNS hostna me. Note: For mor e infor mation abo ut r egist ering a D DNS acc ount for Synology NAS , see " Regis ter DDNS for t he Synology N AS .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 71 Chapt er 11: H ost W ebsites , Email S erver, an d Print Server Set S ynology NAS as Print Server Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > D evices.
72 Cha pte r 12 Chapter 12 : Discover Various Applications with Package Center Synology ha s integra ted third party or S ynology - designed a pplicati ons into pa ckages th at can be in stalled on Synology N AS and manag ed w ith Package Cen ter.
73 Cha pte r 13 Chapter 13 : Share Photos, Videos, and Blogs with Photo Statio n Photo Statio n is an onl ine pho to album integrated w ith a blog for you to easily s hare phot os, v ideos, and blo g posts over t he Intern et. W ith P hoto Statio n, you can upload, organize, edit, and share y our photos i n quick, e asy steps.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 74 Cha pt er 13: Share Phot os, Videos, and Bl ogs with Pho to Station Enable Pe rsona l Phot o Sta tion Users belonging t o the admin istrators gro .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 75 Chapt er 13: Share Phot os, Videos, and Bl ogs with Pho to Station Browse Photos and Videos in Diff erent M odes Navigate t o Albums , a nd click the v iew contr ol icon t o switch between view modes and c hange th e way album s are sorted.
76 Cha pte r 14 Chapter 14 : Play Music with Audio Station Audio Stati on is a w eb - based audio appli cation, all owing y ou to acce ss the musi c library on your Sy nology NAS , choose availa ble audio source s on the local area netw ork, and add yo ur favorit e music t o playlist s for playba ck.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 77 Chapt er 14: P la y Music wit h Audi o Station Manage A udi o Statio n Set tings Users belonging t o the admin istrators gro up need to d o the fo.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 78 Chapt er 14: P la y Music wit h Audi o Station Edit Music Informat ion Y ou can v iew and edit t he informati on of musi c files an d song ly rics. To v iew and ed it musi c informatio n or song lyrics, ri ght - click a music fil e an d choose Song infor mation .
79 Cha pte r 15 Chapter 15 : Organize Videos and Record TV Programs w ith Video Station Video Station is an ideal v ideo organizer of y our col lection of movies, T V shows, home vide os, and T V reco.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 80 Chapt er 15: O rgani ze Vide os and R ecord T V Program s with Video St ation Before Y ou S tart Users belonging t o the admin istrators gro up ne.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 81 Chapt er 15: O rgani ze Vide os and R ecord T V Program s with Video St ation streaming s ervice pr ovided by Video Stat ion. On ce the chan nel scan is completed , you can stream pr ograms for playback w ith Video St ation's embedded Vid eo P lay er.
82 Cha pte r 16 Chapter 16 : Download Files with Download Station Download Stat ion is a web - based dow nload appl ication w hich allow s you to d ownload file s from t he Intern et through BT , FTP,.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 83 Chapt er 16: D ownload F ile s with D ownloa d Station Dow nload Stati on F eature s Once properly install ed and setup, Dow nload Stat ion provide s the below feature s. For more de tai le d ins truc ti ons regarding t hese and ot her feat ure s , pl eas e s ee DSM Help .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 84 Chapt er 16: D ownload F ile s with D ownloa d Station Create v ia BT search : Y ou ca n search for t orrent fil es with B T search engines to help you fi nd your favor ite downloads more easi ly .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 85 Chapt er 16: D ownload F ile s with D ownloa d Station Create eMule Dow nload Tasks You can cr eate eM ule download tasks by choosing any of th e following m ethods. Cre ate by u ploadi ng f ile s : U pload a tex t file (.
86 Cha pte r 17 Chapter 17 : Safeguard Your Environment with Surveillance Station Surveilla nce Station is a profe ssional N etwork Vid eo Record ing (NVR) softw are bundled wit h DiskStat ion Manager.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 87 Chapt er 17: S afeguard You r Environm ent with Sur veill ance Stat ion Once you h ave set up a CMS host, you can g o to the Server page to a dd record ing server s and man age them with the C MS serv ice.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 88 Chapt er 17: S afeguard You r Environm ent with Sur veill ance Stat ion Install Camer a Lice nse Go to the License page un der Manageme nt to manage camera li cense s . W ith Default License , y our Sy nology NAS can manage one camera within LAN .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 89 Chapt er 17: S afeguard You r Environm ent with Sur veill ance Stat ion Use Ot her Fun ctions On the Live V iew page, y ou can also use the fol lowing fun ctions .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 90 Chapt er 17: S afeguard You r Environm ent with Sur veill ance Stat ion Work w i th Timel ine Surveilla nce Station allows yo u to loca te the actua l record ed footage v ia Timeli ne and cale ndar suppor t.
