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Thec us N3200 XXX/N05 03 N4100P RO N4200 serie s N5200 XXX/N55 00 1U420 0XXX/1U 4600 N7700 serie s N2200 XXX N8200 XXX/N88 00 series User’s Ma nual V6.
2 Copy right and T rademark Notic e Thecus and other names of Thecus product s ar e registered t rademarks of Thec us Technology Corp. Mi crosof t, Window s, and the Wi ndows logo are regi stered trademarks of M icrosoft Co rporation. Apple, iTunes a nd App le OS X are reg istered trademarks of A pp le Compu ters, Inc.
3 Safety Warnings For your safety, please rea d and fo llow the fo l low in g safe ty warn ings: Read this manual thoroug hly before a ttemp ting to se t up yo ur Thecus IP storage. Your The cus IP s torage is a complicated elec tronic devi ce. DO N OT attemp t to repa ir it under any circumsta nces.
4 T a ble of Content s Copyright and Trad emark Not ice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... . 2 About This Ma nual..... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 2 Limited Warranty .
5 Wake-Up On LAN ( WOL) ....... ...... ..... ...... ...... .. ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ... 67 SNMP S upport ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... .... .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ........ ...... 67 UI Login Co nfigura tion ..... ...... .
6 Creating Albums ... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... . ...... ... 150 Passwo rd Protect in g Albums.... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ......... ...... ..... ..... 150 Uploading P ictures to Album s ...... ....
7 Appendix D: Lic ensing Informati on .. ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... .. 185 Overview .......... ........... ........... ................ ............ .... ........... ........... ..... 18 5 Source Code A vail abilit y .........
8 Chapter 1: I ntroduct ion Overview Thank yo u for choosing the T hecus IP Storage S erver. Th e Thecus IP s torage is an easy-to- use stora ge serve r that a llows a ded icated appro ach to storing a nd distribu ting data on a ne twork.
9 Print er Server With the Thecus I P stora ge’s Pr inter Serve r, you can ea sily sha re an IPP printer w ith other PCs co n nected to your networ k. To set up the Pri nter Ser ver, refer to Chapter 4: E xternal Devic e> Printer Inform ation . Multiple RAID Thecus IP storage support s multiple R A ID vol umes on one syste m.
10 Package C onte nts The Thec us IP sto rage sho uld con tain the fo llowing co mmon ite ms: System U nit x1 QIG (Q uick Insta ll a ti o n Guide) x1 CD-Title x3 (Acron ics back up CD , Tw.
11 Front Pan el N2200XXX: The T hecus N22 00XXX’s front pa nel has the dev ice’s co n trols, indicators, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1. Power Bu tton Powers th e N2200 XXX o n/off . 2. USB Por t USB 2.0 port for comp atibl e USB devic es, such as digital c amera s, USB disks, and US B print ers.
12 N3200XXX: The T hecus N32 00XXX’s front pa nel has the dev ice’s co n trols, indicators, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1. Power L ED Solid blue: Syst em is power ed on 2. WAN/L AN1 LED Solid gree n: N etwork link Blinking oran ge: Ne twork a ctivi ty 3.
13 N0503: The Thec us N 0503’s front pa n el h as the dev ice’s controls, indicators, and hard d i sk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption Power LED Solid blue: Syst em is power ed on WAN/L A.
14 N4100PRO The N41 00PRO’s f ront pa nel display s the un it’s a rray of sta tus LED’ s and is a lso where yo u ’ll fi nd th e po wer b utt o ns. See the tabl e below for a deta iled explana tion of eac h: Item Descri ption HDD Tray s There ar e four har d disk driv e ( HDD) tray s.
15 N4200 series: The T hecus N 4200seri es fro n t pa nel has the d ev ice’s co ntrols, indicator s, a nd ha rd disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1.
16 N5200XXX/N5500: The Thec us N55 00 front pa nel has the devi ce’s c ontrols, indica tors, and hard dis k trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1.Syst em LED Blinking orange: Sy stem is b eing u p gra ded or ;is st arting u p; data curr e ntl y inacc essibl e 2.
17 N7700 Series : The Th ecu s N7700 series front panel has t he device’s co ntrols, indica tors, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1.Powe r LED Solid blue: Syst em is power on. 2.Syst em LED Solid ora nge: sy s tem i s b eing upgra ded or sy stem s tartu p ; dat a currentl y inac cessi ble 3.
18 1U4200XXX: The Thec us 1U42 00XXX fro nt pa nel has th e dev ice’s co n trols, indicators, a n d hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1. LCD D isplay Displays t he curr e nt sy stem s tatus a nd w arnin g mes sag es. Displays h ostna me, W AN/LAN1 /LAN 2 IP addr esse s, R AID st atus, and curr e nt tim e.
19 1U4600: The T hecus 1U460 0 fron t pa nel has the dev ice’s controls, ind icators, and hard d isk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1. WAN/L AN1 LED Solid gree n: net work link Blinking green: network activity 2. LAN2 LED Solid gree n: n etwork l ink Blinking green: n e twork acti vity 3.
20 N8200XXX/N8800 s eries: The Thec us N82 00XXX/N88 00 serie s front pan el has the dev ice’s con trols, indicators, and hard disk trays: Front Pa nel Item Descri ption 1.Power Button Power on/off N82 00XXX/ N88 00 2.Power LED Solid gree n: Sys tem is power on.
21 Har d Disk Tra ys 1U4200XXX/N2200 XXX/N 82 00XXX: Each of abov e men tioned models’ ha rd d isk tray s has a lock, a la tch, and two LED indicators: Hard Dis k Trays Item Descri ption 1.
22 N4100PRO The N41 00PRO’s hard disk trays each h ave a lock, a latch, and two indicators. N4200 series/N5200XXX/N5500 : Each of the N4200 series/N 5200 XXX/N5500’ s ha rd disk trays has a lock, a latch, and two LED indica tors: Hard Dis k Trays Item Descri ption 1.
23 N3200XXX: The N32 00XXX on ly support s 3.5” Serial AT A (S ATA) hard d isks. To install a hard disk into the N32 00XXX, fol low the steps below : 1. Open the fron t door of the N 3200XXX. 2. Fo r 3.5” HDD: a. G et the hard dr ive rails and place them o n eithe r si d e of the hard drive, fit ting into the appropr iate groo ves.
24 Rear Pane l N2200XXX: The N22 00XXX rea r pane l features ports an d conne ctors. Back Panel Item Descri ption 1. eSAT A Port e SAT A por t for hi gh-sp eed external stora ge exp an sion . 2. USB P ort USB 2.0 port for compatibl e USB d evices, s u ch as digi tal camera s, USB disks, and US B print ers.
25 N3200XXX/N0503: The N32 00XXX/N0 503 rea r panel fea tures ports and connector s. Back Panel Item Descri ption 1. eSAT A Port e SAT A por t for hi gh-sp eed storag e expan sion 2. USB P ort USB 2.0 port for compatibl e USB d evices, s u ch as digi tal camera s, USB disks, and US B print ers 3.
