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Custo mer order # 1 135 6L Manu fac ture r part # 1 1356 LB Re v . 1.
ii Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6 M Printer s Us er’s Guid e 3 URSULHWDU6WDWHPHQW Thi s manu al con tains pro priet ary in forma tion of Z ebra T ech nolog ies Co rpor ation. It is in tende d sole ly f or th e informa ti on a nd use of par ties opera ting and maintai ni ng t he equi pm e nt described here in .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e iii.
iv Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6 M Printer s Us er’s Guid e.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e v 2AOlÍyÍÏlÏÆ :lYl ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ¦ Hello! ... ......
vi Z ebra Z 4M/ Z 6 M Printer s User’s Guide ÆÏAOÆÍØ YAÏ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ ¦Ê System Consi derations .......... ........................... ........
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e vii Lubricat ion ...................... .................. ........................... .................. ........................ 65 Printhe ad Pressure Adj ustment ................. .................. ......
vii i Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 1 :l Y l +HOOR • This user ’ s guide prov ides all the in formation you need to operat e the Z 4M ™ or Z 6M™ pr inte r . •T h e ZPL II ® Pr ogramming Guide V olume I an d V olume I I (part # 45 540L) detai ls how to create t he perfec t labe l format f or your ap plicati on.
2Z e b r a Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 5HS RUWLQ J'DPDJH If you di scover shipping damage: • Immedia tely not ify th e shippin g company a nd file a damag e report.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 3 3 ULQWHU3 RZHU The powe r supply i n the p rinter a utomati cally de tects the appli ed li ne voltag e and works in the 90 t o 265 V AC range.
4Z e b r a Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 3 ULQWHU2YHUYLHZ Figur e 2 sho ws the b asic c ompone nts of your pr inte r . Depen ding on insta lled o ptions , your printer may look s lightly dif ferent.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 5 AOÃAÏÍÏlÍ-ÃÏlà This chapte r of the u ser ’ s guide i s so impo rtant th at we’ve pr inte d it on a di f ferent colo r paper ! That way , it wil l be eas y for you to f ind when you must cali brat e (s et up) the p rinter f or you r partic ular a pplicat ion.
6Z e b r a Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 7 SHVRI0 HGLD 1RQ&RQW LQXRXV:HE 0HGLD Non-co ntinuous we b media (re fer to Fi gure 3) re fers to indivi dual labe ls that are sepa rated by a gap, notch, o r hole. When y ou look at the medi a, you can t ell where one l abel ends and the next one be gins.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 7 1RQ&RQW LQXRXV% ODFN0 DUN 0HGL D Non-co ntinuous b lack mark medi a has bla c k marks print ed on the ba ck of the liner mate rial tha t in dic ate th e st art a nd en d o f ea ch lab el (r efe r to Fig u re 4 ).
8Z e b r a Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &KRRVLQJWKH 3 ULQW0RGH •I n tear -off mode, each label (or a st rip of l abels) ca n be to rn of f aft er it i s printed . •I n peel -off mode, li ner mat erial is pee led away from the la bel as it is print ed.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 9 3 RVLWLRQLQJWKH 0HGLD6 HQVRU The cor re ct pos ition ing of the m edi a se nso r is imp ort ant — it can m ake t he d if f er enc e betwe en a perfe ct label and a call to T echnica l Suppor t! There are two medi a sens ors in thi s print er: “ref lective ” and “trans missive .
10 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide $GMXVWL QJWKH 5HIOHFWL YH6HQVRU Refer to Figure 7. 1. Ope n the pr inthead assembly by p ressing t he print head ope n lever .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 11 /R DGLQ J WKH 5LEE RQ Refer to Figure 8. For mor e detail ed informa tion, refer to the ins tructi ons that b egin on page 34.
12 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide $XWR&DOLEUD WLRQ Durin g auto cal ibratio n, the pri nter d etermines the label length a nd media/ri bbon sens or settings . Auto cal ibra ti on o ccu r s wh e n th e prin ter is tur ne d o n a nd e a ch ti me th e pr in ter reco vers from a n error c ondition.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 13 2SHUDWRU&RQWUROV 32:( 56 ZLWFK The POWER swit ch is located a t the bac k of the pr inter ab ove the power cord.
