Texas InstrumentsメーカーMSP-FET430の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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MSP-FET430 FLASH Emulation Tool (FET) ( For use with IAR Wo rkb ench Version 3.x) 2004 SLAU138A Mixed Signal Products Us e r ' s G u i d e User's Guide.
ii IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instrum ents and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make c hanges to their products or to disc ontinue any product or servic e without notice, and advise customers to obt ai n the latest vers ion of relevant information t o verify, before placing orders , that inform ation being relied on is c urrent and complete.
July 2004 Us e r ' s G u i d e.
iii Preface Read This First About This Manual This ma nual doc uments th e Texas Instrum ents MS P-FET430 Flash Emulatio n Tool ( FET). Th e F ET is the pr ogram develo pment to ol for th e MSP430 u ltra low power microc ontroller. B oth avai labl e interfac es, the Paralle l-Por t-Interf ace and t he USB- Interfac e, are descr ibed here.
iv Information About Cautions and Warnings This bo ok may con tain caut ions a nd warni ngs. C AU T I O N W A RNI NG The inform ation in a caut ion or a w arning is prov ided f or your protect ion.
v If You Need Assistance Support f or the MS P430 device and the F ET is pr ovide d by the T exas Instrume nts Produc t Inform ation Ce nter (PIC) . Contact informat ion for th e PIC can be found on t he TI web sit e at www.t i.com . Ad dition al devic e- specific infor mation ca n be found on the MSP 430 web s ite at www.
vii Contents Read This F irst ................................................................................................................ iii About This Manual ......................................................................................
viii Frequently A sked Ques tions ....................................................................................... A-1 A.1 Hardwa re ........................................................................................................ A-2 A.
ix Figures Figure 3-1. S ignal conn ections for MSP-FET43 0X110. ............................................... 3-5 Figure 3-2. JTAG Signa l Connections ......................................................................... 3-7 Figure A-1. Mod ificat ion to FET Inter face module .
1-1 Chapter 1 Get Started Now! This chapt er will enab le you to inventor y your F ET, an d then it wi ll instr uct yo u to install the sof twar e and hardwar e, and the n run the de monstr at ion progra ms . Topic Page 1.1 Kit Contents, MSP-FET 430X110 1-2 1.
Get Started Now! 1-2 1.1 Kit Content s, MSP-FET430X110 One READ ME FIRST documen t. One MSP430 CD-ROM. One MSP- FET430 X110 F las h Emula tion To ol. T his is t he PCB on whic h is mounted a 2 0-pin Z IF sock et for the MSP430F 11xIDW , MSP430F 11x1AID W, or M SP430F1 1x2IDW d evice.
Get Started Now! 1-3 MSP-FET 430P430: Eight PCB 1x 20 pin headers (Four male a nd four fe male). MSP-FET 430P440: Eight PCB 1x 25 pin headers (Four male a nd four fe male).
Get Started Now! 1-4 1.6 Hardware Install ation, M SP-FET430Pxx0 ( ‘P120, ‘P14 0, ‘P410, ‘ P430, ‘P4 40) 1) Use the 25-c onductor cable to connect th e FET Interfa ce modul e to the paralle l port of y our PC. 2) Use the 14-c onductor cable to connect th e FET Interfa ce modul e to the supplied Target S ocket mo dule.
Get Started Now! 1-5 3) Click on the tab at t he bott om of t he work space windo w that cor responds t o your tool (FETxxx) and desired languag e (assembler or C).
Get Started Now! 1-6 1.9 Important MSP430 Documents on the CD-ROM and WEB The primar y sourc es of MS P430 infor mation are the d evice s pecific data she et and User ’s Guide. T he mos t up to d ate versio ns of t hese docum ents ava ilab le at the time of product ion have been prov ided on the CD- ROM inc luded w ith this tool.
2-1 Chapter 2 Development Flow This chapter discusses how to use K ickstart to develop your application software, and how to use C-SP Y to debug it. Topic Page 2.1 Overview 2-2 2.2 Using Kickstart 2-2 2.2.1 Project Settings 2-3 2.2.2 Creating a Project from Scra tch 2-5 2.
Developm ent Flow 2-2 2.1 Overview Applicat ions are dev eloped in as sembler and/or C usin g the Wor kbench, and they are debugged using C-SP Y. C-SP Y is seaml essly int egrate d into the Workbenc h. However , it is more conv enient t o make t he distinc tion between th e code dev elopment enviro nment ( Workbe nch) an d the debu gger (C- SPY).