26 N4100PRO The rear pa nel o f the N 4100PRO houses the USB and Et hernet conne ctions, as wel l as the power conne ctor. See the tabl e below for descr iptio ns of eac h: Item Descri ption Power Con.
27 N4200 series: The N 42 00 rear pa nel fea tures por ts and co nnectors. Back Panel Item Descri ption Power Conn ector For con nect th e pow er a daptor WAN/L AN1 Por t WAN/L AN1 p ort for c.
28 N5200XXX: The N52 00XXX rea r pane l features ports an d conne ctors. Back Panel Item Descri ption 1.WAN/ LAN1 Port W AN/L AN1 p ort f or con nectin g to a n Eth ernet n etwor k through a switch or a r outer. 2.LAN2 Port LAN2 por t f or conn ecting to a l ocal Ethern et n etwork throu gh a switch or rout er.
29 N5500: The N55 00 rear pan el fea tures por ts and co nnectors. Back Panel Item Descri ption 1.WAN/ LAN1 Port WAN/L AN1 port for c onn ecting to an Eth ernet net work through a switch or rout er. 2.LAN2 Port LAN2 por t for conne cting to an E thern et n etwork thr ough a switch or rout er.
30 N7700 series: The N77 00 rear pan el fea tures por ts and co nnectors. Back Pane l Item Descri ption 1.LAN2 Port LAN2 por t f or conn ecting to a l ocal Ethern et n etwork throu gh a switch or rout er. 2.WAN/ LAN1 Port W AN/L AN1 p ort f or con nectin g to a n Eth ernet n etwor k through a switch or rout er.
31 1U4200XXXR: Locat or LE D 1U4200 Bac k Pane l Item Descri ption eSATA Port e SAT A por t for hi gh-sp eed storag e expan sion . USB P orts USB 2 .0 ports f or c ompati ble USB devices, such a s di gital camer as, USB d isks , and U SB prin te rs.
32 1U4600R: The rear panel of the 1U46 00R houses mos t of the USB and Etherne t connection s, as w ell a s the e SATA port, s ystem fan, a nd po wer conne ctor.
33 N8200XXX: The N82 00XXX rea r pane l features ports an d conne ctors. 4 7 1 2 3 8 5 6 Back Panel Item Descri ption 1.Power C onne ctor C onne ct th e inclu ded power cor ds to th ese conn e ctor s. 2.Power Swi tch Powers th e N8200 XXX on/of f.
34 N8800 series: The N88 00 rear pan el fea tures por ts and co nnectors. Back Pane l Item Descri ption 1.Power C onne ctor C onne ct th e inclu ded power cor d s to thes e conn ector s 2.Power Swi tch Switch for power su pply 3.eSATA Port eSATA port f or high- s pe ed stora ge ex pansion 4.
35 Chapter 2: Ha rdware In st allation Overview Your T hecus IP stora ge is desig ned for easy i nstal lation. To he lp you get s tarted, the following chapter will help yo u quick ly get yo ur Thecus IP storage up and runn ing. Please read it care fully to pre vent da mag in g yo ur unit d uring ins tallatio n.
36 3. Press the power b utto n to boo t up the N 2200X XX. To con nect the N3 200XXX/N 0503 to your network, fol low the steps below : 1. Con nect an Et hernet cab le from your netwo rk to th e WAN/LAN 1 port on the back pa nel of the N 3200X XX/N05 03.
37 3. Open the fron t door then pres s the pow er butto n to bo ot up th e N3200X XX/N0503. Make the followi ng connect ions on the Thecu s N 4100PRO and the n power up the unit: 1. Co nnect an Ethe rnet cab le from yo ur net wor k to the WAN por t on t he bac k panel of the N410 0PRO.
38 To con nect N4200 series N AS to yo ur netwo rk, f ollow the steps below : 1. Co nnect a n Et hernet cable from your ne twork to the WAN/L AN1 port o n the back pa nel of the N4 200. 2. Co nnect the prov ided power cord into the universal power socket on the back panel.
39 3. Press the power bu tton on t he front panel to boot up the N52 00XXX/N5 500. To con nect the 1U4 200XXX/ 1U4600 to your netwo rk, follow t he steps be low: 1. Co nnect a n Et hernet cable from your ne twork to the WAN/L AN1 port o n the back pa nel of the 1 U42 00XXX/1 U4600.
40 3. Press the power b utto n on the front pa nel to bo ot up the 1U4200 XXX/1U4 600. To con nect N7700 series N AS to yo ur netwo rk, f ollow the steps below : 1. Co nnect a n Ether net cab le from your network to the W AN/LAN1 port on the back pa nel of the N7 700.
41 To con nect N8200X XX/N88 00 series NAS to your netwo rk, fol low the step s below : 1. Co nnect a n Et hernet cable from your ne twork to the WAN/L AN1 port o n the back pa nel of the N 8200X XX/N88 00. 2. Co nnect the prov ided power cord into the universal power socket on the back panel.
43 Chapter 3: F irst T ime Setup Overview Once the hardwar e is inst a lled, ph ysi cally co nnected to yo ur n etwork, and powered on, you can co n figure the Thec us IP storag e so that it is acces sible to yo ur n etwo rk users. T here are two way s to se t up your Thecus IP storage: u sing t he Thecus Setup Wizard or the LCD d isplay .
44 5. L ogin with the adminis trator acco unt a nd passwo rd. The defa ult accou nt and password are bot h “ admin ”. 6. Name yo u r T hecus IP st orag e a nd config ure t he net wor k IP ad dress.
45 8. Finished! A ccess the Thecus IP storage Web Admi nistrator Interface by pressing the Start Brows er b utton. Y ou ca n a lso configur e ano ther Thec us IP storage at th is po int by c licking the Setup Other Devi c e bu tt o n. Press Exit to ex it the w izard.
46 Display Mode During norma l opera tion, th e LCD wil l be in Dis play Mode . Display Mo de Item Descri ption Host N ame Current h ost nam e of th e syste m. WAN/L AN1 Curr ent WAN/L AN1 IP s etting . LAN2 Current LAN 2 IP s etting. Link Aggre gation Current L ink A g gre gation statu s Syst em Fan1 Current s yst em fan1 statu s.
47 LCD Op eratio n (N3200XXX/N0503) LCD Controls Use the Down ( ▼ ), Up ( ▲ ), Enter ( ) and Esc ape ( ESC ) k eys to opera t e LCD to view sys tem infor mation and USB copy.
48 4. Press Enter ( ) and theN3 200XXX/N 0503 w ill start copying U SB disks connect ed to the front USB port. The LCD will dis play the USB copy progre ss and resu lts. OLED Op eratio n (N4200 se ries) OLED O peration The me ntioned mode ls abo ve are eq uipped wi th an OLED o n the fro nt for ea sy status di splay a nd setup.
