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Vanguard Managed Solutions V anguard 342 Installation Manual.
Notice ©2004 V anguard Mana ged Sol utions, LL C 575 W est S treet Mansfield, Massachusetts 02 048 (508) 261-4 000 All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. Restricted Right s Not ificati on for U.S. Government Us ers The softw are (including firmware) ad dressed in th is manual i s provided to the U.
Notice (contin ued) Propriet ary Material Informat ion and s oftware i n this doc ument are propr ietary to V anguardMS Inc. ( or its Supplie rs) and with out the exp ress prior permissio n of an of ficer of V anguardMS Inc.
The REN is used t o determine the n umber of devices th at may be connected to a telephone lin e. Ex ces siv e REN s on a te lep hon e lin e m ay re sult in t he d evic es not r ingi ng in re spo nse to an in coming call. In mo st but not al l areas, the sum o f RENs sh ould not exceed five (5.
Contents v Special Not ices and Translat ions Customer Inf ormation Customer Response Car d Chapter 1. About the Vang uard 342 V anguard 342 Descripti on ...................... .................................... .................. 1-2 Features an d Functionality .
vi Cont ent s (co ntinued) Chapter 3. Installa tion and Replacement Port Char acteristi cs and Cabling ................................... ........................... 3-13 Control T erminal Port (CTP) ............................ .................. ..
vii About Th is Manual Overview Introduct ion This installati on describe s features, hardware, specificatio ns, and applications f or the V anguard 342. Note For info rmation on operat ing system sof tware and c onfiguration, see t he V anguar d Basic Confi guration Man ual (Part Number T01 13).
viii About Th is Manual (cont inued) Related Docum ent atio n Introduct ion This section de scribes re lated documentati on and where to obtain documentat ion. Other Document ation All documentation is pro vided on the V anguide CD-ROM and th e V anguardMS web site.
ix About T his Manual (con tinued) V anguide CD-ROM The V anguide CD-ROM co ntains all V angu ard document ation ava ilable at t he time of release. The V anguide CD-ROM is shipped with e ach V a nguard p roduct. T o orde r an addit ional copy of the V anguide CD-ROM, plea se contact a V anguardMS Represen tative.
xi Special Notices and T ranslation s Special Notices The fo llowing not ices empha size certain inf ormation in the gu ide. Each se rves a special purpose a nd is displayed in t he format shown: Not a Note is u s ed to emphasize any signif icant informati on.
xii Dutch Bijzondere vermeldingen De volgend e vermeldingen besteden e xtra aandacht a an bepaalde informat ie in de handle iding. Elke vermel ding heeft een e igen nut en wordt in de volgen de opmaak weer gegeven: Opmerking Een opmerki ng wordt gebruikt om belangri jke informatie te benadrukken.
xiii A vertiss ement Un averti ssement co nstitue le messa ge le plus séri eux, indiq uant que vous po uvez subir de s blessures cor porelles. German Besondere Hinweise Durch die folgenden Hinwe i se werden bestimmte Informat ionen in die sem Handbuch he rvorgeho ben.
xiv Jap anese Korean Norwegian Spesielle merknader Merknadst ypene nedenfor re presenterer en beste m t type i nformasj on i håndboken. Hver merkna dstype har en spesiell he nsikt og vi ses på fø lgende format: Merk Merk bruk es for å f remh eve v iktig info rmas jon.
xv Portuguese/ Portugal A visos Especiais Os avisos que se seguem realçam certas inform ações nest e guia. Cada um deles serve um object i vo esp ecial e é visualizado no f ormato apr esentado: Not a Nota é uti liza do para realç ar q ualqu er i nform ação im porta nte.
xvi Va r n i n g V arning är den mes t allvarliga beteckni ngen och den ind ikerar att du ka n skad as fy sis kt..
Customer Inf ormation xvii Customer Informatio n Customer Questions Customers who have ques tions about V anguard Man aged Solut ions produc ts or servic es should contact your V a nguardMS represent ative or visit this website f or product, sales, suppor t, docume ntation, or training inf ormation: http://w ww .
