Vanguardメーカー7300 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Vanguard Managed Solutions V anguard 7300 Series Installation Manual.
Notice ©2004 V anguard Mana ged Sol utions, LL C 575 W est S treet Mansfield, Massachusetts 02 048 (508) 261-4 000 All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. Restricted Right s Not ificati on for U.S. Government Us ers The softw are (including firmware) ad dressed in th is manual i s provided to the U.
Notice (contin ued) Propriet ary Material Informat ion and s oftware i n this doc ument are propr ietary to V anguard Managed S o lution s, LLC (or it s Suppli ers) and without the express prior permi.
T elecommunications Regula tions Equipment th at comp lies with Part 68 of the FCC rules includes a label or permanent marking on the printed circuit bo ard that connects to the network th at contains, among oth er informa- tion, the FCC registration nu mber and ringer equivalence n u mber (REN) fo r this equipment.
Contents v Chapter 1. About Vanguard 7 300 V anguard 7300 Funct ions and Feat ures ............................. ........................... 1-2 Advanced Encryp t ion Card ( AEC) ............. ........................... .................. 1-6 Compression .
vi Cont ent s (c ontinu ed) Chapter 3. Vanguard 7300 Install ation Before Y ou Begin .......................... ................... .......................... .................. 3-2 Checking Y our Shipment Conte nts ............. .....................
vii Cont ent s (co ntinued) Chapter 5. Modifying Your Vanguard 7300 General Card Replacement Guidelines .. .................................... .................. 5-2 V anguard 7300 Card I nstall ation Order ............... ...........................
viii Cont ent s (c ontinu ed) Appendix A. Specificati ons V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 Pr oduct Specifications ............................... ......... A-2 V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Pr oduct Specifications ............................... ......... A-5 V anguard 7310 and 7 330 V ers ion 2 Product Speci ficati ons .
Cust omer Infor matio n ix Customer Informatio n Customer Questions If you have questions about networki ng products or se rvices, contact your V angua rd Managed Solutions representati ve or visit this website for product, sales, suppor t, docu ment ation , or train ing infor matio n: http://w ww .
Customer Response Card V anguard Managed Solutions would like your help in improving its product documentation. Please comple te and retur n this card by fax to (508 ) 339-95 92; Atte ntion: Prod uct Documenta tion, to prov ide your feedback.
About V anguard 7 300 1-1 Chapter 1 About V anguard 7300 Overview Introduct ion This chapter de scribes t he hardwar e and software f unctions a nd application s for V anguard 7300 Seri es V ersi on 1 and V ersio n 2 products.
1-2 About V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Functions and Features V anguard 7300 Functions an d Features Introduct ion V angua rd 7300 Series products are high-speed, h igh-density mu ltiser vice routers capable of supporting hun dreds to thou sands of r emote branches and sites in medium-to- lar ge networks.
About V anguard 7 300 1-3 V anguard 7300 Functions and Features Scalable Har dware Platforms V ersion 2 The V anguard 73 00 Series V ersio n 2 has a new redesi gned chass is avail able in t he followi.
1-4 About V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Functions and Features Feature Card s and Mezzanine Cards V anguard 7300 S eries products are highly scal able with V anguard Managed Solutio ns-supplied option c ards and half-si ze Mezzanine Cards.
About V anguard 7 300 1-5 V anguard 7300 Functions and Features Software Suppor t The V anguard 73 00 operates under the V a nguard Applicati ons W are software and support s the fol lowing licensing .
1-6 About V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Functions and Features Advance d Encryption Ca rd (AEC) Dat a Encryption Data encrypt ion is a very CPU in tensive process and is bes t implemented in hardware . V ang uard Managed Solution’ s provides a s ecure har dware-based encrypt ion and compress ion.
About V anguard 7 300 1-7 V anguard 7300 Functions and Features Compression When compress ed traff i c is sent over a Frame Relay link o n the V anguard 7300 Series, some compressed tra nsmitted frames might corrupt.
1-8 About V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Applications V anguard 7300 Applications Introduct ion This section de scribes a few t ypical applicat ions for V anguard 7300 Se ries product s.
About V anguard 7 300 1-9 V anguard 7300 Applications IP Routing T raffic Figure 1- 4 shows a V anguard 7300 Se ries rou ter used to provi de support for high-sp eed LAN IP routing in a Frame Relay , IP network environment . The V anguard 7310 is equipped with 1 0/100BaseT Ethernet PMCs and T1/E1/PRI c ards.
1-10 About V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Applications Multiservi ce IP , SNA, Serial and V oice T raffic Figure 1- 5 shows a V anguard Series router used to s upport mixed IP , SNA, serial, and voice traffi c.
About V anguard 7 300 1-1 1 V anguard 7300 Applications Regional Concentrator with Mult iple Low- Speed W AN Port s Figure 1- 6 shows a V anguard 7300 Se ries router us ed in a regio nal concent ration applica tion.
1-12 About V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Applications Large Networki ng Solution U sing Multiple V anguard 7300’ s Figure 1- 7 illustr ates multiple V anguard 7300 d evices in very lar ge networks. In this ex a mple, traf fic is di stribut ed across a numbers of V anguard 73 00’ s for load-ba l ancing a nd redundancy .
About V anguard 7 300 1-13 V anguard 7300 Platform Version 1 V an guard 7300 Pla tform V ersion 1 Introduct ion This section de scribes the V anguard 7300 Pl atform.
1-14 About V anguard 7300 V a nguard 73 00 Plat form Version 1 The V a nguard 7300 C hassis V ersion 1 Introduct ion V anguard 7300 S eries chassis fit standard e quipment racks , and the ca rds have PICMG standar dized telecom-grad e connectors.
About V anguard 7 300 1-15 V anguard 7300 Platform Version 1 Figure 1- 10. 7330 Mid plane and Card Connectors, Cutaway Diagram Chassis Rear Chassis Front Ve r s i o n 1.
V an guard 7300 Pla tform V ersion 2 Introduct ion This section de scribes the V anguard 7300 Pl atform. The V anguard 7300 Platform The V anguard 73 00 V ersion 2 Ser ies chas sis with its standardized Compa ctPCI bus archit ecture permits high-speed, hi gh-avail ability , compute-i ntensive teleco m municati on application s.
About V anguard 7 300 1-17 V anguard 7300 Platform Version 2 The V a nguard 73 00 Chassis - V ersion 2 Introduct ion V anguard 7300 S eries chassis fit standard e quipment racks , and the ca rds have PICMG standar dized telecom-grad e connectors.
1-18 About V anguard 7300 V a nguard 73 00 Plat form Version 2 V a nguard 7300 Cards Descriptio n The V anguard 73 00’ s midplane s lots hol d special-purpo se printed cir cuit cards and rear transition modu les accessible from both the front and the rear of the rack-moun ted chassis.
