Zebra TechnologiesメーカーEPL2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Manual No. 980352-001 Rev. A ©2001 Zebra Technologies Corporation EPL2 Programmer’s Manual Programming for Page Mode Printing.
FOREWORD This manual provides programming information for printers featuring Zebra’s EPL2 Pro - gramming and command language, which are manufactured by Zebra Technologies Corpora - tion, Camarillo, California. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This document contains information proprietary to Zebra Technologies Corporation.
Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Command Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Basic Command Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Command Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Placing Elements in the Print Image .
I Command - Character Set Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 JB Command - Disable Top Of Form Backup . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 JF Command - Enable Top Of Form Backup . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 LE Command - Line Draw Exclusive . . . . . . . . . . . .
xa Command - AutoSense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-106 X Command - Box Draw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-107 Y Command - Serial Port Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-108 Z Command - Print Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi 980352-001 Rev.A.
Introduction This section contains information about the ba - sic features, command syntax and terminology of the EPL2 Programming Language for Zebra's desktop printers with flash memory architec- ture. These printers incorporate common pro- gramming code sets and architectural features.
Command Conventions The manual uses the following typographic conventions to describe commands. Example Description A Commands (Case Sensitive) p 1 ,p 2 ,p 3 Required parameters [p 1 , p 2 , p 3 ] Optional parameters {Choice 1|Choice 2} Indicates a mandatory choice be - tween two or more items.
Basic Command Syntax Each command consists of one or two ASCII (case sensitive) alpha characters to identify the specific command desired. Some commands require one or more additional parameters to supply the printer with sufficient information to complete the command.
Placing Elements in the Print Image Image elements are located in the image print buffer on a X-Y grid expressed in dots. The X value represents the width and the Y value rep - resents the height of the grid. The point of origin (the starting point) for a non-rotated object is the upper left corner.
Text (Fonts) The standard EPL2 printer has five (1-5) resi - dent mono-spaced dot fonts. Fonts A-Z and a-z (upper and lower case alpha characters) are re - served for downloading soft fonts. Control text height (in horizontal dots) and width (in vertical dots) with the horizontal and vertical multipliers.
The text is placed into the image buffer. See the following example. The reference point of the first character in a text string is not affected by the font size multiplier values.
Bar Codes All bar codes supported by the EPL2 language have associated industry specifications that the programmer should be aware of and adhere to. The programmer needs to consider bar code features and requirements when choosing and using a bar code for different applications.
Programming Sequences Affect Graphic Results Graphic elements can interact and the resultant image can be affected by other commands. Structure command sequences to reduce the chances of unexpected print results. The printer will process lines, text, boxes and most bar codes in command sequence.
Printer Configuration This section covers the interpret your printer's configuration setup and setting basic modes. Printer AutoSense Feature Use the printer's AutoSense feature to deter- mine your printer's configuration and operating mode.
Explanation of the Status Printout Determining Printer Firmware Version The printer version numbers are a code used to document product function and the feature support level of the printer. The latest firmware version and updates can be obtained from our web site.
Programming Mode Configuration Flash based printers are, by default, configured for Page (EPL2) mode operations. The opera - tor must convert the printer to Line Mode prior to the initial use of Line Mode. This is done via a hardware select procedure with the Feed button during printer power-up.
Media Detection Media detection in EPL2 printers is a combina - tion of programming and printer media sensing. The Q (Set Form Length) and O (Option) com - mands program the media detection method. The user must configure the printer for the me - dia type and the (programmed) form or label in use.
Command Reference This section contains a complete listing of all commands in alphabetical order. 980352-001 Rev.A 3-1.
3-2 980352-001 Rev.A Command Description Page A ASCII Text 3-4 AUTOFR Automatic Form Printing 3-9 B Bar Code 3-11 b MaxiCode 3-16 PDF417 3-20 C Counter 3-27 C Cut Immediate 3-29 D Density 3-30 EI Print Soft Font Info.
