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If yo u n eed to c all Cu stomer S ervice Ple ase com plete the fol lowin g inform ation for futu re refere nce: Model Number: DCP-9045CDN Ser ia l Nu mbe r: 1 Da te of P u rch a se : P lac e o f P urc h as e: 1 The seria l number is on the back of the unit.
i Brother nu mbers IMPORTANT For t echnical help, y ou must call t he coun try where you bought the machi ne. Calls must be made fr om w i thin that country. Re gist er yo ur pr odu ct By registering your produ c t wit h B rother Inter national Corporation , y ou will be r eco rded as the original own er of the product.
ii Service Ce nter Locator ( USA only) For the location of a Br other authorized serv i c e center, call 1-87 7-B R OT HER (1-877-276-8437) Service Center Locations (Canada only) For the location of a Br o ther authorized service cen t er, call 1-877-BR OTHER.
iii Orde ring acce ssories an d supplie s For best quality results use only ge nui ne Brother ac cessories, which are avail abl e at mos t B rother retailers. If yo u cannot find the acc essory y ou need a nd you have a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card, you can order accessories directly f rom Brot her.
v Br othe r ® Co lor L a ser On e-Y ear On -S it e Li mi ted Wa rr ant y (USA o n ly ) W ho i s co ve red : This limit ed warr anty (“ warrant y”) i s g iven only to t he ori ginal e nd-us e/.
vi Br othe r ® Color L ase r One-Yea r On-Site Limited W arranty (USA on ly) Wha t Brothe r will do: If t h e probl em report ed conc erning y our Mach ine an d/or accom panyin g Consumab le an d Acc.
vii BROTHER L ASER PRINTER / MULTIFUNCTION CE NT E R ® / FAX ON- S ITE WARRANTY (Can ada on ly) For a limited on-site warranty of 1 year labour and part s f rom the date of p urc h ase, Brother International Co r p orat i on (Canada) Lt d.
viii Tab le of Con ten ts Se cti on I Ge ner al 1 Genera l in f ormation 2 Usi ng th e d ocu menta tion ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... .. 2 Sy mbols and con venti ons use d in t he doc umenta tion .
ix Section II Copy 5 Making copi es 30 How to copy .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 3 0 LCD disp l a y for Copy mode..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....
x Sect ion V Appe ndixes A Safet y and legal 50 Choosing a location ... . . ............................................. . ........... . .... .......................... 50 To use the mach ine safel y ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....
xi D Menu an d feat ures 149 On-s creen progr a m m i ng .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 14 9 Menu table .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .
Section I Genera l I General information 2 Loading paper and docum ents 10 General setup 21 Security features 25.
2 1 Using the documen tation 1 Thank y ou for bu y ing a Brother m achine! Reading the docu m entation will help you make the mos t of your ma c h ine. Sy mbols and co nven tion s used in th e do cu men tatio n 1 The f ol lowing symbols an d conventions are used throughou t t he doc umentation.
General i nformat i o n 3 1 Vi ewi ng docu ment atio n 1 Viewing doc umentation ( Windows ® ) 1 To view the docum entat ion, from the Sta rt menu, poi nt to Brother , DCP-9045CDN from the program gro up, and then click User’s G u ides in HTML fo rmat .
Chapter 1 4 Viewing doc um enta tion (Ma c int osh ® ) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh ® . Insert the Brother CD-ROM label ed Macintosh ® into your CD-ROM drive. b The following window wil l ap pear. c Double-click the Documentation icon. d If t he language selection screen appears, do uble-cli ck y our la nguage.
General i nformat i o n 5 1 Acces sing Brother support (for Windows ® ) 1 You can fi nd a ll the c ontacts y ou will need , such as Web support (Brother S olutions Center), Cu s t omer Service and Brothe r Authorized S ervice Centers on page i and on the Brother CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 1 Print keys: Direct Lets you print dat a from a USB flash mem ory drive that you can con nect directly t o the machine.
General i nformat i o n 7 1 5 Num eric keys Use to enter information into the machine. 6 Stop/E xit Stops an o perat i on or exits from a menu. 7 Star t Color Lets you start making copies in full color. Black Lets you start making copies in black & white.
Chapter 1 8 Status LED in dications 1 The Status LED (light em it t ing diode) wi l l flas h and chan ge color de pending on t he machine’s status. The LED indications show n in the table below are used in the i ll ustrations in t h is c hapter. LED LED Status LED is off.
General i nformat i o n 9 1 Note W hen t h e po wer switch is off or th e mac hi ne is in s l eep mode, the LED is off. Red Servi c e er ror Foll ow t h e s t ep s b elow. 1. Tur n off t he power switch. 2. Wait a f e w seconds, and then tur n it back on and try t o print agai n.
10 2 Acceptabl e paper an d other med ia 2 Rec ommen ded pape r 2 To get t he best print quality, we sug gest using the following paper. Print qu ality may vary according t o t he type of paper you are using. You can use t he following t ypes of m e dia: plain paper, labels or envelopes.
Loading pap er and documents 11 2 The nam e s for the pa pe r trays in t he pr inter driver and this G uide are as f ollows: 2 Paper capacit y of the paper t rays 2 1 Foli o siz e is 8 in. × 13 in. Recommended paper spe c if icatio ns 2 The following pa per specifications are suitable for this machine.
Chapter 2 12 Hand ling an d using s pecial pape r 2 The machine is designed to work well with most types of xerogra phi c a nd bond paper. Howeve r , so m e pap er v ari ables may have an effect on print quality or handling reliability. Always t est sam ples of pa per before purchasin g to ensure desirable performanc e.
Loading pap er and documents 13 2 Envelopes 2 Most envelopes will be suit able for your machin e. Howev er, som e envelopes will have feed and print- qual ity problems beca use o f t he way t he y have been made.
Chapter 2 14 Ty pes of e nvelo pes to avoid 2 CAUTION DO NOT use envelopes : • that are d amaged, curled, wri nk l ed or an unusual shape • that are extrem el y shiny or t e xtured • w i th clas.
