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Synology NAS User's Guide Based on DSM 5. 2 Document ID Syno_UsersGuide_N AS_ 20150506.
2 T able of Conten ts Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Get Started with Synology DiskStation Manager Install Synology NAS and DSM .......................................................................................................................
3 Table of Contents Hot Spare ................................ ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Manage External Disks ...................
4 Table of Contents Back Up Data or iSCSI LUN on Synology NAS ................................................................................................ ................ 59 Back Up and Restore System Configurations ..............................
5 C h a p t e r 1 Chapter 1 : Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of Synology NAS. Synology NAS is a multi-functional Netw ork-Atta ched Storage server, serving as a file-sharing center within your Intranet.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 6 Chapter 1: Introduction Organize Videos w ith Video Station Video Station allows you to organize your collection of movies, TV shows, and hom.
7 C h a p t e r 2 Chapter 2 : Get Started with Synology Disk Station Manager This chapter explains how to sign into S y nology DiskStation Manager (DSM) , customize your desktop, use the taskbar and widgets, and open applications and packages with the Main Menu .
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 8 Chapter 2: Get Started with Synology Disk Station Manager DiskStation Ma nager Desktop W hen you si gn into DSM, you wi ll see the desktop . From here, you can start getting things done, like manage settings, use packages, or view notifications.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 9 Chapter 2: Get Started with Synology Disk Station Manager 4 Upload Queue : Appears when you start uploading files to the Synology NAS. Click to see more details, like progress and upload speed.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 10 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Synology Disk Station Manager Open Applications an d Package s with Main Men u The Main Menu (the button at the top-left of the desktop) is where you can find all the applications and packages installed on your Synology NAS.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 11 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Synology Disk Station Manager Shutdow n, Restart, Logout, or Manage Perso nal Options Click t he Options menu (the person-shaped icon at the top right) to shutdown, restart, logout, or manage your user account settings.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 12 Chapter 2: Ge t Started with Synology Disk Station Manager A ccount Under Account , you can edit your account settings, enable 2-step verification, and view recen t login activity of your DSM account.
13 C h a p t e r 3 Chapter 3 : Modify System Setti ngs After you have connected to Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) and learned how to access its functions and customize its appearance, users belonging to the administrators group can begin to modify basic settings.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 14 Chapter 3: Modif y System Settings Change Netw ork Settings Go to Control Panel > Network to configure network settings and connect your Synology NAS device to the Internet.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 15 Chapter 3: Modif y System Settings Modify Regiona l Options Go to Control Panel > Regional Options to configure the following regional options. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help .
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5 .2 16 Chapter 3: Modif y System Settings Use Energ y Saving Features Go to Control Panel > Hardware & Power to manage the following energy saving features provided by DSM . For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help .
17 C h a p t e r 4 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Management Tasks Synology DiskStation Manager comes with a variety of management functions, allowing you to check system information, monitor system res.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 18 Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks General Under the General tab, you can see the basic information about your Synology NAS, including serial number, model name, amount of physical memory, DSM v ersion, time information, thermal status, and external devices.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 19 Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Monitor S ystem Resources Resource Monitor allows you to monitor the CPU usage, memory usage, disk utilization and network flow. You can choose to monitor in real time or view previous data.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 20 Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Scan S y stem S ettings Security Advisor allows you to check and scan your DSM settings for any suspicious activities that may present security risks.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 21 Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Automate Tasks Go to Control Panel > Task Scheduler to schedule and run services or scripts at pre-defined times.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 22 Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Receive E vent Notifications At Control Panel > Notification , you can set your Synology NAS to send notifications when specific events or errors occur, notifying you via email, SM S, web browsers (Safari/Chrome), or mobile devices.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 23 Chapter 4: Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Reinstall S ynology N A S If you want to reinstall your Synology NAS without losing its data, you can use the RESET button on the back panel.
