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User Guide ME3612E4-1 User Guide X E3021EN0-1.
© 2007 by Fuji Xer ox Co., Lt d. All rights reserved . Copyri ght protecti on claim ed incl udes all for ms and m atters of co pyright ed materi al and informa tion now al lowed by statutory o r judi.
3 T able of Content s 1 Befor e Using the Ma chine ....... .... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... . 9 Xerox We lcome Cent er ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... . 9 Serial Numb er .
4 All Countr ies, North Americ a - USA/ Canada ......... ........ ..... ....... ........ 28 European Union.. ....... ........... ........ ......... ....... ......... ......... .......... ....... .. 28 Other Countri es .... .... ..... ....... ...... ..
5 Inve rt Ima ge .. ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ... 62 Orig inal Ori enta tion .. ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... .... . 62 Outpu t Forma t .
6 Lay out A djustm ent - Fax /Inte rnet F ax/S erver Fax ...... ...... ....... .... ....... ... 99 Orig inal Size ... ....... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ....... ...... ..... ...... . 99 Book Faxin g.. ....... .... ....
7 Trans fer P roto col ... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... .... . 1 28 Addre ss B ook . ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... ..... ...... ....... ... 12 9 Brows e .... .
8 9 Cent reW are Inte rnet S ervi ces ... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... 15 9 Acc essin g Centr eWare In terne t Servic es ... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ..... 1 59 User Inte rface .. ....... .... ....
9 1 Before Using the Machine Welcome to the Xerox family of Work Centre produc ts. This User Guide pro vides de tail ed informat ion and procedures f or usi ng the integral features of the machine. Xerox Welcome Center If you nee d assis tance duri ng or a fter pro duct i nstallat ion, visit the Xerox website f or online solut ions and support.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 10 Languag e Displayed on t he T ouch Screen The language displayed on the t ouch screen can be changed in the fol lowing two ways: • To change the language for tempor ary use, press the <Langu age> button on the control panel , then select the req uired langu age.
Conventi ons 11 T ext in [Square Brac ket s] Indicates the names of the screens, ta bs, buttons, feat ures, and option cat egories . Square brackets are also u sed when referring to fil e and folder names on a PC. For example: • Select [Origi nal Type] on the [Image Quali ty] screen.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 12 Related Informa tion Sources The foll owing sou rces of i nformation are av ailable for t he machine : User Guide This guide is int ended for general user s and describes how to use the features of the machine, such as copy, scan, and fax.
Safety Note s 13 W ARNING: Unauthorized alterati ons, which may include the addition of new functions or connection of exter nal devi ces, may im pact the pr oduct certifica tion.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 14 Maintenance The operator 's pr oduct mainte nance proc edures are d escribed in t he customer documentation supplied with thi s produc t. Do not carry out any ot her mainten ance procedures not descr ibed in the documentat ion.
Safety Note s 15 – In a hot, humid, dusty or poor ly ventilated envi ronment – In direct sunlight – Near ovens or humi difiers • Always lo ck th e wheels of this product after instal lation.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 16 Laser Safety Informati on CAUTION: Use of controls , adjustments, o r performance of procedures other t han those specified i n thi s guide may result in ha zardous light exposure. This equipmen t complies with int ernational safety st andards and is classi fied as a Class 1 Laser Product.
Regulat ory Information 17 Radio Frequency Emissions (Class A digital device) European Union W ARNING: In order to allow this equipment to operate in close proximity to Industrial , Scientifi c and Medical (ISM) equipment, the ext ernal radiatio n from ISM equipment may ha ve to be limited or specia l mitigat ion measures taken.
1 Before Using the Machine 18 For F AX Function USA FAX Send Header Requirements: The telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it u nlawful for any person to use a computer or other electronic .
Regulatory Information 19 causing harm to the telephone network, t he Telephone Company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the p roblem is resolved. Repairs to the machine should be made only by a Xerox representat ive or an authorized Xerox service agency.
1 Before Using the Machine 20 The product may be configured to be compatible with other country networks. Please contact your Xerox re presentative if it needs to be recon nected to another country's network.
About L icense 21 About Licen se RSA B SAF E This product i ncludes RSA BSAFE ® Cryptographi c softwar e from RSA Security In c. Heim dal Copyright (c ) 2000 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technolo gy, Stockholm, Swe den). All rights re served.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 22 Libcurl COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION N OTICE Copyright (c) 1996 - 2006, Daniel Stenberg, < daniel@haxx. se>. All r ights res erved.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 24 Portions Copyri ght 1999-2005 Howard Y.H. Chu. Portions Copyri ght 1999-2005 Symas Corporation. Portions Copyright 1998-2003 Hallvar d B. Furuseth. All r ights res erved. Redistri bution and use in source and binar y forms, wit h or without mod- ifica tion, are permitt ed provided that thi s notice is preser ved.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 26 Illegal C opies USA Congress, by statute, has f orbidde n the repr oduction of the following subjects under certain circumst ances. Penal ties of fine or imp risonment may be imposed on those guilty of maki ng such reproducti ons.
Illegal Copie s 27 Exception: United St ates mili tary discharge certifi cates may be photogra phed. 10. Badges, Identif ication Car ds, Pas ses, or I nsigni a carrie d by mil itary personnel , or by members of the various Feder al Depart ments, s uch as FBI, Treasury, etc.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 28 This list is not inclusive and no liab ility i s assumed for either it s completeness or accuracy . In case of dou bt, c ontact your legal counsel. Product Recy cling and Dispo sal Battery Recycling and Di sposal Dispose of all bat teries in accordance wi th local legislation.