Customer Resp onse Card V anguard Managed Solutions would like your help in improving its product documentation. Please comple te and retur n this card by fax to (508 ) 339-95 92; Atte ntion: Prod uct Documenta tion, to prov ide your feedback.
About t he V anguard 342 1- 1 Chapter 1 About the V ang uard 342 Overvi ew Introduct ion This chapter de scribes the hardware and s oftware f unctions, and the tar get applica t ions for the V anguard ® 342 device .
1-2 About the V anguard 34 2 V anguard 34 2 Description V an guard 342 Description Introduct ion This section de scribes the V anguard 342 device. Descriptio n The V anguard 342 i s a member of the 340 family .
About t he V anguard 342 1- 3 Features and Funct ionality Features and Fun ctionality Introduct ion This section de scribes the feature s available wit h your V anguard 342 devi ce. For descri ptions of the sof tware runnin g on your V anguar d 342, refe r to the appropria te protocol document.
1-4 About the V anguard 34 2 Features and Functionality Daughtercard Functionali ty The V anguard 34 2 is available with the optional compone nts list ed below as factor y-installed or as separate ad .
About t he V anguard 342 1- 5 T a rget Applications T arg et Applications Introduct ion This section de scribes the various t ar get applicatio ns for the V anguard 34 2.
1-6 About the V anguard 34 2 T arg et Appli cations Virtual Private Network Introduct ion This section pr ovides a general description o f features and a pplications wi thin the V anguard V irtual Pri vate Network ( VPN).
About t he V anguard 342 1- 7 T a rget Applications • Addres s Management - The Addresses of the clients on each of the private sites sh ould not be th e ones used in the publi c domain, however , packets se nt out ont o the public network mus t have public source/d estination addr esses.
1-8 About the V anguard 342 T arg et Appli cations St andard-based T unneling and Encryption for IP T raffic IPSec IPSec is the predomi nant tunne ling a nd securit y sta ndard for IP Networ ks. It defines protocol s req uired for site-to-site a s well as remote a ccess VPN impl ementati ons at layer 3 of the OSI model.
About t he V anguard 342 1- 9 T a rget Applications Frame Relay and X.25 Encryption Frame Relay and X.25 Networks Another va lue-added feat ure in V anguard Managed S olutions VP N implementat ion is the ability to en crypt LAN traf fic and serial le gacy protocol s (SNA, SDLC, SLAC, and TBOP) and tr ansport them ov e r Fra me Relay and X.
1-10 About th e V anguard 34 2 T arg et Appli cations IP and Serial Protocols over Frame Relay Introduct ion The V a nguar d 342 suppor ts multi protoc ol encapsulati on of IP traf fic and ser ial protocol s over frame rel a y as s pecified by RFC 1490.
About t he V anguard 342 1-1 1 T a rget Applications V ideo and Serial Protocols over Public or Private Network s Introduct ion As shown in Figu re 1-4, the V anguard 34 2 can suppor t encapsulati on of video and serial protocols over public or private netw orks.
1-12 About th e V anguard 34 2 T arg et Appli cations Branch Offic e to Central Office over Public or Priva te Networks Introduct ion T he V a ngu ard 342 offers an i dea l sol utio n fo r br anc h offic e to ce ntral offic e connecti vity over a public or private network as shown in Figure 1 -5.
About t he V anguard 342 1-13 T a rget Applications Applicati on Matrix This tab le describes t he application types shown in Figur e 1-5 and lists the vari ous daughter cards used for c onnectivity o.
1-14 About th e V anguard 34 2 T arg et Appli cations SOHO and Branch Office to Central Office ove r ISDN Introduct ion The V anguard 34 2 equipped with opt ional daughterc ards provide a wi de range of network s olutions for co m panies w ith smal l branch of fices or t elecommuting employees working from a home of fice.
About t he V anguard 342 1-15 T a rget Applications Note The V anguard 342 ca n support the 4-Po rt V oice FXS and 4-Por t V oice FXO Daughter cards. Offi ce T ype Daughtercard Used Descripti on Small.
1-16 About th e V anguard 34 2 T arg et Appli cations DSL/Cable Mode m Introduct ion The V anguard 34 2 enables connect ivity to high-spe ed broadband servi ces such a s DSL and Cable by connecting the 10/100BaseT port o n the V anguard 3 42 to the Ethernet port on t he DSL or Cable mode m .
