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U ser ’ s Manual N2520/N2560/N4 520/N4560 Series v 6.2.
ii Copyright and T r ademark No tice C opyright and T r ademark Notice Thecus and other name s of Thecus produc ts are registered trademar ks o f Thecus T echnolog y Corp. Microsof t, Windows, and the Windows lo go are registered trademarks o f Microso ft Cor poration.
iii Safet y Warnings Safety W arnings F or your sa fety, please read and follow the following safet y w arnings: Read this manual thoroughly before attempting to set up your Thecus IP stora ge . ¾ Y our Thecus IP storage is a complicated elec tronic device.
iv T able of Contents T able of C ontents C opyright and T rademark Notice . ............................................... ii About This Manual. ...................................................................... i i Limited W arran t y . ...
v T able of Contents 3.3.13 Reboot & Shutdow n. ................................................................................................ 20 3.3.14 F ile System Check. ........................................................................
vi T able of Contents 3.7.3 Module Ins tallation. .................................................................................................... 75 3.7.4 NA S Applicat ion. ........................................................................
1 Chapter 1: I ntroduction Chapter 1: Intr oduc tion § Over view 1 .1 Thank you for choosing the Thecus IP Storage Ser ver . The Thecus IP storage is an easy-to -use storage ser ver that allows a dedica ted approach to stor ing and distr ibuting data on a net work .
2 Chapter 1: I ntroduction F ront Panel 1 .3 N2520/N2560: • The Thecus N2520/N2560 ’ s front panel shows the de vice’ s indicators and hard disk inst all slots: Fr ont P anel Item Description 1. Syste m status Blinking white: Diag nostic mode kick-in Solid white : Diagnostic c ompleted 2.
3 Chapter 1: I ntroduction N4520/N4560: • The Thecus N4520 /N4560 front p anel show s the de vice’ s indicator s, s ystem informa tion and hard disk tray s: Fr ont P anel Item Description 1. Power LED Solid blue: Power on 2. System statu s Blinking orange: Diagnostic mode k ick-in Solid orange: Diagnostic c ompleted 3.
4 Chapter 1: I ntroduction Rear Panel 1 .4 N2520/N2560: • The N252 0/N2560 rear pan el features por ts and connectors . Back Panel Item Description 1. System F an System fan that exhausts heat from the unit. 2. HD MI F or Video/Audio out 3. SPDIF For Audio out 4.
5 Chapter 1: I ntroduction N4520/N4560: • The N4520/N4 560 rear pane l features por ts and connectors . Back Panel Item Des cription 1. System F an Sy stem fan that exhausts heat from the unit. 2. USB Por ts USB 2.0 por t for compatible USB de vices, such as digital cameras, USB disks, and USB pr inters.
6 Chapter 2: Hardware I nstallation Chapter 2: Har dware Installation § O ver v iew 2. 1 Yo u r Thecus IP s torage is designed for easy installation. T o help you ge t st ar ted, the following chapter will help you quick ly ge t your Thecus IP stor age up and running.
7 Chapter 2: Hardware I nstallation P ress the power button on the F ront P anel to boot up the Thecus IP storage . 3. N2520/N2560 pow er button S N4520/N4560 power button S.
8 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Chapter 3: S yst em Administr ation § Over view 3 .1 The Thecus IP storage provides an easily acce ssible Web Administration I nter face. With it, you can configure and moni tor the Thecus IP s torage any where on the net work .
9 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration My F av orite 3. 2.1 The user inter f ace wi th “My F avorite ” shor tcut allows the user to designate o ften used items and have them display on the main screen area. The figure below displays sys tem favor ite f unctions.
10 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Message Bar 3. 2.3 Y ou can ge t quick information about your sys tem status by moving your mouse over these icons. Me ssage Bar Item Status Description RAID I nformation. Display the status of created RA ID volume.
11 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Language S elec tion 3 .2.6 The Thecus IP stora ge suppor ts multiple Languages, including: English Japanes e T radi tional Chinese Simplified Chinese.
12 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Sy stem/ Ser vice Status 3.3 .2 F rom the System Management categor y,, choose the Status item, S ystem S er vice Status and HW S ta- tatus ite m, System Ser vice Status and HW Sta- item, System Ser vice Status an d HW Sta- Ser vice Status and HW Sta- and HW Sta- HW Sta- Sta - tus sc reens appear .
