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User Manual F9K1104 v1 8820-00783 Re v . A00 WIR ELE SS DUAL -BAND N + ROUTER AD V ANC E N 9 0 0 DB.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS Getting Started ........................................... 1 Wh at’s in t he Box ............................................. 1 Initial Setup .................................................. 1 Advanced T ools & Settings ..
1 Wha t’s in the Box AD V ANCE N900 DB Wireless Dual-Band N+ R outer CA T6 Ethernet cable ( at tached to r outer) Pow er supply ( attached to rout er) Network information c ard (attached to router) .
2 GET TING ST ARTED 2 3 modem 1 Co nne ct Y o ur Adva nce N 90 0 DB Rou ter.
3 GET TING ST ARTED 1) Disconnect your modem’ s power supply from the wall ( assuming you have a power ed modem ). 2) Connect your Router’ s E thernet cable t o your modem’s Ethernet po rt (on th e back of your m odem) or t he Int erne t por t prov ide d by y our Int ernet service provider .
4 GET TING ST ARTED 6) Cli ck th e Setup i con o n the CD m enu. 7) After a brief installation, the setup software will ask y ou for the network name and passw ord from the network inf ormation card that is attached t o the installation booklet. Store the card under the base of your Router for future reference.
5 GET TING ST ARTED 8) A progress screen will appear while additional software is in stal led. T his m ay take a few m inu tes to co mple te. On ce finished, a “Success” message wil l appear indicating tha t you are c onn ecte d to the I nter net vi a your n ew Bel kin Ro uter.
6 GET TING ST ARTED Adv anced T ools & Settings Af ter th e init ial s etup i s com plete, yo u have th e opt ion to ch ange s ett ing s like you r net work n ame, s ecur it y ty pe, an d password.
7 GET TING ST ARTED The Belki n Ro uter Mana ger The Belkin Rout er Manager appears in y our sy stem tra y (W indo ws ) or m enu ba r (Mac). Its i con in dic ates th e cur rent st atus o f your Ro uter a nd als o all ows you to a cces s your Router’ s settings to make changes.
8 GET TING ST ARTED In yo ur brow ser, typ e “h ttp: / /ro uter ” (you d o not ne ed to t ype in a nyt hing e lse su ch as “ w ww ”). Th en pre ss th e Enter key. If you’ re stil l having trouble running the manual setup option, type “192.
9 GET TING ST ARTED Adding Computer s to Y our Network Wireless devices such as computers, net w ork printers, and gaming systems can connect to your Router with a f ew simple steps. Us ing th e CD 1. Put the Se tup CD in to your c omp uter. If the C D doesn’t open automatically , browse to y our CD dr ive an d open t he Be lkin S etup CD i con .
10 GET TING ST ARTED Manually iOS (iP hone, i Pad, an d iPod to uch) 1. Op en the S ett ing s app an d sel ect t he Wi- Fi me nu ite m. 2. Select your wireless network from the list that appears th ere. If a sked to d o so, ent er the n etw ork pa sswo rd.
11 GET TING ST ARTED Usin g the WP S But ton 1) Star t WPS P ush Button Connection (WPS PBC ) on your co mput er or ot her Wi -Fi d evic e that y ou woul d like to c onn ect wirelessly to your Router .
12 GET TING ST ARTED Add ing a Dr ive Y o u can sh are a US B hard drive o r fla sh dri ve to you r net work v ia your R outer’ s USB p ort. Once connected , you can share files and music with o ther computers and devices within your n e twork. Plu g your U SB har d driv e into th e USB po rt o n the ba ck of yo ur Rou ter .
13 GET TING ST ARTED Adding O ther USB De vices Other USB devices may also be shared via your Rout er . Plu g your d evic e into t he USB po rt l oca ted on t he bac k of you r Route r . W hen th e lig ht abov e the USB p or t is li t, your device is available to comput ers on y our network.
14 GET TING ST ARTED Bundled Software US B Print a nd St orag e Man age r The USB Print and Storage Manager helps to manage and monitor the use of your USB print ers, scanners, hard driv es, an d othe r devi ces th at are c onn ecte d to your R outer ’s USB po rt a nd sha red ac ros s your ne two rk.
15 GET TING ST ARTED Vuz e and T orr ent M ate Vuz e is a media player for high- resolu tion digital videos that he lps you t o find, d ownl oad, a nd play H D vid eos on y our PC, Ma c, iPho ne, iPo d, Xbox 3 60, PS 3, PSP , an d TiVo.
