Zebra TechnologiesメーカーR-140の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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333 Corporate W oods Parkway V ernon Hills, Illinois 60061.3109 T elephone 847.634.6700 Facsimile 847.913.8766 Zebra House The V alley Centre, Gordon Road High W ycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6EQ, UK T .
Zebra R-140 TM User's Guide Customer order # 48040L Manufacturer part # 48040LB Rev. 1.
Proprietary Statement This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra T echnologies Corporation. It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating and maintaining the equipment described herein.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide iii.
iv Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Tabl e o f Contents Introduction Hello ! ........................................1 Prin t Mechanis m Capabilitie s ............................2 RFI D Capabilitie s ..................................2 Medi a Transpor t Mechanis m Capabilitie s .......
Loadin g th e Ribbo n ................................ 1 7 Operato r Control s ................................. 1 8 POWE R Switc h ................................. 1 8 Fron t Pane l ................................... 1 8 Configurin g th e Printe r .
Configuration Enterin g th e Setu p Mod e ............................. 4 7 Changin g Password-Protecte d Parameters ................... 4 8 Leavin g th e Setu p Mod e .............................. 4 9 Configuratio n an d Calibratio n Sequenc e .....
Specifications Medi a Handlin g .................................. 9 3 Options ...................................... 9 3 Zebr a Programmin g Languag e (ZP L II ® ) ..................... 9 4 Ba r Code s ..................................... 9 4 Genera l Specifications .
Introduction Hello! Congratulations! You have just purchased the highest quality thermal demand printer with RFID capability in the industry. Manufactured by Zebra Technologies Corporation, the industry leader in quality, service, and value.
Print Mechanism Capabilities The Zebra R-140 print mechanism has been designed to print information on labels, tickets, and tags. It uses a square or rectangular dot thermal printhead that heats a rib.
n A device, such as a personal computer (PC), for data entry and output of label formats to the printer. n A data communication cable to connect the controlling device to the Zebra R-140 printer. (Remote installations may require additional cables and communication devices such as modems and/or protocol converters.
Medi a an d Ribbo n Requirements Sinc e prin t qualit y i s affecte d b y medi a an d ribbon , printin g speeds , and printe r operatin g modes , i t i s ver y importan t t o ru n test s fo r your applications. Hig h qualit y RFI D Label s ar e recommende d t o ensur e agains t premature printhea d wear.
Make sure that the POWER on/off switch (located at the back of the printer) is in the off position before connecting the power cable to an electrical outlet. Printer Anatomy 101 Depending on the options you have selected, your printer may look slightly different.
RFID Overview The R140 printer contains special hardware necessary to program RFID tags. To use the RFID capabilities of this printer, you will need the appropriate RFID media.
Tag-it Tags Tag-it labels are high frequency (13.56MHz) devices. Tag-it is a read/write RFID tag with 256 bits of storage capacity for user data. Data is addressed in eight blocks of 32 bits, each block containing four bytes.
I · Code Tags I • Code labels are also high frequency (13.56MHz) devices but have 512 bits of storage capacity. Data is addressed in sixteen blocks of 32 bits, each block containing four bytes. The first two blocks of data (block 0 and 1) are used for storage of a unique 64 bit serial number.
Calibrating the Printer This chapter of the user’s guide is so important that we’ve printed it on a different color paper! That way, it will be easy for you to find when you must calibrate (set up) the printer for your particular application. Purpose n To calibrate the printer.
Types of Media Non-Continuous Web Media Non-continuous web media (refer to Figure 2) refers to individual labels that are separated by a gap, notch, or hole.
Non-Continuous Black Mark Media Non-continuous black mark media has black marks printed on the back that indicate the start and end of each label (refer to Figure 3). Continuous Media Continuous media (refer to Figure 4) is one uninterrupted roll of material that allows the image to be printed anywhere on the label.
Choosing the Print Mode n Tear-off mode allows you to tear off each label, or a strip of labels, after it is printed. n In Peel-off mode, backing material is peeled away from the label as it is printed. After this label is removed from the printer, the next one is printed.