13 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration W ARN Shows o nly w arning me ssages. ERROR Shows only error mess ages. Download All L og Fil e Expor t all lo gs to an exter nal file. T runcate All Log F ile Clear all log fil es. The numbe r of lines per page Specify desired number of lin es to display per page.
14 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Syslog ser vice If S er ver has been selected then ass ociated syslog folder will be used to store all sys tem logs f rom other NAS devices which has assigned this system for s yslog ser ver as well as syslog of this ser ver unit.
15 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F or the on- line user s list, sy stem monitor will display the on-line users and the share folder they have visited . System Moni tor Item Description Save Layout Saving selec ted monitor ing items. Layout will remain the s ame for future visi ts.
16 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration.
17 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration T ime : S etting system t ime 3.3 .7 F rom the Sys tem Management categor y , choose the Time item and the Time screen appear s. Set the desired Date, Time, and Time Zone . Y ou can also elect to synchronize the s ystem time on Thecus IP storage with an NTP ( Networ k Time P rotocol ) Ser ver .
18 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Sch edule Power On /O 3. 3.9 Using the The cus IP stor age Sy stem Management, you c an save energy and money by sche duli ng the Thecus IP stora ge to tu rn itself on a nd off duri ng certain ti mes of the da y.
19 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Admi nistrator Password 3.3 .1 0 F rom the Sy stem Management categor y , choose the Administra tor Password item and the C hange Administrator P assword screen appears. Enter a new pass word in the New Password box and con - firm your new password i n the Confi rm Passwo rd box.
20 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Resetting to factor y def aults will not erase the data s tored in the hard disks, but WILL rever t all the settings to the f actor y def ault values Reboot & Sh utdown 3.3 .1 3 F rom the System Management categor y , choose Reboot & Shutdown item, and the Shutdown/Re - boot System screen appears .
21 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Once you click Nex t, you will see the following screen: Click Star t to begin the file system check. Click Reboot to reboot the s ystem. When the file sy stem check is running, the sy stem w ill show 20 lines of infor mation until it is com - plete.
22 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration W ak e -Up On LAN ( WOL) 3.3 .1 5 The Thecus IP stora ge has the abilit y to be awok en f rom sleep mo de via LAN por t . F rom the System Management c ategor y, choose the W OL item, and the W ak e -up On LA N screen ap - pears.
23 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Network ing 3.3. 18 F rom the System M anagement cate gor y , choo se Net work ing, and the Net work ing C onfigur ation screen appears. This screen displays the net work par ameters of the glob al s ettin g and ava ilable net work connec tion.
24 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Most f aster Ethernet (10/100) Switches/Routers do no t support Jumbo Fra me and will not be able to connect to your Thecus NAS af ter Jumbo Fra me is turned on. Storage Management 3. 4 The Storage m en u displays the status of storage dev ices ins talled in the Thecus IP storage.
25 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration S.M.A.R.T . In formation • On the Disk I nformation screen, selec t a disk then click on “ Smar t ” to list t he S.M. A.R.T . info o f the associated disk . Y ou may also per for m a disk SMAR T test ; s imply click “ Te s t ” to star t the SMART test .
26 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Current Pending Sector Current count of unstable s ectors (wai ting for remapping). The r aw value of this attr ibute indicates the total number of sectors waiting for remapping. Later , when some of these s ectors are read succ essfully, the value is de creased.
27 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration RAID Level Shows the current RAID configuration. Status Indicates s tatus of the RAID. Can read either Healthy , Degraded , or Damaged . Disks Us ed Hard disks use d to for m the current RAID volume. T otal Capacity T otal capacity of the curre nt R AID .
28 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Specify a RAID ID . 3. If this RAID volume is meant to be the M aster R AID volume, tick the Master RAID che ck box. 4. In a multiple R AID conguration, one RA ID volume must be designated as th e Maste r RAID volume.
29 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Once the C reate but ton has been pressed with the Encr y ption check box enabled, t he following message pop-up will appea r for con firmation. Af ter the RAID volume has been created , you may remove the USB disk un til the nex t time the system boots .
30 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Selec ted the file s ystem you would lik e to have for this RAID volume. . 8. P ress Submit to build the RAID storage volume. 9. P ress “ Ye s ” for R AID volume creat ion preparation. Then click “ Finish ” to star t up with RAID 1 0.
31 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Building a RAID volume may be time consuming, depending on the size of hard drives and R AID mode. In general, if the R AID volume building process is up to “RAID Building ” , then the dat a volume is accessible.
