YorkメーカーVersion 1.5.0の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Copyright (c)2002 TECSys Development Inc. Printed in the United States of America. TEC Sys De velopm ent Inc. (TD i) make s no repr esenta tions o r warr anties with res pect to the con tents h ereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpos e .
Table of Contents 1.T hi s G ui de .................................................................................................................. .............................1 1- 1.P urp ose .......................................................
App e nd ix 1— Pr of il e Ru le s a n d E xa m pl es ......................................................................................... .. 23 App e nd ix 2— HT ML Di re c t or y Ed i ts ......................................................
1. This Guide 1-1. Pu rpos e This guide describes how to install and configure Console Works on a host using Windows NT version 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later or Windows 2000 operat ing system.
1-9. Customer Support TDi customer su pport is offered through several venues: internet website, email , phone and fax. When re- questing customer suppo rt , an active Service Agreement and the follow.
2. Introduction and Overview 2-1. Introduction t o Cons ole Works Consol e Wo rk s is an application built to monitor c onsole port text or SYSLOG mess ages and to direc tly manage any device suppo rt ing console port connections. It runs o n OpenVMS, Unix and NT/2000 platforms.
and op tion ally, • adding Console Work s to t he system st art up, • editing templates to customize event and user templates, and • importing existing Users, Co n soles, Scans, Events and/or Databases. ♦ note: T echnically, Console Works has created an invocation after this stage of installation is completed.
Distribution Kit or Packag e A Distribution Kit or Package is a file or files that enable a person to install the Console Works application. Each operating sy stem (Windows NT/200 OpenVMS , Tru64, Linux, HP UX and Solaris) uses a unique distribu- tion kit.
Solaris A host running SUN Solaris 7.0 (or later) as its o perat ing system. SPARC A host running a SUN SP ARC processo r a s its primary CPU. TCP/IP or Tr ansmission Co ntrol Proto col/ Intern et Pr otocol por t The Transmis sion Control Protocol/ Internet Pro t ocol port( s) each host c ontrols.
Configuration Configuration is t he period after Installation involvi ng cre- ating and configu ring consoles, profiles, and user ac- counts. Invocations are in a default mode after installa- tion and are not fully functional until configur ed .
Installation Tips and Recommendations Consol e Wo rk s supports customizing an invo cation's templates. Each i nvocation has its own direc tory and subdirectories. The original templates crea t ed during installatio n are located in the Config subdirectory under the installation directory specified during the installation proces s.
3. Pre-Insta llation This section co nt ains information on the fundamentals requ ired for installation. Note: 1) When installing the Co nsole Works Server on Windows an error will be displayed if you try to instal l V1.5 when a previous version is installed.
ments Systems targeted for running a Console Works invocation are required to su pport t he minimum disk space re- quirements shown in Table 4. RAM requirements A minimum of 128MB ytes of operating system RAM is recommended. R AM requirements are installation type dependent.
4. Installation This section co nt ains information on the first stage of the installation procedure. The second stage of the instal- lation procedure uses a web browser and is discu ssed in the Console Work s Administrator and User Guide. Note: I f C o n s o l e Works is being installed as an update to Version 1.
When the user launches Con soleWork sserver.exe, the InstallShield Wizard pro gress box will appear. After the initial sy stems c hecks are completed the following Welcome panel will appear. The local sy stem is now checked for previous versions that might be incompatible wit h this version.
When all checks are completed succes sfully, the following panel will be di splayed. Depress the Next> button to continue. The installation process will now disp lay the License Agreement . Select t he I accept the te rms in the licens e agreement it em and press Next>.
The installation type panel will be dis played. Under normal circumstances, s elect t he Complete installation and pres s Next>. If C ons ole Wo rks is to be installed in a non-standard directory, select Custom and follow the direction panels.
When the Ready to Install the Program panel is pres ent ed select Install. The installation progress panel will be displayed. 15.
When the installation is complete, the following panel will be displayed. Press the Finish bu tt on to exit the installation. 4-3. State of Installation after Completion When the Console Works install.
4-5. Starting the Console Works Server To start the Cons ole Works server access the Services Control Panel and start each executable, 1) Console Wo rk s LMF Server • note: if you would like to make.
and click on 'Stop.' Then select Console Work s LMF Server Service and click on 'S t op.' It is recommended that the licensing service be shutdown when the Console Works Server Servi ce is sh utdown . 4-9. Adding functionality Import existing s can defi nitions Consol e Wo rk s comes with several scans.
corresponding template file is used for the help file. When Help ( ? ) is selected in the web browser the contents of the applicable template file are display ed.
help window will be the text contained in t he CONS OLE.TE MPLA TE file. The t ext in the file can be modif ied or completely replaced. If HTML t ags are included, they are display e d only as the raw HTML tags and are not in- terpreted in the window.
