Xantrex TechnologyメーカーPV225S-480-Pの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PV225S 225 kW Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter PV225S-480-P Operation and Maintenance Manual.
PV225S 225 kW Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter Operation and Maintenance Manual.
About Xantrex Xantrex T echnology Inc. is a world-leadin g supplier of advanced power electronics and controls with products from 50 watt m obile units to one MW utility -scale sy stems for wind, solar , batteries, fuel cells, microturbines, an d b acku p power applications in both grid-connected and stand- alone syst ems.
152607 iii About This Manual Purpose The purpose of this Opera tion a nd Mainte nance Manual is to provi de explanatio ns and procedure s for o perating , mainta ining, and tro ubleshoot ing the PV225S 225 kW Grid- T ied Photov olta ic Inv erter.
About T his Manual iv 152607 Conve ntions Used The foll owing co nven ti ons are us ed in th is gui de. This Manual c ontains i nforma tion fo r the PV225S-480-P 225 kW Grid-Tied Photovo ltaic Inve rter . Throughout the m anual it w ill be re ferre d to as the PV225S, unless ot herwis e noted.
About T his Manual 152607 v Abbreviation s and Acronyms CCU2 Convert er Contro l Unit 2 CFM Cubic Feet per Minute CW Cl ockwise DSP Digit al S ignal Pr ocessor FPGA Field Prog ramm able Gate Arr ay GU.
152607 vii Important Safety Instructions SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS - DO NO T DISCARD This manua l contai ns impor tant saf ety instruc tions fo r the PV225S that m ust be follo wed during i nstalla tion and ma intenance procedure s. W ARNING: Shock Hazard Read and keep this Operation and Mainten ance Manual for fu ture reference.
Safet y viii 152607 General Safet y Pr ecautions 1. When instal ling the PV225S use o nly compo nents rec omm ended or sold by Xan trex . D oin g othe rwise may result in a risk of f ire, elec tric sh ock, in ju ry to persons , and will v oid the wa rranty.
Safety 152607 ix term inal or com pressio n lug. The term inals can acco mm odate up to t wo conductor s per phase . See the PV 225S 225 kW Grid- tied Photovoltaic Invert er Planning and Installation Manual for the l ocation of these t erminals.
Safet y x 152607 Operational Saf ety Procedu res Never w ork alone w hen ser vicing this equipme nt. A team of two is requir ed until the equipme nt is proper ly de-e nergized, loc ked- out and tagg ed, and ve rified de - energized w ith a me ter . Thoroughly ins pect the e quipment prio r to ene rgizing.
Safety 152607 xi De-Energize/Isolat ion Procedur e The follo wing pro cedure s hould be foll owed to de-ene rgize the PV225S for mainte nance. T o i solate the PV225S: 1. T urn the O N /O FF switch to the O FF posi tion. 2. Open the DC Disc onnect Sw itch.
152607 xiii Important Safety Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vii 1 Introduction Ope rati on Fe atu res- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents xiv 152607 2 Operation Descr ipt ion of System Op erati on- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–2 Ov e rvi e w - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Contents 152607 xv 3 Commissioning Comm issio ning Proc edure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3–2 Star tin g the Commiss ionin g T est.
Contents xvi 152607 A Specifications System Sp ecif ication s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A– 2 Env iron mental Sp ecifi cati.
152607 xvii Figu re 1 -1 Maxi mum P eak Power Tr acking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1– 4 Figu re 1 -2 PV2 2 5S M aj or Comp onen ts - - - - - - - - - .
F igures xviii 152607 Figu re 2 -24 Con nec tion C on figur ation Scre en - Genera l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–3 5 Figure 2- 25 Co nnection Co nfigurat ion Scree .
152607 xix Tab le 2 -1 Scrol lin g thr oug h th e Rea d Men u Paramet ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 –9 Tab le 2 -2 Read Men u D escri ption s - - - - - - - - - - - .
1 Intr oduction Chapter 1, “I ntroduction” contains information about the features and functions of the PV225S 225 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic I nverter.
Introduction 1–2 152607 Operation F eatures The PV225S 225 kW Grid-Tied Phot ov oltai c Inve rter is a UL 1741 liste d, utility interac tive, t hree- phase pow er co nvers ion sy ste m fo r grid- connec ted photov olta ic array s w ith a pow er rat ing of 225 kW .
