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TOSHIBA TEC Bar C ode Printer B-SV4D-GS/GC10-QM External Equipment Interface Specification First Editi on: Jun. 02, 2003.
i TA BLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. SCOPE....................................................................................................................... ................. 1 2. GENERA L DESCRIPTION .....................................................
ii Page 6.3.21 GRAPHIC COMMAND ..................................................................................................... 146 6.3.22 SAVE START COMMAND ........................................................................................
iii Page 11. CHA RA CTER CODE T A BLE ..................................................................................................... 1 83 11.1 TIMES ROMAN, HELVET ICA, LETTER G OTHIC, PRESTIG E ELITE, COURIER............... 183 11.2 PRESENTAT ION .
- 1 - 1. SCOPE This s pecification applies to the ex ternal equipment interf ace for use with the Model B-SV4D general- purpose therm al label/tag printers.
- 2 - 3. INTERFACE 3.1 SERIAL INTERFA CE (1) T y pe : Conf orming to RS-232C (2) Mode of Com m unication : Full duplex (3) T ransmis sion Speed : 2400 BPS 4800 BPS 9600 BPS 19200 BPS 38400 BPS 57600 B.
- 3 - (13) Trans mission Control : X ON/XOFF (DC1/DC3) Pr otocol READY/BUSY (DT R) Protocol XON/XO FF (DC1/DC3) Protocol + READY/BUSY (DT R) Protocol RTS Protocol XON/XOFF (DC1/DC3) Protocol W hen initialized after power on, this printer becom es ready to receive data and sends an XON code (11H).
- 4 - XON/X OFF (DC1/DC3) Protocol + READY/BUSY (DTR) Pr otocol W hen initialized af ter pow er on, this printer bec omes ready to receive data and turns the DTR signal to “ High” level (READY).
- 5 - (14) RS-232 Interf ace pin configur ation Host Function 9 Pin 25 Pin 9 Pin Printer Function 1 +5V RxD 2 3 2 TxD TxD 3 2 3 Rx D DTR 4 20 4 DSR GND 5 7 5 GND DSR 6 6 6 RDY RTS 7 4 7 N/C CTS 8 5 8 RDY 9 +5V (15) Connector Pin As signment and Signal Descr iption Pin No.
- 6 - 3.2 PARA LLEL INTERFA CE (1) T y pe : Centronics (2) Mode : Conf orms to IEEE1284 compatible m ode (3) Data Input Method : Par allel 8 bits (DATA1 ~ 8) (4) Control Signals : ACK, BUSY, SELECT, D.
- 7 - (8) Connector Pin Diagram: Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name 1 DATA • ST B 19 T W ISTED PAIR GND (PIN1) 2 DATA 1 20 T W ISTED PAIR GND (PIN2) 3 DATA 2 21 T W ISTED PAIR GND (PIN3) 4 DATA.
- 8 - 4. KEY OPERA TION FUNCTIONS 4.1 SYSTEM MODE (POWER UP WITH KEY PRESSED) There ar e 6 LED light indications with following sequence. (1) Solid or ange indicates the printer has enter ed into sy s tem m ode (2) G reen and red alternate (3) Flashing orange (4) G reen and orange alternate (5) O range and red alternate (6) Solid green 4.
- 9 - [Self-tes t printing] a. Printing program version & c heck sum b. Printing various param eters Param eter Initial value Print density fine adjustm ent 0 Print position f ine adjustment 0 mm .
- 10 - 5. TRA NSM ISSION SEQUENCE This s ection describes the outline of the transm ission sequence. 5.1 INITIA LIZATION W ritable c haracters, logo, and PC interf ace comm ands m ust be stored bef ore the label issue operation. (1) Storing writable char acters and logo NOTES: (1) The storage of PC commands is only performed if it is r equired.
- 11 - (2) Storing PC interf ace com mands NOTES: (1) The storage of PC commands is only performed if it is r equired. (2) W hen the flash memory c ard is used, and the Memory board Format Command is not sent before stor ing already stored PC interfac e commands, memory will be taken up with every s uch storing.
- 12 - 5.2 LABEL ISSUE OPER A TION An exam ple of the label issue operation is described below. (1) W here the Saved Data Call Comm and is not used: NOTES: (1) When plac ing new paper, the Label Size Set Command and Feed Command must always be sent.
- 13 - (2) W here the Saved Data Call Comm and is used: NOTES: (1) When placing new paper, the Feed Command mus t always be s ent. W hen using the same paper after the power is turned off and on, the Feed Command may be omitted.
- 14 - 6. INTERFACE COMM ANDS 6.1 OUTLINE OF COMMA NDS (1) Form at of Interfac e comm and T he length from [ESC] to [LF] [NUL] must be as s pecified by each comm and.
- 15 - NOTES: 1. If a com mand is not recognized as a comm and, it is ignored. e.g.) [ESC] H, [ESC]AA, and so on. 2. If the num ber of digits of the parameter is specified, when the num ber of in put digits does not matc h the specified num ber of digits, a c omm and error occur s.
- 16 - 6.2 LIST OF COMMA NDS (1) Com mands r elated to setting Label Size Set Com mand [ESC] D ...................................... 17 (2) Com mands r elated to fine adjustm ent Pos ition Fine Adjust Comm and [ESC] AX ...............................
- 17 - 6.3 COMMA NDS FOR CREATING A PPLICA TION 6.3.1 LA BEL SIZE SET CO MM A ND [ESC] D Function Sets the size of a label or tag. Form at [ESC] Daaaa, bbbb, cccc (,dddd) [LF] [NUL] Term aaaa: Pitch length of the label or tag 4 and 5 digits (in 0.1 m m units) 4 digits: Max.
- 18 - [Setting range] [Labels] [Tags ] Black mark (Back sid e of prin t) Paper feed direc t ion B E A G D C H Ori g in Origin I Cut positi on Stop positi on I Stop positi on H G C F A Tag Origin Orig.
- 19 - [mm] Model B-SV4D Item Method Batch St rip Cutter Thermal head dot density 8 dots/m m Thermal head width 108 A: Label pitch Tag pi t ch Min. 10.0 25.4 15.0 Label Max. 609.6 Min. 10.0 – 15.0 Tag Max. 609.6 B: Label length Min. 10.0 25.4 15.0 Max.
- 20 - Notes (1) Before changing the label s iz e or ty pe of sensor, the Label Size Set Comm and mus t first be transm itted. (2) The Label Size Set Comm and is pr otected in m em ory (even if the power is turned off).
- 21 - Exam ples (1) Labels (2) Tags [ESC] D0508, 0760, 0468, 0820 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] D0762, 0996, 0722 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] T20C30 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] T10C30 [LF] [NUL] 46.8 mm 50.8 mm 76.0 m m Effective print area Label Backi ng paper 72.2 mm 76.2 mm 99.6 m m Effective print area Tag Black mark (Back sid e of print) 82.
- 22 - 6.3.2 POSITIO N FINE A DJUST COM MA ND [ESC] AX Function Adjusts the f eed value so that the label will be shifted forward or backward f rom the automatic ally set f irst print start pos ition.
- 23 - Explanation [Feed Length Fine Adjustm ent] (To finely adjust the feed f or shifting bac kward or forward) [Cut Position Fine Adjustm ent] ( To f inely adj ust the cut position f or shifting back ward or forward) 0.
- 24 - [Strip Position Fine Adjus tment] Printing in strip is sue mode is s topped at the position where the distance f rom the m iddle point of the label-to-label gap to the end of the str ip shaft is 3 m m, sinc e the label-to-label gap is assum ed to be 2 mm .
- 25 - Notes (1) If the feed value fine adjustm ent, cut position (or str ip position) fine adjustm ent or back feed value fine adjustm ent has been set in s y stem mode ( key operation on the printer), the f ine adjustment value will be the f ine adjustment in s y stem mode.
- 26 - Exam ples ( 1) Cut iss ue [ESC] AX; +020, +035, +10 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] T21C30 [LF] [NUL] (2) Stri p issue [ESC] AX; +010, +020, +00 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] T20D30 [LF] [NUL] Cut 2.0 m m 2.0 m m 3.5 m m 3.0 m m Cut Paper feed direction Preprinted Finely adjust the pri nt positi on by +2.