Product Recycl ing and Di sposal 29 WEEE Pr ofessional/Bus iness Application of t his symbol on your equip ment is confirmation that you must dispose of this equi pment in complian ce with agreed nationa l procedures.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 30.
31 2 Product Overview This machine is not simpl y a conventional copi er, but a digi tal device capab le of copying, f axing, pr inting an d scanning, depending on the configurat ion. The screens shown in thi s manual are from a full y configured machi ne to cover all the features.
2 Produ ct Overv iew 32 Machine Com ponent s The foll owing diagr ams show t he standard and opti onal co mponents of t he machi ne. 8 9 10 11 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 Fro nt V iew No. Component Function 1 Duple x automati c documen t feeder Autom aticall y feeds m ultipl e-page docu ments into the mach ine.
Mach ine Compo nents 33 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 No. Component Function 1 T ray attachm ent (Office Fi nisher LX) Use this atta chment whe n unstapled A 4 LEF , 8.5 x 1 1” LE F , or B5 LE F paper is ou tput to the O ffice Finish er LX tray .
2 Produ ct Overv iew 34 9 S t aple cartr idge (Office Fi nishe r LX) Contains s taples. 10 Front cove r (Office Fi nishe r LX) Open th is cov er when c learing paper jams or loading staples. 1 1 Office Fini sher LX (optiona l) S taples or punc hes cop ies or pr ints.
Mach ine Compo nents 35 3 Top co ver (Integr ated Off ice Finishe r) Open thi s cover wh en clear ing pape r jams. 4 Front cover (Integr ated Off ice Finishe r) Open thi s cover wh en loa ding stap les or cl earing s taple jam s. 5 St apl e car tr idg e (Integr ated Off ice Finishe r) Contains staples .
2 Produ ct Overv iew 36 Contro l Pane l The following diagram shows the names and functions of the buttons on the control panel. 4 7 10 11 12 13 17 8 9 6 16 15 14 5 3 2 1 No. Button Function 1 Brightness d ial Use thi s dial to adj ust the cont rast of the to uch screen.
Mach ine Se rvic es 37 Machine Services The machine provides various ser vices tha t can be accessed by pressing the <All Services> button on the cont rol panel.
2 Produ ct Overv iew 38 Inter net Fax Allows you to send and rece ive faxes ove r the Internet or intranet. Internet Fax prov ides reduced cost of tran smissions compared to the use of a conventio nal phone line.
Power On/Off 39 Stored Programming Allows you to store frequently- used settings as a program and recal l them with just one button. Thi s servi ce is not availabl e on the Al l Servi ces scr een by d efault, but can be displa yed by the System Administrat or.
2 Produ ct Overv iew 40 Ground Fault Interrup ter (GFI) If a fault is detected in the power suppl y to the machine, a Ground Fault Int errupter (GFI) device on the machine automat ically cut s all electrical power. If power is interrup ted, locate the RESET butto n on the back of the machine.
Modes 41 <Energy Saver> light is on. The Sleep Mode is cancelled when the < Energy Saver> button is pressed, or a fax or print job is received by the machine. The fac tory default setting of 10 mi nutes is cust omer changeable wi thin t he range of 2 t o 60 minutes, and must be longer than the Low Power Mode time value.
2 Produ ct Overv iew 42 Job St atus Use this button to chec k the progress of a job, or displ ay the log and detailed informati on of comple ted jobs. The l atest job i s displayed at the top of the l ist. Use t his button to als o check, delete, or print stored document s or documents in the machi ne’s mailboxes.
Recyc led Pape r 43 2. Att ach the tray att ac hment to the tray , as shown in the illus tration. Recycled Paper The use of recyc led paper i n the machine ben efits the environment wi th no degrad ation in performance.
2 Produ ct Overv iew 44.
45 3 Copy This chapter conta ins inform ation on the copy screens and the features avail able. NOTE: Some of the f eatures descr ibed i n this chapt er are optional, and may not apply to your machine configurat ion. Copyi ng Pro cedur e This section descr ibes the basic copy pro cedure.
3 Copy 46 Document Feeder The following explains how to load docume nts using the document feeder. The maximum capacity of the document feeder is shown below: Documents can be any size from 139.7 to 297 mm (4.9 to 11.7 inches ) for the width and 210 to 432 mm (4.
Copying Proce dure 47 Document Glass The following explai ns how to load a document using the document glass. The document glass i s used for a single- page or bound document up to 297 mm (11.7 inches) for the width and up to 432 mm (17 inches) for t he length.
3 Copy 48 2. Select [Copy] on the All Services sc reen. NOTE: If the Authent ication and Accounting feat ure is enabled, you may be required to enter your user I D and passcode (if they are set up). If you need assist ance, cont act the System Admin istrator .
Copy 49 5. Check the St atus of the Copy Job 1. Press the <Job S tatus > button on the c ontrol pa nel to di splay the [Act ive Jobs] t ab. The queued copy job is display ed. If the job is not displ ayed, it may have already been processed. For more informati on, refer to the Job Stat us chapter in the Syst em Administrati on Guide.
3 Copy 50 Reduce/Enlarge This feature allows y ou to reduce o r enlarge co pies by a specif ied rati o within t he range of 25-400%. 1. Select the [Reduce/ Enlarge] feature on the [ Copy] sc reen. More Displays t he [Reduce/ Enlarge] scr een. For more info rmation, r efer to [Reduce/Enlar ge] Screen on page 50 .
Copy 51 • Width:50%, Length: 100% - Sets the reduction/ enlarge ment ratio of the width to 50% and that of the len gth to 100%. NOTE: The above options are di splayed when the p aper size seri es is set to [A/B Series]. When [Inc h Serie s] or ot her p aper size s eries is se lected, t he opti ons displa yed will be dif ferent .