24 C h a p t e r 5 Chapter 5 : Manage Storage Space Before taking advantage of the various features of your Synology NAS, you need to set up at least one storage space. This chapter explains how Storage M anager can help you manage storage spaces, such as volumes, Disk Groups, iSCSI Targets, or iSCSI LUNs, as well as view the status of hard drives.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 25 Chapter 5: Manage Storag e Space Quick or Custom V olumes W hen creating a new volume, the following options are available: Method Features Quick Creates an SHR (Syno logy Hybrid RAID) v olume.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 26 Chapter 5: Manage Storag e Space RAID Ty pe HDD # A llowed Failed HDD # Description Capacity RAID 1 2-4 (HDD #) - 1 The system w ill write identical da ta to ea ch hard drive at the sa me time, so data integrity is protected whe n at least one dis k is nor mal.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 27 Chapter 5: Manage Storag e Space Hard Disk Require ments In order to change the RAID type of a volume or Disk Group, there must be a suffici ent number of available hard disks installed in your Synology NAS.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 28 Chapter 5: Manage Storag e Space Expand a Volume o r Disk Group b y Adding Disks For SHR, JBOD, RAID 5, RAID 5+Spare, and RAID 6, the storage capacity of volumes and Disk Groups can be expanded by adding more hard disks if there are empty hard drive bays in your Synolo gy NAS.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 29 Chapter 5: Manage Storag e Space Manage iSCSI LUN s An iSCSI LUN (logical unit number) represents an individually addressable portion of an iSCSI Target. An iSCSI LUN can be mapped to multiple iSCSI Targets to perform storage operations such as read or write.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 30 Chapter 5: Manage Storag e Space SSD Cache SSD cache 1 drives can be installed and mounted in a RAID 0 (read-only) or RAID 1 (read -write) c.
31 C h a p t e r 6 Chapter 6 : Manage Storage Space w ith RAID Groups 1 Before using features or services on your Synology NAS, you need to create RAID Groups and manage storage spaces.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 32 Chapter 6: Manage Storag e Space with RAID G roups RAID Group T ypes Your Synology NAS supports the following RAID Groups types: RA ID Group for Single Volume or iSCSI LUN (Block-Level) Allocates all available capacity to a single volume or iSCSI LUN (Block-Level).
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 33 Chapter 6: Manage Storag e Space with RAID G roups Change R A ID Types The RAID types of existing RAID Groups can be changed without losing existing data, allowing you to easily and economically manage storage capacity.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 34 Chapter 6: Manage Storag e Space with RAID G roups Manage Volume s Volumes are basic storage spaces on which you can create shared folders, iSCSI LUNs (regular file), save data, or install packages.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 35 Chapter 6: Manage Storag e Space with RAID G roups Manage iSCSI L UNs iSCSI is an Internet Protocol based storage networking standard for linking data storage facilities . iSCSI facilitates data transfer over local area networks (LANs), wide area networks ( W ANs), or the Internet.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 36 Chapter 6: Manage Storag e Space with RAID G roups repair any RAID Group within your Synology NAS. Before assigning hot spare disks, please see the following requirement s: The RAID type of the volume/Disk Group/iSCSI LUN must be one with data protection (i.
37 C h a p t e r 7 Chapter 7 : Access y our Synology NAS from the Internet You can connect to your Synology NAS over the Internet, allowing its services to be accessible from anyw here and anytime.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 38 Chapter 7: Access your Synology NAS from the Internet Set Up Port For w arding Rules for Router If your Synology NAS is within the local network, you can set up port forwarding rules for the router to allow y our Synology NAS to be accessible over the Internet.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 39 Chapter 7: Access your Synology NAS from the Intern et Access DSM S ervices via QuickConnect QuickConnect is a solution that helps client applications (such as DS file, Cloud Station, DS audio, etc.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 40 Chapter 7: Access your Synology NAS from the Internet Set Up VPN Connec tion VPN Server is an add-on package that enables your Synology NAS .
41 C h a p t e r 8 Chapter 8 : Enhance Internet Security After your Synology NAS is available on the Internet, you will need to safeguard it against any attacks from Internet hackers. This chapter explains how to set up firewall , enable DoS protection and enable auto block.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 42 Chapter 8: Enhance Intern et Securit y Automaticall y B lock Suspicious Login Attempts Auto block allows you to prevent unauthorized login. After enabling the service, an IP addre ss will be blocked if it has too many failed login attempts.
43 C h a p t e r 9 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sharing Synology NAS can become the file sharing center w ithin the local network or over the Internet, allowing users to access its files anytime and anywhere. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help .
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 44 Chapter 9: Set Up File Sha ring Join Synolog y NA S to Direct ory Ser vice Go to Control Panel > Director y Service to join your Synology NAS to a di rectory service as a W indows domain or LDAP client.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 45 Chapter 9: Set Up File Sha ring Host LDAP Ser vice with Director y Server Directory Server is an add-on package based on LDAP version 3 (RFC.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 46 Chapter 9: Set Up File Sha ring Manage Users and Groups Go to Control Panel > User or Group to create users or groups, and allow or deny their access to different shared folders. Create Users Click Create to create a user account.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 47 Chapter 9: Set Up File Sha ring Create User's Hom e Folder Each DSM user (except for guest) can have his/her own folder called the home folder, which is accessible only by the user and the system administrator.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 48 Chapter 9: Set Up File S haring Set Up Shared Folders Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder to manage the shared folders, which are the root folders of Synology NAS. Yo u c an store data in the shared folders and share them w ith users or groups with access privileges.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 49 Chapter 9: Set Up File Sha ring Built -in Shared Fol ders Created b y the S ystem System built-in shared folders are created when the services or applications requirin g the f o lders are enabled.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 50 Chapter 9: Set Up File Sha ring Allow Users or Gro ups to Access Sha red Folders Go to Control Panel > Shared Folder , click Edit and go to Permissions to allow or deny users' or groups' access to a sh ared folder.