Developm ent Flow 2-3 The simul ator wil l input a maximum of 4K by tes of cod e. A “Full” (i.e., unr estricted) ver sion of th e softw are tools can be purchase d from IAR. A mid- feature d tool s et – cal led “Base line”, with a 12K byte C co de size limita tion and basic f loatin g-point oper ations – is als o availa ble from IAR.
Developm ent Flow 2-4 Enable th e Device Descript ion file. Th is file makes C- SPY “a ware” of the specifics of the device it is debugg ing. This file w ill cor res pond to the specifi ed target .
Developm ent Flow 2-5 Note: Avoid the use of absolute pathnames when referenc ing files. Instead, us e the re lative p athna me keywords $TOO LKIT_DIR$ and $PROJ_DIR $.
Developm ent Flow 2-6 Note: How to add ass embler sou rce files t o you r project The defau lt file type presen ted in t he Add F iles windo w is “C/C++ F iles”. In ord er to view a ssembler fi les (.s43 ), select “A ssembler File s” in the “Files of type” dro p-dow n menu.
Developm ent Flow 2-7 system st ack wit h in C program s. CSTACK ca n also be use d in assemb ler programs [ MOV #SF E(CST ACK), SP]. CSTA CK is def ined t o extend fr om t he last locati on of R AM for 50 bytes (i.e., the stack ex tends downw ards throu gh RAM for 50 bytes).
Developm ent Flow 2-8 Note: Some exa mple pr ograms require a 32KHz crys tal on LF XT1, and not all FET s are su pplie d with a 32KHz c rystal..
Developm ent Flow 2-9 2.3 Using C-SPY Refer to A ppendix C for a desc ription of F ET-spec ific menus w ithin C-SPY. 2.3.1 Breakpoint Types The C-SPY breakp oint mec hanism m akes use of a li mited numb er of on- chip debugging r esour ces ( specifica lly, N breakp oint reg ister s, refer to T able 2- 1 below).
Developm ent Flow 2-10 The RUN TO CURSO R operation temp orarily requires a breakpoint. Consequent ly, only N-1 break points can b e activ e when RUN TO CURSOR is used if v irtual br eakpoints a re disable d.
Developm ent Flow 2-11 2.3.4 Using Watch Windows The C-SPY Watch Window mechanism perm its C variabl es to be m onitored during th e debu gging ses sion. Althou gh not or iginally desig ned to d o so, t he Watch W indow mec hanism can be ex tended to monito r ass embler var iables.
3-1 Chapter 3 Design Considerations for In-Circuit Programming This chapt er pres ents s ignal req uireme nts for in -circ uit progra mming of the MSP430. Topic Page 3.1 Bootstrap Loader 3-2 3.2 External Power 3-2 3.3 Device Signals 3-3 3.4 Signal Connections for I n-System Progr amming and Debugging, MSP-FET430X110 3-4 3.
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-2 3.1 Bootstrap Loader The JTAG pins prov ide ac cess to the Flash memory of the MSP430F d evice. On some devices, t hese pins must b e “shar ed” with the devic e port pins, an d this shari ng of p ins can c omplic ate a d esign (or it may simply not be possible t o do so).
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-3 levels accor dingly) . Again, r efer to the Target Socke t modu le sche matic in Append ix B.
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-4 3.3 Device Signals The foll owing dev ice signa ls s hould be brought out (i.e ., made acc essible) so that the F ET, GANG 430, and P RGS430 t.
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-5 3.4 Signal Connections for In-System Programming and Debuggin g, MSP- FET430X110 With th e proper c onnecti ons, y ou can use the C-S PY debu gger and the MSP- FET430X1 10 to pro gram a nd debu g code on y our ow n targe t board.
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-6 Note: Connection to XOUT is not required No JTAG c onnecti on is r equired to the XOUT pin of the M SP430 as shown on s ome sc hematic s.
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-7 3.5 Signal Connections for In-System Programming and Debuggin g, MSP- FETP430IF, MSP-FET 430UIF With the pr oper c onnecti ons, y ou can use t.
Design Cons idera tions for In-C ircuit Pr ogramm ing 3-8 TDO /TD I 1 13 11 9 7 5 3 2 14 12 10 8 6 4 V C C(Fr omTo ol) GND TCK TM S TDI Te st V C C(Local Sense) RST/NMI 10uF 100nF 100K TDO/TDI RST /NM.