Loading pap er and documents 15 2 Labels 2 The m achine wi ll print on most types of label s designed f or use with a la ser machine. Labels shou l d have an adhesive that is acrylic-based since this material is more stable at the high temperat ures in the fu ser unit.
Chapter 2 16 Unp ri nt able area when pr i n tin g from a c omputer 2 When using the default driver the printable area is s maller than the pa per size, as shown below. Po rtra it 1 0 .16 in . (4.23 m m) 2 0 .16 in . (4.23 m m) Land scape 1 0 .16 in .
Loading pap er and documents 17 2 Loading pla in paper in the pa pe r tray 2 a Unfold the output paper tray support fl ap (1 ). b Pull the pap er tray completely out of the machine. c While pressing the green paper-guide release lever (1), slide the paper guide s to fit the paper size.
Chapter 2 18 Loading e nvelopes or other media in the mult i-purpose t r ay (MP tray) 2 Use t he MP t ray when p r i nt i ng envelopes, labels, and thick pa per. Before l oading, press t he corners and sides of the envelopes to make t hem as f l at as possible.
Loading pap er and documents 19 2 Loading do cuments 2 You can m ake copies, and scan from the A DF (automat ic documen t feeder) an d from the scanne r gla s s. Usin g the ADF (au t omati c do cume nt feed er) 2 The A DF can hold up to 50 pages and feeds each sheet indivi dual ly.
Chapter 2 20 Us ing t he sc anne r gl ass 2 You can use t he scanner g lass to sc an or copy the pages of a boo k or one page at a time. Docum ents c an be up t o 8. 5 i nches wide an d up to 14 inches l ong (215. 9 mm wide to 355.6 mm long). To use the scann er glass, the ADF must be empt y.
21 3 3 Paper settin gs 3 Paper type 3 Set up t he machine for the type of paper you ar e us in g. Th is w ill gi ve yo u th e be st p ri nt q uality . a Do one of the f ollowing: To set the paper type for the MP Tray pr es s Menu , 1 , 1 , 1 . To set the paper type for Tray#1 press Menu , 1 , 1 , 2 .
Chapter 3 22 Tr ay use i n copy mode 3 You can change the prio r i t y t ray t ha t t he machine wi ll u s e for printing cop ies. When y ou choose Tray#1 Only , MP Only or Tray#2 Only 1 , t he machine pull s the paper onl y from that t r a y. If the selected tray is out of paper, No Paper wi l l appear on the LCD.
General setup 23 3 Volume se ttings 3 Be eper v olume 3 W hen the bee per is on, the mach ine will beep when y ou press a key or make a mist ak e . You can choose a range of volume levels, from High to Off . a Pr e s s Menu , 1 , 3 . 13.Beeper a Low Med b High Select ab or OK b Pr e s s a or b to choose Off , Low , Med or High .
Chapter 3 24 Sleep t ime 3 Setting the sleep time reduces power consum ption by t urning off the fuser while the ma chine is idle. You c a n choose how long the machine mus t be idl e (from 000 to 240 mi nutes) before it goes into sleep mode. Wh en t he machine receives comp ut er dat a or m akes a c opy, the timer wi l l be re s et.
25 4 4 Securit y 4 Secur e Func tion Loc k 4 Secure F unction Lock lets you res t rict Publi c access to certain m achine func tions (Copy , Scan and P rint) . This feature also prevent s users from chan gi ng the Default settings of the machine by limiting access to the Menu s et t ings.
Chapter 4 26 Setti ng up the Publ ic user 4 You can set up the Public user. Public users do not need t o enter a password. Note You m ust disable at least one function to turn on Secure Function Lock for Public user.
Securi t y feature s 27 4 Turning Secure Function Loc k on/off 4 If you enter the wrong password when following the in s t ruct i ons below, the LCD will show Wrong Password . R e-e nt er t he correct pa s sword. Turning Secure Function Loc k on 4 a Pr e s s Menu , 1 , 8 .
Chapter 4 28.
Section I I Copy II Making copies 30.
30 5 How to c opy 5 LCD di splay for Copy mode 5 1 Contrast 2Q u a l i t y 3 Copy rati o 4 T r ay se le ctio n 5 Number of copies 6 Bright ness Ma king a sin gle copy 5 a Load your docume nt . b Pre ss Blac k Start or Co l o r S tar t . Maki ng m ultiple cop ies 5 a Load your documen t .
Making cop ies 31 5 Copy options (temporary s ettings) 5 W hen you wa nt to qu ick l y chang e the copy settings t emporarily for the next copy, us e the temporary Co p y ke y s. You can us e different combin at ions. You can also use t h e Duplex key to change the duple x (2-s i ded) copy settings .
Chapter 5 32 En larging o r redu cing t he im ag e cop i e d 5 You can choo se the following enlargem ent or reduction ratios: Custom(25-400%) allows you to ent er a ratio from 25% to 400% . To en large or redu c e the next copy foll ow the inst ructio ns b elow : a Load your documen t .
Making cop ies 33 5 Maki ng N in 1 co pies (p ag e lay out) 5 You can reduce the am ount of paper used when c opying by using the N in 1 c opy feature. This allows y o u to c opy two or f our pages o nt o one page, which lets you save paper. Important 5 Pleas e m a ke sure the paper size is set to Letter , A4 , Legal or Folio .
Chapter 5 34 If you a re copying from t he scanner gl ass: 5 Insert y our docume nt face dow n in the direction shown below: 2 in 1 (P) 2 in 1 (L) 4 in 1 (P) 4 in 1 (L) Du plex (2- side d ) copy ing 5 You can reduce t he amount of paper used when c opying by using the d uplex copy feature.
Making cop ies 35 5 2 si de d i 1 sided Portrait Lands cape a Load your docum ent . b Use the numeric keys to enter the number of copies (up to 99). c Pr e s s Duplex an d a or b to select 1sided i 2sided , 2sided i 2sided or 2sided i 1sided . Duplex a 1sided i 2sided 2sided i 2sided b 2sided i 1sided Select ab or OK Pr e s s OK .