91 Cha pte r 18 Chapter 18 : Provide Nonstop Service with Synology High Availability High Avail ability refe rs to a server lay out solution designed t o redu ce interru ptions of s ervices c aused by server malfunction s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 92 Chapt er 18: Pr ovide Nonst op Servic e with Synolog y High A vailabi lity Passive Ser ver Under norma l conditio ns, the passive serv er rema ins in sta ndby mode. Data on t he active server is continuous ly replicate d to the pa ssive serv er.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 93 Chapt er 18: Pr ovide Nonst op Servic e with Synolog y High A vailabi lity Storage Manager Li mitations Once a high - avail ability clust er has been create d, certai n options in Storage M anager w ill be unav ailable.
94 Cha pte r 19 Chapter 19 : C reate a Domain Name Server with DN S Server DNS (Domain Name Sy stem) is a n aming syste m that fa cilitates t he exchang e of data betw een com puters over the Interne t and oth er netw orks. Its main function i s to tran slate user - f riendly domain na mes (e.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 95 Chapt er 19: C reate a Domain Nam e Server with DNS S erver Check firewal l or port for warding sett ings: DNS serv ices requir e the us e of TCP and UDP port 5 3. If you r Synology N AS uses a firew all, this port must be op ened.
96 Cha pte r 20 Chapter 20 : Manage Media Server and iTunes Service Synology NAS ca n become a multimedia server on the loca l area netw ork, allow ing comput ers (usin g Window s Media Play er or iTune s) and D LNA/UPnP ho me device s (such as stereo sy stem or TV set) to play its mult imedia contents.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 97 Chapt er 20: Ma nage M edia Server an d iTunes Ser vice Manage DLN A Media Ser ver Go to Main Menu > Media Se rver to brow se and play the multi media cont ents on Syno logy NAS via DLNA/UP nP home devi ces, also know n as Dig ital Medi a Adapter ( DMA) .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 98 Chapt er 20: Ma nage M edia Server an d iTunes Ser vice Manage iTunes Ser ve r Go to Main Menu > iTunes Server to use iT unes servi ce.
99 Cha pte r 21 Chapter 21 : Perform Advanced Management Tasks Synology D iskStation M anager com es with a v ariety of manageme nt function s, allow ing you to check syste m informati on, monitor sys.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 100 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks General Under the G eneral tab, you ca n see the ba sic inform ation about your Syno logy NAS, i nclu din g se ri al num ber , model name, amount of p hysic al memory, D SM v ersion, time informat ion, thermal status, or ex ternal devices.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 101 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks Report 1 Under the Report tab, y ou can col lect data and generate r eports th at provide i nformati on about dis k usage trend s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 102 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Task s Monitor S ystem Resources Go to Main Menu > Resource Monito r to monitor sy stem resources , such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk utilization and netw ork flow .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 103 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks Manage Bluetooth De vices Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Bl uetooth to manage Blueto oth adap ters and co nnect Bluet ooth dev ices to your Synology NAS.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 104 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks Receive E vent Notifica tion s Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > Not ification and set .
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 105 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks Manage SM S Notification Servi ce Cli c k the SM S sect ion to set up SMS notification s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 106 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks Re-index Media File s M ultimedia data wit hin the inst alled appli cations c an be scan ned and re - index ed for applica tions.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 107 Chapt er 21: P erf orm Advanc ed Manag em ent Tasks Reinstall S yn ol og y N AS If you w ant to reins tall your Sy nology NAS without losing it s data, y ou can u se the RESET button on the back panel.
108 Cha pte r 22 Chapter 22 : Communicate with Mobile Devices As Internet access gr ows popular on mobi le devices, S ynolo gy provides you with sev eral cr eative altern atives to communicat e with your Synolo gy NAS using iOS/ Android , W indow s Phone, or other mo bile device s.
Synology N AS User' s Guide Based on DSM 4. 3 109 Chapt er 22: C omm unicate with Mobi le Dev ices DS finder DS finder allows y ou to monito r or email the status of your Sy nology NA S, and r eq.
110 T roubleshooting For any qu estions a bout mana ging your DSM , go to Main Menu > DSM Help o r cli ck the Hel p button (with a question mar k) at the top - right corner of every w indow. For any quest ions other t han that, please v isit Syn olo gy Inc.
Customer, whichev er period is longer Any P roduct found by Synology to be non-d efective w ill be returned to Cu stomer. 2.6 Support. During the Warranty Period, Synology will make available to Customer the suppo rt services.
or the relationship between Customers residing within t he United States and Synology will be resolved exclusively and finally by arbitration under the current commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association, except as otherwise provided below.
デバイスSynology RackStation RS3614xs+の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Synology RackStation RS3614xs+をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSynology RackStation RS3614xs+の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Synology RackStation RS3614xs+の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Synology RackStation RS3614xs+で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Synology RackStation RS3614xs+を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSynology RackStation RS3614xs+の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Synology RackStation RS3614xs+に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSynology RackStation RS3614xs+デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。