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Basic User’s Guide DCP -811 0D N Ve rsi on 0 UK /IRE.
If yo u need t o call Cu sto mer Serv ice Ple as e com pl ete the fo llo win g info rm at ion fo r fu tur e refere nce: Model Number: DCP-8110DN (Circle your model num ber) Ser ial Nu m ber : 1 Da te o f P u r ch a se : P la c e o f P urc ha s e : 1 The seria l number is on the back of the unit .
i User's Gu ides and wher e do I find them ? 1 PDF pr int in g is no t sup po rted on Wi ndows ® Phon e. 2 V isit us a t h ttp ://so lu tions .b rothe r.c om/ . Wh ic h Gu i de? Wha t 's in it? Wher e is it? Product Saf ety Guide Read thi s G uid e first .
ii Tab le of Con ten ts (Basi c User’ s Guide ) 1 Genera l informa tion 1 Usi ng the docum entati on ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... 1 Sy mbols and conve ntio ns used in the doc umenta tion .
iii 5 P rin ti ng d at a fr om a US B Fl as h m em or y d ri ve or di git a l ca m era support ing mass st orage 27 Crea ting a PRN fil e for direct printi ng ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... .. 27 Printing data directly from the USB Flash memory drive or digital camera supporting mass storage .
iv B Tro ub l esh oo ti n g 61 Identifying your probl em ................. .. ................. .. ................. .. ............ .. ............... 61 Error and m aintenan ce m essages .... ........................................... .. ..........
v Tabl e of Conte n ts (Advan ced User's Gui de) You can view the Advanced User's Guide on th e Installer CD-ROM. The Ad vanced Use r's Guide explains the following features and operations.
1 1 1 Using the documenta tion 1 Thank yo u for buying a B rot her machine! Reading the doc umenta tion will hel p you make the m ost of your m achine. Sy mb ols an d con v en tions use d in th e docu me ntat io n 1 The followin g symbols and conventions are used througho ut th e doc umentation .
Chapter 1 2 Acce ssing the Adva nced U ser's Guide, Software U ser's Guide and Ne twork User's G uide 1 This Basic User's Guide does not contain all the information about the m achine s uch as how to use the advanced features for Copy, Printer, Scanner and Network .
General i nformatio n 3 1 e Double-click top .pdf . If the country screen a ppears, choose your cou ntry. f After the list of User’s G uides appears, choose the G uide you want to rea d. How to find Scanning inst ructions 1 There are sev eral ways you can scan docu ments.
Chapter 1 4 How to a cces s th e User's G uides for Adva nced Fea tures 1 You can vi ew a nd d ownload t hese Guides from the Brother Solutions C enter at: http://solutions .
General i nformatio n 5 1 Acces sing B rother Support ( Macintosh) 1 You can find all the links you will nee d, such as Web support ( Brot her Solutions Center) on the Installer CD-RO M.
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 1 COPY ke ys: Options You can quickly and ea sily ch oose t empora ry setti ngs f or c opying. Enlarge/ Reduce Enlarg es or reduces copi es. 2 Error LED Blink s in orange when the LCD dis plays an error or an impo rtant stat us message.
General i nformatio n 7 1 5 Menu k eys: Clear Deletes enter ed data or lets you cancel the current setting. Me nu Lets y ou access the Menu to p rogram your setti ngs or r etrieve inf ormati on from the ma chi ne . OK Lets you sto re your setti ngs an d conf irm LCD message s.
Chapter 1 8 Data LED indic ations 1 The Dat a LED (light emitting dio de) will flash de pending on the ma chine’s status. LE D Mac hine's St atus Descri ption Ready M ode The mach ine is ready to prin t, in Sleep mode, ther e is no pr int data, or the po wer swi tch is off.
General i nformatio n 9 1 Volume se ttings 1 Be eper v olum e 1 W hen the bee per is on, t he ma chine will beep when y ou press a key o r make a mistake . You can choose a range of volume levels. a Pr ess Men u , 1 , 2 . b Pr ess a or b to choose Low , Med , High or Off .
10 2 Loading pape r and print medi a 2 The m achi ne can feed paper from the standard paper tray, optional lower tray or multi-purpose t ray. Note If your a pplication software suppo rts paper size selection in the print menu, you can select it through t he s oftware.
Loadi ng paper 11 2 c Fan the stack of paper well to a void paper jam s a nd misf eeds. d Put pape r in the t ray a nd mak e sure: The pa per i s below t he maximu m paper m ark ( ) (1). Ove rf illin g the p ap er tray will cau se paper jams. The side to be p rinted on m ust be fa ce d o w n .
