BrotherメーカーHL HL-1270Nの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Brother Laser Printer HL-1270N Network built in model User’s Guide Please read this manua l t horoughly befo re using the printer. You ca n print or view this manual from t he CD- RO M at any time, plea se keep the CD-ROM in a conv enient place for quick and easy reference at all times.
i T ABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER What is included in the carton ? .............................. . 1-1 Carton Component s .................................................................. . 1-1 About your printe r ...................
ii CHAPTER 2 OPTIONS Optional Accessories and Supplies..........................2-1 The Lower Tray uni t .............................................. . 2-2 How to add extra Memor y ...................................... . 2-3 How to install additional SIMM memor y .
iii CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING Identifying your problem..........................................4-1 Control Panel Indication s ....................................... . 4-2 Operator calls and how to clear the m ....................................... .
iv APPENDIX Printer Technical Sp ecification s ............................ . A-1 Printin g .................................................................................... . A-1 Function s .........................................................
v Definiti ons of War ni ngs, Cautions, and Notes The following conventions are used in this User’s Guide: Warning Indicates warnings that must be obs erved to prevent poss ible personal i njury. ! Caution Indicates cauti ons that must be observed to use t he printer properly or prevent damage to th e p rinter.
vi Shipment of the Printer If for any reason you must s hip your Printer, carefull y package the Printer to avoi d any damage during transit . It is recommended that you save and use the ori ginal packaging. The Printer shoul d also be adequately i nsured with the carrier.
vii (For USA & CANADA Only) For technical and oper ational assistanc e, please call: In USA 1-800-276-7746 (outside California) 949-859-9700 Ext. 329 (within California) In CANADA 1-800-853-6660 5.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-1 CHAPTER 1 ABOU T THIS PR INTER What is included in the carton? Carton Components When you unpack the printer, check to s ee that you have all of t he following items : Fig. 1-1 Components in the Printer Carton Components may di ffer from one country to another.
1-2 About your printer Fig. 1-2 Front View 10/100BASE TX L F A TEST Fig. 1-3 Network Board Fig. 1-4 Rear View Face down output tray Tray extension flap Manual feed slot Control panel Paper cassette Fr.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-3 Features of your printer ❏ High Resolution and Fast Printing Speed True 600 x 600 dots per inch (dpi) and 1200 x 600 dpi for graphics wit h microfine toner and up to 12 pages per minute (ppm) print speed (A4 or Letter paper).
1-4 ❏ Enhanced Printing Performance and User-Friendly Operation for Windows ® The dedicated printer drivers for Microsoft ® Windows ® 95/ 98, Windows ® 3.1x and Windows NT ® 4.0 are available on the CD-ROM sup pli ed with your printer. You can easily install th em into your Windows ® system using our installe r program.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-5 ❏ USB Interface (For Windows ® 98, iMac and Power Macintosh G3 Using USB) This printer ca n be connected using t he USB (Universal Serial Bus) Inte rface to a PC or Mac that has a USB i nterface. Drivers that allow you to us e the USB po rt are provided on the CD-ROM su pplied with the printe r.
1-6 ❏ Network Ready The Brother prin ter h as built in mu lti p r o tocol network cap ability as standard . Th is allows multiple host computers to share the printer on a 10/100Mbit Ethernet network. Any user can print their job as if the printer was directly connected t o their computer.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-7 ❏ Remote Printer Console Program for DOS The Remote Printer Console (RPC) utility progra m is available on the CD-ROM supplied with your printer.
1-8 What are the available printer options? Lower Tray Unit (LT-400) A lower tray unit expa nds the paper sou rce capacity. Y ou ca n l oad extra paper and switch between the upper an d lower paper cassette automatically. See “The Lower Tray Unit” in Chapte r 2.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-9 Choosing a location Please take note of the fo llo wing bef ore us in g th e printer. Power Supply • Use the printer within th e specified power range.
1-10 System Requirements for the Brother Printing Solution for Windows ® The following ta bles list the system requir ements nee ded to setup and the printer using the Brother Printing S olution for .
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-11 What kind of paper can I use? Media Type Paper type Paper size Paper Cassette (standard) Cut Sheet Transparency letter, A4, ISO B5, Executive, A5 , A6, legal (US and .
