Zebra Technologiesメーカー105SEの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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0 /kÂkÅ 3Åk ¿ ÅÌ×bk ÂÌÎkÌ >kNÂ@Ì¥æz 0l Ô @bÌ¥Êæ 0 ÔÌ,ÂÎkÂÅ Customer Or der # 1 1991 L Manuf actu rer Part # 1 1991L B Rev .
Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide ii 3URSULHWDU6WD WHPHQW This manual cont ains pr opriet ary informa tion of Zeb ra T echno logie s Corp orati on. I t is in tende d solel y for the informati on a nd use of par ties operating and maintaini ng t he equi pm e nt described herein .
Zebra S -Series U s er’ s G uide iii 2AOlÍyÍÏlÏÆ ÏÃcØYÏ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ¦ Scope ...............
Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide iv Media Loading....................... ........................... ........................... .................. ........ 15 Roll Media ........................ ......... .................. ......... ......... .......
Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide v yØÃAÏÍA cÍAOÃAÏ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ Ñ Option Switches ....................... .................. ...........................
Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide vi cØÆÏlÏÆ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ { Toggle Posit ioning................................... .........
Zebra S -Series U s er’ s G uide vii ®®lcà ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ qÑ 230 VAC Power Cord .............. ..........................
Zebra S -S eries User’s Gui de viii.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 1 ÏÃcØYÏ 6FRSH This user’ s guide cont ains desc riptive informati on and oper ational instru ctions f or the Zebra 105 Se and the 160 S ther m al tran sfe r dema nd printe rs.
2Z e b r a S- S eries User’s Guide 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ The S -Series Pri nter , when connect ed to an appro priate ASCII data sourc e, functi ons as a compl ete label, ticket, and t ag print ing system. Cust omer- supplie d asynchro nous modems may be used to connect r emote hosts to the S -Serie s Pr inter .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 3 The st anda rd prin thea d for th e S -Series Printer has a pr int res olution of 8 dots/mm ( 203.2 dots/ inch). Opt ional pri ntheads a re avail able for the 105 Se for ei th er 6 dots/mm ( 152 dot s/ in ch) or 12 dot s/ mm (300 dots/ inc h ) resol ution .
4Z e b r a S- S eries User’s Guide 0HGLDDQG5L EERQ5HTXL UHPHQWV Print qu ality not only depe nds on the Ze bra S -Series Printer , but al so on the pri nt media . Fact or s su ch as re fl ect i v it y an d con trast ar e i mportant fo r bar code scanning a pplicati ons.
6Z e b r a S- S eries User’s Guide.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 7 ÆÏAAÏ 8QSDFNLQJ When unpacki ng the Zebr a S -Serie s Printe r , make sure you sa ve all packing ma terials . Once the pri nter is o ut of the box, raise the printer’ s media acc ess door an d remove the power cord.
8Z e b r a S- S eries User’s Guide 6WRUDJHDQG5 HVKLSSLQJ If you ar e not pla cing the p rinte r into ope ration i mmediately , re package it using th e orig inal pack ing materi als.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 9 Figur e 1 $&3RZ HU)XVH 5HSODFHP HQW A user -replaceable AC po wer fuse i s located ju st above t he power ON/OFF switch (see Figure 1). For a 1 15 V AC installat ion, the replac ement fu se is a 3AG Fast Blow style r ated a t 5 Amp/25 0V AC.
10 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 9$&2 SHUDW LRQ 1. Conf irm tha t the v oltag e sele ctor s witch is set to 1 15 V . 2. At tach th e supp lied powe r cord to the AC power recept acle lo cated on the re ar of th e prin ter .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 11 5LEERQ/RDGLQJ 6H Refer t o Figure 4 thr oughout thi s procedur e. Note : When placi ng the ri bbon roll on t he ribbon s upply spin dle, make sure th at the cor e is pushe d up agains t the st op on the ri bbon supply s pindle and that the ribbon is aligned s quarely wi th its core.
12 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 4. Import ant... T o make ribbo n loading a nd unloadi ng easier , make a leader for your r ibbon rol l if it does n’t already have one (r efer to Figure 3). T ear off a str ip of media (labe ls a nd back ing) about 6" - 12" long fr om the roll .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 13 Figur e 4.
