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Wi-Fi Direct ™ Guide Vers ion 0 ENG.
i Applicable mode ls Th is U ser’s G uide ap pli es to the f ollo wing mod els . HL -5 470 DW (T) /618 0D W( T)/ MF C-87 10 DW /89 10 DW /89 50D W(T ) Definitions o f note s W e use the follo wing ico ns t hroug ho ut this U ser’s G uide: Trade marks Th e Br othe r log o is a re gis ter ed trade m ark of Brot he r Indu str ies, Ltd.
ii 1 Int rodu ctio n 1 Over view .... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....1 Benefits to t he custo mer ...........
1 1 1 Ov ervie w 1 W i-Fi D ire ct™ is one of th e wire les s con fi gur ation met ho ds de velo pe d by the W i-F i Alli an ce ® . It allows you to config ure a secur e d wirel ess netwo rk betwee.
2 Intr oducti on 1 Hardware requirements 1 Suppor ted op erat ing sys tems 1 You m ust have a de vice run ning ei th er And roid™ 1. 6 or grea ter, iO S 3.
3 2 2 Step by ste p chart for Wi -Fi Direc t network configuration 2 The fol lowing in structions wi ll of fe r f ive method s for co n figuri ng you r Brother ma chine i n a wireless network env iro nme nt . Choo se th e me thod you pref er f or yo ur e nvir onme nt.
4 Configu r ati on methods 2 PI N M etho d c onfi gur ation usin g W i-Fi Dir ect Fo r HL- 547 0D W (T) an d H L- 61 80D W(T ), s ee Con fi gurat ion us ing th e PI N Met hod of Wi-Fi Dir ect uu page 7. Fo r MF C-8 71 0DW an d MF C-8 91 0DW , see Configur at ion using the P IN M e thod of W i-Fi D irec t uu page 12.
5 Configu r ati on methods 2 Configuri ng your netw ork using Wi-Fi Direct fo r HL-547 0DW(T) and HL-618 0DW(T) 2 The Wi-Fi Di rect n e twork se ttings a re co n figure d from th e contro l panel of the machi ne.
6 Configu r ati on methods 2 One pu sh con fig uratio n usi ng WPS (Wi- Fi Pro t ec ted Setu p) 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports WPS (PBC; Push Butt on Configurat ion), you c an configure a Wi-Fi Direct network by following these instr uctions. a Press a or b to choose Ne twor k .
7 Configu r ati on methods 2 Con figu ration usin g the P IN Meth od o f Wi-F i Direc t 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports the PIN Meth o d of Wi -Fi Dire ct, you can config ure a Wi-Fi Direct netwo rk by fo llowi ng t he se inst ru cti ons. a Press a or b to choose Ne twor k .
8 Configu r ati on methods 2 Co n fig u rati on us in g t he P IN Met h od of WP S ( W i-F i P ro tec te d S e tup) 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports the PIN Meth o d of WPS ( W i-Fi P rotected S etup), y ou can confi gure a Wi- Fi Direct net wo rk by f ollowing these inst r uctio ns.
9 Configu r ati on methods 2 Man u al c onf igu r ati on f or a W i-F i Di re ct ne tw or k 2 If yo ur mobi le de vic e do es no t su ppo rt W i-Fi D ir ect or W P S, yo u mu st con fi gu re a Wi -Fi D ire ct ne tw ork ma nu all y. a Press a or b to choose Ne twor k .
10 Configu r ati on methods 2 Configuri ng your n etwork using Wi-Fi Direc t for MF C -8710 DW and MFC-8 910DW 2 The Wi-Fi Di rect n e twork se ttings a re co n figure d from th e contro l panel of the machi ne.
11 Configu r ati on methods 2 One pu sh con fig uratio n usi ng WPS (Wi- Fi Pro t ec ted Setu p) 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports WPS (PBC; Push Butt on Configurat ion), you c an configure a Wi-Fi Direct network by following these instr uctions. a Press Me nu .
12 Configu r ati on methods 2 Con figu ration usin g the P IN Meth od o f Wi-F i Direc t 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports the PIN Meth o d of Wi -Fi Dire ct, you can config ure a Wi-Fi Direct netwo rk by fo llowi ng t he se inst ru cti ons. a Press Me nu .
13 Configu r ati on methods 2 i Do one of the fo llo wing: Press 1 to choose 1.D ispl ay P IN C ode to display the PIN on your machin e and input the PIN to your mo bile devi ce . Fo llow the instructio ns and the n go to ste p j . Press 2 to choose 2.