About t he V anguard 342 1-17 T a rget Applications G .SHDSL Daughtercard Introduct ion The V anguard 34 2 enables connect ivity to high-spe ed broadband servi ces such a s G .SHDSL by inst alling a V anguard G .SHDSL daughter card in t he V anguard 342.
1-18 About th e V anguard 34 2 T arg et Appli cations LAN Se gment ation Introduct ion Tr adition al LAN segmentati on allows groupin g users and avo i ding common problem where packe ts are forwarded to LANs wi th no nee d for th em. It allows also isolat ing a secure are a from a publ ic one.
About t he V anguard 342 1-19 T a rget Applications V irtual LAN (VLAN) VLAN In this applicat ion V anguard 342 i s directly conn ected to a VLAN switch. Switches are data link-la yer de vic es that, like bridges, e nabl e multiple ph ys ical LAN segmen ts to be in terconnected in to a single lar ger network .
1-20 About th e V anguard 34 2 Clocking Limitations V anguard 342 Clocking Lim it ations V angu ard 342 Limit ation Listed bel ow are the clocki ng issues r elating to Por t 3 of the V anguard 342: V anguard 342 DCE INT --> VG6560/VG320/VG64xx EXT at 1.
Hardware Description 2-1 Chapter 2 Hardware Description Overview Introduct ion This chapter de scribes t he V anguard 34 2: •E n c l o s u r e • Mother board • V anguard Daught ercards.
2-2 Hardware Description Enclosure Enclosure Introduct ion This section de scribes the components of the V anguard 342 enc losure. V anguard 342 Enclosure The V anguard 34 2 fits i nto a compact , low.
Hardware Description 2- 3 Enclosure Rear Panel Figure 2- 2 shows a V anguar d 342 rear panel cont aining the follo w ing: • One Sync /Async Unive rsal Serial Interf ace port (DB-25 con nector) • O.
2-4 Hardware Description Motherboard Motherboard General Descriptio n The V anguard 34 2 motherboar d contain s 8 Megabytes of Non-V olatile FLASH on board and has 32 Megabytes of SDRAM (synchr onous DRAM) on an attache d DIMM.
Hardware Description 2- 5 Mother board Access the Motherboard T o access the mot herboard component s you must remove the moth erboard from the enclosur e. For info rmation about removing and install ing the mother board refer to the “Acces sing the M othe rboard” se ction in Chapt er 3.
2-6 Hardware Description Motherboard Wa r n i n g Y our V anguard pro duct was design ed and certified f or use with speci fic memory option SI M Ms. It is IMPOR T ANT that you ins t all only the de vices that are certified for use with your V anguard prod uct.
Hardware Description 2- 7 V anguard Daughtercards V an guard Daugh tercards Introduct ion The V anguard 34 2 can support the se standar d V anguard Daugh tercards: • 1-Port FXS/FXO V oice • 2-P or.
2-8 Hardware Description V anguard Daughtercards 1-Port FXS/ FXO V oice The V anguard 342 supports the FXS/FXO Daughterca r d. This daughter card supports voice ch annel, using eit her an analog FXS or FXO int erface. T he 1-Port V oice FXS/FXO Daughte rcard provides RJ 11 con nectors for FXS and FXO Ports.
Hardware Description 2- 9 V anguard Daughtercards 4-Port V oice FXO Daughtercard The V anguard Quad FXO Daug hter Card is supported on the V anguard 342. The 4-Port V oice FXO Daugh tercard has four RJ1 1 connectors for four FXO Ports .The new softwa re for t his card is in r elease 6.
2-10 Hardware Description V anguard Daughtercards Dual E&M The Dual E&M D aughter card has two E&M interfaces. The ports use RJ1 1 connecto rs. Figure 2- 10 shows the Dual E&M Daugh tercard connect ors as they appea r on the back pane l.
Hardware Description 2-1 1 V anguard Daughtercards ISDN and Enhanced ISDN BRI-S/T Dat a This car d provides 2B+D Channe l through a BRI S/T i nterface.