Chapter 5 36 d Pre ss a or b to select 2sided i 1sided or 1sided i 2sided . Pre ss OK . Duplex Advanced a 2sided i 1sided b 1sided i 2sided Select ab or OK e Pre ss Blac k Start or Co l o r S tar t to scan the document. Note Duplex copy using a 2-sided lega l size document is no t avai lable.
Making cop ies 37 5 Contrast 5 Adj ust the contrast to hel p an i mage look sharp er and more v ivid. To temporarily change the contrast setting, follow the steps below: a Load your docum ent . b Use the numeric keys to enter the number of copies (up to 99).
Chapter 5 38 Tra y select ion 5 You can change th e tray use onl y f o r t he nex t copy. a Load your docume nt . b Use the numeric keys to enter t he number o f copies ( u p to 99). c Pre ss Tray S elect . d Pre ss a or b to choose MP>T1 , T1>MP , #1(XXX) 1 or MP(XXX) 1 .
Section II I Walk-up printing III Printing photos from a digit al camera 40 Prin ting da ta fro m a USB flash me mory dri ve 44.
40 6 Your Brother mach i ne supports the PictBridge s t and ard, allowing you to connect to a nd print pho tos directly fr om any PictBrid ge compatible d igital came r a . If your camera is u sing the USB Mass Storage standard, you can al s o print phot os from a digital camera without PictBridg e.
Print ing ph otos fr om a digi tal camer a 41 6 b To set the Pic t B ridge settings, press a or b to choose 1.Paper Size , 2.Orientation , 3.Date & Time , 4.File Name , or 5.Print Quality . Pr e s s OK . c Pr e s s a or b to choose an option for each menu setting.
Chapter 6 42 CAUTION To prevent damage t o your m achine, DO NOT connec t any device other than a digital camera or USB flash m emory drive to t he USB direct i n terface. DO NOT remove the digital camera from the USB direct interface until t h e m achine has finishe d printing.
Print ing ph otos fr om a digi tal camer a 43 6 Understandin g the error messag es 6 Onc e you are familiar with the types of errors that can occur whil e y ou are u s i ng the PictB r i dge, y ou can easily identify and troubl es h oot any problems.
44 7 With the direct print feature, yo u do not n eed a comput er to print data. You c an pri nt by just plugging your USB f l ash memory drive into the machine’s USB direct interface. Note Some USB flash m emory drives may not work with the machine.
Printin g da ta from a USB flash memory driv e 45 7 Printing data direct ly from the USB flas h memory driv e 7 a Connect your USB flash memo r y drive to the USB direct in terface ( 1 ) on the front of the machine. b When t he machine has recogn ized the USB flash memory drive, the Direct LED turns blue.
Chapter 7 46 CAUTION To prevent damage t o your m achine, DO NOT connec t any device other than a digital camera or USB flash m emory drive to t he USB direct i n terface. DO NOT remove the USB flash memory drive from the USB direct interface until the machine has finished pri nting.
Sectio n IV Software IV Software and network fea tures 48.
48 8 The User’s Guide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User’s Guide and Netw ork User’s Guide for features available when conne c t ed t o a compute r (for exam ple, printing an d scanning). These gu ides have easy t o us e links that, w hen clicked, w ill take you di rectly t o a particular s ection.
Section V Appendix es V Safety and legal 50 Option 60 Troubleshooting and routine maintenance 64 Menu and features 149 Specifications 162 Glossary 172.
50 A Choosing a location A Place your machine on a flat, stabl e surface that is free of v i br ation and sho cks. Put the machine near a standard, ground ed AC power out let. Choos e a location where t he temperat ure rem ai ns between 50 ° F and 90.
Safet y and legal 51 A To use the machine safely A Ple ase keep these instructions for later reference and read them bef ore at t empting any main t ena nce. WARNIN G There a r e hi gh voltage el ectrodes insid e the machine. Before y ou c l ean t he i n side of the machine, make s ure you ha v e unplugged the power cord from the AC power outlet.
52 CAUTION Lightning and power s urges can d amage this product! We recommen d that you use a quality surge protection device on the AC power line or u nplug the cords during a l ightning storm. To prevent injuries, be c areful not to put your fingers in the area shown in t he il l ustration.
Safet y and legal 53 A WARNIN G IMPORTANT SAFETY I NS TRUCTIONS When using your equipme nt , basic safety precautions should al ways be foll owe d to reduce the risk of fire, e lectric shock and injur.
54 Important i nformation A Fed eral Comm unicat ions Co mmissi on (FCC) Declarat ion of Con formity (USA on ly) A declares, that the products Product Nam e: DCP-90 45CDN comply with Part 15 of t he FCC Rul es .
Safet y and legal 55 A Indu stry Ca nada Compl ianc e Stat em en t (Ca nada onl y) A This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES–0 03.
56 FDA regul a t io ns A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has implemented regulation s for l ase r product s manufac t u red on and after August 2, 1976.
Safet y and legal 57 A 8 This product is equip ped wi th a 3-wire grounded plug. This plug wil l on ly fit into a grounded power outlet. This is a safety fe a t ure. If you are unable to insert the p lug into t he outlet, cal l you r electrician to rep lace you r obsolete out l et.
58 Legal li mitations for copying A Color reproductions of certain document s are illegal and many resul t in either criminal or civil liability. This memorandu m i s i ntended to be a guide rather than a complete listing of every possible prohibition .
Safet y and legal 59 A Trade marks A The Brother logo is a re gi stered t rademark of B rother I ndus t ries, Ltd. Brother is a registered trademark of Brother Industries , Ltd . Multi-F unct ion Link is a registered tradem ark of B r o ther Inte rna t io nal Corporation.
60 B Optio n B This m achine ha s the following optional a c c essory. You can inc rease the c apabilities of t he machine with this item. Option B Lowe r tray unit D I MM m em ory LT-100CL.
Option 61 B Optional paper tray B Order Nu mber: LT-100 CL An optional lower tray c an be i ns t al led, an d it can hold up to 500 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m 2 ) paper. W hen an opt i onal tr a y i s installed, the machin e c an hold up to 800 sheets of plain paper.