32 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Creating R AID destroy s all d ata in the curre nt R AID volume. The da ta will be unrecoverable. Edit R AID • On the RAID Infor mation screen, press the Edit butt on to go t o the RAID Informat ion sc ree n. Using Edi t RA ID , you can s elect RAI D ID an d the Spa re Dis k .
33 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Remove R AID • Click to remove the R AID volume . All user data and iSCSI crea ted in the selec ted RAID volume wil l be deleted. To remove a RAID volume, follow the steps b elow : On the RAID List screen, select the RAID volume by clic k ing on its radio button, and cli ck RAID 1 .
34 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Migrating a RA ID (Dose not apply to the N2520/N2560 ) • Once a RAID volume has been created, you may want to move it to other physical dri ves or change the R AID array a ll tog ether .
35 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Migrating a R AID volume could tak e several hours to complete. • The RAID migration feature is available only when it is congurable. • Here is a list of limitation with RAID leve l migration function : During RAI D le vel m igration, it is not permitted to reboo t or shutdown system.
36 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration NAS Stacking (N4520/N 4560 Only) 3.4 .3 The Thecus IP storage ’ s cap acity can b e expande d even fur ther using the stack able func tion. With i t, users c an expand the capacit y of their net work storage s ystems up to 5 other s tack t arget volumes which are loc ated in different s ystems.
37 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Nex t, input the target IP address of the s tack able de vice and click the Discover y button. The system will list available target volume s fro m the input ted IP addr ess. Once the volume IP has b een set , you may nee d to input a valid user name and p assword to validate your access r ight s .
38 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F rom the figure above, the Stack ed T arget name i s “ pmmeeting” . The figures below show the result before and after via M icr osof t N et work A ccess w hen set ting s have been completed . The Browseable setting is the same me thod us ed for setting a sys tem share folder .
39 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration The Public setting will be set the same way as the set ting for the system share folder associated with the ACL per mission is . If Pu blic is set to Y es, all users will be able to access it, and ACL button will be gray ed out.
40 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration With this new ly att ached stack t arget dev ice, you will see the infor mation displayed and also have access to s everal op tions to choose from .
41 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration D . Stack T arget ACL If the stack target Public setting set to Ye s , then the ACL button will be grayed out. However , if P ublic setting is se t to No , then the ACL button wil l be av ailable for you to setup user acce ss per mission s for the stack tar get.
42 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration ISO Moun t (N4520/N4560 Only) 3.4.4 The ISO Mount feature is a ver y usef ul tool from the Thecus products. W ith it, users can mount an IS O file and hav e the expor t name display all the details from the mou nted ISO file .
43 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration T o mount the ne w ISO file, selec t one file from the lis t of file s and inp ut the desired mounting name into the “ Mount as: ” field.
44 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration iSCSI (N4520/N4560 Only) 3. 4.5 Y ou may spec ify the spa ce allocated for iSCSI. Se e the table below to the allowed iSCSI target num- See t he table below to the.
45 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration T o allo cate spa ce for an i SCSI tar get on the cur rent RAID volume, follow t he steps below : Under the iSCSI T a rget List , selec t iSCSI T arg et then click Add . 1 . The Create iSCSI V olume scree n appears.
46 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Username Enter a username. Pa ss w or d Enter a password. Password Confirm Reenter the chosen password RAID ID ID of cur rent RAID volume. L UN Alloca tion T wo modes can be choose f rom : Thin-provision: iSCSI thin-provision ing sh ares the available physical c apacity to multiple iSCSI target volumes.
47 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Modif y your set ting s . P ress ok to change. 2. Expand V olu me • The iSCSI vol ume is now able to expand it s capacity from unused space (Instant Allocation mode only).
48 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Y ou wil l then see the d ialog box displayed b elow . Drag the Expand Capa cit y bar to the size you want. Then press Expand to confirm the op eration. Delete V olu me • To delete volume on the cur rent RAID volume, follow the steps below : Under the Volume Allocation List, click D elete .
49 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration P ress YES. All data in the volu me wil l be removed . 2. iSCSI Thin-Pr ovisioning • If i SCSI Thin-Provisioning is selec ted when creating an iSCSI target volum.