51 C h a p t e r 10 Chapter 10 : Access Files from Anywhere W hen you have set up users or groups with proper access privileges to the shared folders, t hey can share their files with your Synology NAS from anyw here. This chapter explains the ways to access the Synology NAS shared folders w ithin the local network or over the Internet.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 52 Chapter 10: Access Files f rom Anywhere Access Shared Fol ders from Mac Choose Go > Connect to Server from the menu bar. Type the IP address or name (appended with .local ) of the Synology NAS preceded by smb:// or afp:// in the Server Address field and click Connect .
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 53 Chapter 10: Access Files f rom Anywhere Access Files via FTP If your Synology NAS is accessible over the Internet, you can use a FTP application to access the shared folders.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 54 Chapter 10: Access Files f rom Anywhere Access Files via WebDAV By enabling WebDAV or CalDAV (at Control Panel > File Services > WebDAV ), you can remotely manage and edit files or calendars stored on the Synology NAS.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 55 Chapter 10: Access Files f rom Anywhere Access Files via File Station File Station is DSM's file management tool, allowing DSM users over the Internet to access the Syno logy NAS folders with their web browsers, or transfer files to another WebDAV/FTP server.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 56 Chapter 10: Access Files f rom Anywhere Search for Files or Folders You can type keywords in the Filter field at the top-right corner of File Station to filter through files or folders in the current folder.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 57 Chapter 10: Access Files f rom Anywhere Send Files as Ema il A ttach ments You can directly send and share fi les as email attachments. Simply right-click selected files and then select Send as email attachments .
58 C h a p t e r 11 Chapter 11 : Back Up Data Synology offers comprehensive backup solutions for your computer and Synology NAS , allowing you to back up data on your computer to Synology NAS.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 59 Chapter 11: Back Up Data Back Up Data o r iSCSI LUN on Synology N A S Other than backing up computer data to Synology NAS, users belonging t.
60 C h a p t e r 12 Chapter 12 : Host Websites and Print Se rver Synology NAS is designed for small and medium businesses (SMB), providing the ability to set up web and print servers on a single Synology NAS without spending extra money. This chapter provides basic information regarding these features.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 61 Chapter 12: Host W ebsites and Print Server Modify HTTP Ser vice Options In addition to the default port number 80, you can add anothe r port for the use of Photo Station and W eb Station. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help .
62 C h a p t e r 13 Chapter 13 : Discover Various Applicatio ns with Package Center Synology has integrated third party or Synology-designed applications into packages that can be installed on Synology NAS and managed with Package Center.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 63 Chapter 13: Discover Vari ous Applications with Package Ce nter Cloud Station Cloud Station is a file sharing service that allows you to synchronize files betw een a centralized Synology NAS and multiple client computers, mobile and Synology NAS devices.
64 C h a p t e r 14 Chapter 14 : Communicate with Mobile Devic es As Internet access grows popular on mobile devices, Synology provides you with several creative alternatives to communicate with your Synology NAS using iOS/Android, W indow s Phone, or other mobile devices.
Synology N A S User's Guide Ba s e d o n D S M 5. 2 65 Chapter 14: Comm unicate with Mobi le Devices DS finder DS finder allows you to monitor or email the status of your Synology NAS, and reques.
66 T roubleshooting For any questions about managing your DSM, go to DSM Help or click the Help button (with a question mark) at the top-right corner of every window. For any questions other than that, please visit Sy nology Inc. website www.s y nology.
the expiration of t he applicable Warranty Period, support for Products may be available from Synology upon written request. 2.6 Exclusions. The foregoing warranties and warr anty obligations do not a.
single arbitrator, and will be limited solely to the dispute betwee n Customer and Synology. The arbitration, or any portion of it, w ill not be consolidated w ith any other ar bitration and w ill not be conducted on a class-wide or class action basis.
デバイスSynology RS18016XS+の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Synology RS18016XS+をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSynology RS18016XS+の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Synology RS18016XS+の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Synology RS18016XS+で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Synology RS18016XS+を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSynology RS18016XS+の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Synology RS18016XS+に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSynology RS18016XS+デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。