Trango BroadbandメーカーAtlas5010の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Ffirm Atlas5010™ Point-to-Point Wireless Ethernet Bridge USER MANUAL April 25, 2005 Revision 2.
Table of Contents Trango Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Tra ngo LINK User Ma nual Rev. D for Firm ware Ver. 1. 1 page ii Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................
Table of Figures Trango Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s-4 5 page iii.
Preface Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s-4 5 page iv Preface This manual covers the basic configuration and installation of the Atlas5010 Wireless Point to Point Broadband Sy ste m, and applies t.
Preface Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s-4 5 page v Contact Information Corporate Headquar ters Trango Broadband Wireless, a d iv ision of Trango Systems, Inc. 15070 Ave nue of Scie nce Suite 200 San Diego, CA 9 2128 USA Web Sites www.trango broadband.
Overview Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 6 Chapter 1 Overv iew The Atlas5010 is a point-to-point (PtP) wireless Ethernet tr ansmission system which provides network connectivity at speeds up to 45 Mbps depending on th e transmission distance and noise floor.
Overview Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 7 Range vs. Throughput The followin g table shows a pproxim ate maxim um ranges (at recom mended fade margins) ac hievable wi th the Atlas5010 system using various antenn a configu rations. Longer ranges are achievable, but will result in lower fade margins.
Overview Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 8 System Contents The Atlas5010 system is available in two versi ons: Atlas5010-INT - Radios with integrated 23 dBi antennas (part numbers P501.
Overview Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 9 Location of Serial Nu mber & MAC Address The serial number and MAC address label can be found on the back of each rad io. The serial num ber and MAC address is also provided within the system information (sysinfo) screen.
Getting Started Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 10 Chapter 2 Getting Started It is always a good idea to first provision and test the radios on the bench b efore deployi ng them in t he field. This is a particularly useful exercise for the novice user.
Getting Started Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 11 Configuration Tools Atlas5010 radios can be configured using either the C o mmand Line Interface (CLI), or the Web Browser (HTTP) interface. The CLI m ethod provides slightly m ore functionality.
Getting Started Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 12 Troubleshooting Ethern et Connections If you cannot telnet into th e radio or open an HTTP browser session, check your cable conn ections to ensure proper use of cross-over v s. straight-t hrough cable, a nd ensure your PC’s subnet i s routable t o the radio ’s IP address.
Getting Started Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 13 Sysinfo Exam ple: #> sysinfo ********************************* 0 ********************************* [Model] P5010M <INT> [Uni.
Getting Started Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 14 [Eth In] 2,162,862 bytes 0 Kbps [Eth Tx] 1,098,403 bytes 4 Kbps [RF Rx] 471,841 bytes 0 Kbps [RF Tx] 2,233,369 bytes 0 Kbps Success. #> To view only a particul ar section of the sysinfo screen, type sysinfo f ollowed by the desired sectio n number.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 15 [Peer IP Config] Remote radio’ s IP subnet, and default Gateway co nf iguration Section 3 Channel Table: (MHz, n/a: n ot available in.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 16 Remote Unit (RU) The RU is typically installed at the remote end of the link. The primary distinction between the MU and RU is that when the radios are not associated , the MU will transmit and the RU will listen until the wireless link is established.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 17 #> defaultopmode on Success. 5. Turn Opm ode ON . #> opmode on Success. . Remote Unit Configuration Configure the RU in the same manner as the MU. Since the default unit type (utype) is RU, you do not need to set this parameter.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 18 Syntax: ipconfig [<ip> <subnet> <gateway>] Example: #> ipconfig New configuration: [ip] [subnet mask] [gateway] 10.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 19 RF Link Loopback Test (linktest command) The linktest command is the primary tool to assess the quality of the lin k when opmode is on. The linktest command tests the throughput and pa cket error rate (PER) on the cu rrent channel for each di rection at all speeds and reports results.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 20 Link Speed & Power Settings Users may change the radi o’s over-the -air data rate and cond ucted output power usin g the speed and power commands. Keep in mind that the lower da ta rates offer highe r receive r sensitivity and higher allowable conducted RF power in the ISM band.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 21 Automatic Rate Shifting Feature Description With autorateshift feature ena bled, the radios will au tom atically renegotiate the modulation m ethod and speed speed to maximize wireless link integrity.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 22 MIR Feature Description Maxim um Information rat e is confi gurable on both the MU and R U. The MIR f unction is performe d on the transmit si de only and is base d on a one second tim ing interval.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 23 Command Reference Listing The complete comman d set reference is p rovided below. Yo u can also view a com plete listing of all CLI c ommands by typing help . Command Sy ntax Description antenna [h|v] Set or display antenna setting.
Configuration Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 24 defaultopm ode [on|off] Set or displa y default o pmode. Ra dio m ust be set to opm ode ON to establish wireless link. Default setting=OFF encrypt [on|off] Enable or disable propr ietary 128 bit tx encryptio n .