Operation F eatures 152607 1–3 P eak Power T racking An advance d, field-pr oven, Maxi mum Pea k Powe r T rack er (MPP T) a lgor ithm integra ted wit hin the PV225S contro l softw are e nsures the o ptimum powe r thro ugh pu t for harves tin g en er gy from the p hot ovolta ic arra y .
Introduction 1–4 152607 Optimiz ation o f the PV225S MPP T w ill res ult in an incr ease i n energy productio n. The user i s enco uraged to study the PV array ’ s I- V curve s and to adjust the MPP T user set table par amet ers ac cor dingly .
Safety Features 152607 1–5 Safety F eatures Anti-Island Protection A con di tion r eferr ed to as "Islan d ing" o ccur s w hen a dis tributed ge neratio n source (such as t he PV225S Grid-tie d Photovo ltaic Inver ter) co ntinues to energize a portio n of the utili ty grid af ter the utility exper iences a n interruptio n in serv ice.
Introduction 1–6 152607 Physical Char acteristics The PV225S come s in two m odules compri sed of s ix enclos ures to ho use the elect ronics de scribed a bove. The fi rst mo dule inc ludes the Ma in Inver ter Enclosure , Inductor Enclosure , DC Inter face Encl osure, a nd Communic atio ns Enclosure .
Physical Characteristics 152607 1–7 Main Inverter Enclosure The PV225S Main Inve rter Encl osure is NEMA-3R ra ted and conta ins the pow er distributi on panel, the co nverte r contr ol unit (CCU2), and the power e lectr onics matr ices.
Introduction 1–8 152607 DC Interface Enclosure The DC Inter face Enc losure i s NEMA-3R r ated. The DC inte rface s erve s as the connect ion interf ace betw een the PV a rra y a nd the PV225S. This enclos ure is where t he DC Disco nnect Swit ch and DC conta ctor re side.
Physical Characteristics 152607 1–9 Communications Enclosure The Comm unicati ons Enclos ure is NEMA- 4 rate d. It cont ains the har dware t o enab le a person al computer to con nec t to t he u nit , ei ther di rectly or remote ly .
Introduction 1–10 152607 Operator Interfac e Controls Ope rator inte rface contr ols ar e loca ted on th e fron t d oor of th e mai n in vert er enclos ure. These c ontrols include an O N /O FF Sw itch, 4-l ine LCD displ ay and key pad cal led the Univ ersal Fr ontpane l Control Unit ( UFCU).
Operator Interface Controls 152607 1–11 On/Off Switch The PV225S incorpora tes a m aintai ned positi on O N /O FF Swit ch (S3) loca ted on the front do or of the m ai n enclosure . Under norma l conditio ns, the O N /O FF switch is in the ON positio n.
Introduction 1–12 152607 A C and DC Disconnect Switches Both AC and DC inter face e nclosure s are e quipped with lo ckout has ps for personnel safet y . The enclosur e doors should not be o pened while t he PV225S is opera tin g. The swit ch handles and sha fts prov ide a doo r interlo ck fo r both the AC and DC interfa ce enc losures.
Communication Features 152607 1–13 System Status and F ault R eporting Basic s y stem s tatus and a ll fault c onditions rising fr om w ithin the PV 225S are reporte d to the UFCU. The unit s tores the tim e and detail s of all faults i n non-vo latil e mem ory.
Introduction 1–14 152607 Communic ation Met hods The PV225S comm unicate s sy stem status inform ation to the user using the followi ng met hod s. • The Front Pa nel Contro l Unit (UFCU) Di splay • PC C on necti on ( Direct or R emote) - Xantr ex Solar G rap hic User Interf ace (GUI) So ftwa re require d.
Communication Me thods 152607 1–15 PC Connection Methods Persona l com puters ca n be used to a cces s the sy stem status and progra mm ing feature s of the PV225S. A com puter c an be c onnecte d either di rectly or rem otel y . 1. Remo te Conne ct - use s one of the three kits bel ow .
Introduction 1–16 152607 PO TS Access Figure 1- 1 1 i llustrat es the PV225S conne cted rem ot ely t o a per sonal c omputer . W ireless Ac cess Figure 1- 12 illustra tes the PV225S c onnecte d remo tely to a pers onal co mputer usin g a wireless n etwork.