3 Copy 52 [T ray 5 (Byp ass)] Sc reen You can temporarily use the bypass tr ay to load paper th at is unavailabl e from Trays 1-4. Up to a 10 mm (0.4 inch) stack of paper ( approximately 95 sheets of 80 g/m 2 paper) can be loaded in the bypass tray. Paper Size • Auto Size Det ect - Detects t he paper size automati cally .
Copy 53 [2 Sided Copying] Screen Allows you to select the 2 sided c opying opti ons, document feed direct ion, and original orientati on. NOTE: When using the document glass for [1 J 2 Sided] or [2 J 2 Sided], t he machine will d isplay a message when it is ready to s can the next document.
3 Copy 54 1. Select a preset button or [ More] for the [ Copy Output] featur e on the [Copy] screen. NOTE: The scree n shown on the right is displ ayed when the Of fice Finisher LX is inst alled. I f t he Integrate d Of fic e Finisher is inst alled, o r if a finisher is not inst alled, t he displ ay will be dif ferent.
Copy 55 Paper Supply Displays the [Paper Supply] screen. Select a pa per tray for your copy job. Staple Allows you to specify the staple position. • No Staple - Disables the feature. • 1 Staple - Attaches one staple to the top left corner of the output.
3 Copy 56 • With Separators - Delivers the copies in stacks, based on the number of copies required for each document, with a separator between each stack. Select the [Paper Supply] button to specify the paper tray con taining the separator paper. Stapling is not available when [With Separators] is sele cted.
Image Quali ty 57 Light Text Select thi s option to co py documents that contain f aint text, s uch as t hat writ ten i n pencil. Text on See-Through Paper Select this option t o copy documents that use see- through paper.
3 Copy 58 Layout A djustment This secti on describes the lay out adjus tment featur es for c opying. For more info rmation on the features avai lable, ref er to the followi ng: Book Copying – page 5.
Layo ut Adjustm ent 59 Binding Edge Era se Erases pri nting of the cent er bindi ng area of the bo ok that tends to be shadowed due to the fol d in the pages. Use the scr oll butt ons to spec ify the ar ea to be erased f rom the center of an open book within the ra nge of 0-50 mm (0.
3 Copy 60 Manual Size Input Allows you to select the input size from the 11 preset standard sizes in portrait or landscape orientations, or select a custom si ze within the ran ges of 15-297 mm (0.6- 11.7 inches) for length and 15-432 mm (0.6-17.0 inches) for width.
Layout Adjustment 61 1. Select [Image Shif t] on the [Layout Adjustment] screen. 2. Select the required option. 3. Select [Save]. No Shift Disables the feature. Auto Center Automatically places the image in the center of the copy paper. Margin Shift Moves the image by specified amounts on the copy paper in the Up/Down and Left/ Right directions.
3 Copy 62 Invert Ima ge This feature a llows you to mirror t he image, and to make negativ es of the image on the copy output . 1. Select [Inver t Image] on the [Layout Adjustment ] screen. 2. Select the requir ed options . 3. Select [Save]. Mirr or Im age Allows you to creat e a mirror image of the document.
Output For mat 63 Output Form at This section describe s features tha t enhance the ap pearance of a c opy job. For more informati on on t he features availabl e, re fer to the fol lowing : Booklet Cr.
3 Copy 64 Copy Booklet Allows you to cop y bookle t sheet s by maint aining the order of t he images. Th e [Fol d and Staple] option binds the copies to create the same typ e of booklet as the orig inal one. Binding Shift Displays the [Boo klet Creat ion - Binding Shif t] screen.
Output For mat 65 Covers • Blank Covers - Adds a blank cover to th e booklet. • Front Cover - 2 Sided - Copies the fir st and last pages of the document onto the cover stock. Add blank sheets to t he set of documents if you want the inside front and back cover s to remain b lank.
3 Copy 66 1. Select [Cove rs] on the [O utput Format] screen. 2. Select the requir ed options . 3. Select [Save]. No Covers Disables the featur e. Front Cover Only Inserts a front cover page before the fir st page of the document. A different paper type than the main body pages can be used.
Output For mat 67 Blank Separators & Handouts Copies one set of transparenci es with blank page sep arators, and the requi red number of sets o f paper copies f or handout s. Transparency Set & Handouts Copies one set of transpar encies with no page separat ors, and the required number of sets of paper copies fo r handouts.
3 Copy 68 • Variable Repeat - Allows you to spe cify the number of ti mes to r epeat the image verticall y or horiz ontally using t he scroll buttons on the sc reen or the numeric keypad on the cont rol panel. You can repeat an image b etween 1 to 2 3 times verticall y, and between 1 to 33 times horizont ally.
Output For mat 69 Comment Display s the [Comment] screen. For more i nformati on, refer to [Comment] Screen on page 69 . Date Stamp Displays t he [Date St amp] screen. For mo re informat ion, re fer to [Date Stamp] Screen on page 69 . Page Numbers Display s the [Page Numbers] screen.
3 Copy 70 Apply To Displays th e [Apply Date Stamp T o] screen. Selec t to print t he date on the [Fir st Page Only], [All Pages], or [All Pages Except First] . Position Displays the [Dat e Stamp - Position] scr een. Select the positi on to print the date on each page.
Output For mat 71 Side 2 Options Allows you to specify the posit ion of the date, page numbers, and comments on Side 2 to [Same as Side 1] or [Mirror Side 1]. Wa t e r m a r k This feature al lows you to add a watermark beneath the ori ginal image of the copy output.
