British TelecomメーカーBaby Monitor 7500 Lightshowの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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B T Vid e o Ba b y M o n it or 7 5 00 Li g h t s ho w User guide.
2 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Important safety notices 1. Y our baby monitor is designe d as an aid. It isn’t a substitute for re sponsible and proper adult super vision. 2. Make sure al l cables an d units are out of your baby ’ s reach – at leas t one metre away .
3 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp We l c o m e Than ks for buyi ng th is BT Ba by M oni tor . Y ou ’ ll soo n be ab le to r elax kn owi ng you can wat ch a nd li sten t o yo ur ba by’ s eve r y br eath , gurg le and wriggle.
When does near become t oo fa r? The ma ximum range bet ween your Parent and Baby unit s is about 300 metres ou tdoors and abo ut 50 metres indoor s. Thick walls and door s reduce the units ’ range and aec t how they link to each other .
Tip Y ou can als o plug the USB cable direc tly into your Parent unit withou t needing to use t he charging dock . Tip Y ou can als o charge your Parent unit using other micro USB cables. T his can be handy wh en you’ re away from home w ith your baby .
6 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Ge t ting se t up Impor tan t note about batteries A full y charged Parent unit will last abo ut 6. 5 hours wi th normal use. T o spe ed up charging, charge the Parent unit when it ’ s switche d o .
7 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Ge t ting se t up 5 Af ter the Parent unit has charg ed for ve hours you’re ready to set up your Baby unit (camera). T o get the bes t per formance, place your Baby unit b etween on e and two metres away from your baby.
8 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Ge t ting se t up Important note about connec tions If the Parent and B aby unit lose the link or connec tion bet ween them, the li nk light will ash and the scre en will say th e link is lost , and is try ing to reconnec t.
9 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Ge t ting se t up Tip If you ever want to watch the set -up wizard again, tap Menu and t hen BT Help, then Introduction. 8 Pres s the power but ton to switch on your Parent unit .
10 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Le a rn a bo ut y ou r me n u Signal str ength This will show the st rength of your connec tion bet ween the Parent and Baby unit. Quick ac cess menu f or Night Light , Lullabie s and Light show More on page 1 6–2 1.
11 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp T emp erature at B aby unit This changes colour as the t emperature changes – yellow is the optimum temperat ure , blue too cold, o range too warm and red too h ot. More on page 2 4 .
12 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Le a rn a bo ut y ou r P a r e n t u n it V ol. Mute Po wer T alk Scre en On/O Press to turn your Parent unit screen on and o (sleep) . Audio remains ac tive when the screen is o.
13 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Le a rn a bo ut y ou r Ba by u n i t T emp erature indic ator light This changes colour as the temperature changes. Y ellow is the optimum tempera ture, blue too cold, orang e too warm and red too hot .
14 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Ho w to na me y ou r camer a 1 T o change your camera name, t ap Camera s and then Re na me? .
15 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp B aby uni t (c amer a) Ho w to pan , ti lt an d zoo m yo ur cam era T o zoom a c amera, tap the scre en and the and will app ear . T ap these to zo om in and out. T o pan or til t a camera, tap t he screen and will appear .
16 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp A gen tle n ig ht l ig ht i n you r baby’ s room can giv e your baby com for t.
17 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Using the N ight L ight Tip Y ou can als o turn the Night Light on/o on the Baby unit – just pres s the button. Tip If you turn o your Baby unit, any Night Light set tings will be saved on your Parent and Baby unit .
18 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Using L ullab ie s Music can enter t ain y our baby or help them dri ft o to sleep. Y ou can choos e from Lullabies, Clas sical, Nature Sounds and W hite Noise. 1 T ap the quick access menu .
19 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Using Lullab ies Tip If you turn o your Baby unit, any lullaby set tings will be saved on your Parent and Baby unit . Tip Y ou can als o turn Lullabies on and o on the B aby unit – just pres s the but ton .
20 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Y ou r bab y mon ito r has a so oth in g li ghtsh ow t o hel p cal m yo ur bab y and g et the m to s leep .