49 Typical S etup Pr ocedure From the Web Adm inistration Interfac e, yo u can begi n to se tup yo ur Thecu s IP storage fo r use on yo u r network. Se tting u p t he Thecus IP s torage t ypical ly fo llows the five steps o utlined below. For more o n how to use t he Web Ad minis tration Interface, s ee Chapter 4: Web Administ ration Interfa ce .
50 SMB/CIF S Apple F ile Proto col (AFP ) Network F ile System (NFS ) File Transfer Prot ocol (F TP) iTunes Serv er Printer Server Photo Serv er.
51 Chapter 4: Sy stem A dm inistration Overview The Thec us IP stora ge pro vides a n easily a ccessible Web A dmini stratio n Interfac e . With it, you can co nfigure a nd mon itor t he T hecus IP storage a nywhere on the ne twork. Web Admi nistrat ion Inter face Make s ure your n etwork i s connected to t he Interne t.
52 2. L ogin to the system using the ad minis trator use r name a nd pa ssword. T he factory defa ults are: User Name: admin Password: admin ※ If you changed yo u r passw ord in t he setup w izard, use the n ew password. Once you are logged in as an adm inistrator discl aimer page w ill app ear as be low.
53 Adminis trators can add or remove favor ite f uncti ons to My Favo rites b y r ight clic king the mo use on th e menu tree. The other wa y adm inistra tors can add favori te f unctions i s by clicki ng the “ Add Favorite” i con i n each func tion scree n.
54 Menu Bar The Menu Bar is w here yo u will find all of the informat ion screen s and s ystem settings of Thecus IP storage. The va rious set tings are p laced i n the fo ll ow ing groups o n the me nu bar: Menu Bar Item Descri ption Syst em Infor mati on Current s yst em stat us of th e Th ecus IP storage.
55 Message Ba r You can g et informa tion abo ut syste m sta tus quickl y by mov in g mouse o ver. Messa ge Ba r Item Status Descri ption RAID Info rmatio n. Display the statu s of created RAID volume. Cl ick to go to R AID infor mation page as short cu t.
56 ‧ Shutd own Choose Shutdo wn or Reboot from t he dropdo wn men u t o shutdow n or reboo t your N AS. ‧ Logout Click to log o u t of Web Admi nistrat ion Interface. System I nformati on Informat ion prov ides viewi ng on c urrent Prod uct info, System Status, Service Status a nd Logs.
57 System Status Item D escri ption CPU Loa din g (%) Displays curr ent CP U workl oad of the Thecu s IP s torage . CPU F an S peed Displays curr ent CPU fan s tatus. Syst em Fan S pee d Displays t he current s tat us of th e sys tem fan . Up Tim e Shows how l ong th e sy stem h a s be en u p and run ning.
58 See the fo llowing table for a detailed descrip ti o n of eac h item: System L ogs Item Descri ption All Provide s all l og inform ation i ncl uding syste m m essag es, war ning mess ages an d error mess age s. INFO Records informa ti o n about sys tem me ssages.
59 Other tha n the de fined i tems sen t upon regi stration, there ar e also two additio nal items: “HDD Info” and “Ti me Zone”. These two o ptional items can also be sent to Thecus ano nymo usly for a nalysis a nd sta tistics purposes.
60 System M anageme nt The System Managem ent menu gives you a wealth of settings that y ou can u se to configure yo u r Thecu s IP s torage sys tem adm inistra ti o n function s. You ca n set up system time, syste m not ifications, and even upgrade f irmware f rom this men u.
61 Notif ication configuration From the men u, choose the Notificati o n item, and the Notific ation Configurati on sc ree n appears. Th is sc reen lets you ha ve T hecus IP storage notify you in case of a ny syste m malfu nction. Pres s A pply to confirm a ll setting s.
62 Firmware Upgrade From the menu, choose the Firmw are Upgrad e it em and the Firmwa re Upgrade screen appea rs. Follow the steps b elow to u pgrade yo ur f irmware: 1. Use the Brow se b utton to find the firmwa re fil e. 2. Press Apply . 3. The beeper beeps and t he Busy LED bl inks unt il the upg rade is complet e.
63 Example - Mond ay: On: 8:00; O ff: 16:00 System will t urn on at 8 :00 AM on Monda y, and off at 1 6:0 0 on Monday. System will turn on for the rest of t he week.
64 See the fo llowing table for a detailed descrip ti o n of eac h item. Change Adm inistra tor a nd L CD E ntry Pa sswor d Item D escri ption New P asswor d Type in a n ew ad ministr a tor p asswor d. Confirm P assw ord Type th e new p asswor d a gain to conf irm.
65 Fac tory def ault From the men u, choose the Fact ory Default ite m and the Reset to F actory Default s creen app ears. Pr ess App ly to rese t Thecus IP storage to fac tory defa ult settings. Rebo ot & Shu tdo wn From the men u, choose R eboot & S hutdow n item, an d the Sh utdown /Reboot System scree n a ppears.
66 Once the system has rebo oted, yo u will be retur ned to the File Sy stem Che ck prompt. There you will see t he ava ilable RAID volumes to run the file sys tem c heck on except ZFS vo lume, ZFS has no need to perform f il e sy stem check. C heck the desired RA ID volu mes and click Next to pro ceed wit h the fi le system check.
67 Wake-Up On LAN (WOL) The Thecus IP storage has the a bili ty t o be awoken from sleep mode via W AN/LAN 1 port. From t he menu, ch oose t he WOL item, a nd t he Wake-up On LA N s creen appear s.
68 From the men u, choose the SNM P item, a nd the S NMP Suppo rt scre en appears. From here, you ca n Enabl e or Disab le . UI Login Config uration Adjusts UI Login Co nfigurat ion sett ings, yo u can enab le/disab le the Web Disk and Photo Serve r fu nctions, accord ing to your needs.
69 WAN/L AN1 Conf iguratio n Item De scriptio n Host na me Ho st nam e that identif ies the Th ecus I P stor age on t h e network . Domain n a me Specifies the d omai n n ame of Thecu s IP s torag e. WINS Serv er To set a s erver name for Ne tBIOS compu ter.
70 LAN2 LAN2 Configurati on The Thec us IP stora ge suppor ts two Gigabi t Etherne t ports for higher service availabi lity. To con figure t hese por ts, choose LAN2 from the System Network menu, a nd the L AN2 Con figuratio n scree n appears. Pres s Apply to sa ve your changes.
71 DHCP Ser ver Conf iguration A DHCP server can be co nfigured t o ass ign IP addresses t o d evices connected t o t he LAN2 por t. To co nfigure th ese ports, choose LAN2 from t he System Netwo rk menu.
