Bintec-elmegメーカーElmeg ICT46の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Ope ra ting in struc tions En glish el meg ICT.
These op er at ing in struc tions can be a help ful guide to as sist you in us ing your new ISDN tele com mu ni ca tions equip - ment (PABX system). No mat ter whether your elmeg PABX is for your work or for your per sonal use, ease of use and en joy ment while us ing the phone are guar an teed.
Tab le of con tents Des crip ti on .............................................. 1 Sa fe ty no tes ............................................... 1 Loss of power ........................................................ 3 Sym bols ...................
Block di al ing (Aus tria ) .................................................. 17 Ho tel functions ............................................ 18 Wake-up call ............................................. 18 MWI Ac ti vate/ de ac ti vate ............
Des crip ti on The PABX is an ISDN te le com mu ni ca tions sys tem (PAB X) for in ter fa cing w ith the Eur o ISDN (DS SI) pro to col. The PABX is pro vi ded with ex ter nal ISDN con nec tions, which are con fi gu red for in ter fa cing to the ISDN con nec tions of the net work ser vi ce pro vi der.
· Do not use the unit in ex ces si ve ly hu mid rooms or ha zar dous lo ca tions. · Only open tho se sec tions of the de vi ce spe ci fied in the as sem bly / ope ra ting in struc tions. · Do not touch plug con nec tors with poin ted, me tal, or moist ob jects.
· Dis po se of the ex haus ted bat te ry pack ac cor ding to lo cal ru les and re gu la tions. Re cy cle! Do not ex po se bat te ry cells to open fire. Ra dio de vi ces (e.g . DECT, Blue tooth) · It is pos si ble in some ca ses that me di cal de vi ces are af fec ted by po we red-up ra dio de vi ces.
Ope ra ti on Not all of the fea tu res des cri bed here may be im ple men ted in the stan dard ISDN con nec ti on supp lied by your net - work ser vi ce pro vi der. Con tact your ser vi ce pro vi der to de ter mi ne which fea tu res come stan dard with your ISDN ac - cess and which ones you m ust ap ply for se pa ra te ly.
Spe cific trunk bun dle se lec tion b *8t or *8#t t g a Lift up hand set Se lect trunk group ISDN, POTS (0...8) Se lect trunk group ISDN, POTS, SIP-Prov.
Au to matic com ple tion of call to busy sub scriber or on no an swer This functi on can only be used by te le pho nes that per mit suf fix dia ling. Au to ma tic call com ple tions from an in qui ry call are not pos si ble. Attention: Ex ter nal Com ple tions of call to busy sub scri ber are de le ted af ter a pe ri od de fi ned by the ex chan ge.
Tem po rari ly sup press ing tr ans mis sion o f your own num ber Attention: This fea tu re must be ap plied for at your net work ser vi ce pro vi der. Trans mis sion of the caller’s own num ber is sup pressed us ing the fol low ing pro ce dure with an a log ter mi nal de vices.
b t g a Lift up hand set In ter nal num ber for the voice an nounce ment ex ten sion Voice an nounce ment Ter mi nate voice an nounce ment Switch ing a voice an nounce ment for all num bers (day / night) Attention: Day / Night swit cha ble An noun ce ments b *92* oder #92* q a Lift up hand set Day Night Ack.
Room monitoring from external tel ephones You are lo cated at an ex ter nal tele phone. Lift up the hand set of the phone from which you wish to con duct room mon i tor ing and dial the ex ter nal num ber to which the ser vice num ber for the PABX is assigned.
(key pad-func tion »Net fixed«) b 0 * oder # t a Lift up hand set Dial line ac cess digit Ini ti ate key pad func tion En ter codes Re place hand set Send ing a fax from a multi-func tion ter mi nal.
t If you wish to speak to an e x ter nal party, dial 0 first. If you hear a busy sig nal af ter di al ing 0, ei ther your tele phone does not have proper au tho ri za tion for an ex ter nal call, or the line is busy. t Dial the num ber of the party you wish to reach.
b Lift up the hand set of your phone. You wi ll be con nected with the wait ing party. Refusing a waiting call g You are con duct ing a call. A sec ond party calls you. You hear the call wait ing sig nal. R0 Dial this code to re fuse the wait ing call.
a Re place the hand set. The other in ter nal party can then con tinue with the call. (Ex plicit call trans fer) Connecting Please note that ISDN ter mi nal de vices can only uti lize the fea ture »Con nect« via a spe cial key or menu func tion. The fol low ing pro ce dure ap plies only to an a log telephones.