980352-001 Rev.A 3-3 Command Description Page Q Set Form Length Transmissive (Gap) Sensor 3-80 Black Line Sensor Continuous Stock q Set Form Width 3-78 r Set Double Buffer Mode 3-84 R Set Reference Po.
A Command - ASCII Text Description Prints an ASCII text string. Syntax Ap 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , p 5 , p 6 , p 7 , "DATA" Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots.
A Command - ASCII Text The backslash () character designates the fol - lowing character is a literal and will encode into the data field. Refer to the following examples: To Print Enter into data fiel.
A Command - ASCII Text Variable Data and Counter Functions The “ Data” field can be replaced by or com - bined with the following commands: Vnn = Prints the contents of variable “ nn ” at this position where nn is a 2 digit num - ber from 00 to 99.
A Command - ASCII TEXT Simple Expressions in Data Fields An advanced function of the A command allows addition and subtraction to be performed on constant and variable values in flash printers.
A Command - Simple Expressions in Data Fields Example: ¿ FK"1" ¿ FK"1" ¿ FS"1" ¿ V00,10,N,"Enter current mileage" ¿ A100,100,0,4,1,1,N,"Current mileage is “V00" miles.” ¿ A100,200,0,4,1,1,N,"Change oil at “V00+3000" miles.
AUTOFR Command - Automatic Form Printing Description This special form process allows you to detach the printer from the computer and print in a standalone mode. The EPL2 printer reserves the form name AUTOFR to allow the printer to automatically start a form when the printer is in - itialized power-up.
AUTOFR - Automatic Form Printing Feature AUTOFR treats any incoming data as a variable in - tended for printing. This means if you send the printer a memory partition command, the label will print, if you send a delete command - the label will print! So, while you are testing AUTOFR it is best to use another name for the form.
B Command - Bar Code Description Use this command to print standard bar codes. Syntax Bp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , p 5 , p 6 , p 7 , p 8 , "DATA" Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots p 2 = Vertical start position (Y) in dots.
B Command - Bar Code 3-12 980352-001 Rev.A Description P 4 Value P 5 Value Code 39 std. or extended 3 1-10 Code 39 with check digit 3C 1-10 Code 93 9 1-10 Code 128 UCC Serial Shipping Container Code 0.
B Command - Bar Code Example: ¿ N ¿ B10,10,0,3,3,7,200,B,"998152-001" ¿ P1 ¿ Will Produce: Bar Codes with Variables & Counters The data field can be replaced by or combined with the following commands: Vnn =Prints the contents of variable “ nn ” at this position.
B Command - Bar Code Data with the RTC Time & Date Functions The “ Data” field can be replaced by or com - bined with the following variables: TT = Prints the current time at this position in the predefined format. See the TT com - mand for format selection.
B Command - Bar Code Code 128 Bar Code Function Characters (continued) A single FCN4 toggles between standard and extended ASCII mode for only a single follow - ing data character. This is referred to as shifting into extended ASCII mode or shifting into stan - dard ASCII mode.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - MaxiCode Specific Options Description Use this command to generate MaxiCode bar code symbols with a single command. The printer will automatically interpret and encode data into MaxiCode symbols for data modes 2, 3, 4, and 6.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - MaxiCode Specific Options p 5 = x,y Associated MaxiCode symbol numbering where: x = Symbol Number of y = Total Number of Associated Sym - bols Default: Not used Range: 1-8 for both x or y ” DATA ”= Mode Dependent Data Format Mode dependent data is bounded by quotation marks.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - MaxiCode Specific Options Example: N ¿ b20,20,M,"300,840,93065,1692,This is MaxiCode, but not MaxiCode formatted data" ¿ P1 ¿ Will Produce: 3-18 980352-001 Rev.