Communication Me thods 152607 1–17 Ethernet LAN Access The PV225S can be rem ote ly acces sed thro ugh a loca l area networ k. Direct Access Figure 1- 14 illustra tes the PV225S c onnecte d directly to a perso nal com puter .
Introduction 1–18 152607 GUI Software F eatures Read-o nly Menu The GUI so ftwa re prov ides acc ess to the foll owing “Read-o nly Menu” info rmatio n. See T able 2-2, “Read Menu Descr iptions” on page 2–1 1 for a specifi c list of av ailable paramete rs.
2 Oper ation Chapter 2, “Operation” contains information on the basic operation of the PV225S 225 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic I nverter..
Operation 2–2 152607 Description of System Oper ation Overview The PV225S is a fully auto mat ed grid- interac tive pho tovol taic inv erter. Sy stem startup, s y stem shutdow n, PV powe r trac king, a nd fault de tectio n scena rios are al l gove rned and moni tored by the CCU2 c ontroll er wit hin the PV225S.
Description o f System Operatio n 152607 2–3 Figur e 2-1 Operating S tates Flow Cha rt INI TIALI ZING PV co ntactor o pe ned . Inve rte r matr ix off . Grid co ntacto r open. Green LED on. Red off. POWER UP KEY DISABLE PV contact or open. Inve rte r matr ix off .
Operation 2–4 152607 Operating St ates A state machine implem ente d within the CCU 2 control softwa re gov erns the operat ion of the PV225S with clea rly defined tr ansitio ns betwe en its ope rating state s. There ar e five s teady - state operati ng state s and numer ous interm ediat e transit ion stat es.
Operating Sta tes 152607 2–5 Shutdown The line interf ace co ntrolle r is idle. The CCU2 moni tors the st atus of the PV ar ray and utility gr id, wait ing in standby until t he PV array is avail able to pro duce power to the gr id. Fa u l t The PV225S has encounte red a f ault conditio n.
Operation 2–6 152607 Operator Interfac e The purpose o f the opera tor inte rfa ce is to provide a mea ns of com munic ating critic al oper ational inform ation to and from the unit.
Operator Interface 152607 2–7 LCD Display - Init ialization Screen Any time AC power i s applied t o the unit, the LCD displa y w ill c yc le thro ugh the followi ng d isp lays while the s ystem init ializes . O nce i t’ s don e with thi s proc ess, the standa rd display wi ll appear .
Operation 2–8 152607 Menu S tructure The ope rator i nte rface con si sts of th ree levels: • R EAD Menu - opera tion info rmat ion provi ded to the u ser fr o m the PV225S. The R EAD Menu cons ists o f all ope ratio nal value s, the date a nd time.
Operator Interface 152607 2–9 R EAD Menu The R EAD Men u i nclu des the f ollowi ng in format ion : • Current Operating St ate or Goal S tate • Fault Co de (if appli cable) • Invert er S tat e.
Operation 2–10 152607 Figur e 2-5 Scrolling th rough the R EAD Men u System: PWR Tracking Inv: Online Hit ENTER or "." "-" Value by ID# System: PWR Tracking Inv: Online Pv: Online Goal : PWR Tracking System: PWR Tracking Inv: Online Pv: Online CCU Vx.
Operator Interface 152607 2–11 T able 2 -2 R EAD Menu Descriptions Operat ional P arame ter Descri ption ID Units Current O perating State Disp lays as: System: * wh ere * can be any one of the states listed in the description for thi s parameter . Current s ystem states include t he follow ing.
Operation 2–12 152607 Phase C current Disp lays as: INV C amps: xxx Phase C current 10 A rms Inverter Real Power Disp lays as: INV KW: Inverter Real Power 1 1 kW Inverter Matrix T emperature Disp la.
Operator Interface 152607 2–13 R EAD -by-ID The Read -by-ID featur e sup port s th e ab ility of the u ser t o view any Read or W rite param eter av ailabl e within t he menu str ucture. I t also provides a mea ns to vie w data log ging a nd accumula ted val ues inform atio n.
Operation 2–14 152607 T a ble 2-3 pro vides a list of the Data L oggi ng Menu param eter s. T a ble 2-4 pro vides a list of the Accum ulated V alue s Menu param eter s.
Operator Interface 152607 2–15 W RITE Menu The W RITE Menu include s the fol lowing param eters: • Ground Cur rent Ma x • PP T V olta ge Refe rence • PV V ol tage S t art • PV T ime (S tart .