Chapter 2 12 Lo adin g pape r in t he mul ti -pur pos e tr ay (M P tr ay) 2 You can load up to 3 envelopes or special print medi a in the MP tray or up to 50 sheets of plain pa per. Us e this tray to print or copy o n thick pap er, bond p aper, labels or en velopes.
Loadi ng paper 13 2 c Put paper in the MP tray and make sure: The paper stays under t he max imum paper mark (1). The side to be p rinted on m ust be fa ce u p with t he leading edge (top of the p aper) in first. The pap er gui des mus t gen tly touch the sides of the paper so it will feed correct ly.
Chapter 2 14 Printing on t hick paper, la bels and envelopes f rom the MP t ray 2 Before l oading, press t he co rners and side s of the envelopes to make t hem as flat as possible. a Open the back cover (face-up output tra y ). b Open the MP tray and lower it gently.
Loadi ng paper 15 2 d Put paper, labels or env elopes in t he MP tr ay. Make sure: The nu mbe r of en velopes in the M P tray does not exceed 3. The pa per, labe ls or envelo pes st ay under t he max imum p aper mark (1). The side to be p rinted on is face up.
Chapter 2 16 Un sc anna bl e a nd u npr int ab le ar eas 2 The f igures below show m aximum unscann able and unprintab le areas. These areas may vary depending on the paper size or set ting s in t h e application you are using. Note When us ing BR-Script3 emulation, the unprintabl e area around the edges of the paper is 4.
Loadi ng paper 17 2 Paper settin gs 2 Pa pe r Ty pe 2 Set up t he machine for the type of paper you ar e usi ng. Th is wi ll gi ve yo u th e be st pr in t q ualit y. a Do one of the foll owing: To set the paper type f or the MP Tray pr ess Me nu , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 .
Chapter 2 18 Tra y Use in C OPY mode 2 You can change the pri o rity tray that t he machine will use for printing cop ies. When y ou choose Tray#1 Only , MP Only or Tray#2 Only 1 , the machine pulls the paper onl y f rom t hat tra y. If the select ed tray is out of pa per, No Paper wi ll appear on t he LCD.
Loadi ng paper 19 2 Accep table pap er and other pri nt media 2 Print quality may vary according to the type of paper y ou are us ing. You can use the following types of print medi a: plain p aper, thin paper, thick paper, thicker paper, bond paper, re cycled paper, labels or envelopes.
Chapter 2 20 Paper capa city of t he paper tra ys 2 1 F oli o si ze i s 8 .5 i n. × 13 in. Recommended paper specificati ons 2 The f ollowing pape r s pecifications are sui table for this m achine. Use paper made for plain paper copying. Use paper that is 75 t o 90 g/m 2 .
Loadi ng paper 21 2 Ha nd li ng an d us in g sp eci al pape r 2 The ma chine is de signed to work well wi th most types of x e rographic and bond pape r. Howev er, some paper variables may have an e ffect on print qualit y or handling r eliab ility. Always test samples of paper before purch asing to e nsure desi rable performance.
Chapter 2 22 Envelopes 2 Most envelopes designed for la ser printers will be sui table for your mac hine. However, some env elopes may have feed and print- quality problems becaus e of the way they have been made. A suitable envelope should have edges with straight, well-creased f olds.
Loadi ng paper 23 2 Labels 2 The m achine will print on most types of labels designed f or use with a laser ma chine. Labels shou ld have an adhesive that is ac rylic-based since this material is more s table at the high temperat ures i n the fuser unit.
24 3 How to lo ad documen ts 3 You can copy and scan from the ADF (automati c document feeder) or the scanner glass. Usi ng th e aut omatic doc um e nt fe ed er (A DF) 3 The A DF c an h old up t o 35 page s and fee ds each sheet i ndividually. W e recomm end you use standard 80 g/m 2 paper and always fan the pages befo re putting them in the AD F.
Loading doc uments 25 3 d Adjust the paper guides (1) to f i t t he width of your document. Note To scan non-standard document s, see Using t he scanner glass uu page 25. Us in g th e s can ner g las s 3 You can use the scanner glass to copy or scan page s of a book, o ne page at a ti m e.
26 4 How to c opy 4 The f ollowing s teps show th e b asic copy opera tion. 1 No. of Copies Use the numeric pad to enter t he number of copies you want. a Do one o f the following to lo ad you r document: Place the docum ent face up in t he ADF. (See Us ing the automatic document feeder (ADF) uu page 24 .
27 5 5 W ith the Direct Print feature, you do not need a co mputer to print data. You can prin t by just pluggin g your USB F lash memory d rive i nto the mach ine’s USB direct i nterface. You can also conn ect and print directly fr o m a camera set to USB ma ss st orage m ode.
