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3P6-28199-10 FJR13AV(C) OWNER’S MANUAL LIT-11626-19-83.
EAU10041 U3P610E0.book Page 1 Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:16 AM.
INTRODUCTION EAU10080 Cong ratul atio ns on you r purcha se of th e Yamaha F JR13 AV(C). This mo del is th e resu lt of Yamah a’s va st exper ienc e in the produ ctio n of fi ne sp ortin g, t ouri ng, and pace settin g r acing machin es.
IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU1013 1 Parti cular ly impo rtant in for mation is disti nguis hed in th is manua l by the foll owi ng nota tions: NOTE: ● This ma nual should b e cons idere d a per manent part of this m otor cycle and sh ould r emain w ith i t even if the m otorc ycle is subs eque ntly sold.
IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU10192 FJR13A V (C) OW N E R ’ S MANU AL ©2005 by Y amaha Motor Corpora tion, U. S.A. 1st edit ion, Decembe r 2005 All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without th e written permission of Y amaha Motor Corporation, U.
TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ............. ..... 1-1 Location of important labels ...........1-5 DESCRIPTION ............ ...................... 2-1 Left view ............... ...................... ..... 2-1 Right view .................. .....
TABLE OF CONTENTS Lubricatin g the rear suspe nsion . .. 6-30 Checking the fron t fork .... .............6-30 Checking the ste ering ............ .......6-31 Checking the whee l bearings .......6-31 Battery ....... ...................... .............
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-2 1 due to EXCESSIVE SPE ED or un- derc orneri ng (in suffic ient l ean an- gle fo r th e spee d). • Alway s obey the s peed lim it and never trav el f aster than w arr ant- ed by ro ad an d traffi c con dition s. • Alway s signa l befor e turnin g or chan ging lane s.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-3 1 Loadin g The to tal weig ht of the ope rator, pas- senger, acce ssories an d cargo must not exce ed the maximum load li mit. When lo ading with in this weig ht limit, keep the f ollowing in mind: ● Cargo and a cces sory we igh t shoul d be kept as l o w and cl ose to the mo torcycle as possibl e.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-4 1 tor an d may limi t control abi lity, therefo re, such acce ssories are not re comm ende d. ● Use ca utio n whe n addi ng el ectr i- cal accesso ries.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-5 1 EAU10381 Location of important labels Plea se re ad the f oll owing i mport ant lab els c arefu lly b efor e oper ating this vehi cle.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-6 1 1 California onl y 2 California onl y 5 1 kg (2 lbs) 4BR-24877-A0 LOAD LIMIT 4 3 kg (7 lbs) 3TB-24877-A0 LOAD LIMIT 3 California onl y U3P610E0.
SAFETY INFORMATION 1-7 1 6 8 7 9 10 CA UTION Cleaning with alkaline or acid cleaner , gasoline or solvent will damage windshield. Use neutral detergent. 5JW-00 270 kPa, {2.70 kgf/cm 2 }, 39psi 290 kPa, {2.90 kgf/cm 2 }, 42psi 270 kPa, {2.70 kgf/cm 2 }, 39psi 290 kPa, {2.
DESC RIPTION 2-1 2 EAU1041 0 Left view 1. Accessor y box (page 3-18) 2. F ront fork spring preload adjusting bolt (page 3-21) 3. F ront fork rebound damping force adjust ing knob (page 3-21) 4. Owner ’ s tool kit (page 6-1) 5. Rider seat ( page 3-14) 6.
DESCRIPTI ON 2-2 2 EAU10420 Right view 1. Storage compar tment (page 3-18) 2. Fuel tank cap (page 3-12) 3. Fuse box (page 6-33) 4. Windshield (page 3-8) 5. Battery (page 6-32) 6. Main fuse (page 6-33 ) 7. F ront f o rk compre ssion damping f or ce adjusting screw (page 3-21) 8.