14 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &RQILJXULQJWKH3 ULQWHU The co nfigurat ion proce dure i n T able 1 con tains th e informat ion yo u need to g et your pri nter up and runnin g, but it i s not compr ehensive . Refe r t o pa ge 37 for mo re infor ma tion.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 15 &RQILJXULQJWKH6 RIWZDUHRU3 ULQWHU'UL YHU Many pri nter set tings may also be con t rolled by yo ur pri nter ’ s driver or label pre parat ion soft w are . Refer to th e dr iv er o r so ft war e doc um en tat ion fo r mor e infor ma tion.
16 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 17 ÆÏAOÆÍØYAÏ 6VWHP&RQVL GHUDWLRQV ,QWHU IDFHV The met hod of int erfacing this printer to a data s ource depe nds on the commu nication options i nstalle d in th e printer .
18 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide When communi cating vi a the par allel port (refer to Figure 12), th e previous ly mentioned parameters are not consi dered. For s erial an d paralle l pinout and tech nical in formation , refer to “Append ix” begin ning on p age 87.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 19 -ÃÏlà ÍAÆYÆ ) URQW3 DQH O This section d iscusses the fu nctions of the cont rols and i ndicator s on th e printer . Beco me fa mi liar w ith e ac h o f th ese fu nc tions bef ore o p era ting th e p rint er .
20 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide )UR QW3D QHO. HV Key Func tion FEED Forces the printer to feed one blank label each t ime the key is pressed. • Printer not pr inting: one blank label immediately feeds. • Printing: one blank label feeds after the current bat ch of labels is complete.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 21 )UR QW3D QHO/LJ KWV Light St at us Indication POWER Off The printer is of f or no power is applied. On The printer is on. PA U S E Off Normal printer operation. On The printer has stopped all printing operations.
22 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 5ROO0H GLD/RDG LQJ 7HDU RII0R GH Refer to Figure 14. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up. 2. Fl ip down t he media su pply guide. 3. Sl ide ou t the media guide a s far fr om the prin ter fra me as poss ible.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 23 &XWWHU 0R GH (Cutt er opti on require d) Refer to Figure 15. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up. 2. Fl ip down t he media su pply guide. 3. Sl ide ou t the media guide a s far fr om the prin ter fra me as poss ible.
24 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 9DOX H3HHORII 0RGH (V alue peel-o f f option r equired) Refer to Figure 16. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up. 2. Fl ip down t he media su pply guide. 3. Sl ide ou t the media guide a s far fr om the prin ter fra me as poss ible.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 25 Figur e 16 Media Guide Dancer Ribbon Sensor Lab el V alue Pe e l Lever Printhead Open L ever Printhead Assembly Media Supply Guide Media Supply Hanger T ra.
26 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide /LQHU 7DN HXS0RGH (Lin er tak e-up opti on requir ed) NOTE: This optio n is avail able on the Z4M p rinter o nly . Refer to Figure 17. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 27 17. If the printer is paused (the P AUSE light is on), pr ess the P AUSE ke y to enable pri nting. Peel ing start s automat ically .
28 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 3RZHU 3 HHO5HZLQG 3HHO0 RGH (Power peel/re wind opt ion requi red) Refer to Figure 18. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up. 2. Fl ip down t he media su pply guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 29 16. Close the prin thead assem bly . 17. Close th e value peel a ssembly usi ng the value peel lever . 18. If the printer is paused (the P AUSE light is on), pr ess the P AUSE ke y to enable pri nting. Peel ing start s automat ically .
30 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 3RZHU 3HHO5 HZLQG5 HZLQG 0RGH (Power rewind opt ion re quired) Refer to Figure 19. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up. 2. Fl ip down t he media su pply guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 31 14. Slide t he rewind med ia guide a gainst th e media, and tight en the thu mbscrew t o lock it into position. 15. Close the prin thead assem bly . 16. If the printer is paused (the P AUSE light is on), pr ess the P AUSE ke y to enable pri nting.