About V anguard 7 300 1-19 V anguard 7300 Platform Version 2 Comp act PCI Connectors Descriptio n The Compact PCI midplane is located toward the middle of the chassis, and each card slot i s equipped with male J1 conn ectors (pins) . The plug-in ca rds use s ocket (female ) connecto r s.
1-20 About V anguard 7300 V a nguard 73 00 Plat form Version 2 CompactPCI c ards and rear tr ansiti on modules pl ug into the midpla ne’ s front and rear pin connecto r s. Ea ch card or module us es IEC-appro ved 1 10-pin c onnectors for power , ground, an d all 32-bit and 64-bi t PCI signals, ra t her than card-edge connecto rs.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-1 Chapter 2 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and Co mponents Overview Introduct ion This chapter de scribes V anguard 730 0 Series chassis en closures and provides detail ed description s of avail able har dware options and fea ture cards.
2-2 V anguard 7300 Enclosures and Comp onents Enclosures Enclosures Introduct ion V anguard 7300 V ersio n 1 and V ersion 2 Series Routers h ave disti nct encl osures: V anguard 7300 Re vision 1 Se ri.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-3 Enclosures Figure 2- 1. V anguard 7300 V ersion 1 Seri es Enclosure Views Figure 2- 2. V anguard 7300 V ersion 2 Seri es Enclosure Views w id t h = 1 7.5 i n height = 5.25 in depth = 16.5 in width = 17.
2-4 V anguard 7300 Enclosures and Comp onents Enclosures V anguard 7 310 V ersion 1 En closure V anguard 7310 Enclosure Features V ersion 1 The V anguard Mode l 7310 V ersion 1 enclosure of fers the se featur es: • Fiv e ho rizon tal card slots • 3U (5.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-5 Enclosures Rear of the V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 Enclosure The re ar of the V anguard 73 10 V ersion 1 (Fi gure 2 -4) provi des access to: • Power co.
2-6 V anguard 7300 Enclosures and Comp onents Enclosures V anguard 7 330 V ersion 1 En closure V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Enclosure Feat ures The V anguard Mode l 7330 V ersion 1 router e nclosure has .
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-7 Enclosures Rear V iew The V anguard 73 30 V ersion 1 re ar panel (Fi gure 2-6) provides acc ess to AC power cord rec eptacles and T1/E1/ PRI, T3/E3 A TM and Se rial Rear T ransition Modul e connecto rs.
2-8 V anguard 7300 Enclosures and C omponents Enclosures V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Fan T ray Y ou can in stall and rem ove the fa n tray from the f ront of the V anguard 7330 enclosur e. The fan tray i s hot-swappable; it can be removed without t urning of f the system powe r and witho ut disrupting s ystem servi ce.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-9 Enclosures V anguard 7310 and 73 30 V e rsion 2 Enclosure V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Enclosure Feat ures The V anguard Mode l 7310 and 73 30 V .
2-10 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents Enclosures Rear V iew The V anguard 73 10 and 7330 V ersion 2 re ar panel ( Figure 2- 8) provid es access to AC power cor d receptacles a nd T1/E1/PRI, T3/E3 A TM and Ser ial Rear T r ansiti on Module conne ctors.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-1 1 Enclosures V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Fan assemblies Y ou can install and r emove the i ntake fa n assemblies from the front of the V anguard 7310 and 73 30 enclosure.
2-12 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s V an guard 7300 Cards Introduct ion These subs ections describe the V anguard Managed Sol utions-suppli ed cards that are fully .
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-13 V anguard 7300 Cards Central Processor Unit ( CPU) Ca rds Introduct ion There are two ty pes of Central Processor Unit (CPU) cards that a r e sup port.
2-14 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s CPU Board Layout Figure 2- 9 shows the layout of th e V anguard 7300 Seri es CPU card. Note tha t there is room on the CPU card besi de the Mem ory PMC f or insta lling the two-p ort Ethernet PMC (described in C hapt er 5).
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-15 V anguard 7300 Cards Figure 2- 10. CPU Card Fr ont Panel, MPC750 Front Panel LEDs The CPU card offers four LEDs to provi de operat ion and sys tem status info rmation.
2-16 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s CPU Card Se rial Number For V anguard 7 300 Series CPU card serial number loca tion, see Fi gure 2-9. R efer to this se rial numbe r when contacting V anguard Managed So lutions Service Represen tatives.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-17 V anguard 7300 Cards Port Operat ing Mode The “Po rt Operat ing Mode” parameter inclu des a range selecti on of 1000FD: CPU Board Layout Figure 2- 1 1 shows the layo ut of the V anguard 7300 Ser ies IBM750FX CPU card.
2-18 V anguard 7300 Enclosure s and Componen t s V a nguard 73 00 Card s PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) Support The IBM750FX CPU car d provides two sl ots for i nstall ation of t wo 2-port 10/100Bas eT Ethernet PMC’ s in the available PMC slot s.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-19 V anguard 7300 Cards Front Panel LEDs The IBM750FX CPU car d offers fou r LEDs and a r e set sw itch to pr ovide oper ation and syste m s tatus info rmat ion.
2-20 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s (A/R) Abor t/Reset Switch The Abor t Res et S witch (A /R) has the f ollow ing f unc tiona lity: • Mo men tary d epr essio n (.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-21 V anguard 7300 Cards Carrier Expansion Card Introduct ion V anguard 7300 S eries products support a variet y of interfaces u sing optional PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMCs ). Carrier Ex pansion Card PMCs i nstall on top of th e card.
2-22 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s Front Panel LEDs This ta ble d escr ibes the two LED s lo cate d on the fro nt pane l of the Carr ier Expa nsi on C ard: Pinout s See Appendix B, V anguard 7300 Cable Connect ors and Pinouts for PM C pinouts .
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-23 V anguard 7300 Cards PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) Introduct ion 10/100BaseT Ether net Mezzanine Cards (PMCs)can be in stalled in th e PMC slot o n the CPU car d and in th e two PMC slots on the Carr ier Expansion Car d.
2-24 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s LED Indicat ors This tab le describes t he three LE D s assoc iated wit h each Ethernet PMC port: Cable and Connector Pin outs Each 10/100Bas eT Et hernet PMC has two RJ45 connectors, Por t 1 and 2.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-25 V anguard 7300 Cards T1/E1/PRI Ca rd and Rear T ransition Module Introduct ion T1/E1/PRI card f unctions a r e pro vided by a two-par t card that occu.