14 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 5LEERQ/RDGLQJ 6 Refer t o Figure 4 t hroughout this procedur e. Note : When placi ng the ri bbon roll on t he ribbon s upply spin dle, make sure th at the cor e is pushe d up agains t the st op on the ri bbon supply s pindle and that the ribbon is aligned s quarely wi th its core.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 15 0HGLD/RDGL QJ T o load media, move the print head locki ng lever to the OPEN pos ition. Refer t o Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8. When the media is load ed, close the printhe ad by moving t he lever on the uppe r printhe ad mechanis m to the CLOSED positi on.
16 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide Figur e 5 Figur e 6.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 17 7HDU2II 0RGH Follow th e instru ctions des cribed in “Ro ll Media ” on page 15. 5HZLQG 0RGH Note : Rewind opti on requir ed. T o initi ally co nfi g ure th e prin ter f o r this m ode , foll ow th ese ste ps: 1.
18 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide &XWWHU 0R GH Follow th e instru ctions des cribed in “Ro ll Media” o n page 15 with the excepti on of step 6: firs t route t he media t hrough the c utte.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 19 Figur e 8 5HPRYLQJ8VHG5LEERQ 6H T o remove used ri bbon, refe r to Figur e 9 and fol low the st eps below . 1. Pu ll the hoo k out sli ghtly , then rota te the hook back-and- forth se veral time s as sh own a nd r em ove it fr om the s pind le.
20 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 5HPRYLQJ8VHG5LEERQ 6 Refer t o Figure 10. 1. T urn the knob at th e end of th e ribbon t ake-up spi ndle (1) clockwise until i t stops. This cause s the ribbon r elease b ars to pivot down (2), easing t he spindl e’ s “grip” o n the wound r ibbon.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 21 ,QLWLDO3ULQWHU3 RZHU8S After yo u finish l oading th e ribbon a nd media, cont inue rea ding th rough “Operati on” beginn ing on p age 23 and “Confi guration and Calibr ation” beginni ng on page 39.
22 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 23 %®lÃAÏ 2SHUDWLQJ< RXU=HEUD 6 6H ULHV3ULQWHU Now that your printer is ready fo r operati on, how does it wor k? The Zebra S -Serie s Printe r is desi gned to re ceive ins tructio ns from a host comput er , such as a n IBM-compati ble PC.
24 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 7 UDQVPLVVLYH6HQVL QJ0RGH In tran smissive s ensing mode, a senso r detects a light shi ning thr ough a web, not ch, or hol e in non-co ntinuous med ia. In thi s way , the printe r determ ines the positio n of the la bel/tag .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 25 3 HHO 2II 0RGH When t he med ia is in the re st (idl e) pos ition , the st art of t he lab e l to be printe d is s lightly in front of the printhea d.
26 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide ) URQW3 DQH O. H V 3$86( .H The P AUSE key stops and r estarts the print ing pr oces s. If th e prin ter is idle (not pr inting) when t he P AUSE key is pressed , no pri nting can occur .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 27 02'(. H The MODE key puts the printe r in configur at io n mode. In this mode, you can adju st the pr int darkn ess, media t ear -of f positi on, and labe l top positi on, or perf orm a cali bration. See “Config uration a nd Calibra tion” beginni ng on page 39 for more informati on.
28 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 3 RZHU2Q6H OI7 HVW A Power -On Se lf T est ( POST) is perfo rmed eac h t ime the p ri nte r is turne d ON. This tes t checks f or pr oper in itia lizat ion of vari ous ele ctron ic cir cuit s and estab lishes starti ng parameters as those sto red in the pr inter’ s memory .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 29 Some of t he printe r self te sts produc e labels at varying pr int speed s. These speeds may be refer red to as “inches pe r second,” “millimet ers per second,” or by alpha betic let ter des ignat ion ( i.e.
30 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide &$1&(/ .H6 HOI7HVW This sel f test p rints a s ingle la bel which c ontains a li sting of the print er ’ s current configur ation par ameters stor ed in conf igurati on (EEPROM) memory . Press t he CANCEL key whi le turning the AC p ower switch ON.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 31 3$86( .H6 HOI7HVW This self te st is ac tua ll y com prise d of fo ur i nd ivi d ual t e st fe at ure s, as descri bed below . 1. The initia l self t est prin ts 15 labe ls at spe ed “A” then automatic ally P AUSES the printer .
32 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide )((' .H6 HOI7HVW Note : The CANCEL Key Self T est should be p erforme d befor e this self test.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 33 )((' .HD QG3$86 (.H6 HOI7HVW Press ing th ese tw o ke ys at th e sam e tim e, wh ile tu rning the p ower ON, temporar ily rese ts the pr inter co nfigurat ion to the factory default values. These val ues rem ain acti ve until p ower is tu rned OFF .