Chapter 5 28 Printing data directly from t he USB Flash memory driv e or digital camera suppo r ting mass s torage 5 a Connect your device to the US B direct interface (1) on the f ron t of t he machine. Yo ur m a ch in e w il l e nte r D ir ec t P ri nt mod e a u to m at i ca ll y.
Print ing data from a USB Flash memory dri ve or digit al camera supp orting mass st orage 29 5 c Pr ess a or b t o choose th e folder name or file na me you want to print. Pr ess OK . If yo u have chosen the f older na me, press a or b to cho ose the file name y ou want to print.
Chapter 5 30 Note • You can change the default tray that the machine will use for printing. Press Me nu , 1 , 5 , 2 , and then press a or b to s e le ct t h e tray you want as the n ew d efault.
31 6 6 Printing a docume nt 6 The ma chine can receive data from your comput er and print i t. To pri nt f rom a comput er you must i nst all the printer driver. ( uu Software User's Guide: Printi ng fo r W indows ® or Printing and Faxin g for Macintos h) a Install the Br other pri nter driver from the Installer CD-ROM.
32 7 Scanning a document as a PDF file u sing ControlCenter4 ( W indows ® ) 7 (Detailed i nformation uu Software User's G uide: S can ning ) Note The screens on your PC ma y vary de pending on your model. ControlCe nter4 is a s oft ware utility that l ets you quickly and easily access the applications you use most often.
How to scan to a computer 33 7 e Set the scanning configurat ion. Cli ck Conf ig ura tio n , th e n se l ec t Button settings , Scan and Fi le . The configuration dialog box appears. You can change the default settings. 1 Confirm PDF ( *.p df) is s elect e d from th e Fi le Ty pe pu ll- down list .
Chapter 7 34 g Cli ck Fil e . The m achine starts the scanning proces s. Th e folde r where the scann ed d ata is s aved will open autom atically..
How to scan to a computer 35 7 Changing the SCAN key settings 7 Bef ore sc anning 7 To use the ma chine as a scanner, i n stall a scanner driver. If t he machine is on a n etwork, configu re i t with a TCP/IP address. Install the scanner drivers fr om the Installer CD-RO M.
Chapter 7 36 e Choose the File tab. You can change the default s ettings. 1 You can choos e th e file t ype fr om the pull -down list. 2 You can enter the file name you want to use f o r the d ocume nt. 3 You can save the file to the default folder, or choose your preferred folder by clicking the ( Browse ) button.
How to scan to a computer 37 7 Sc an ni ng u sin g the S CA N ke y 7 a Load your docum ent. (See How to load docum ents uu page 2 4.) b Pr ess ( SCAN ). c Pr ess a or b t o choose Scan to PC . Pr ess OK . d Pr ess a or b t o choose File . Pr ess OK . e (For Network users) Pr ess a or b t o choose th e destination computer you want to send to.
38 A Replacing the consumab le items A The f ollowing m essages a ppear on t he LCD in the Rea dy m ode. These m essages prov ide advan ced warn ings to replace the con sumabl e items befo re they rea ch t he end of their life. To avoid any inco nvenience, you may want to buy spare consum able items before the machi ne stops printing.
Routine maint enance 39 A You will need to cl ean t he mac hine regularly a nd r epla ce the c onsum able items whe n the fo llowi ng mess ages are displayed on the LCD. 1 A4 or Lett er s ize si ngle -side d page s. 2 Appr ox. cart rid ge yi eld is decla red in acc ordanc e with IS O/IEC 1975 2.
40 Re pla cing the to ne r cart ridg e A Model Name: TN-3330, TN-3380 The S tandard toner cartridge can print appro ximately 3,000 pages 1 . The High Yiel d toner cartridge can print approximately 8,000 pages 1 . Actual page c ount w ill va ry depending on your average type of document .
Routine maint enance 41 A Replacing the toner cartridge A a Leave the machin e turned on f o r 10 mi nutes f or the internal fa n to cool the ext remely h ot part s insid e the machine. b Press the front cove r rel e ase button and then o pen the front cover.
42 Important • We recomm end that y ou p lace the drum unit and toner cartridge assembly on a clean, flat surface with a piece of dispos able paper underneath i t in case you accidentall y spill or scatter tone r. • To preve nt damage to the machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes shown in the illust ration.
Routine maint enance 43 A Important • H andle the t oner cartridge carefully . If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wip e or was h it of f with cold water. • To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu st ra tion s.
