Viperメーカー420 ESPの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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i © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Limited Lifetime Consumer W arr anty Directed Electr onics , Inc . ("DEI ® ") pr omises to the ori ginal pur chaser to r epair or replace with a comp.
1 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . T able o f Contents Limited Lifetime Consumer W arr anty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i What Is Included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Standar d Configur ation.
3 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . What is Included ■ 3-Channel Receiver ■ A pair of two-button tr an smitters ■ A Sting er ® Doublegu ar d ® du al-output sh ock sen sor (on-board the con.
4 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . The system r equir es n o specific m ain ten ance . Y our r em ote contr ol is powered by a mini atur e 12V battery , type GP23A, that will last appro xim ately on e year und er n orm al use . Wh en th e battery weak- ens , oper atin g ran g e will be r edu ced an d th e LED on the r em ote will dim.
5 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . T r ansmitter Functions The r eceiver uses a computer-based Learn Routin e to learn th e tran smitter button s .
6 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Y our system has an expan ded confi gur ati on that can be utilized when upgr adin g to th e four-button r em ote .
7 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . your vehicle . If you hear a second chirp after armin g, an d see th e status LED flashing in gr oups , r efer to the Di agn osti cs section o f this guid e . This extra chirp is called Bypass N otifi cation. The system also can be pr ogr amm ed to arm itself automati cally (called passive arming).
8 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . ■ If a door is open ed , th e system will immedi ately start chirp- ing th e sir en an d flashing th e parkin g li ghts .
9 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . ■ Pressin g th e arm button a secon d time within five secon ds: The sir en chirps twi ce f ollowed by a long chirp. Z on e T wo is now bypassed . ■ Pressin g th e arm button a thir d time within five secon ds: Th e siren chirps thr ee tim es f ollowed by a long chirp.
10 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . T o disarm the system, pr ess . Y ou will h ear two chirps , an d the parking li gh ts will flash twi ce . If th e power locks ar e connected to the system, th e d oors will unlock. If th e siren chirps eith er f our or five times wh en disarmin g, r efer to the Di agn osti cs section o f this guid e .
11 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . without a tr an smitter , you must have the vehi cle’s i gnition k ey and kn ow wh er e the V alet ® switch is located. Be sure to ch eck with the in staller f or th e location o f th e V alet switch. T o disarm the security system, turn the i gniti on to th e "on" position.
12 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . If you are thr eaten ed in or n ear your vehicle , you can attract attenti on by tri gg ering th e system with your tr an smitter! Just press for 1.5 seconds , an d you will enter P anic M ode . The siren will soun d an d th e parking li gh ts will flash f or the pr o- gramm ed sir en d urati on.
13 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . The oper ati on s described in this secti on r efer to tr ansmitter but- tons . Rem ember , the buttons used in all th e in structi on s in this guid e corr espon d to a Stand ar d Confi gurati on tr an smitter .
14 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . If the bypassed sen sor tri es to tri gger th e system while it is bein g bypassed, th e 60-min ute bypass peri od will start over . This en sures that a sensor that con tin u ally trigg ers will r em ain bypassed.
15 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . If the system is arm ed while an input is active (d oor open, sen sor trigg erin g, etc .) the unit will chirp on ce wh en armin g and th en one m or e tim e a few seconds later . This is called Bypass Notifi cati on.
16 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . The zon e n umber is th e number o f LED flash es used by th e system to id en tify a specifi c input. The stan d ar d input assignm en ts ar e listed below , alon g with spaces to write in any opti on al sen sors or switches you have had in stalled .
17 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Code Hopping The r eceiver an d tr ansmitters each use a m ath em atical f orm ula called an algorithm to chan g e th eir code each tim e th e tr ansmit- ter is used. This techn ology has been d eveloped to in crease th e security of th e unit.
18 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Owner Recognition Owner Recogniti on is a featur e available e xclusively fr om DEI ® . Usin g a DEI ® Bitwriter , hand-held pr ogr ammin g tool, your dealer can progr am m an y of th e system settin gs .