3 Copy 72 of your out put, the embedded text str ings will be printed with t he text effect you s elect here. The foll owing options are avai lable: • Off- Dis ables the feature . • Embossed - If you make copies of your output, the emb edded text will appea r embossed.
Job A ssembl y 73 Job Assembly This sectio n describ es the job as sembly feat ures. Fo r more informat ion on the f eatures, refe r to the fo llow ing: Build Job – page 73 Sample Job – page 75 Combine Original Set s – page 75 Form Overlay – page 76 Delete Out side/Del ete Insid e – page 76 1.
3 Copy 74 Booklet Creation Displays th e [Booklet Creatio n] screen fo r the build job. For more informati on, refe r to Booklet Cr eation on p age 63 . Covers Displays the [ Covers] scr een for the build j ob. For more informati on, refer to Covers on page 65 .
Job A ssembl y 75 Last Original Indicates the current scan batch is th e last in a job to be scanned. Next Original Sequentiall y scans more sections in th e same scan job. Delete Cancels the build job proces s. Start Starts sc anning t he next secti on.
3 Copy 76 Form Overla y This feature scans and stores an image on the first page of your document, and overlays the i mage onto the rest of the docume nt. For example, if t he first page of your document conta ins a header and f ooter, the header and f ooter can be copi ed onto the subsequent pages.
Job A ssembl y 77 [Delet e Out side/Delete I nside - Area 1] sc reen Allows you t o speci fy the are a for the [Del ete Outside /Delete Inside] f eature. The area is defi ned by the r ectangle f ormed bet ween the points X1, Y1 and X2, Y2. 1. Select [ Area 1] on the [ Delete Outsi de/Delete Insi de] screen .
3 Copy 78.
79 4F a x This chapter conta ins in formation on the fax sc reens and the fax servic es availabl e. In addition to th e conventiona l Fax service, the machine offers you the Direct Fax, Internet Fax, and Server Fax services. Direct Fax al lows you to tra nsmit fax es directl y from PC client s.
4F a x 80 1. Press the < Log In/O ut> butt on on t he control p anel. 2. Enter the correct us er ID using the numeric keyp ad on t he contro l p anel or t he screen keyboar d.
Fax Pro cedure 81 The documents can be any size from 139.7 to 297 mm (4.9 to 11.7 inches) for the width and 210 to 432 mm (4. 5 to 17 i nches) for the length, and the s tandard si zes of 5.5 x 8.5” SEF/LEF to 7.25 x 10.5” SEF/LEF. When sending a fax, y ou can sc an up to 29 7 mm (11.
4F a x 82 2. Press the < All Serv ices> button on the cont rol p anel. 3. Select [Fax] or [I nternet Fax] on the tou ch scre en to disp lay t he corresponding scr een. NOTE: The [Fax] icon on the All Services s cre en is for the Fax or Server Fax servic e depending on the fax servic e selec ted in the Sy stem Administ rati on mode.
Fax Pro cedure 83 • Using the <Speed Di al> button o n the contr ol panel (r efer to Speed Dial on page 89 ) For Internet Fax: • Using the [ New Recipient s] f eature (r efer t o New Recipie.
4F a x 84 6. Check the St atus of the Fax Job 1. Press the < Job S tatus> button on the cont rol p anel t o disp lay the Job S tatus screen. The queued fax j ob will be di splayed. If the job is not displ ayed on the screen, it may have already been processed.
Spe cifyi ng Fax Dest inat ions 85 S pecifying F ax Destinations This section descr ibes how to specify desti nations using the Fax ser vice. For more informati on, re fer t o the fol lowing : New Recipient s – p age 85 Address Book – page 88 Cover Page – page 89 1.
4F a x 86 Backspace Deletes t he last c haracter enter ed. Relay Broadcas t You can use the machine’s relay br oadcasting feat ure to send a document to a remot e machine, which then sends the document to multiple desti nations regi stered in the remote machine for speed dialing.
Spe cifyi ng Fax Dest inat ions 87 DTMF Method - Examples The DTMF method uses combinat ions of special character s to send documents. See the followi ng examples. • Remote Mailbox - Sends a document to a mailbox on a remote machi ne. • Polling - Retrieve s a document stored in a mailbox on a remote machine.
4F a x 88 Address Book This feat ure al lows you t o selec t the desti nations r egistered in th e Address Book for speed dialing. Th e destinati ons in the Add ress Book are li sted by the speed di al codes they are assigned. For informat ion on how to register desti nations for speed dialing, refer to the Syst em Administra tion Guide.
Spe cifyi ng Fax Dest inat ions 89 Speed Dial This feature al lows you to select a destinat ion quickly usi ng the 3-digit code ass igned to it. An asteri sk (*) on t he screen keybo ard or the c ontrol panel can be used to spe cify multiple speed di al codes and a pound sign (#) to designa te a group code.
4F a x 90 [Cover Page - Recipi ent’ s Comme nt] Screen Allows you to add a comment to the recipient fi eld on the fax cover sheet. No Report Does not add a comment to the recip ient field on the fax cove r sheet. Comment Adds a comment to the r ecipien t field on the fax cover sheet.
Spec ifyi ng I nte rnet Fax D esti nati ons 91 S pecifying I nternet Fax Destinat ions This section describes how to specify dest inations when usi ng the Intern et Fax servi ce to send scanned images as e-mail at tachments.
4F a x 92 om Where: BOX: The fi xed stri ng that r epresents “mailbox” 123: The mai lbox number wcm128: The host name of the remote machine that the mail box resid es in xerox.
Spec ifyi ng I nte rnet Fax D esti nati ons 93 Details Displays the detai ls of a selected dest ination. Selecting the [E-mail Address In Full] button on the screen disp lays the detail s of the [Interne t Fax Recipient] . Name/E-mail Address Lists the e-mail dest inations regi stered in the Addres s Book.