32 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide ) DQIROG0H GLD/RDGL QJ Fanfo ld media feeds th rough eit her the bottom or rear a ccess slo t. Refer to Figure 20. 1. Pr ess t he printh ead open lever . The printhea d asse mbly spring s up. 2. Fl ip down t he media su pply guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 33 Figur e 20 Printhead Assembly Media Supply Guide Media Supply Hanger Printhead Open L ever T ransmissive Sensor Media Guide Dancer Ribbon Sensor Printhead .
34 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 5LEERQ/RD GLQJ NOTE: The r ibbon suppl y spin dle in your printer is a “dua l tensio n” variety . Most a ppl ic ati ons r equire t he s pi ndl e t o b e in the “nor mal ” po sition.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 35 Figur e 22 Ribbon Supply Spindle Printhead Open L ever Ribbon Guide Plate Printhead Assembly Ribbon Sensor Ribbon Supply Spindle Ribbon T ake-up Spindle Pr.
36 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 5LEERQ5HPR YDO T o remove the ribbon: 1. I f the ribb on has not run out, break it betwee n the ribbon guid e plate and t he ribbon take -up spindl e.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 37 yØÃAÏ Afte r you have i nstalle d the media and ribbon and the Power - On Self T est (POST) i s comple te, the f ront pa nel displ ay shows “PRI NTER READY .” (If the printer fails i ts POST , refer to page 75.
38 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &KDQJLQJ3 D VVZRUG3 UR WHFWHG3 DUDPHWHUV Cert ain paramet ers are password pr otected b y factory defaul t. NOTE: Y ou have t he opt ion of makin g all paramete rs passwor d protect ed. See “P ASSWORD LEVEL” on page 52 for detai ls.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 39 /HDYLQJWKH6H WXS0RGH Y ou can le ave th e program mode at any ti me by pressi ng the SETUP/EXI T key . The “SA VE CHANGES” displ ay appears . There are five choices, whi ch are des cribed belo w .
40 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &RQILJXUDWLRQD QG&DOLEUD WLRQ6HTXHQFH Display S hows Action/Explanation PRINTER R EADY Normal printer operation. Settin g Print Para meters DARKNESS Adjusting Print Darkness : Press the INCREMENT ( +) key t o increase darknes s.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 41 Display S hows Action/Explanation PRINT MODE Sele cting Pr int Mode : Press the INCR EMEN T (+) or DEC REMENT (–) k ey to display ot her choices.
42 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Display S hows Action/Explanation PRIN T METHOD Sel ect ing Pri nt Met hod : Press the INCREMENT (+) key for the next value; press the DECREME NT (–) key for the previous value.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 43 Listing P rinter Informati on Display S hows Action/Explanation LIST FO NTS List Font s : Press the INCREMENT (+) key to print a label listing all of t he available fonts.
44 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Display S hows Action/Explanation INITIAL IZ E C ARD Initiali ze Memory Card CAUTION: Perform this oper ation only when it is necessary to erase all prev iously stored informat ion from the opt ional memory ca rd.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 45 Media and Ribbon Sensor Calibrat ion Performing the man ual calibration procedure resets the sensitivity of the sensors t o detect the m edia and ribbon you are using more accurate ly . With the sensor s at their new sensitivity , the printer then performs the manual calibration.
46 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Setting Communication Parameters Comm unication parameters m ust be set c orrectly for the printer to c ommunicate wit h the host com puter . These parameters mak e sure that the printer and host computer are “speaking the same language.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 47 Display S hows Action/Explanation PA R I T Y Settin g Parity: P ress the INCREMENT (+) or DECREME NT (–) key to display other choices. Defau lt: Ev en Se lec tion s: Even, odd, none The parity of the printer must match the parity of the host computer for accurate comm unications to take place.
48 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Display S hows Action/Explanation NETWORK ID Settin g Netwo rk ID: Press the DECREM ENT (–) key to mov e to the next digit position, press the INCREMENT (+) key to increase the value of t he digit.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 49 Selecting Prefix and Delimiter Characters Prefix and delimiter characters are 2-digit hex values used within the ZPL/ZPL II formats sent t o the printer . The printer uses the last prefix and delimiter charac ters sent to it, whether from a ZPL II instruction or from the front panel.