19 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . P o w er Sav er Mode Y our system will automati cally enter P ower Saver Mode while armed or in V alet Mode , after a period o f time in whi ch n o oper a- tion has been perf orm ed . This lowers the curr en t d raw on th e vehi- cle's battery and pr even ts th e system from d r ainin g the battery .
20 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Pr ogr amming Options Progr ammin g opti ons con tr ol what your system d oes durin g n or- mal oper ati on, an d requir e few or n o ad dition al parts . H owever , some m ay r equir e additi on al in stallation labor .
21 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . ■ P ani c m ode enabled /disabled with th e i gniti on on: Some states have laws against sir en capability in a m ovin g vehicle .
22 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . ■ Full trigg er r espon se 30 or 60 seconds: This d etermin es h ow long th e full tri gg ered sequen ce lasts . Som e states have laws regulatin g h ow lon g a security system can sound bef or e it is consi d er ed a nuisan ce .
23 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Installation Options The system has m an y opti ons that m ay r equir e extr a parts an d labor . Som e of th e possibiliti es ar e listed her e .
24 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . V ehicle Reco v ery Sy stem (VRS ® ) The opti on al VRS featur e is desi gn ed to en sure that an y un auth o- rized user of your vehi cle (even if usin g your k eys and r em ote con- trol) will n ot be able to perm an ently separ ate you fr om your vehi cle .
25 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . T o arm the VRS ® , turn th e igniti on to th e ON positi on and pr ess th e arm button on the r em ote tr ansmitter f or on e secon d. Th e parkin g ligh ts will flash an d th e siren will chirp on ce . This can be done befor e d rivin g or while drivin g th e vehi cle .
26 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . From this poin t on, wh en th e igniti on k ey is turn ed off, th e VRS ® will immedi ately turn on th e starter kill. This will pr event th e vehicle fr om bein g r estarted, th us imm obilizin g it at that spot.
27 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . If the system has en ter ed th e trigg er ed sequen ce (siren has begun chirping), pr essin g th e disarm button of th e tr an smitter will not disarm VRS. T o disarm the VRS d uring a VRS tri gg er sequen ce: 1.
28 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Glossary o f T erms Control Unit: Th e "br ain" of your system. U su ally h i d de n un de rn eath the d ash ar ea o f the vehi cle . It houses th e mi cropr ocessor whi ch monitors your vehi cle an d con trols all o f th e system's fun ction s .
29 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Tr ansmitter: Han d-held , r em ote contr ol whi ch oper ates the vari- ous functi on s o f your system. Trigger or T rigger ed Sequence: This is what happen s when th e alarm "goes o ff" or "trips".
30 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Security & Conv enience Expansions Her e we have listed only som e o f the m an y e xpansi on opti on s available . Please con tact your d ealer for a complete e xplan ati on of all the opti on s available to you.
31 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . P o w er Trunk Release: Th e chann el two output o f the system can operate a f actory power r elease f or the vehi cle’s trunk or hatch. (An option al r elay m ay be requir ed .) If th e factory r elease is n ot power activated, th e DEI's 522T trunk r elease solen oid can o ften be a dded.
32 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . Notes.
33 © 1999 Directed Electr onics , Inc . QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE: T o arm using your remote ■ Y ou can activate , or arm, the system by pressing of your tr ansmitter for on e second . When th e system arm s, you will h ear a short sir en soun d, or chirp, and see th e parking li ghts flash on ce .
The company behind this s y stem is Dir ected Electronics , Inc . Since its in ception, DEI ® has had on e purpose , to pr ovid e consum ers with th e finest vehicle security an d car stereo pr odu cts an d accessories available .
デバイスViper 420 ESPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Viper 420 ESPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはViper 420 ESPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Viper 420 ESPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Viper 420 ESPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Viper 420 ESPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はViper 420 ESPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Viper 420 ESPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちViper 420 ESPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。