Loadin g th e Media Figur e5 illustrate s on e metho d o f medi a loading . Fo r mor e detailed instructions , a s wel l a s informatio n abou t ho w t o loa d th e differen t type s of medi a an d th e variou s printin g modes , refe r t o th e instruction s tha t begi n on pag e 31.
Positioning the Media Sensors The correct positioning of the media sensors is important. It can make the difference between a perfect label and a call to Technical Support! Transmissive Sensor The web or gap sensor, better known as the “transmissive sensor,” detects the gap between labels.
Adjusting the Upper Media Sensor Refer to Figure 6. (For clarity, not all printer parts are shown.) 1. Remove the ribbon (if it is installed). 2. Locate the upper media sensor. The upper media sensor “eye” is directly below the adjustment screw head.
Adjustin g th e Lowe r Medi a Sensor Positio n th e lowe r medi a senso r (refe r t o Figur e 7 ) b y slidin g i t i n it s slot unti l i t i s positione d unde r th e uppe r medi a sensor.
Loadin g th e Ribbon T o loa d ribbon , refe r t o Figur e 8 . Fo r mor e detaile d information , refe r to th e instruction s tha t begi n o n pag e 43 .
Operato r Controls POWE R Switch Th e POWE R switc h i s locate d a t th e bac k o f th e printe r abov e th e power cor d an d fuse . Tur n o n th e printer.
Configurin g th e Printer Th e configuratio n procedur e i n th e nex t tabl e contain s th e informatio n you nee d t o ge t you r printe r u p an d running , bu t i t i s no t comprehensive . Refer t o pag e 4 7 fo r mor e information. n Ente r th e configuratio n mod e b y pressin g th e SETUP/EXI T ke y a t the “PRINTE R READY ” display.
Configuring the Software or Printer Driver Many printer settings may also be controlled by your printer’s driver or label preparation software. Refer to the driver or software documentation for more information. 20 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Press Display Shows Action/Explanation - PRINTER READY Normal printer operation.
Media and Ribbon Calibration NOTE: All steps must be performed in the following procedure, even if only one sensor needs to be adjusted. 6. Press the SETUP/EXIT key. 7. Press the NEXT/SAVE key until “MEDIA AND RIBBON CALIBRATE” displays. 8. To start the calibration procedure, press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key.
10. Press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key. The front panel display will show “REMOVE RIBBON CANCEL CONTINUE.” 11. Either remove the ribbon or slide it as far from the printer frame as possible. 12. Close the printhead, trapping the ribbon in this position.
Printin ga Tes t Label T o prin ta tes t label: 19 . Tur n of f th e printer. 20 . Pres s an d hol d th e CANCE L key whil e turnin g o n th e printer. A configuratio n label , whic h show s the printer’ s currentl y store d parameters, wil l prin t (simila r t o th e on e show n in Figur e 11).
24 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Establishing Communication System Considerations Interfaces The method of interfacing this printer to a data source depends on the communication options installed in the printer. The standard interfaces are an RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 serial data port and a bi-directional parallel port.
Whe n communicatin g vi a th e parallel por t (refe r t o Figur e 13) , the previousl y mentione d parameter s are no t considered . Refe r t o pag e 5 7 to configur e th e communication parameter s fo r th e printer . The value s selecte d mus t b e th e sam e as thos e use d b y th e hos t equipment connecte d t o th e printer.
Printer Basics Operator Controls This section discusses the functions of the various controls and indicators on the printer. The operator should become familiar with each of these functions. POWER Switch This switch is located at the back of the printer above the power cord and fuse.
Front Panel Display The front panel display communicates operational status and programming modes and parameters. 28 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Figure 14.
Fron t Pane l Keys Key Function Start s an d stop s th e printin g process. • I f th e printe r i s no t printing : n o printin g ca n occur. • I f th e printe r i s printing : printin g stop s onc e th e curren t labe l i s complete. Pres s t o remov e erro r message s fro m th e display.
Front Panel Lights NOTE: If two operating conditions occur simultaneously (for example, one that causes a light to be on constantly and one that causes the same light to flash), the light will flash. Light Status Indication POWER Off The printer is off or power is not applied.