50 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Sele ct i ng ZPL Mode Display S hows Action/Explanation ZPL MODE Select ing ZPL Mode: Press the INCREMENT (+ ) or DECREMENT ( –) key to display ot her choices.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 51 Label Positi oning Para meter s Display S hows Action/Explanation BAC KFEED Backfeed S equence: Press the INCREMENT (+) or DECREMENT (–) key to display ot her choices.
52 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Display S hows Action/Explanation WEB S. ME DI A S. RIBBON S. T A KE LA BEL S. MED IA LE D RIBBON LED These parameters are automatically set during the calibration pr ocedure. They should only be changed by a qualif ied service technician.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 53 * ZebraNet ® PrintServer II opt ion required Display S hows Action/Explanation IP RESOLU TION* IP Resol ution: Press the INCREMENT (+) or DECREME NT (–) key to display other choices.
54 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Display S hows Action/Explanation LANGUAGE Select i ng the Displa y La ng uage: Press the INCREMENT (+) or DECREMENT (–) key to display other choice s.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 55 /ØÏlÍAÃlÍAcÍc ØÆÏlÏÆ &OHDQL QJ T able 2 pro vid es a re commended c leani ng sche dule. Sp ecifi c cleani ng p rocedures are provi ded on the following pages. CAUTION: Use onl y the cleaning a gents ind icated.
56 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &OHD QLQJWK H([WHULR U The ex terior s urfaces of the print er may be cl eaned with a lint-fre e cloth. Do not use hars h or abras ive clea ning agent s or solve nts. If ne cessary , a mil d deter gent or deskt op cleane r may be used sparingly .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 57 &OHD QLQJWK H6HQVRUV Brush or vacuum a ny accumu lated pa per lint and du st away fr om the pri nter se nsors. Refer to Figure 24. The ref lective se nsor , transmis sive senso r , and ribbo n sensor shoul d be clean ed on a regu lar ba sis to en sure prope r operat ion of t he print er .
58 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide ( [ W H Q G W K H / L I H R I < R X U 3 U L Q W K H D G : L W K .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 59 Next, pr ess the swab ti p against th e printhead and swi pe the print ele ments from end to end. Th en, turn the pl aten rol lers whil e wiping them f rom side t o side. Repe at this ste p until t he swab no lo nger sh ows dirt.
60 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide Save- a-Printhea d Cleaning Fil m What is Save-a-P rinthe ad cleani ng film ? A speci ally coat ed fi lm th at re mov es cont amination b uildup wit hout damagi ng the p rinthead . What ar e the benefits of Save-a -Printhea d cleanin g film ? • Exten ds the li fe of y our print head.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 61 NOTE: If a r eplacement printhea d is neede d, Zebra st rongly recommends usin g a product from th e Original Equipmen t Manufa cture r (OEM) to ensure that your pri nter and pa rt war ranties remain intact, a nd that t he product perf orms optimal ly .
62 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &OHD QLQJWK H3RZHU 3HHO5HZ LQG0 RGXOH (Power peel/re wind opt ion requi red) Perf orm the fol lowing pro cedure if adhesi ve buildu p begins t o af fect peel perf ormance. Refer to Figure 25.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 63 &OHD QLQJWK H9DOXH3 HHORII0 RGXOH (V alue peel-o f f option r equired) Perf orm the fol lowing pro cedure if adhesi ve buildu p begins t o af fect peel -of f perf ormance. Refer to Figure 26.
64 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &OHD QLQJWK H&XWWHU 0RGXO H (Cutt er opti on require d) :$51, 1* )RUSHUVRQQ HOVDIHW $/: $<6WXUQR IIDQ GXQ SOXJ WKHS ULQWHUEHI RUHSHUIRUPLQJ WKLVSURFH GXUH Refer to Figure 27.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 65 /XEULFDWLRQ CAUTION: No lubr icatin g agents of any kind s hould be use d on thi s prin ter! Som e commerc ially av ailab le lubri cants wil l damage the fini sh and t he mechanic al par ts if use d.
