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2Gb SANb loc S eri es Inst allation Guide P/N: MAN-FC2002-001 Revis i on: 1. 4 September 2 00 3.
D i s c l a i m er 3 Disclaimer and W arranty Di s c laimer ADAPTEC r e s e r v e s t he r i ght t o make c h anges to this man u al and t h e eq u i pme n t desc r i bed he r e i n w i t h out n o t i ce. ADAPTEC h a s m a d e a ll r e a s o n a b le e f fort to i n sure t h a t the informat ion in this manual is accu rate and complete.
Warranty 4 ADAPTEC , fr e ight p r e p aid. ADAPTEC , u p on v e r i f i - cation of warranty , will repair or replace at its option the 2Gb SANbloc component in question, and will then r eturn the prod uct to the P urchaser , f reight pr epaid.
Warranty 5 Returned Material - W arranty claims must be received by ADAPTEC w it h in the a pp l i ca b l e w a rr a n t y p e r i o d . A replaced produ ct, or part thereof, shall bec ome the property of E U R O LOG I C a n d sha l l be r e tu r ned t o ADAPTEC at Purchaser ’ s expense.
7 T able of Conten ts Preface ............... ............. ............. ............. .................... ....... 13 Audience ...... ....................... ...................... ............................ ................... 13 Conventions Us ed In This User Guide .
8 Mechanical Loading .............. ............................ ....................... ....... 31 Electrical Considerations ............... ...................... ............................. ....... 32 Circuit Overloading ............... .........
9 Controller Cir cuit Board ............. ............................. ...................... .. 49 I/O Circuit Board ............. ....................... ............................ ............. 50 Ethernet Circuit Bo ard ........... ............
10 Removing a D isk Drive Carrier................... ................. ................... 77 Installing and R emoving an LS Module .............. ....................... ............. 79 Installing an LS Mo dule ................... ................. .
11 AC Power Supply In put.......................... ...................... ................... 97 Temperature ............ ....................... ...................... ................. ................... 97 Humidity ....................... .......
Audie nce 13 Pr eface This Installation Guide describes the i nst allation and operatio n of the 2Gb SANblo c Ser ies. The following products are cover ed: FC2101CDT2-AC, FC2 101CDR2-AC, FC2101ODT2-AC, FC 2101ODR2-AC, FC2101MDT2-AC, FC2101MDR2-AC.
Getting Support 14 Getting S upport If you ar e having difficulties installing or operating your 2Gb SANbloc S eries you can contact our W orl d W ide S uppo r t C e n t r e f o r assis t ance Monday-.
VCCI 15 VCCI Englis h T rans l ati on : This is a Class A product based o n the standard of the V olunt ary Control C ouncil for Inter ference by Inf ormation T echnology Equipmen t. If this equipment i s used in a domestic envi ronment, radio disturbance may ari se.
Safety Stat ements 16 Safety S tatements The followin g saf ety statements must b e rea d be fore instal lation. For language translations of these statements refer to Appendix B . CAUTION: This e quipment is intended only for installatio n in a restrict ed ac cess location.
Safety Statements 17 CAUTION: The tower skin set is not a field replaceable unit and therefore mu st not be remo ved from the Storage Array . CAUTION: After removing the LS Module the resulting hole must be blo c ked, by inst alling a blan king plate or by inst alling a replace ment LS Module .
Safety Stat ements 18.
Introduction 19 Chapter 1: Introduction This Chapter introduces the 2Gb SANbl o c Series. The main features of the Series are de scribed along with a list of the models that are availabl e. Intr o duction The 2Gb SANbloc Seri es provides a highly fl exible, high performance stor age solution that evol ves to meet your changing need s.
Feat ures 20 • Downward compa tible to 1GB. • Dense enclos ur e with 14 dr ives in a 3U form fact or . • Scalab le to 8.2T B (1 12 drive s), suppor t for 15K rpm drives. • Enhanced enclosure services (SE S) mo ni toring and reporting. • No single point of failure, with redu ndant, hot-swappa ble com ponent s.