Using AIM Specified MaxiCode Data Formatting The EPL printer can use and automatically de - code the AIM ITS (International Technical Stan - dards) MaxiCode data format. The printer detects the message/start header ( [)>R S ), field separator ( G S ), and the end of message marker ( R S E OT ) data control strings.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options Description Use this command to print PDF 417 and Macro PDF bar code symbols. The printer will auto - matically change from PDF417 to Macro PDF bar code mode if the data sent to the printer ex - ceeds the maximum amount supported by the PDF417 symbol.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options The following parameters may be omitted and de - fault values will automatically be inserted. Each pa - rameter value (data string) must be proceeded by its associated command prefix character.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options p 9 (f) = Bar code origin point Values: 0 or 1 , Default is 1 f1 - Center of bar code as defined by the automatically adjusted symbol size, i.e. width and height. Parameters p 4 and p 5 values are maximum values only.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options "DATA" = ASCII data or Binary data bytes Represents a fixed data field. The backslash () character designates the fol - lowing character is a literal and will encode into the data field.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options PDF417 Symbol Geometry Columns Maximum Rows Codewords 59 0 9 0 6 90 180 7 90 270 8 90 360 9 90 450 10 90 540 11 90 630 12 90 720 13 90 810 14 90 900 1.
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options Automatic PDF 417 Bar Code Generation The printer automatically tests and changes the PDF 417 bar code geometry to maximize the readability of the bar code for a given maximum height and width, specified by p 4 and p 5 .
b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options Example: N ¿ b80,100,P,700,600,x2,y7,l100,r100,f0,s5," ¿ Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this conti - nent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposi - tion that all men are created equal.
C Command - Counter Description The counter ( C ) command defines one of 10 automatic counters used in consecutive num - bering applications (i.e. serial numbers). Coun - ters must be defined after variables. For Numeric Serialization Only. The counter function does not support Alpha or Alpha-Numeric Serialization.
C Command - Counter The C command is used in forms that require se - quential numbering. When initializing counters, they must be defined in order (e.g. C0 first, C1 second...). Field justification ( p 3 ) affects the printing of counter data. When L , R or C are selected, the counter field is the width of p 2 value.
C Command - Cut Immediate Description: This command allows the printer to initiate an immediate media cut without a form print oper - ation. The printer must have the cutter option installed. ❏ The C command – Cut Immediate can not be used inside of a form.
D Command - Density Description Use this command to select the print density. Syntax Dp 1 Parameters p 1 = Density setting. Acceptable values are: Model Acceptable Values 1 Default Value 2722 0 - 15 7.
dump Command - Enable Dump Mode Description This command allows the advanced program - mer to force a user diagnostic “data dump” mode. Sending the dump command to the printer allows the programmer to compare ac - tual data sent to printer with the host program.
eR Command - User Defined Error/Status Character Description: This command allows the advanced program - mer to specify the printer's error/status report character for error reporting via the RS-232 se - rial interface.
EI Command - Print Soft Font Information Description This command will cause the printer to print a list of all soft fonts that are stored in memory. Syntax EI ¿ Soft fonts can be downloaded to and deleted from the printer from the Soft Font Downloader Utility, CAL Tools or CAL3.
EK Command - Delete Soft Font Description This command is used to delete soft fonts from memory. Soft fonts can be downloaded to and deleted from the printer from the Soft Font Downloader Utility, CAL Tools or CAL3.
ES Command - Store Soft Font Description This command is used to download and store soft fonts in memory. Soft fonts can be downloaded to and deleted from the printer from the Soft Font Downloader Utility, CAL Tools or CAL3. Syntax ES"FONTNAME"p 1 p 2 p 3 a 1 b 1 c 1 “DATA 1 ”a 2 b 2 c 2 “DATA 2 ” .
ES Command - Store Soft Font a 1 :( 1 st ) Download Character (map position) Range: 00 to FF hex. b 1 :( 1 st ) Spacing To Next Print Character Downloaded character’s next printed character position in dots, i.e. Character tracking - the space between characters.
ES Command - Store Soft Font For fonts with the rotation parameter set for “both” ( p 2 = 02 hex.): Repeat the individual font character download for each 90° rotated character from the start of the character set until the last rotated character in the set is downloaded.