2-12 Hardware Description V anguard Daughtercards Note If you ar e only usi ng one ISDN or enhance d ISDN BRI daught ercard, the car d must be lo cated in the Por t 1 position. If you are using Release 6.3 and greater , the enha nced ISDN BRI ST data daug htercard must be located in port 1 and the ISDN BRI voice ca rd would go i n port 2 .
Hardware Description 2-13 V anguard Daughtercards V .90 Modem The V .90 modem daught ercard pr ovides dia l back-up for a customer s PPP Async applica t ions. The V .90 uses a dual RJ -11 f or connectio n to centr al offic es, PBXs or telepho ne s ystems.
Installation and R eplacement 3-1 Chapter 3 Inst allation a nd Replace ment Overview Introduct ion This chapter descr ibes how to inst all, cabl e , and modif y your V anguard 3 42 device.
3-2 Installation and Repl acement Checking Y our Shipment Contents Checking Y ou r Shipme nt Conten t s List of Content s The V anguard 342 is pa ckaged in shock-a bsorbent packing material. In side your shippin g carton, you shoul d find the conte nts shown in Fig ure 3-1.
Installation and R eplacement 3-3 Installing The V anguard 342 Inst alling T he V anguard 342 Introduct ion This section e xplains how to install the V anguard 342 and i ncludes these topic s: • Sel.
3-4 Installation and Repl acement Installing The Vanguard 342 Selecting and Prep a ring the Inst allation Site How to Choose a Site Before inst alling your V anguard 342, select a s ite for the device . Choose a site within an approp riate distance of a power source.
Installation and R eplacement 3-5 Installing The V anguard 342 Mise e n Garde Afin d’é viter toute surchauf fe des cir cuits de l’uni té, ne placez auc un objet sur l’unit é à moins de 2,5 cm (1 pou ce) des co nduits de ventilat ion du panneau avant et à moins de 30 ,5 cm (12 pouces) de l ’arrière de l ’unité.
3-6 Installation and Repl acement Installing The Vanguard 342 Inst alling Y our V anguard 342 Inst allation Complete t hese step s to instal l your V anguard 342: S tep Action 1 Unpack the V anguard 342, and inspec t the unit to en sure you have all the components.
Installation and R eplacement 3-7 Installing The V anguard 342 Ther mal Conside rations Introduct ion This section e xplains some of th e heat and temperature factor s that can af fect your V anguard 342. Fan After the unit is installed, power it up and check that the fan is working proper ly .
Configuring th e Serial Interface Introduct ion This section de scribes the serial interface and explai ns how to confi gure your V anguard 342 f or variou s communication interface type s.
Installation and R eplacement 3-9 Configuring the Se rial Interfac e Sett ing the Inte rface T ype Introduct ion This section pr ovides instruc tions fo r setting the In terface T ype paramet er .
3-10 Installation and Repl acement Configuring the Serial Interf ace Setting the Interface Options Introduct ion This section pr ovides instruc tion for sett ing the Inte rface Options pa rameter . V .24 Interface T ype Use this proced ure to set the I nterfac e Options paramete r for V .
Installation and R eplacement 3-1 1 Configuring the Se rial Interfac e V .35/V .36, and X.21/ V .1 1 Interface T ypes Use th is proced ure to set the I nterface Optio ns paramete r for V .35, V .36, and X.21/V .1 1 interface types: S tep Action Result/Descript i on 1 From the Control T erminal Port Main menu, s elect Conf igure -> Port .
3-12 Installation and Repl acement Cabling the V anguard 342 Cabling the V anguard 342 Introduct ion This sec tion provides i nformation to help you ca ble your V anguard 342. Caution Before c onnecting cables to the mother board or daughter card ports, be su re that the screws ho l ding the m otherb oard in place are t ight.
Installation and R eplacement 3-13 Cabling the V a nguard 342 Port Characteristics and Ca bling Introduct ion This section de scribes the port characterist ics and cable s requir ed to connec t to the V anguard 342.
3-14 Installation and Repl acement Cabling the V anguard 342 2 DB25 DIM Site Daughterca rd V .1 1, V .24, V .35, V. 3 6 DB25-to-DB25 Cable V .1 1, V .35 and V .