DESC RIPTION 2-3 2 EAU1043 0 Controls and instruments 1. Rear view mirror (page 3-21) 2. Clutch le ver (page 3-10) 3. Left handlebar s wit ches (page 3-8) 4. Clutch fluid reser voir (page 6-25) 5. T achometer (p age 3-3) 6. Speedometer (page 3-3) 7. Multi-function display (page 3-4) 8.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-1 3 EAU10460 Main switch/steer ing lock The main switch/st eering lock cont rols the igniti on an d ligh ting syst ems, and is used t o lock t he steer ing.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-2 3 EAU11003 Indicator and warning lights EAU11030 Turn signal indicator lights “” and “” The co rrespo n ding in dicator ligh t flash - es whe n th e turn sign al swi tch i s push ed to the lef t or right.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-3 3 cy braking. If the warning light comes on or fl ashes while riding , have a Yamaha dealer chec k the brake sy stem as soon a s possible . The el ectrical cir cuit of th e warning light can be ch ecked by turnin g the ke y to “ ON ” .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-4 3 EAU40290 Multi-function display W ARNING EWA14430 Be sure to stop the vehicle before making any setting changes to the multi-function display.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-5 3 dist ance tr aveled fr om that p oint . In th at case, pu shing the “ SEL ECT ” butto n switche s the display betwee n the vari- ous trip meter and odom eter.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-6 3 With the key in the “ ON ” posit ion, the cool ant tem p erat ure me ter indicates the temp erat ure of the cool ant.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-7 3 Ambient temperat ure mode This di splay shows the ambient t em- perature from 16 ° F to 12 2 ° F in 1 ° F in- crement s.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-8 3 ● After resetting the avera ge fuel cons umpt ion d ispl ay, “ _ _ ” wi ll be shown fo r that displa y until the ve- hicle has trave led 1 km (0.6 mi ). CAUTION: ECA15471 If there is a m alfunct ion, “– –” will be displ ayed.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-9 3 Right EAU12400 Dimmer switch “ / ” Set this s witch t o “” for the high beam a nd to “” for the low bea m. EAU12460 Turn signal s witch “ / ” To sign al a righ t-hand t urn, push this switch to “” .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-10 3 CAUTION: ECA10061 Do not use the hazard lights for an extended length of time with the en- gine not running, o therwise the ba t- tery may disc harge. EAU12830 Clutch lever The clu tch lever is l ocated at the l eft hand lebar grip .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-11 3 EAU12870 Shift pedal The s hift pe dal i s loca ted o n the l eft side of t he engi ne and is use d in com- binati on with t he c lutch le ver when shift ing t he gear s of th e 5-sp eed c on- stant-m esh transm ission eq uipped on this motor cycle.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-12 3 EAU39530 ABS The Yamaha ABS (Anti-lo ck Brake Syste m) fea tures a du al el ectron ic con- trol syst em, which a cts on th e front and rear brakes in depe nden tly. The A BS is monito red by an E CU (El ectroni c C on- trol U nit), which will h ave reco urse to manual br aking if a m alfu nct ion oc curs .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-13 3 NOTE: The fu el ta nk cap cannot be clo sed un- less the ke y is in the lock. I n additio n, the key canno t be removed if the cap is not pr operl y closed and lo cked. W ARNING EWA11090 Make sure that the fuel tank cap is properly closed be fore riding.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-14 3 knock ing ( or pi ngin g) occu rs, use a gasoli ne of a di fferent brand or pr emi - um unle aded fu el. Use of unle aded fue l will ex tend sp ark plug l ife an d reduc e mainte nanc e costs . Gasohol There are two ty pes of ga sohol: gaso- hol con tain ing etha nol an d that con tain- ing met h anol.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-15 3 2. Remove the key. Ride r seat To remove the rider seat 1. Remove the passe nger s eat. 2. P u sh the ride r seat lock lever, l o- cated u nder the bac k o f the ri der seat, to th e lef t as show n, and th en pull th e sea t off.