34 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide )((' .HD QG&$1&( /.H6 HOI7HVW This tes t print s seven pre -programmed label for mats at di ffere nt speeds. The p rinte r aut omat ical ly pa uses afte r each form at. The s eque nce o f lab el forma ts is as follows: * “C” for the 105 Se wi th the 300 dots/inc h printhe ad.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 35 6DPSOH=3/, , /DEHO ) RUPDWV ZPL II ® (Zebr a Programming Lang uage II) i s Zebra T echnolo gies Corporat ion’ s label desi gn langua ge. ZPL II le ts you cre ate a wid e varie ty of labe ls from the simple to the very c omplex, incl uding text, b ar codes, and graph ics.
36 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide )RUPD W 6LPS OH7H[WD QGD% DUFRGH )RUPD W 6DYLQJ D/D EHO)RU PDWD VD* UDSKLF ,PDJH Line # T ype this la.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 37 )RUPD W 8VLQJ D6HUL DOL]HG 'DWD )LHOG Line # T ype this la bel forma t: Y ou’ll g et this pr intout: 1 2 3 4 5 ^XA ^LH30,30 ^FO20,10^AD^FDZEBRA^FS ^FO20,60^B3,,40, ,^FDAAA001^FS ^FO20,180^AF^SNSERIAL NUM BER 000000001 1 1,1,Y^FS 6 7 ^PQ1 0 ^XZ T en labels shou ld print.
38 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 39 yØÃAÏÍAcÍAOÃAÏ 2SWLRQ6ZLWFKHV Thes e swit ches a re lo cated at the re ar of the pri nter above the Si gnal Int erface Cable Conne ction.
40 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide %DQN Note : For Seri al Inter face Printer s only . The S -Series P rinte r , with th e RS-232 Seria l Interface, uses eight miniatur e switche s locate d on the rear of the pr in ter ab ove the signa l interf ace cabl e connector .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 41 %DQN These swi tches can manually ove rride any ZPL I I commands tha t af fect print mod e, media mode, and media type. They can also over ride set tings establ ished duri ng the cal ibrati on procedur e. Reasons why you might want to us e these ov erride s witches ar e: • T roub leshooti ng.
42 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide &RQILJXUDWLRQ0RGH The confi guration mode allows y ou to fine -tune th e interna l printe r configu ration se ttings f or your appli cation.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 43 &DOLEU DWLR Q Note : Perform t he calib ration pr ocedure when medi a and ribb on are first inst al le d and ea ch time a dif ferent type of media or r ibbon is insta lled.
44 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide $GMXVWLQJ WKH3U LQW'D UNQHVV This proc edure set s the dar kness of t he printing on the labe l. Use the lowest s etting t hat provides the neces sary pri nt qualit y . 1. Pr ess the MODE key . P AUSE and DARKEN ligh ts turn ON.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 45 ÏlÃYlYÏÆ 6VWHP&RPSRQH QWV Figur e 18 6VWHP&RQVLGHUD WLRQV &RPPXQL FDWL RQV &RGH The Zebra S -Series Pri nter send s and rece ives Americ an St andard Code for Inf ormation In terchange (ASCII).
46 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide ,QWHUIDF HV The method o f interf acing th e Zebra S -Serie s P rinte r to a d ata so urce depend s on th e commun icati on opti ons in sta lled in the print er . Depending on how the p rinter wa s ordered , the inte rface is either an RS-232 ser ial data por t or a par allel po rt.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 47 +DUGZD UH &RQWU RO6LJ QDO'H VF ULSWL RQV Request T o Send (R TS) is a c ontrol signa l from the S -Seri es Pr inter t o the host comput er . R TS is always in the ACTIVE condi tion ( posit ive vol tage ) when ever the pr inter i s powe red ON .
48 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide ,QWHUFRQQHF WWR '7( 'HYLFHV The print er is co nfigured as Da ta T erminal Equipmen t (DTE). T o connect the print er to oth er DTE devices (such a s th e se ri al port of a PC), use an RS-232 Null Modem (cross over) cable.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 49 3DUD OOHO &DEOLQ J5HTXLU HPHQWV The requi red cable must have a standard 36-pin par allel conne ctor on one end, which is plugged into the mating c onnector loc ated at t he upper r ear of the p rinter .