44 Important • Unp ack the toner cartridge just before you put it in t he machine. If a toner cartridge is left unpacked for a long t ime , the t oner life will be sho rtened. • If an unpacked drum unit i s put in direct sunlight or room light , the un it m ay be damage d.
Routine maint enance 45 A Note Make s ure that you put in t he toner cartridge correctly or i t may separate from the drum unit. h Clean the corona wire i nside the drum unit by g ently sliding t he green tab back and forth several times. Note Be sure to return the tab to the hom e pos ition ( a ) (1).
46 Re pla cin g the dr u m unit A Model name: DR -3300 A n ew d rum unit can pri nt approxim ately 30,000 A4 or Let ter size single -sided pages. Important For be st performance, u se a Brothe r Original drum unit a nd Brot her Original toner units.
Routine maint enance 47 A Replacing the drum unit A Important • W hile remov ing t he d rum unit, handle it carefull y because it m ay contain tone r. I f toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wip e or was h it of f with cold water. • Every t ime you rep lace the drum u nit, clean the inside of the machine.
48 Important • We recomm end that y ou p lace the drum unit and toner cartridge assembly on a clean, flat surface with a piece of dispos able paper underneath i t in case you accidentall y spill or scatter tone r. • To preve nt damage to the machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes shown in the illust ration.
Routine maint enance 49 A Important • H andle the t oner cartridge carefully . If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wip e or was h it of f with cold water. • To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu st ra tion s.
50 f Put the t oner cartridge firmly in to the new drum unit until y o u hear it l ock into place. If you put the cartridg e i n correctly, the green lock leve r wi l l lift automatical ly. Note Make su re that y ou put in t he toner cartridge correctly or i t may separate from the drum unit.
Routine maint enance 51 A Clean ing and Ch ecking the mach ine A Clean the outside and inside of the machine regularly with a dry, lint-free cl o th. When you replace t he toner cartridge or the drum unit, make s ure that y ou c lean t he inside of t he machin e.
52 f Remove any thing that is s tuck inside t he paper tray. g Wipe the inside and the outside of the paper tray with a dry, lint-free cloth to remove dust. h Re-load the paper and put the paper tray firmly back in t he machi ne. i P lu g t he ma chi ne’ s pow er cor d bac k in to the electrical socket first, then c onnect all cables.
Routine maint enance 53 A Note In addition t o cl eaning t he scanner gl ass and g lass strip w ith a soft lint-free cloth moi stened with water, run y our finger tip ove r the g lass t o see if you can feel any thing on i t. If y ou feel dirt or d ebris, clean the glass again concentrating on that area.
54 WARNING HOT SURF ACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ern al par ts of the ma ch in e will b e extremely h ot. W ait for the m achine to cool down before you touc h the internal part s of the machine.
Routine maint enance 55 A d Clean the corona wire i nside the drum unit by g ently sliding t he green tab back and forth several times. Note Be sure to return the tab to the hom e pos ition ( a ) (1). If you do not, printed pages may have a vertical stri pe .
56 e Take out the drum unit and t o ner cartridge assem bly. WARNING HOT SURF ACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ern al par ts of the ma ch in e will b e extremely h ot. W ait for the m achine to cool down before you touc h the internal part s of the machine.
Routine maint enance 57 A f Push down the green lock lever and take the toner cartridge o ut of the drum unit. g Turn the drum unit as shown in the illustration. Make sure that the drum unit gear (1) is on the le ft h and side. h Use the numbered markers next to the drum roller t o find t he m ark.
58 i Turn the drum unit g ear toward you by hand while checking the surface of the suspected area. j When you have found the mark on the drum that matches the drum dot check sheet, wipe the surf ace o f the drum gently with a dry cotton swab until t h e mark on the surf a ce comes off.
Routine maint enance 59 A m Put the drum unit and toner cartridge assemb ly back into the machine. n Close the front cover of the machin e. o Turn on the mac hine and try a test print. Clea ning the pape r pick -up roll ers A Cleaning the paper pick-up rol ler periodically may prev ent paper jams by ensuring the correct f eeding of the pap er.
60 d Tightly wring out a lint-free cloth soaked in lukewarm wa ter, an d then wipe t he separator pad (1) on the pape r tray to remove dust. e Wipe the two pick-up rollers ( 1) inside the machine to remove dust. f Put the paper t ray ba ck in the m achine .
61 B B If you th ink there is a prob lem with your mac hine, check ea ch of the items below f irst and then follow t he troubleshooting tips. You can correct most p roblems by yourself. If you nee d addit ional he lp, the Brother Solutions Center offers the latest F AQs an d t roubleshooti ng tips.