A-1 Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions This ap pendix pres ents s olutio ns to fre quently asked q uestions regard ing hardware, pr ogram develop ment, an d debuggi ng too ls. Topic Page A.1 Hardware A-2 A.2 Program Deve lopment (Assembler, C -Compiler, Linker) A-3 A.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-2 A.1 Hardware 1) The state o f the de vice (CPU registers, RAM memory, etc.) is undefined following a reset. Exceptions t o the a bove s tatement are that the PC is lo aded w ith the word at 0xfffe ( i.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-3 low power mode is restored (usin g GO) . This behavi or appears to happen on a ll dev ices ex cept the M SP430F 12x. 12) The foll owing ZIF socket s are us ed in the F.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-4 9) It is possibl e to mix as sembler an d C prog rams wi thin the Workbench. Refer to the A ssembler Langua ge Interfa ce chapter of the C/C++ Comp iler Ref erence Guid e from IAR . 10) The Workbenc h can pr odu ce an obj ect file in Texas Inst ruments .
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-5 Optimizati on: NO NE is sup por ted wit hi n PROJ ECT- > OPT IONS- >C/C++ COM PILER-> CODE->OPTI MIZATIONS. Alter natively, variables can be d eclare d vol at il e . 16) The IAR Tutorial assumes a Full or Baseline versio n of the Workbench.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-6 software can preven t the C -SPY/FET driver from ac ces sing the paralle l port, an d, hence, comm unicatin g with t he devi ce. It may be n ecess ary to reb oot the com puter to c omp lete the i nstallat ion of the requ ired par allel port dr ivers.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-7 For revis ions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 of th e FET I nterface mo dule, ins tall a 0.1 uF cap acitor between the indicate d points ( pins 4 and 5 of U1).
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-8 2) C-SPY can download data into RAM, INFORMATION, and Fla sh MAIN memori es. A war ning mes sage is output if an at tempt is made to download data o utside of the dev ice mem ory spac es. 3) C-SPY can debug applications that utilize interrupt s and low power modes .
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-9 the JTAG pins and the me asur ements wil l be erro neou s. Refer to F AQ, Debugging #12) and Hardw ar e #11). 11) Most C-SPY setting s (break points, etc .) are now preserved between sessions. 12) When C-SP Y has co ntrol of the d evice, the C PU is ON (i.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-10 (RESYNCHRON IZE JTAG) ) and before C-SPY has regained c ontrol of the device that the device will execut e normally . T his behavi or may have sid e effects . Once C- SPY h as rega ined contr ol of the dev ice, it will perfor m a res et of the d evice an d retain contro l.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-11 26) On devices e quipp ed with a Data T ransfer C ontroll er (DT C), the completion of a data t ransfer cycl e will p reempt a single st ep of a low power mode instruction . The devic e will a dvanc e beyond t he low power mod e instr uction on ly after an in terrupt is proce ssed.
Frequently Aske d Quest ions A-12 35) Special Function Re gisters (SF Rs) – or t he peri pheral reg isters – are now di splayed in VIEW- >REGIST ER ; ther e is no lon ger an SFR Window. 36) The putch ar()/getch ar() b reakpoint s are set only if these fu nctions are pres ent (and the mec h anism is enab led) .
B-1 Appendix B Hardware This ap pendix c ontains info rmation re lating to the F ET hardwar e, inc luding schematic s and PCB p ictori als. Topic Page Figure B-1. MSP-FET 430X110, Schematic B-2 Figure B-2. MSP-FET 430X110, PCB Pictorial s B-3 Figure B-3.
Hardware B-2 Figure B-1. MSP-FET430X110, Schematic.
Hardware B-3 J2 J3 P2.1 RST XOUT P2.5 TST P2.4 P1 .1 P1.3 P1.5 P1.7 P2.2 P2.0 XIN Vss Vcc P2.3 P1.0 P1.2 P1.4 P1.6 Figure B-2. MSP-FET430X110, PCB Pictorials LED connected to P1.
Hardware B-4 Figure B- 3. MSP-FET430IF FET Interface m odule, Schematic.
Hardware B-5 Figure B-4. MSP-FET430IF FET Interface module, PCB Pictorial R6 Ensure value is 82 ohms.
Hardware B-6 Note : Connections betwe en the J TAG header and pins XOUT and XI N are no longer required , and should no t be made. Figure B-5. MSP-TS430DW28 Target Socket module, Schematic.
Hardware B-7 Figure B-6. MSP-TS430DW28 Target Socket module, PCB Pictorials Jum per J4 Open to disconn ect LED Orien t Pin 1 of MSP430 device Jum per J5 Open to measure cu rrent Connect or J3 External power con nector Remo ve R8 and ju mpe r R9 LED connected to P1.