Roll Media Loading NOTE: A calibration must be performed when media and ribbon (if used) are first installed in the printer, or when a different type of media or ribbon is being used. Tear-Off Mode Refer to Figure 15. 1. Open the printhead. 2. Slide the media guide and media supply guide as far from the printer frame as possible.
Peel-Of f Mode NOTE : Rewin d optio n required. NOTE : Th e Peel-Of f Mod e ma y no t b e suitabl e fo r som e RFI D media types . Th e use r shoul d tes t fo r eac h application Refe r t o Figur e 16. 1 . Remov e th e rewin d plat e fro m th e fron t o f th e printe r (i f installed).
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 33 Figure 16.
Rewin d Mod e (fo r Printer s Withou t th e Cutte r Option) NOTE : Rewin d optio n required. NOTE : Rewin d mod e ma y no t b e suitabl e fo r RFI D applications. Refe r t o Figur e 17. 1 . Remov e th e rewin d plat e fro m it s storag e locatio n i n fron t o f th e print mechanis m insid e th e medi a compartment.
Before closing the printhead, make sure: n The media is positioned against the inside guides. n The media is taut and parallel with itself and the pathway when wound onto the rewind spindle/core.
Cutte r Mode NOTE : Cutte r optio n required. Refe r t o Figur e 18. 1 . Ope n th e printhead. 2 . Slid e th e medi a guid e an d medi a suppl y guid e a s fa r fro m th e printer fram e a s possible . Fli p dow n th e medi a suppl y guide. 3 . Loa d medi a a s shown.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 37 Figure 18.
Rewin d Mod e (fo r Printer s Wit h th e Cutte r Option) NOTE : Cutte r an d rewin d option s required. NOTE : Rewin d mod e ma y no t b e suitabl e fo r RFI D applications. Refe r t o Figur e 19. 1 . Remov e th e rewin d plat e fro m it s storag e locatio n i n fron t o f th e print mechanis m insid e th e medi a compartment.
Before closing the printhead, make sure: n The media is positioned against the inside guides. n The media is taut and parallel with itself and the pathway when wound onto the rewind spindle/core.
Fanfol d Medi a Loading NOTE : A calibratio n mus t b e performe d whe n medi a an d ribbo n (i f used) ar e firs t installe d i n th e printer , o r whe na differen t typ e o f media o r ribbo n i s bein g used. Fanfol d medi a feed s throug h eithe r th e botto m o r rea r acces s slo t from outsid e th e printer.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 41 Figure 20 Figure 21.
Removing the Label Backing Material Since the rewind spindle holds the backing from a standard-size media roll, we recommend that you perform this procedure whenever you change the media. To remove the backing material from the rewind spindle, follow these steps (you don’t need to turn off the printer for this procedure).
Ribbo n Loading T o loa d ribbon , refe r t o Figur e 2 2 an d follo w th e procedur e below. NOTE : Us e ribbo n tha t i s a t leas t a s wid e a s th e media . Th e smooth backin g o f th e ribbo n protect s th e printhea d fro m wea r and prematur e failur e du e t o excessiv e abrasion .
7. Before wrapping the ribbon around the ribbon take-up spindle, ensure that the arrow on the knob aligns with the indented notch (see Figure 23 inset). 8. Place the ribbon (with leader, if used) around the ribbon take-up spindle and wind counterclockwise for several turns.
Ribbo n Removal s 1 . Brea k th e ribbo n a s clos e t o th e ribbo n take-u p spindl e a s possible. 2 . Refe r t o Figur e 23 . Whil e holdin g th e ribbo n take-u p spindle , tur n the kno b (1 ) clockwis e unti l i t stops .
46 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Configuration Afte r yo u hav e installe d th e medi a an d ribbo n an d th e power-o n sel f test (POST ) i s complete , th e fron t pane l displa y wil l sho w “PRINTE R READY.
Changing Password-Protected Parameters Certain parameters are password-protected by factory default. CAUTION: Do not change password-protected parameters unless you are sure you know what you are doing! If they are set incorrectly, these parameters could cause the printer to function in an unpredictable way.