72 Disks In for mation Item De scriptio n Disk No. Indicates disk l ocation. Capacity Show s the SAT A hard disk ca pacity . Model Displays t he SATA h ard disk mo del na me. Firmwar e Show s the SAT A hard disk firmw a re v ersion . Status Indicat es the s tat us of th e di sk.
73 S.M. A.R.T. Informa tion Item Descri ption Tray Number Tray the h ard disk is install ed in. Model Model name of t he in stalled h ard disk. Power ON Hours Count of hour s in po wer-o n st ate. Th e raw val ue of th is attrib ute shows total cou nt of hours (or minut es, or s econd s, de pendin g on manuf acturer) i n power-on state.
74 Bad Bl ock Scan On the Disk s In formatio n screen, you may als o perform disk bad block scan, simply to click “Cl ick to star t” to s tart wit h. The result i s only for referen ce and system will not ta ke any action from its res ult. The test ing resu lt will be s tay till sys tem reboo t w ith “Yet to s tart” d isplayed a s default.
75 Create a R AID On the R AID Inform atio n screen, press the create b utton to go to the C REAT RAID scr een. I n addi ti on to RAID d isk informa tion and s tatus, t his scre en lets you make RAID config uratio n settings. Using C reate RAID , you can s elec t stripe size, cho ose which disks are RAID disks or the Spa re Disk.
76 Once the C reate bu tton has bee n pressed with the Encryption checkbox enabled, t he follow ing message pop-up will app ear f or confirmat ion. After the R A ID vol ume has bee n creat ed, yo u may re move this USB dis k until the nex t time the system boo ts.
77 6. Spec ify a str ipe size — 64K is the defau lt setting . 7. Spec ify the perce ntage a llocated for user data b y drag t he horizo ntal bar. The rema ining spa ce will b e made ava i lable for iSCSI. 8. Select ed the f ile sys tem you l ike t o have for this RAID volume.
78 With a R AID 1, R AID 5, or RAID 6 volume, you c an also add a spare disk afte r the RAID is crea t ed. See Chap ter 6: Tips and T ricks > Adding a Spa re Disk fo r details. For more informa tion on RA ID, se e Appendi x B : RAI D Basics . RAID Lev el You can set the st orag e vo lume as JB OD , RAI D 0 , RAID 1 , RA ID 5, R AID 6 or RAID 10.
79 RAID 5 requir es a mini mum of 3 disks . RAID 5 c an su stain on e failed di sk. RAID 6 Two i ndepen dent p arity co mpu tations must b e use d in ord er to provid e prote ction against d oubl e disk failure . Two dif ferent algorith ms are employ ed to achiev e this purpo se.
80 Remove R AID Click to re move the RAID volume. All user da ta a nd iSCSI has bee n created i n selected RAID vo lume w ill be remo ved. To remov e a RAID volume, follow t he steps b elo w: 1.
81 2. Once rebuilt, you ca n continue to repla ce any remai ning disks in the RA ID array. 3. When you are do ne repla cing hard drives, log o n to Web M anageme nt. Navigate to Storag e > RA ID to ope n the R AID Config urati on screen. 4. On the RAID Informatio n scree n, a nd click Ed it to open the R AID Configurati on scree n.
82 With R AID level mi gration function, the limi tatio n as listed be low. 1. Duri ng R AID level migrat ion, it i s not a llowed reboo t or shutdo wn system. 2. The R AID migration from R1 to R5 or R 1 to R6 , t he all serv ices will restart and vo lumes “i SCSI” is read only b ut “user data” is capa ble read / write during o peration.
83 Below is a table l isting of p ossible RAID migra tion s chemes: To From RAID 0 RAID 5 RA ID 6 RAID 1 [RAID 1] HDD x2 t o [RAID 5] HDD x3 [RAID 1] HDD x2 t o [RAID 5] HDD x4 [RAID 1] HDD x2 t o [RA.
84 RAID 6 X X [ ONLINE ] [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x5 [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x6 [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x7 [RAID 6] HDD x4 t o [RAID 6] HDD x8 ………………… ……… …….
85 Volum e Alloca tio n List Item De scriptio n Modify Click this to modify the alloc ated spac e. Delete Click thi s to delet e the al locate d sp ace. iSCSI T arget C lick to alloc ate s pace to i SCSI volum e. Type Ty pe of vol ume. Can b e either USB or iS CSI.
86 To allocate space for a n iSCSI vol ume on the c urrent RAID volume, follow the st eps below: 1. Unde r the Volum e Alloc ation List , se lect iSCSI Target then cli ck Add . The Create i SCSI Volum e scree n appea rs. Create iSCS I Volum e Item Descri ption RAID ID ID of current RAID v olume .
87 8. When iSCSI target volume has been created, the LUN ID is config urable f ro m 1 to 2 54 with a defau lt o f the next avai lable num ber i n a sce nding numeri cal order. T he LUN ID is unique and ca n no t be dupl icated exc ept for LUN ID 0. 9.
88 Expand Volum e The iSCSI volume is now ab le to expa nd its cap acity fro m u nu sed spa c e. Fro m the volume list, simply sele ct the iSCSI volume you like to expand and click t he Expand button: You will then see the dialog box displa yed below .
89 2. Press Y ES . All da ta i n the volum e will be removed. iSCSI T hin -Provisioning With this function, the iSCSI capa city can be mor e flexible and more efficient ly serve more users.
90 Next, set up the p hysical capa city for iSCSI thin-pro vision vol ume by d ragging the Allocatio n bar to the desir ed size. After the s ize h as been determi ned, c lick OK t o confirm. Now you will see the iSCSI thin-provi sioning volume i s ava i lable from the list.
91 Now you can star t to crea te iSCS I targe ts to join the newly- created iSCSI thin-provi sion v olu me. B a sically, the iSCSI target under iS C SI thin-provis ioning has exactly same settings screen as the st a ndard iSCSI target volume creation.
92 The scre en shot for iSCSI target volume crea tion under thin -provisio ning; t he physica l c apa city 3 33.8GB. The screen sh o t t o setup an iSCSI t a rget volume under t hin-provi sioning of 1700GB. iSCSI targe t vol ume crea ti o n. The max imum v irtual size is 1430 0GB (1600 0GB – 1700GB( 1 st iSC SI target volum e)).
93 This messag e appear s if t here is no more ro om fo r new iSCSI target crea tion. A dva nce Opt ion There are 2 op tions is curren tly a llow Admin to Enable/Disab le t o operate T hecus IP storage associa ted w ith iSC SI se tting. The details as listed in following scree nshot.
94 iSCSI Block Size Select the b lock s ize with 4K while the iSC SI volume size is ov er 2TB. iSCSI C RC/Checksum To enab le this opt ion, the initiator ca n co nnect w ith “Data dig est” and “Header digest” e nabled. Stackab le NA S The Th ecu s IP s torage’s capacity can b e expa n ded even further u si ng the s tackable function.