Operation 2–16 152607 Changing and Dis playing W RIT E Menu P arameter V alues Follow the proc edure belo w to cha nge W RITE Menu para mete rs. To c h a n g e W RITE Men u p ara me ters: 1. From t he standard dis play or any w here in the R EAD Men u, you may access the W RITE men u p aramete rs by pr essin g th e < M ENU > key .
Operator Interface 152607 2–17 Minimum G rid Vo l t a g e Disp lays as: Min AC Volts%: This parameter sets the trig ger point value for “A C voltag e low” (0012) fault. If the grid voltage is below this parameter ’ s value, the fault is trig gered.
Operation 2–18 152607 Time Delay for PV Wa k e u p Disp lays as: PV T Start: T im e delay to transition from PV wak e up state to PV On-line state. Once the inv erter is in PV W ake Up mode, it w aits for the amou nt of time determ ine by th is parameter before transitioni ng into PV on-line m ode.
Operator Interface 152607 2–19 Enable Peak Power Tr a c k e r Disp lays as: PPT Enable: This parameter sw itches on and off the Power T racker function. When the Pow er T rack er is on, the inve rt er will r egu late the bus voltage to optimize out put power .
Operation 2–20 152607 Commanding Goal State Changes T o c hange the Goal S t ate: 1. From t he standar d display pres s the < M ENU > key . This w ill pro mpt the us er for a passw ord. The LCD w ill cha nge the thir d line of the display to “ Type and Hit ENTER ” and four th line of the display to “ Password: ”.
Operator Interface 152607 2–21 Setting the Date and Time Follow the proc edure belo w to cha nge the date and time . T o c hange the Date and Time: 1. From t he standard dis play, press t he < M ENU > key . This w ill prom pt the user for the pa sswo rd.
Operation 2–22 152607 Manual S tate T ransitions State conditi ons can al so be tra nsitione d manually. Refer to “Comma nding Goal State Changes ” on pag e 2–20 for inst ructions on com manding PV225S goal s tates for m anual transit ions. Shutdown → Matrix T est → Shutdown 1.
Auto-restart F eature 152607 2–23 Any State → Fa u l t If t he PV225S encounte rs a f ault, reg ardles s of operati ng stat e, it w ill tr ansitio n to the Fault st ate. The PV225S wil l rema in in this st ate until the fault co ndition has been rem edied and cle are d.
Operation 2–24 152607 Energize Pr ocedur e (Startup) T o s tart up the PV225S: 1. Remo ve any loc kout dev ices fr om the Utility co nnectio n circuit bre aker and PV disconnec t swit ch. 2. Close t he Utility c onnectio n circuit breake r . 3. Close t he AC Disco nnect Swit ch.
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–25 Computer Communications with the PV225S The PV225S provides multiple options f or com munica ting sy st em st atus or da ta loggin g th rou gh a p ers onal c ompu ter u sin g the X an trex Sola r Grap h ic User Interf ace ( GUI) sof tware.
Operation 2–26 152607 Installing the Graphic User Interface (GUI) Softwar e The follo wing s ectio n outlines t he minim um sy ste m requir ement s for usi ng the GUI so ftwar e and instruc tions fo r instal ling, co nfiguring, a nd using the so ftwar e.
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–27 Starting Setup From a Command Pro mpt T o s ta rt the pro gra m from a c omman d prom pt: 1. Insert th e XANTREX SOLAR INVER TER GUI – INST ALLA TIO N CD into y our CDROM drive. 2. Click o n ST AR T and se lect “RUN” .
Operation 2–28 152607 Model Specific Softw are Install ation Once the Set up program has been st arted, ins tallat ion of the GUI sof twar e can continue. T o c ontinue with the GUI s of tware installat ion: 1. After the GUI Setup Splas h Screen appe ars ( Figure 2- 1 1) , click o n the button I NSTALL PV225S GUI .
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–29 2. Click O K and the foll owing win dow will app ear : If the directo ry provide d in this window is ac ceptable for the i nstalla tion, procee d to Step 4. If no t, click on the C HANGE D IRECTORY b utton and provide a new nam e for t he desire d destinati on direct ory.
Operation 2–30 152607 4. Click C ONTI NUE to confir m the progra m gro up to be used. The follo wing s etup progre ss indica tion wi ndow wi ll appear . 5. When com plete d, yo u will s ee this: 6. Click OK . The GUI is no w insta lled on the c omputer .