ES Command - Store Soft Font Soft Fonts Programming Code Example The typical soft font download command strings to the printer. The following example was generated with the CAL3 software. 3-38 980352-001 Rev.A 00000000 0D 0A 45 4B 22 61 22 0D 0A 45 53 22 61 22 03 00 .
ES Command - Store Soft Font Font Bitmap Data Format The black and white bitmap that represents the font must be converted into ASCII hexadecimal code. The 0° font format has dot converted to data bytes reading from left to right and the last byte in a line is padded with zeros to complete the line and data byte.
f Command - Cut Position Description Use this command on an individual printer to provide precision cut placement. · Compensate sensor to cutter position differ - ences on a printer by printer basis. · Fine-tune cut position to compensate for dif - ferences in media.
FE Command - End Form Store Description This command is used to end a form store se - quence. Syntax FE Example: FS"FORMNAME" ↵ ... FE ↵ The form store sequence is started with the FS command.
FI Command - Print Form Information Description This command will cause the printer to print a list of all forms stored in memory. Syntax FI Example: FI ¿ :prints forms list Will Produce: 3-42 980352-001 Rev.
FK Command - Delete Form Description This command is used to delete forms from memory. Syntax FK [ "FORMNAME" | "*" ] Parameters “FORMNAME” = By entering the name of a form, that form will be deleted from memory. · The name may be up to 8 characters long.
FR Command - Retrieve Form Description Use this command to retrieve a form that was previously stored in memory. Syntax FR"FORMNAME" Parameters “FORMNAME” = This is the form name used when the form was stored. · The name may be up to 8 characters long.
FS Command - Store Form Description This command begins a form store sequence. Syntax FS"FORMNAME" Parameters “FORMNAME” =This is the form name that will be used when retrieving the stored form. · The name may be up to 8 characters long.
FS Command - Store Form Example: ¿ FK"TESTFORM" ¿ :delete form “TESTFORM” FS"TESTFORM" ¿ :begins the form store sequence of :the form “TESTFORM” V00,15,N,"Enter Product Name:" ¿ B10,20,0,3,2,10,100,B,"998152.
GG Command - Print Graphics Description Use this command to print a PCX (format) graphic that has been previously stored in printer memory. Syntax GGp 1 , p 2 , {"NAME" | Variable Data} Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots.
GI Command - Print Graphics Information Description This command will cause the printer to print a list of all graphics stored in memory. Syntax GI Example: GI ¿ :prints graphics list Will Produce: 3-48 980352-001 Rev.
GK Command - Delete Graphics Description Use this command to delete graphics from memory. Syntax GK {“NAME”|"*"} Parameters “NAME” = By entering the name of a graphic, that graphic will be deleted from memory.
GM Command - Store Graphics Description Use this command to store PCX graphics files in memory. Syntax GM"NAME"p 1 ¿ “DATA” Parameters “NAME” = This is the graphic name that will be used when retrieving the stored graphic. · The name may be up to 8 characters long.
GM Command - Store Graphics Example: GK"LOGO1" ↵ :deletes graphic “LOGO1” - Required GK"LOGO1" ↵ :second delete graphic - Required GM"LOGO1"584 ↵ :Prepares prin.
GW Command - Direct Graphic Write Description Use this command to load binary graphic data directly into the Image Buffer memory for im - mediate printing. The printer does not store graphic data sent directly to the image buffer. The graphic data is lost when the image has fin - ished printing, power is removed or the printer is reset.
I Command - Character Set Selection Description Use this command to select the appropriate character set for printing and display (KDU). Syntax Ip 1 , p 2 , p 3 Parameters p 1 = Number of data bits - 8 for 8 bit data or 7 for 7 bit data. p 2 = Printer Code page/Language Support 980352-001 Rev.