95 A. Add a Stack Targ et Volum e From t he f igure above, c lick Add to acces s the stackable target devi ce configura tion page. Pleas e refer to the f igure be low: With t he added s tack target yo u co u ld “Enab le” or “Disab le” now or l ater per usage needed.
96 The Expo rt share name wi ll becom e the netwo rk share na me and d isplayed through n etwork acc ess su ch as SM B. You may r efer the fig ures be low to see the result.
97 From t he figure above, the Export share name is “ pmm eeting” . The figures below show the result befo re and after via M icroso ft Network Access with se ttings have been comp l eted. The Brows eable se tting w ill be same method o f sett ing for sy ste m share folder.
98 able to access it, and A CL b utton w ill be g rayed out. If Public is s et to No , the ACL button wi ll be ava ilable on the Stack T arget List window. Click App ly to sa ve your changes. B. Activate a Stack T arget After yo ur setting s have been app lied, the system wi ll bring you back to Stac k Target List window as s hown below .
99 Next, cl ick Format to pro ceed with forma tting. After the for m at is comp l ete, the stack target vo l ume w ill be crea ted s uccessfully. You w ill see the volu me’s ca pacity and status in the Sta ck Targ et List s creen.
100 E. Recon nect a Stack Target The enabled s tack target dev ices may be d isco nnected by situations s uch a s power outages o r networ k disco nnects. When t hi s hap p ens, the Rec onnect button w ill available. To atte mpt to reco nnect the stack target, c lick Re conne ct .
101 A. Add a ISO file From the figure abo ve, sel ect ISO fi le from drop down share list. After sele ction, sys tem wi ll bring up Mount table for f urther s etting scre en. To mount n ew ISO file, select from l isted ISO file and inp ut des ired mounting n a me into “Moun t a s:” fi eld.
102 After yo u hav e comp l eted to add ISO th en th e p age will displa yed a ll mo u nted I SO files, You co ul d c lick “Un mount” to e limina te mou nt ed ISO file. B. Using ISO The mou nted ISO file will be located sa m e shar e folder with na me giv ing.
103 Share Folder From the Storage menu, choose Sh are Folde r , and t he Folde r scree n appears. This scree n allows you to create a nd config ure f olders o n the Thec us IP storage volume. Adding Folders On the Fold er scree n , press the Add button a nd the Add Fol der scree n appears.
104 Add F older Item De scriptio n RAID ID RAID volum e wh ere the n ew fol d er w ill reside. Folder Name Ente r t he n ame of the f older. Descri ption Provide a des criptio n th e folder . Brows eable Enabl e or disable us ers from br owsing t he fold er content s.
105 Modify F olders On the Folder scree n, press the Edit button and th e Modify Folder scree n appears. This screen allows you t o ch a nge folder informa tio n. Afte r en tering the informat ion, press Appl y to s ave your c hang es. Mo dify Fold er Item Descri ption RAID ID RAID volum e wh ere the f older wi ll r esid e.
106 NFS Share To allow NFS acces s to the share fo lder, enab le the NF S Serv ice , and then se t up hosts wi th access rights b y clicking Add . NFS Sha re Item De scriptio n Hostn ame Enter t he na me or I P a ddress of th e host Privi lege Host has eith er r ead onl y or w ritea ble acc ess to the f older.
107 Guest System Support There are two sele ction s availa ble: Unix / Linux Syst em AIX (All ow s ource p ort > 10 24) Choos e the on e whic h best f its yo ur ne eds. IO Ma pping There are thre e selecti ons av aila ble: Guest syste m root a ccount will hav e full acces s to thi s share ( root:r oot).
108 The Thec us IP sto rage snap shot is s uppor ted total 1 6 versio ns . Once c hecked “Automat ically remove oldes t snapshot”, the oldest will be remo ved t o l et n ewes t t o added on top.
109 ACL settin g Item D escri ption Deny Deni es access to us ers or grou ps who are displ aye d in this c olu mn. Read Onl y Provide s Read Onl y access to users or group s who are display ed in this colu mn. Writable Provide s Write access to users or groups who are d isplay ed in this column .
110 The ACL screen also allows y o u to searc h for a pa rticular user. To do this, f o llow the steps be low: 1. In t he blank, e nter th e name of the user you wo uld like to find. 2. Fro m the drop down select the group you would like t o searc h f or the u ser in.
111 A D S/NT Support If you have a Windo ws Ac tive Direc tory Se rver ( ADS) or W indows NT server to handle t he domai n securi ty in yo ur netwo rk, you can simp ly enab le the AD S/NT suppor t feat ure; t he Thecus IP storage w ill c onne ct w ith the ADS/NT server and get all the info rmatio n of the doma in users a nd grou ps automa tically.
112 To join a n AD doma in, you can re fer the f igure and use t he e xample below to co n figure the Thec us IP storag e for associa ted filed i nput: AD Doma in Exam ple Item Info rmat ion Work Gr oup / Dom ain Nam e domain ADS Su pport Enable ADS S erver Na m e Compute r1 ADS/NT Re alm Domain.
113 Loc al User Configuration From the Account s menu, c hoose the User item, and the Local Use r Configurati on screen app ears. T his screen al low s you to A dd , Edit , a nd Rem ove local users. Local U ser C onfigu ration Item Descri ption Add Press th e Add butt on to add a user t o th e list of local us ers.
114 Edit Users 1. Select an ex isting use r from th e L ocal Us er Co nfiguratio n scree n. 2. Click on the Edi t button, a nd Lo cal Use r Settin g screen app ears. 3. Fro m here, yo u can en ter a n ew password and re- enter to confirm, or use the << o r >> butto ns to have this user join o r leave a gro up.
115 Remove U sers 1. Select an ex isting use r from th e L ocal Us er Co nfiguratio n scree n. 2. Click on Rem ove butto n and the user is deleted from t he system. Loc al Group Configuration From the Account s menu, c hoose the Group it em, and the Local Gr oup Configurati on s creen ap pears.
116 Add Group s 1. On the Local Group Configu ration scree n, click on t he Add b utton. 2. The Local Gro up Setti ng scre en appea rs. 3. Enter a Group Name .
117 Remove G roups 1. On the Local Group C onfigurati on sc reen, se lect a gro up na me from the list. 2. Press Remov e to delete the gro up from the sys tem. Batch Create Use rs and Groups The Thec us IP sto rage can also add users a nd gro ups in batch mode.
118 Quota The User Quota system provid es a way of l imitin g users’ avai lable storage capac ity. Setting a user quota gives a give n user a g iven amo unt of spac e on E ACH RAID partition.
119 Network S ervice Setup and manag e protoco ls such as Samba/C IF S, FTP, a nd HTTP/We b Disk, a nd other netwo rk ser vices. Samba / CIFS There are 5 o ptio ns i s curren tly a llow Admin to Enable/Disab le t o operate T hecus IP storage associated wit h S amba / CIFS protoco l.