62 e For Win dows ® u sers: Go to Start > Contr ol Pa nel > Pr inte r s and F axes . R ight-click on your printer icon and choose Properties . Choos e the Accessor i es tab a nd click Aut o Detect . Whe n the opt i onal l ower tray and paper s i ze have been d etected click Apply .
Option 63 B Note • T here m ight be some SO -DIMM s that will not work with the m achine. • For more information, call Brother Customer S ervice. I n s talling ext ra memo ry B a Turn off the machi ne’s power switch. b Disconnect t he interface cab le from the machine, a nd then unplug t he power cord from the A C power outlet .
64 C Troublesh ooting C IMPORTANT For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made fr om within that country. If yo u ar e ha ving dif ficu lty wit h yo ur mac hine C If you think there is a prob lem, check the chart be l ow and follow the troub leshooting tips.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 65 C Printing dif ficulties Difficulties S ugg e stion s No printout. Ch eck that th e ma chin e is pl ug ged in an d th e powe r s witch is t urn ed o n. Chec k tha t the tone r car trid ges an d drum un it ar e in stal led pro per ly.
66 Scanning dif ficult ies Difficulties Su ggest ions TW AIN err ors ap pear w hile s can ning . Mak e su re that the B roth er T WAIN driv er is cho sen as t he pr imar y sou rc e. In PaperPo rt ™ 11SE, click Fi le , Sc an or Ge t Photo and choo se t he Brother TWAIN driver .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 67 C Print qualit y di f f iculties Difficulties Su gges tions Pri nted page s ar e cur led . Low quali ty t hin o r t hick pap er or n ot pr int ing on t he reco mmend ed s ide of t h e pape r cou ld cau se thi s pro ble m.
68 Th e net work scan ning fe ature does not wor k. Th e net work prin ting featu re does not wor k. (Fo r Wi ndows ® only) The fi rewall sett ing on your PC ma y be rej ecti ng the ne cessa ry netw ork conn ect ion . Fol low the i nst ruct ions bel ow t o co nfi gure your fire wal l.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 69 C Th e netw ork sc anni ng feat ure does not wor k. Th e netwo rk pri nti ng feat ure d oes not wo rk. (co nti nued) For Wi ndow s Vis ta™ user s: a Click t he St a rt butto n, Contr ol P anel , Net work and I nte rn et , Windows Fir ew all and cl ick Chan ge setti ngs .
70 Impr ovin g the p rint qual ity C If you h ave a pri nt q uali t y problem, pri nt a test page f i rs t ( Menu , 3 , 2 , 3 ). If the printout looks good, the problem is proba bly not the machine. Check th e i nterface cable or try the machin e on another comput er.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 71 C Color ed streaks o r bands d own the page One of the toner cartr idges may be dam aged. Replace the toner cartr i d ge that matches the co l or of the s treak or band. (See Re placing a toner cartr i d ge on p age 117.
72 C olore d spots at 2 .95 in. (75 m m) a Dust, paper po wder, glue, and so on may st ick to the surf ace of t he phot osensiti ve dr u m (OPC) a nd cause black or whi te spots t o appear on p rinted d ocuments. b Mak e a few copies of a blank, white shee t of pa per.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 73 C Ghost Make sure that y ou use paper th at m eets our spe cificati ons. Rough- surfac ed paper o r thick paper may cause the problem .
74 Color misregi strati on Make su r e t hat the drum uni t i s instal l e d properly. ( Se e Replacing th e drum uni t o n page 122.) Make su r e t hat t he belt unit is ins t al led proper l y . (See Replaci ng the belt unit on page 128.) Make sure tha t t h e was te toner box is inst alled prope r l y.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 75 C Missi ng i mage at edge M a ke sur e that the t oner c artridge s are instal l ed properl y. (See Replaci ng a tone r cartrid ge on page 117.) Make sur e that t he drum unit is i nstalled p r ope rly.
76 Offset image Check t he machi ne ’ s environment . Cond itions such as high temperat ures and high humi dity can cause th i s pr oblem. (See Choosing a locat ion on page 50. ) Make sur e that you use pa per t hat meets our speci f i cations.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 77 C Curle d or wave Make sure that you choose the pro per media type in the pr inter driver or in t he machine ’ s Paper T y pe m enu set ting. (See Acceptable pa per and other medi a on page 10 and Basic t ab in t he Software User’s Guide on the CD-ROM .
78 Envel ope creases a Ope n the bac k cover . b Pull down the two gr ay levers, one on th e left-ha nd side and one o n the ri ght- hand side to the enve l op e p osition, as shown i n the il lust ration b elow. c Clos e the back cover and re- send the print j ob.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 79 C White l i ne s or r i bbing down the page on duple x print Note Posit i o n B i s on ly for dupl ex print ing wi t h r ecycled pape r when the temper ature and humidi t y ar e low. Choose Thi n Paper m ode i n the printer dri v er and re-send the pr i nt job .
80 Toner scatter or tone r st ain on the edge of d uplex pages CAUTION We r ecommen d that you p lace the dr um unit and t oner ca rtridges on a cle an, flat surfac e wi t h a piece of d i s posable p aper under neath them i n case you ac cidental ly sp ill or scat t e r to ner.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 81 C Error and maintenan ce mess ages C As with any sophisticate d off ice prod uct, error and mai nt e nance messages m ay be displa y e d.
82 Chan ge Part s PF Kit M P It is time to r eplace th e p aper fe edi ng kit fo r the MP tr ay. Call your Br ot h er dealer to pur chase t he PF Kit MP. Chan ge Part s PF Kit 1 It is time to r eplace th e p aper feeding kit f or Tr ay 1. Call your Br ot h er dealer Service t o p ur c hase the PF Kit 1.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 83 C Ini t Unab le XX The mac hine h as a m echanical probl em. Turn of f t he machi ne’s power swit ch and th en turn i t on aga i n . If t he error m e ssage con t i nues leave t he m a chine for sever al minut es and then tr y to prin t , c opy or scan agai n.