Hardware B-8 Note : Connections betwe en the J TAG header and pins XOUT and XI N are no longer required , and should no t be made. Figure B-7. MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module, Schematic, Rev.
Hardware B-9 Figure B-8. MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module, PCB Pictorials, Rev. 1.0 LED conn ected to pin 12 Jumper J7 Open to measure cu rren t Jum per J6 Open to disconn ect LED Orien t Pin 1 of M.
Hardware B-10 Note : Connections betwe en the J TAG header and pins XOUT and XI N are no longer required , and should no t be made. Figure B-9. MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module, Schematic, Rev.
Hardware B-11 Figure B-10. MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module, PCB Pictorials, Rev. 1.1 Connect or J5 External power con nection Re mo ve R8 a nd j u mp e r R 9 LED conn ected to pin 12 Jumper J7 Open.
Hardware B-12 B.1 History of changes to MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module Changes from Rev. 0 .1 to 1.0: Connector J 5 for ex ternal power was add ed Connectors FETJ2 a nd FE TJ3 were rem oved C8 was cha nged fro m 100nF to 10nF R5 was cha nged fro m 100k to 47k R13 and R 14 were a dded t o support B SL usage on F4 13.
Hardware B-13 Figure B-11. MSP-TSPN80 Target Socket module, Schematic.
Hardware B-14 Figure B-12. MSP-TSPN80 Target Socket module, PCB Pictorials Connect or J5 External power con nection Re mo ve R8 a nd j u mp e r R 9 Orient P in 1 of M SP 430 devi ce LED conn ected to .
Hardware B-15 Note : Connections betwe en the J TAG header and pins XOUT and XI N are no longer required , and should no t be made. Figure B-13. MSP-TSPZ100 Target Socket module, Schematic.
Hardware B-16 Figure B-14. MSP-TSPZ100 Target Socket module, PCB Pictorials Connect or J5 External power con nection Remo ve R8 and ju mpe r R9 Orient P in 1 of M SP 430 devi ce LED conn ected to pin .
Hardware B-17 Figure B-15. MSP-FET430UIF USB Interf ace schematics.
Hardware B-18.
Hardware B-19.
Hardware B-20.
Hardware B-21.
C-1 Appendix C FET Specific Menus This ap pendix d escr ibes the C-S PY men us that ar e spec ific to th e FET. Topic Page C.1 EMULATOR C-2 C.1.1 EMULATOR->RELEASE JT A G ON GO C-2 C.1.2 EMULATOR->RESYNCHRONIZE JTAG C-2 C.1.3 EMULATOR->INIT NEW DEVICE C-2 C.
FET Spec ific Menus C-2 C.1 EMULATOR The current devic e ty pe is display ed. C.1.1 EMULATOR->RELEASE JTAG O N GO C-SPY uses the d evice JT AG sign als t o debug th e dev ice. On som e MSP430 devices, th ese JT AG signa ls ar e shared with th e devic e port pins.
FET Spec ific Menus C-3 Refer to A ppendix D . C.1.7 EMULATO R->ADVANCED- >MEMO RY DUMP Write the specif ied dev ice memory contents t o a s pecified file. A c onvent ional dialog is displ ayed that permits the user to spec ify a f ile name, a memory starting address , and a l ength.
FET Spec ific Menus C-4 C.1.14 EMULATO R ->GI E on/off Enables or disa bles al l inter rupts. Nee ds to be re stored manual ly befor e GO. C.1.15 EMULATOR->LEAVE TARG ET RUNNING If C-SPY is close d, the targ et keeps ru nning the user program. C.
D-1 Appendix D 80-pin MSP430F44x and MSP430F43x Device Emulation 80-pin M SP430F44x and MSP430F4 3x dev ices c an be emulated by the 100-pin MSP43 0F44 9 devi c e. Table D-1. F 4xx/8 0-pin S ignal Map ping lis ts wher e the pin sign als of an 80- pin devic e appear on th e pins of an MSP- TS43 0PZ100 Target Socket module.
80-pin M SP430F44x and M SP430F4 3x Device Emulati on D-2 Table D-1. F4xx/80-pin Signal Mapping F4xx/80-pin Signal F4xx/80-pin Pin Number MSP430- TS430PZ100 Pin Number Connection required between indicated pin s of MSP430- TS430PZ100 socket DVcc1 1 1 P6.