66 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide The pr essure a djustment dials ea ch have f our possi ble sett ings d esignate d by blocks of increa sing si ze embossed on the pri nt mechani sm.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 67 5HZLQG0HG LD$OLJQ PHQW (Rewin d option r equired) NOTE: The media /b acking sho uld be insta lled fl ush aga inst the backplat e of the t ake-up sp indle to p revent t he media/ backing f rom winding t oo loosel y .
68 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide )XVH5HSOD FHPHQW A user -replace able AC power fuse i s locate d just bel ow the AC power switch at the rear of the pr inter .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 69 2 ÃØOlÆÏ /&'(UURU&RQGL WLRQVDQG: DUQLQJV (UURUFRQGLWLRQ³5,%%21287 (UURUFRQGLWLRQ³3$3(5287 Problem Solution In therm al transfer mode, t he ribbon is not loaded or loaded incorrect ly .
70 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide (UURUFRQGLWLRQ³+($'23(1 (UURUFRQGLWLRQ³5,%%21,1 :DUQLQJ³ +($'29 (57 (03 :DUQLQJ³+($' 81'(57(03 Problem Solut ion The printhead is not fully closed.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 71 :DUQLQJ³&877(5 -$0 287 2)0(025 < 3 ULQW4XDO LW3 UREO HPV *HQHUDOSULQWTXDOLW LVVXHV Problem Sol ution Cutter blade is in t he media path. T urn off the printer power and unplug the printer .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 73 &DOLEUDWLRQ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 3 UREOH PV $ ODEHO IRUPDW ZD V VHQW WR WKH SULQWHU EXW QRW UHFRJQL]HG 7 KH '$7$ O LJKW GRHVQRWIODVK Problem Solution Loss of printing registration on labels.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 75 3 ULQWHU' LDJQRVWLFV 3RZHU 2Q6 HOI7HVW A Power -On Self T est (POST) is perfor med autom aticall y each ti me the pr inter i s tur ned on. Durin g thi s te st sequ enc e, th e fr ont panel li ght s an d li qui d cr ystal dis p la y (LCD ) mo nito r the p rog r ess of the P OST .
76 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide &$1&( /.H 6HOI7 HVW Thi s self test prin t s a lis tin g of t he configu ration para meters currentl y stored in th e print er ’ s m emo ry . See Figure 3 0. (Depen ding on the o ptions or dered, your labe l may look di f ferent .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 77 3$86 (.H 6HOI7HVW This self test c an be used t o provide the tes t labels required when makin g adju stments to th e printer’ s mecha nical asse mblies. See the sample printout in Figure 3 1.
78 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide )(( '.H 6HOI7HVW See Fi gure 32. 1. T urn of f the print er . 2. Press an d hold the FEED key while tu rning on the p ower . 3. Relea se the FEED ke y after t he DA T A light tu rns of f (app roximatel y five sec onds).
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 79 &RP PXQLFD WLRQV' LDJQR VWLFV 7HVW This test is controll ed from the front panel dis play . Refer to pa ge 48. A t ypical prin t out from this test is sho wn in Fig u re 33 . T ur n off the p owe r to e xit t h is se lf te st .
80 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 81 0 ®lYyYAÏÆ NOTE: Pri nter spec ific ations ar e subject to change without noti ce. *HQHUDO 6SHFLILFDWLRQV G e n e r a l Specification s Z 4M Z 6M Height 13.3" 338 mm 13.3" 338 mm Widt h 10.
82 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 3 ULQWLQJ 6SHFLILFDWLRQ V 5LEERQ6SH FLILFDWLRQV Printing S pecifications Z 4M Z 6M Print resol ution 203 dot s /inc h 8 dot s/mm 203 dot s/inch 8 dot s /mm 300 dot s /inc h 12 dot s /mm 300 dot s/inc h 12 dot s /mm Dot size (width x length) 203 dot s /inch 0.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 83 0HGLD 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 2SWLRQV Media Spe cifications Z 4M Z 6M Label l ength Minimum T ear-off 0.5" 13 mm 0.5" 13 mm Peel-of f 1" 25 .4 mm 1" 25.4 mm Rewind 0.5" 13 mm 0.5" 13 mm Cutter 1" 25 .