50 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F rom the LU N ACL sett ing screen click “ Ad d ”: Nex t, input “ Initiator iqn ” and setup iSCSI target volume ac cess privilege s fro m the av ailable list . A pply by click ing the OK button. The ac cessible I nitiator will be listed as shown in the screen shot displaye d below .
51 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration The listed “ Initiator iqn ” c an be modified or deleted by select ing the desired iqn and press ing Modify or D elete . Advance Option • There are 3 av ailable op tions for the user to operate Thecus IP storage associated with iSCSI setting .
52 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Error Recover y Level The Error R ecover y Level (ERL) is negot iated during a leading iSCSI connec tion login in t raditional iSCS I ( RFC 372 0 ) and iSE R ( RFC 504 6 ).
53 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Item D escription Work Group / Domain Name Specifies the SMB/CIFS Work Group / ADS Domain Name (e.g. M YGR OU P ). ADS Suppor t Selec t Disable to disable authentic ation through Windows Active Director y S er ver .
54 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Local User Conguration Item Description Add Pr ess the Add button to add a user to the list of local users. Edit Pr ess the Edit button to modify a local us er . Remove P ress the Re move button to delete a selec ted user from the system.
55 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Edit Users • Selec t an existing user f rom the Local User Configurat ion screen. 1 . Click on the Edit button, and the L ocal User Setting screen appea rs. 2. F rom here, you can enter a ne w pass word and re - enter to confirm, or use the << or >> but - 3.
56 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Local Group Conguratio n Item Description Add P ress the Add button to add a user to the list of lo cal groups. Edit Press the Edit button to modify a selec ted group from the system. Remove P ress the R emove button to delete a selec ted group from t he system.
57 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Remove Gro ups • On the Local Group Configurati on screen, select a group name from the list. 1 . P ress R emove to delete the group from the sy stem. 2. Batch Users and Groups Creation 3. 5.4 The Thecus IP s torage c an also add users and groups in batch mode.
58 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Share F older 3. 5.5 F rom the File Shar ing/ P r ivilege menu, choose Sh are F olders, and the Shared F older screen appear s. This screen allows you to create and con figure folders on the Thecus IP s torage volume.
59 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration you to change folder information. Af ter en tering the information, press Apply to save your changes. Modify Folder Item Description F older Name Enter the name of the folder . Public Admit or deny public access to this folder .
60 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration NFS Share (N4520/N4560 Only) • T o allow NFS acc ess to t he share folder , enable the NFS S er vice, and t hen se t up hosts wi th access rights b y click ing Add.
61 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Samb a Congurati on • On the F older screen, press the Samba but ton and the S amba Configuration s creen appear s. This screen allows you to setup samba c onfiguration for assoc iated folder . Af ter entering the informa tion, press Apply to ac tivate input settings.
62 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration A CL setting Item Description Deny Denies ac cess to us ers or grou ps who are displayed in this c olumn. Read Only P rovides R ead Only access to users or groups who are displayed in this c olumn. Writable Provides Write access to users or groups who are displayed in this column.
63 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration The ACL can only be se t for share and sub- folders level, not for les. The ACL screen also allows you to s earch for a par ticular user . T o do this, follow the steps below : In the b lan k , enter the name of the user you would lik e to find.
64 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration User and Group Back up 3. 5.7 The user and group b ackup feature allow sy stem user s and groups to be back ed up to an other location and be res tore d if needed.
65 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration A de scription of each item follows: LDAP Suppor t Item Description LDAP Ser vice Enable or Disable LDAP ser vice . LDAP Ser ver IP Input LDAP ser ver IP address. Base D omain Input base domain information ex . dc=tuned, dc =com, dc= tw Manager Input manager ’ s name.
66 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Network S er vice 3 .6 Use t he Net work Ser vic e menu to mak e net work ser vice suppor t settings. Samba / CIFS 3.6 .1 There are op tions allow Admin to Enable/Disable to operate Thecus IP storage ass ociated with Samba / CIFS protocol .
67 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Simply enable the “Rec ycle Bin ” f unction and “Rec ycle F older Display ” then all of deleted files/ folders will reside in the “_N AS_Re cycle _(Associate d RDID V olume)” share folder . F or e xample, the sy stem has created 2 RAID volumes wi th ID “RAIDpm ” and ‘RAID” .
68 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration AFP (Apple Network Se tup) 3.6 .2 F rom the System Net work menu, choose the A FP item, and the A FP Suppor t s creen app ears. This screen displays the c onfiguration items for the Apple Fi ling Protocol. Y ou can change any of these items and press Apply to confirm your set tings.