Deployment & Installation Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 25 sysinfo [[<par t #> [<part #> [..]]]] Display system information and statu s <part #> = 0.
Deployment & Installation Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 26 Chapter 4 Deployment & Installation Once you are familiar with the basic operation of the radios you are ready for deployment in the field.
Deployment & Installation Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 27 Ch 20 h 5755 : -82 / -96 n/a / n/a Ch 20 v : -76 / -85 n/a / n/a Ch 21 h 5775 : -97 / -98 n/a / n/a Ch 21 v : -95 / -98.
Deployment & Installation Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 28 Setting the Maximum RF Power for Le g al Operation in the U-NII Band Due to FCC restrictions the professional installer must manually set the maximum pow er for the 5. 25 to 5.
Deployment & Installation Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 29 Mounting Hardware Radios are s upplied wi th mounti ng hardware for pole installations. See diagram below for proper use of the m ounting hardware. 10.00° UPTILT 25.00° DOWNTILT 8.
SNMP Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 30 It is important to properly seal each antenna connection to prot ect against moisture and corrosion. Each Atlas radio is shippe d with a packet of Coax-Seal ® connector sealant which should be applied over e ach of the SMA connectors.
SNMP Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 31 Chapter 5 SNMP The Atlas sup ports SNMP ( Simple Net work Managem ent Protocol) . Network m anagement consists of the following 3 categories: configuration , Link and Association monitoring and Alar ms.
SNMP Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 32 Chapter 6 Firmware Upgr ade Procedure Trango Broadband Wireless will from time to time release firm ware upgrades for the Atlas series radios. The latest released firmware can be downloaded from http://www.
SNMP Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 33 #> tftpd on Success. #> FROM COMPUTER COMMAND PROMPT SESSION C:Atlas>dir Volume in drive C is Local Disk Volume Serial Number is 7802-AAF7 Directory of C:Atlas 03/16/2005 08:29a <DIR> .
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 34 Appendix A Using the HTTP Interface Open a browse r session and t ype in the IP a ddress of one o f the radios . Default IP a ddress is 192. 168.100.100. Leave the User nam e field blank and enter re ad write or read only Passw ord.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 35 Navigation li nks are show n on the left si de of the browser screen.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 36 Model: Model number. Unit Type: Atlas unit type either MU (master) or RU (remote). Hardware Version: Hardware version is factory-set and can not be chang ed by use r. Firmware Version: Current firmware version loaded in the ra dio.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 37 RF Out: Counter for Ethern et packe ts which exit ed over-the-air out the radio. Configuration Page IP Address: The IP address of this radio; used to manage the radio's application layer.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 38 Reboot: Reboot the unit. Close All Telnet Sessions: Close all the active telnet sessions.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 39 Configuration Screen – Mini mum Required Settings to Establish a Wire less Link To configure a wireless link, user must (at a minimum) enter the following information: Unit Type: Set one radio as the MU and one radio as the RU.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 40 Connection Status.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 41 Site Survey Page The site survey function measures overall noise floor as well as in-band noise containing data p ackets. Noise is reported in terms of a verage and pea k dBm for t he period t ested.
Appendix A Command Set Reference Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 42 Link Control The Link Cont rol page feat ures the RF Link Loopback / Sp eed Te st. In this test, the user specifies the t ransmission rate (in Mbps) i n both the local ra dio and the peer radi o as well as the duration time (in minutes) for the test.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 43 Appendix B Specifications RF Parameters Transmitter RF Conducte d Power: Band 2 (U-NII) Max: +7 dBm Limits 5.26-5.32 GHz Min = -4 dBm Band 4 (US ISM): Max: +21 dBm ( 6 Mbps) 5.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 44 Channel 6: 5.480 GHz -Band 3 (pending) Channel 7: 5.500 GHz -Band 3 (pendi ng ) Channel 8: 5.520 GHz -Band 3 (pending) Channel 9: 5.540 GHz -Band 3 (pending) Channel 10: 5.560 GHz -Band 3 (pe n di ng ) Channel 11: 5.
Appendix B Specifications Trango Broadba nd Wireless — Atla s50 10 page 45 NEMA Rati ng: NEMA 4 Shock: Sustain 3 axi s drop from 5 feet Power Parameters Input Voltage: Input voltage range at unit is 10 .5 VDC to 24 VDC max. Powe r is supplied on Ethernet ca bl e usi n g junction b ox pr ovi ded with up to 330 foot 24 AWG STP cable.
デバイスTrango Broadband Atlas5010の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Trango Broadband Atlas5010をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTrango Broadband Atlas5010の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Trango Broadband Atlas5010の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Trango Broadband Atlas5010で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Trango Broadband Atlas5010を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTrango Broadband Atlas5010の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Trango Broadband Atlas5010に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTrango Broadband Atlas5010デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。