14 Configu r ati on methods 2 Co n fig u rati on us in g t he P IN Met h od of WP S ( W i-F i P ro tec te d S e tup) 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports the PIN Meth o d of WPS ( W i-Fi P rotected S etup), y ou can confi gure a Wi- Fi Direct net wo rk by f ollowing these inst r uctio ns.
15 Configu r ati on methods 2 Man u al c onf igu r ati on f or a W i-F i Di re ct ne tw or k 2 If yo ur mobi le de vic e do es no t su ppo rt W i-Fi D ir ect or W P S, yo u mu st con fi gu re a Wi -Fi D ire ct ne tw ork ma nu all y. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Ne twor k .
16 Configu r ati on methods 2 Configuri ng your netw ork using Wi-Fi Direct fo r MFC-8 950DW(T) 2 The Wi-Fi Di rect n e twork se ttings a re co n figure d from th e contro l panel of the machi ne.
17 Configu r ati on methods 2 One pu sh con fig uratio n usi ng WPS (Wi- Fi Pro t ec ted Setu p) 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports WPS (PBC; Push Butt on Configurat ion), you c an configure a Wi-Fi Direct network by following these instr uctions. a Press Menu .
18 Configu r ati on methods 2 Con figu ration usin g the P IN Meth od o f Wi-F i Direc t 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports the PIN Meth o d of Wi -Fi Dire ct, you can config ure a Wi-Fi Direct netwo rk by fo llowi ng t he se inst ru cti ons. a Press Menu .
19 Configu r ati on methods 2 Co n fig u rati on us in g t he P IN Met h od of WP S ( W i-F i P ro tec te d S e tup) 2 If you r mobile d e vice su pports the PIN Meth o d of WPS ( W i-Fi P rotected S etup), y ou can confi gure a Wi- Fi Direct net wo rk by f ollowing these inst r uctio ns.
20 Configu r ati on methods 2 Man u al c onf igu r ati on f or a W i-F i Di re ct ne tw or k 2 If yo ur mobi le de vic e do es no t su ppo rt W i-Fi D ir ect or W P S, yo u mu st con fi gu re a Wi -Fi D ire ct ne tw ork ma nu all y. a Press Menu . b Press a or b to choose Ne twor k .
21 3 3 Ov ervie w 3 Th is ch ap ter ex plai ns ho w to res olve typ ic al net work pr oblem s y ou may enco un ter w hen us i ng the Bro ther machine. If , after r eading this chapt e r, y ou are u nable to r e solve your probl em, pl ease vi sit the B rother Solutio ns Ce nter at (http:/ /so luti ons.
22 Troubl eshooting 3 Error messag es when configuring W i-Fi Direct f rom the control pane l menu Erro r Mess age Ca u se Action (For HL-5470DW(T) and HL-6180DW(T)) Connection Fail (For MFC-8710DW an.
23 Troubl eshooting 3 (For HL-5470DW(T) and HL-6180DW(T)) Cannot Connect A device is alread y conne cted . (For MFC-8710DW and MFC-891 0DW) A device is already connected.
24 Troubl eshooting 3 I have chec ked a nd tried all of the a bove, but still cann ot com ple te the Wi -F i Dire ct configuration. Is there anything else I can do? Turn your Brother machine Off and back On. Then try and configure the Wi-Fi Direct setti ngs aga in.
25 4 4 Wi-Fi Di rect network term s 4 Gro up O wner ( G/O) 4 If you set Grou p Owner to On , your B roth e r machin e serve s as an acce ss point when yo u co nfigure a Wi -Fi Direct n etwork. Th e G/O assi gns a SSID n ame, passwo r d and IP address for t h e Wi -Fi Dire ct net work.
26 Glossary 4 I/F E nab le 4 If you want to u se the Wi-Fi Dir e ct n etwork co nnection, se t I/F E na bl e to On . Networ k term s and co ncepts 4 Ne tw or k term s 4 WP A2 - PS K Enables a Wi -.
Vi si t us on th e Wor ld Wide W eb http ://www m/ These m achine s are appro ved for us e in the country of purch ase only. Local Brot her compa nies or thei r deal ers wil l onl y suppor t machines purcha sed in thei r own countr ies.
デバイスBrother 8910DWの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother 8910DWをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother 8910DWの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother 8910DWの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother 8910DWで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother 8910DWを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother 8910DWの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother 8910DWに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother 8910DWデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。