69 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration NFS Se tup (N4520/N4560 Only) 3.6 .3 F rom the System Net work menu, choose the NFS item, and the NFS Suppor t screen appears. The Thecus IP storage c an ac t as an NFS ser ver , enabling user s to download and upload files w ith their favor ite NFS clients.
70 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Allow Anonymous F TP Acces s Upload/Dow nload: Allow anonymous F TP users to upload or download files to/ from public folders. Download: Allow anonymous FTP users to download files from public folders. No acce ss: Block anonymous FTP user access.
71 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration A de scription of each item follows: W eb S erv ice Item Description HT T P ( WebDisk) Suppor t Enable or disable WebDisk suppor t. Enter the por t number if this option is enabled. The por t number is de fault 80.
72 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration SSH 3 .6.9 The de vice is now SSH proto col suppor te d. It allo ws user to use SSH and hav e console to manipulate as needed . The SSH def aul t login user name is “ root ” with full privilege and passwor d is admin ’ s pass- needed .
73 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration A de scription for eac h item as following: DDNS Item Description DDNS Ser vic e Enable or disable DDN S service . Re gist er Choose the ser vice provider from the drop down list. User name Input user name with DDNS registr y .
74 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration And click “ Ad d Rule ” to add more por t mapping from I nternet to acc ess desired s er vices or press “ Refr esh ” to get most updated li st. A de scription for eac h item as following: UPnP P or t Management Item Description Star t port Specific port numb er st ar ts with .
75 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Application Ser ver 3. 7 The Thecus IP storage supp or ts built-in application such as iTunes ser ver as well as a dd-on official or third -p ar t y app lications.
76 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration NAS Application 3 .7. 4 Click on NAS Applicat ion f rom the Application Ser ver c ategor y, it will lis t the current sy stem so ft ware and official application s tatus. Backu p 3. 8 The re ar e a num ber of ways to ba ck up data w ith the Thecus IP s torage .
77 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Enable Rs ync T arget S er ver 1 . Add a user name and p assword (the y c an be different than your NAS’ s username and 2. password) Selec t Appl y 3. Y ou will need this user name and p assword while the data is going to remotely back up to this Rsync targe t ser ver .
78 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Then 3 different selec tions appear and can be chosen from : Remote Data backup Item Description F ull Backup The “ F ull back up ” will have all shares from source backup to destination. I t could also create shares automatically f rom destination if it is not existent.
79 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F ull B ackup • Click on full back up and the se tup screen appear as below. F ill in the remote target IP (De stination) and port (need to be change d only if this por t is already in use). If encr yp tion is required then enable it.
80 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration -F ill out all the necessar y details and choose your parameters Add Rsync B ackup T ask Item Description T ask Name This is how this task will appear in the task list . Backup T ype Real time: I t w ill backup folder s/files from source to target on the fl y .
81 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F rom the task lis t, you can now s ee the ne wly added task “ fullb ack01 ” . The back up is se tup as “ real time ” . F rom the status field, “ P rocessing ” can be read as the back-up is per formed on the fly .
82 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Click “ Nex t ” and more setting app ear s . Th ese ar e the as t he set tings for “ F ull backup ” 3. Click “ F inish ” and the data guard task will ap pear in the list as show n below. 4. F rom the task list , you can now se e the newly added “ customback01 ” .
83 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration iSCSI Backup • If the source unit contain s iSCSI volume, it can be back ed up t o the t arget uni t as a single file. The proc edure is the same as for t he pre vious “ F ull b ackup ” and “ Custom back up ” , sele ct “ iSCSI back up ” from data guar d wizard.
84 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration 4. Click “ F inish ” and the data guard task will appea r in the list as sho wn below. F rom the task list , you can now see the newly added “ iscsiback ” . This backup is setup as “ schedule ” . The source folder name will use iSCSI_+target volume name.
85 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Restore NAS Conguration • This is a useful feature if the sy stem configuration ne eds to be re store d to a brand new unit .
86 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Click “ Nex t ” and a screen wil l app ear as show n below . I t has the listed available sy stem 3. configuration backup file s . Select the one you want and click nex t. Y ou also have the option to downloa d the current s ystem c onfiguration before restor ing fr om the backup file.