2-26 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s T1/E1/PRI La yout Figure 2-16 shows the positio n of a T1/E1/PRI car d and rear tran sition modu le. Figure 2-16. Installed T1/E1/PRI Car d and Rear T ransition Module T1/E1/PRI Car d - Front Panel The T1/E1/ PRI card front pan el is shown in Figure 2-17.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-27 V anguard 7300 Cards T1/E1/PRI Rea r T ransi tion Module - Rear Panel The T1/E1/ PRI Rear T ransition Module connects to the T1/E1/PRI card at the V anguard 7300 midpl ane.
2-28 V anguard 7300 Enclosure s and Componen t s V a nguard 73 00 Card s T3/E3 A TM Card Introduct ion The T3/E3 A TM Card is a Compac t PCI card that prov ides an in telligent c onnection between t he A TM layer and t he T3/E3 physic al data port.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-29 V anguard 7300 Cards T3/E3 Rear T ransition Module The T3/E3 Rea r T ransition Modu le connects to t he Carrier Expansio n Card and provides a single .
2-30 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s Carrier Exp ansion Card - Fr ont Panel The front panel of the Carrier Expansion Ca rd is shown in Figure 2-20 . The serial number l abel is on the undersi d e of the card, near t he leftmos t PMC slot.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-31 V anguard 7300 Cards Rear Panel LEDs The T3/E3 Rear T ransi t ion Modu le of fers four LE D s to pr ovide operation and syste m s tatus info rmat ion: Cabling Refer to Appendi x B, V anguard 7300 Ca ble Connectors and Pinouts f or T3/E3 Rear T ransition Modul e cabling.
2-32 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s T3/E3 A TM Mezzan ine Card (PMC) Descriptio n T o support T3 /E3 A TM functions , a T3/E3 A TM PCI Mezzani ne card ( PM C) must be inst a lled in slot 1 on the Carrier Ex pansion Card.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-33 V anguard 7300 Cards A TM Compression Follow the step s in the t a ble b elow . This confi guration allows the data from an LCON-1 to go out to a n A TM station compr essed. S tep Action 1 Under the Co nfigure Network Servi ces Menu, select PVC Se tup T able.
2-34 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s Serial Ca rd and Rear T ransition Module Introduct ion The Serial Card and its Serial Rear Tr ansition Modul e support mul ti-protocol high- speed serial data co mmunicati ons. The Serial Card a nd transit ion module support up to eight channels of serial data.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-35 V anguard 7300 Cards Serial Rear T ransition Module T ransi tion Module Port Connector and Configurati on Each port has a d edicated connector and is independentl y conf igured and cabled.
2-36 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s Clock Timing Ti mi n g The 730 0 serial cards can be cloc ked Inter nal, External, Ex tInt, and E xtLp with no restri ctions between ports or speeds up t o 8 ,196,000bp s. These timing modes are the same as o ther standard V anguard products.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-37 V anguard 7300 Cards • There is one Card Clock on each card. Card Clock allows you to lock multiple Groups to gether and must be u sed for voice por ts. • There is one S ystem Cl ock bus in the node, whi ch al lows you t o lock multi ple cards tog ether.
2-38 V anguard 7300 Enclosure s and Componen t s V a nguard 73 00 Card s Serial T ransition Module - Rear Vi ew The Seria l Rear T ransition Module provides eight SSIO connectors: Figure 2- 26.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-39 V anguard 7300 Cards T oken Ring Card Introduct ion This card provi des two 4/16Mbps toke n ring ports for the 7300 platfo rm. This car d conforms to the IEEE8 02.5 standard for token rin g. The 7300 supports one token ring ca rd per box.
2-40 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s T oken Ring Card Figure 2-28 shows the T oken Ring car d. All connection s are loc ated on the fr ont of the card. The T oken Ring card has two ports a nd each port supports only one UTP or STP conn ection.
V anguar d 7300 Encl osure s and Comp onents 2-41 V anguard 7300 Cards Advance d Encryption Ca rd (AEC) Introduct ion Release 6.4 and gr eater supports the Advanced Encryp tion Standa rd (AES) encrypt ion for the V anguard 7300 Series using the Advanced Encrypt ion Card (AEC).
2-42 V anguard 73 00 Enclosures and C omponents V a nguard 73 00 Card s Note V anguard 7300 S eries pl atforms do not support SAM encryp tion. Certain SAM specif ic menu ite m s in Exami ne, List, Copy , Delete, S tats and Config uration menus are not shown.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-1 Chapter 3 V anguard 7300 Inst allatio n Overview Introduct ion This chapter e xplains ho w to ins tall and cable your V anguard 73 00 Series r outer .
3-2 V anguard 7300 Installation Before Y ou Begin Before Y ou Beg in Introduct ion A V anguard 7300 Seri es rout er comes with its CPU and other cards factory-i nstalled. The on-site instal lation proces s inv olves rack-mo unting the unit and attaching cables and AC power cord s.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-3 Before You Begin Check ing Y our Shipment C ontent s Introduct ion This section de scribes the shipment c ontents for the V anguard 7300.
3-4 V anguard 7300 Installation Before Y ou Begin Figure 3- 2. T ypical V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Contents Figure 3- 3. T ypical V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Contents AC Pow er Cords (2) AC Powe.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-5 Before You Begin In Case of Damaged or Missing Part s If the equipment is damaged , contact the shi pper . If you h ave addit ional conc erns about dama ged or missing par ts, contac t your nea rest V anguard Manag e d Solutio ns repre senta tive.
3-6 V anguard 7300 Installation How to Choose a Site How to Choose a Site Introduct ion Before you in stall a V anguard 7300 Series router , se lect a site for the device. The site should be free of accumula t ed dus t and envi ronmental e xtremes. Refer to Appendix A, Sp ecifications , for detailed dimens ions.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-7 How to Choose a Site Ther mal Conside rations Introduct ion This section de scribes some of the heat a nd temperat ure fa ctors th at can af fect yo ur V anguard 7300 S eries route r . Fan After t he unit is instal led, power it up to be sure the fans ar e working pr operly .
3-8 V anguar d 7300 Ins tallat ion Removing And Replacing V anguard 7300 Front Covers Removing And Rep lacing V ang uard 7300 Front C overs Introduct ion The front cover panels on V anguard 7300 V ersion 1 Series routers can be removed for ease i n access and cabl ing.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-9 Removing An d Replacing Vanguard 7300 Front Cover s Figure 3- 6. V anguard 7310 and 7330 Ver sion 2 Front Cover Pan el.
3-10 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Removing And Replacing V anguard 7300 Front Covers Procedures Introduct ion This section pr ovides instruc tions fo r removing a nd replac ing the V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 fr ont covers.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-1 1 Removing An d Replacing Vanguard 7300 Front Cover s The V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 Front Cable Channel The le ft-hand fixed V anguard 7310 V ersi on 1 front cover pane l contains the c able chann el at the top.
3-12 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Removing And Replacing V anguard 7300 Front Covers Removing and Replacing V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Front Cover Panels Use th e procedur e in this table to remove a .