84 Prin t Unabl e XX The machine has a me chanical problem. Turn of f the machi ne’s power s witch and t hen turn it on agai n. If the error messa ge conti nues leav e t he machine fo r several minu t es and then tr y to pri nt , copy or s can again.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 85 C Tone r Life End Repl ace Black(K) Tone r Cartridge. 1 1 Th e tone r c artr idge colo ur wh ich i s use d up is sho wn in the messa ge. The drum uni t and toner ca rtri dges a ssembly is n ot inst alled pr operly, or one or m o re of the toner c ar t ridges are us ed up an d pri nting is not possibl e.
86 Docume nt jams C If the documen t is jammed, follow the steps below. Document is jammed in the t op of t he ADF unit C The docume nt may get jammed if it is not inserted or fed properly, o r i f i t is too long. Follow the steps below to clear a document ja m.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 87 C Document is ja m med i n the duplex slot C a Take out any paper f rom the ADF that is not j am m ed. b Pull th e jammed document o ut t o the right. c Pr e s s Stop/Ex it . Paper jams C To c lear p aper jams, p lease follow t h e steps in thi s sectio n .
88 d Fan the paper stac k , and then put it back in the MP tray. e When loading paper in the MP tray, make sure that the paper stays under the max imum pap er height gui des on both side s of the tray.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 89 C c Make s ure the pa per is below t he maximum paper m ark . Whil e pre s s i ng the gree n paper-guide rele ase lever, slide the paper guides to fit the paper size. Make sure that the guides are fir mly in th e s lots.
90 d Hold the green handle of the drum unit. Lift the drum unit u p and then pull it out until it stops. e Release th e gray lock le v e r (1) t hat is on the left side o f the ma c h ine. Lift the f ront of the drum unit u p and p ull the drum unit complet el y out of t h e machine using the green handles o n the drum unit.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 91 C CAUTION Hold the h andles of drum unit wh en you carry it. DO NOT hold the sides of t he drum unit. We rec ommend that you pla c e the drum unit on a clean, f l at surf a ce wi th a piece of disposable paper underneat h it in case you accidentally spill or sc a tter t oner.
92 g Put the drum unit back in the m achine as fol low s. 1 Make s ure that t he gray lo c k lever (1) i s in the u p position a nd put t he drum u nit in the machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 93 C 2 Push the drum unit in u nt il i t stops. h Close th e front cover of the mac hi ne. i Put t he paper tray f i rmly b ack in t he machine.
94 b Hold the green handle of the drum unit. Lift the drum unit u p and then pull it out until it stops. c Open the back cover. d Pull down the two g reen levers, one on the left-hand-side and one on the right- hand-side, as shown in the illustration below, and t hen fold down the f user cov er ( 1).
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 95 C e Using bot h hands, gently pull t he jammed paper out of the fuser unit. f Close the fuser cover ( 1) and l ift the two green levers at the l ef t a nd right han d sides. g Close the back cover. h Put the drum unit a nd toner cartridge ass emb ly ba ck in the m ach ine.
96 i Cl os e th e fr on t co ve r of t he ma ch in e. Paper is jammed underne a th Paper Tra y 1 or in the fuser uni t C If the L CD shows Jam Duplex , fo llow thes e steps: Jam Dup lex a Pull the paper tray co m plete l y out o f the machine and chec k insid e the ma c h i ne.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 97 C HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac h ine, some internal parts of the m achine will be extremely hot. Whe n you open t he f r ont or back cov er of t he machine, DO N OT touch the shad ed parts s h own in the illustration.
98 Routine ma intenance C CAUTION The drum unit contains toner, so handle it carefully. If t oner scat t e rs on your hands or clothes, wipe or wash it of f with cold wat er at once. Cl eaning t he ou tside o f the mach i n e C CAUTION Use neutral detergents.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 99 C e Wipe the inside of the paper tray wi th a dry, lint-free c l oth t o remove dust. f Re-load the paper and put the paper tray firmly back in the machine. g Plug the machine’s power c ord back i nto the AC power out le t first, and reconn ect all cables.
100 Cle anin g the laser sca nner wind ows C CAUTION DO NOT use isopro pyl alco hol to clean t he laser scanner win dows. DO NOT touch the laser scanner windows with your f i ngers. a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Disconnect al l cables, and then unpl ug the power cord f rom the AC power outlet.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 101 C d Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left s i de of t he m achine. Lift the f ront of the drum unit and pull the drum uni t completely out of the m achine using the green hand les on t he drum uni t.
102 CAUTION Hold the ha ndles of drum unit when you carry it. D O NOT hold the sides of the drum unit. We recommend t hat you place th e dru m unit on a clean, f la t surface with a piece of disposable pap er underneat h it in c ase you accident ally spill or scatt er t oner.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 103 C f Put the drum unit bac k i n t he machine as follo ws. 1 Make sure that t he gray l ock lever (1) is in the up position and put t h e drum unit in the machine.
104 2 Push the drum u nit in until i t s t ops. g Cl os e th e fr on t co ve r of t he ma ch in e. h P lug t he m ac hi ne’ s po wer c or d bac k in to the AC power out l et first, and reconnec t all cables.Turn o n the mac hi n e’s pow er swi tc h.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 105 C c Hold the green handle o f the drum uni t. Lift the d r u m uni t up a nd then pull it out until it stops. d Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and pull it out of the drum unit. Repeat this for a ll the toner c a r tridges.
106 e Push to release the latches of t he whi te corona w ire cover ( 1), and th en open th e cover. Note We recomm ended that you clean t h e corona wire for each of t he colors.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 107 C i Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and slide the toner cartridge into t he drum un it . Make sure that you match th e toner cartridge color t o the same color label o n the drum unit, and make sure that you fold down the toner cartridge handle (A) on ce the toner cartridge is in place.
108 Cl eani ng the drum un i t C If you have print quality problems, clean the drum unit as follows. a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Disconnect al l cables, and then unpl ug the power cord f rom the AC power outlet. b Press t he front cov er release bu tton and then op en the fron t cover.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 109 C d Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left s i de of t he m achine. Lift the f ront of the drum unit and pull the drum uni t completely out of the m achine using the green hand les on t he drum uni t.