- 27 - 6.3.3 PRINT DENSIT Y FINE A DJUST COMM A ND [ESC] A Y Function Adjusts the automatically set print density. Form at [ESC] AY; abb, c [LF] [NUL] Term a: Indicates whether to increase or dec rease the density.
- 28 - 6.3.4 IMAGE BUFFER CLEA R COM MAND [ESC] C Function Clears the im age buffer for drawing character s, lines, bar codes, and graphic s. Form at [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] Explanation (1) After changing the label size, the im age buffer m ust be cleared.
- 29 - 6.3.5 CLEA R A R EA COM MAND [ESC] XR Function Clears the designated ar ea or reverses the white/black dot pattern in the designated area in the drawing area. Form at [ESC] XR; aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, e [LF] [NUL] Term aaaa: Designated area s tart point X-coordinate Fixed as 4 digits ( in 0.
- 30 - [Eff ective print area] [mm] Model B-SV4D Item Method Batch Strip Cutt er Effec tive print width Min. 13.0 Max. 108 ± 0.2 Effective print lengt h Min.
- 31 - 6.3.6 LINE FORMAT COMM A ND [ESC] LC Function Sets the line for mat and draws the line. Form at [ESC] LC; aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, e, f (, ggg) [LF] [NUL] Term aaaa: Start point X -coordinate Fixed as 4 digits ( in 0.1 mm units) bbbb: Start point Y-coordinate 4 or 5 digits (in 0.
- 32 - [Line] (1) Horizontal line (In the case of |Y 2 - Y 1 | = 0) (2) Vertical line ( In the case of |X 2 - X 1 | = 0) (3) Slant line A ( |X 2 - X 1 | ≤ |Y 2 - Y 1 | ) (4 ) S lant l ine B ( |X 2 -.
- 33 - [Rectangle] (1) Radius of r ounded corners = 000 or param eter om itted (2) Radius of r ounded corners ≠ 000 Notes (1) In line designation, a horizontal line, vertic al line, or slant line A/B is drawn according to the s tart and end point coordinates.
- 34 - (4) Pr ogramm ing the radius of the rounded c orner is eff ective only when the ty pe of line is 1 (rectangle) . W hen the ty pe of line is 0, designation of the r adius is ignored. W hen the ty pe of line is 1, and the radius of the rounded cor ner is 000 or omitted, a rectangle is pr inted.
- 35 - 6.3.7 BIT M A P FONT FORMA T COM MAND [ESC] PC Function Sets the for m at indicating on the label at which the bit m ap f ont is to be printed and how it is to be printed.
- 36 - 01 (a): W ritable c haracter 1 (1×1 dot to 720×720 dots) to 40 (a): W ritable c haracter 40 (1×1 dot to 720×720 dots) 51 (a): 2-byte code set writable character 1 (1×1 dot to 720×720 dots ) to 55 (a): 2-byte code set writable character 5 ( 1×1 dot to 720×720 dots) a: Drive (Om issible.
- 37 - J kk ll: Bold character designation (Om issible. If om itted, this process is not perform ed.) k k: No. of hor iz ontal s hift dots 00 to 16 (in dots) ll: No. of vertical shif t dots 00 to 16 (in dots) Mm: Type of check digits to be attached. (Om issible.
- 38 - Explanation (1) Character string num ber W hen draw ing by the Data Command ( [ESC] RC), the form at designated by the character string number is selected.
- 39 - [Eff ective print area] [mm] Model B-SV4D Item Method Batch Strip Cutt er Effec tive print width Min. 13.0 Max. 108 ± 0.2 Effective print lengt h Min.
- 40 - Char. height Char. width Point of origin Horizontal s pac ing/ proportional s pac ing Left offse t Point of origin o f next char. Enlar g e Char.
- 41 - (5) Fine adj ustment of character-to-c haracter space If no c haracter-to-char acter spac e is specified or the num ber of s pace dots between character s is 0, drawing will tak e place acc ording to the horizontal spacing/proportional spacing determ ined for each c haracter.
- 42 - (8) Bold c haracter designation (9) Check digit to be attached W hen Modulus 10 or Modulus 43 is selected, the check digit of a data row is calc ulated and attached to the data row for dr awing. W hen DBP Modulus 10 is selected, the check digit of a data row is calc ulated and only the check digit is dr awn.
- 43 - Letters and num erals for inc rement/decr ement For the data s tring, up to 40 digits (including letters, num erals, and symbols ) are possible. Only the numerals are picked up and calculated for increm enting/decrem enting, and then are returned to the previous position to dr aw the data.
- 44 - (13) Data string to be printed Drawing data can be program med by designating the number of digits after the symbol “=.” Up to 255 digits can be pr inted. If the number of digits exceeds 255, the excess ive data will be discarded. For the charac ter code table, refer to the c haracter code table m entioned later.
- 45 - Notes ( 1) T he check digit attac h, increment/dec rement, and zero suppress processes are perform ed according to the following priority. If any of the conditions is im proper, no drawing will take place.
- 46 - (3) T he Bit Map Font Form at Com mand m ay be connected to the Outline Font For m at Comm and when transm itted. [ESC] P C001; 0100, 0150, 1, 1, A, 00, B [LF] C002; 0350, 0180, 1, 1, A, 00, B .
- 47 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC000; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, A, 00, B=ABCD [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0125, 1, 1, C, 00, B [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC002; 0650, 0550, 2, 2, G, 33, B, +0000000001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC001; Sample [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC002; 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XS; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 12.
- 48 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, C, 00, B; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B; 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XB01; 0200, 0550, 3, 1, 03, 03, 08, 08, 03, 0, 0150; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC; S [LF] 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XS; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 30.
- 49 - 6.3.8 OUTLINE FONT FORMAT COMM A ND [ESC] PV Function Sets the form at to indicate the position on the label, at which the outline font is to be printed and how it is to be printed.
- 50 - j: Character attr ibution B: Blac k charac ter W (aabb): Reverse char acter aa: No. of dots f rom the char acter string to the end of the blac k back ground in the horizontal direction. bb: No. of dots f rom the char acter string to the end of the blac k back ground in the vertical direc tion.
- 51 - Po: Alignment ( Omissible. If omitted, the alignm ent is set to left.) o: Designates the character position. 1: Left 2: Center 3: Right 4aaaa: Equal space aaaa: X direc tion of character string area 0050 to 1040 (in 0.1 m m units) ppp------ppp: Data string to be printed (Omissible) Max.
- 52 - TrueT y pe f ont Form at [ESC] PVaa; bbbb, cccc, dddd, eeee, ff, g (, h iii), jj , k (,Lm m)(=ppp ------ ppp) [LF] [NUL] Term aa: Character s tring number 00 to 99 bbbb: Print origin of X-coordinate of the character s tring Fixed as 4 digits ( in 0.
- 53 - g: Drive Indicates where the T rueType font files are s tored. 0: Flash ROM on the CPU board 1: Flash ROM on the m em ory board ( Option) 2: Flash ROM on the m em ory board ( Option) hiiii: F ine adjustment of character-to- character spac e (Om issible.
- 54 - Explanation (1) Character string num ber W hen draw ing by the Data Command ( [ESC] RV), the form at designated by the character string number is selected.
- 55 - [Eff ective print area] [mm] Model B-SV4D Item Method Batch Strip Cutt er Effec tive print width Min. 13.0 Max. 108 ± 0.2 Effective print lengt h Min. 8.0 23.4 13.0 Label Max. 607. 6 M in. 8.0 Tag – 13.0 Max. 607. 6 – 607.6 ( 4) Charac ter width and character height Char.
- 56 - ( 5) Fine adjus tment of c haracter-to-c haracter space If no charac ter-to-character space is specif ied or the number of space dots between character s is 0, drawing will take place ac cording to the horizontal spacing/propor tional spacing determ ined for each c haracter.