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-1 3 Removing An d Replacing Vanguard 7300 Front Cover s The V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Front Cable Channel The fixe d right 7330 V ersion 1 front cov er panel c ontains the cab le channel at the bottom.
3-14 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Removing And Replacing V anguard 7300 Front Covers V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Front Cover Panels Use th e procedur e in this table t o remove and replac e th.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-1 5 Installing the V anguard 7300 in a Rack Inst alling t he V anguard 7 300 in a Rack Introduct ion This section e xplains how to install a V anguard 7300 router chassis in an industry- standar d 19-inch EIA equip m ent ra ck.
3-16 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Installing the V anguard 730 0 in a Rack Procedure fo r Rack-mounting Figure 3- 10 shows the mount ing hardwa re locations on the flanges of the V anguard 7310 V ersion 1.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-1 7 Installing the V anguard 7300 in a Rack Figure 3- 1 1. Rack-Mount Loca tions - V anguard 7330 V ersion 1.
3-18 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Installing the V anguard 730 0 in a Rack V ersion 2 Rack- mounting Use th ese steps for rack-moun ting a 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Seri es router: 1) Remove the f ront cove rs. (See the “Removi ng And Replacing V anguar d 7300 Front Cove rs” section on pa ge 3-8.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-1 9 Attaching a V anguard 7300 AC Power Cord Att aching a V an guard 7300 AC Power Cord Introduct ion This section e xplains how to att ach an AC Power Cord to a V anguard 7 310 or 7330. Att aching the Power Cord Attach t he suppli e d power cord to the rear of the AC power supply a nd plug it in.
3-20 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Attaching a V anguard 7300 AC Power Cord V ersion 2 For the V anguard 7310 a nd 7330 V ersion 2 ro uters, there are two AC power cords on the back of the enclos ure, one f or each of the two AC power supplies , as shown in Figure 3- 15.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-2 1 Connecting V anguard 7300 DC Power Connecting V anguard 7300 DC Power Introduct ion V anguard 7300 V ersion 1 Series D C power connector s are located o n the rear of the chassis .
3-22 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Connecting V anguard 7 300 DC Powe r Connect ing DC P ower to a V angua rd 7310 V ersion 1 Introduct ion The V anguard 73 10 V ersion 1, DC powe r circui t breaker switch a nd DC power plug are loc ated as shown in Figur e 3-16.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-2 3 Connecting V anguard 7300 DC Power DC Power Supply Connector Part s Parts f or the connect or are no t supplied by V anguar d Managed Solut ions.
3-24 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Connecting V anguard 7 300 DC Powe r Connect ing DC P ower to a V angua rd 7330 V ersion 1 Introduct ion The DC-powered V anguard 7 330 has a pair of independent t e rminal bl ocks on each power supp ly , shown in Figu re 3-18 and Figure 3-21.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-2 5 Connecting V anguard 7300 DC Power Wiring a V anguard 7330 DC Power Supply Use the pr ocedures in thi s table for connecting DC power t o the dual input terminal blocks on a V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 : Note Obtain UL/CSA-approv ed power cables and connectors with insulated crimp-on terminal s.
3-26 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Connecting V anguard 7 300 DC Powe r Connect ing DC P ower to a V anguar d 7310 an d 7330 V ersion 2 V ersion 2 The DC-power ed V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 ha ve a termin al block for each power module, shown i n Figure 3-20.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-2 7 Connecting V anguard 7300 DC Power Wiring a V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 DC Power Supply Use the pr ocedures in thi s table for connecting DC power t o the in.
3-28 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Cabling Procedures Cabling Pro cedures Introduct ion This section provides cabling procedures for the V anguard 7300 Series CPU card and for any optiona l cards pre-i nstalled in your 7300 router .
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-2 9 Cabling Procedures CPU C ards There ar e two types of Central Processo r Unit (CPU) cards that are support ed in the V anguard 7300 S eries Platfor m. • MPC750 • IBM750FX MPC750 CPU Card Introduct ion The connectors o n the fron t of the MPC750 CPU card are sho w in Figu re 3-22.
3-30 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Cabling Procedures Cabling t he Operator Consol e There is a DB9 connector on t h e front o f the MPC750 CPU card for connec ting an operato r consol e to the V anguard 7300. An operator console can be an asynchronous VT100 termi nal (or a PC with async hronous VT100 ter minal emula tion capability .
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-3 1 Cabling Procedures Cable the IBM750FX CPU Use th ese steps to cable the IBM750FX CPU car d front p a nel: 1) Attach a standard shiel ded Ethe rnet cabl e with an RJ 45 plug conn ector to the RJ45 10/100 /1000 BaseT Etherne t port.
3-32 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Cabling Procedures Carrier Expansion Card Introduct ion Connectors on th e front of the Ca rrier ex pansion card (Fi gure 3-24) are PMC slot Ethernet ports of any inst alled Dual 10/100Ba seT Ethernet PMCs. Figure 3- 24.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-3 3 Cabling Procedures T1/E1/PRI Card Introduct ion T he V ang uard 7300 T1/E 1/PR I Card R J48 C data ports are at the rear of the chass is on the T1/ E1/PRI Rear T ransition Mod ule. The rear module has 12 physical p orts.
3-34 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Cabling Procedures T3/E3 A TM Card Introduct ion The V anguard 7300 T3/ E3 A TM Card has two, BNC 75 -Ohm connectors. The connecto rs are located at the rear of the chassis on the T3/E3 Rear T ransition Module as shown i n Figure 3-27.
V anguard 7 300 Installatio n 3-3 5 Cabling Procedures Serial Card Introduct ion All cabling for the Serial card is done at the rear of the chassi s on the 8-port rear panel sh own in Figure 3-28. Th e eight ports s upport up t o eight channels of serial data fo r W AN networking and telecommunicatio ns applic ations.
3-36 V anguard 7 300 Installat ion Cabling Procedures T oken Ring Card Cabling All c a blin g for the T oken Ring card is done at th e front of the card as shown in Figure 3- 29. All con nections are lo cated on the fro nt of the c ard. The T oken Ring card has two ports and e ach port s upports only one U TP or STP connection.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-1 Chapter 4 Operating Y our V ang uard 7300 Overview Introduct ion This chapter pr ovides the vari ous procedures ne cessary for st arting your V anguard 7300 plat for.
4-2 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 Powe r-Up P roce dure Power-Up Procedure Introduct ion This section e xplains how to power- up a V anguard 7300 Seri es router .
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-3 Accessing the Control T erminal Port Accessing the Control T erminal Port Introduct ion Once you powe r up a V anguard 7 300, you can access the Control T erminal Port (CTP) fro m the PC or termin al attached to the CTP por t.
