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Makingconnect ionsinahi ghspeedworld A R60XWirel ess EthernetL i nks InstallationManual P/N5800 0517 Re v i sionB Janu ary2008.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B ii CopyrightNo tice& Disclaime r Copy r ight© 2004 2008BridgeW aveCo mm unicat i o ns.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual iii 5800 051 7,re v B Safety CAUTION, W ARNING,andDANGERstatementshavebeenstrat egi ca lly p lacedinthet ex tto al ert perso nn e l o f po ssiblehazards .
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B iv Regulator yInformati on Thisdevicecom p liesw i thFCCPart 15.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual v 580 0051 7,re v B TableofC ontents CopyrightNotice& Disclaimer .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .ii Exp or tCon tr ol ............................................ii P ro du ctC ompa tibil ity.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 0 1 Introducti on 1.1 PurposeofMa nual Theinf o r m at i on in t his manual isd irected.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 1 58 0005 17,re v B 1.3 ContactInform ation Technical Assistan cea n dCusto m erSer vice BridgeW aved i str ibutorsare au thor i zed l oca l service pro vi dersandarer esponsi b lef or imm ediate custo m er support.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 2 2 SitePlanni ng 2.1 General Bef or ethestarto f aninsta ll at i o nasurvey s houldbeconductedoftheproposedareaofthesi t e(s).
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 3 58 0005 17,re v B 2.4 LinkDistance Meas ure men t o f t hel inkdistance is im po r t an t i ne stimatingthelinkavailabili t ya ndcalculating ex pect edReceiveSi g nalLe vel (RS L).
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 4 2.6 Cabling Theinsta ll at i onsiteshou l d beinspectedtodeterminetherunpathsforthefi berca bleandpower cabl e f r o m t heradioequ i p menttothet ermi nat i onpo in t .
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 5 58 0005 17,re v B Figure23:14 gau g eDC powerca blewit h crim p connectors Inaddi t ionto groundi ng.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 6 suppress or . Thesurgesuppress o rm u st bei nst a ll ed att hepoin t where t heDCe l e ct.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 7 58 0005 17,re v B 2.9 CablingDi agram Fo ll ow ingis ad iagram det ailingtheequipmen t andcabling f o undo na t y p icalinsta ll at i o nof BridgeW ave’s60GHzr adioequi p ment.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 8 3 Installatio n 3.1 General Itis reco mm e ndedthatins t a ll at i o n perso nnelreadt hi ssect i on in i t se nt i ret y pr i o r toins tallingthe BridgeW aveS y ste m .
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 9 58 0005 17,re v B 3.3 Equipment Inventor y Eachcarton i sacco m panied by apack in g list. Verify t hecontentso f t hecar tonagainstt hepackin g lis t .
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 10 3.4 Insta ll ationTo ols Thefo ll ow ingtools ,not pr o vi ded by Br idgeWave, arerequi red f or in sta lli ng t heradi o andthe an t enn a: Screwdriver,s l o tt ed0.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 11 5 8000 517 ,rev B 3.5 AntennaMoun tInstall ation 1.R eadtheseinstr uctionsbeforebeginning instal lation.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 12 2.Attachthe l o werpolem o u nt assh o wn. Figure33 Figure34 Hardware:Fl at washer,bushing ( in s ideeye),fl at washer,l o ck washer,bol t .
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 13 5 8000 517 ,rev B 3.Com pleted i ns ta ll at i o n o f po l e m o un t wi t hr i ght handoffset f o r thean tenna. Figure35 4.Optional left handan t enna offsetm ount preparat i o n.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 14 3.6 AntennaandR adio Installation 5.I ns t al l – Antenna S li p an t ennao v erpiv o t pi n,e nsuringt hattheel eva t i onad j u st pin is e ngage d w i t hsl ot in adapto r plate.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 15 5 8000 517 ,rev B Figure38: Polar izationd iamo ndorientati o ns: verti cal(left) andhori zontal (right) The.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 16 7. Att achtheradi o to theb acko f t hean t ennaandtightenthefour (4)bol t s. See6. f o rdet ail s. Figu r e310Attaching theradiototh e bac k oftheant enna 8.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 17 5 8000 517 ,rev B Itis veryimpor tantthattheazimuth bolts aretightenedbeforeany elevationadjustmentisdone.Theverynarrow b ea m w idthof this antenna(0.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 18 3.7 CableInstalla tion Fiber Cabling 1. Insta ll apa i r o f m u l t imode fi bers(8.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 19 5 8000 517 ,rev B OptionalC opper Ethernet Cabling Nor m a lly , o nly t hefibercableisusedto carry netwo rk t raff ictot h e in do or networkequi p ment.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 20 Figure314 :Ins ideview offiber ,power andCat 5c ablecon n ected Thefibercableisinsertedthroughthefittingbeforetheconduitis connectedtothefitt ing.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 21 5 8000 517 ,rev B 3.8 I c eShi eldC anopyIns tallation TheIceShieldassemblyisanoptional itemandca nbeorderedin kitformthroughaBridgeWavedistr ibutor.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 22 Figu re3. 8.11 : 60XI c eShie ld 3.8.2 Opt ionalKit Thepartnumberf o r thiski t .
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 23 5 8000 517 ,rev B 5. Alignt heca nop y t ot heb ackedgeoftherado m ea ndpo si t ionthecl amp1to 3”away fro m t he edge. 6. Ti g htent heclampun t il snug.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 24 3.9 AntennaAlignm ent 1. Finisht h e in st a ll at i o nasdescr ib ed in C h apter 3.6an d 3.7 2. Ensure fi ber cablesarestilldisconnected! 3.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 25 5 8000 517 ,rev B 11. On cet hefi ber isconnectedtot heradi o ,theradi o w ill begi na nin t ernalli nkca librat i o n.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 26 3.3 3.0 2.0 1.7 0.3 NO ERR ORS COR REC TE D ERR ORS UN COR REC TED ERR ORS Corr ectable Er.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 27 5 8000 517 ,rev B 3.10 QUAL and RSLTes tCable Theali gnment procedureis o pt im izedt hro ugh t heuseo f t hepr ovidedt es t cabl e.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 28 4 RadioLi nkStatu sIndica tors Dur in g nor m a l o perat i o n,t hef o ll ow ingcondi t ions.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 29 5 8000 517 ,rev B 5 Connectin gNetw orkEqu ipmen t Theusern et wor kin gequ i pment t hati sconn ect edtotheradioshou l d b ec hec ked toens ure i t o perates pro perl yo veraw i redco nnect i o n.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 30 Appendix A:Tr oubles hooting Thefo ll ow ingtabl epro vi desasu mm aryo f po ssibleprobl e m.
A R60 XInstallation Ma nual 31 5 8000 517 ,rev B RSLv o l t age l o wer t h en e xpec t ed Incorrect cal culat i ono f link dis tance Ver if y.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 32 AppendixB: RSL Volta gevs.Dis tance A R 60X RSL Vol ta gevs.
A R60 XInstallationMa nual 580 0051 7,re v B 34 License Restrictio ns . Bri dgeWav e reserv es all ot her right st o th e So f twar e not specifica llyl ice nsed he r eu nder.
デバイスBridgeWave AR60Xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
BridgeWave AR60Xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBridgeWave AR60Xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。BridgeWave AR60Xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。BridgeWave AR60Xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
BridgeWave AR60Xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBridgeWave AR60Xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、BridgeWave AR60Xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBridgeWave AR60Xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。