21 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Using the L ight sho w Tip Y ou can als o turn the lightshow on/o on the Baby unit – just p ress the button. Tip If you turn o your Baby unit, any light show timer set tings will be saved on your Parent and Baby unit .
22 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Feed Time r Ho w to set r emi nders for feed i ng ti me Babies like regular feeding times and a b it of routine. Y our handy baby m onitor can remind you of feeding times. 1 In Menu, t ap Fee d Timer .
23 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Impor tant If you turn o your Parent unit, you’ll need to res tar t your feed timer w hen you turn it on again. L ength and frequency set tings for aler ts aren’t a ecte d by turning o the Parent unit .
24 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp How to change the temperature aler t set tings Make sure y our baby ’ s ro om is at a comfor table temp erature. Y our handy baby monitor will let you know if i t’ s get ting too hot or too col d.
25 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp What ha ppens if the re’ s more than o ne aler t ? Y ou’ll always see the lates t aler t on the screen. I f you dismiss the lates t aler t, you’ll then see any previous aler t.
26 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Note A T oo Warm aler t will stop au tomatically af ter 3 0 second s. T emp eratur e During an aler t, t ap Dismiss to stop i t or Settin gs to change it.
27 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Cr y Al er t s Ho w to kno w whe n yo ur c hi ld i s ma kin g a sou nd Babies make all sor ts of s ounds, from gurgling and snuing to chat ting and cr ying. Cr y aler ts do e xactly a s they say .
28 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Impor tant If the scree n ’ s o or in sleep mode, it ’ll come on when there’ s a cr y aler t. If your baby set tles, a cr y aler t will stop au tomatically af ter 3 0 second s.
29 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Cr y Aler t s During an aler t, t ap Dismiss to stop i t or Settin gs to change it. If the scree n alert is se t to o , press any but ton on the Parent unit to dismiss the aler t.
30 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp The B aby un it has a night vision mo de that allows you to monitor your baby in dark rooms. T he Baby unit has infra red L EDs that are invisible to your baby so they don’t distur b or distr act th em.
31 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Ho w to set k ey ton es, bac kl ig ht and t im e, a nd cal ib rate s cree n All your main baby monitor s ettings are in one hand y place on your Parent unit. 1 In Menu, t ap Set ti ngs .
32 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp S et tings 2 Ta p to set the s ound or vibration you’ d like when you tap your screen. 3 Ta p to se t how bright you’ d lik e your screen. T he default set ting is for the Parent unit to automatic ally adjust brightnes s depending on the ambient light .
33 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp BT He lp Ho w to see th e set -up wi zar d, re set settin gs an d get he lp There’s lots of help, if you ne ed it.
34 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp BT Help 2 Ta p to see the s et -up wizard. 3 Ta p to reset your Parent unit to it s fac tor y settings . 4 Ta p for the help website a ddress ( ) , free helpline and sof tware ver sion number ( you mig ht need t hi s if you cont act us).
35 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp If yo u ha v e an y pro ble ms setti ng up o r us in g yo ur ba by m oni tor , see if these c omm on questions c an help. How long doe s the Parent uni t batte ry la st? A fully charged Parent unit w ill l ast ab out 6.
36 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Help and tr oubles hooting My Paren t/Baby uni t isn’t working. W hat should I do? Check tha t: 1. power cable s are plugged in and swit ched on at the wall socket 2. bat teries are inst alled correc tly and fully charged 3.
37 Need s ome help? Call 0808 100 65 54 * or g o to bt . com/produc thelp Cleaning Y our BT V ideo Baby Monitor 7500 units have a durable plastic casing that sho uld k eep their colour and nish for many year s. T o clean, use o nly a sof t cloth slightly dampened wi th water or a mild soap.
Guarante e and returns How to rec ycle your equipme nt Y our baby monitor is clas sed as elec trical or ele ctronic equipment , so DO NOT put it in your normal rubb ish bi n.
Offices worldwide The services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be modied from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject t o British T elecommunications plc’ s respective standard conditions of contr act.
デバイスBritish Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
British Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBritish Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。British Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。British Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
British Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBritish Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、British Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBritish Telecom Baby Monitor 7500 Lightshowデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。