4-4 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 Accessin g the Contro l T ermi nal Port Figure 4- 1 shows a t ypical V anguard 7300 CTP ter minal power -up displa y for a V anguard 7300 with T1/E/PRI cards. The power-up process c an take two to thr ee minutes t o complete .
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-5 Accessing the Control T erminal Port Figure 4- 2 shows a t ypical V anguard 7300 CTP ter minal power -up displa y for a V anguard 7300 wi th Seria l cards.
4-6 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 Loading Software Loading Sof tware Introduct ion This section br iefly descri bes how to l oad the software into your V anguard 7300 Series router . When you p ower up a V anguar d 7300, it i nitiates a node boot using previous ly loaded ope rating so ftware (Applica tions W are).
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-7 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration V an guard 7300 Port Configuration Introduct ion The V anguard 73 00’ s unique por t number system pr ovides the phys ical and virt ual port numbe rs required by the Appli cations W are software for configurin g the router on your ne twork.
4-8 Oper ating Y our V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration CPU Card Port Numbers A CP U ca rd i s a lway s pr ese nt an d al ways res ide s in chas sis slot 1.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-9 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Figure 4-3. Port Numbers -- MPC750 CPU and Carrier Expansion Card Example Carrier Expansion C ard • 2-port Ethernet P MC in PMC S.
4-10 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Figure 4- 4. Port Numbers -- Serial/ T1/E1/PRI Rear T ransition Modules Figure 4- 5. V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 -- MPC750 CPU and Carrier Expansion Card E xample Note The MPC750 CPU car d ports ar e shown in the e xample above.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-1 1 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Port Speed Descriptio n T h e P o rt S p e e d va l u e i n t h e F R I , P P P , X . 2 5 , S D L C , a n d T B O P st at i s t i c s s c r e e n is th e configur ed Port Speed for the V anguard 7300 Seri al Port, not the actual measured port spe ed.
4-12 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration V anguard 7300 LLC-SDLC LAN Port s T o run LLC-SDLC (SLAC) on a V anguard 7 300 Series rout er , you must use the f irst two Ether n et ports , the lowest number ed ports in the node.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-13 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration BSC 2780/3 780-to- SNA LU0 Conversion The BSC 2780/3780-to -SNA/LU0 Conversion is desig ned specific ally for use in T andem and IBM S/3 90 networks utili zed by la rge financ i al inst i tution s.
4-14 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration V oice Port Configuration Introduct ion This section describes the H .323 V ersion 2 fea tures. For more i nformation o n H.323 voice pa rameters, see the V anguar d V oice Manual ( Part Number T0104-05 ).
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-15 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Figure 4- 8. Port Configur ation Menu H.323 Dynamic Coder Parameter This is a description of t he H.323 Dynamic Coder parameter: For more i nformatio n, refer to the V anguar d V oice Manu al ( Part Number T0104-05).
4-16 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Dyna mic Mo dem Dynamic Modem is a new configu ration parameter create d t o Enable or D isable DSP dynamical ly , switch ing to codec G .71 1 after a high speed or f ax modem is det ected.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-17 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Dynamic Modem Parameter This is a description of t he Dynamic Modem paramete r: Wa r n i n g For digital interfaces the timing m ust b e traceabl e back to t he same clock source and/ or a S tratum 1 clock.
Alter nate Gat ekeeper Descriptio n The Alternate Gateke eper feature provides redunda ncy fo r a gatekeep er in a network where gat ekeepers are used. This functionality allows a gateway t o use up to nine altern ate gatekeeper s as a backup in th e case of pri mary gatekeepe r failu re.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-19 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Configuring the Block Alert ing Parameter The Blo ck Alerting pa rameter is acce ssed using the H.32 3 Options. T o configure your H.323 V irtual Port fo r Block Ale rting, select H.
4-20 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Registerin g E.164 Numbers The pho ne number used i n the Local Subscr iber Address para meter is regist ered as E.16 4 numb ers . The Lo cal Su bscr ibe r Addr ess parame ter is acces sed from the V oic e Port Reco rd of the FXS/FXO interf ace types.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-21 V anguard 7300 Port Configuration Configuring the Local Subscri ber Address The Loc al Subscri ber Address para meter is a ccessed using th e V oice Port Reco rd Options.
4-22 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 Board Management Boar d Manage ment Introduct ion Board management is limited to boar d level actions , this in cludes resetti ng the hardware , testing the ha r dw.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-23 Board Management Keep alive T ries Range 0-3 Default 2 Descript ion This is the numbe r of consecut ive keepalive failures that cause the trigger of a recovery pr ocedure. A keepali ve failure is counted when a keepa live timeout occ urs and no respons e to the previous keepaliv e enquiry has been received.
4-24 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 Board Management Control Board M anagement has its own contr ol entry: Main-> Contro l->Board Management. See Figure 4-13 for a n example of the Boa rd Management me nu: Figure 4- 13.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-25 Board Management S t atus B oard Ma nagem ent h as i ts ow n s tatis tics entry : Main->S tats->Board-> Management. A node boot will reset al l statisti c s. In t he Board Manag ement Sta t istic s menu, the fol lowing menu items will b e listed: Figure 4- 14.
4-26 Operating Y our V anguard 7300 Board Management Board Management History S tat istics Board Man agement his tory keeps a det ailed log of eve nts occurring wi th respec t to individ ual boar ds. The history i s for all no n-host boards in the system.
Operating Y our V anguard 7300 4-27 Board Management Reset Board Management History Log When this menu it em is selected , the CTP operator is as ked to confirm the procedure before i t is initiat ed.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-1 Chapter 5 Modifying Y o ur V anguard 7300 Overview Introduct ion This chapter pr ovides procedur es for removin g and repla cing V anguard 7300 Series Cards.
5-2 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 General Card Repla cement Guide lines General Card Repl acement Guideline s Introduct ion This section de scribes gui delines f or installin g and replacing h ardware component s and card s into the V anguard 73 00 enclosure.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-3 General Card Replacement Guideline s Figure 5- 1. Chassis Car d and T ransition Module Guides 7330 Ver sion 1 Figure 5- 2.
5-4 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 General Card Repla cement Guide lines Removing a Compa ctPCI Card or T ransition Module Use th e procedur e in this table to remove y our V anguard 730 0 cards and re ar transi tion modules from the chassis.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-5 General Card Replacement Guideline s Insertin g a Compa ctPCI Card or T ransition Module Whether yo u are replacing an existing Compact PCI component or adding a ne.
5-6 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 General Card Repla cement Guide lines Figure 5- 4. Inserting a CompactPCI Card or T ransitio n Module Ste p 1 Ste p 2 Ste p 3 Ste p 4.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-7 General Card Replacement Guideline s V anguard 7300 Card Inst allation Order Introduct ion V anguard Manage d Solutions recommends t hat you in stall cards in th e .