4F a x 94 1. Select [Message] on the [Internet Fax] screen. 2. Enter the comment to b e added to the e-mail. S pecifying Server Fax Dest inations This section describes how to specify dest inat ions when using the Server Fax service.
Specify ing Ser ver F ax Dest inatio ns 95 More Characters Displays symbol keys on the scr een. For informati on on usin g symbols in f ax numbers, refer to Special Char acters on page 95 . Select th e [Standard Charac ters] button on the displa yed screen t o ret urn to the standar d keyboar d screen.
4F a x 96 1. Select [Address Book] on the [Fax] screen. 2. Select the requir ed destina tion, and then select [ Add J ] to add it to the [Recip ient(s )] field. Repeat this step t o select all the required des tination s. 3. Sel ect [ Clos e]. Details Displays a scr een that sh ows the detail s of a selec ted recipie nt.
General S etting s - Fax/ Internet F ax/Ser ver Fax 97 Lighten/Darken This featur e allows you to adjust the de nsity of the scanned image using sev en levels . Use the scroll buttons to increase or decr ease the darkness. 1. Selec t a leve l for the [Lighten /Darken] f eature on the [Genera l Settings] screen.
4F a x 98 Photo & Text Select thi s option to scan doc uments that contai n both tex t and photographs. Text an d photographs are aut omatically distinguish ed, and an appropri ate quality mode is selected for indi vidual ar eas. Photo Select this option for documents that contain photogra phs only.
Layout Adjustme nt - Fa x/Intern et Fax/S erver Fax 99 Layout Adju stment - F ax/Internet Fax/Server Fa x This section descr ibes the la yout adjustment fea tures for a fax/Internet Fax job. For informati on on t he features availabl e, re fer to the fol lowing : Origina l Size – page 99 Book Faxing – page 100 Reduce/Enlarge – p age 100 1.
4F a x 100 Book F axing This feature allows you to scan f acing pages o f a bound document in the cor rect page sequence u sing the doc ument gla ss. The facing pages will be scanned a s two se parate pages. 1. Select [Book Faxing] o n the [Layout Adjustment ] screen.
Fax Op tions - Fax 101 Proportional % • Text box - Allows you to speci fy a desired reducti on/enlargement ratio using the scroll butt ons. You can also enter the value by touchi ng the text box and using the numeric keypad on t he control pane l. The value c an be specif ied withi n the range o f 25-400% in 1% increments.
4F a x 102 Confirmati on Options This feat ure aut omaticall y prints a repo rt af ter each fax tr ansmission indica ting t he transmissi on result. 1. Select [Confi rmation Options] on the [Fax Options] scr een. 2. Select the requir ed option. 3. Select [Save].
Fax Op tions - Fax 103 Priority Send • Off - Disables the fea ture. • On - Sends or polls a job prior to the alr eady stored documents. Delay Start • Off - Disables the fea ture. • Specific Time - Appl ies the delay start time. When you select this opti on, the [Specific Time] button is displ ayed at the right si de of the screen.
4F a x 104 T ransmission Header T ext This feat ure all ows you t o add i nformation such as the date and ti me of tran smission, the sender’s name, th e destinat ion name, the fax number, and the quantit y to the header at the to p of e ach page of the document .
Fax Op tions - Fax 105 Multipl e-Up This featur e allows yo u to scan multi ple pages of your origin al document, and have the scanned pages automati cally merged f or fax tra nsmissions. The scanned data wi ll be printed onto the paper specificall y set for fax at the receivi ng end.
4F a x 106 F Code This feat ure enables fax t ransmiss ions using the F Code sta ndard define d by t he Communications and I nformation net work Associa tion of Jap an.
More Fax Options - Fax 107 Off Disables t he feat ure. On Sets the F Code t ransmis sion. [F Code] and [Pas sword] are di splayed at the right si de of the screen. • F Code - You can enter an F Code composed of spaces, numerals (0-9) , and symbols (#, * ) up to 20 characters.
4F a x 108 1. Select [Remote Polling] on the [More Fax Options] scr een. 2. Select the requir ed option. 3. Select [Save]. Off Disables the featur e. Poll a Remote Device Enables polling fr om a remote machine.
More Fax Options - Fax 109 1. Select o ne or more do cuments from the li st, or sel ect [Select All] to sele ct all documents in th e list. NOTE: T o deselect a document selected i ndividual ly , selec t the name of the document aga in. T o deselect the doc uments selected by the [Select All] button, selec t the button again.
4F a x 110 Print Prints t he select ed documents . Print Setti ngs Displays the [Mai lbox - Print Sett ings] screen. For detail s on the screen, refer to [Mailbox - Pri nt Settings] on page 147 .
Internet Fax O ptions - In ternet F ax 111 1. Make sure that the Interne t Fax servic e is enabled. 2. Press the <All Services> button on the c ontrol p anel. 3. Select [Inter net Fax] on the touch screen. 4. Select the [ Internet Fax Options] tab.
4F a x 112 TIFF - S Selects t he standard s pecificat ion f or Interne t Fax doc uments. Docu ments larger than A4 or 8.5 x 11” are aut omatically reduced t o A4 or 8.
Internet Fax O ptions - In ternet F ax 113 Encryption This feature al lows you to send S/MIME-encrypt ed e-mail. To use this feature , you need to specif y an e-mail address ass ociated wit h a cert ificate that supports encr yption. For more i nformati on, refer to the Securit y chapter in the System Administra tion Guide.