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–31 Running the GUI T o run the GUI s oftw are prog ram , log onto the com puter and cl ick the f ollow ing menu items in th e ord er sh own bel ow . 1. W indow’ s S TART butto n 2. P ROGRAMS 3. X ANTREX _S OLAR 4.
Operation 2–32 152607 Direct Connec tion If the serial comm unicati on port of the inver ter is c onnected t o the COM1 se rial port of t he com puter , the fol lowing scree n will appe ar .
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–33 GUI Configura tion - Adding Inverter s Onc e th e GUI h as st arted , you wil l n eed to conf igure each Invert er ico n to re flect the appropri ate ope rationa l param eters for e ach inve rter tha t is connec ted to the system.
Operation 2–34 152607 5. Fill out the Operational Configurations Infor matio n in the form show n in Figure 2- 21 through Figur e 2-23. This se ction has four sub- menu page s to cove r the fol lowing param eters. a) Fil l out Opera tional L imit s Info rmati on request ed.
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–35 e) Fil l out the Pow er Tracking I nform ation re quested. f) Click o n the Connecti ons Form T ab to co ntinue. 6. Fill out the Con n ectio n - G enera l Infor mati on in the for m in Figure 2-24.
Operation 2–36 152607 8. Fill out the Connecti on - T ele phone Fault Configuration Info rma tion in the form shown in Fig ure 2-25. 9. Click o n the T elephone Co nfigura tion sub- menu to continue. 10. Fill out the Connecti on - T ele phone Conf igurati on Inform atio n in the form shown in Fig ure 2-26.
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–37 GUI Help The GUI so ftwa re prog ram has a built- in help progr am. Once the progr am is starte d, click on the H ELP menu it em to start the Help progr am. The Help inter face i s divided into the foll owing secti ons.
Computer Communica tions with the PV225S 152607 2–39.
Operation 2–40 152607.
3 Commissioning Chapter 3, “Commissioning” contains information on safely commissioning the PV225S 225 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic I nverter..
Commissioning 3–2 152607 Commissioning Procedur e This se ction pr ovides the pro cedure necess ary to safe ly and co rrect ly com mis sion a PV225S inverte r . Summa ry T o c omm ission the PV225S: 1. Ensure the V erif icatio n T es ts have be en com pleted and hav e passe d succes sfully.
Starting the Commi ssioning T e st F ile 152607 3–3 Serial Number 1. Enter the inform atio n required by GU I in t he white text bo xes on t he form that appears ne xt. The conve rter serial num ber is l ocate d on a label placed on the lower - left f ron t of th e Mai n Inver ter E n closur e d oor .
Commissioning 3–4 152607 6. Once y ou finis h verify i ng PV DC volt ages, g o back t o the GUI Comm issio ning Proc edure and c lick o n the chec k box to indicate that the task is com plete. Go to the next step by click ing on the " N EXT " button.
Starting the Commi ssioning T e st F ile 152607 3–5 7. Once y ou finis h checki ng the Front Pa nel Display, go back t o the GUI Comm issio ning proce dure and clic k on the che ck box to indicate t he task is compl ete. Go to the next st ep by c licki ng on the " N EXT " button.
Commissioning 3–6 152607 Conf irm DC Oper at iona l P ara mete rs 1. V erif y the Inve rters PV Settings . 2. Make any nec essar y changes. 3. Record t hese va lues. 4. Once y ou finis h these ta sks, go back to the GUI Co mmi ssioni ng Proce dure and clic k on the check box to indic ate the task is co mplete .
Starting the Commi ssioning T e st F ile 152607 3–7 Operate Inverter 1. Make s ure all do ors ar e clos ed and lock ed. 2. Using the Fr ont Panel o r the GUI, s et the I PP T Max perce nt to 25%. 3. Plac e the O N /O FF Swit ch (S3) in the O N positi on.
4 T roubleshooting Chapter 4, “T roubleshooting” contains information and proce dures for troubleshooting the PV225S 225 kW Grid-T ie d Photovoltaic Inver ter. It provides descriptions of common situations and errors that may occur and provides possible solutions for resolving fault conditions.
T roubleshooting 4–2 152607 Fa u l t s a n d Fa u l t C o d e s Fau lt st ates are au tomati c from an y state of op erati on. In th e eve nt of a fau lt conditio n, the PV225S will im medi ately st.