5-8 Modi fying Y our V anguard 730 0 General Card Repla cement Guide lines Caution Some compo nents used in the V anguard 7300 ar e sensitive t o static elect ric dischar ges; stat ic electric discharges can cause damag e to inte r nal c omponents. Use proper h andling and ground ing precauti ons whenever handli ng cards and components .
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-9 General Card Replacement Guideline s Figure 5- 6. CPU Card I nstallati on Guidelines - 7310 and 73 30 Ve rsion 2 10/100BaseT Ethernet PMC When install ing 10/100Ba .
5-10 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 General Card Repla cement Guide lines T1/E1/PRI Card If you a re i nstalli ng the T1/E1/PRI card without a V oice Server Card into a V anguard 7300 encl osure it i.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-1 1 Removing and Replacing the CPU Card and CPU Mezzanine Card (PMC) Removing and Rep lacing the CPU Ca rd and CPU Mezzanine Card (PMC) Introduct ion This section pr .
5-12 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the CPU Ca rd and CPU Mezzanine Car d (PMC) Removing a nd Replacin g the MPC 750 CPU C ard Removing the MPC750 CPU Card The V anguard 7300 MPC750 CPU card is illustr ated in Figure 5-7.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-13 Removing and Replacing the CPU Card and CPU Mezzanine Card (PMC) Inst alling Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) on the MPC750 CPU Card Descriptio n This sec tion describes how to inst all an Ethernet PCI PMC onto the MPC750 CPU card.
5-14 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the CPU Ca rd and CPU Mezzanine Car d (PMC) Inst alling an Ethernet PMC on the MPC750 CPU Card T o add a 10/1 00BaseT Ethernet PMC, install the fi rst PMC in the MPC750 CPU Card PCI PMC loc ation bes i de the Memor y PMC.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-15 Removing and Replacing the CPU Card and CPU Mezzanine Card (PMC) Inst alling Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) on the IBM750FX CPU Card Descriptio n This section de scribes how to install an Ethernet PCI PMC onto the IBM750FX CPU card.
5-16 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the CPU Ca rd and CPU Mezzanine Car d (PMC) Figure 5- 1 1. Installi ng the Etherne t PM C on the IBM750FX CPU Card 7 Positio n the PMC on top of the card (PMC 1 or 2) as s hown in Figure 5-1 1.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-17 Removing and Replacing the CPU Card and CPU Mezzanine Card (PMC) Reinstalling t he CPU Card Reinst alling the CPU Card Use th e steps i n this ta ble to reinsta ll the CPU c ard in to the V anguard 730 0 enclosur e: Ste p A c ti o n 1 Open the ej ector le vers.
5-18 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing Carrier Expansion Cards and Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) Removing and Rep lacing Carrier Exp ansio n Cards and Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) Introduct io.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-19 Removing and Replacing Carrier Expansion Cards and Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) Removing t he Car rier Expansion Card Removing the Carrier Expansi on Card Use th e steps.
5-20 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing Carrier Expansion Cards and Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) Inst alling Ethernet PMCs on the Carrier Expansion Card Introduct ion This section de scribes how to i nstall PMCs o n the Carrier Expa nsion Card .
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-21 Removing and Replacing Carrier Expansion Cards and Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) Figure 5- 13. Installi ng Etherne t PMCs on the Carri er Expansion Card 2 Place th e Carrier Expansi on Card on a clean, grounded, and st atic-free surf ace.
5-22 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing Carrier Expansion Cards and Mezzanine Cards (PMCs) Replacing the Carrier Expansion Card Inst alling the Carrier Expansi on Card When re i nsta lling a Ca rrier Expans ion Card, the f irst Carr ier Expan sion card shou ld be placed in card slot 2, the first slot besi de the CPU Car d.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-23 Removing and Replacing the T1/E1/PRI Card and Rear Transition Module Removing and Rep lacing the T1/E1/PR I Card and Rear T ransit ion Module Introduct ion This se.
5-24 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the T1/E 1/PRI Card and Rear T ransition Module Removing a nd Replacin g the T1/E1 /PRI Card Introduct ion This section e xplains how to remov e and reinstall the T1/E1/ PRI Card.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-25 Removing and Replacing the T1/E1/PRI Card and Rear Transition Module Removing an d Replacing the T1/E1/PRI Rear T ransition Module Introduct ion The T1/E1/PRI Rear T ransition Modu le provid es physical conne ctor interfa ces for T1/E1/PRI c ard data and voi ce functions.
5-26 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the T1/E 1/PRI Card and Rear T ransition Module Inst alling the V oice Server (DSP) Mezzanine Card (PMC) Inst alling a V oice Server PMC on .
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-27 Removing and Replacing th e T3/E3 A TM Card and Rear Tra nsition Module Removing and Rep lacing the T3/E3 A TM C ard and Rear T ransitio n Module Introduct ion The.
5-28 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the T3/E 3 A TM Card and Rear Tr ansition Module Removing a nd Replacin g the T3/E3 A TM C ard Introduct ion This section e xplains how to remov e and reinstall the T3/E3 A TM Ca r d.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-29 Removing and Replacing th e T3/E3 A TM Card and Rear Tra nsition Module Removing an d Replacing the T3/E3 R ear T ransition Mo dule Introduct ion The T3/E3 Rear T ransi t ion Modu le pro vides the physical conn ector int erfaces for T3/E3 A TM Card func tionality .
5-30 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the T3/E 3 A TM Card and Rear Tr ansition Module Inst alling the T3/E3 A TM Mezzanine Card (PMC) Inst alling a T3/ E3 A TM PMC onto a Carrier Exp ansion Card Use the st eps in this table to install the T3/ E3 A TM PMC onto t he Carrier Expansi on Card.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-31 Removing and Replacing the Serial Card and Serial Rear Transition Module Removing and Replacin g the S erial Card and Serial Rear T ransition Module Introduct ion .
5-32 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the Serial Card and Serial Rear T ransition Module Removing the Serial Card Use th e steps i n this ta ble to remove the Serial Card from th.
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-33 Removing and Replacing the Serial Card and Serial Rear Transition Module Removing a nd Replacin g the Se rial Rear T ran sition M odule Introduct ion The Serial Rear T ransition Mod ule provi des the physi cal connec t or inte rface for the Serial Card.
5-34 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Removing and Replacing the T oken Ring Car d Removing and Rep lacing the T oken Ring Card Inst alling the T oken Ring Card When insta lling a T oken Ring ca r d, the first T oken Ring card should be placed i n car d s lot 2, t he first sl ot besid e the CPU C ard .
Modifyin g Y our V anguard 7300 5-35 Installing and R emoving the Advanced Encryption Card (AEC) Inst alling an d Removing the A dvanced En cryption Card (A EC) Inst allation Use th e steps i n this t.