4F a x 114 G3 Auto Select thi s mode i f the remot e machine is G3 compati ble. This mode is t he one usua lly selected. The machine automatical ly switche s modes depending o n th e capabili ties of the remote machine.
Fax Opti ons - Server Fax 115 Delayed S t art This feature al lows you to set the delay star t time for fax and polli ng jobs using a 12- hour or 24- hour format . NOTE: The format of the specif ic time can be set on the [Machine Clo ck/T imers] screen in the System Administr ation mode.
4F a x 116.
117 5 Scan/E-mail This ch apter descr ibes how to use the s can serv ices. For more i nformati on on t he specific t ypes of scan, refer to the following: T o scan and e-mail documents – E-mail – p age 122 After a do cument i s scanned, t he scanned data i s automa tically sent to specif ied destinations as an e- mail a ttachment.
5 Scan/E -mail 118 1. Load the Document s The foll owing st eps explai n how t o load document s usin g the d ocument fe eder or document glas s. The maximum capacity of the document feeder is shown below: Documents can be any size from 139.7 to 297 mm (4.
Scann ing Pro cedure 119 1. Press the <All Services> button on the c ontrol p anel. 2. Select a scan se rvice on the touch screen. NOTE: If the Authentic ation and Accounting f eature is enabled, you may be required to enter t he user ID and p asscode (i f one is set up).
5 Scan/E -mail 120 4. Check the St atus of the Scan Job 1. Press the < Job S tatus> button on the cont rol p anel t o disp lay the Job S tatus screen. The queued scan job is displaye d. If the job is not displaye d, it may have already bee n process ed.
Scann ing Pro cedure 121 5. From the list of document s, select the chec k box of the document to be imported , and then click the [Retr ieve] button. NOTE: Y ou can impor t one document at a time. 6. Click [Save t his link] on the page disp layed, and speci fy the dir ectory to s ave the document.
5 Scan/E -mail 122 E-mail This section desc ribes how to scan documents to send the m as e-mail attachments. You can specify destinat ion addresses by using the screen keyboard to ent er the addresses, or by sel ecting from the Address Book.
E-ma il 123 Address Book This feature all ows you to choose destinations fr om address books. The Local Addres s Book is held locall y on the machine and stores publi c entries. The Remote Address Book is held remotely on a dir ectory server . NOTE: The addr ess books di splayed here cont ain only the e-mail addresses for t he scan feature.
5 Scan/E -mail 124 1. Select [Search Publ ic] or [Search Network] f rom the pull- down menu. 2. Enter part or all of a recipi ent name using th e screen keyboard. 3. Select the [Search] button. A search result scre en appears. 4. Select a recipient fr om the search resul t.
E-ma il 125 Settings or Authent icat ion/Security Sett ings sect ion in the Setups chapter of the System Administra tion Guide. The following describ es how to change t he sender’s e-mail addr ess when i t is ed itable on this s creen. 1. Select [ From] o n the [E-mail] screen.
5 Scan/E -mail 126 Scan to Mailb ox This section desc ribes how to select a mailbox on the machi ne to save scanned documents. 1. Press the < All Serv ices> button on the cont rol p anel. 2. Select [Scan to Mailb ox] on the touch screen. 3. Select a mai lbox for saving scanned data.
Scan to PC 127 Job template list Allows you to select a job template for the scan job. • DEFAULT - This is the default job temp late. This template is used as a base template when a new template is to be created in CentreWare I nternet Services. This template cannot be deleted.
5 Scan/E -mail 128 NOTE: If a server name is used instead of an IP address, th e appropriat e DNS informati on has to be entered via CentreW are Internet Servi ces. Without DNS properly def ined, the host name will not be translated i nto an IP address.
Scan to PC 129 SMB (UNC Format) Specifies the SMB protocol (using the UNC format). NOTE: If Remot e Authenti cation has been enabled, a popup message will prompt the user to enter a login ID and pas sword before usi ng the Scan to PC service. The login ID and p assword will be pass ed to the Ker beros server .
5 Scan/E -mail 130 Previous Retraces one step up in the hierar chy. Next Traces a path down in the hiera rchy to the locati on selected. General Settings This section de scribes the gener al control features f or scanning.
General Set tings 131 1 Sided Scans one side of the document. 2 Sided Scans both sides of t he document. Sele ct this option when the images of bot h sides of the document are in the same orientat ion. 2 Sided - Rotate Si de 2 Scans both sides of t he document.
5 Scan/E -mail 132 Archival Recor d Suitable for general off ice documents that will be store d electron icall y for r ecord keeping. Using th is optio n will result in the smallest fi le size and normal image qual ity. OCR Suitable for doc uments that will be proc essed by the OCR featur e.
Ad vanc ed Sett in gs 133 Advanced Settin gs This secti on describes the f eatures used to adjus t the quality of the scanned image. For more infor mation, refer to the following : Image Options – page 133 Background Suppressi on – page 133 1. Press the <All Services> button on the c ontrol p anel.
5 Scan/E-mail 134 No Suppression Disables the feature. Auto Suppression Automatically suppresses backgrou nd colors. NOTE: This feature is not availab le when [Photo] is selected on the [Original T ype] screen. Layout Adjustment This section describes layout adjustment features for scan ning.
Layo ut Adjustm ent 135 Book Scanning This feature all ows you to scan facing pages of a bound document in the correct page sequence using the docume nt glass. The facin g pages will be saved as two separate images. 1. Select [ Book Scanning] on the [Layout Adjus tment] screen.
5 Scan/E -mail 136 1. Select [Or iginal Size] on t he [Layout Adjustment ] screen. 2. Select the requir ed options . 3. Select [Save]. Auto Detect Automatical ly detects the size of sta ndard sized documents.