I Command - Character Set Selection p 3 = KDU Country Code (8 bit data only) KDU Country Code (8 bit only) 032 Belgium 049 Germany 027 S. Africa 002 Canada 031 Netherl’ds 034 Spain 045 Denmark 039 Italy 046 Sweden 358 Finland 003 Latin Am. 041 Swizerl’d 033 France 047 Norway 044 U.
JB Command - Disable Top Of Form Backup Description This command disables the Top Of Form Backup feature when printing multiple labels. At power up, Top Of Form Backup will be en - abled. Syntax JB Example: JB ¿ With the JB command enabled, the first label will backup to the Top Of Form before printing.
JF Command - Enable Top Of Form Backup Description This command enables the Top Of Form Backup feature and presents the last label of a batch print operation. Upon request initiating the printing of the next form (or batch), the last label backs up the Top Of Form before printing the next label.
LE Command - Line Draw Exclusive Description Use this command to draw lines with an “Exclu - sive OR” function. Any area, line, image or field that this line intersects or overlays will be “re - versed out” or inverted.
LO Command - Line Draw Black Description Use this command to draw black lines, overwrit - ing previous information. Syntax LOp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots. p 2 = Vertical start position (Y) in dots. p 3 = Horizontal length in dots.
LS Command - Line Draw Diagonal Description Use this command to draw diagonal black lines, overwriting previous information. Syntax LSp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , p 5 Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots. p 2 = Vertical start position (Y) in dots.
LW Command - Line Draw White Description Use this command to draw white lines, effec - tively erasing previous information. Syntax LWp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots. p 2 = Vertical start position (Y) in dots.
M Command - Memory Allocation Description This command no longer changes memory allo - cation. It was originally used for SRAM and early model flash printers. The command now allows the programmer to set the size of forms memory only. The reminder of the storage memory will be shared by soft fonts and graph - ics data.
N Command - Clear Image Buffer Description This command clears the image buffer prior to building a new label image. Syntax N Do not use the N command within stored forms. Example: ¿ :activates command processing N ¿ :clears the image buffer Always send a Line Feed (LF) prior to the N com- mand to ensure that the printer is initialized.
o Command - Cancel Software Options Description This command allows the user to cancel most printer customization parameters set by o series commands. Parameters set by the following commands are canceled and returned to default operation: · oH · oM · oE Syntax o Parameters None The o command is a global printer command.
oB Command - Cancel Auto Bar Code Optimization Description: This command allows the advanced program - mer to disable bar code optimization for rotated (90° & 270°) bar codes. Syntax: oB Parameters: None The oB command is a global printer com - mand.
oE Command - Line Mode Font Substitution Description: This command is a Page Mode (EPL2) com - mand that allows the printer to set alternate Line Mode font character sets.
oH Command - Macro PDF Offset Description Use this command to place addition secondary, associated Macro PDF symbols for the continu - ation of data greater than a single PDF 417 bar code can store.
oH Command - Macro PDF Offset Example: N ¿ q784 ¿ Q1215,24 ¿ R0,0 ¿ oH0,500 ¿ ¿ N ¿ b80,100,P,700,600,x2,y7,l100,r100,f0,s5," Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers... <<< the rest of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address HERE >>> .
oM Command - Disable Initial Esc Sequence Feed Description This command disables the automatic label cal - ibration routine executed by the printer upon receiving the first escape command sequence from the Windows printer driver.
oR Command - Character Substitution (Euro) Description This command allows the advanced program - mer to substitute the Euro currency character for any ASCII character in printer resident font numbers 1-4. The original character can be restored by send - ing the oR command without a parameter.
oR Command - Character Substitution (Euro) The oR command is a global printer command. ❏ It can not be issued inside of a form. ❏ It must be issued prior to issuing a text com - mand (and printing). ❏ Effects a single character on a single code page.
oW Command - Customize Bar Code Parameters Description: This command allows the advanced program - mer to modify specific bar code parameters to exceed the specified bar code’s design toler - ances, i.e. reduce the bar code size. Using the oW command may cause bar codes to be - come unreadable by some or all bar code scanners.
oW Command - Customize Bar Code Parameters Reset the printer with a ^@ or o commands with flash firmware printers or cycle printer power to clear the oW command and return the printer to normal operation. See page C-63 for important details on the effects of using the o command.