110 CAUTION We recommend t hat you place th e toner cartridges on a clean, f l at surfac e with a piece of disposable paper undernea t h it in case you accidentally spill or sc a tter t oner. Handle the toner cartridges carefully. If toner scatters on your hands or c lothes, wipe or wa s h it off with cold wat er at once.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 111 C g See the print sam pl e t o identify the colo r causing the problem . The col or of the spots or toner stain is t he color of th e drum you should clean. Fo r exam ple, if the spots are cyan, you should clean the drum for cyan.
112 k Hold the ha ndle of t he toner cart r i dge and slide the toner cartri dg e into the drum unit. Make sure that you match the toner cartridge c o lor to the s ame color label on the drum unit, and m ake su re that you fol d down the toner cartridge handle (A) once the toner cart ridge is in place.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 113 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum un it hand le t o t he g r e en arrow s (2) on bo t h s i des of the mac hine. 2 Push the drum unit in un t il i t stops.
114 Replacing the cons umable ite ms C When the time comes to replace cons umable items, the foll owing message s wi l l a ppear on t he LCD. The m achine will st op printing when the following main t enanc e messages appear on the LC D. 1 The t oner ca rtri dge co lor which i s used u p is show n in the messag e.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 115 C The followin g are maintenanc e messages that appear on the LCD in t h e Ready mode. These mess age provide advanced warni ngs to replace the consum able items before they run out. T o avoid any i ncon v e nience, you m ay wish to buy spare consum able items before the m achine stops printing.
116 The fo l lowi ng are maintenance mess ages that appear a lt ern ately w i th the normal me s sage on the upper row of the LCD when t he machine is in the Ready mode. Th ese messages advise you that you will nee d t o replace each of t he consumabl e items as soon as possible, since the consum able item’s e nd of life has been re ached.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 117 C Re plac ing a to ner cart ri dge C Order Nu mbers: Toner Cartridge Standard: TN-110 (BK, C, M , Y ) Toner Cartridge High Yield: TN-115 (BK, C, M , Y ) The High Yield toner cartridges can print approx i mately 5,000 page s (B lack) and approx i mately 4,000 page s eac h (Cyan, Mage nta and Yell o w).
118 Replacing t he toner c a rtridges C HOT SURFACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ernal pa rts of th e machi ne will b e extremely hot. When you open the front or back cover of the m ac h ine, DO NOT touch the shaded parts show n in t he illu stration.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 119 C CAUTION We rec ommend that you pla c e the t one r cartridges on a clean, flat surface with a piece of disposable paper unde r n eath i t in case you accidentall y spill or scatter toner. DO NOT put a toner cartridge into a f i re.
120 CAUTION DO NOT use flammable sub s t ances near the machine. DO NOT use any type of spray to clean the inside or outs ide of the machine. Doing this may cause a fire or ele ct rica l sh o ck. R e fer to Routine maintenance on page 98 for how to clean the machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 121 C f Remove t he orange protective cover. g Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and slide the toner cartridge into t he drum un it .
122 Re placi ng th e dru m uni t C Order Num ber: DR-110CL Drum end s oon message C Change Parts Drum The m achine uses a drum unit to c reate print image s on paper. If the LCD shows Change Parts Drum , the d r um unit is nea r the end of its l ife and it is time to buy a new one.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 123 C a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Press the front cove r rele ase b utton and then o pen the f ront cover. b Hold the green handle of t he drum uni t. Lift t h e d r u m uni t up and then pull it out until it stops.
124 c Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left side of t he machine. Lift the front of t he dru m unit and pull the drum unit completely out of the mac hi ne using the green handles on the drum unit.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 125 C To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shaded parts shown in the illustrations. d Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and pull it out of the drum unit. Repeat this for a ll the toner c a r tridges.
126 f Hold the ha ndle of t he toner cart r i dge and slide the toner cartri dg e into the drum unit. Make sure that you match the toner cartridge c o lor to the s ame color label on the drum unit, and m ake su re that you fol d down the toner cartridge handle (A) once the toner cart ridge is in place.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 127 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum un it hand le t o t he g r e en arrow s (2) on bo t h s i des of the mac hine. 2 Push the drum unit in un t il i t stops.
128 j Pre ss Me nu , 6 , 6 . The LCD shows the part name of the counter t hat needs t o be reset. 66.Reset Menu Drum Select ab or OK k Pre ss a or b to choose Drum .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 129 C Replacing the belt unit C a Turn off the machi ne’s power switch. b Press the front cove r rele ase b utton and then o pen the f ront cover. c Hold the green handle of t he drum uni t. Lift t h e d r u m uni t up and then pull it out until it stops.
130 d Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left side of t he machine. Lift the front of t he dru m unit and pull the drum unit completely out of the mac hi ne using the green handles on the drum unit. CAUTION H ol d the handles of drum unit when you carry i t .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 131 C e Hold the green parts of the be l t un it wi t h both hands and lift the belt unit up, then pull it out. CAUTION We recomm end that you place t he belt unit on a c l e an, flat surface wi t h a piece of disposable paper underneat h it in case you accidentally spill or sc a tter t oner.
132 h Put the drum unit back in the m achine as fol low s. 1 Make s ure that t he gray lo c k lever (1) i s in the u p position a nd put t he drum u nit in the machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 133 C 2 Push the drum unit in u nt il i t stops. i Close th e front cover of the mac hi ne. When you replace the belt unit with a new one, you need to reset the belt unit counter by completing the following ste p s : j Turn on the machin e’s power swi t c h.
134 WARNIN G DO NOT reuse th e waste toner box . Replacing t he waste toner box C WARNIN G DO N OT put the waste toner bo x into a f i re. It could e xplode. Be careful not to spill the toner. DO NO T inhale or all o w it to get into your eyes. CAUTION Handle the waste toner box carefully.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 135 C b Hold the green handle o f the drum uni t. Lift the d r u m uni t up a nd then pull it out until it stops.