1-12 Note • We recomm en d that you use only label s or transparencies that a r e designed for laser printer use. • To avoid dam age to th e printer, the prin ti ng spe ed may change f o r the paper size you are using. Paper Capacity Upper Paper Cassette A4/Letter paper: Approx.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-13 Remarks We recommend that you t est paper on this printer bef ore purchasing large quantities, especially pap e r of a spec ial type, size or thickness. Avoid using coat e d paper, for example, v inyl coated paper. Avoid using preprinted or hig hl y te xt ured paper.
1-14 Special Paper To avoid paper jams and misfeeds whe n u s ing pap er with punched holes (for example, organizer sheets), f an the paper well. Do not use organizer shee ts that are stuck to geth er . The glue tha t is used may ca use damage to the printer.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-15 Envelopes The following ty pe s of envelopes are not r ec ommended. _ Damaged, curled, wrin kled, or irregularly s haped envelopes _ Extremely shiny o r highly te xtu.
1-16 How to load paper in the Paper Cassette 1. Pull the paper cass ette completely ou t of the printer. Fig. 1-8 Pull out the paper cassette 2. Slide the width and leng th pap er guid es to fit the s ize of paper you want to load.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-17 3. Load paper i nto the paper cassette . Make sure th at the paper is flat in th e cassette in all four corners. Fig. 1-10 Load the paper Note Do not load mor e than 250 sheets o f paper (80 g/m 2 ) in the cassette, or paper jam s may occur.
1-18 4. Slide the paper casset te into the prin te r u ntil it locks into place. Note • Unfold th e output tray exten si o n to prevent the pap er from slidin g off the front output tray.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-19 How to use the Manual Feed Slot Note • Use both hands t o insert the paper into th e manual feed slot. • When you insert pape r int o the manua l feed slot, the printer turns on the manual feed mode.
1-20 <WindowsNT ® 4.0> Fig. 1-14 Select manual feed mode 2. Send the pr int data to th e printer. Note A “NO PAPER” message is show n i n the Status Mo n itor until you inse rt a sheet of paper into the manual feed s lot.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-21 3. Use both hands to slid e th e manual feed slot paper guides to the p aper width to be used. Fig. 1-15 Set the width of the manual feed slot paper guides 4.
1-22 To print on thicker paper and card stock When you rear cover is li fted up, the printer has a straight paper path from the manual feed slot to the rear of t he printer. Use thi s paper feed and output method when you want to print on thicker paper or card stock.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-23 4. Use both to slide the manual fee d slot paper gui de s t o the paper width b e used. 5. Using both hands, insert the paper into the manual feed sl ot until the front edge of the paper touches the paper fee d roller.
1-24 How to print on both sides of the paper (Manual Duplexing) The supplied prin ter drivers for Windows ® 95/98, Windows ® 3.1 x and Windows NT ® 4.0 all enable manual dup l ex printing . For more informat ion about how to make the settings, see the Help text in the prin ter driver.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-25 To print on both sides of the paper from the paper cassette 1. Select the required manu al d uplex printi ng mode from the driver. 2. The printer auto matically will prin t all the eve n numbered pa ges on one side of th e pap er first.
1-26 To print on both sides of the paper from the manual feed slot ! Caution • Before re-inserting the sheets, straighten them, or you may get paper feed errors.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-27 What do the LED indications mean? This section refers to the LE D and but ton on the pr inter control panel . The LED indications shown in the table below are used in the illustrations in this chapter. ❍ LED is Off LED is Blinking LED is On Drum Ready Alarm Paper Toner Data Fig.
1-28 Ready (Paper) LED indications The Ready LED indicates th e cu rrent status of the printer. LED Printer status Off ❍ The power switch is off or the pr inter is in sleep mode . If the printer is in sleep m ode, it will wake u p automatic ally when it receives data or when you press the co ntrol panel button.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-29 Data (Toner) LED indications The Data LED indicates th e current status of the print data process. LED Printer status Off ❍ The printer has n o print data. Blinking The printer is rece iving data from t he computer or the printer is processing data in memory.
1-30 This LED also work s as the To ner LED when the Alarm LED is also lit. They will blink simultaneously to indica te a to ner error . See “How to replace the Toner cartridge ” in Chapter 3 . LED Error Action Ready Alarm Paper Toner Data Drum Blinking every 5 seconds Toner low Indicates that the toner ca rtridge is nearly empty.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-31 Drum LED indications The Drum LED indicates the drum u nit is nearly at the en d o f its life. LED Printer status ❍ The drum unit can be used. ● The drum unit is near t he end of its li fe. Purchase a new drum unit t o replace the current one.