Leaving the Setup Mode You can leave the program mode at any time by pressing the SETUP/EXIT key. The “SAVE CHANGES” display will appear. There are five choices, described below. Pressing the LEFT or RIGHT BLACK OVAL key displays other choices and pressing the NEXT/SAVE key selects the displayed choice.
Configuratio n an d Calibratio n Sequence 50 Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide Press Displa y Shows Action/Explanation ---- PRINTE R READY Norma l printe r operation. Settin g Prin t Parameters DARKNESS Adjustin g Prin t Darknes s Pres s th e RIGH T BLAC K OVA L ke y to increas e darkness .
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 51 Press Display Shows Action/Explanation MEDIA TYPE Setting Media Type Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices. Default: Continuous Selections: Continuous, non-continuous This parameter tells the printer the type of media you are using.
52 Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide Press Displa y Shows Action/Explanation PRIN T WIDTH Settin g Prin t Widt h Pres s th e RIGH T BLAC K OVA L ke y to increas e th e value , pres s th e LEF T BLAC K OVA L ke y t o decrease th e value .
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 53 Listing Printer Information Press Display Shows Action/Explanation LIST FONTS List Fonts Press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key to print a label listing all of the available fonts.
54 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Press Display Shows Action/Explanation INITIALIZE CARD Initialize Memory Card CAUTION: Perform this operation only when it is necessary to erase all previously stored information from the optional memory card. Press the NEXT//SAVE key to bypass this function.
Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 55 Medi a an d Ribbo n Senso r Calibration NOTE : Befor e yo u begi n thi s procedure , mak e sur e tha t th e maximu m lengt h i s se t t oa value equa l t o o r greate r tha n th e lengt h o f th e label s yo u ar e using .
56 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Press Display Shows Action/Explanation MEDIA AND RIBBON CALIBRATE Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity Press NEXT/SAVE to skip the calibration procedure and continue with the host port selection parameters that follow. Press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key to start the calibration procedure.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 57 Setting Communication Parameters Communication parameters must be set correctly for the printer to communicate with the host. These parameters make sure that the printer and host are “speaking the same language.” All communications parameters are password protected.
58 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Press Display Shows Action/Explanation PARITY Setting Parity Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices. Default: Even Selections: Even, odd, none The parity of the printer must match the parity of the host for accurate communications to take place.
Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 59 Press Displa y Shows Action/Explanation NETWOR K ID Settin g Networ k ID Pres s th e LEF T BLAC K OVA L ke y to mov e t o th e nex t digi t position , pres s th e RIGH T BLAC K OVAL ke y t o increas e th e valu e o f th e digit.
60 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Selecting Prefix and Delimiter Characters Prefix and delimiter characters are 2-digit hex values used within the ZPL/ZPL II formats sent to the printer. The printer uses the last prefix and delimiter characters sent to it, whether from a ZPL II instruction or from the front panel.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 61 Selecting ZPL Mode Press Display Shows Action/Explanation ZPL MODE Selecting ZPL Mode Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices.
62 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Label Positioning Parameters Press Display Shows Action/Explanation BACKFEED Backfeed Sequence Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 63 Press Display Shows Action/Explanation HEAD TEST COUNT Setting the Head Test Count Press the LEFT BLACK OVAL key to move to the next digit position, press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key to change the value of the digit.
64 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Press Display Shows Action/Explanation APPLICATOR PORT Setting the Applicator Port Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices. Default: Off Selections: Off, mode 1, mode 2, mode 3, mode 4 Determines the action of the verifier port.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 65 Press Display Shows Action/Explanation LCD ADJUST LCD Display Adjustment Press the LEFT BLACK OVAL key to decrease the value (reduce brightness), press the RIGHT BLACK OVAL key to increase the value (increase brightness).
66 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide Press Display Shows Action/Explanation IP RESOLUTION* IP Resolution Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices. Default: Dynamic Selections: Dynamic, permanent Depending on the selection, allows either the user (”permanent”) or the server (”dynamic”) to select the IP address.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 67 Press Display Shows Action/Explanation LANGUAGE Selecting the Display Language Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to display other choices.