120 In general, Windo ws has de fault to invisible all o f hidden fo lders/f il es. So p l ease enable this optio n to view “. recyc le” folder. Samba An onymo us Login Authenti cation To enab le this opt ion, no ma tter t here is s hare fo lder has been created in publ ic access.
121 NFS Setup From the Network Service men u, choose the NFS item, a nd the NFS Supp ort screen appear s. T he T hecus IP storage can a ct a s an NF S se rver, e nabling users to download and upload files with th e favorite NFS clients. Press A pply to confirm y our settings.
1 22 Access downlo ad fi les to/fro m pu blic fol ders . Downloa d : Al low a nonym ous FTP user s to d ownlo ad files fro m publi c folder s. No acc ess: Bl ock anony mous FTP u ser ac cess. Auto R ename If checke d, the sy s tem wi ll auto ma tically renam e fil es that ar e upload ed wit h a dupl icat e fil e name.
123 A descript ion of eac h item follows: We b Service Item Descri ption HTTP ( WebDisk ) S upport Enable or disable Web Di sk su pport. En te r t he port nu mber if this op tion is ena bled. Th e por t nu mber is defa ult 80. HTTPs ( Secur e We bDisk) Support Enable or disable secure WebDi sk support .
124 Applicati on Serv er Thecus IP storage support iTunes server funct ionality, Module Installat ion, and Auto Module In stallat ion. The i Tunes ser ver func tion allows you to p lay musi c files fro m your N AS thro ugh iT unes o n your compu ter. T he follow ing sec tion show s yo u how .
125 Auto Module Installatio n Or choose th e Auto Modul e Inst allati on item and the availabl e s ystem M odule screen appears. The defa ult to get module list is “On-line” so if Thecu s IP storage is capable to co n nect to Interne t then i t will a ut o matica lly link to Thecus o fficial website then lis t available modules.
126 Auto Mo d ule So urce List Item D escri ption Install ed Status of m odule Nam e Mod ule n ame Versio n The ver sion of rel eased v ersion Descri ption T he descri ption of mo dule Locati on The mo dul e is eith er get ting o n-lin e or di sk Docu ment The availa ble do cument ation of module Action To install mo d ule or delet ed p.
127 schedu led task to run o nly once, da ily, week ly, or mon thly. You can also limit the bandwid th of your N sync tasks, so o ther users o n the netwo rk ca n share the bandwid th equally. Under th e Ba ckup menu, cl ick Nsync and the Nsyn c window app ears.
128 Manuf acturer NAS: T o oth er The cus IP s tora ge with sec urity tunnel bui ld u p. Legacy FT P: To the 3 rd pa rty FT P s erv er or Thecus IP storag e while it has a cted as FT P serv er. Nativ e Rsyn c Server: Using r sync to replicat e data to other Thecus IP stor age Nsync Mo de Synchro nize mo de or I nc r emental mod e .
129 The Thecus IP storage can act as an Nsync server , en ab ling another Nsy nc-equipped Thecus NA S at a remo t e loca tion ba ckup their files to this T hecus IP s torage. From the Syst em Netw ork me nu, choose the Nsy nc Target item, a nd t he Nsync Target S erver scre en appea rs.
130 Rsyn c T a rget Server When it comes to backing u p your data, it ’ s very important to have flexibilit y. Rsync Backup prov ides you w ith many options, including loca l or remote backup, bac kup schedu ling, differe nt syncroniza tion set tings, and password pro tection.
131 *Now Rsy nc is t urned o n on your NA S, whic h m eans it ca n be used a s a targe t for Rsync bac kup, i n other wo rds, only the back up NAS needs to be activated in this way.
132 4. Input your targ et’s I P address a nd p ort num ber - T his is the N AS w hich you are go ing to u se as a ba ckup, po rt numb er i s optional. 5. Input your desti nation f older and creat e a b ackup folde r – Your destinatio n path i s the na me of an existing folder on your N AS where yo u w ish to back up your .
133 When you execute this utility for the first t ime, it will ask you whe th er to create a DB file. Clic k Yes . 1. Click Add to create a Backup tas k. T he Add N ew T ask d ialog b ox appears. Add New Ta s k Item Descri ption Task Specifi es a na me f or the curr ent task.
134 1. Click Sta rt , and po int to All Program s > Acces sories > System Tools > Backup to start the wizard. 2. Click Next to skip pas t the open ing page. Choos e Back up files and settings from t he second page, a nd then cl ick Next . 3. Select which opt ion you want to back up.
135 Printe r Info rmation Item D escri ption Manuf acturer Displays the n a me of th e USB p rinter manu factur er. Model Di splays the model of th e U SB prin ter. Status Display s the status of t he USB pri nter. Remov e docu ment from Qu e ue Click to remov e all docum ents fr om pri nter qu eue .
136 8. Your Windows syste m wi ll ask yo u if you w ant t o set t his pr inter as “ Defa ult Printer”. Select Yes and all yo ur print jobs will be s ubmi tt ed to this printer by default. Click Next . 9. Click Fi nish . NOTE • Not all USB pr i nter s are supported.
137 Windows Vista To set up the Pri nter Ser ver in Windows Vi sta, f ollow the st eps below: 1. Open Printer F older from the Control Panel . 2. Click the r ight mous e button in anywh ere o n the Printers fo lder a nd then select Add Printer . 3. Select Add a network, wirel ess or Bl uetoot h printer .
138 4. Select The p rinter that I want isn’t listed . You can press The printer that I want isn’t li sted to go into next page witho ut waiting for Searching for ava ilable printer s to finish.
139 If you r prin ter model is no t lis ted, pl ease co ntact your printer manufacturer for help. 7. Window s will a ttemp t to connec t to the pr inter. 8. You can choo se to s et this pri nter a s the d efault pri nter by c hecking t he Set as the defa ult p rinter bo x.
140 UPS Setting The Thec us IP stora ge can also sup port vario us uninter ruptible power supp ly u nit via eithe r “Serial” or “ U SB” interface (d epe nd on model) t o p rovid e extra data security a nd acce ssibility in the cas e of a power failure.
141 Chapter 5: Using The cus I P S tor age Overview Once the Thecus IP storage is se tup and o perati ng, users on the ne twork may manage all variet ies of dig ital mus ic, photos, o r files b y simply using their web browsers.
142 1. In the Log in page, type in the User ID and passw ord that were previousl y set for you i n the Accou nts me nu. See Chapter 4:User and Group Authentic ation > Lo cal User Configurati on . 2. The Web Disk page appea rs show ing folde rs cur rently ava ilable to you, th is is contro lled via t he Acces s Contr ol List ( ACL) .