Featur es 21 Cooli ng S yste m Coolin g is provided by the two Advan ced Cooling M odules (ACMs) located at t h e rear of the enclosure. Each of the ACM units contain two variable speed fans.
Feat ures 22 I/O Opti on Module s The two rear I/O option sl ots (A and B) can contain a r ange of different opti on modules. The LS module wil l detect the type of option modul e instal led. The available opt ion modules are: I/O Expansion Module - Copper/Copper This 2Gb FC expansi on module has two HSSDC connect ors.
Featur es 23 I/O Expansion Module- Optical/Optical This 2Gb F C expansion modu le has two S FF LC opt ical connectors. The top connector is the FC Loop Input port and the botto m connector is f or FC Loop E xpansion. A loop back terminat or is not required.
Feat ures 24 Figure 1-2: 2Gb SANblo c Series T ower Model 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 SAN bloc Series 2 Gb.
Featur es 25 Figure 1-3 : 2Gb SANbl oc Se ries Rack M odel 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 0 1 2 3 4 5 SAN bloc Series 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 Gb.
Feat ures 26.
27 Chapter 2: Installation and Setup This Chapter describes the in stallation and set up of the 2Gb SANbloc Series. Import ant safety instructions are discus sed along with the electrical, mechani cal and environmental precautions that need to be taken.
Safety Stat ements 28 Safety S tatements The following safety statements must be r ead before you install or o perate the 2Gb SANb loc Series. For l anguage translations of these statements refer to App endix B. CAUTION: This e quipment is intended only for installatio n in a restrict ed ac cess location.
Safety Statements 29 CAUTION: It is re commende d that, if interconnecting e quipment resides wit hi n more than on e equipm ent ra ck cabin ets, these equipme n t racks should be at the same gro und potential. W ARNING: A possi ble shoc k hazar d may exi st in the area of th e fan c onn ect i on.
Unpacking and In itial Setup 30 Unpack ing a nd Init ial Se tup When you receive your system, visually inspect the exterior of the packaging for any signs of dama ge. If any damage is f ound t he ca rr i er a n d Adaptec shou l d be i n f o r m ed i mmed i - ately , and they will advise you of the appropriate acti on.
Installing the S ystem in an Equ ipment Rack 31 Air Flow T o ensure that the inter nal heat buil d up is proper ly dissi- pated into the room envir onment, air flow should in no way be restricted. It is essential th at no air vents are blocked, and that the system is a mi nimum of one meter from a solid surface such as a wall or partition.
Electric al Considera tions 32 Electric al Consideration s When installing the 2Gb SANbloc Series the following electrical considerations must b e applied. Circuit Overloading Care should be taken to ensure that t he current does no t exceed the rating of t he power source circuitry .
Settin g Fibre Channe l Loop Speed ( 2Gb or 1Gb) 33 1Gb Operation T o set the fibre channel loop speed to 1Gb operat ion: 1 Remove the LS mo du le from the front of th e enc losure. 2 On the LS Module loca te the jumper po sitio n JP 2 (Fig ure 2-1 ) .
Split Fibr e Channel Loo p Operation (Q uad Loop) 34 Split Fibr e Channel L o op Operation (Quad Loop) The 2Gb SANbloc Series LS modu le allows for split FC Loop oper ation, with two dual fibr e channel lo ops of seven disk drives each.
Config uration Rules 35 Configurat ion Rules These rules must be applied when implementing t he 2Gb SANbloc Series configurati ons: • When d aisy chai ning, both 2Gb en closur es mus t be con f igured identical ly . • 1Gb and 2 Gb syste ms canno t be dais y chain e d t ogethe r .