Installation and R eplacement 3-15 Cabling the V a nguard 342 Port Numbering for Physical Por t s 1 and 2 Daug hte rcard s in sta lled in p orts 1 an d 2 mus t be con figur ed c orre ctly . F or e xam ple , if you have i nstalled a D ual E&M daughter card i n port 1 you must configure the port as an E&M po rt.
3-16 Installation and Repl acement Cabling the V anguard 342 Control T erminal Port (CTP) Port 4 Connec tor Pinout Use th e supplie d RJ45/DB25 cable to c onnect to th e CTP Port and perform CTP operati ons such as coldl oading sof tware images int o a V anguard 342.
Installation and R eplacement 3-17 Cabling the V a nguard 342 10/100 BaseT Adapter Ca ble Specificat ions The 10/100 BaseT cable has the followin g specifi cations: • Cable T ype: Categor y 5 or bet.
3-18 Installation and Repl acement Cabling the V anguard 342 DB25 V .24 Pinout s Connector Pin outs Th is table show s the DB2 5 V .2 4 conne ctor pin outs for DCE/D TE mode . T o use DTE to DTE or DCE t o DCE mode, a cros sover adapter ca ble is required.
Installation and R eplacement 3-19 Cabling the V a nguard 342 DB25 V .35/V .36 Pinout s Connector Pin out This table shows the DB25 V .35/V .36 connector pinouts for DCE/DTE mode. T o use DTE to DTE or DCE to DCE mode , a crossover adap ter cable i s required.
3-20 Installation and Repl acement Cabling the V anguard 342 DB25 X.21/V .1 1 Pinouts Connector Pin out This table shows the DB25 X.21/V .1 1 connect or pin outs for DCE/DTE mode. T o use DTE to DTE or DCE to DCE mode , a crossover adap ter cable i s required.
Installation and R eplacement 3-21 Cabling the V a nguard 342 Crossover Cabl e Connections The diagr am in Figure 3-5 sh o ws the cro ssover cable connectio ns for DCE to DCE mode. Figure 3-5. Crossove r Cable Connections Orderin g Cables T o order cable s please contact a V anguardMS repre sentative.
3-22 Installation and Repl acement Modifying Y our Vangu a rd 342 Modifying Y o ur V a nguard 342 Introduct ion Y ou can modi fy your V anguard 342 by addi ng or replacing c omponents on the motherboa rd.
Installation and R eplacement 3-23 Modifying Y our V a nguard 342 Inst alling V anguard Daughtercards V anguard Daughtercards Y ou can i nstall two Daughterca rds in the V a nguar d 342.
3-24 Installation and Repl acement Modifying Y our Vangu a rd 342 Accessin g the Mot herboard Introduct ion This section e xplains how to access th e motherboard for the V anguard 34 2. It also identi fies the lo cation of the key motherboar d components.
Installation and R eplacement 3-25 Modifying Y our V a nguard 342 Vo r s i c h t Einige i m 342 verwende ten Komponenten soll ten keinen elektr ostatischen Entladun gen ausgesetzt werde n, durch die inte rne Bauteile beschädigt werde n können.
3-26 Installation and Repl acement Modifying Y our Vangu a rd 342 Procedure fo r Removing the Motherboard Use th e steps t o remove the V anguard 342 moth erboard: Procedure fo r Inst alling the Motherboard Use th e steps t o install the V anguard 342 mo therboard : S tep Action 1 Remove the p ower cord and cabl es from the bac k of th e unit.
Installation and R eplacement 3-27 Modifying Y our V a nguard 342 Adding an d Removing Memory Modul es Introduct ion The appropriat e memory modules (SIMMs and DIMM) are instal led on the motherboa rd at the facto ry . If the y are not, you c an install th ese component s as necessa ry .
3-28 Installation and Repl acement Modifying Y our Vangu a rd 342 Note The locat ion of the FLASH SIMM and Dat a Compressi on (DCC/DSP)/ Encrypti on SIMM are ind icated on the motherboard as sh own in Figure 3-8. Adding/Removing SDRAM DIMM Use these steps to add and remove a SDRAM DIMM: 1) Insert the DIMM into slo t as shown in Figur e 3-7.