50 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 6LJQDO 'HVFU LSWLRQV The foll owing ch art provides a descri ption of e ach of the pins in t he parall el connect or . A standar d parall el data ca ble provi des the r equired interc onnection between the compute r and the p rinter .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 51 -ÃlÞlÏÞlÍ"AÏlAYl 2YHUYLHZ This sec tion cont ains prev entive mainte nance inf ormation f or the Zebr a S -Serie s Printe r .
52 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 3ULQWKHDG DQG 3ODWHQ5 ROOHU Inconsi stent print quality , such as voids in the bar co de or graph ics, may indicat e a dirt y printhe ad.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 53 It is not nec essa ry to tu rn prin ter powe r OFF pr ior to clea ning . If pow er is turned OFF , all la bel form ats, im ages, and parameter settin gs stored in th e printe r ’ s formatti ng RAM are lost. Perman ent paramet er setting s stored in EEPROM are ret ained.
54 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide Extend th e Life of Y our Prin thead Wi t h Save-A-Printhead Cleaning Film Challenge The print head is t he most cri tical c omponent in your printer , and possibly t he most delica te. It i s a consumabl e item jus t like the b rakes on yo ur car , which eve ntually wears ove r time.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 55 A void the Contri buting Fact ors to Pr emature Printh ead Failur e Abrasion - Ove r time, the move ment of media /ribbon a cross the printhea d wears through the prote ctive cer amic coat ing, exposi ng and event ually dama ging th e print ele m ents ( dots) .
56 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide How to Use Save-a -Printhead Cle aning Film 1. Re move power fr om the print er . 2. Ope n the pri nthead, re move media and ribbon fr om the print mechanism. 3. Cl ean the pr inthead pe r the re commended Preve ntive Maint enance pr ocedures.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 57 0HGLD 5LE ERQDQG /DEHO$YD LODEOH 6HQVRUV These sen sors shoul d be clean ed on a regu lar basi s to ensur e proper operati on of the printer . T o locate the p osition o f these s ensors, refer t o Figure 21 on page 52, Figure 24 on page 61, and Figure 2 5 on page 62.
58 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide /XEULFDWLRQ &$87,21 6R PHFRPPHUFLDOODY DLODEOHOXEULFDQ WV ZLOOGDPDJH WKHSULQWH ULIXVH G Lubricat ion of t he S -Series Pr inter s hould be per formed by a qualifi ed servic e tech nician ac cording t o the dire ctions pr ovided in V olume 1 of the Mainte nance Man ual.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 59 cØÆÏlÏÆ 7 RJJO H3 RVLWLRQLQJ Note : The 105 Se p rinter h as one toggl e; the 16 0 S print er has two toggles . The toggl e(s) should be p ositi oned to provi de even pressu re on the me dia. T oggles are posit ioned by slidi ng them left or ri ght to the desi red locati on.
60 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide Figur e 23 %ODFN0DUN0 HGLD6HQ VRU3 RVLWLRQ$GMXV WPHQW This sens or posit ion requi res no adj ustment or calibra tion by the user .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 61 8SSHU7 UDQVP LVVLYH0HG LD6HQVRU 3RVLWL RQ$GMXVW PHQW T o adjust the upper medi a sensor , refer to Figure 24 and foll ow these steps. 1. Remov e the rib bon and loca te the upp er media se nsor . 2. Loos en the Phil lip s hea d scre w .
62 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide /RZHU 7UD QVPLVVLYH0 HGLD6HQVR U3RVLWL RQ$GMXVWP HQW T o adjust the lower med ia sensor , follow these st eps: 1. Loc ate th e lower medi a sensor assembly (a sprin g clip hol ding a smal l printe d circuit board ) under th e rear i dler rol ler .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 63 0HGLD DQG5LEERQ6 HQVRU6HQVLWLYLW $GMXVWPHQW Note : This adj ustment is initia lly set b y Zebra T echnologi es Corporat ion durin g final pr inter c alibrat ion. Unde r normal circumst ances, fur ther adjust ments shoul d not be ne cessary .
64 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 8. Open th e prin thea d. 9. Pu ll the medi a out o f the print er until a label i s positi oned under the printhe ad. Move t he ribbon back to it s normal pos ition. Note : Be sure t hat the l abel is p ositione d between t he upper and lower medi a s enso rs.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 65 2 ÃØOlÆÏ This sec tion contai ns tr oubles hoot ing c harts used t o lo cali ze and repai r the printe r when faul ts occur . The procedu res called o ut in the ACTION column may be performed by t he ope ra tor or by a ser vice te chni ci an when indicat ed.