Suppor ted Cables 36 Supported Cables W ARNING: Only the following APPROVED cables mu st be used with the 2Gb SANbl o c Series enc l osures. This section lists the cables that must be used with the 2Gb SANbloc Series enclosure. Failure t o adhere to these guide- lines may cause the enclosure t o operate incorrectly .
Setting the Enclosu re ID 37 Chapter 3: JBOD Configurations This Chapter describes the procedur e for c onnecting your 2Gb SANbloc Series JBOD system to a host computer(s). Detailed inform ation on how to configure and daisy chain enclosures is al so provided al ong with instructi ons on how to set the enclo sure ID.
Setting the Enc losure ID 38 Figure 3-1 Location of Enclo sure ID Swit ch This enclosure ID switch can be set to 0 through 7. The graphic belo w shows the slot number and l ocation.
Setting the Enclosu re ID 39 The fourt een disk drive slot s (0 to 13) , will be assigned an identifier based on the enclosure I D and the slot number as shown in T able 3-1.
Configu rations 40 Configurat ions This section describes the procedur es for cabling the main configurations of the 2 Gb SANbloc Series JBOD. Note: The follo wing configur ation pr ocedures refer to con n ecti ng t he 2 Gb SAN bl oc Ser ies dir ectly to t he h ost system .
JBOD Con figurations 41 JBOD Configurations There are tw o JBOD configurations covered in this I nstal- lati on Guide : • Dual FC L oop mo de ( inclu din g how to dai sy chai n enclos ures) • Quad Loop (single en cl osu re with 4 FCAL l oo ps) Note: The follo wing exampl es show the Cop per/Copper I/O Module o ption for illu stration purp oses.
JBO D C onfigur ation s 42 Note: For detai ls on y our h ost an d/or HBA r efer to t he documen - tation t hat was supplied wit h the host / HBA. Figu re 3-2 Connecti ng du al FC Loop confi gura tion t o a ho st See Appendix C for Loop Diagram.
JBOD Con figurations 43 Figur e 3-3 Da isy chaining dual FC Lo op enclosur es See Appendix C for Loop Diagram. CAUTION: When daisy chai nin g enclosure s, you must ensu re that eac h enclosure has a unique Enclo sur e ID.
JBO D C onfigur ation s 44 Quad Loop Configuration Note: Quad loop con figu ration requires tha t the en closure be configure d in s plit l oop m ode. T o set split l oop mo de, a jumpe r must be inst alled at ju mper locatio n JP3 on each LS module in th e enc los ure .
Conne cting a Powe r Source 45 Connecting a Power Sourc e The 2Gb SANbloc enclosure supports dual AC power supplies. Only one power supp ly is r equired fo r nor mal operation. However, a second, optional po wer suppl y may be added to p rovide a redu ndant power system.
Disk D rive Sp in Up Sequence 46 Disk Drive Spin Up Sequen ce At power on, th e LS module wi ll per form its in ternal start up initial ization r outine. Th en the LS module wi ll assert the disk drive ST AR T_1 and ST AR T_2 motor start si gnals low for disk drive slots 7 through 13, which will spin up the first 7 disk dr ives immediately .
2Gb S ANbloc Serie s RAID Con troller Introd uction 47 Chapter 4: RAID Configurations This chapter describes how to set up, configure and use the 2Gb SANbloc S eries RAID Controll er . Some general infor- mation about th e RA I D controller is also provi ded.
2Gb SANbloc Series RAID Contr oller Introductio n 48 host an d devi ce f ibre channel i nput/ ou tput pr o cessor s (IOPs ). • I/O: The I/O circu i t b oard prov ides the int erface t o t he disk drive en cl osure (dev i ce) and host as well as gene ral support func tions.
RAID Con troller Circuit Bo ards 49 Features of the RAID Controller include: • Main pro cessor coupled with a co mpanion chip • Propriet ary XOR en gine ASIC that pro vides data pro cessing XOR fu.