84 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide =HEUD3 URJUDPPLQJ/ DQJXDJH= 3/,, %DUFRGHV Z 4M/ Z 6M ZPL I I Featur es • Downloadable graph ics (with data compr ession) • Program.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 85 $ &3 RZHU&RUG Since many areas of the worl d have spec ific powe r requirement s, an AC power c ord may not be incl uded with your prin ter . The power cord must meet your local e lectri cal requ irements.
86 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 87 ®®lcà 3 ULQWHU, QWHUIDFH7 HFKQL FDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6H ULDO'D WD&RPPXQ LFDW LRQV T able 6 il lustrat es the pin connec tions on t he DB-25 c onnector at the rear of t he print er .
88 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 56 ,Q WHU IDF H Thi s prin ter is co n figu red a s Da ta T erm ina l Eq uip m ent (D TE) .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 89 +DUGZDUH&RQWUR O6LJQDO 'HVFULSWLRQV For a ll RS-232 i nput and out put signa ls, the Z 4M an d Z 6M p rin ters fo llo w bot h the Elec tronics I ndustri es Associa tion (EIA) RS-232 and t he Consul tative Co mmittee for Int ernationa l T elegrap h and T elephone (CCITT) V .
90 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide 56 ,Q WHU IDF H Figur e 38 illu strates the pi n connecti ons on the DB-25 conn ector at the rear of the pri nter that are used for the RS- 485 communicat ion proto col. NOTE: XON/XOFF han dshaking must be used for RS- 485 communica tions.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 91 3DUD OOHO 'DWD &RP PXQLF DWLR QV T able 7 il lustrat es the pin connec tions on t he bi- directi onal para llel connector at the rear of the pr inter .
92 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide.
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 93 A AC Power Cord Specific ations , 85 Adjustments Printhead Pressure, 65 Reflect ive S ensor , 10 Auto Ca lib rat ion, 12 B Bar Codes, 84 C Cabling Requirem.
94 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide L LCD Erro r Conditio ns and Warnings, 69 Liner Removal , 27 , 29 Line r Take- up M ode , 2 6 Lubri cat ion, 65 M Medi a L oading Cutt er Mode, 23 Fan fol .
Zebra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guid e 95 Specificati ons AC Power Cord, 85 Bar Codes, 84 Gene ra l, 81 Medi a, 83 Optio ns, 83 Prin tin g, 82 Zebra Programming Language (ZP L II), 84 Sto rage , 2 .
96 Zeb ra Z 4M/ Z 6M Printers User’s Guide.
4 Warran t y Inform a ti o n.
Prin ter Soft ware and Firmware License Agr eement 1 ZebraLink Licens e Agreement Printer Software and Firmware License Agr eement YOU SHOULD CARE FUL L Y READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CON DITIONS OF T.
2 Printer Sof tware and F i rmware License Agreement • Rental. Y o u may not rent or lease or lend the SOFTW ARE or FIRMW ARE. • Support Ser vices. ZEBRA may pr ovide you with support se rvices re lated to the SOFTW ARE and /o r FI RM W AR E ("SU PPOR T SER V IC ES"), in its di sc retion.
Prin ter Soft ware and Firmware License Agr eement 3 7. EXPOR T RE ST R ICTION S . Y ou agre e t ha t you wi l l no t ex port or re-ex po r t t h e SOFTW ARE and/ or FIR MW A RE, any par t the r eof ,.
4 Printer Sof tware and F i rmware License Agreement • If the emulation li brary is sold sepa rately b y an authoriz ed party ot her than ZEBRA ("R ESEL LER" -- A pa rty o ther than ZEBRA .
デバイスZebra Z4Mの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zebra Z4Mをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZebra Z4Mの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zebra Z4Mの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zebra Z4Mで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zebra Z4Mを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZebra Z4Mの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zebra Z4Mに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZebra Z4Mデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。