62 Error and maintena nce message s B As with any sophisticated office product, errors may occur and consum able items may need to be replaced. If this hap pens, your machi ne identifies the error o r required rou tine m aintena nce an d shows the approp riate message .
Troubl eshoot ing 63 B DIMM E rr or The DI MM is not inst alled cor r ec t ly . The DI MM i s broken. The DI MM does not meet the re quired sp ecificat ions. Turn off the machine and remove t he DIMM. ( uu Advanc ed User's Guide: Insta lli ng extr a memor y ) Confi rm the DIMM meets the requi red sp ecif ic atio ns .
64 Jam Tr ay 1 Jam Tr ay 2 The paper is jam med in t he paper tr ay of the mac hine. See Pap er i s jammed in p aper t ray 1 or t ray 2 uu page 71. Limi t Ex cee de d The num ber of pages you a re allowed to print h as been exceeded. The print job will be cancell ed.
Troubl eshoot ing 65 B Out of Mem or y The machine’s memory i s full. Copy operat ion in process Do one of the fo llowing: Press Start to copy t he scanned pages . Press Sto p/Exit and wait until the other operat ions in progr ess fin ish, and then try again.
66 Repl ac e Par ts Lase r Un it It is time to repl ace the laser unit. Call Brot her custome r service or a Brothe r Author ized Ser vi ce Cente r to replace the laser unit . Repl ac e Par ts PF Kit 1 PF Kit 2 PF Kit M P It is time to repl ace the paper fee din g k it.
Troubl eshoot ing 67 B Unus ab le D ev ic e A USB device or USB Flash memor y drive that i s not suppor ted/i s encrypted has been conne cted to the USB dire c t inte rf ace .
68 Docum ent Jams B Docu men t i s jam med in th e to p of th e ADF un it B a Take out any pa per from t h e ADF that is not jammed. b Open the ADF cover. c Pull the j am med docum ent out to the left. If the document rips or tears, be s ure you remove all small paper scraps to prevent future jams.
Troubl eshoot ing 69 B Remo ving smal l doc ument s jamme d in the ADF B a Lift the d ocume nt cover. b Insert a piec e of stiff pap er, suc h as cardst ock, int o the ADF to push any small paper scraps through. c Close the document cover. d Pr ess Stop /Exit .
70 Paper Jams B Always rem ove all paper from the pa per t ray and straighten the stack when you add new paper. This helps prevent paper jams and multiple sheets of pape r from feedi ng through the machine at the same time.
Troubl eshoot ing 71 B Pa per is j amm ed in pap er tr ay 1 or tra y 2 B If the LCD shows Jam Tray 1 or Jam Tray 2 , foll ow these step s: a Pull the pap er tray completely out of the machine. For Jam Tray 1 : For Jam Tray 2 : b Use b oth hand s to s lowly pu ll out the jammed p aper.
72 Pap er i s ja mme d at th e b ac k of the ma chin e B If the LC D s hows Jam Rear , a paper jam has occurred b ehind the b ack cov er. Follow these steps: a Leave the machine turned on for 10 m in u te s fo r th e in te r n al fa n to coo l the extremely hot parts inside the machine.
Troubl eshoot ing 73 B WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of the m achine will be extremely hot. Wait for the m achine t o coo l down bef ore you touch th e internal part s of th e m ac hi ne .
74 WARNING HOT SURF ACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ern al par ts of the ma ch in e will b e extremely h ot. W ait for the m achine to cool down before you touc h the internal part s of the machine. e Pull the green t abs a t the left an d right hand sides toward you and fold down th e fuser cover ( 1).
Troubl eshoot ing 75 B i Put the drum unit and toner cartridge assemb ly back into the machine. j Close the front cover of the machin e. Pa per is j am med insid e th e machin e B If the LCD shows Jam.
76 c Use bo th hands to s lowly pul l out the jammed pa per. Note Pulling the jammed paper downw ard allows you to rem ove the pa per e asier. d Press the front cover release bu tton and then op en the front cover. e Slowly take ou t the drum unit and toner cartridge assembly.
Troubl eshoot ing 77 B WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of the m achine will be extremely hot. Wait for the m achine t o coo l down bef ore you touch th e internal part s of th e m ac hi ne .
78 f Push down the green lock lever and take the toner cartridge out of t h e drum unit. Remove t he jam med p aper i f there i s any ins ide the drum unit. g Put the toner c a rtridge back into the drum unit until you hear it lock into place. If you have p ut the cartridge in correctly, the gre en lock leve r w ill lift automatical ly.
Troubl eshoot ing 79 B Pa per is ja mme d in the du pl ex tr ay B If the LCD shows Jam Duplex , fol l ow th e se steps: a Leave the machin e turned on f o r 10 mi nutes f or the internal fa n to cool the ext remely h ot part s insid e the machine. b Pull the pap er tray completely out of the machine.