Installation and R eplacement 3-29 Modifying Y our V a nguard 342 Figure 3-7. SIMM and DIMM Install ation/Replacement ECC DIMM.
3-30 Installation and Repl acement Modifying Y our Vangu a rd 342 Figure 3-8. Locat ion of Motherboard Components V anguard Daughtercard Slots SDRAM Slots ECC Encryption Slots FLASH SIMM Slot Battery .
Installation and R eplacement 3-31 Modifying Y our V a nguard 342 SIMM and DIMM Slot s Figure 3- 8 shows the locations of the SIMM and DI M M slots: • SDRAM DIMM • FLASH SIMM • Data Comp ression/Encr yption SIMM (ECC DIMM) Note There ar e two encryption s ockets in the mot herboard, o nly one can be used at a time.
3-32 Installation and Repl acement Modifying Y our Vangu a rd 342 Inst alling/Removing the Lithium Ba ttery Introduct ion This section e xplains how to replace t he rea l time bat tery . V anguard 342 uses a lithiu m b atter y on the moth erb oard to main tain the node ’ s real -time clo ck.
Installation and R eplacement 3-33 Modifying Y our V a nguard 342 Removing/ Inst alling the Battery Figure 3- 9 shows how to install an d replace the ba ttery .
Powerin g Up and L oading Softwa re 4-1 Chapter 4 Powering Up and L o ading Software Overview Introduct ion T his cha pter des cribe s: • Powering Up Y our V anguard 342 • Powering Of f The V angu.
4-2 Powering Up and Loadi n g So ftware Powering Up Y our V anguard 342 Powering Up Y our V anguard 342 Introduct ion This section de scribes the se quence of events wh en you power up an d power down the V anguard 342. Powering On t he V anguard 342 The V anguard 342 doe s not have a power s witch on the unit.
Powering U p and Loadi ng Software 4- 3 Powering Of f The V a nguard 342 Powering Off The V anguard 342 Wa r n i n g When powerin g down the unit, al w ays unpl ug the power cord f rom the AC power outlet fi rst (Figure 4-1).
4-4 Powering Up and Loadi n g So ftware Powering Of f The Vangu ard 342 Wa r n i n g Hazardous voltage from the tele communications n etwork may be accessible on un-eart hed units. Discon nect all te lecommunications c ables before re moving the main lead from the po w er supply .
Powering U p and Loadi ng Software 4- 5 Powerup Diagnostics Powerup Diagnostic s Introduct ion This section de scribes dia gnostics that run aut omatically when yo u power up the V anguard 342. Det ailed Front Panel LEDs Figure 4- 3 illustrat es the det ailed front pa nel LEDs located be hind the f ront cover .
Power Up Sequence When the V anguard 342 power cord is plugged into the power supply outlet, you will see the following power up sequence: Det ailed FT1/FE1 LED The FT1/FE1 d aughtercards hav e one LED located on the rear panel.
Powering U p and Loadi ng Software 4- 7 Accessing the Control T erminal Port Accessing the Control T erminal Port Introduct ion Once you have powere d on the V anguard 342, you can access t he Control T erminal Port from the PC or te rmin al a ttach ed to the CTP por t.
4-8 Powering Up and Lo ading Software Accessin g the Contro l T ermi nal Port Alternative Methods for Accessing the CTP Introduct ion T his sectio n d escr ibes alter nativ e m etho ds for acces sing .
Powering U p and Loadi ng Software 4- 9 Obtaining and Instal ling Operating Software Obt ainin g and Inst allin g Operating Software Introduct ion This section br iefly descri bes how to obt ain and instal l the sof tware into your V anguard 342 de vice.
4-10 Powe rin g Up and Load ing Sof twar e Obtaining and Install ing Operating Software Operating Software File Format s Operating s oftware files locat ed on the V anguide CD- RO M, and on th e W orld W ide W eb, ad here to t he fo llow ing file nami ng f orma ts : Filename : Descripti on XXp01.
Specifications A-1 Appendix A Specification s Specifications Introduct ion This section de scribes the physical and env ironmental sp ecifications and power requir ements for the V anguard 34 2 product.