- 57 - (8) Increment/decr ement Printing is per form ed while the data is increm ented or decrem ented each time a label is issued. W here the data row exceeds the m aximum number of digits (40), the data row will not be drawn.
- 58 - (10) Link field No. T he link field No. can be program med by designating it af ter the sy m bol “;.” After the link field No. is designated using the Form at Com m and, the data s trings are link ed by the Link Field Data Comm and to draw an image.
- 59 - [Examples] 1) Format Com m and (Increm ent character string No. 01 ( +1)) 2) Format Com m and (No increm enting for character string No. 02) 3) Format Com m and (Increm ent character string No. 03 ( +2)) 4) Image Buf fer Clear Com mand 5) Data Comm and (Character s tring No.
- 60 - (4) W hen the drawing data is changed per label issue during printing, the field of the drawing data for the previous label is automatically cleared using the character string num ber, then the next drawing data is printed. Ther efore, the character string num ber which differ s according to the dr awing fields s hould be designated.
- 61 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV00; 0200, 0300, 0080, 0080, B, 00, B=ABCD [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0200, 0125, 0100, 0100, B, 00, B [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV02; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B, +0000000001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RV01; Sam ple [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RV02; 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] Origin (0 , 0) 12.
- 62 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, C, 00, B; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B; 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XB01; 0200, 0550, 3, 1, 03, 03, 08, 08, 03, 0, 0150; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RV; S [LF] 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XS; I, 0002, 0002C3000”; LF$; NUL$; (2) 30.
- 63 - 6.3.9 BA R CODE FORM A T COMM A ND [ESC] XB Func tion Sets the form at to indicate the position on the label, at which the bar code is to be printed and how it is to be printed. In the case of W PC, CO DE93, CODE128, UCC/EAN128, Cus tom er bar code, PO STNET , RM4SCC, KIX CODE (W PC is the generic name for bar codes of J AN, EAN and UPC.
- 64 - e: T y pe of chec k digit 1: W ithout attaching check digit 2: Check digit check W PC Modulus 10 CODE93 Modulus 47 CODE128 PSEUDO 103 3: Check digit auto attachm ent (1) W PC Modulus 10 CODE93 .
- 65 - qq: No. of zeros to be suppr essed (Om issible. If om itted, the zero suppression proces s is not perfor med.) 00 to 20 sss ------ sss: Data st ring t o be p rinte d (Omissibl e) Max. 126 digits . How ever, it varies depending on the ty pe of bar code.
- 66 - In the case of MSI, Interleaved 2 of 5, CODE39, NW 7, and Indus trial 2 of 5 Format [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, e, ff , gg, hh, ii , jj, k, llll ( , mnnnnnnnnnn, p, qq) (, r ) (=sss------sss) [L.
- 67 - ii: W ide space width 01 to 99 (in dots) * In the cas e of industrial 2 of 5, the value is fixed to 00. j j: Char acter-to-charac ter space width 01 to 99 (in dots) * In the case of MSI and IT F, character- to-character s pace width is set to 00.
- 68 - In the case of Data Matrix (Two-dim ensional code) Format [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, ee, f f, gg, h (, C ii ijjj) (, Jkkll mmm nnn) (= ooo ------ooo) [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X Baa; bbbb, cccc, d, ee, .
- 69 - Jk kllm mm nnn: Connection setting (Om issible. No connec tion if this param eter is om itted.) k k: Code number 01 to 16 ll: No. of divided c odes 02 to 16 mmm: I D n umb er 1 001 to 254 nnn: ID number 2 001 to 254 ooo ------ ooo: Data string to be prin ted (Omissible) Max.
- 70 - In the case of PDF417 (Two-dim ensional code) Format [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, ee, ff , gg, h, iiii (=jjj------ jjj) [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, ee, ff, gg, h, iiii (; k k 1 , kk 2 , kk 3 , ------, kk 20 ) [LF] [NUL] Term aa: Bar code num ber 00 to 31 bbbb: Print origin of X -coordinate of the bar code Fixed as 4 digits ( in 0.
- 71 - In the case of MicroPDF417 (Two-dim ensional code) Format [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, ee, ff , gg, h, iiii (=jjj------ jjj) [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, ee, ff, gg, h, iiii (; k k 1 , k.
- 72 - The m aximum num ber of colum ns and rows for the Mic roPDF417 Parameter (gg) No. of colum ns No. of rows Max. number of di gi t s for binary m ode Max .
- 73 - In the case of QR code (Two-dim ensional code) Format [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, e, ff, g, h (, Mi) (, Kj) (, Jk kllmm ) (= nnn --- nnn) [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d, e, ff, g, h (, Mi).
- 74 - In the case of MaxiCode (Two-dim ensional code) Format [ESC] XBaa; bbbb, cccc, d (, e) (, Jffgg) (, Zh) [LF] [NUL] Term aa: Bar code num ber 00 to 31 bbbb: Print origin of X-coordinate of the bar code Fixed as 4 digits ( in 0.1 mm units) cccc: Print o rigi n of Y-coo rdin a te o f t he ba r code 4 or 5 digits (in 0.
- 75 - Explanation (1) Bar code num ber W hen draw ing by the Data Command ( [ESC] RB), the form at designated by the bar code is s elected. ( 2) Print or igin of coordinates The print or igin of coordinates m ust be set so that the r esult of bar code drawing will be within the effective pr int area set by the Label Size Set Comm and ([ESC] D).
- 76 - ( 3) T y pe of bar code 0: J AN8, EAN8 1: MSI 2: Inter leaved 2 of 5 3: CO DE39 (standard) 4: NW 7 5: JAN13, EAN13 6: UPC- E 7: EAN13 + 2 digits 8: EAN13 +5 digits 9: A: CO DE128 B: CODE39 (Ful.
- 77 - M: UPC-A + 5 digits N: UCC/EAN128 O: Industrial 2 of 5 P: PDF417 Q: Data Matrix R: Custom er bar code S: Highest prior ity cus tomer bar c ode T: QR code U: POSTNET V: RM4SCC W : KIX code X: Mi.
- 78 - ( 4) Ty pe of chec k digit W here no check digit is attached, the bar code of the data row will be draw n. In the case of the check digit check, if each check digit chec ked acc ording to the ty pe of bar c ode is normal, the bar code will be drawn.
- 79 - In the case of QR code W hen the 1-cell width is 0, a two-dimensional code is not drawn. However, the bar code printed on the previous label is cleared.
- 80 - ( 7) Bar code height [PDF417, MicroPDF417] [Postal code] W hen the bar code height is 0000, bar code ( including guard bars) and num erals under bars ar e not drawn. How ever, the bar code pr inted on the previous label is cleared. ( 8) Length of guard bar T he length of guard bar is valid only when the ty pe of bar code is W PC.
- 81 - ( 9) Numerals under bar s Num erals are not or provided under bars according the parameter for the presence or absence of num erals under bars. The contents of numer als under bars to be printed var y acc ording to the ty pe of bar code. The char acter set of numer als under bar s is O CR-B.
- 82 - In the cas e of bar codes other than J AN, EAN, and UPC (Example) CODE3 9 (Example) UCC/EAN128 (10) Start/Stop Code This parameter is valid only when the ty pe of bar code is CODE39 and NW 7. W here the par ameter is designated, the program will not check if the trans mit print data is with a start code and s top code.
- 83 - Letters and num erals for increment/dec rement For CODE39 (standard), CODE39 (f ull ASCII), NW -7, CODE93, CODE128, if a data string other than numerals is included in the data, increm ent/decrem ent designation is perform ed.
- 84 - (13) Data s tring to be printed Drawing data can be program med by designating the number of digits after the symbol “=.” The m axim um num ber of digits to be printed varies acc ording to the ty pes of bar codes. For c odes, refer to the bar c ode table mentioned later.
- 85 - (15) Ex planation for Data Matrix ECC type Data Matrix contains a function to c orrect a code reading err or using an error correc tion code (ECC) and restore nor mal data. Since there are s everal ECCs. ECC should be designated acc ording to usage.