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-16 3 EAU39632 Adjusting the rider seat height The rid er seat height can be adjuste d to one of tw o posit ions to sui t the rid er’s prefere nce . The ri der s eat height was adjus ted to the lowe r positio n at delivery.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-17 3 6. Align the pro jecti on on th e bot tom of the r ider seat w ith the “ H ” posi- tion slot, an d then push the rear of the sea t down to loc k it in place as show n. 7. I nstall the pa ssenger seat . To change the rider seat he ight to the l ow pos ition 1.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-18 3 EAU40250 Storage compartm ents This veh icle is eq uipp ed with tw o stor- age co mpart ments . Stor age compa rtmen t A is locate d un- der th e rid er se at. (S ee page 3-14. ) Stor age compa rtmen t B is locate d un- der th e passeng er seat.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-19 3 CAUTION: ECA11800 Do no t pl ace h eat-sen sitiv e item s i n the acc essor y box. Th e access ory box g ets extre mely h ot es pecia lly when the engine is running or is hot. W ARNING EWA11421 ● Do not exceed the l oad limi t of 0.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-20 3 EAU39621 Opening and closing the cowlings The co wlings can be tilte d back 30 mm (1.18 in) for add ed venti lation to suit the ridi ng conditio ns. To open a cowling 1. R e move the q uick fastener screws. 2. Pull the cowli ng to the open posi- tion, an d then inst all the qu ick fa s- tener screws.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-21 3 EAU39671 Rear view mi rrors The re ar vi ew mi rrors of th is ve hicle can be fold ed forwar d or back ward for park- ing in narrow spaces.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-22 3 Rebound damping force To inc rease the re bound dam ping force and ther eby ha rden th e rebou nd dam p- ing, t urn the adjusting kn ob on ea ch fork leg in direc tio n (a) .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-23 3 EAU14911 Adjusting the s hock absorber assem bly This shock a bsorber assembl y is equip ped wi th a spring preloa d adju st- ing leve r and a reb ound da mping fo rce adjust ing knob. CAUTION: ECA10100 Never attempt to turn an adjusting mechanism be yond the maximum or minimum settings .
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-24 3 ● Do not deform or damage the gas c ylinder in an y way, as this will result in poor dampin g per- formance. ● Always have a Yamaha dealer servic e th e shoc k abso rbe r. EAU15301 Sidestand The si dest and is lo cate d on the le ft side of th e frame.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-25 3 EAU15321 Ignition circuit cut-off system The ig niti on circuit cut-off s ystem ( com- prising th e sidesta nd switch, clutc h switch and neu tral swi t ch) has the fol- lowi ng fu nctions.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-26 3 With the engine turned off: 1. Mov e the sidestand down. 2. Make sure that the engine stop s witch is tur ned on. 3. T urn the key on. 4. Shift the transmission into the neutral position. 5. Push the star t switch.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3-27 3 EAU39651 Auxiliary DC jac k This vehicl e is eq uipp ed wit h an au xilia- ry DC jack in the acc e ssory box. A 12-V ac cessory connect ed to th e auxilia ry jack can be used wh en the key is in the “ ON ” posi tion and shou ld only be us ed wh en the engi ne is r unning .
PRE-OPERATION CH ECKS 4-1 4 EAU15591 The con diti o n of a vehicl e is the owner ’ s r espons ibility. V ital compon ents can start to de teriorate quickly and unexpecte dly, even if th e vehicle r emain s unused (f or example , as a resu lt of exposu re to the elem ents ).
PRE-OPERATION CHE CKS 4-2 4 EAU15603 Pre-operation check list ITEM CHECKS P A GE Fuel • Check fuel le vel in fuel tank. • Refuel if necessar y . • Check fuel line for leakage. 3-13 Engine oil • Check oil le vel in engine. • If necessar y , add recommended oil to specified le vel.