143 Folder Pa ge Butt on Button Descri ption List al l dire ctory tr ees p er login user’ s priv ile ge. Brow sing s elect ed dir ectory of its fold ers an d fil es. Go ba ck to th e we b disk directory lay e r. Re-loa d the curr e nt list . Search f iles in the curre nt w eb disk direct ory.
144 Photo Ser ver ( Does not a ppl y to the 3X series’ photo s er ver ) Using th e Pho to Server, users can view an d share photos, an d eve n create their own albums rig ht on t he Thecu s IP s torage. You w ill see yo u r ow n photo ga llery and a ll publ ic pho to album s on the network.
145 3. Windows X P will ask whethe r you wa nt t o run o r save th is f ile. C lick Sav e to save the reg ister file. 4. Once the regi ster fi le is i nst al led, use t he Windo ws file manager to browse the folder that co ntains t he picture yo u wa nt to publis h.
146 6. Select t he pi ct ures you wan t to publis h t o the Pho to Web Server by placing a check ma rk on the top left hand co rner of the pi cture. C li ck Next . 7. Your PC w i ll star t to co nnect to t he Photo Web S erver. 8. Select T hecu s IP st orage Photo Gall ery W izard to publish yo ur picture s to Thec us IP storage.
147 10. Create your alb um by en teri ng an albu m name and c licking on the Creat e Album b utton. 11. S elect t he alb um you wa nt to up load yo ur pictur es to. 12. Confi rm the targe t album. 13. W indows w ill show you tha t the p icture upload is i n progress.
148 14. W hen the upload i s finishe d, th e Wizard will ask yo u whe ther if yo u wa nt to go to the website. C lick Fi nish to go to your P hoto Web Server.
149 16. You will see the user’s album list. Clic k on Albu m . 17. Finished! Yo u will see the pict ures just selec ted in the album. Managing A lbu ms and Photos Icon F unctio n Descri ption Make Cover Make select ed ph oto your c over pictur e. Back Return to the pr evious s cree n.
150 Add Add a n e w al bum or photos . Modify Edit th e nam e an d descri ption of th e selec ted al bum o r photo. E a ch n ame is l imite d to 2 0 ch aracter s and eac h descri ption is limite d to 25 5 ch aract ers. Delete Delete th e sele cted albums or photos .
151 EXIF In for matio n While view ing pict ures, you can a lso have Th ecu s IP storage displa y the EXIF informa tion for eac h photo . Simply c lick the EXIF b utto n to d isplay E XIF inf ormation. To hide this i nformat ion, click the EXIF bu tton aga in.
152 Mapping a Clien t PC to the Thecus I P S torage You can map shar e folders on The cus IP s torage so tha t y o u can acces s the m as if they w ere drive s o n yo u r computer. Yo u can con nect to the shared network folders on Thec us IP storage as fo ll ows: Windows 1.
153 Windows 20 00/XP 1. Firs t, download the iSCS I Initiator from t he Micr oso ft webs ite ( http://www. microsof ). You ca n find th is s oftware by e ntering iSCSI Initiat or into th e searc h box on their hom epa ge. 2. Once t he download is comple te, instal l the iSCS I Initiator by double-c licking the EXE file.
154 6. The iSCSI I nitiator will now install au tomatica lly. Click Fini sh on ce completed. 7. Star t the i SCSI Initiator by double-c licking its icon o n t he desktop. The i SCSI Initiator pro pertie s window w ill appea r. 8. Select the Discovery tab.
155 10. On the iSCSI Initiator Prop erties wi ndow, se lect t he Target s tab. With the i SCSI target h ighlig hted, cl ick Log On . T he Log O n to Target d ia logue will appear. 11. I f you have no t enabled C HAP, cl ick OK to co n tinue. If you h ave enabled C HAP, click Adva nced .
156 12. Right click My C omput er o n the desktop a n d se lect Manag e . 13. Cli ck on Disk Ma nagemen t and you will see a new hard disk li sted. 14. I nitialize t he new hard disk and you w i ll the n be able to use the i SCSI t a rget as a local d rive.
157 Windows Vist a Because Windows Vista has the Micro soft iSCSI Initiator pre- installed, yo u will no t have to install this p iece o f software. Ins tead, sta rt the iSCS I Initia tor and fo llow steps 8-14 to map the Thec us IP storag e as a n i SCSI drive.
158 Part I - Setup a Dyn D NS Account 1. Go to http: //www.dyn from yo ur home PC . 2. Click on the Sig n Up N ow link. 3. Check t he Check bo xes, selec t a u ser name (i.e. : N880 0), e n ter y our ema il address ( i.e.: xxx @exampl, c heck Enable Wild card , and crea te a password (i.
159 Replacin g Damag ed Har d Driv es If yo u are using R AID 1, R AID 5, or RA ID 6 you can eas ily re place a damage d har d drive in the Thecus IP storage whi le keeping your data secure with the system’ s automat ic data r ecovery.
160 Chapter 7: T roubl esh ooting Forgot My N etwork IP Ad dress If you fo rget your networ k IP addres s and have no phys ical access to the s ystem, you can find out t he IP address by ei th er looking directly onto Thecus IP storage LCD panel, o r by usi ng the set up wizard to retr ieve the IP o f your Thecus IP storage.
161 Problems w ith Tim e and D ate Set tin gs The adm inistrator is ab le to select a n NTP Server to keep The cus IP s torage time synchro nized. However, if Thecus IP s torage ca n not acc ess the Intern et, you may encoun ter a problem w hen s etting t he Time a nd Time Zone.
162 Chapter 8: Up dated for F W v5.02.01 Changes o f FW v 5.02.01 - Module log i n thro ugh UI Lo gin Interfa ce - UI Logi n function - Modif ied share fol der “ Edit” setup item and ad d “samba” setting - Add NF S 4.
163 UI Login Config uration Adjusts UI Log in Co nfigurat ion settings, you can enable/disable the Web Disk, Photo Server a nd modul es func ti o ns, accord ing to yo ur need s. For the 3X series, u sers need to install t he photo server module or web disk module to access these functions.
164 Mo dify Fold er Item Descri ption RAID ID RAID volum e wh ere the fol de r wi ll re side. Folder Name Enter t he na me of th e fol der. Public Ad mit or deny pu blic a cces s to thi s fol der. Shar e Limit Enter the ma xim um siz e of th e fold er.
165 The NFS i s n ow suppor ting both v 3.0 and v4.0. P lease be n oticed the mounting poin t indicated o n the top l eft of “Co nfig NFS s hare” p age.
166 Guest system roo t ac coun t w ill b e ma ppe d to anonym ous user (n obody:n og rou p) on NAS . All user on guest system wil l be map ped t o ano nymo us user (n obody:n og rou p) on NAS .
167 The fra mework keeps track o f the to tal amou nt o f data a user has u sed across differe nt folde rs a nd functio ns such as the p hoto server. Please do enable the user q u ota func tion firs t. Then you co uld choose “Sync” to calculate for all o f users to each as sociated R AID vol ume wi th used spa ce.