Layo ut Adjustm ent 137 Reduce/Enlarge This feature allows you to enl arge or re duce a scanned document by a speci fied rat io within t he range of 25-400%. 1. Select [ Reduce/Enlarge] on the [Layout Adjus tment] screen. 2. S pecify a ratio using th e arrow buttons, or selec t a pr eset button.
5 Scan/E -mail 138 E-mail Op tions/Filing O ptions This section desc ribes the featur es available to configure the sett ings for outputti ng scanned da ta. For more inf ormatio n, refe r to t he foll owing: NOTE: For th e [E-mai l] s can serv ice, the foll owing feat ures ar e availabl e on t he [E- mail Options] tab.
E-mail Options/Filing Options 139 mTIFF Multiple Pages per File Saves multiple pages into a single file in TIFF format. TIFF File for Each Page Saves each page into a different file in TIFF format. PDF Multiple Pages per File Saves multiple pages into a single file in PDF format.
5 Scan/E -mail 140 Optimize PDF Fast Web View Creates a PDF f ile that d isplays t he first page in a user's web browser, befor e the entir e file is downloaded from a web server. This featu re alleviates user frustr ation in wait ing for an entire fi le to download by displ aying part of the f ile's content s at once.
E-mail O ptions/Fi ling Op tions 141 1. Select [ Document Name] or [ File Name] on th e [E-mai l Options] or [Fi ling Opti ons] scree n. 2. Enter a document/f ile name. 3. Select [ Save]. File Nam e Conf lict This feature al lows you to deal automati cally with fi le name conflict s if a duplicat e file name is enter ed on the [File Name] screen .
5 Scan/E -mail 142 1. Select [Reply T o] on the [E-mail Options] sc reen. 2. Enter a re turn ad dress. Or , enter par t of a target name , and then sel ect the h and-glass icon at th e right side o f the entr y field, to search Address Boo k. For det ails on the s earch re sult scr een, refer to Search Public/Sear ch Network on page 123 .
E-mail O ptions/Fi ling Op tions 143 Off Does not attach a digit al signature t o e-mail. On Attaches a digit al signature t o e-mail. Login Name When a serv er to which sc anned documents will b e transfer red req uires a login name, enter it here.
5 Scan/E -mail 144 Meta Data Validation If the val idation fea ture is enabl ed for meta data, the vali dation server specif ied for the meta data automatica lly validates th e meta data value when you press the <Start> button on the machine’ s control panel.
145 6 Send from Mailbox This chapter des cribes the meth ods fo r checking, pr inti ng, or delet ing documents in a mailbox. You can st ore the foll owing typ es of documents ( marked with matchi ng icons in the Docu ment Lis t) in a mailbo x. Some models do not suppor t this servi ce.
6 Send fr om Ma ilbox 146 3. Select the mailbox to be opened. Then t he document s stored in the mailbox appear . Refresh Updates the list of documents in the mailbox. Name/Stored Date Sorts the document s by their names o r the dates they were stor ed.
Send fr om M ail box 147 Delete Deletes the select ed documents. Print Prints t he sele cted docu ments. [Mailbo x - Print Setti ngs] This feature al lows you to change the various document print settings. 1. Select [ Print Set tings] on the [Print /Delete ] screen.
6 Send fr om Ma ilbox 148 NOTE: The job flow sheet th at an unauthent icated user create from th is scr een can be executed, modi fied, duplica ted, or deleted onl y fro m the mailbox in which i t was created. NOTE: The J ob Flow Sheet s service is avail able only when th e Network Scanning Kit is inst alled o n the machin e.
Send fr om M ail box 149 NOTE: Mailboxes wit h this option enabl ed are marked with a paper and pencil icon next to t heir names in th e mailbo x list. NOTE: The [Auto S tar t] check box is avail able only for the mai lbox owner . Start Current Job Flow Executes the link ed job flow sheet and returns to the [ Document List] screen.
6 Send fr om Ma ilbox 150 Search by Keyword Displays a scr een keyboard. Enter t he keyword assigned to a j ob flow sheet to sear ch. Select Keyword Displays th e [Select Keyword] screen. Select a preset keyword assigned t o a job flow sheet to search.
Send from Mailbox 151 Sheet Filtering This feature allows you to filter j ob flow sheets displayed on the screen. Owner Allows you to filter job flow sheets by o wner. When the Authentication feature is enabled and logged into the machine with a user ID: • Shared - Displays the job flow sheet s owned by the Syste m Administrator.
6 Send fr om Ma ilbox 152.
153 7 Job Flow Sheet s This chapter des cribes the Job Fl ow Sheets servi ce and the featur es available on the [Job Flow She ets] screen. A job flow sheet can execute a series of programmed operatio ns.
7 Job F low Sheets 154 3. Select a jo b flow s heet fr om the list on the [Job Flow Sheet s] screen. NOTE: Only the job flow sheets you are permit ted to ex ecute are displayed on the screen. NOTE: The job flow sheet s can be sorted by their names or the dates they were last updated by selec ting [Name] or [Updated].
Job Fl ow She ets 155 Det ails This feature al lows you to view t he details of a j ob flow sheet sel ected on the [Job Flow Sheets] scr een. It also al lows you to copy, delet e, or edi t t he selected job flow sh eet depending on i ts owner and save locati on.
7 Job F low Sheets 156 3. Select a group you want to modify . NOTE: Groups marked with an arrow indicat e that they have not been configured. NOTE: Use the scroll buttons to scroll th rough the list. 4. Set the required it ems. NOTE: Items marked with an arrow indicate t hat they have not been configured.