PRE-OPERATION CH ECKS 4-3 4 Thr ottle grip • Make sure that oper at ion is smooth. • Check cable free pla y . • If necessar y , have Y amaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cable and grip housing. 6-20, 6-27 Contr ol cables • Make sure that oper at ion is smooth.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 5-1 5 EAU15950 W ARNING EWA10270 ● Become thoroughly familiar with all operating controls and their functions before riding. Consult a Yamaha dealer re- garding any control or function that you do not thoroughly un- derstand.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 5-2 5 CAUTION: ECA11130 For maximum engine li fe, always warm the engine up before starting off. Never accelerate hard when the engine is cold! NOTE: The e ngine is warm when it quickly re- sponds to the thro ttle.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 5-3 5 4. At the r ecom mend ed s hift po ints sho wn in the fo llowing ta ble, clos e the thr ottle, and at th e sam e time , quickl y pull t he cl utch l e ver in . 5. Shif t the trans mis sion i nto s eco nd gear.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 5-4 5 CAUTION: ECA10331 After 1000 km (600 mi) of operation, the engine oil and final gear oil must be changed, and the oi l filter car- trid ge or element rep laced. 1600 km (10 00 mi) and bey ond The vehi cle c an now be oper ated no r- mally .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-1 6 EAU17231 Safety is an obliga tion of th e owner. P e - riod ic ins pecti on, ad just ment an d lubr i- cation will keep your vehicle in t he safest and most eff icient condit ion pos- sible.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-2 6 W ARNING EWA10340 Modifications not approved by Yamaha may cause loss of perfor- mance, excess ive e missi ons, and render the ve hicle u nsaf e for us e. Consult a Yamaha dealer before at- tem pting any ch ange s.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-3 6 EAU17600 Periodi c mainte nance c hart fo r the em ission c ontrol sy stem * S ince the se item s requir e special tools, data and technic al ski lls, have a Ya maha dealer perfor m the se rvice.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-4 6 EAU32183 General maintenance and lubrication chart No. ITEM ROUTINE INITIAL ODOMETER READINGS 600 mi (1000 km) or 1 month 4000 mi (7000 km) or 6 months 80.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-5 6 9 * Swingar m pivot beari ngs • Check bearing assemblies f or looseness. • Moderately repack with lithium- soap-based grease. √ Repack. 10 * Steeri ng bearings • Check bearing assemblies f or looseness.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-6 6 18 * Rear suspension link pi vots • Apply lithium-soap-based grease lightly . √ 19 Engine oi l • Change (warm engine before draining). √√√√√√ 20 * Engine oil filter car- tridge • Replace.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-7 6 * S ince the se item s requir e special tools, data and technic al ski lls, have a Ya maha dealer perfor m the se rvice. NOTE: From 24 000 mi (3700 0 km) or 36 mon ths, re peat th e mainte nanc e inter vals st arting from 8000 mi ( 13000 km ) or 12 m onths .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-8 6 EAU18771 Removing and installing panels The p a nel s show n need to be rem oved to pe rform some of the mai ntenance jobs de scri bed in th is ch apte r. Refer to this s ection ea ch time a panel ne eds to be rem oved and i nstal led.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-9 6 To instal l the panel 1. Place the pane l in the origin al pos i- tion, and then inst all the bolt, sc rew and the qui ck fas tener s. 2. Cl ose the ac cesso ry bo x lid . EAU39570 Panel C To rem ove th e pa nel 1.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-10 6 CAUTION: ECA15420 Do not remove the headlight beam adjust ing ca ble. To ins tall the pan el 1. Place th e panel in the orig inal posi - tion, an d then insta ll the bo lts an d quick f astener. 2. Install pa nels B and C.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-11 6 EAU39601 Panel F To rem ove th e pa nel 1. Remove th e seats. (See page 3-14.) 2. Rem ove the bolt an d the quic k fas- tener screws, a nd th en tak e the panel o ff. To instal l the panel 1. Place the pane l in the origin al pos i- tion, and then inst all the bo lt and the q uick fast ener s crew s.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-12 6 Before installing a spark pl ug, t h e spark plug gap shou ld be meas ured wit h a wire th ickness gauge and, if nece ssary, adjus ted t o sp ecifi cation . Clean the surf ace of the spar k plug gask et and i ts mating surf ace, and then wipe o ff an y gri me fro m th e spark plu g thread s.