87 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration T he backup configuration has different numbers of RAID volume than the curren t sy ste m (3 5. vs 1). I t can be k ept as the RAID volume mapping arranged by t he system , then car r y on to click “ F inish ” .
88 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Data Guar d (Local Backup) 3.8 .3 The Thecus product provides c omplete backup solution bet ween Thecus NAS s ystems as well as bet ween folders of local s ystem s . Remote Data backup Item Description Add Add a new task.
89 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Local Data backup Item Description Impor t This is associated with ex ternal device s which are added to the system such as USB disk. Yo u can sele ct a folder f rom an ex ternal de vice and impor t it to t he NAS as a share folder .
90 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration impor t ed them to the NAS under the RAID60volume. Nex t, please selec t the path from the drop down list to save the log. Also , give the access permission whether these selecte d folders will be “ Public ” or no t af ter the impor t.
91 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration N o w, you will see in the data guard task list that you have cr eated a t ask . And th at the sy stem ha s created 2 ne w share folders from the task jus t crea ted. Copy : click on “ Copy ” and this screen appea r s.
92 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F older to F older • F ol der t o exter nal devic e • External device to Folder •.
93 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Let ’ s tak e “ Folder to E xter nal de vice ” as an e xample. I n the s ource pan e , s elect the d esired R AID volume and its associated folder list will appe ar ; same method i n the t arget pa ne for the associated ex ternal de vice.
94 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Read the note s and check the “ Accept ” box for con firmation. N o w, you will see in the data guard task list that you have cr eated a t ask . Realtime Back up: click on “ Realti me Backup ” and this scree n wil l ap pear .
95 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Nex t, fill in the task name and related settings..
96 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Realtime Backup Item Description T ask Name Input the task name, length limited to 4 ~12 characters . Sync T ype Selec t “ I ncremental ” or “ Synchronize ” . Back up Symb olic Link Choose to back up symbolic link which is included in the source.
97 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Schedule Back up: click on “ Schedule B ackup ” an d this screen w ill. 2 differen t choices can be 4. selec ted fro m , folder to folder , folder to ex ternal dev ice. Let ’ s use “ F older to Ex ternal device ” backup for our example.
98 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Read the note s and check the “ Accept ” box for con firmation. N o w, you will see in the data guard task list that you have cr eated a t ask . iSCSI Back up: click on “ iSCSI Ba ck up ” and scr een appear as below .
99 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Let ’ s take exam ple to have “ iSCSI to F older ” backup, from existed iSCSI volume “ iSCSI_iscsiv502 ” to volume RAID folder “ andy_local ” .
100 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration task list will have created task listed. T o st ar t the iSCSI volume back up , selec t the task and click “ St ar t ” from task bar . Once “ Start ” click , the associated iSCSI volume will not allow to I/O during backup processing .
101 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration iSCSI Import: click on “ iSCS I I mport ” and screen appear as below . 6. It can be impor ted from t wo different storage pools , folder to iSC SI or ex ternal dev ice to iSCSI. I t is depend on where iSCSI volume has b ackup to .
102 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Nex t, provide where the task log will store. Reading the note and check on “ Accept ” for confirma tion. Now , from the data guard task list will ha ve created task listed .
103 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration F or the ACL res tore , it can be restored in the same system or used in an other unit. F or e xample, l e t ’s rest ore th e ACL backu p file to an other unit. This unit has a RAID volume “ RAIDpm ” with share folder s as listed on right ha nd screen shot.
104 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Data Bu rn 3.8 .5 The data burn is featured to suppor t 3 different modes o f data burning for files/folders to and from image file and physical optical disk . The 3 different modes are “ Write F iles/folder s to disc ” , “ Write image to disk ” and “ Wri te files/ folders to image ” .
105 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Selec t f rom the installed USB bur ning devic es. Ple ase click t h e “ detec t disc ” button to c. check the s tatus onc e the disc is inser ted. Selec t the burnin g speed from the drop down li st. d . Selec t whe ther disc data verifica tion is required or not.
106 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Selec t the ISO file. b . Selec t f rom the installed USB bur ning devic es. Ple ase click t h e “ detec t disc ” button to c. check the s tatus onc e the disc is inser ted. Selec t the burning speed from the drop down l ist.
107 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Input the path where the ISO file is going to be store d , you can press the “ Brow se ” c. button to have the share list appear . Inpu t the ISO file name for burned image file. d . Click “ Burn ” to start the ISO file burning.