168 Click o n user and right hand pa ne w ill list a ssociate system RAID volum e w ith setup quota and used s ize. User and Group Back up The u ser and group backup feature is allowed system u sers and gro ups been backup to other location and restore it w hile neede d.
169 Samba Servi ce Used for letting t he operat ing syste m of UNI X se ries and SMB /CIF S of Microsof t Windows opera tin g sy stem ( Server Me ssage Block / Co mmon I nternet Fi le System).Do the link in networ k pro tocol. Enab le or Disab le SMB/CI FS protoco l for Windows, Apple, U nix driv e mappi ng.
170 Allocat ed Buffering Size This parame ter allows a n ad ministrator to ad just the s ize of the bu ffer ded icated to Samba cl ients. T he defaul t size of 2 GB ge nerally results i n improv ed Samba client performa nce. Howev er, Mac OS X may incorre ctl y display f ile sizes u nder 2GB.
171 For example, the system h as created 2 RAID volu mes with ID “R AIDpm” and ‘RAID”. Then it w ill have 2 recyc le b in folder ap pear a s “_NAS _Recyc le_RAID” a nd “_NAS_Rec ycle_R AIDpm”. There are 2 more setting could he lp to ma nage the r ecycle bi n for de leted folders/fi les.
172 A descript ion of eac h item follows: FTP Item D escri ption FTP Enable FT P Service on Th ecus I P stor age . Security FTP Enable or di sable S ecurity FTP , be sur e th e client FTP softw are has also sec urity FTP setti ng e nable d. Port Sp ecifie s the port num ber of an i ncomin g conne ction on a non-st andar d port.
173 A descript ion of eac h item follows: We b Service Item Descri ption HTTP ( WebDisk ) S upport Enable or disable Web Di sk su pport. En te r t he port nu mb er if this op tion is ena bled. Th e por t nu mber is defa ult 80. HTTPs ( Secur e We bDisk) Support Enable or disable secure WebDi sk support .
174 1. Enab le Rsyn c Target Serv er 2. Add a u sernam e and pa ssword ( they can b e differen t than yo ur NAS’s usernam e and pas sword) 3. Select Apply *Now Rsync is t urned on your NAS, which means it can be used as a t arge t f or Rsync backup, in other wo rds, o nly the ba ckup N AS needs to be act ivated in this way.
175 -Fill out a ll the n ecessary details a nd choose you r parameter s Add R sync Backup Ta sk Item D escri ption Task N ame This is how it will appea r in the task list.
176 Step 3 – Manually edit or run y our ba ckup tasks After selec ting “apply”, you will be brought back to the R sync Sched ule Backup task list. Simply c lick the arrow on the Action sect ion to start t he task a nd click the box to cancel the o ngo in g task.
177 After inp ut the ACL ba ckup file a nd click “N ext” button, sys tem wil l come ou t the screen to list mat ched fold ers in be tween bac kup file a nd this RA ID volu me.
178 See the fo llowing table for a detailed descrip ti o n of eac h item. UPS Set tin g Item Descri ption UPS Monitorin g Enable or d isabl e UPS monitori ng. Remo te UPS Monitori ng Enable or di sable R emote UP S monit oring. Remo te UPS I P Input the IP a ddre ss of y our n etwork UPS.
179 Balan c e XO R XOR pol icy: T rans mit ba sed o n [(sour ce MAC a ddre ss XOR'd w ith destina tion MA C a ddre ss) m odul o slave count] . This s elects the s ame slave for eac h des tination MA C addre ss. Thi s mo de pr ovi des load balancin g an d fault t olera nce.
180 A p pendix A : Customer S upport If your Th ecus IP s torage is not wo rking pro perl y, we encou rage you to chec k out Chapter 7: T roubl eshooting , locate d in this m anual. Yo u can a lso try to ensur e that yo u ar e using the l atest firmwa re vers ion for your Thecus I P storage.
181 A p pendix B: RA I D Basics Overview A Redunda nt Array of Indep enden t Disks (RA ID) is an array of severa l hard d isks that prov ide data security a nd hig h perfor mance . A RAID system acc esses s evera l hard disks simu ltaneousl y, w hich i mpro ves I / O performa nce ove r a single hard disk.
182 This is exce llent fo r comple te data security. RAID 5 RAID 5 of fers data secur ity and it is best su ited fo r network s that per form ma ny small I/O transac ti o ns at t he same t ime, as we ll as app lications that req uire data security such as of fice a ut o mation a nd onli ne customer service.
183 Stripe S ize The leng th of th e data seg ments being written acro ss multip le hard d isks. Da ta is written in s tripes a cross th e mul ti ple h ard disks of a RAID. Since multiple d i sks a re accessed at the sam e time, disk strip ing e nhances per forma nce.
184 A p pendix C: A ctive Directory B asics Overview With Windo ws 20 00, Micro soft intro duced A ctive Dire ctory (AD S), w hi ch is a large database/ informa tion store. P rior to Active Direc tory the Windows OS could not store add itional informa tion in its doma in databa se.
185 A p pendix D: L icensing Infor mat ion Overview This pro duct included copyrig hted third-pa rty so ftware li cen sed u nder the ter ms of GNU Ge neral Publ ic Licens e. Please s ee TH E GNU General Pub lic Lice nse for e xtra terms a nd condit ions of this lice nse.
186 CGIC Lic ense Terms Basic Li cense CGIC, cop yright 1996, 19 97, 199 8, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2 002, 2003, 2004 by Thomas Bo u tell and Boutel l.Com, I nc. Permissio n i s granted to use CGIC in any app li cat ion, commerc ial or n onco mmerc ial, at no cos t.
187 they have is no t the origi nal, so t hat any prob l ems introduced b y other s will not reflect on the or iginal aut hors' repu tations. Finally, any free progra m is threatened co nstantly by soft war e pa tents.
188 these co nditions, a nd tell ing the u ser how to vie w a copy of this L icense. (Exception: if the Program itself is interac tive bu t does not nor mally print such an a nnou ncement, your wo rk based o n the Progra m is no t requ ired to print an a nnou ncement.
189 4. You may not copy, mo dify, subl icense, o r distrib ut e t he Progra m excep t as expressly p rovided under this License. Any attempt otherw ise to copy, modify, sublicen se or dis tribute t he Progra m is void, a nd w ill automat ically terminate your rig hts under this Lice nse.
190 9. The Free Sof tware Fo undation may pub lish rev ised and/or new ver sions of the General Pub lic L icense from time to time. Such new version s will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in deta il to address new problems or concerns.
デバイスThecus N2200XXXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Thecus N2200XXXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはThecus N2200XXXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Thecus N2200XXXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Thecus N2200XXXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Thecus N2200XXXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はThecus N2200XXXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Thecus N2200XXXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちThecus N2200XXXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。