- 86 - Cell size and the effect ive data capacity ECC200 Sym bol size Numeric capacity Alphanum capacity 8-bi t byte Row Col Capacit y 10 10 6 3 1 12 12 10 6 3 14 14 16 10 6 16 16 24 16 10 18 18 36 25.
- 87 - (16) Explanation for the PDF417 and MicroPDF417 Secur ity level T he PDF417 c ontains a function to cor rect a code reading error using an error correc ting code word and restore norm al data. The sec urity level should be designated accor ding to usage to perform the error cor rection function.
- 88 - 1-c ell w idth W hen the 1-c ell wi dth is 0, a two-dim ensional code is not drawn. However, the two- dimens ional code printed on the previous label is c leared. Selection of mode All codes including alphanumeric s, symbols, and Kanj i can be used in one QR code.
- 89 - Notes (1) T he check digit attac h and increment/dec rement, and zero suppres s processes are perform ed according to the following pr iority. If any of the conditions is im pr oper, no drawing will take place.
- 90 - (3) More than one Bar Code Form at Comm and can be connected when trans mitted. [ESC] XB01; 0100, 0150, 3, 1, 02, 02, 06, 06, 02, 0, 0150 [LF] B02; 0350, 0150, 3, 1, 02, 02, 06, 06, 02, 0, 0150.
- 91 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0125, 3, 1, 03, 03, 08, 08, 03, 0, 0150=12345 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B02; 0830, 0550, 3, 1, 02, 04, 07, 08, 04, 3, 0150, +0000000000, 1, 00, N [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB02; *ABC* [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 12.
- 92 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, C, 00, B; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B; 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0550, 3, 1, 03, 03, 08, 08, 03, 0, 0150; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB; S [LF] 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] Effec tive print area 30.
- 93 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0125, P, 04, 02, 03, 0, 0010 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B02; 0830, 0550, Q, 08, 03, 05, 3 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB01; PDF417 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB02; Data Matrix [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] Effec tive print area 20.
- 94 - 6.3.10 BIT M A P FONT DA TA COMM A ND [ESC] RC Function Provides data f or the bit map f ont row. Format [ESC] RCaaa; bbb ------ bbb [LF] [NUL] Link Field Data Com mand [ESC] RC; ccc ------ ccc [LF] ddd ------ ddd [LF] ------ [LF] xxx ------ xxx [LF] [NUL] Term aaa: Character string num ber 000 to 199 (Two digits, 00 to 99, als o acceptable.
- 95 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0125, 1, 1, C, 00, B [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC002; 0650, 0550, 2, 2, G , 33, B, +0000000001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC001; Sam ple [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC002; 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 55.
- 96 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, C, 00, B; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B; 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0550, 3, 1, 03, 03, 08, 08, 03, 0, 0150; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC; S [LF] 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] Effec tive print area (2) 30.
- 97 - 6.3.11 OUTLINE FONT DA T A COM MA ND [ESC] RV Function Provides data f or the outline font row. Format [ESC] RVaa; bbb ------ bbb [LF] [NUL] Link Field Data Com mand [ESC] RV; ccc ------ ccc [LF] ddd ------ ddd [LF] ------ [LF] xxx ------ xxx [LF] [NUL] Term aa: Character s tring number 00 to 99 bbb ------ bbb: Data string to be printed Max.
- 98 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0200, 0125, 0100, 0100, B, 00, B [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV02; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B, +0000000001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RV01; Sam ple [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RV02; 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 55.
- 99 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, C, 00, B; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B; 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0550, 3, 1, 02, 02, 06, 06, 02, 0, 0150; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC; S [LF] 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 30 .
- 100 - 6.3.12 BA R CODE DATA COMM A ND [ESC] RB Function Provides data f or the bar code. Format [ESC] RBaa; bbb ------ bbb [LF] [NUL] Link Field Data Com mand [ESC] RB; ccc ------ ccc [LF] ddd -----.
- 101 - The m aximum num ber of digits for Data Matrix var ies according to the settings for ECC ty pe, form at ID, and the cell s iz e. In the case of Kanj i, the m axim um num ber of digits is half those of the values described below since a Kanji character occupies 2 bytes.
- 102 - Cell Size and Effectiv e Data Capacity ECC200 Sym bol size Numeric capacity Alphanum capacity 8-bi t byte Row Col capacity 10 10 6 3 1 12 12 10 6 3 14 14 16 10 6 16 16 24 16 10 18 18 36 25 16 .
- 103 - W hen PDF417 or MicroPDF417 is used, the num ber of sy m bol characters called code words is lim ited to 928 or less. Mor eover, the data c ompress ion rate varies according to the c ontents of data. Ther efore, the m aximum number of digits according to m odes is as f ollows.
- 104 - The m aximum num ber of colum ns and rows for the Mic roPDF417 Parameter (gg) No. of colum ns No. of rows Max. number of digit s for binary m ode Max .
- 105 - ( 3) CODE128 c ode selection If the case of CODE128 ( w ith auto code selec tion), code selection is per formed in the following manner . (Conform ing to USS-128 APPENDIX-G) Determ ining the start charac ter ( a) If the data begins wi th four or more cons ecutive numerals , the start code to be used is (CO DE C).
- 106 - ( 4) CODE128 c ode selection check Check if selection of ( CODE A), (CODE B) , or (CODE C) of CODE128 has been set corr ectly . If an error is f ound, the bar code will not be drawn. [Conditions causing an err or] No start c ode is designated.
- 107 - ( 7) W hen manual m ode is selected in the Form at Comm and for a QR c ode Numer ic mode, alphanum eric and symbol m ode, Kanji mode Mode selection Data to be printed Binary mode Mode selection No.
- 108 - ( 10) Transf er code for Q R code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 STX DC2 ” 2 B R b r 3 ET X DC3 # 3 C S c s 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 5 ENQ NAK % .
- 109 - (12) MaxiCode data For m ode 0 or 1: [ESC] RBaa; bbbbbbbbbcccdddeeeee --- eeeee [LF] [NUL] For mode 2 or 3: [ESC] RBaa; bbbbbbbbbcccdddeeeee --- eeeee [LF] [NUL] For mode 4 or 6: [E SC] RBaa ;.
- 110 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XB01; 0200, 0125, 3, 1, 02, 02, 06, 06, 02, 0, 0150 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XB02; 0830, 0550, 3, 1, 02, 04, 07, 08, 04, 3, 0150, +0000000000, 1, 00, N [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB01; 12345 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB02; * ABC * [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XS; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] 20.
- 111 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0300, 1, 1, C, 00, B; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PV01; 0650, 0550, 0200, 0150, B, 33, B; 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0550, 3, 1, 02, 02, 06, 06, 02, 0, 0150; 01, 02 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB; S [LF] 001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] Effec tive print area 30.
- 112 - [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B01; 0200, 0125, P, 04, 02, 03, 0, 0010 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X B02; 0830, 0550, Q, 08, 04, 05, 3 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB01; PDF417 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RB02; Data Matrix [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL] Effec tive print area 20.
- 113 - 6.3.13 ISSUE COM MAND [ESC] XS Function Issues labels according to the print conditions programm ed. Form at [ESC] XS; I, aaaa, bbbcdef gh [LF] [NUL] Term aaaa: Num ber of labels to be is sued 0001 to 9999 bbb: Cut interval. Designates the num ber of pieces to be printed before the back ing paper is cut.
- 114 - Explanation ( 1) Num ber of labels to be is sued If increm ent/decrement is not specified, the des ignated number of pieces with the sam e drawing data will be issued. If increm ent /decrement is specified, the designated num ber of piec es will be issued while incrementing/dec rementing the piece of the des ignated drawing area.
- 115 - (4) Issue m ode [C: Batch m ode (cut interval 0)] [C: Batch mode ( Cut interval: 1, Issue count: 2)] “W ithout autom atic forward f eed standby ” selected in the system m ode Head positi o.
- 116 - [C: Batch mode ( Cut interval: 1, Issue count: 2)] “W ith autom atic forward f eed standby ” selected in the system m ode (10) 10-mm automatic forward feed after 3 s econds (Reserved f or .