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-13 6 EAU19881 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge The engi ne oil level should be che cked bef ore each ride. In ad dition , the oil must be ch ange d and the o il fil ter c ar- trid ge repl aced a t the int erval s spec i- fied i n the perio dic ma inte nance a nd lubri cation chart.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-14 6 NOTE: An oil fi lter wr ench is avail abl e at a Yamaha dealer. 5. Apply a th in coat of engi ne oil to the O-r ing of the ne w oil filte r car- tridge. N O TE: Make su re that th e O-ring is properly seated .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-15 6 CAUTION: ECA11620 ● In order to prevent clutch slip- page (since the e ngine oil also lubricates the clutch), do not mix an y ch emical addi tives. Do not us e oils with a d iesel s peci- fication of “ CD ” or oils of a high- er qu ality t han s peci fied.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-16 6 2. Re mov e the oil fi ller bo lt, and the n check th e oil level i n the final gear case. NOTE: The o il le vel should be at the br im of the fille r hole . 3. If the oil is below the brim of the fi ll- er ho le, ad d suffi cien t oil o f the rec- ommend ed type to raise it to the correct level .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-17 6 EAU20070 Coolant The c oolan t level sho uld be chec ked befor e each rid e. In additi on, th e cool- ant mus t be change d at the intervals speci f ied in the periodic mainte nance and lubri catio n c hart.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-18 6 wise the engine ma y not be sufficiently cooled and the cool - ing system wil l not be protected against frost and corrosion.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-19 6 4. Pul l the air fi lter el ement out. 5. Li ghtl y tap th e air f ilte r elem ent to remov e mos t of t he du st an d dirt , and then blow t he rema ining dirt out wi th compresse d air as shown. If t he air f ilter elem ent is damaged , rep lace it .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-20 6 EAU21381 Checking the throttle ca ble free play The thr ottle cabl e free play shoul d mea- sure 3.0 – 5. 0 mm (0. 12 – 0.20 in) at th e thrott le g rip. P eriod ical ly ch eck th e thrott le ca ble free play an d, if nece s- sary, have a Ya maha dealer adjust it.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-21 6 W ARNING EWA10510 Proper loading of your ve hicle is im- port ant for se vera l chara cte ristic s of your vehicl e, suc h as hand ling, braking, performance and safety. Do not ca rry loos ely packe d items t hat can shift.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-22 6 W ARNING EWA10580 ● It is dangerous to ride wi th a worn-out tire. When a tire tread begins to show crosswise l ines, have a Yamaha dealer replace the ti re immediat ely.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-23 6 “ broken in ” . Therefore , it is ad- visable before doing any high- speed riding to ride conserva- tively for a ppr oximat ely 1 00 k m (60 mi) after installing a new tire. ● The tires must be warmed up before a high-speed run.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-24 6 any consequences caused by the use of items which have not been approved by Yamaha. EAU22072 Clutch lever Sinc e this model is equi pped with a hy - drauli c clutch, adj usting the c lutch le ver free p lay is not needed.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-25 6 EAU22390 Checking the front and rear brake pads The fro nt an d rear brake pads mu st be checked f or wear a t the intervals spec- ified in the peri odic maintena nce and lubri cation chart.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-26 6 Clutch Insuf f icie nt brake flui d may allow air to enter the br ake or clutch systems, p os- sibl y causing t hem to become in effec- tive. Befor e ridi ng, che ck that the bra ke flui d is a bove the mi nimum leve l mark and reple nish if ne cess ary.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-27 6 EAU22750 Changing the brake and clutch flui ds Have a Yam aha de aler cha nge the brak e and c lut ch flu ids at the i nterv als spec ifie d in the N OTE af ter t he pe riodi c mainte nance and lubric ation char t.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-28 6 EAU23131 Checking and lubricating the brake and shift pedals The op eratio n of the brake and s hift peda ls shou ld be c hecke d befor e eac h ride , and the pe dal pi vots sh ould be lu - bricate d if nec essar y.