A-2 Specifications Electromagneti c Comp atibilit y V anguard 342 produ cts adhere to t h e followi ng: • FCC Part 15, C lass A • CISPR 22 and EN 5 5022, Class A • AS 3548, Clas s A • EN 50082.
Software License and R egulatory Inf o rmation B-1 Appendix B Software License and Regulatory Informatio n Overview Introduct ion This appendix pr ovides inform ation about the f ollowing: • FCC Par.
B-2 Software License and R egulatory In formation FCC Part 6 8 and T e lephone C ompany Procedures and Requirements for DSU, T1, and ISDN I nterfaces FCC Part 68 an d T elephone Comp any Procedures an.
Software License and R egulatory Inf o rmation B-3 FCC Part 68 and Telephon e Company Procedures and Requirements for DSU, T1, and ISDN Interfaces Customer-Provid ed T elephone Equipment FCC regulat i.
B-4 Software License and R egulatory In formation Product Declarations and Regulatory Information Product Declaratio ns and Regula tory Informatio n The fo llowing se ctions provide information about standards compli ance, saf ety statemen ts, and ISDN T ype Approval s.
Software License and R egulatory Inf o rmation B-5 Product Declarations and Regulatory Information Declaratio ns of Conformity Eng lish Danish Dutch Finnish Fre nch German Gree k Declaration o f Confo.
B-6 Software License and R egulatory In formation Product Declarations and Regulatory Information Ital ian Portuguese Spanish Swedish Dichiaraz i one di con formità : Con la pres ente Vanguard MS dichiara che il router V anguard sod disfa i requisi ti essenz iali e le altre disposiz ioni pertin enti della d i rettiv a 1999/5/CE.
Software License and R egulatory Inf o rmation B-7 Product Declarations and Regulatory Information Industry Canada The fo llowing i nformation in cludes the In dustry Canada sta tement regar ding ISDN and T1 equi pment use. The In dustry Cana da label identi fies certif ied equipment.
Limited W a rranty-9 Limited W arrant y V anguardMS, LLC., warr ants that the Product will con form to its then-current published specifications and will be free from defects in materials an d workmanship under normal use and service f or a period of (ONE ) 1 YEAR fro m the date of purchase by the or iginal end user .
Return Procedures -11 Return Procedu res Intr oducti on The foll owing sections ap ply to U.S.A. custo m ers onl y . Non-U.S.A. cust omers with questio ns or conc erns r egarding retu rn proc edures should contact the ir V anguard MS subsidi ary or distr ibutor .
Return Procedu r es-12 Factory Rep air T o return equi pment for fac tory repair , call the V anguardMS T echnical Suppor t Center a t (800) 544 -0062, for return au thorization and i nstructions. When y ou call, you will be gi ven a Return Materia l Author ization (RMA) control number .
Index Index-1 Numerics 1 Port Voice FXS/ FXO Daughterc ard 2-8 10/100 BaseT Ethernet cable 1-3 2 Port Voi ce FXS Daughtercard 2-8 , 2-9 4 Port Voi ce FXO Daughterca rd 2-9 4 Port Voi ce FXS Daughterca.
Index-2 H Hardwa re spe cifica tions A-1 Heat 3-7 I Insta llat ion Instru ctio ns 3-6 Interf ace Type V.24 3-10 V.35/V.36 3-11 X.21/V.11 3-11 ISDN BRI-S/T Da ughtercard 2- 11 ISDN BRI-U Daught ercard .
Index-3 V Vanguard 3 42 cabl ing rear pa nel 3-12 configu ration 3-12 encl osur e 2-2 featur es 1-3 front p anel 2-2 instal lation 3-6 mother board 2-4 operati ng software 1-4 rear pa nel 2-3 resett i.
デバイスVanguard Vanguard 342の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Vanguard Vanguard 342をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVanguard Vanguard 342の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Vanguard Vanguard 342の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Vanguard Vanguard 342で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Vanguard Vanguard 342を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVanguard Vanguard 342の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Vanguard Vanguard 342に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVanguard Vanguard 342デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。