- 117 - [D: Strip mode (I ssue count: 3)] A B C Head positi on Strip pos i t ion (1) Idlin g (3) End of printing 1st label (A) (4) Rem oves 1st label (A) (6) End of printing 2nd label (B) (7) Rem oves 2nd label (B) (9) End of printing 3rd label (C) * The next label is not printed until the printed label is rem oved.
- 118 - (5) Issue s peed • Printing takes plac e at the designated speed. • The possible is sue speed varies acc ording to ty pes and siz es of the paper supply.
- 119 - (6) T ag ro tation The origin of coordinates and printing direction var y according to the designation of tag rotation. Printing bottom f irst Printing top first Black mark (Back s ide of prin.
- 120 - Mirror printing bottom first Mirror printing top f irst Origin of coordinates (0, 0) Origin of coordinates ( 0, 0 ) Effective print lengt h Effective print width Tag pitch Tag Paper feed direc.
- 121 - (7) Status respons e W hen the option with status respons e has been selected, a status response is made at the end of printing or if an err or occurs. In batch m ode and cut mode, the print end s tatus response is made after pr inting on the designated num ber of labels.
- 122 - Notes (1) Explanation of proces ses involved to stop the label at the hom e position after the head-open state is detec ted: W hen the gap betw een labels (black mark ) is found af ter the head open state is detected, the value to stop at the hom e position of each label between the head and the sensor is set again.
- 123 - 6.3.14 FEED COM MA ND [ESC] T Function Feeds the paper. Form at [ESC] T abcde [LF] [NUL] Term a: T y pe of sensor 0: No sensor 1: Ref lective sensor 2: T ransm issive sensor ( w hen using norm.
- 124 - Trans missive s ensor (when using preprinted labels) : Feeding takes place according to the param eter designated by the Label Size Set Comm and.
- 125 - [C: Batch (Cut)] “W ith autom atic forward f eed standby ” selected in the system m ode. [D: Strip] (2) End of f eed (Com pletes feeding to the top of f orm) Head positi on Cut po sition (1) Place paper. (3) Feeds to the c ut position. (4) Cuts unneces sary paper .
- 126 - (4) Feed speed • A feed is per form ed at the designated speed. However, the back feed speed in the cut m ode or the strip m ode is 3”/sec. • The possible is sue speed varies acc ording to ty pes and siz es of the paper supply. For details, ref er to the Supply Spec ification.
- 127 - Exam ples [ESC] D0762, 0820, 0732 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] AX ; +010, +000, +10 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] T 11C30 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0150, 0410, 1, 1, A, 00, B [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC001; Sam ple [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X S; I, 0004, 0011C3001 [LF] [NUL] 76.
- 128 - 6.3.15 EJECT COM MAND [ESC] IB Function Ejects (cuts) the label presently rem aining betw een the head and the cutter and retur ns to the original position.
- 129 - 6.3.16 FORWARD/REVERSE FEED COMM A ND [ESC] U1, [ESC] U2 Func tion After printing or feeding the paper , feeds the paper to a m anually c ut position.
- 130 - Exam ples [ESC] T 20C30 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] U1; 0120 [LF] [NUL] Cut manually. [ESC] U2; 0120 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] RC001; A [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XS; I, 0003, 0002C3001 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] U1; 0120 [LF] [NUL] Cut manually.
- 131 - 6.3.17 STOR A GE AREA A LLOCATE COM MAND [ESC] XF Function Allocates the stor age area in flash ROM on the CPU board. Form at [ESC] XF; aa, bb [, cc ] [, Ed] [LF] [NUL] Term aa: Size of the Tr.
- 132 - (7) W hen “00” (0 KB) is spec ified for the T rueType font storage area, the bit m ap writable character s torage area, or the BASIC f ile storage area, the storage area is not allocated.
- 133 - 6.3.18 MEM ORY BOARD FORMA T COM MAND [ESC] J1 Function Form ats (initializes) the flash m emory board for s torage. Form at [ESC] J1; a (, b) [LF] [NUL] Term a: Form atting (initializ ing) ra.
- 134 - 6.3.19 2-BYTE W RITA BLE CHARA CTER CODE RANGE COMM A ND [ESC] XE Function Sets the code range w hen a 2-byte w ritable charac ter code is stored in f lash ROM on the CPU board or the flas h mem ory boar d.
- 135 - 6.3.20 BIT M A P WRIT A BLE CHARA CTER COM MAND [ESC] XD Function W rites writable characters and logos in the flash m emory board, or flash RO M on the CPU board.
- 136 - ggg: Horizontal spacing/proportional spac ing 000 to 999 (in dots) h: T y pe of w ritable charac ter data 0: Nibble m ode (4 bits/byte) 1: Hex .
- 137 - 1-byte wr itable character W/C = Writable character Memory board 0100 01000020. UDF (W /C file for character code 20H) (W ritable character 41) 01000021. UDF (W /C file for character code 21H) 0101 Each W /C file 01000022. UDF (W /C file for character code 22H) (W ritable character 42) 0102 Each W /C file 010000FD.
- 138 - (6) ( 7) W ritable character s et: 01 to 40, 51 to 55 Nibble mode 1 30H 2 30H 3 30H 4 3FH 5 3CH 6 30H 7 30H 8 30H 9 3FH 10 3CH 11 37H • • • • • • • 240 30H 241 3FH 242 3FH 243 3FH 244 3CH 245 30H 246 30H 247 30H 248 30H Hex.
- 139 - [Nibble m ode] ( 1) T he writable char acter data to be s tored is s eparated into f our dot units and s ent in the following order ( 1 → 248 ). (High order digit: “3”) ( 2) T he data of writable character s to be stored is 30H to 3FH. (3) T he minim um unit in the X direc tion is 8 dots.
- 140 - ( 8) W ritable character s et: 41 (16×16 dots ) Nibble mode 1 30H 2 30H 3 30H 4 30H 5 30H 6 31H 7 38H • • • 58 31H 59 38H 60 30H 61 30H 62 30H 63 30H 64 30H Hex.
- 141 - ( 9) W ritable character s et: 42 (24×24 dots ) Nibble mode 1 30H 2 30H 3 30H 4 30H 5 30H 6 30H 7 30H 8 30H 9 33H • • • • • 137 30H 138 30H 139 30H 140 30H 141 30H 142 30H 143 30H 144 30H Hex.
- 142 - (10) W ritable character s et: 43 (32×32 dots) Nibble mode 1 30H 2 30H 3 30H 4 30H 5 30H 6 30H 7 30H 8 30H 9 30H 10 30H 11 30H 12 37H • • • • • 248 30H 249 30H 250 30H 251 30H 252 30H 253 30H 254 30H 255 30H 256 30H Hex.
- 143 - (11) W ritable character s et: 44 (48×48 dots) Nibble mode 1 30H 2 30H 3 30H 4 30H 5 30H 6 30H 7 30H 8 30H 9 30H 10 30H • • • • • 569 30H 570 30H 571 30H 572 30H 573 30H 574 30H 575.
- 144 - Notes (1) No m atter w hat character set or character c ode is selected, no m emory will be wasted. (2) W hen a new w ritable charac ter is stored, the Flash Mem ory board Format Comm and ([ESC] J1) m ust be trans mitted.
- 145 - Exam ples W ritable character set: 03 W ritable c haracter code 70H [ESC] J1; C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] XD; 03, p, 002, 022, 026, 031, 030, 0, 000?<000?<7??800?<???<00?=?03>001? <00.
- 146 - 6.3.21 GRA PHIC COM MAND [ESC] SG Function Draws graphic data. Form at [ESC] SG; aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, e, ggg --- ggg [LF] [NUL] or [ESC] SG0; aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, e, ffff, ggg --- ggg [LF] [NUL] Term aaaa: Print or igin of X-coor dinate for drawing graphic data Fixed as 4 digits ( in 0.
- 147 - Explanation (1) W hen the graphic data “0”, “1”, “ 2”, “3”, “6”, or “ A” is selected, the graphic data is drawn by overwriting the im age buffer. (2) W hen the graphic data “4” or “5” is selected, the graphic data is drawn by carr y ing out OR between the graphic data and the data in the im age buffer .