5. Software Update This section pro vides informat ion regarding an Update of the Console Work s soft ware. Note: If Console Wo rk s is being installed as an update to V ersi on 1.4-0, a new directory structure will be created. Save exist- ing te mplate fi les, ac tion routin es, etc .
A nd if shou ld loo k sim ilar t o the follo wing: %CONWRKS-S-LI CLOA D , License loaded for TECSYS-DEVELOPMENT/CONWRKS-DB-HSG %CONWRKS-S-LI CLOA D , License loaded for TECSYS-DEVELOPMENT/CONWRKS-DB-H.
Appendices Appendix 1: Profile Rules and Examples Appendix 2: HTML Directory Edits Appendix 3: Directory Listing - of a defau lt Console Wo rks inst allation on Windows NT/2000 Appendix 4: Console Works Version 1.4-0 to V ersion 1.5-0 Direct ory Cross-Re ference.
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Appendix 1: Profile Rules and Examples Profile Rules rule 1: each profile has only one set of privileges per console port, rule 2: each profile may have access to one or more console ports, rule 3: ea.
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Appendix 2: HTML Directory Edits The Cons ole Works HTML directory contains static HTML files used by the Console Works web ser ver. These files are NOT intended to be modified by Console Works customers. If these files are m odified, the result s may be unpredictable and are not suppo rt ed by TDi customer support.
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Appendix 3: Directory Listing - of a default Console Works installation on Windows NT/2000 Below is an example directory listing for a C onsole Works installation on Windo w s NT/2000. Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 1380-0FE3 Directory of C:Program FilesTECSys Development, Inc 08/20/2001 01:42p <DIR> .
10/24/2001 01:40p 1,299 AUTOLOGIN.BAT 07/15/2001 11:10p 915 BROADCAST.BAT 3 File(s) 3,584 bytes Directory of C:Program FilesTECSys Development, IncConsoleWorks ServerActionsPurge 11/28/2001 02:38p <DIR> . 11/28/2001 02:38p <DIR> .. 07/15/2001 11:10p 1,370 AUTOCANCEL.
10/24/2001 01:40p 402 CPYCOLBUTTON.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 389 CPYROWBUTTON.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 6,781 CW_LOGIN.GIF 09/28/2001 03:31p 19,688 DATE-PICKER.JS 10/24/2001 01:40p 76 DISABLED.GIF 09/28/2001 03:31p 753 EDITCONTROL.HTML 09/28/2001 03:31p 6,213 EDITFRAMES.
09/28/2001 03:32p 15,049 TFSHOW.JS 10/24/2001 01:40p 13,283 TPROX.CAB 10/24/2001 01:40p 8,925 TPROX.CLASS 10/24/2001 01:40p 15,917 TPROX.JAR 10/24/2001 01:40p 860 TRIDOWN.
10/24/2001 01:40p 387 BLANKBUTTON.GIF 09/28/2001 03:31p 69 BLANKINDEX.HTML 10/24/2001 01:40p 90 BLUE-I.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 1,712 BUTTON.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 668 CANCELBUTTON.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 400 CLRCELBUTTON.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 402 CLRCOLBUTTON.
10/24/2001 01:40p 118 SICK.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 47 SITEBG.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 1,428 STATUSFRAME.CLASS 10/24/2001 01:40p 943 TDICACERT.CRT 10/24/2001 01:40p 15,360 TDIOCT-50.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 1,628 TDI_MINI.GIF 10/24/2001 01:40p 1,536 TDI_MINI_PVT.
Directory of C:Program FilesTECSys Development, IncConsoleWorks ServerLMFTDI_Licenses 11/28/2001 02:38p <DIR> . 11/28/2001 02:38p <DIR> .. 08/06/2001 11:23a 285 CONWRKS-DB-HSG.lic 08/06/2001 11:23a 285 CONWRKS-DB-HSX.lic 08/06/2001 11:23a 283 CONWRKS-SYSLOG.
Directory of C:Program FilesTECSys Development, IncConsoleWorks ServerConfig 11/28/2001 02:38p <DIR> . 11/28/2001 02:38p <DIR> .. 09/28/2001 03:33p 245 CONSOLE.TEMPLATE 09/26/2001 04:55p 1,020 EVENT.TEMPLATE 09/26/2001 04:55p 1,067 EVENT_COMMON.
Appendix 4: Console Works Version 1.4-0 to Version 1.5-0 Directory Cross-Reference This section pro vides a guide to locating files from earlier versions of Console Works on Window s NT/2 000.
38 Do cument En d.
デバイスYork Version 1.5.0の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
York Version 1.5.0をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはYork Version 1.5.0の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。York Version 1.5.0の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。York Version 1.5.0で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
York Version 1.5.0を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はYork Version 1.5.0の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、York Version 1.5.0に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちYork Version 1.5.0デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。