O Command - Hardware Options Description Use this command to select various printer op - tions. Options available vary by printer configuration. Syntax O[C[p 1 ], D, P, L, S] Parameters D = Enable Direct Thermal Mode , use this option when using direct thermal media in a thermal transfer printer.
O Command - Hardware Options Examples: O :disables all options. OC :enables cutter only, labels are cut after each :label is printed, disables all other options OD :enables direct thermal mode on ther.
OEPL1 Command - Set Line Mode Description: This command is used to switch the printer op - erating mode from Page Mode (EPL2) to Line Mode (EPL1 emulation). Line Mode configuration setting is retained after reset has been issued or power has been cycled.
P Command - Print Description Use this command to print the contents of the image buffer. Syntax Pp 1 , [p 2 ] Parameters p 1 = Number of label sets. Range = 1 to 65535 p 2 = Number of copies of each label (used in combination with counters to print mul - tiple copies of the same label).
PA Command - Print Automatic Description Use this command in a stored form sequence to automatically print the form (as soon as all vari - able data has been supplied). Syntax PAp 1 , [p 2 ] Parameters p 1 = Number of label sets. Can be variable data.
q Command - Set Label Width Description Use this command to set the width of the print - able area of the media. Syntax qp 1 Parameters p 1 = The width of the label measured in dots. The q command will cause the image buffer to reformat and position to match the selected la - bel width ( p 1 ).
q Command - Set Label Width All Printers (Exceptions - 2746 & 2348) This command will automatically set the left margin according to the following rules: (print head width - label width) / 2 The q value affects the available print width. Mini - mizing the q value will maximize the print length and print speed (double buffering).
Q Command - Set Form Length Description Use this command to set the form and gap length or black line thickness when using the transmissive (gap) sensor, black line sensor, or for setting the printer into the continuous media print mode. The Q command will cause the printer to recal - culate and reformat image buffer.
Q Command - Set Form Length AutoSense routine does not detect black line or continuous media. All EPL2 printers have a transmissive (gap) sen - sor designed to detect the top of each label or tag. It does this in one of two ways: · Sensing through the label liner at the gap be - tween labels.
Q Command - Set Form Length Examples: 3-82 980352-001 Rev.A p 1 p 2 p 3 p 2 Standard Label Butterfly Label Where: p = 20.0 mm (160 dots) p = 3.0mm (24 dots) The Q command would be: Q160,24 1 2 ↵ Where: p = 12.5 mm (100 dots) p = 3.0mm (24 dots) p = 3.
Q Command - Set Form Length 980352-001 Rev.A 3-83 p 2 p 3 Black Line Between P erforation Where: p = 31.0 mm (248 dots) p = 7.0mm (56 dots) p = 17 mm (136 dots) The Q command would be: Q248,B56-136 1 2 3 ↵ p 1 P erforation p 2 p 3 Black Line On P erforation Where: p = 31.
r Command - Set Double Buffer Mode Description: Use this command to disable or reenable the double buffer image (label) printing. The dou - ble buffer feature is a automatically tested and set by the q and Q commands.
R Command - Set Reference Point Description Use this command to move the reference point for the X and Y axes. All horizontal and vertical measurements in other commands use the set - ting for R as the origin for measurements.
S Command - Speed Select Description Use this command to select the print speed. Syntax Sp 1 Parameters p 1 = Speed select value. Model Value Speed 2722 2742 3742 0 1 2 1.0 ips (25 mm/s) 1.5 ips (37 mm/s) 2.0 ips (50 mm/s) 2824 2844 1 2 3 4 1.5 ips (37 mm/s) 2.