RAID Contr oller Circuit Boa rds 50 • Cache DIMM mem or y I/O Cir cuit Board The I/O circuit board provides the interface between the enclosure and a host, as well as general support functions. The I/O circuit board pr ovides the following: • Connections to the host • Connecti ons to the en cl osure • Dual switc hing p o wer supply for +3.
RAID Con troller Circuit Bo ards 51 It has a 32 bit, 33 MHz max imum PCI interface and features scatter-gather bus master ing, which enables it to perfor m high speed data transfers on the PCI bus. It operates in either full duplex mode or half duplex mode.
RAID Contr oller Circuit Boa rds 52 The main parts of t h e RAID Controller are described in Figure 4-3. Figure 4-3 Main compon ents of RAID controller RAI D Cont r olle r St a t u s L E D s The RAID cont roller has 7 Statu s LEDs as shown above. T able 6-1 describes what these LEDs signify .
RAID C ontroll er Con figuratio ns 53 RAID Controller Configurations This section describes how to cable the two standard RAID controller configurations: Single RAID Controller and Dual RAID Controller (d ual active). The procedure f or daisy chaining these stand ard configurations to expansi ons enclo- sures is also d escribed.
Setting the Enc losure ID 54 Figure 4-4 Location of Enclo sure ID Swit ch This enclosure ID switch can be set to 0 through 7. The graphic belo w shows the slot number and l ocation. The fourt een disk drive slot s (0 to 13) , will be assigned an identifier based on the enclosure I D and the slot number as shown in T able 6-2.
Confi guratio ns 55 T able 6-2 Disk Drive Identifier T abl e Configurat ions This section shows how to connect the RAID enclosures to a host system(s).
Configu rations 56 Single RAID Controller Configuration In this con figurati on o nly one R AID contr oller is instal led in the enclosure’ s I/O slot.
Confi guratio ns 57 Figure 4-5 Single RAID Controller to Host Connector Daisy Chaining a Single Controller Enclosure T o daisy chain th e RAID enclosure to an expansi on enclosure, connect link cables from the RAID co ntroller to the top connectors of the I/O modules of the expansion enclosure (see Figure 4-6).
Configu rations 58 Figu re 4-6 Dai s y Cha ini ng Sin gle C o ntroll er En clos ure CAUTION: When daisy chai nin g enclosure s, you must ensu re that eac h enclosure has a unique Enclo sur e ID.
Confi guratio ns 59 Dual RAID Controller Configuration In this configuration two RAID Controllers are installed in the enclosures I/O slots. Note: The follo wing configur ation pr ocedures refer to con n ecti ng t he 2 Gb SAN bl oc Ser ies dir ectly to t he h ost system .
Configu rations 60 Figure 4-7 Dual RAID Controller Configuration Daisy Chaining a Dual Controller Enclosure T o daisy chain th e RAID enclosure to an expansi on enclosure, connect link cables from the RAID en closure to the top connectors of the I/O modules of the expansion enclosure (see Figure 4-8).
Confi guratio ns 61 Figure 4-8 Daisy Chaining a Dual Con troller Enc l osure CAUTION: When daisy chai nin g enclosure s, you must ensu re that eac h enclosure has a unique Enclo sur e ID. 1 2 1 2 0 I 0 I 1 2 1 2 0 I 0 I T o next enclosure T o next enclosure Link Cable Link Cable T otal of 8 enclosures may be daisy chained together .
Conne cting a Powe r Source 62 Connecting a Power Source The 2Gb SANbloc enclosure supports dual AC power supplies. Only one power supp ly is r equired fo r nor mal operation. However, a second, optional , power supply may be added to provide a redundant power system.
Disk Drive Spin Up Sequen ce 63 Disk Drive Spi n U p Sequence At power on, th e LS module wi ll per form its in ternal start up initial ization r outine. Th en the LS module wi ll assert the disk drive ST AR T_1 and ST AR T_2 motor start si gnals low for disk drive slots 7 through 13, which will spin up the first 7 disk dr ives immediately .