16 GET TING ST ARTED Additional Capabilities Guest Access Y ou can allo w guests t o use your In ternet connection without joining y our personal network. The ne twork name and pa sswor d for th e gues t net work i s loc ated o n the ne two rk information card found under the foot o f your Router .
A B 17 GET TING TO KNO W YOUR ROUTER A) Rou ter S tat us Lig ht Y o ur Rou ter’s st atus i s show n by the l ight o n the f ront . Of f: The R outer i s not pl ugg ed int o a power s ourc e. Blinking White: Th e Route r is st ar ting u p. Solid White: The R outer is c onnect ed to the Internet.
18 GET TING TO KNO W YOUR ROUTER A) Mo dem ( W A N) Con nec tor Connect your modem to this port using an Ethernet cable. B) Wired ( LAN) Connectors Connect computers and other wired network d evices to these ports using Etherne t cables.
19 TECHNIC AL DET AILS T e chnical Features Integrat ed Dua l-Band 3x3 80 2. 1 1 n Wireless Access Points Utilizing Dual-Band Network technology , your R outer creat es two se parat e net work s ( o ne at 2.4 GHz ba nd and t he oth er at 5G Hz band) , allowing increased b andwidth to all you r connected wir eless dev ice s and co mpu ters.
20 TECHNIC AL DET AILS System Require ments Router Broadband Int ernet connection such as a cable or DSL modem with RJ45 (Ethernet ) connection At least on e computer with an ins talled network int er.
21 USING Y OUR ROUTER Enabling Auto Update on Y our Belk in Router The Router ha s the capabilit y to automatically check for a newer version o f firmw are and alert you when it’ s available . Y ou can choose to download the new version or ig nore i t.
22 USING Y OUR ROUTER 22 6. Select “Enable” by c l icking the rad io button and then click “ Apply Changes” a t the bottom of the screen . 4. C lick o n “S ystem S ett ings ” in th e lef t-ha nd column under the “Utilities” hea ding.
23 USING Y OUR ROUTER 23 Upd atin g Y o ur Route r via Y our S ystem T ray ( Windows) or Men u Bar (Mac) Once you hav e complet ed the setup process, you will need to up date t he new so ft ware f or your R oute r . Th is ca n be don e easily via y our computer’ s system tray or menu bar .
24 USING Y OUR ROUTER 24 Updat ing the Router’s Firm ware via t he Web Inte rfa ce The follo wing steps show you ho w to update your Router’ s fir mwar e usin g its we b inter fa ce. Y o u do not ne ed to b e conn ecte d to th e Inte rnet a s thi s inter fac e is bu ilt in to the Ro uter i tse lf.
25 USING Y OUR ROUTER 25 4. Open a web browser on the computer . 5. I n the ad dres s bar o f the web b rows er , t yp e “ htt p ://192. 168. 2. 1” an d pres s “En ter ” on your ke yboa rd. 6. Cl ick “Login” in the upper r igh t-hand corner of the page.
26 USING Y OUR ROUTER 26 8. Click the “Browse” button toward the middle of the screen to search f or the file you saved previously. Note: The firmware v er sion in the images below is depicted as an example. Y our file name will var y depending on your model and version.
27 USING Y OUR ROUTER 27 10 . Click the “Update” button. 11. A p rom pt ask ing, “Are yo u sure y ou want t o cont inue with upgrading ?” will appear . Click “OK”. 12 . A sec ond prompt will open t elling y ou the Router will not respond during the upgrade and warning y ou not to remov e th e power s uppl y from t he Ro uter.
28 USING Y OUR ROUTER Resetting the Router Re set B utt on – Re d The “Reset” button is used in rare cases when the R outer may fu nction improperly . Resetting the Router will restore the Router’ s normal operation while maintaining the programmed set ti ngs.
29 USING Y OUR ROUTER Re storing t he Rou ter to Def ault Set tin gs Usin g the Web Inte rf ace Symptoms Y o u need t o rest ore th e facto ry d efaul ts us ing th e web in ter face. Th is may b e beca use th e Rou ter is n ot per for ming a s expe cted or you wish to remov e all previously configured set tings.
30 USING Y OUR ROUTER 4. C lick o n “Re stor e Facto ry D efaul ts” i n the le ft- hand column under the “ Utilities” heading. 5 . Click on the “Restore Defa ults” button.