5-36 Modify ing Y our V anguard 7300 Installing and Removing the Advanc ed Encryption Card (AEC) Figure 5- 17. Advanced Encrypti on Card Installation ( in PMC 1) on the IBM750FX CPU Note The Encryp tion Card can only be instal led in PMC slot one. There is a limit of one Advance d Encryption Card ( AEC) per rou ter .
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-1 Chapter 6 Repl acing Pow er Suppli es an d Coolin g Fans Overview Introduct ion This chapter e xplains ho w to remov e and repl ace the V anguard 7300 Seri es power supplie s and cooling fans.
6-2 Replacing Pow er Suppli es and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies and Cooling Fan s, 7310 Version 1 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans, 7310 V ersion 1 Introduct ion Power to the V ang.
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-3 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans , 7310 V ersion 1 Removing and Inst alling the Power Supply/Inlet Fan Module Introduct ion This section ex plains how t o insta ll and r emove the Power S upply/Inlet Fa n Module from both AC and DC-powe r ed V anguard 731 0 routers .
6-4 Replacing Pow er Suppli es and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies and Cooling Fan s, 7310 Version 1 Removing an d Inst alling the Power Input M odule Introduct ion A V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 power input module is accessi ble from the rear of the enclosur e.
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-5 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans , 7310 V ersion 1 Removing an d Inst alling the Exhau st Fan Module Introduct ion The V anguard 73 10 V ersion 1 Exha ust Fan Module co ntains the rear exhaust fans.
6-6 Replacing Pow er Suppli es and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies and Cooling Fan s, 7330 Version 1 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans, 7330 V ersion 1 Introduct ion This section pr ov.
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-7 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans , 7330 V ersion 1 Removing the Fan T ray Introduct ion This section e xplains how to remove and re place the two coo ling fans in the hot swap fan t ray beneath the module cage.
6-8 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies and Cooling Fan s, 7330 Version 1 Removing an d Replacing the V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Power Supplies Introduct ion This section e xplains how to remov e and replace an AC o r DC power supply assembly in the V anguard 7330 V ersion 1chas sis.
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-9 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans , 7330 V ersion 1 Inst alling a Power Supply Refe r to Figu re 6 -6 a nd t he s teps in th is t abl e to i nst all th e A C pow er s uppl y: Figure 6- 6.
6-10 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies an d Cooling F ans, 7310 an d 7330 V ersio n 2 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans, 7310 and 7330 Ve r s i o n 2 Introdu.
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-1 1 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans, 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Removing an d Replacing the V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Power Supplies Intro.
6-12 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies an d Cooling F ans, 7310 an d 7330 V ersio n 2 Removing and Replacing t he AC Power Supply Use the procedur es in this sec tion to remove and repl ace an AC Power Sup ply in the V anguard 7310 a nd 7330 V ersion 2 chassis.
Replacing Power Supplies and Cooli ng Fans 6-13 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling Fans, 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Removing an d Inst alling the Exhau st Fan Module Introduct ion The V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersi on 2 con tains a rear exhaust module.
6-14 Replacing Power Supplies and Cooling F ans Replacing Power Su pplies an d Cooling F ans, 7310 an d 7330 V ersio n 2 Removing and Installing the Int ake Fan M odule Introduct ion The V anguard 73 10 and 7330 V ersion 2 In take Fan Modul e contain s a singl e fan.
A-1 Appendix A Specification s Overview Introduct ion This appendix describes the physical, electrical, and environment a l specification s f or the V anguard 7300 Ser ies of products . The appendi x is divided into s eparate sectio ns, one for each mode l of the V anguard 7300 Ser ies routers.
A-2 V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 Product Specifications V an guard 7310 V ersion 1 Prod uct Specifications Introduct ion This section pr ovides product s pecification for the V anguard 7310. Chassis Dimensions Thes e are the cha ssi s dim ens ions: • 5.
A-3 V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 Product Specifications Electrica l These are the e lectrical spe cifications: • Power Factor: 0.95 W/V A. • Inrush Cu rrent: - 35A peak at 230 V AC for one li ne cycle. - 35A peak at -72 VDC wit hin 4 msec. • Eff iciency: Less t han 65% at f ull load, 110 V AC.
A-4 V anguard 7310 V ersion 1 Product Specifications T emperature and Environment al These ar e the temperatur e and environmental specificati ons: • T em pera ture: - Stora ge: -25 Degrees C t o 55.
A-5 V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Product Specifications V an guard 7330 V ersion 1 Prod uct Specifications Introduct ion This section pr ovides product s pecification for the V anguard 7330. Chassis Dimensions Thes e are the cha ssi s dim ens ions: • 17.
A-6 V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Product Specifications Electrica l These are the e lectrical spe cifications: • Power Factor: 0.98 W/V A • Inrush Cu rrent: - 40A peak at 1 15 V AC for one line cyc le - 40A peak at -36 VDC wit hin 4 msec.
A-7 V anguard 7330 V ersion 1 Product Specifications T emperature and Environment al These ar e the temperatur e and environmental specificati ons: • T em pera ture: - Operating: 0 Deg rees C to +40.
A-8 V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Product Specifications V an guard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Product Specification s Introduct ion This section pr ovides pr oduct specific ations for the V anguard 7310 an d 7330 V ersion 2. Chassis Dimensions Thes e are the cha ssi s dim ens ions: • 17.
A-9 V anguard 7310 and 7330 V er sion 2 Produc t Specifications Power Supply AC Power Suppl y: • Power Factor: 95 % @1 10V , Full Load • Inrush Cu rrent: - 50A peak at 1 15 V AC for one line cyc le - 50A peak at 230 V AC for one li ne cycle.
A-10 V anguard 7310 and 7330 V ersion 2 Product Specifications Cooling Force d Air Cooling: • T wo hot-swappa ble fan assembli es. • Forced ai r ducting to Compac t PCI boards an d transi tion board s.
B-1 Appendix B V a nguard 7300 Cable Con nectors and Pinout s Overview Introduct ion This appendix de scribes these cabl es and pinouts f or the V anguard 7300 Ser ies products : • CPU Card Connec tor and Cable De tails. • Ethernet Mezzanine Card Connector and Cable Details.
B-2 CPU Card Connector and Cable Details CPU Card Connect or and Cable Det ails Introduct ion This section de scribes the two CPU Card Conne ctors and Cabl e Detail s.
B-3 CPU Card Connector and Cable Details LAN Interf ace The foll owing tabl e lists the Pin outs of the LAN int erface co nnector: Pin 1000 Mbps 10/100 Mbs 1 MDIO0+ TD- 2 MDIO0- TD- 3 MDIO0 RD+ 4M D I.