Three-party con fer ence g You are con duct ing a call with one party and w ish to in clude a fur ther party in the call. R Press the R key. You will hear the i n ter nal dial tone. If you wish to speak to an e x ter nal party, dial 0 first. t Dial the num ber of the party you wish to reach.
Activating call signaling for analog termin al devices b #570 q a Lift up hand set Ack. sig nal Re place hand set Call modes (Day- / Night) Activating team call assignment for one team b * / # 93 t q a Lift up hand set Day / Night call mode En ter team num ber (00.
b * / # 943 t q a Lift up hand set En able/In hibit sub scrib ers Team num ber (00 ... 39) Ack. sig nal Re place hand set Enabling / inhibiting a subscri ber for all teams (log-in, log-off) Pro ceed as fol lows in or der to en able or in hibit your phone for all teams.
Mo bi le Integration internal (l og-in, log-off ) b * / # 944 q Lift up hand set En ab le/In hi bit Ack. sig nal Mo bi le Integration External (log-in, log-off ) Lift up the hand set of your pho ne and dial the ex ter nal num ber to which the ser vi ce num ber of the PABX sys tem has been as sig ned.
Ho tel functions This PABX sys tem co mes equipped with ex ten sive ho tel func tions. This func tion is used from the re cep tion desk phone via the PABX sys tem menu. Registering the hotel room status Di al ing a nu meric code from the room tele phone makes it pos si ble to reg is ter the cur rent sta tus of the room.
Confirm alarm call An alarm call can be con firmed lo cally at a tele phone as signed to the alarm in put. To con firm an ex ter nal alarm call, you will need a dtmf-ca pa ble phone.
Call Through This ac ti on may only be per for med from an ex ter nal pho ne. b t q t t g Lift up hand set Se lect “Num bers in my pho ne sys tem for call-through” 1) En ter PIN Dia ling ex ter na.
Com mu ni ca ti on / Call char ges The PABX gen er ates a call data re cord for ev ery ex ter nal call. The call data re cords con tain de tailed in for ma tion about the call.
Tele phone di rec tory for the PABX, Fol low me, di rect dial-in, Day / Ni ght (call modes) schalten, cost reg is tra tion, hotel functions Attention: You can se lect the langua ge of your dis play, pro vi ded the de si red langua ge has been con fi gu red using the te le pho ne di rec to ry pro gram me me.
Ser vi ce Con fig u ra tion of sys tem fea tures us ing a tele phone Va ri ous set tings are pro tec ted by PIN1 in the PABX. In the de fault sta te, this PIN 1 is set to 0000.
Ending an active, incoming service link You can ter mi na te a con nec ti on set up by the ser vi ce cen ter using the fol lo wing pro ce du re. b #792 q a Lift up hand set Ack. sig nal Re pla ce hand set Enabling for remote service access You can re lea se your PABX sys tem for re mo te ac cess by an ex ter nal sub scri ber.
Ser vi ce RAS dial-in for gate way di ag nos tics.
In dex A Ac cep ting of calls ...................... 5 Ac cep ting a wai ti ng call ............. 11 Ac ti va ting the LCR pro ce du re .......... 17 Alarm call ..................... 19 Alarm call list ................... 19 Al lo ca ting pro ject num bers .
L Langua ge ..................... 23 Loss of po wer .................... 3 M Ma king calls out si de ...................... 4 Ma king Call s In ter nal ..................... 5 Ma king out si de calls ................ 4 Ma king out si de calls with di rect ex chan ge li ne ac cess .
Trans fer ring the exi sting call using ana log te le pho nes ..................... 12 Trunk group sei zu re ................ 5 U Using sys tem te le pho nes ............. 23 V Voi ce an noun ce me nt ................ 7 W Wai ting call ac cep ting ...
In dex.
Con fi gu ra ti on using a te le pho ne (ad mi nis tra tors) The following procedure must be performed one time at the beginning of configuration. b ** q ==== q Lift up hand set Ack.
Setting up call accounts 830 t t # q Code num ber Int. ex ten si on num ber amount (max. 6 -pla ce, with a fac - tor of 100) Ack. sig nal Deleting call accounts 830 t # q Code num ber Int. ex ten si on num ber Ack. sig nal Activating / deactivating an exten sion’s call account 890 t * / # q Code num ber Int.
Con fi gu ra ti on using a te le pho ne (ad mi nis tra tors).
bin tec el meg GmbH Süd west park 94 D-90449 Nürn berg For in for ma ti on on sup port and ser vi ce of fe rings plea se vi sit our Web si te at www.
デバイスBintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBintec-elmeg Elmeg ICT46デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。