Press Display Shows Action/Explanation DARKNESS You are now back at the first parameter in the configuration sequence. NOTE: If you pressed the NEXT/SAVE key but are through programming the printer configuration, you may press the SETUP/EXIT key and continue with the “SAVE SETTINGS” function.
Routine Care and Adjustment Cleaning The following table provides a brief cleaning schedule. Specific cleaning procedures are provided on the following pages. Area Method Interval Printhead Solvent* Direct thermal print mode: After every roll of media (or 500’/152 m of fanfold media).
Cleanin g th e Exterior Th e exterio r surface s o f th e printe r ma y b e cleane d wit ha lint-fre e cloth. D o no t us e hars h o r abrasiv e cleanin g agent s o r solvents . I f necessary , a mil d detergen t solutio n o r deskto p cleane r ma y b e use d sparingly.
4 . Rotat e th e plate n rolle r an d clea n thoroughl y wit h solven t an d an applicator. 5 . Brush/vacuu m an y accumulate d pape r lin t an d dus t awa y fro m the rollers.
Cleanin g th e Sna p Plate Clea n th e sna p plat e t o remov e labe l adhesiv e o ra labe l tha t ha s adhere d to th e undersid e o f th e sna p plate. Refe r t o Figur e 26 . 1 . Carefull y pus h th e tab s o n th e sna p plat e toward s th e rea r o f th e printer an d gentl y lif t u p o n th e sna p plate.
Zebra R-140 User’s Guide 73 Figure 26 Figure 27.
Cleanin g th e Cutte r Module (Fo r printer s equippe d wit h th e optiona l cutter.) I f label s ar e no t bein g cu t properl y o r i f th e cutte r jam s wit h labels , tur n off th e printe r powe r an d unplu g th e printer . Then , clea n th e stationar y cutter blad e wit h cleanin g solvent .
4. Snap the fuse holder back into position. 5. Reconnect the power cord. If the new fuse fails right away, the printer has an internal component failure and must be repaired.
Adjustments Toggle Positioning Both toggles should be positioned so that they provide even pressure on the media. The toggles are positioned by sliding them to the desired location. On media too narrow to accommodate both toggles, position one toggle over the center of the media and decrease the pressure on the unused toggle.
Printhea d Pressur e Adjustment Thi s adjustmen t ma y b e necessar y i f printin g i s to o ligh t o n on e sid e o r if thic k medi a i s used . Refe r t o Figur e 30 . 1 . Perfor m th e toggl e positionin g procedure . I f th e proble m i s solved , you ma y sto p here ; otherwise , continu e wit h th e res t o f thi s procedure.
78 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Troubleshooting LE D Erro r Condition s an d Warnings Erro r Conditio n Ribbo n Out Erro r Conditio n Pape r Out Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 79 Problem Solution I n therma l transfe r mode , th e ribbo n is no t loade d o r loade d incorrectly. Loa d th e ribbo n correctly .
Erro r Conditio n Hea d Open Erro r Conditio n Hea d Elemen t Bad Warnin g Ribbo n In Warnin g Hea d To o Hot 80 Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide Problem Solution Th e printhea d i s no t full y closed. Clos e th e printhead. Problem Solution On e o r mor e o f th e printhea d elements hav e faile d th e printhea d elemen t test.
Warnin g Hea d Cold Warnin g Cutte r Jammed Ou t o f Memory* Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 81 Problem Solution Th e printhea d i s unde r temperature. Continu e printin g whil e th e printhea d reache s the correc t operatin g temperature . I f th e erro r remains, th e environmen t ma y b e to o col d fo r prope r printing.
Prin t Qualit y Problems Genera l Prin t Qualit y Issues Gra y line s o n blan k label s wit h n o consisten t pattern Light , consisten t vertica l line s runnin g throug h al l o f th e labels Inter.
Wrinkle d Ribbon Communications A labe l forma t wa s sen t t o th e printe r bu t no t recognized . The DAT A ligh t doe s no t flash. Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 83 Problem Solution Th e ribbo n i s no t loade d correctly. Loa d th e ribbo n correctly .
A labe l forma t wa s sen t t o th e printer . Severa l label s print , the n the printe r skips , misplaces , misses , o r distort s th e imag e o n th e label. A labe l forma t wa s sen t t o th e printe r bu t no t recognized . The DAT A ligh t flashe s bu t n o printin g occurs.