66 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS ACTION Printer stop s. P AUSE light and P APER/RIBBON light both ON. Media inc orrectly loade d or not loaded. L oad medi a correctly . See “Media Loading” on p age 15. Mis adjus ted me dia se nsor .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 67 SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS ACTION Loss of p rinting re gis tra tion o n labels. (For Peel-Of f Mode) Possible media sensor o r calibr ation prob lem. Adj u s t me dia s enso r pos ition (see p age 63) or calibrate media ( see pag e 43) .
68 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS ACTION Long t racks o f missing print on several l abels. Wri nkled ribbon . S ee “W rinkled rib bon.” on pag e 68 under SYMP TOM. Print eleme nt damag ed. Call a service te chnicia n. In Peel-Of f Mode, skewed o r stuck la bels.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 69 SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS ACTION Changes in p arameter settings did n ot ta ke effect . Parameters are set or saved incorrectly . Reload t he factory default s. See “Ca libration” on page 43 and ca librate the printer .
70 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS ACTION Labels ar e jamm ing in c utter , or labels are being cut more than once . Cutter is di rty . Follow cutter modu le clean ing proced ure on p age 57. Label len gth is too short. Incr ease label l ength.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 71 0®lYyYA ÏÆ 3 ULQWHU6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3ULQWLQJ &RQVL GHUDWLRQV 3ULQW6 SHHGV Programmabl e constan t printing s peeds of 2" ( 51 mm), 3" (76 mm), 4" (102 mm), 5" (127 mm), and 6" (152 mm) per se cond.
72 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 0HGLD+ DQGOL QJ • Te a r - O f f M o d e : Produced in str ips. • Peel-O ff Mode: Requ ires Peel -Off op tion or Medi a Rewind opti on. Labels a re di spensed a nd peeled from the liner , and th e l iner is r ewoun d inter nally .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 73 5LEER Q =HE UD3 URJUDPPL QJ/DQ JXDJ H,, =3/,, %DU&R GHV Ribbo n Width 105 Se 16 0 S Zebra recomme nds usin g ribbon at lea st as w ide a s the m edia you are using to protect th e prin thead from wear.
74 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 6WDQGDU G) RQWV The s calab le sm ooth f ont (C G Triumvir ate™ B old C onde n sed) i s expandabl e on a dot- by-dot ba sis, heigh t- and widt h-indepe ndent, while maintai ning smooth edg es. Maximum size depends on available memor y .
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 75 Font Mat rices for 6 d ot s/mm Pr inthead F o n t M a t r i x (in do ts ) T ype Character S ize Inches Millimeters Height Width Inter- char acter gap Height Width Char ./Inch Height W idth Char./ Inch A 9 5 1 U- L-D 0.
76 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 6WDQGDUG3ULQWHU)RQW([DPSOH 3KVLFDO (OHF WULFDO • 1 15 V AC +15%/-20% or 230 V AC +15%/-15%; 48-62 Hz • 5 Amps @ 1 15V , 3 Amps @ 230V • UL 1950 List ed-Certi fied to CAN/ CSA-C22.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 77 &RPPX QLFDW LRQV,QWHU IDFH • RS-232 at 1 10 to 19,200 baud ( select from s tandard r ates). Baud r ate, data bit s, parity , error dete ction protoco l, and XON-XOFF or DTR/DSR handshaki ng are al l switch- selecta ble.
78 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 79 %®ÏÆ 3HHO2II Y our printer may be equippe d with the peel-of f opti on. In the peel-of f mode, only t he label backing re winds onto t he rewind spindle.
80 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide ) DQIRO G6XSSO%LQ Y our printer ma y be equipped with an opt ional internal fan fold supply bin. It is us ed t o load fa nfol d med ia wit hin th e med ia co mpar tment, and i t protect s the medi a from environme ntal cont aminants s uch as dust and dirt.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 81 2SWLRQDO3ULQWH U) RQWV The S -Ser ies Print er can be optioned wi th charac ter font s in addit ion to those whi ch are st andard in the unit. Only o ne add ition al fon t c an be insta lled in the p rinter at a tim e.