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-29 6 EAU23211 Checking and lubricating the centerst and and sidestan d The op eratio n of the c enters tand and side stan d shou ld be che cke d before each r ide , an d the pivots a nd metal- to- met al cont act s urfac es sh ould be lu bri- cated if necessary .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-30 6 EAU23250 Lubricating the rear suspension The pi voting point s of the rear suspen- sion mu st be lubrica ted at th e inte rval s speci fied in the pe riodi c main tena nce and lubr icati on char t.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-31 6 EAU23280 Checking th e steer ing Worn or l oose s teeri ng bear ings may caus e danger . Theref ore, the ope ration of the steer ing must be checked as fo l- lows a t the i nterv als spec ified in th e pe- riod ic ma inte nance and lubr icati on chart.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-32 6 EAU39520 Battery The batt ery is loc ated un der panel A. (See pa ge 6-8.) This ve hicle is equi pped with a se aled - type (M F) batte ry, wh ich doe s not r e- quire any mainte nanc e. Th ere is no need to ch eck t he ele ctrol yte or to ad d distil led water.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-33 6 charger will damage the battery. If you do not have acces s to a sealed-type (MF) battery charg- er, hav e a Yamaha d ealer charge your battery. EAU23656 Replaci ng the fuses The mai n fuse, the fuse boxe s and the ABS moto r fuse ar e located unde r pan- el A.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-34 6 CAUTION: ECA10640 Do not use a fuse of a higher amper- age rating than recommended to avoid causing extensive damage to the ele ctric al sy stem a nd po ssib ly a fire. 3. Turn the ke y to “ ON ” and tur n on the el ectri cal ci rcuit i n qu estio n to chec k if the de vice op era tes.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-35 6 W ARNING EWA10790 Headlight bulbs get very hot. There- fore, keep fla mmable produ cts away from a lit headlight bulb, and do not touch the bulb until it has cooled down. 4. Pl ace a new he adl ight bu lb i nto po- sition, a nd th en sec ure it with the bulb holde r.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-36 6 EAU39880 Front turn signal light If a fron t turn signal li ght does not come on, ha ve a Yam aha dealer chec k it s elect rical c ircui t or r eplac e the b ulb. EAU27001 Repl acing a rear tur n signal light bul b or a tail/brake light bulb 1.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-37 6 EAU24310 Replacing the license plate light bulb 1. Rem ove the lic ense p late ligh t un it by rem oving the scr ews. 2. Remove t he socke t (together wit h the bu lb) by pulling it out. 3. Remove the def ecti ve bu lb by pu ll- ing it out.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-38 6 EAU25911 Troubleshooting charts Starting problems or poor engine pe rformance W ARNING EWA10840 Keep away open fla mes and do not smoke while chec king or working on the fuel system. Check the fuel level in the fuel tank.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND MI NOR REPAIR 6-39 6 Engine overheating W ARNING EWA10400 ● Do not remove the radiator cap when the e n gine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under pressur e, which could cause serious injur y.
MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 7-1 7 EAU26060 Care While the op en de sign of a moto rcycle reveal s the a ttrac tivene ss of the t ech- nology , it also makes it more vulne ra- ble. Rust and cor rosion ca n dev elop even if high-q uality comp onent s are used.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 7-2 7 After normal use Remov e dirt wi th warm wa ter, a mild det ergent , and a soft, cl ean s ponge , and th en rinse t horoughl y with clea n wate r.
MOTORCYCLE CARE A ND STORAGE 7-3 7 ● Avoid using abrasive polishing compounds as they will wear away the p aint. NOTE: Consul t a Yama ha de aler for advi ce on what pro ducts to use. EAU26241 Stor age Short-term Alway s stor e your mo torcyc le in a cool, dry pl ace and, if necessa ry, protect it agains t dust with a po rous c over.
MOTORCYCLE CAR E AND STORAGE 7-4 7 4. Lu brica te all con trol cab les an d the pivoting poi nts of all l evers and pedals as we ll a s of th e si de- stan d/cent ersta nd. 5. Check an d, if nece ssary, co rrect the t ire air pressu re, and then li ft the motorcycle so that b oth o f its whee ls are off the groun d.
SPECI FI CAT IONS 8-1 8 Dimensions: Overa ll length: 2230 mm (87.8 in) Overa ll width: 750 mm (29.5 in ) Overa ll height: 1450 mm (57.1 in) Seat hei ght: 800 mm (31.5 in ) Wheel base: 1545 mm (60.8 in) Gro und clear ance: 130 mm (5.12 in ) Minimu m turning r adius: 3100 mm (122 .