80 f Pull the duplex tray c ompletely out of the machine. g Pull the j am med paper out of the machine or out of the d uplex tray. h Make sure that t he jamm ed pape r does not remain under the machine from static elec tricity. i Put the duple x tray back i n the machine.
Troubl eshoot ing 81 B If you ar e havi ng difficulty with your machine B Important • For t echnica l help, you m ust c all the coun try wh ere you bou ght t he machi ne. Call s mus t be made from within that count ry. • If you th ink there is a prob lem with your mac hine, check t he c hart bel ow an d follow the troubl eshooting tips.
82 Th e mac hi ne pr int s the f ir st co uple of pa ge s co r re ct ly , th e n s o me pag e s hav e t ext missi ng. Ch eck th e se ttin gs i n yo ur appl ic ation to mak e sure th at it is s et up to wo rk with your machi ne. You r comp ute r is no t re cogni sing the ma chin e’s inpu t buf fer’ s ful l sign al.
Troubl eshoot ing 83 B Paper handling difficult ies Difficulties S ugg es tion s The mach ine doe s not fee d pape r. If th e LCD sh ows th e Pa per Jam me ssag e and yo u stil l have a probl em , se e Error and ma intena nce me ssage s uu pa ge 62. I f th er e i s no pap er , lo ad a ne w st ack o f p ap er int o the p ap er tray .
84 Copying dif ficultie s Difficulties Su gge st ion s Ca nnot make a co py. See How to cop y uu page 26. Co ntac t you r a dmin istra tor to c heck yo ur S ecure F unct ion L oc k Se tti ngs.
Troubl eshoot ing 85 B Network di fficultie s Difficulties Sug ge sti ons Can not pr int over a wire d Net wo rk. Make sure you r mach ine i s power ed on, i s onli ne an d in the Re ady mod e . P rin t the N etw or k Con fi gur ation Re po rt t o verify yo ur N etw or k s ett ings ar e co rrec t.
86 1 For Wind ows ® 7 and Wi ndo w s Se rve r ® 2008 R 2: Pri nter prop erti es , and Brother DCP-XXXX BR-S cript3 if ne cess a ry Other diff icultie s Difficulties Su gge st ion s The machi ne wi ll not tu r n on.
Troubl eshoot ing 87 B Improving th e print quality B If you have a print quality problem, pri n t a test page first ( Men u , 3 , 2 , 3 ). If the prin tout looks good, the proble m is p robably not the machine. Check the interface cable connec tions and try printing a dif ferent document .
88 Grey background Make sure tha t you use paper that meets our specif ications . uu Acce ptable pa per and other p rint m edia uu page 19 Check the machi ne’s env ironment . Conditi ons such as high tempera t ures and hi gh humidi ty can increas e the amount of backgr ound shadin g.
Troubl eshoot ing 89 B Ho ll ow pri n t Make sur e that you use paper that meet s our speci ficati ons. uu Acceptabl e paper and ot her print medi a uu p age 19 Choose Th i ck Paper m ode in the prin ter driver, ch oose Thi ck in t he machine’ s Paper Ty pe menu sett ing or use thi nner paper than you are cu r rent ly us ing.
90 Lines acr oss the page Clean the coron a wir e inside t he drum unit . uu Cle aning the co rona wire uu pa ge 53 The dr um unit may be dama ged. Pu t in a new drum unit. uu Repl acing t he drum uni t uu page 46 White li nes, bands or ribbi ng across the pag e Check the machine' s environm ent.
Troubl eshoot ing 91 B Black t oner marks acr oss the page If yo u use l abel sh eets f or la ser print ers, the gl ue fr om the sh eets may sometimes stick t o the OPC drum sur face. Clean the drum uni t. uu Cleanin g the drum un it uu p age 55 Make sur e that you use paper that meet s our speci ficati ons.
92 Image skew ed Make sure tha t the paper or othe r print media is lo aded corre ctly in the paper tra y and tha t the guides are not too tight or too loose agains t th e paper stack .
Troubl eshoot ing 93 B Envelo pe Crease s Make sure that envelope s are pr inted with t he back cover (face-u p output tray ) open ed. uu Print ing on thick paper, l abels and env elopes from the MP tray uu page 14 Check t he envel ope t y pe and qualit y.
94 Machin e Informatio n B Ch eckin g th e Se ri al N umb er B You can see the mac hine’s Serial N umber on the LCD. a Pre ss Men u , 6 , 2 . b Pre ss St o p/ E xit .