108 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration W indo ws XP SP2 • T o set up the P r inter S er ver in Windows XP SP2, follow the steps below : Connect the USB printer to one of the USB por ts (preferably the rear USB por ts ; f ront USB 1 . por ts can be used for ex ternal HDD enclosures).
109 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Selec t Add a net work , wireless or Bluetooth pr inter . 3. Selec t The printer that I want isn ’t listed. 4. Y ou can press The printer that I w ant isn ’t lis ted to go into ne xt p age without waiting for Searching for av ailable printers to finish.
110 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration T yp e ht tp:// <Thecus_NAS>: 631/printers/usb -printer in the box , where <Thecus_NA S_IP> is the IP address of Thec us IP stor age . Click Nex t. Selec t or install a printer and then press OK . 6. Windows w ill attempt to connec t to the printer .
111 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Done! Click F inish. 9..
112 Chapter 3: Sy stem Administration Uninterrupted P ower S ource 3.9 .2 F rom the Extern al Devices menu, choose the U ninterrup ted Power Source item and the UPS S etting screen appe ars. Mak e any changes you wish, and press Apply to confirm changes.
113 Appendix A: Customer Suppor t Appendix A: C ustomer Suppor t If you are still e xperiencing problems wi th your Thecus IP storage , o r require a R eturn M erchandise Authoriza tion (RMA), feel f ree to contac t te chnical suppor t via our T echnical Suppor t W ebsite: http: //w ww.
114 Appendix B: RAID Bas ics Appendix B: RAID Basics O ver v iew • A Redundant Ar ray of I ndependent Disks (R AID) is an ar ray of sever al hard disks tha t provide dat a securi ty and high per formance. A R AID s ystem acc esses se veral hard disks simultane ously , which improves I /O per for mance over a single hard disk .
115 Appendix B: RAID Bas ics RAID 5 RAID 5 offers data se curity and i t is best suited for net works that per form many small I /O tr ansactions at the same time, as well as applications that require data securi ty such as office automation and on - line custo mer ser vice.
116 Append ix B: RAID Basi cs listed bel ow : RA ID Leve l Per centage Used RAID 0 100% RAID 1 1/n x 100 % RAID 5 (n- 1)/ n x 10 0% RAID 6 (n-2)/n x 10 0% RA ID 10 50% JBOD 100 % n: HD D number.
117 Appendix C: Active Director y Basics Appendix C: A c tive Dir ec tor y Basics O ver v iew • With Wind ows 2000, Microsof t introdu ced Active Director y (ADS), which is a large database/ information store. Prior to Ac tive Direc tor y t he Windows O S c ould not s tore a dditional infor mation in its domain database.
118 Appendix D: Licensing Informat ion Appendix D: Lic ensing I nf ormation O ver v iew • This product included c opyrighted third-par t y so ft ware licensed under the ter ms of GNU Gener al Pu blic Lic ense. Please see THE GNU Gener al Public License for ex tra ter ms and c onditions o f this license.
119 Appendix D: Licensing Informat ion C GIC L icense T erms • Basic License CG IC, copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Thomas Boutell and Boutell . Com, I nc. P er mission is granted to use CGIC in any application, commercial or noncommercial, at no co st.
120 Appendix D : Licensing I nformation the recipients all the r ights that you have. Y ou must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the so urc e code .
121 Appendix D: Licensing Informat ion warr ant y pro tect ion in exchange for a fe e. 2. Y ou may modify your copy or copies of the P rogram or any por tion of it , thus forming a work based on the P.
122 Appendix D: Licensing Informat ion ware interchange; or , b) Accom pany it with a writ ten offer , valid for at least three years, to give any third part y , for a charge no more than your cos t .
123 Appendix D: Licensing Informat ion 7. If, as a cons equence of a cour t judgment or allegation of patent infr ingement or for any other reason (not limited to pa tent issues), c onditions are impo.
124 Appendix D: Licensing Informat ion riv atives o f our free sof t ware and o f promot ing the shar ing and reuse of sof tw are generally . NO W ARRANT Y 11. BEC A USE THE PRO GRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHAR GE, THERE IS NO W ARRANT Y FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMIT TED BY APPLI CABLE LA W .
デバイスThecus N2560の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Thecus N2560をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはThecus N2560の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Thecus N2560の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Thecus N2560で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Thecus N2560を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はThecus N2560の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Thecus N2560に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちThecus N2560デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。