SPECIFICATIONS 8-2 8 5th: 26/2 8 (0.92 9) Chassis: Frame type: Diamo nd Caste r angle : 26.00 ° Trail: 109.0 mm (4. 29 in) Front tire: Type: Tubeless Size: 120/70 ZR 17M/C (58W) Manuf acturer/ model:.
SPECI FI CAT IONS 8-3 8 Voltag e, capacity: 12 V, 12.0 Ah Headlight: Bulb type: Halo gen bulb Bulb voltage, wattage × quantity: Headlig ht: 12 V, 60 W/55.0 W × 2 Tail/br ake light: 12 V, 5.0 W/21. 0 W × 2 Fron t turn sig nal/pos ition ligh t: 12 V, 21 W/5.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 9-1 9 EAU26351 Identification numbers Recor d the key identi fication number, vehic le identif icat ion nu mber a nd mod- el labe l informa t ion in th e spaces pr o- vided bel o w for a ssistance w hen order ing spare pa rts from a Yam aha deal er or f or refer e nce in case the vehi- cle is stole n.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 9-2 9 EAU26520 Model label The mod el label is affix ed to the fr ame under the passe nger seat . (Se e pag e 3-14.) R ecord the i nform ation o n this l a- bel i n the space prov ided. T h is inf orma- tion wi ll be ne eded when orderin g spar e part s from a Yamaha deale r.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 9-3 9 EAU26550 Reporting safety defects If you be liev e that you r vehi cle has a defec t which c ould cause a cra sh or co uld caus e inju ry or dea th, you s houl d imme diatel y infor m the Na tional Hig hway Traffi c Safet y Administr ati on (NHT SA) in additi on to notif ying Yama ha Motor Co rporation , U.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 9-4 9 EAU26560 Motorcycle noise regulation TAMPERIN G WITH NOIS E CONTROL SYSTEM PROHIBIT ED: Federa l law pro hibits the fol lowin g acts or the causi ng there of: (1) The remo.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 9-5 9 EAU26632 Maintenance record Copie s of work o rders and/o r rece ipts for pa rts p urcha sed an d inst alle d on y our ve hicle will be req uired to do cumen t that maint enan ce ha s been co mpl eted in ac cord ance wi th the emiss ions war rant y.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 9-6 9 36000 mi (55000 km) or 54 months 40000 mi (61000 km) or 60 months Maintenance interval Date of service Mile age Servicing dealer name and add ress Remarks U3P610E0.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 9-8 9 U3P610E0.book Page 8 Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:16 AM.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 9-9 9 EAU26750 YAMAHA EXTENDED SERVICE (Y.E.S.) K eep your Y amaha protected ev en after your warranty expires with gen uine Y amaha Extended Ser vice (Y .E.S.). Y .E.S. is designed and administered by Y amaha Motor Corporation to provide maximum owner satisf action.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 9-10 9 We urge y ou to act now . Y ou ’ ll get the excellent benefits of TRIP cov erage r ight aw ay , and you ’ ll rest easy knowing you ’ ll hav e strong factory-backed protection e ven after your Y amaha Limited W arranty e xpires.
INDEX A ABS ....... ........ .......... ......... ........ ........... . 3-12 ABS warning ligh t ....... ...... ........ ......... ..... 3-2 Accessories and replacement parts . .... 6-23 Accesso ry box ..... ......... ........ ........ ....... . 3-18 Air filter element, cleaning .
INDEX T Tachomet er ..... .......... ......... ........ .... ....... .. 3-3 Throttle cable free play, checking .... ..... 6-20 Throttle grip and cable, checking and lubricat ing ....... ........ ........... ........ ......... 6-2 7 Tires ..... .......
デバイスYamaha FJR13AV(C)の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Yamaha FJR13AV(C)をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはYamaha FJR13AV(C)の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Yamaha FJR13AV(C)の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Yamaha FJR13AV(C)で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Yamaha FJR13AV(C)を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はYamaha FJR13AV(C)の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Yamaha FJR13AV(C)に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちYamaha FJR13AV(C)デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。