RFID Symptoms Problem Diagnosis Solution RFID tags not programming (general). Printer not set-up properly Print a Configuration label (Cancel Key Self Test) to verify RFID version. Run an RFID Self Test (through the Front Panel). Make note of Error Messages and refer to that symptom in this table.
Problem Diagnosis Solution NO TAG Error Message (Continued) Tags have metal/aluminum in them. Confirm that the tags meet requirements (i.e. no metal/ aluminum in them) Reload with proper tags. ZPL II giving insufficient amount of retries. Increase the number of retries in the ZPL II commands.
Printe r Diagnostics Power-O n Sel f Test A power-o n sel f tes t (POST ) i s performe d automaticall y eac h tim e the printe r i s turne d on . Durin g thi s tes t sequence , th e fron t pane l light s and liqui d crysta l displa y monito r th e progres s o f th e POST .
CANCE L Ke y Sel f Test Thi s sel f tes t print sa listin g o f the configuratio n parameter s currently store d i n th e printer’ s memory . See Figur e 3 1 (dependin g o n th e options ordered , you r labe l ma y look different). 1 . Tur n th e printe r off.
PAUSE Key Self Test This self test can be used to provide the test labels required when making adjustments to the printer’s mechanical assemblies. See the sample printout in Figure 32. 1. Turn off the printer. 2. Press and hold the PAUSE key while turning on the power.
FEE D Ke y Sel f Test Se e Figur e 33. 1 . Tur n of f th e printer. 2 . Pres s an d hol d the FEE D ke y while turnin g o n th e power. Th e FEE D ke y sel f test print s ou t a t various darknes s setting s above an d belo w tha t o f the darknes s valu e show n on th e configuratio n label.
FEE D Ke y an d PAUS E Ke y Sel f Test 1 . Tur n of f th e printer. 2 . Pres s an d hol d th e FEE D an d PAUS E key s whil e turnin g o n th e power. Performin g thi s sel f tes t temporaril y reset s th e printe r configuratio n t o the factor y defaul t values .
92 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Specifications NOTE: Printer specifications are subject to change without notice. Media Handling n Tear-off mode: Labels are produced in strips. n Peel-off mode: Labels are dispensed and peeled from the liner as needed. n Cutter mode: Labels are printed and individually cut.
Zebra Programming Language (ZPL II ® ) Bar Codes 94 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide n Downloadable graphics, scalable and bitmap fonts, and label formats n Object copying between memory areas (RAM, memory.
General Specifications General Specifications R-140 Height 15.5" 393.7 mm Width 11.15" 283.2 mm Depth 19.5" 495.3 mm Weight (without options) 55 lb 25 kg Electrical General (auto adjust.
Printing Specifications Printing Specifications R-140 Resolution 203 dots/inch (8 dots/mm) Dot size (width x length) 0.0049” x 0.0049” (.125 x .125 mm) First dot location from inside media edge 0.10" ± .035" (2.5 mm ± .89 mm) Maximum print width 5.
Media Specifications Media Specifications Standard Smart Media (RFID) Minimum label length* Tear-off 0.7" (18 mm) Peel-off 0.5" (13 mm) Cutter 1.5" (38 mm) Rewind 0.25" (6 mm) Total media width (label + liner, if any) Minimum 1.57” (40 mm) 3.
Power Line Cord Specifications n The overall length must be less than 9.8 feet (3.0 meters). n It must be rated for at least 5 A, 250 V. n The chassis ground (earth) MUST be connected to assure safety and reduce electromagnetic interference. The ground connection is handled by the third wire (earth) in the power line cord.
Appendix Printer Interface Technical Information RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 Serial Data Port The connections for these standard interfaces are made through the DB25S connector on the rear panel.
RS-232 Interconnections The printer is configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). Figure 37 illustrates the internal connections of the printer’s RS-232 connector. Figure 38 illustrates the connections required to interconnect the printer with the standard 9-pin serial port connector on a computer.