31 USING Y OUR ROUTER 6. A w arni ng box wi ll op en tha t says, “ Warn ing: A ll your s ett ing s wi ll be lo st. Ar e you su re you wan t to do th is?” Cl ick “ OK ” . 7 . Th e Route r wil l begi n the re stor ing p roce ss. O nce the rest ore is complete , the Router will reboo t.
32 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y T roubleshooting Th e Setu p CD do es not a utom ati cal ly st art . If B elki n Setu p does n ot ru n when yo u ins ert t he CD -RO M, your computer ma y not be configured to open CDs a utomatically .
33 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y Be lki n Setu p can not co nne ct my Ro uter t o the I nter net . If B elki n Setu p is not a ble to c onn ect th e Rout er to the Int ernet, please check the following items: 1. Use the troubleshooting sugg es tions within Belkin Setu p.
34 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y Belkin Setup completed installation, but I cannot browse the Web. T he li ght on t he fro nt of my R oute r is so lid am ber.
35 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y I ca n’t co nne ct to t he Int ern et wir ele ssly a nd my ne two rk nam e is not l iste d in Avail abl e Net work s. 1. Verif y th at your R oute r is on an d the front-panel l ight shows solid white. 2.
36 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y I’ ve ins tall ed t his ne w Rout er an d some o f my net work c lie nts ( computers, game consoles, etc. ) are no w unable to connect. Y our new Router came pre-configured with a network name and password, found printed on an attached card.
37 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y Does th e Rou ter s upport W ireless Protected Access (WPA) s ecurity? The Router ships with WP A /WP A 2 security turned on. Windows XP and some older network hardware may require a software update to support WP A/ WP A 2.
38 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y I am h avin g dif ficu lt y set tin g up Wir ed Equ ival ent Pri vacy ( WEP) se curi ty on my R oute r . 1. Log in to your R oute r . V isit ht tp ://router / with your web br owser . Click on the “Login” button in the top right-hand corner of the sc reen .
39 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y A dis k I plu gge d into t he USB p or t is not s howi ng up on m y comp ute r or in Me mor y Saf e. 1. Is the light on over the USB port that the disk is plugged into ? If not, tr y unplugging and re-plugging the disk.
40 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y A di ffe ren t sor t of US B devi ce th at I plu gge d into t he US B por t is no t showi ng up on m y comp ute r . Mo st USB de vice s othe r tha n disk s and pr inte rs mu st be ac cess ed vi a the US B Prin t and St orag e Cent er .
41 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y T e chnical Support US http:/ /ww w UK http:/ /ww w / suppor t Australia http:/ /ww w New Zealand http:/ /ww w Singapore 1800 6 22 1 130 Europ e http:/ /ww w .
42 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y Belkin International, Inc., Limited 2- Y ear Product W arranty Wh at th is warr ant y cove rs. Belkin Int ernational, Inc. (“Belkin”) w arrants t o the original purchaser of this Belkin product tha t the product shall be free of def ects in design, as sembly , mat erial, or workmanship.
43 TROUBLESHOOTING, SUP PORT , AND W ARRANT Y How to get ser vice. T o g et ser vi ce for yo ur Be lkin p rodu ct you mu st take t he fol lowi ng step s: 1.
45 REGULA TORY INF ORMA TION FCC St atem ent DECLARATION OF CONFORMIT Y WITH F CC RULES FOR ELE CTROMAGNETIC COMP A TIBILIT Y We, Bel kin I nter nati onal , Inc., of 1204 5 Water fro nt Dr ive, Los Ange les, CA 9009 4 , declare under our sole responsibility that the device , F 9K110 4 v 1, co mpli es wit h Par t 1 5 o f the FC C Rule s.
© 20 1 1 Belkin Interna tional, Inc . All r igh ts reserved. All trad e names are regist ered tra demarks of re spe cti ve man ufac tur ers l iste d. iPad, i Pho ne, iPo d, iPod t ouc h, Mac, M ac OS, a nd Saf ari a re tra dem arks o f App le Inc ., regi ster ed in t he U.
デバイスBelkin F9K1104の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Belkin F9K1104をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBelkin F9K1104の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Belkin F9K1104の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Belkin F9K1104で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Belkin F9K1104を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBelkin F9K1104の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Belkin F9K1104に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBelkin F9K1104デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。