Disk D rive Sp in Up Sequence 64.
Overv iew 65 Chapter 5: System Mon itor ing This Chap ter describes the d evices used to monitor the 2Gb SANbloc Series. Th e location of the monitoring LEDs and how to in terpret them i s describ ed. Overvi ew The front mounted LS modu le is the main monitoring device of the 2Gb SANbloc Series.
LS Modu le 66 system. If the active L S Module fails, then the ESI co mmu- nication with the host syst em will be taken over by the passive LS Modu le.
LS Mod ule 67 Figure 5-1 Location of 2Gb SANb l oc Encl osure LEDs T able 5-1 shows t he meani n g of each of the LEDs, and how to int erpret them. 0 1 2 3 4 5 LED 0 LED 1 LED 2 LED 3 LED 4 LED 5 18F .
LS Modu le 68 Note: The audi ble alarm will s ound when an e rror is detected . CAUTIO N : If 1 G B an d 2G b ha rdware is mi xed in an e nc lo sure at power up, a n d the enclosure i s set to 2Gb , the drives will no t spin up and LE D 5 w ill flash .
Disk D rive LE Ds 69 Disk Drive LEDs Each disk drive carrier has tw o LED indicators visible from the front of the 2Gb SANbloc enclosure. The green disk drive ready L ED is control led by the disk dr ive, and the bi-colo ur LED is con trolled by the LS Modul e.
Dis k Drive LED s 70 Figure 5-2 Disk Drive Carr i er LEDs 18F Disk Drive Ready (Green) BiColor LED (Green/Amber).
Power Supply LEDs 71 Power Supply LEDs The 2Gb SANblo c Series uses t w o AC power supplies. The AC power supplies provid e 853 W peak output power and 673W continu ous o utput power . The 2Gb SANbl oc Series power supply has two LED indicators on it, which are visible from the rear of the enclosure.
Advanc ed Cooling M odule (ACM) LE Ds 72 Advanced Cooling Module (ACM) LEDs The 2Gb SANbloc Series has two variable speed fans per advanced cooli ng module. Each of t he two ACMs o n t he rear of the 2Gb SANbloc Series enclosure has two fault LEDs visible from the rear of t h e enclosure.
RAID C ontroller LEDs 73 RAID Controller LEDs The RAID controller has 7 LEDs located and numbered as shown. Figure 5-5 RAID contr oller LEDs The table below describes the LEDs mean ing. T able 5- 3 Contr oller S tatus LEDs LED Description 1 Y ellow - Not Ready .
RAID Contr oller LEDs 74.
75 Chapter 6: Installing and Removing Compo- nent s This Chap ter describes the pro cedures for installi ng and removing the replaceable components in the 2Gb SANbloc Serie s. W ARNING: The module handle s are to fa cilitate the easy inser- tion and re m oval of the modules, they sho uld not be used to lift and/or ca rry the enclos ur e.
Loca t ion o f the Compon ents 76 Location of the Components 1 2 1 2 0 I 0 I Disk D rives LS ACMs Power Supp lies I /O Module/ I/O Module/ 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 18F 0 1 2.
Install ing and Remov ing a Disk Drive Carr ier 77 Installing and Remo ving a Disk Driv e Carrier The disk drive carriers are located in th e front of the enclosure.
Installing an d Removing a Disk Drive Car rier 78 Figure 6-1 Disk Drive Carrier 18F Cam Lever Push loc king tab in this direction to open.
Installing an d Removing a n LS Module 79 Installing and Removing an LS Module The LS M odules are located in the front of the enclosure. Follow these procedures t o install and remove the LS Modules. Install ing an L S Module 1 Select the LS Module slo t in to which the LS Module is to b e inserted a nd remove the LS bla n k if one is installe d.