When the printer is connected via its RS-232 interface to Data Communication Equipment (DCE) such as a modem, use a standard RS-232 (straight-through) interface cable.
RS-422/RS-485 Interconnections The printer may be connected to a host by either an RS-422 or an RS-485 interface. The DB-25 connector on the rear of the printer uses specific pins for this purpose. Figure 40 illustrates the required cable wiring for interconnecting to the printer’s DB-25 connector.
Parallel Data Port A standard 36-pin parallel connector is available at the rear of the printer for connection to the data source. Under normal circumstances, data sent from the printer to the host in response to a “Printer Status Request” command is sent through the RS-232 serial port.
ZPL II Commands for RFID ^WT – Write Tag The format for the ^WT instruction is: ^WTb,r,m,w,s where ^WT = Write Tag command b = Block Number Default value: 0 Other values: 1 to n, where n is the maximum number of blocks for the tag NOTE: This is the starting block number.
w = Write protect Default value: 0 (NOT write protected) Other value: 1 (Write protect) s = Special mode Reserved ^RT – Read Tag The format for the ^RT instruction is: ^RT#,b,n,f,r,m,s where ^RT = R.
f = Format Default value: 0 ASCII Other values: 1 Hexadecimal r = Retries Default value: 0 Other values: 1 to 10, number of retries m = motion Default value: 0 (Feed label after writing) Other value: .
The second ^RT command string at block 2, reads two blocks of data in ASCII format. It retries up to 5 times. The data read will go into the ^FN2 location of the format.
The unique ID will be read from the tag and available to print or return to the host computer. Example: ^XA ^FO100,100^A0N, 60^FN0^FS ^RI0^FS ^XZ 108 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Sample ZPL II Label Formats ZPL II ® is Zebra Technologies Corporation’s Zebra Programming Language II label design language. ZPL II lets you create a wide variety of labels from the simple to the very complex, including text, bar codes, and graphics.
Format 1: Simple Text and a Barcode Line # Type this label format You’ll get this printout 1. ^XA 2. ^LH30,30 3. ^FO20,10^AD^FDZEBRA^FS 4. ^FO20,60^B3N,Y,20,N^FDAAA001 5. ^XZ Line #1: Indicates start of label format. Line #2: Sets label home position (in dots) from the upper left-hand corner of the label.
Format 3: Using a Serialized Data Field Line # Type this label format You’ll get this printout 1. ^XA 2. ^LH30,30 3. ^FO20,10^AD^FDZEBRA^FS 4. ^FO20,60^B3,,40,^FDAAA001^FS Ten labels will print. The first (top) and last (bottom) are shown here. 5. ^FO20,180^AF^SNSERIAL NUMBER 00000000111,1,Y^FS 6.
112 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
Index Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 113 A Adjustments Medi a senso r positio n ........ 7 7 Printhea d pressur e .......... 7 7 Toggl e positionin g .......... 7 6 B Ba r code s ................ 9 4 Blac k mar k medi a senso r ........ 1 6 C Cablin g requirement s .
114 Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide Loadin g th e ribbo n ........... 4 3 Lowe r medi a senso r adjustmen t ..... 1 6 Lubricatio n ............... 7 4 M Medi a handlin g ............. 9 3 Medi a loading Cutte r ................ 3 6 Peel-of f ...........
Zebr a R-14 0 User’ s Guide 115 Ribbo n requirement s ...........4 Ribbo n specification s .......... 9 6 S Sel f tests CANCE L ke y ............ 8 8 Communication s diagnostic s .... 9 1 FEE D ke y .............. 9 0 FEE D ke y an d PAUS E ke y ...
116 Zebra R-140 User’s Guide.
333 Corporate W oods Parkway V ernon Hills, Illinois 60061.3109 T elephone 847.634.6700 Facsimile 847.913.8766 Zebra House The V alley Centre, Gordon Road High W ycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6EQ, UK T .
デバイスZebra Technologies R-140の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zebra Technologies R-140をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZebra Technologies R-140の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zebra Technologies R-140の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zebra Technologies R-140で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zebra Technologies R-140を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZebra Technologies R-140の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zebra Technologies R-140に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZebra Technologies R-140デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。