B-4 Ethernet Mezzanine Card Connector and Cable De tails Ethernet Mezzanine Card C onnector and Cab le Det ails RJ45 10/100BaseT Ethernet Por t Connector This table describes the pinout for t he CPU board’ s RJ4 5 10/100Base T Ethern et port and the 10/100Bas eT Ethernet Mezzanine Card ports.
B-5 T1/E1/PR I Cables T1/E1/PRI Cables Introduct ion This section de scribes the cable requi rements for t he T1/E1/PRI Car d. Cable Requirement s The T1/E 1/PRI card requires one of the followin g cables t o connect to the T1/E 1 ne twor k: • RJ48-to- RJ48 twisted-pai r cable t o connect to a T1 network (mini mum 26 A WG wire).
B-6 T3/E3 A TM Cables T3/E3 A TM Cables Introduct ion The T3/E3 A TM Card requires 2 BN C-to-BNC 75 -Ohm coaxial cable s that connect to eit her a T3 or E3 network and pr ovide 75-Ohm l ine impedan ce.
B-7 Serial Card Connector and Cable Details Serial Card Connector and Cable Det ails Introduct ion This section de scribes the details of th e serial card conne ctor and cable. Cable Connector The followin g cable connector information applies to the V anguard 7300 Ser ial Card.
B-8 Serial Car d Connect or and Cable Details V .35 DCE/DTE This is a list of the Seri al Card V .35 DCE and DTE connect or pinouts: 24 XTXC 25 (not u sed) 26 (not u sed) Pin Signal (conti nued) Pin S.
B-9 Serial Card Connector and Cable Details V .36 DCE/DTE This is a list of the Se rial Card V .36 DCE and DTE connector p inouts: V .21 DCE/ DTE This is a list of the Serial Car d V .
B-10 Serial Car d Connect or and Cable Details EIA530 DCE/DTE This is a list of the Serial Car d EIA 530 DCE and DTE c onnector pinouts : Pin Signal 1P r o t G n d 2 TXD(A) 3 RXD(A) 4R T S ( A ) 5C T S ( A ) 6D S R ( A ) 7 Signal Comm 8 DCD(A) 9R X C L K ( B ) 10 DCD(B) 1 1 Ext.
B-1 1 T oken Ring Card Connector and Cable Details T o ken Ring Card Co nnector and Cable Det ails UTP (RJ45) Connector This tab le describes t he UTP connector pin out: Wa r n i n g Attachi ng a CTP cable to a UTP port dama ges the token ri ng card.
B-12 AC and DC Power Connections AC and DC Pow er Connection s Introduct ion This section de scribes the AC and DC power connections . DC Power Cable Pinout s The Vanguar d 7310 DC Connector pin outs .
B-13 AC and DC Power Connections Figure B-3. V anguard 7310 and 7330 Ver sion 2 DC Power T erminal Block Detai ls Orderin g V anguard 7300 Cables T o order add itional cables please c ontact a V anguard Managed So lutions repre senta tive.
B-14 AC and DC Power Connections.
C-1 Appendix C V anguard 7300 Software License and Reg ulatory Inf ormation Overview Introduct ion This appendix pr ovides inform ation about the f ollowing: • FCC Part 68 a nd T elepho ne Company P rocedures and Require ments. • Product De clarations and Regulatory Infor mation.
C-2 FCC Part 68 and T elephone Company Procedures and Requirements FCC Part 68 an d T elephone Comp any Procedures and Requirement s Introduct ion This section de scribes the FCC Par t 68 T elephone Company Pr ocedures and Requiremen ts for DSU, T1, T3, and I SDN Inter faces.
C-3 FCC Part 68 and T elephone Company Procedures and Requirements Customer-Provid ed T elephone Equipment FCC regulat ions and telephone company procedur es prohibi t connection of customer -provided equipment to tele phone company-provi ded coin serv ice (cent ral o ffice- impl emen ted sy ste ms).
C-4 Product Declarations and Regulatory Information Product Declaratio ns and Regula tory Informatio n Introduct ion The followin g section s provide infor mation about standards compli ance, safety statemen ts, and ISDN T ype Approval s.
C-5 Product Declarations and Regulatory Information Industry Canada The followin g information inclu des the In dustry Canada sta tement regar ding ISDN and T1 equi pment use.
Glo ssary -1 Glossary V an guard 7300 Glo ssary of T erms Intr oducti on This appe ndix lists the acronyms and defin itions of terms used in describi ng V anguard 7300 S e ries pr oducts.
Glossa ry-2 E1 W ide-area d igital t ransmiss ion that c arries data at .048 Mbps. E3 W ide-area d igital t ransmiss ion that carri es data at 34. 368 Mbp s.
Glo ssary -3 PBX Private Branch Exchange PCI Perip heral Computer Interconnect PCMCIA Personal Memory Card International Asso ciation PING Packet Inte rnet Grouper PMC PCI Me zzani ne Card . A hal f-size pri nte d cir cui t car d th at mounts on a f ull-sized V anguard 730 0 chassis slot c ard.
Glossa ry-4 UDP User Datagram Pr otocol UTP/STP Unsh i elded T wisted Pair/ Shielded T wisted Pai r V .35/V .36 ITU-T stan dard synchr onous physi cal layer protoco l between a network a ccess device and a packet network.
Return Proc edures -1 Return Procedu res Intr oducti on The fo llowing se ctions apply to U.S.A. customers only . Non-U.S.A. customer s with questio ns or concerns re garding return procedure s should conta ct their V anguard Managed Solutions subsidiary or d istributor .
Return Proc edures -2 Factory Rep air T o return equi pment for f actory repair , cal l the V anguard Mana ged Solutions T echnical Support Center at (800) 544-0062, for return authoriz ation and instru ctions. When you cal l, you will be give n a Retu rn Mater ial Autho rization (RMA) c ontrol number .
Index Index-3 A Abort switch 2-15 AC Power 3-19 Acronym s G loss ary-1 Address CPU Card Et hernet Port 3-29 , 3-30 Advanced Encry ption Card (AEC) 2-4 1 Advanced Encry ption Standard (AES) 2-4 1 Benef.
Index-4 G Glossa ry of Terms G loss ary-1 Ground ing th e Vanguard 7300 3-15 Guides, Card and Module 5-3 H Hardware Specificati ons A-1 Heat 3-7 Hot-Swapping Card s and Modu les 5-2 Hot-swapping 5-2 I.
Index-5 S Sample Boot Console Display 4-4 , 4-5 Serial Card Rear Transition Module 2-34 Replacement 5-3 1 Serial Cards Boot Display 4-5 Serial Num ber CPU Card 2-15 , 2-20 Serial Rear Transition Mod u.
デバイスVanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Vanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Vanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Vanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Vanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Vanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVanguard Vanguard 7300 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。