TD Command - Define Date Layout Description Use this command to define the date format when printing. Use the variable TD in a Text or Bar Code ( A & B commands) DATA parameter to print the date. Syntax TDp 1 [|p 2 |p 3 ] Parameters p 1 , p 2 , p 3 = The parameters describe the format of the date display.
TS Command - Set Real Time Clock Description Use this command to set the time and date in printers equipped with the Real Time Clock op - tion. Syntax TSp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , p 5 , p 6 Parameters p 1 = Month Range: 01 to 12 p 2 = Day Range: 01 to 31 p 3 = Year Last two digits of Year (e.
TT Command - Define Time Layout Description Use this command to define the time format when printing. Syntax TTp 1 [|p 2 |p 3 ][+] Parameters P 1 , P 2 , P 3 = h, m, or s These parameters describe the format of the time display. · At lease one parameter must be supplied.
U Command - Print Configuration (General) Description Use this command to print the current printer configuration for page mode printing. The printout is the same the Dump Mode printout initiated by the printer's AutoSense routine. The printer does not enter Dump Mode.
UA Command - Enable Clear Label Counter Mode Description This command sets the printer to clear (empty) the print buffer if a media out condition is de - tected.
UB Command - Reset Label Counter Mode Description Use this command to clear the UA command and restore the default setting to allow the printer to resume printing a batch job if a paper empty occurs. The page mode (EPL2) printer, by default, will resume printing if the empty roll is replaced with new roll (or ribbon) and finish a batch print job.
UE Command - External Font Information Inquiry Description This command will cause the printer to send in - formation about external fonts currently stored in the printer back to the host. Syntax UE The printer will send the number of external fonts stored and each font’s name, height and direction, to the host through the RS-232 port.
UF Command - Form Information Inquiry Description This command will cause the printer to send in - formation about forms currently stored in the printer back to the host. Syntax UF The printer will send the number of forms stored and each form’s name to the host through the RS-232 port.
UG Command - Graphics Information Inquiry Description This command will cause the printer to send in - formation about graphics currently stored in the printer back to the host. Syntax UG The printer will send the number of graphics stored and each graphic’s name to the host through the RS-232 port.
UI Command - Host Prompts/Codepage Inquiry Description This command will cause the printer to enable prompts to be sent to the host and it will send the currently selected codepage to the host through the RS-232 port. This command also disables software flow con - trol (XON/XOFF).
UM Command - Codepage & Memory Inquiry Description This command will cause the printer to send to the host of the currently selected codepage and memory status through the RS-232 port. This command also disables software flow con - trol (XON/XOFF).
UN Command - Disable Error Reporting Description Cancels US command Syntax UN 3-98 980352-001 Rev.A.
UP Command - Codepage & Memory Inquiry/Print Description This command will cause the printer to print and send the currently selected codepage and memory status to the host through the RS-232 port. This command also disables software flow con - trol (XON/XOFF).
UQ Command - Configuration Inquiry Description Use this command to send the printer configu - ration information back to the host via the serial port. Syntax UQ The printer will send the printer configuration, line by line, in ASCII to the host through the RS-232 port.
US Command - Enable Error Reporting Description Use this command to enable the printer’s status reporting feature. · Serial Port - If an error occurs, the printer will send a NACK(0x15), followed by the er - ror number, to the computer. If no errors oc - cur, the printer will echo ACK(0x6) after each P command.
US Command - Enable Error Reporting Code Error/Status Description 00 No Error 01 Syntax Error 02 Object Exceeded Label Border 03 Bar Code Data Length Error (e.
V Command - Define Variable Description Use this command to define variable data for the text and bar code data fields in stored forms. Variable data can be combined with fixed data or other data types (counter, date, etc..) in text or bar code data fields.
V Command - Define Variable Use this command in forms that require unique data on each label. When initializing variables: · They must be defined in order (e.g. V 00 first, V 01 second...) · They must be the next entries after the FS"FORMNAME" command · They must be located before any counter variables.