82 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 9 $ &) DFWRU 6HWXS Yo u r Z e b r a S -Series Pr inter is factory set for 230 V AC operation i f reque sted when th e ord er is pl aced. If it is neces sary to reco nfig ure yo ur printe r for oper ation at 1 15 V AC, see page 10.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 83 ®®l cà 9 $ &3RZHU&RUG Depending on how your Zebra S -Ser ies p rinte r w as or dere d, a pow er c ord may or ma y not be in cluded when t he print er is option ed for 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz op eration.
84 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide $6&,,&RGH&KD UW.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 85 $GMXVWLQJ'DUNQHVVIRU´ ,Q 6SHFµ%D U&RGHV All di rect th erm al and therm al tra nsfer mate rials d o not use th e sam e darkness setti ng.
86 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide /DEH O'DU NQHV V/H YHO V T oo Dark — D ark la bels a re fa ir ly obv iou s . The norm al ba r code bars increa se in siz e, and the op enings in small alphanume ric char acters may fill in with i nk. It may b e read able but no t “in- spec ”.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 87 Figur e 29.
88 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 2SWLRQDO3ULQWHU) RQWV Y our printer c an be op tioned wit h charact er fonts in addition to those t hat are sta ndard in t he unit. Th e followi ng pages il lustra te the opt ional fon ts in each o f the avai lable styl es.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 89 Scalable Smooth Fonts (Opt ional) Figur e 30 Bitmap Smooth Fonts (Op tional) Figur e 31.
90 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide Point Size Examples Figur e 32.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 91 ÆÆAÃá Alphanumeric — I ndicati ng letters, numerals, an d charact ers such a s punctuat ion marks. Backfe ed — The print er pulls the media a nd ribbon ( if used) backward into th e printer so th at the beg inning of the label to be p rinted is pr operly positi oned behind the print head.
92 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide Diagnosti cs — Informat ion abo ut what prin ter func ti ons ar e not wor king. This inf ormation i s used for trouble shooting.
Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide 93 Print spe ed — The speed at wh ic h prin ting o c curs. F or the rmal tr ansfe r printe rs, th is spe ed is expresse d in terms of ips ( inches pe r second) . Ze bra offers pr inter s that c an pr int fro m 2 ip s to 12 ip s.
94 Zebra S- S eries User ’s Guide T ag — A type of media having no a dhesive ba cking but featuri ng a hole or notch by wh ich the t ag can be hun g. Usually t ags are made of cardboar d or other durable materi al. T ake label sensor — See “Label available s ensor” on pa ge 92.
Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide 95 A Accessories, 77 Adjustments Bar Code Darkness, 85 Black Mar k Media Sen sor Posi t ion, 60 Label Po sition, 44 Media R est Positio n, 44 Media Se nsitivity, 6 3 Pr.
96 Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide M Main tenance , 51 Media Ha ndling Sp ecifications, 72 Media L oading Cutte r Mode, 18 Fanf old Me dia, 18 Peel-Off Mode, 17 Rewind Mo de, 17 Roll Me dia, 15 Tear-O.
Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide 97 R Removi ng Used Ribb on (105Se ), 19 Removi ng Used Ribb on (160S), 20 Repacki ng, 5 Repor ting Dam age, 7 Reshipping, 8 Rewind Mo de, 17, 25 Ribbo n Loadi ng ( 1 0.
98 Zebra S -S eries User’s Guide.
Warr anty S tatem ent 1 W a rranty Infor mation All Zeb ra produc ts a re sold with war ra nt ies. Re fer to the User’ s Guide f or warr anty i nform a tion s pecif ic to e ach pr oduc t. Here is som e gen eral info rmation: 3ULQWHU3UR GXFWV Printer s .
2 Warran ty Statement T o qualify for this war ranty , the pr inthead mus t be retu rned to th e factor y or to an au thorized service c enter . Customers are not re qui re d to purchas e Zebra sup plies (m edia and/ or ribbo ns) for war ranty qua lifica tion.
Warr anty S tatem ent 3 :DUUDQ W([ FOXVLR QV& RQGLWLR QV6WDW HPHQW The warra nties pro vided above are the o nly warran ties appl icable.
4 Warran ty Statement.
デバイスZebra Technologies 105SEの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zebra Technologies 105SEをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZebra Technologies 105SEの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zebra Technologies 105SEの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zebra Technologies 105SEで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zebra Technologies 105SEを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZebra Technologies 105SEの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zebra Technologies 105SEに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZebra Technologies 105SEデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。