95 C C On -scree n programming C Your ma chine has been designed to be easy to use. Th e LC D provid es on-sc reen pro gramming us ing t he me nu keys. W e have created step by step on-screen instructions to help you program you r machin e. Simply follow the steps as they guide you throug h the menu selections and pr ogra mmi ng o pt i ons .
96 Menu ta ble C The factory settings are shown in Bold with an asterisk. C hoose & OK Choose & O K To accept To e xit Le ve l 1 L ev el 2 Lev e l 3 Leve l 4 Op t ion s De sc ri pt ion s Pag e 1.
Menu and feat ures 97 C 1. Ge ner al Se tup (Co nti nu ed ) 1.Paper (Co nti nued ) 2.Paper Siz e 1.MP Tray A4 * Letter Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Any S ets t he s ize o f the pa pe r in t he pa pe r tra y. 17 2.Tray#1 A4 * Letter Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio S ets t he s ize o f the pa pe r in t he pa pe r tra y.
98 1. Gen era l Set up (Con ti nu ed ) 3.Ecology 1.T oner Save — On Off * Incr eas es the page yiel d of the tone r cart ri dge. See . 2.S leep Time — Ran ge var ies depe ndin g on model s. 03Min * Co ns e rve s po w er. 3. A ut o P owe rd own — On * Off En ab le s or disa bl es Power Dow n mode.
Menu and feat ures 99 C 1. Ge ner al Se tup (Co nti nu ed ) 7.Security 1. Fun ct ion Lo ck — — C an r est rict se lect ed ma ch in e op era tio n s for up t o 25 in divi dual user s and al l othe r non- aut horize d Pu blic user s.
100 Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 L evel 3 Op tio n s D e scr ip ti on s P age 2.Copy 1.Quality — Auto * Text Photo Graph You ca n choo se th e Co py re sol uti on fo r yo ur t ype of docum ent. Se e . 2.Brightness — - nnnno + - nnnon + - nnonn + * - nonnn + - onnnn + Adj ust t he br ight ness f or c o pi es.
Menu and feat ures 101 C Le ve l 1 L evel 2 Lev el 3 Opti o ns Descr ip tio ns Pag e 3.Printer 1.Emulation — Auto(EPSON) * Auto(IBM) HP LaserJet BR-Script 3 Epson FX-850 IBM Proprinter Ch oose s the emul at ion m o de . See . 2. Print O ption s 1. Int ernal F ont 1.
102 Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 L evel 3 Op tio n s D e scr ip ti on s P age 4. U SB Di rec t I /F 1.Direct Print 1.Paper Size A4 * Letter Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio S ets t he pa per si ze wh en pri nt ing di rec tl y fro m the U SB fl ash me mo r y dr ive.
Menu and feat ures 103 C 4. USB D irect I/F (Co nti nu ed ) 1.Direct Print (C onti nued ) 6 .Prin t Q ua li ty Normal * Fine Se ts th e print qual ity opt ion when prin tin g direc tly from the US B Fla s h me mo r y dr i ve.
104 Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 L ev el 3 Lev el 4 Opti o ns De sc ri p tion s Pa ge 5.Network 1.TCP/IP 1 .B oot Me th od — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses the BOOT me thod tha t best suit s your ne eds.
Menu and feat ures 105 C 5.Network (Co nti nu ed ) 1.TCP/IP (Co nti nu ed ) 8.DNS Serve r — Primary [000 -25 5]. [000 -25 5]. [000 -25 5]. [000 -25 5] Secondary [000 -25 5]. [000 -25 5]. [000 -25 5]. [000 -25 5] Sp ecifie s the IP add ress of the pri ma ry or se co ndar y DN S se rve r .
106 5.Network (Con ti nu ed ) 5 .Sca n To FT P —— Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 300 dpi Gray Auto B&W 300 dpi B&W 200 dpi B&W 2 00x100 d pi Cho oses the fi le form at to s en d the sc an ne d da ta vi a FTP .
Menu and feat ures 107 C Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Level 3 Option s De script ions Page 6.Machine Info. 1.Date&Time 1.Date&Time — Pu ts the da te an d time on the LC D. See . 2.Auto Daylight On * Off Ch an ge s to D ayli gh t Savi ng Ti me auto m atica ll y.
108 Entering tex t C When s etting certain m enu selections, y ou wil l need to type tex t characte rs. The num eric keys have letters printed on them. The keys: 0 , # and l do not have p rinted l etters b ecause t hey are used for specia l characters .
Menu and feat ures 109 C Sp ecial characters an d symbols Press l , # or 0 , then press d or c to move the cursor t o the symbo l or character you wan t. Pres s OK to choos e it. The symbo ls and charact ers bel ow w ill appe ar dep ending on your me nu select ion.