80-pin M SP430F44x and M SP430F4 3x Device Emulati on D-3 P5.5/R13 49 57 P5.6/R23 50 58 P5.7/R33 51 59 DVcc2 52 60 DVss2 53 61 P2.5/URXD0 54 74† P2.4/UTXD0 55 75 P2.3.TB2 56 76 P2.2/TB1 57 77 P2.1/TB0 58 78 P2.0/TA2 59 79 P1.7/CA1 60 80 P1.6/CA0 61 81 P1.
E-1 Appendix E TI to IAR 2.x/3.x Assembler Migration Texas Ins truments made a suite of develo pment t ools f or the MS P430, includi ng a compr ehens ive as sembler and dev ice sim ulator.
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-2 E.1 Segment Control RSEG def ines a Re locat able S EGment. A reloc atable segment m eans t hat the code th at fol lows the R SEG stat ement w ill be plac e *som ewhere* in the region d efined for that seg ment (in t he .
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-3 consecutive backslashes (). In Asm 430 syntax, a quot e is represented by two consecut ive q uotes ( “”). See ex amples below: Character String Asm430 Syntax (TI) A430 Syntax (IAR) PLAN “C” “PLAN “”C””” “PLAN ”C”” doscomm and.
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-4 E.2.4 Constant Initi alization Directives Description Asm430 Dir ective (TI) A430 Directive (IAR) Initialize o ne or more s uccessive b ytes or text strings .byte or .strin g DB Initialize a 48-bit MSP430 floating-po int constant .
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-5 E. 2 . 6 F i l e Ref e r en ce D i r e cti ves Description Asm430 Dir ective (TI) A430 Directive (IAR) Include sour ce stat em ents from another file .copy or .in clude #include or $ Identify one or more symbo ls that are defined in th e current mo dule and used in other module s .
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-6 X SET X+1 ; Increment count er ENDR ENDM Additional A430 D irectives (I AR) A430 Directi ve (IAR) Repeatable block assem bly: Formal argum ent is subs tituted by e ach character of a string. REPTC Repeatable block assem bly: fo rmal argument is substitut ed by each string of a list of a ctual argum ents.
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-7 E.2.9 Macro Directives Description Asm430 Dir ective (TI) A430 Directive (IAR) Define a macro .macro MACRO Exit premature ly from a m acro .
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-8 Additional A430 D irectives (I AR) A430 Directi ve (IAR) Assign a va lue to a prepr ocessor s ymbol #defi ne Undefine a preprocessor s ymbol #undef Conditio.
TI to IAR 2.x/ 3.x Ass embler Migration E-9 LSTPAG (+/-) #if, #else, # elif COM MON LSTXREF (+/-) #ifde f, #ifndef STAC K #endif ALIG N #include ORG #error.
F-1 Appendix F MSP-FET430UIF Installation Guide This sec tion d escribes the hardware instal lation pr oces s of the MS P- FET430UIF USB deb ug int er face on a PC runni ng Windows XP. The installation procedure for a Windows 2000 system is v ery similar and therefore no t show n here.
MSP-FET430UIF Installa tion Gu ide F-2 F.1 Hardware Installation 1) Connect the MSP-F ET430UIF USB Debug Interf ace with a USB ca ble to a US B port of y our PC 2) Windows now shou ld recog nize the n ew hardwar e as a n “MSP4 30 USB FET x. xx.xx” (Figure F-1).
MSP-FET430UIF Installa tion Gu ide F-3 Figure F-3. WinXP Driver Location Selection Folder 6) The Wizar d shoul d genera te a m essage t hat an appr opriate driver has been found. 7) Note that WinXP sh ows a warning t hat the dr iver is n ot certif ied by Microsoft.
MSP-FET430UIF Installa tion Gu ide F-4 Figure F-4. WinXP Driver Installation 8) In the next s tep t he Wizar d insta lls the dr iver files. 9) The Wizar d now sh ows a mes sage that it has fi nishe d the ins tallat ion of the softw are for “M SP430 US B FET A dapter” .
MSP-FET430UIF Installa tion Gu ide F-5 Figure F-5. Device Manager.
デバイスTexas Instruments MSP-FET430の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Texas Instruments MSP-FET430をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTexas Instruments MSP-FET430の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Texas Instruments MSP-FET430の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Texas Instruments MSP-FET430で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Texas Instruments MSP-FET430を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTexas Instruments MSP-FET430の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Texas Instruments MSP-FET430に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTexas Instruments MSP-FET430デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。