1-32 Control Panel Button Operations The control p anel button is u sed for the fo llowing purpos es depending on the situation. Cancel Printing If you press t he button during pr inting, the printer i mmediately stop s printing and ejects the paper. Wake-Up If the pri nter is in sleep mod e, pressing t he button wak es it up in to the Ready mode.
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THIS PRINTER 1-33 More Features The printer has th e following useful features: Sleep Mode When the prin ter does not receive da ta for a c ertain period of time (timeout), it enters sleep mode. Sleep mode act s as though the prin ter was turned o ff.
1-34 Test Print Mode The printer h as the followin g test print mo des. Follow th ese step s: ☛ 1. Make sure that the front cover is closed. ☛ 2. Hold down the control panel but ton and turn on the power sw itch. Keep the butt on depressed until the Drum LED comes on.
CHAPTER 2 OPTIONS 2-1 CHAPTER 2 OPTIONS Optional Accessories and Supplies This printer h as the followin g optional accessories a nd supplies, and you can increase the capabilities o f th e printer with these items.
2-2 The Lower Tray unit The lower tray unit is an optiona l dev ice that functio ns as a third paper source. It can hold a maximum of 250 sheets of pap er (80 g/m 2 ). To purchase the opti onal lower t ray unit, please s e e the dea ler o r st ore where you purchased the printer.
CHAPTER 2 OPTIONS 2-3 How to add extra Memory This printer has 4 Mbytes of standa rd me mory and a slot for opti on al additional memory . The memory can be e xp an ded up to a total of 36 Mbyte s b y install ing a commercially available single in-line memory module (SIMM).
2-4 How to install additional SIMM memory To install the SIMM, follo w these steps: ☛ 1 . Turn off the power switch and unpl ug the AC cord from the AC out let.
CHAPTER 2 OPTIONS 2-5 ! Caution Be sure to turn off the power switch and unplug the AC cord to the printer before installing or removing th e SIMM to /from the main co ntroller PCB. ☛ 2 . Open the Rear Paper exit cover. Unscrew the screws securing the access cover and remove it.
2-6 ☛ 4 . Unpack the SIMM and hold it by it s edge. ! Caution SIMM boards may be damaged by even a small amount of stat ic electrici ty. Do not touch the memory chips or th e board surface.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-1 CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE The following are mainte nance messages that ap pear on the LEDs. These mes sages prompt you to replace ea ch of t he co nsu m abl es before they run out.
3-2 Periodic maintenance parts To maintain print qua lity, the parts list ed bel ow sh ould be replaced af ter printing the following number of pages. Item Approximate Life To purchase replacement Fix.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-3 How to replace the Toner Cartridge When the Standard Capacit y toner ca rtridge is used, the pr in ter can print appr oximately 3, 000 pages at 5% coverage on A4/Letter siz e paper with one toner cartridge.
3-4 ✒ Note Both Alarm and Data (Toner) LEDs will blink continuously to indicate that the toner is nearly empty. This blinking does not stop until you have ins talled a new toner cartridge.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-5 ☛ 2 . Place the drum unit assembly on a piece of cloth or disposable paper that is on a flat, horizontal surface. Pull the toner cartridge out of the drum unit assembly while holding down the lock lever with your ri ght hand.
3-6 ☛ 4 . Remove the protective cover. Fig.3-6 Remove the protective cover ! Caution Wait to unpack the toner cartridge until immediately before you are ready to install it into the printer. If toner cartri dges are left unpacked for a l ong period of time, the toner l ife is shortened.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-7 ☛ 5 . Install the new to n e r cartrid g e into the dr u m unit until it click s into place. When the ton er cartridge is installed co rrectly , th e lock lever is lifted an d locks autom atically .
3-8 ☛ 6 . Clean the primary corona wire i nside the drum unit by gent ly slidi ng the blue tab to the ri ght and the left ends sev eral tim es. Retu rn the tab to th e Ho me position b efo re reinstalling the drum unit ass embly.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-9 How to replace the Drum Unit The printer uses a drum unit to create the print images on paper. If the Drum LED is lit it indicates the drum unit is near the end of its life. Purchase a new drum unit to replace the current one.