- 148 - Nibble mode 1 30H 2 30H 3 33H 4 30H 5 30H 6 30H 7 30H 8 30H • • • • • • • • 126 30H 127 33H 128 3FH 129 30H 130 30H 131 30H 132 30H Hex.
- 149 - [W hen TO PIX com pression mode is selected] (1) Length: T otal number of bytes of the graphic data (0001H ~ ) Ex. Length = 20 bytes: (2) L1 param eter: Shows in which large block (512 dots/block ) the changed data is contained.
- 150 - [W hen the printer driver compres sion mode is s elected] ( 1) For the [ESC] SG0; -- comm and, only “A: Pr inter driver com pression m ode” can be selected for the type of graphic data. T he parameter for the data count is attached af ter the param eter for the type of graphic data.
- 151 - Notes ( 1) The pr int origin of coordinates m ust be set so that the res ult of dr awing the graphic data will be within the effective print ar ea set by the Label Size Set Comm and ([ESC] D).
- 152 - Exam ples [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] SG; 0100, 0240, 0019, 0022, 0, 003000003800003<00003>000037000033800031 <00030<00030>00030600030>00030<00031<00033800?33003??0007??00.
- 153 - [TOPIX c ompression m ode] [ESC] SG ; 0100, 0240, 0019, 0300, 3, 00 5C 80 80 40 30 Length L1 L2 L3 Data (1st line) 80 80 40 08 80 80 40 04 80 80 40 02 80 80 40 09 (2nd line) (3r d line) (4th l.
- 154 - 6.3.22 SA VE ST A RT COM MA ND [ESC] XO Function Declares the s tart of saving PC interf ace comm ands. (Places the pr inter in the mode where PC interf ace comm ands are written in the flas h ROM on the m emory board, or flash ROM on the CPU board.
- 155 - Exam ples [ESC] J 1; B [LF] [NUL] [ESC] X O; 01, 0 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] D0508, 0760, 0468 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] T 20C30 [LF] [NUL] [ESC] C [LF] [NUL] [ESC] PC001; 0200, 0125, 1, 1, A, 00, B [LF] [NUL] .
- 156 - 6.3.23 SA VE T ERMINATE COM MAND [ESC] XP Function Declares the term ination of saving PC inter face com mands . Form at [ESC] XP [LF] [NUL] Note If the storing operation is not continued after s toring the PC interface com m and, the printer enters the online mode (label issue oper ation) after about 10 seconds .
- 157 - 6.3.24 SA VED DATA CA LL COM MAND [ESC] XQ Function Calls PC interface com mands saved in the flash RO M on the mem ory boar d, or flash ROM on the CPU board.
- 158 - 6.3.25 RESET COM M A ND [ESC] WR Function Returns the printer to its initial state. Form at [ESC] W R [LF] [NUL] Explanation The printer is returned to the sam e state as when the power was turned on. W hen the printer rec eives this com mand during printing, it r eturns to its initial state after issuing the label which is being printed.
- 159 - 6.3.26 STATUS REQUEST COM MAND [ESC] WS Function Sends the printer s tatus to the host com puter. Form at [ESC] W S [LF] [NUL] Explanation This c omm and mak es the printer send its s tatus regardless of the setting of “status response/no status response.
- 160 - 6.3.27 RECEIVE BUFFER FREE SPA CE ST A T US REQUEST COM MA ND [ESC] W B Function Sends information on the printer status and the f ree space of the rec eive buffer to the host com puter.
- 161 - Notes ( 1) T his com mand is available only for the RS-232C and USB interf aces. (2) T he printer returns the st atus only for the interf ac e which s ent this c om mand to the host.
- 162 - 6.3.28 VERSION INFORM A T ION A CQ UIRE COMM A ND [ ESC] WV Function Sends infor mation such as the program ver sion of the printer. Form at [ESC] W V [LF] [NUL] Explanation (1) The form at of the program vers ion data (t otal 27 bytes of data) to be retur ned to the host is as f ollows.
- 163 - 6.3.29 MEM ORY BOA RD INFORM A T ION A CQUIRE COM MA ND [ESC] W I Function Sends infor mation regarding the us e of the mem ory board to the host.
- 164 - C: Stor ed PC comm and save file SOH STX “C” Slot Stored PC comm and save file nam e ETX EOT CR LF 01H 02H 43H x xH File name 1 00H File name 2 00 H ··· File na me n 00H 03H 04H 0DH 0AH In the following cases, 1 by te of “00H” is retur ned as the stored PC c omm and save file nam e.
- 165 - 6.3.30 PRINTER INFORM A TION ST ORE COMM A ND [ESC] IG Func tion Sets the printer information. Form at [ESC] IG; aaa --- aaabbb --- bbb [LF] [NUL] T erm aaa --- aaa: Model name (Fixed as 20 digits) 20H to 7FH of ASCII codes bbb --- bbb: Serial No.
- 166 - 6.3.31 PRINTER INFORM A T ION REQUEST COMM A ND [ESC] IR Func tion Retrieves the pr inter inform ation. Form at [ESC] IR [LF] [NUL] Explanation ( 1) The m odel name, s erial No., and software version of the printer set by the Printer Infor mation Store Com mand ([ ESC] IG) is retrieved [Inform ation field] Model name Ser ial No.
- 167 - 6.4 COMMA NDS FOR SYSTEM ADMINISTRA TOR 6.4.1 PA RAMETER SET COMM A ND [ESC] Z2; 1 Function Sets each param eter on the printer. Form at [ESC] Z2; 1, abcdef ghijklm nopqqrst [LF] [NUL] Term a:.
- 168 - g: RS- 232C transmiss ion control 0: XO N/XOFF protocol (No XO N output w hen the power is turned on, no XO FF output when the power is turned OFF) 1: READY /BUSY (DT R) protocol (No XO N outp.
- 169 - o: [FEED] key function 0: FEED: Feeds one label. 1: PRINT : Prints data fr om the im age buffer on one label. p: Kanji code selection 0: Ignore 1: Ignore qq: Eur o code setting “20” to “.
- 170 - 6.4.2 FINE A DJUSTM ENT VALUE SET COM MAND [ESC] Z2; 2 Function Sets various f ine adjustm ent values on the printer. Form at [ESC] Z2; 2, abbbcdddef fghhhijjk llmnnoppqqrr [LF] [NUL] Term a: Indicates the direc tion, forward or back ward, in which a feed length fine adjustm ent is to be m ade.
- 171 - o: Fine adjustm ent direction for the ribbon back tension m otor voltage +: Ignore -: Ignore pp: Fine adjustm ent value for the ribbon back tension m otor voltage Ignore qq: Reflective sens or.
- 172 - 6.4.3 BA T CH RESET COM MAND [ESC] Z0 (zero) Function Resets the printer . Form at [ESC] Z0 [LF] [NUL] Explanation • This c omm and is not executed until the printer enters an idle state.
- 173 - 7. CONTROL CODE SELECTION (1) Automatic Selection This printer autom atically selects [ESC] (1BH). [LF] (0AH). [NUL] (00H) or {( 7BH). | (7CH).
- 174 - 8. ERROR PROCESSING If the printer detec ts any of the following error s, it will display the er ror mes sage (LED), mak es status response ( serial interface, par allel interface and USB interf ace), and stops its oper ation.
- 175 - (2) Cutter Error • Cutter W hen the cutter does not m ove from the cutter home pos ition 50 m sec or more af ter the cutter solenoid is dr iven, an error will result. T he cutter moves from the home position, however, it does not r eturn to the home pos ition after 500 ms ec.
- 176 - 8.3 ERRORS IN WRITA BLE CHA RA CTER A ND PC COMMAND SA VE MODES (1) W rite Error • An error has occurr ed in writing in the flash mem ory board. (2) Format Error • An erase error has occ urred in form atting the flash m emory board. (3) Mem ory Full • Storing is imposs ible because of the insuf ficient flash m emor y capac ity .