110 D Gen eral D 1 USB co nnec tions t o PC Specifications D Model DCP-811 0DN Print er Typ e Laser Pri n t M e tho d Electropho t ograph i c Laser Print er Memory Capacity Stand ard 64 MB Opti onal 1.
Specif ication s 111 D 1 Me as ure d in a ccor d an ce w ith th e me t hod de s cri be d in RAL - UZ1 22 . 2 Of fic e eq ui pm en t with L WA d>6. 30 B ( A) is not sui table fo r use i n roo ms wh ere peo ple do primar ily intell ect ual wor k. S uc h equi pm en t sh ou ld be pla ce d in se par a te roo m s bec a use of the noi se emi ss i on .
112 Document Size D Model DCP-8110DN Documen t Si ze (Sing le-si ded) ADF Width 147.3 to 215.9 mm ADF Length 147.3 to 355.6 mm Scanner Glas s Width M a x.
Specif ication s 113 D Print me dia D 1 F or l ab el s, we rec om m e nd re m ovin g p rin te d pa ge s from th e o utp ut pap e r tr ay imm ed ia tel y afte r th ey ex it th e ma ch ine to avo id the p ossib ili ty of s mudgi ng.
114 Copy D 1 Fro m Rea dy mode and stan dard t ray Model DCP-8110DN Copy W idth Max. 210 mm Mu ltip le Co pie s Stacks or Sor ts u p to 99 pages Reduce/ Enlarge 25% to 400% (i n inc rements of 1%) Resolut ion Up to 1200 × 600 dpi Firs t Copy O ut Time 1 Less than 10.
Specif ication s 115 D Scanner D 1 For the l ates t d river up da tes f or the v ers ion of Mac OS X you ar e us ing, vi sit u s at http:/ /s oluti on s.
116 Printer D 1 The p rint sp eed ma y var y depe nding on the typ e of docum ent you p rint. 2 Fro m Rea dy mode and stan dard t ray Model DCP-8110DN Automati c 2-sided (Dupl ex) Print Yes Emulati on.
Specif ication s 117 D Direct Prin t feature D 1 PDF da ta incl udin g a JBIG 2 ima ge fi le, a JPEG2 000 i mage f ile o r a tra nspare ncy fil e is not supp ort ed.
118 Computer requ irements D Minimum System Req uirements and Supp orted PC Software Functions Computer Pl atfor m & Operat i ng System Versi on Processor Minimum Speed Minimum RAM Reco mmend e d .
Specif ication s 119 D 1 For WI A, 12 00 x 12 00 re solu t ion . Brot her Scan ner Uti lity en able s to en hanc e up to 192 00 x 19 200 dp i. 2 Thir d- part y USB port s ar e not s upport ed.
120 Consumab le items D 1 App rox. cartr idg e yield i s decl ared in accord ance wi th ISO /I EC 197 52. 2 Dru m li fe is a pp rox im a te an d ma y va ry by t yp e o f use. Model DCP-811 0DN Model Name Toner Ca rt ri d ge Inbox Appro x. 2,000 page s A4 or Let ter page 1 - Stand ard Approx.
Specif ication s 121 D Interfa ces D 1 Y ou r ma ch in e h as a H i-S pe ed US B 2.0 in ter f ac e. The ma chin e c an als o be c onne c ted to a com p ut er th at has a U SB 1.
122 Network (LAN) D Note For m ore information ab out t he N etwork spec ifications uu the Netw ork User's Guid e. 1 (Fo r Wi ndows ® us ers ) B r oth er BR Ad m in Li gh t i s av ai la bl e o n the CD -RO M p ro vi de d wi th th e ma ch in e.
123 E E A ADF (autom atic do cument feeder) using ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... . 24 Appl e Macint osh See Sof tware User's Guid e. C Cleanin g corona wire .. .... ........ .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 53 drum un it .
124 O Out of M emory m essage .... .. . .. .... . .. .. .. . .. ... 65 P Paper ... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... .. 19 how to load .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ....10 in multi-purpose tray .. .. ... .. .
Vi sit us on the Wor ld Wid e Web http: //www.broth This machi ne is appr oved for use in the c ountry of p urchase o nly. Local Brothe r compani es or t heir dealer s wil l only suppor t machines pur chased in thei r own countrie s.
デバイスBrother DCP-8110DNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother DCP-8110DNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother DCP-8110DNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother DCP-8110DNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother DCP-8110DNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother DCP-8110DNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother DCP-8110DNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother DCP-8110DNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother DCP-8110DNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。