136 CAUTION Hold the ha ndles of drum unit when you carry it. D O NOT hold the sides of the drum unit. We recommend t hat you place th e dru m unit on a clean, f la t surface with a piece of disposable pap er underneat h it in c ase you accident ally spill or scatt er t oner.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 137 C e Remove t he waste t oner box from the machine using the gre en h andle. Note Disca r d the us ed waste to ner box accordi ng t o local regul at i ons, keeping it sep arat e f rom d om e stic waste. If you have ques t i ons, call your local waste dispos abl e office.
138 h Put the drum unit back in the m achine as fol low s. 1 Make s ure that t he gray lo c k lever (1) i s in the u p position a nd put t he drum u nit in the machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 139 C 2 Push the drum unit in u nt il i t stops. i Close th e front cover of the mac hi ne. Packing a nd shippi ng the mach ine C If for any reason you must move or ship your machin e, carefull y re-pack th e machine i n the original pac king mat eri al to avoid an y damag e during t ranspo r t .
140 To prevent injuries when moving or l i fting this machine, mak e sure at l east two peo ple lift the m achine together. Be ca r e f ul not t o pinch your fingers when you put the machine down.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 141 C Re pack ing t he mac hine C a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Disconnect a ll cables, and then unplug the po wer cord from t he AC power outlet. b Lift the d ocument cover. Push the scanner lock lever down to lock the scanner.
142 e Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left side of t he machine. Lift the front of t he dru m unit and pull the drum unit completely out of the mac hi ne using the green handles on the drum unit. CAUTION Hold the handles of t he d rum unit when you carry it.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 143 C h Hold the green parts of the be l t un it wi t h both hands and lift the belt unit up, then pull it out. CAUTION We recomm end that you pla c e the belt unit on a c l e an, flat surface wi t h a piece of disposable paper underneat h it in case you accidentally spill or sc a tter t oner.
144 k Insert the origi n al orange packing material for l ock i ng the bel t unit as shown in the il l ustration. l Put a pie c e of pape r (lett er or A4) on t he belt un i t to prevent damage t o the bel t unit. m Put the drum unit back in the m achine as foll ow s.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 145 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum un it hand le t o t he g r e en arrow s (2) on bo t h s i des of the mac hine. 2 Push the drum unit b ac k i n unt il it stops.
146 o Note We rec ommend y o u repac k the machin e on a table or desk. Put the styrofoam piece ma r ked “FRONT” (1) into t he lower carton (3), so that the arrow c u t out (4) points to ward it. Put the styrofoam p i ece marke d “ R EAR” into t he l ower carton so t ha t the arrow cutout (4) points away from it.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maintenanc e 147 C t Put t he two s t yr ofoam piec es for the toner cartridges on the top of the machine. M atch the right side o f the machine to t he “RIGHT” mark on one of the styrofoam pieces, and t h e left side of the mac hi ne t o the “LE F T ” mark on the other styrofoam piece.
148 Machin e info rmatio n C Ch ecking the s eria l numb er C You can see the m achine’s serial number on the LCD. a Pre ss Me nu , 6 , 2 . 62.Serial No. XXXXXXXXX b Pre ss St o p/E xit . Ch eckin g the p age coun ters C You can see the machine’s page counters for printed page s, copies, reports and l ist s or a summar y tot al.
149 D D On -scree n programming D Your ma c h ine has be en de signed to be easy to use. The LC D provides on-screen pro gram m ing usin g the me nu keys.
150 Ho w to acc ess t he m enu mode D a Pre ss Me nu . b Choose an option. Pre ss 1 f or General S etup me nu. Pre ss 2 f or Copy m enu. Pre ss 3 for Printer menu. Pre ss 4 f or USB Direct I / F menu. Pre ss 5 f or LAN m enu. Pre ss 6 for Machine Info.
Menu and feat ur e s 151 D Menu tab le D The factory settings are shown in Bold with an a s terisk. Choose & OK Choose & OK to accept to exi t Ma in Menu Su bmenu Me nu Selec tions Optio ns De scripti ons Pa ge 1.Genera l Setup 1.Paper Type 1.
152 1.Ge neral Setu p (co nti nued) 2.Paper Size (co nti nued ) 2.Tray#1 A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Folio Set s the size of t h e pape r in t he pape r tray . 21 3.Tray#2 (Th is m enu only appea rs i f yo u have t he op tion al tra y #2 .
Menu and feat ur e s 153 D 1.Gen eral Setup (c onti nued ) 6.Tray Use (c onti nued ) 2.Print Tray#1 Only Tray#2 Only MP Only MP>T1 * T1>MP MP>T1>T2 * T1>T2>MP (Tray#2 or T2 appe ars onl y if y ou ins tal led t he opti onal pape r tra y.
154 2.Copy (co nti nued) 4 .Co lor A djus t 1.Red - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Ad justs t he r ed co lor for copi es. 36 2.Green - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Adj ust s the gr een col or for copi es.
Menu and feat ur e s 155 D 3.Printer (c onti nued ) 6.C alibratio n — Calibrate Reset Ad just s the c olor dens ity or re tu rn s the co lor cali bra tion t o the fac tor y sett ing. Se e Soft ware User’s Gu ide on the CD-ROM. 7. Au to Regis t. 1.
156 4.U SB Direct I/F (co nti nued) 1 .Di rect Pr int (co nti nued ) 3.Multiple Page 1in1 * 2in1 4in1 9in1 16in1 25in1 1 in 2x2 pages 1 in 3x3 pages 1 in 4x4 pages 1 in 5x5 pages Set s the page s tyle when pr inti ng mul tiple page s direc tly from the USB fl ash me mor y dr ive.
Menu and feat ur e s 157 D 4. USB Direct I/ F (c onti nued ) 3.PictBridge (c onti nued ) 2.Orientation Letter * A4 B5 A5 B6 A6 Th en, yo u will ch oose : Portrait Landscape Se ts th e pa ge or ienta tio n wh en pri nti ng da ta from a camer a usi ng Pi ctBr idge .