- 177 - 9. STA TUS RESPONSE 9.1 SERIAL INTERFA CE 9.1.1 FUNCTIONS There ar e the following two kinds of status response func tions. (1) Status transmis sion function at the end of nor mal transm issio.
- 178 - 9.1.3 DETAIL STA TUS Detail Status Printer Status Auto Status St at us Request Transm ission Com mand The head was clos ed in the online mode. 00 00 The head was opened in the online m ode.
- 179 - 9.2 PARA LLEL INTERFA CE Printer Status O utput Signal BUSY PAUSE FAULT PE In the online mode L H H L In the online mode ( comm unicating) L, H H H L The head was opened in the online m ode. – L L L In a pause state – L L L Data was set fr om the host with the receive bu ffe r full .
- 180 - Printer Status O utput Signal BUSY PAUSE FAULT PE (a) A com mand has been f etched from an odd address. (b) W ord data has been accessed f rom a place other than the boundary of the word data. (c) Long word data has been access ed from a place other than the boundary of the long word data.
- 181 - 10. LED INDI CATIONS No. LED Indication Printer Status Restoration by [FEED] key Acceptance of Status Request Reset Green Red Orange Yes/No Command Yes/N o 1 U In the online m ode - Yes O U In the online m ode (Com munica ting) - Y es 2 U U T he head was opened in the online mode.
- 182 - No. LED Indication Printer Status Restoration by [FEED] key Acceptance of Status Request Reset Green Red Orange Yes/No Command Yes/N o 16 U (a) A com mand has been fetched f rom an odd address. (b) W ord data has been access ed from a place other than the boundary of the word data.
- 183 - 11. CHA RA CTER CODE TABLE The followings are the charac ter code tables. However, the charac ters which can be printed are diff erent according to the char acter type. For the character which c an be printed, refer to the print sam ple described later.
- 184 - (3) PC-85 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p Ç É á C Ó - 1 ! 1 A Q a q ü í Ð ß 2 ” 2 B R b r é ó Ô 3 # 3 C S c s â ô ú Ë 4 $ 4 D T d t ä ö 5 % 5 E U e u Á § 6 &.
- 185 - (5) PC-85 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p Ç C 1 ! 1 A Q a q ü ± 2 ” 2 B R b r é 3 # 3 C S c s â ô 4 $ 4 D T d t ä ö 5 % 5 E U e u à § 6 & 6 F V f v û 7 ’ 7 G W g w ç ù ¸ 8 ( 8 H X h x ê ° 9 ) 9 I Y i y ë Ö ¨ A * : J Z j z è Ü B + ; K [ k { Ï ½ C , < L l | î £ D – = M ] m } E .
- 186 - (7) PC-1250 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C 1 ! 1 A Q a q ± Á á 2 ” 2 B R b r  â 3 # 3 C S c s Ó ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ ´ Ä Ô ä ô 5 % 5 E U e u µ 6 & 6 F V f v ¦.
- 187 - (9) PC-1252 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C À Ð à ð 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ 2 ” 2 B R b r ¢ ² Â Ò â ò 3 # 3 C S c s ƒ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ ´ .
- 188 - (11) PC-1254 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C À à 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ 2 ” 2 B R b r ¢ ² Â Ò â ò 3 # 3 C S c s ƒ £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ ´ Ä Ô .
- 189 - (13) LAT IN9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C À Ð à ð 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ 2 ” 2 B R b r ¢ ² Â Ò â ò 3 # 3 C S c s £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t C Ä Ô .
- 190 - 11.2 PRESENTA TION (Bit m ap font ty pe: M) (1) PC-850, PC-857 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` P C - 1 ! 1 A Q A Q 2 " 2 B R B R 3 # 3 C S C S 4 $ 4 D T D T 5 % 5 E U E U 6 & 6 F V F V 7 ' 7 G W G W 8 ( 8 H X H X 9 ) 9 I Y I Y A * : J Z J Z B + ; K [ K { C , < L L | D – = M ] M } E .
- 191 - (3) PC-852 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` P C - 1 ! 1 A Q A Q 2 " 2 B R B R 3 # 3 C S C S 4 $ 4 D T D T 5 % 5 E U E U 6 & 6 F V F V 7 ' 7 G W G W 8 ( 8 H X H X 9 ) 9 I Y I Y A * : J Z J Z B + ; K [ K { C , < L L | D – = M ] M } E .
- 192 - (5) PC-1252, PC-1254 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` P C 1 ! 1 A Q A Q 2 " 2 B R B R 3 # 3 C S C S 4 $ 4 D T D T 5 % 5 E U E U ¥ 6 & 6 F V F V 7 ' 7 G W G W 8 ( 8 H X H X ^ ˜ 9 ) 9 I Y I Y A * : J Z J Z B + ; K [ K { C , < L L | D – = M ] M } E .
- 193 - (7) LATIN9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` P C 1 ! 1 A Q A Q 2 " 2 B R B R 3 # 3 C S C S 4 $ 4 D T D T C 5 % 5 E U E U ¥ 6 & 6 F V F V 7 ' 7 G W G W 8 ( 8 H X H X 9 ) 9 I Y I Y A * : J Z J Z B + ; K [ K { C , < L L | D – = M ] M } E .
- 194 - 11.3 TEC OUTLINE FONT 1 ( Outline font ty pe: A, B) (1) PC-850 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p Ç É á C - 1 ! 1 A Q a q ü æ í C ß ± 2 ” 2 B R b r é Æ ó 3 # 3 C S c s â.
- 195 - (3) PC-852 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p Ç É á C - 1 ! 1 A Q a q ü í C ß 2 ” 2 B R b r é ó 3 # 3 C S c s â ô ú 4 $ 4 D T d t ä ö 5 % 5 E U e u § 6 & 6 F V f v ÷ 7 ’ 7 G W g w ç 8 ( 8 H X h x ° 9 ) 9 I Y i y ë Ö A * : J Z j z Ü ¬ • B + ; K [ k { C , < L l | î D – = M ] m } E .
- 196 - (5) PC-851 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p Ç C 1 ! 1 A Q a q ü C ± 2 " 2 B R b r é 3 # 3 C S c s â ô 4 $ 4 D T d t ä ö 5 % 5 E U e u à § 6 & 6 F V f v û 7 ' 7 G W g w ç ù 8 ( 8 H X h x ê ° 9 ) 9 I Y i y ë Ö A * : J Z j z è Ü B + ; K [ k { Ï ½ C , < L l | î £ D – = M ] m } E .
- 197 - (7) PC-1250 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C 1 ! 1 A Q a q C á 2 " 2 B R b r â 3 # 3 C S c s ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ Ä ä ô 5 % 5 E U e u µ 6 & 6 F V f v Ö ö 7 ' 7 G W g w § · Ç ç ÷ 8 ( 8 H X h x 9 ) 9 I Y i y É é A * : J Z j z ú B + ; K [ k { « » ë C , < L l | ¬ Ü ü D – = M ] m } Í E .
- 198 - (9) PC-1252 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C à 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ C Ñ á ñ 2 " 2 B R b r ¢ ² â ò 3 # 3 C S c s ƒ £ ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ Ä ä ô 5 % 5 E U e u ¥ µ .
- 199 - (11) PC-1254 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C à 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ C Ñ á ñ 2 " 2 B R b r ¢ ² â ò 3 # 3 C S c s ƒ £ ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ Ä ä ô 5 % 5 E U e u ¥ µ.
- 200 - (13) LAT IN9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p C à 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ C Ñ á ñ 2 " 2 B R b r ¢ ² â ò 3 # 3 C S c s £ ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d t ¤ Ä ä ô 5 % 5 E U e u ¥ µ Å.
- 201 - 11.4 TrueType FONT (1) PC-850 (2) PC-8.
- 202 - (3) PC-852 (4) PC-857.
- 203 - (5) PC-851 (6) PC-855.
- 204 - (7) PC-1250 (8) PC-1251.
- 205 - (9) PC-1252 (10) PC-1253.
- 206 - (11) PC-1254 (12) PC-1257.