157 8 S tored Programming This chapter describes how to use the Sto red Progr amming service t o simplify mul tiple operations int o a simple procedure. The Stored Pr ogramming servi ce allo ws you t o do t he following: • Store frequently- used settings as a program, and recal l them with a button.
8 Stored Progra mming 158.
159 9 CentreW are Internet Services This chapter conta ins a brief ove rview of the CentreWare I nternet Services program. CentreWare Inte rnet Service s uses the embedded HTTP server that resi des in the machine. This all ows communica tion with t he machine throug h a web b rowser wit h access to the I nternet or an i ntranet.
9 CentreWa re Internet Serv ices 160 User Interface The CentreWare Inter net Servic es home page contai ns four pan els. You can ch ange the left and right panel sizes by dragging the boundary between them. Header Panel Displays t he header for al l pages.
Serv ices 161 Services The services provi ded by CentreWare Intern et Services are s ubdivided i nto the following categories . The category is sele cted on the tab bar in th e header panel. For details on the fea tures on each tab, refer to the CentreWare Inter net Services chapter i n the System Administ ration Guide.
9 CentreWa re Internet Serv ices 162.
163 10 Glossary This chapter cont ains a list of terms used i n the User Guide and System Admini stration Guide. The definit ion provided for each term refl ects the meaning of the ter m as it is used in the guides. Te r m s D e f i n e d Use the fol lowing definit ions to lea rn more about the meani ngs of t erms used in thi s guide.
10 Glossary 164 Annotatio n This f eature add s the date, page numbe rs, and a comment to the do cument. ASCII An abbr eviation of Amer ican S tandard Code for Inform ation Interch ange. A cod ing sche me that a ssigns num eric va lues to letters, nu mbers, p unctuatio n, and cer tain other cha racters.
Terms D efined 165 Client S erver A networ k enviro nment in wh ich the no des commun icate with a file s erver , and not directly w ith other nod es. Collated An outpu t progra mming opt ion whe re each copy se t is del ivere d i n t he sa me orde r t he doc ume nts we re p lac ed i n t he docume nt feeder .
10 Glossary 166 drum ca rtridg e A cust omer rep laceabl e cartridg e which c ontains an i nternal drum. A printed image is formed o n a drum b efore being transfe rred to paper . Dual T one Mul ti Frequenc y (DTMF) The us e of a keypad sequenc e (tones) t o transm it to, or p oll from, a remote mailbox.
Terms D efined 167 gsm The me tric desi gnation for paper weig ht in gram s per squa re meter . halftone Gray patter ns that are neither b lack nor wh ite. Head t o Hea d A double-s ided doc ument whe re the s econd sid e display s the image wit h the top of the do cument at the top of the page.
10 Glossary 168 keypad The but tons on the control panel, or the bu ttons in a pop-up keypad scr een on t he touch sc reen. LAN An ab breviation of Local Area Netw ork. This is a net work that serves a relativ ely sm all area , such as o ne buildi ng, and does not requ ire tele commu nication s servic es to re ach all of the nodes.
Terms D efined 169 node A devi ce on a n etwork that h as an address a nd can s end and/ or r eceive data to and fr om other devic es on th e network . Also refer s to a numb er that i dentifies an acce ss point on a network. It works like an addres s.
10 Glossary 170 Post Script P ostScript is a page desc riptio n languag e (PDL) d eveloped by Adobe S ystems. It is an o bject-ori ented lang uage, m eaning that it tr eats images , includ ing fonts, as collec tions of geometr ical objec ts rather than a s bitmaps.
Terms D efined 171 router A de vice tha t directs netwo rk packets to the s egment of the network for whic h the packet is intended , and ex cludes packets that a re not in tended for a segment . Routers reduce unnece ssary network traffic and control acces s to seg ments of the networ k.
10 Glossary 172 TIFF An ab brevia tion of T a gged Ima ge File F ormat. A standard fil e format c ommonly u sed for sca nning. Image s scanned wi th the mach ine are cap tured in a TIFF 6.
Index 173 1 1 Index Numerics 100Ba se-TX co nnect or ............ ................... ........35 10Base-T connector ................ ............. .............. 35 2 Sided Co pying ... ................... ............. .............. 52 2 Sided S canning E-mail .
Index 174 Log In/Ou t button ........ .................... ............. .36 Mach ine S tatu s butt on .................... ............. .37 numeric keypad .... ................... .................... .36 Speed Dia l button . ............. .........
Index 175 Network S canning ...... .................... ............ 136 Scan to M ailbox .... ................... ................... 136 Scan to P C ................. ............. ................... 136 electric al supply .... ................... .
Index 176 H header, a dding to fa x docume nts ......... ............ 104 Heimdal .... ................... ............. ................... ........21 High Ca pacity Fe eder ....... ............. .................... .32 High Capac ity Ta ndem Tr ay (Tray 3 , 4) .
Index 177 document s, printi ng/deleti ng ................ ......146 job flow s heet restr ictions .. ............. ............ 151 job flow s heet, sel ecting .... ............. ............ 150 links, creatin g/chan ging ........... ............. .
Index 178 printin g mailbox docu ments ........... ............. ......146 Priority Send - Fax ............ .................... ............ 102 product overvi ew ......... ................... .................... .31 energ y saver mode s .......... .
Index 179 startin g a job ... ................... ................... ...... 1 19 stopp ing a job . ............ .................... ............ 121 suppres sing ba ckgrou nds ....... ................... 133 TIFF file format ........................
Index 180.
デバイスXerox 5230の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xerox 5230をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXerox 5230の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xerox 5230の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xerox 5230で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xerox 5230を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXerox 5230の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xerox 5230に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXerox 5230デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。