Installing an d Removing a n LS Module 80 Figu re 6-2 LS Module 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cam Lever Push lockin g tab in thi s directio n to op en.
Installing an d Removing a Power Supp ly 81 Installing and Removing a Power Suppl y The power supplies are located in the rear of the enclosure. Follow these procedures to install and remove the power supplies.
Installing an d Removing a n Advanced Co oling Module 82 Installing and Removing an Advanced Cooling Module The advanced coo ling modules are l ocated in the rear of the enclosure. Follow these procedures to install and remove the advanced cooling modules.
Installing an d Removing an I/O M odule/RAID Cont roller 83 Installing and Removing an I/O Module/ RAID Contr oller Note: In the fol lowing section, “I/O Module” is tak en to include the RAID Con troller in addition to th e I/O Module. The I/O modul e is located i n the rear of the enclosure.
Installing an d Removing an I/O M odule/RAID Con troller 84.
85 Appendix A: Safety S tatement T ranslations CAUTION: This eq uipment is intended o n ly for installation in a restricted acce ss location. ACHTUNG: Dieses Gerä t sollte nur an einem Ort mit Zu gang- skontro lle installiert werden. FÖRSIKTIGHET : Denna utrustning får endast installera s på ställe me d be grä nsad åtkomst.
86 CAUTION: Allow disk drives and power supp lie s to r e ac h room ambi e nt temperature befor e powering on the s helf. ACHTUNG: Ehe Laufwerk e und Netzteile an die S tromverso r- gung angesch lossen wer de n, sollten sie sich an die Raumtemp er- atur an gepasst habe n.
87 CAUTION: It is recom mended that if inte rconnecting e quip- ment resides within more than one equip men t ra ck cabinet, these rac k cabin ets shou ld be at the sa me gr ound potential. ACHTUNG : Befinden s ich V erbindungsel e mente in mehr als einem Rack-Geh äuse, sol lten die Racks das selbe Massep otential aufw eisen.
88 CAUTION: Before attempting to install or rem ove any of the components, ensur e that anti-static precautio ns have been taken. The min imum requirement is a properly grounded anti - static wrist s trap and gr ounding wir e .
89 trisitet. Mini mu mskravet er rikt i g jordet antistatisk håndled dstr opp og jordings ledni ng. CAUTION: When installing or removing a rac km ount shelf, re move a ll power supplies and disk drives. I t is reco mmended that yo u work with at le ast one oth e r person when insta llin g a disk shelf.
90 FORSIG TIG: Når en rack mo nteret hylde installe res eller fjernes, skal al strø mforsyn i ng og alle drev fjernes. Det anb e- fales, at der mindst er én anden person til stede, nå r en dre vhylde in stalleres . Det er nødve ndigt for at un dgå person- skade og beska dig else af h ylden.
91 CAUTION: The tower skin set is not a field replaceable unit and therefore must not be removed from the S torage Array . ACHTUNG: Das T owe r -Gehäuse kann ni cht am Einsat zort ausgetauscht werd en und sollte desha lb nicht entfernt werden .
92 CAUTION: After rem oving t he LS Module the r esulting hol e must be b locked by install ing a blank ing plate or by installing a repla cement LS Module.
93 OBS: Når en LS Module er fjernet, må hullet b lok keres ved å installere en mas keringspla te eller ved å sette inn en anne n LS Module. Dersom dette ikke gjør es, kan det forstyrre lufttil- strøm ningen og gi sterkt r edusert kjøli ng. WAR NI NG : A possib le sho ck h az ard may exist i n the area of the fan conn e ction.
Host Interface 95 Appe ndix B: T ech nical S pecifications Host Inter face • One or two Fibr e Chan nel interface s, 200MBs each, 400 MBs total. • Exte r nal hub an d switch su pport . Disk Drive Interface • Dual indep endent Fibre Channel interfaces, 200MBs each, 400MBs to tal.