- 207 - Š Š Š Š (13) LAT IN9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 0 @ P ` p ° À Ð à ð 1 ! 1 A Q a q ¡ ± Á Ñ á ñ 2 " 2 B R b r ¢ ² Â Ò â ò 3 # 3 C S c s £ ³ Ã Ó ã ó 4 $ 4 D T d.
- 208 - 12. BA R CODE TA BLE (1) W PC (J AN, EAN, UPC) (2) CODE39 (Standar d) ITF, MSI, UCC/EAN128, Industrial 2 of 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 SP 0 P 1 1 1 1 A Q 2 2 2 2 B R 3 3 3 3 C S 4 4 4 $ 4.
- 209 - (4) NW -7 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 SP 0 1 1 A a 2 2 B b 3 3 C c 4 $ 4 D d t 5 5 e 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 A * : B + C D – E • n F / (5) CODE93 [Tr ansfer code] [Drawing code] 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 SP 0 @.
- 210 - (6) CODE128 [T ransfer code] – – 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r 3 ET X DC3 # 3 C S c s 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u 6 AC.
- 211 - Value Code Table VALUE CODE A CODE B CODE C VALUE CODE A CODE B CODE C VALUE CODE A CODE B CODE C 0 SP SP 00 36 D D 36 72 BS h 72 1 ! ! 01 37 E E 37 73 HT i 73 2 " " 02 38 F F 38 74 .
- 212 - (7) Data Mat rix T he code to be used is des ignated using the form at ID. Form at ID Code Details 1 Num erics 0 to 9 space 2 Letters A to Z spac e 3 Alphanum erics, symbols 0 to 9 A to Z spac e .
- 213 - (8) PDF417 T he following modes are automatically selected acc ording to the code used. Mode Code Details EXC m ode Alphanum erics, symbol 0 to 9 A to Z a to z space ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - .
- 214 - (9) Micr oPDF417 T he following modes are automatically selected acc ording to the code used. Mode Details Upper case letter s, space A to Z, spac e Binary International Character Set 00H to F.
- 215 - (10) QR code W hen manual m ode is selected in the Form at Comm and Numeric mode, alphanum eric and symbol m ode, Kanji mode Mode selection Data to be printed Binary m ode Mode selection No.
- 216 - How to send control code data NUL (00H) → >@ ( 3EH, 40H) SOH (01H) → >A (3EH, 41H) STX ( 02H) → >B (3EH, 42H) to GS (1DH) → >] (3EH, 5DH) RS (1EH) → >^ (3EH, 5EH) US (.
- 217 - (11) Postal code Custom er bar code POSTNET 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 P 0 0 1 1 A Q 1 1 2 2 B R 2 2 3 3 C S 3 3 4 4 D T 4 4 5 5 E U 5 5 6 6 F V 6 6 7 7 G W 7 7 8 8 H X 8 8 9 9 I Y 9 9 A J Z .
- 218 - (12) MaxiCode Symbol Charac ter Value Code Set A Code S et B Code Set C Code S et D Code S et E Decimal Binary Character Decimal Chara cter Decimal Char acter Decimal Cha racter Decimal Ch ara.
- 219 - How to send control code data SOH (01H) → >A (3EH, 41H) STX ( 02H) → >B ( 3EH, 42H) to GS (1DH) → >] (3EH, 5DH) RS (1EH) → >^ (3EH, 5EH) US (1FH) → >_ (3EH, 5FH ) How .
- 220 - (13) CP code [Trans fer Code] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 ST X DC2 ” 2 B R b r 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E .
- 221 - 13. DRA WING OF BA R CODE DA TA : Field to be incremented/dec remented (T he absence of a s olid line invalidates increm enting/decrementing.) : Field subject to printing num erals under bars .
- 222 - Type of Bar Code: JAN13, EAN13 (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 13 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 13 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 c heck No.
- 223 - Type of Bar Code: UPC-A (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 12 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 12 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 c heck No.
- 224 - Type of Bar Code: UPC-E (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 7 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 7 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No. of Input Digits 7 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 7 digits Not to be draw n (3) Auto aff ix of modulus 10 No.
- 225 - Type of Bar Code: JAN8 +2 digits, EAN8 + 2 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 10 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 10 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 226 - Type of Bar Code: JAN8 +5 digits, EAN8 + 5 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 13 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 13 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 227 - Type of Bar Code: JAN13 +2 digits, EAN13 + 2 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 15 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 15 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 228 - Type of Bar Code: JAN13 +5 digits, EAN13 + 5 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 18 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 18 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 229 - Type of Bar Code: UPC-A + 2 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 14 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 14 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 230 - Type of Bar Code: UPC-A + 5 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 17 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 17 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 231 - Type of Bar Code: UPC-E + 2 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 9 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 9 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 232 - Type of Bar Code: UPC-E + 5 digits (1) No affix No. of Input Digits 12 digits Input Data To be checked as modulus 10 C/D Draw ing Data Other than 12 digits Not to be draw n (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 233 - Type of Bar Code: MSI (1) No affix No. of Input Digits Max . 15 digits Input Data Not recognized as a check digit. Draw ing Data 16 digits or more Not to be drawn (2) IBM modulus 10 check No.
- 234 - Type of Bar Code: Interleaved 2 of 5 (1) No affix No. of Input Digits Max . 126 digits Input Data Not recognized as a check digit. Draw ing Data 127 digits or more Not to be drawn (2) Modulus 10 check No.
- 235 - Type of Bar Code: Industrial 2 of 5 (1) No affix No. of Input Digits Max . 126 digits Input Data Not recognized as a check digit. Draw ing Data 127 digits or more Not to be drawn (2) Modulus check character check No. of Input Digits Min. 2 digits Max .
- 236 - Type of Bar Code: CODE39 (Standard) (1) No affix No. of Input Digits Max . 123 digits Input Data Start code Stop code Not recognized as a check digit. Draw ing Data 124 digits or more Not to be drawn (2) Modulus 43 check No. of Input Digits Min.
- 237 - Type of Bar Code: CODE39 (F ull ASCII) (1) No affix No. of Input Digits Max . 60 digits Input Data Start code Stop code Not recognized as a check digit. Draw ing Data 61 digits or more Not to be drawn (2) Modulus 43 check No. of Input Digits Min.
- 238 - Type of Bar Code: No auto selection of CODE128 (Character “>” to be also counted as a digit) (1) No affix PSEUDO103 chec k Auto aff ix of PSEUDO103 No. of Input Digits Min. 3 digits Max . 125 digits Input Data (including start code) Draw ing Data Affix PSEUD O103 C/D.
- 239 - Type of Bar Code: CODE93 (1) No affix C/D check Auto aff ix of C/D No. of Input Digits Input Data Max . 60 digits Drawing Data Stop code Affix a modulus 47 “K” C/D.
- 240 - Type of Bar Code: POST NET (1) Auto affix of dedicated C/D No. of Input Digits Input Data 5 digits Drawing Data Start code Stop code Dedicated check digit Input Data 9 digits Drawing Data Star.
- 241 - Type of Bar Code: Custom er bar code (1) Auto affix of dedicated C/D No. of Input Digits Input Data 20 digits Draw ing Data Start code Dedicated check digit Stop code 21 digits or more Data of up to 20 digits is draw n. Data of 21 digits or more is discarded.
- 242 - 14. A UTOMATIC A DDING OF START/STOP CODE Type of Bar Code Designat ion of Start/S top Code Input Data Drawing Data 12345ABC Standar d *12345ABC* Full ASCII *12345ABC* *12345ABC Standard *1234.
- 243 - Type of Bar Code Designat ion of Start/S top Code Input Data Drawing Data 12345ABC Standard 12345ABC Full ASCII 12345ABC *12345ABC Standard *12345ABC Full ASCII *12345ABC 12345ABC* Standard 12.
デバイスToshiba GC10-QMの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Toshiba GC10-QMをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはToshiba GC10-QMの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Toshiba GC10-QMの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Toshiba GC10-QMで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Toshiba GC10-QMを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はToshiba GC10-QMの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Toshiba GC10-QMに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちToshiba GC10-QMデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。