158 5.LAN (co nti nued) 1.TCP/IP (co nti nued ) 7.WINS Server ( Primary ) ( Secondary ) Sp ecifi es t he IP addr ess of the p rima ry or seco ndar y WINS server . See Network User’s Gui de on the CD-ROM. 8.DNS Server ( Primary ) 000.
Menu and feat ur e s 159 D 6.Machin e Info. (c onti nued ) 4. User Set tings — — Yo u can p rint a l ist of you r se tting s inc lud ing t he net work co nfigu ratio n. 24 5.Parts Life 1.Drum 2.Belt Unit 3.PF Kit MP 4.PF Kit 1 5.PF Kit 2 6.Fuser 7.
160 Entering tex t D When s etting certain m enu select i ons , you wil l need to type t ext characters. T he numeric k eys have letters printed on them. The keys: 0 , # and l do not hav e printed l et t ers because t hey are used for special charact ers.
Menu and feat ur e s 161 D Sp eci a l characters and symbo l s Press l , # or 0 , then pres s d or c to move t he c ursor to the sy mbol or charact er you wan t . Press OK to choose it. The s ymbols and charact ers below will appe ar dep ending on your me nu select ion.
162 E Gen eral E Specifications E Memory Cap acity 12 8 MB AD F ( au tom at ic docum en t feeder) Up t o 50 pa ges (Staggered) [ 2 0 lb (80 g/m 2 )] Duplex, up to Le t ter size Recomm ended Environmen.
Specif i c ations 163 E Noise level Sound power Operating (Copying): L WA d = 6.9 B ell Standby: L WA d = 4.4 Bell Sound pressure Operating (Copying): LpAm = 54.
164 Print media E Pape r Inp ut Paper Tra y Paper T ype: P l ain pap er, Th in pa per or Recycled paper Paper Size: Lett er, A4, B5, A 5 , B6, A6, Executive, Lega l and Folio Paper W eight.
Specif i c ations 165 E Copy E 1 The co py spe ed may ch ange dep endi ng on th e type of doc ument yo u copy . 2 F rom t he s tanda rd pa per tray or opti onal pap er tr ay. 3 When m aking a B&W co py fr om the scann er glas s in te xt qual ity mo de at the 25 to 15 0% rati o.
166 Scan E 1 Maxi mum 120 0 × 12 00 dp i scan ning with the W IA d river in W ind ows ® XP/ Wind ows V i sta ™ ( resol uti on up to 19 200 × 1920 0 dpi c an be ch osen by us ing the B roth er sca.
Specif i c ations 167 E Print E 1 The pr inti ng spe ed may c hange depe ndin g on th e type of docum ent yo u prin t. 2 F rom t he s tanda rd pa per tray and opti onal pape r t ray. 3 F irst p rin t ou t time ma y ch ange if t he mach ine is cal ibr ating or regis ter ing itse lf.
168 Interfa ces E 1 You r machi ne h as a Hi -Spe ed US B 2. 0 in ter face. The machi ne ca n al so be co nnec ted t o a co mputer that has a USB 1. 1 inter face . 2 Thi rd pa rty US B port s are no t sup porte d. PictBridge E Direct print featur e E 1 JBI G2 imag e fil es , JPE G2 000 im age f iles a nd la yere d fil es are n ot sup por ted.
Specif i c ations 169 E Comput er require ments E 1 F or WI A, 1 200x 1200 re solu tion . Bro ther Sc anne r Uti lity enab les to enha nce up to 192 00 x 1920 0 dp i. 2 T hird part y USB po rts a re not sup por ted. 3 P aperP ort™ 11 SE su pp orts Micro sof t ® SP 4 or high er f or Win dow s ® 2000 and SP2 o r hi gher for X P.
170 Consumab le items E 1 Ap prox . yie lds base d on 5% p ag e co vera ge (L ett er) 2 Dru m y ield is ap prox imat e, and may vary by t ype of us e. 3 When pri ntin g on Le tter s ize pa per 4 When print ing o n Lette r s ize pa per at 5% pr int co vera ge fo r CMYK ea ch.
Specif i c ations 171 E Ethernet wi r e d network E 1 Pri nting o nly f or Win dows Se rver ® 2003 2 Mac OS ® X 10.2 .4 or g r e ater (mDN S) 3 B RAdm in P rofe ssion al and Web BRAd min a re availa bl e as a dow nloa d fr om ht tp:/ /sol uti ons. broth er.
172 F This is a co mprehens ive list of f eatures and t e rm s t h at appear i n Brother m anuals. Av ailabilit y of these features depend s on t h e m odel you purchased. Glos sary F ADF (au tomatic docum ent feeder) The docume nt can be placed in t h e A DF and s canned on e page a t a time autom aticall y .
I ndex 173 G G A Accessori es a nd suppli es .... ..... .... ..... ....... i ii ADF (automatic do cu ment feeder) using ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ... 19 Appl e ® Macintos h ® See Software User’s Guide on the CD-ROM.
174 F F olio . ....... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... . 11 , 21 , 33 Functi on Lock . ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... .. 25 G Graysca le .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. 16 6 H HELP LCD messages ....
175 G Q Quali t y ( cop ying) .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 31 R Reduc i ng copies ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... 32 Replacing belt unit ... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... .... 1 28 , 129 drum un it .
EQUIPMENT AT T ACHMENT LIMITAT I ONS (Can ada on ly) NOTICE This product meet s t he appl icable Industry Canada techn ical s p ecif ications ..
Bro the r Int e rnat io nal C orp orat ion 100 S omerse t Corp orate Bo ulevar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idge water, NJ 0880 7-0911 US A Brot her Inte rnatio nal Corp oratio n (Cana da) Lt d. 1 r u e H ô tel de Ville, Dol lard- des-O rmeaux , QC, Cana da H 9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the W orld W id e Web http: //www.
デバイスBrother DCP-9042CDNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother DCP-9042CDNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother DCP-9042CDNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother DCP-9042CDNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother DCP-9042CDNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother DCP-9042CDNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother DCP-9042CDNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother DCP-9042CDNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother DCP-9042CDNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。