3-10 You can also view the drum unit replacement method in the instructional video on the supplied C D-ROM. Follow these steps to replace the drum unit.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-11 ☛ 2 . Place the drum unit assembly on a piece of cloth or disposable paper that is on a flat, horizontal surface. Pull the toner cartridge out of the drum unit assembly while holding down the lock lever with your ri ght hand.
3-12 ☛ 4 . Install the tone r cartrid g e into the new d rum unit u n til it locks into p lace, in d icated by a click. When the tone r cartrid g e is installed correctly, th e lo ck lever is lifted auto m atically.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-13 ☛ 6 . Make sure the printer is turned on, the front cover is open and t he Drum and Al a r m LEDs are illuminated . ☛ 7. Reset t he page counter. See the ins tructions s upplied wit h the new drum unit. ! Caution When you replace only the toner cartridge, do not reset the page counter.
3-14 How to clean the printer Clean the printe r exterior and interi or periodically. If pri nted pages get st ained with toner, clean the printer int erior and drum unit. Cleaning the printer exterior ✒ Note Clean the printer ex terio r using the in fo rm ation in the fo llo win g instruction s.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-15 ! Caution Use water or neutral deterg en ts for cleaning. Clean in g with volatile liqu ids such as thinn er s or benzene will damag e th e surface of the pr in ter.
3-16 Cleaning the pr i nter i nterior and Dr um Unit ✒ Note Clean the printer in terio r and the dr u m unit follo win g the instruction s b elo w. You can view this procedure in the i nstructional video on the suppli ed CD-ROM. ☛ 1 . Turn off the power switch and unpl ug the power cord.
CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE 3-17 Warning After you have just used the printer, some internal parts of the printer are extremely HOT . When you open the front cover of the printer, never touch the shaded parts shown in the following illustra tion. High Temperature High Temperature Front view Rear view Fig.
3-18 ☛ 5 . Clean the primary corona wire i nside the drum unit by gent ly slidi ng the tab to the right hand end and left hand end several times. Fig. 3-22 Cleaning the primary corona wire ☛ 6 . Return the tab to the Home po sitio n b efore reinstalling th e d rum unit assem b ly into the p r in ter.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-1 CHAPTE R 4 TROUBLESHOOTING Identifying your problem First, check the following: • The power pl ug is connected cor rectly and the prin ter is turned on. • All of the pro tect ive parts have b een removed. • The toner cartridge and drum unit are installed correctly.
4-2 Control Panel Indications Operator calls and how to clear them The LED indications as shown i n the table below are used in the illustration s in this chapter. ❍ LED is Off LED is Blinking LED is On If a recoverable error occ urs, the pri nter indicates an ‘o perator call’ by the LED indications as shown in the tabl e below.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-3 LED Error Action Ready Alarm Paper Toner Data Drum Paper jam No paper Misfeed Clear the paper jam. S ee the next section “PAPER JAMS an d how to clear them”. Press the panel b utton if the printer d o es not automatically resume prin ting.
4-4 Service call indications If an unrecoverab le error o ccu rs, the printer will indicate the n eed for a service call by illuminating all th e LEDs, fo llowed by a co m b ination of LEDs as sh own below: For example, the following are the indications when a Fuser malfunction error occurs.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-5 If you see any of these service call indication s, turn off the power swi t ch, wait a few seconds, then turn it on and tr y to print aga in. If you cannot clear the error and see the s ame service call indication after tu rning on the printer, consul t your dealer or our aut h orized service representative.
4-6 Error Messages in the Status Monitor The Status Monitor will report problems wit h the printer as define d in th e following table. Take the corre ctive acti ons for the error message that is suggest ed in the Status Monitor reports. Error Message Action COVER OPEN • Clo se the front cover of t he printer.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-7 Error Message Action MEMORY FULL • Press the panel butt on to print the data remain ing in the printer. • Reduce the pr int resolution or re duce the complexity of your document. • Expand th e pr inter memory by ad ding a commercially available SIMM.
4-8 Error Message Printouts The printer will repor t problems by prin ting an error mess age as defined in the following table. Take the corre c ti ve actions for the err or message the Printout reports. Error Message Action MEMORY FULL • Press the panel butt on to print the data remain ing in the printer.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-9 Paper Handling First, ensure that you ar e using paper that meets Brother recommend ed paper specifications. See “What kind of paper can I use” in Chapter 1. Problem Reco mmendatio n The printer does not load paper. • If there is pa per in the pa per cassette, make sure it is straight.