Clearing F aults Manuall y 152607 4–3 Clearing F a ults Manually Faults as socia ted with a g rid disturbanc e clear automa tical ly . These fault s include: • 0010 (AC Frequency L ow), • 001 1 (AC Frequency Hig h), • 00 12 AC V olt age Low), an d • 0013 (AC V oltag e High) o nly .
T roubleshooting 4–4 152607 F ault Code Descriptions T a ble 4-1 pro vides a comple te desc ription o f all the f ault condit ions that may occur o n the PV225S.
F ault Code Descriptions 152607 4–5 0013 AC V oltage Hig h S This fault indicates th at the utility grid voltage is above or rose above the m aximu m allow ed value of 1 10% of nomin al V ac for greater than 2 seconds, or 137% of nominal V ac for greater than 2 cycles .
T roubleshooting 4–6 152607 0017 Phase Error S This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected an incorrect phase rotation of the incom ing AC grid voltage. This con dition is in dicative of a power conductor term ination error , resultin g in im proper phasing sequence.
F ault Code Descriptions 152607 4–7 XX32 Rig ht Matrix Over Current S This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected that the AC current on one or more phases of the inv erter output has exceeded the m axim um allowed valu e of 712 A rms .
T roubleshooting 4–8 152607 0041 State Invalid S The state machin e implem ented with in the CCU2 sy stem softw are governs th e operation of the PV225S. This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected an unkn own s ystem variable and has encountered an invalid state.
F ault Code Descriptions 152607 4–9 0048 Bad Memory S This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected that the SRA M DIMM on the CCU2 controller board has failed. The CCU2 performs a series of tests to confirm the validity of the SRAM and the m em ory modul e has produced errors.
T roubleshooting 4–10 152607 XX51 Rig ht Matrix Gate S The CCU2 controller sends digitized timin g signals f or gating th e IGBT ’ s via the IPM driver board and bi- directional fiber optic comm unication. This fau lt indicates that the PV225S has detected that an IGBT gate drive fault h as occurred in the right m atrix.
F ault Code Descriptions 152607 4–11 XX61 Rig ht Matrix T em perature S This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected that the tem perature of the right IGBT matrix alu minu m heatsink h as exceeded the max imum allowed valu e of 95 °C.
T roubleshooting 4–12 152607 0080 Left Matrix Not ON S This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected that t he left IGBT m atrix (FPGA) was not enabled after hav ing sent a com man d for it to turn on. The CCU2 sends an ackn owledge bit to confirm th e comm and is received.
F ault Code Descriptions 152607 4–13 F000 Shipping S oftware S This fault indicates th at the PV225S has detected that the C CU2 controller board has shipping softw are installed. This softw are is not operational softw are. The correct sys tem softw are for the PV225S must be downloaded into the C CU2 controller boar d.
5 Pr eventative Maintenance Chapter 5, “Preventative Maintenance ” contains information and procedures for perf orming preventative mainte nance on the PV225S 225 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic I nverter.
Preventative Mainte nance 5–2 152607 Maintenance Safety Prior to follo wing a ny M aintenanc e Proce dures, fol low the Sys tem Shutdo wn and Lock -out a nd T a g proce dure. Operational Safety Procedures Never w ork alone w hen ser vicing this equipme nt.
Maintenance Saf ety 152607 5–3 Lockout and T ag Safety re quireme nts m andate that this equipm ent not be ser viced w hile ene rgized. Power source s for the PV225S must be lo cked- out and ta gged prio r to se rvici ng. Each en ergy sour ce sh ould have a pad lock an d t ag inst alle d on ea ch en er gy source prior to servi cing.
Preventative Mainte nance 5–4 152607 Figur e 5-1 Inverter A C T erminal Locations in the Ma in Inverter Enclosure Figur e 5-2 Utility AC T erminal Connectio ns in the A C Interface Enc losure AC Gro.
Maintenance Saf ety 152607 5–5 Figur e 5-3 PV T ermin al Locati ons PV NEGative (K2-6T3) PV POSitive (S2-6) PV GrouND (TB4).
Preventative Mainte nance 5–6 152607 P eriodic Maintenance Xantrex T echno logy re com mends t hat the fol lowing pre ventat ive m ainte nance procedure s be carr ied out on t he PV225S. Monthly Intervals or As Required Perfor m the follow ing prev entati ve ma intenance tasks on a mo nthly basis or as required.