Physical Dimen sions 96 Physical Dimensions Deskside E nclosure Hei ght: 20 inch es (50.8cm ) W idt h: 9 inches (22.9cm) Depth: 20 inches (50.8c m) W ei ght: 60 lbs (29.5kg) maximum Rack Enclosure Height: 5.22 in ches (13.3cm) W idt h: 17.5 i nches (44.
Disk Driv es 97 Disk Drives Power Supply AC Power Supply Input T emperature • Operatin g T emperature: 5 o C to 40 o C • T emperature Storage: -40 o C to +70 o C • Maximum rate of tem perature chang e: 20 o C per ho ur Humidity • Rel a t ive Hum idit y Opera t ing: 10 % to 80 %, non- conde nsin g • Max.
Altitude 98 Altitude • Altitude Op erating: -2 00 to 10,000 feet • Altitude S torage: -200 to 40,000 feet Operational Shock Half sine shock: 3G half sine shock with a pulse duration of 11 milliseconds or l ess. No permanent damag e will occur at or belo w this level .
Regulator y Ag ency Com pliance 99 Regulatory Agency Compliance Product Safety St a n d a r d s • UL1950 Informatio n T echn ology E quipment (US) • CSA C2 2.
Regulat ory Agency C ompliance 100.
101 Appendix C: Configuration Loop Diagrams 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 External Loop Diagram for a Single Enclosure System - Single Loop Circles den o te disk drives with drive ID shown.
102 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 External Circl es de note disk dri v es with dr i ve ID show n. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Loop Diagram for a Dua l Enclosure System - Single Loop.
103 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Ext erna l Loop Diagram for a Single Enclosure System - Dual Loop Circles den o te disk drives with drive ID shown.
104 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 External Circles den o te disk drives with drive ID shown. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enclosure ID 0 Enclosure ID 1 Loop Diagram for a Dual Enclos.
105 Appendix D: Upgrading a 2Gb SANbloc JBOD Array to a RAID Array In this section the procedure for u pgrading a 2 Gb SANbloc Series Storage Array from a JBOD system to a RAID system is described. The equipment an d parts necessary for the upgrade are also d escribed.
106 drive r . 5 If you ar e up gra ding to a dua l RAID co nfigu ration t hen rep eat steps 2 throug h 4 to install the sec o nd RAID controll e r . 6 Attach the ho st cable(s) to the host conn ect or on the RAID controller and attach the ot her end of th e cable (s) to y our HBA / hub/switch (refer to Chapter 4 for more details).
107 Installing the Battery Backup Unit The battery backup unit ( BBU) for the RA ID controller i s installed on the ACM uni t (see Figure D- 1). Figure D-1 Lo catio n of Batte ry Ba ckup U ni t on AC .
108 Figure D-2 Insta lli ng the BBU 4 Feed the BBU cable through the hole prov ided and c onnect it to the BBU co nnector ( see Figu re D-2). 5 Press the BBU in to position and secure it by e nsuring the four tabs “click ” into place. 6 Replace the ACM in the en closure and tighten the ACM scre ws to compl ete the in stallation.
109 A advanced cooling module, leds, 72 advanced cooling modules, 21, 81, 82 air flow, 31 ambient tempera ture, 30 audience, 13 B battery backup unit (BBU) 107 battery backup unit, location 107 C cabl.
110 loop resiliency and ses module, 65 ls module, 79 M modulo 8 63 monitoring, system, 65, 96 N notification, 96 O operating temperature, 30 P port bypass circuits, 65 power consumption 32 power outpu.
デバイスAdaptec MAN-FC2002-001の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Adaptec MAN-FC2002-001をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAdaptec MAN-FC2002-001の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Adaptec MAN-FC2002-001の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Adaptec MAN-FC2002-001で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Adaptec MAN-FC2002-001を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAdaptec MAN-FC2002-001の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Adaptec MAN-FC2002-001に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAdaptec MAN-FC2002-001デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。