W Command - Windows Mode Description This command is used to disable/re-enable the Windows command mode. Syntax Wp 1 Parameters p 1 = Windows Mode Enabled. Values = Y for enabled (default) N for disabled When enabled, the printer will accept Windows mode escape sequences to print data.
xa Command - AutoSense Description This command is used to have the printer detect the label and gap length and set the sensor lev - els. This command will not enter into the Dump mode or print the printer configuration label.
X Command - Box Draw Description Use this command to draw a box shape. Syntax Xp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , p 5 Parameters p 1 = Horizontal start position (X) in dots. p 2 = Vertical start position (Y) in dots. p 3 = Line thickness in dots. p 4 = Horizontal end position (X) in dots.
Y Command - Serial Port Setup Description Use this command to establish the serial port communication parameters. Syntax Yp 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 Parameters p 1 = Baud rate p 1 Description 38 38,400 baud (38K) 19 19,200 baud 96 9,600 baud 48 4,800 baud 24 2,400 baud 12 1,200 baud p 2 = Parity.
Z Command - Print Direction Description Use this command to select the print orienta - tion. Syntax Zp 1 Parameters p 1 = Print orientation. T = Printing from top of image buffer. B = Printing from bottom of image buffer. Default Orientation = T The top of the image buffer prints first and is viewed by the operator as printing up side down.
? Command - Download Variables Description This command signals the printer to “fill-in” variable or counter “prompt” data field. The host system can send data representing variables and/or counters to the printer after a stored form containing variables and/or coun - ters has been retrieved.
^@ Command - Reset Printer Description This command is used to reset the printer. Syntax ^@ ¿ :where ^is 94 decimal This command emulates Power Off and then Power On; thus reinitializing the printer. · The reset command is unavailable during the operation of storing PCX graphics, soft fonts or while the printer is in dump mode.
^ee Command - Error Report - Immediate Description: Use this command to get printer error and status report immediately. The ^ee command must be sent via the RS-232 serial interface. The printer will report 4 bytes back to host in the following format: XX<CR><LF> XX = Error/Status code <CR> = Carriage Return (ASCII 13 dec.
Appendix A - Character References This section has character references. Resident Fonts 1-5 Page Mode supports 5 different font sizes, num- bered 1-5. Each font can be expanded both horizontally and vertically. All fonts are non-proportional, mono-spaced.
Default Character Map Code Page - 437 See the I command to for more information on selecting available code pages, page 3-53. A-2 980352-001 Rev.A.
Dump Mode Character Map The printer's Dump Mode is used to trouble - shoot programming. The printer will print all data as sent in Dump Mode Characters, shown below.
A-4 980352-001 Rev.A.
Appendix B - Cash Drawer Kicker Option This section has hardware and programming for the Cash Drawer Kicker. Introduction The cash drawer kicker is a factory option only.
Cash Drawer Cable Wiring The figure below displays the pin assignments for the printer's retail cash drawer interface. Re - fer to the cash draw manufacturer's documenta - tion for proper drawer wiring. *+24 volts D.C. at no greater than 1.5 amps.
<Esc> p Command - Generate Pulse CDK Description Generate a drawer kicker pulse. Syntax <Esc>pp 1 p 2 p 3 Parameters p 1 = Select Drawer Drawer 1 (SDRV1) = 31 hex. Drawer 2 (SDRV2) = 32 hex. p 2 = Pulse “on” time in multiples of two milli- seconds (2 msec).
<Esc> u Command - CDK Status Description Report the cash drawer kicker’s status. Syntax <Esc>u Parameters None Status 00 hex. = Cash Drawer Open 01 hex.
デバイスZebra Technologies EPL2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zebra Technologies EPL2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZebra Technologies EPL2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zebra Technologies EPL2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zebra Technologies EPL2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zebra Technologies EPL2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZebra Technologies EPL2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zebra Technologies EPL2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZebra Technologies EPL2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。