P eriodic Maintena nce 152607 5–7 Six-month Intervals Perfor m the follow ing prev entati ve ma intenance tasks on a six- month bas is or a s required. Enclosure Sea ls ❐ Inspec t the enclo sure ac cess pa nel seal . If dam aged, re plac e with equiv alent close d cell foam gask et.
A Specifications Appendix A provides the environmental and electrical specifica tions for the PV225S 225 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter..
Specifica tions A–2 152607 System Specifications The PV225S has been desig ned for phot ovolt aic pow er sy st ems, w hich opera te within the fo llow ing spec ifi catio ns. Environmental Specifications The follo wing e nvironm ental spe cific ations a re the sa me fo r both mo dels of the PV225S 225 kW Grid-Tied Photovol taic I nvert er.
Syst em Speci ficatio ns 152607 A–3 Electrical Specifications T a ble A-2 pro vides t he AC and DC specif icati ons for t he PV225S. Over V oltage , Under V oltage and Frequency Ranges T a ble A-3 pro vides t he over volta ge, under vo ltage , over-fr equency , and under- frequency det ectio n limits for the PV225S.
Specifica tions A–4 152607 W ir e Gau g e and T orque Requi re ments T a ble A-4 pro vides a ccepta ble wir e gauge s, bolt si zes, and to rque values for AC term inal connec tions. T a ble A-5 pro vides a ccepta ble wir e gauge s, bolt si zes, and to rque values to be connect ed to the PV225S DC ter minal c onnectio ns.
Appendix A Schematics 152607 A-5 Figure A-1 Electrical Diagram (sample).
Schematics Appendix A A-6 152607 Figure A-2 PV225S Schematic for Main P ower Distribution (152812 A1) 2 REVISIONS 1 A 6 B 5 C D 6 PROJEC TIO N 3RD ANGLE 5 4 3 4 3 COPYRIGHT XANTREX TECHNOLOGY INC.. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF XANTREX TECHNOL O G Y INC.
Appendix A Schematics 152607 A-7 Figure A-3 PV225S Schematic for Control P ower Distribution (152812 A2) REVISIONS: S EE SHEET 1 6 B A 5 C D 4 3 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN 2 TITLE: 6 PROJECTION 3RD ANGLE 5 4 3 2 1 DWG No. TM D SCALE : SIZE SHT OF REV.
Schematics Appendix A A-8 152607 Figure A-4 PV225S Schematic for Converter Control Unit (152812 A3) REVISIONS: SEE SHEET 1 6 B A 5 C D 4 3 DIMENSIONS AR E IN INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN 2 TITLE: 6 PROJECTION 3RD ANGLE 5 4 3 2 1 DWG No. TM D SCALE: SIZE SHT OF REV.
152607 WA–1 W arranty and Pr oduct Information Xantrex L imit ed W arrant y PV225S GRID TIE INVERTER (PV SERIES INVERTER) 1. What does this warranty cove r and how long doe s it last? This Lim ited W arranty is provided by Xantrex T echnology Inc. (“Xantrex”) and covers def ects in w orkmanship and materials in yo ur PV Series Inverter .
W arranty and Return 152607 WA–3 PRODUCT REGISTRA TION T o ensu re th e fast est p ossib le ser vice, p lease ensu re your system in formation submitted to X antre x. Pl ease fill the re quired inform atio n in and send a copy of this pag e to Xantre x T ec hnology I nc.
A AC Interface En closure 1–8 Accum ulated V alues 1–18 Anti- Island Protection 1–5 Auto-restart Featu re 2–23 Auto run 2–26 C Clearing F aults Man ually 4–3 Co mma n d P r o mp t 2– 27 .
Index IX–2 152607 Power Distribut ion Panel 1–7 Power Electronics Matrix 1– 7 PV Ground Fault Detection 1–5 R Remote Monitor and Con trol Features 1–18 Remote/L AN Conn ection 2–31 Runni n.
Xantrex Technolo gy Inc. 1 800 670 0707 Tel toll fre e NA 1 360 925 5097 Tel direct 1 800 994 7828 Fax toll free NA 1 360 925 5143 Fax direct customerservice@ xantrex.
デバイスXantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXantrex Technology PV225S-480-Pデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。