4-10 PAPER JAMS and how to clear them When a paper jam occurs, the printer notifies you by illuminating the LEDs as shown below. Ready Alarm Paper Toner Data Drum Fig. 4-3 LED indication caused by a paper jam Warning After you have just used the printer, some internal parts of the printer are extremely HOT .
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-11 Clear the jammed paper. S ee the followi ng instructions or vi ew the paper jam instructional video on the CD-ROM . If the jammed paper is rem o v ed completely by using t hese steps, you can close the paper cassette first, then close th e front cover.
4-12 2 . Pull any jammed pape r up and out o f the printer. Fig. 4-6 Pull the jammed paper up and out 3 . Open the front cover.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-13 4 . Remove the drum unit as se mbl y. Pull a ny jam med paper up an d out of the printer. Do not use additional fo rce to remov e the drum un it assembly if you ca nnot remove it easily. Instead, pull the edge of the jammed paper f rom the paper cassette.
4-14 ! Caution To prevent damage to the printer caused by static electrici ty, do not touch the electrodes shown below. Fig. 4-9 Electrodes 5 .
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-15 Other Problem Reco mmendatio n The printer cann ot print. “There was an err or writing to LPT1: (or BRUSB ) for the printer.” error message appears on your PC. • Check that th e pr inter cable is not d am a g ed or broken.
4-16 For Apple Macintosh Computers user Problem Reco mmendatio n Unable to print from application software. • Make sure the suppl ied Macintos h printer driver is installed in the System Folder an d it is selected with Chooser.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-17 Improving the print quality ! Caution If the Drum LED is lit you can clear a pr int quality probl em by re placing the drum unit with a new one.
4-18 Image defect examples Recommendation ABCDEFGH abcdefghijk ABCD abcde 01234 Toner specks • Make sure that y ou use paper that meets t he specifications. A rough surfaced pa p er may cause the problem. See “What ki nd of paper can I use” in Chapte r 1.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-19 Image defect examples Recommendation 94 mm (3.7 in.) 94 mm (3.7 in.) White Spots Printed pages have white spots in black text and graphics at intervals of 94 mm. 94 mm (3.7 in.) 94 mm (3.7 in.) Black Spots Printed pages have black spots at intervals of 94 mm.
4-20 Image defect examples Recommendation 94 mm (3.7 in.) 94 mm (3.7 in.) White Spots Printed pages have white spots in black text and graphics at intervals of 94 mm. 94 mm (3.7 in.) 94 mm (3.7 in.) Printed pages have black spots at intervals of 94 mm.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-21 Image defect examples Recommendat ion ABCDEFGH abcdefghijk ABCD abcde 01234 Black Horizontal repetitive defects Toner scatters and stains the printed page. • The drum unit may be damaged. Install a new drum unit. See "How to replace the Drum unit" in Chapter 3.
4-22 Image defect examples Recommendation . ABCDEFGH abcdefghijk ABCD abcde 01234 White Vertical streaks • You may clear the problem by wipi ng the scanner window with a soft cloth . See “How to clean the printer” i n Chapter 3. • The toner cartridge may be d amaged.
CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-23 How to print correctly Problem Reco mmendatio n The printer p rints unex pec tedly or it prints garbage data . • Make sure th e printer cable is not too long. We recommend using a parallel cable of less than 2 met re s (6.
4-24 For DOS users Problem Reco mmendatio n The printer pr in ts, but it prints incorrect inform ation. Sometimes it prints a couple of characters and then ejects the page, etc. • This is an indication that your app lication printer emulation setting and the printer’s em ulation do not m atch.
APPENDIX A-1 APPENDIX Printer Technical Specifications Printing Print Metho d Electrophotography by semi conductor lase r beam scanning Laser Wavel ength: 780 nm Output: 5 mW max Resolution 1200 (H) x.
A-2 Print Media Toner cartridge : 3,0 00 pages/ stan dard capacity toner cartridge 6,000 pages/high cap acity toner cartridge Life Expectancy: (When printin g A4- or letter-size paper at 5% print coverage.) NOTE : Toner life expectan cy w ill vary de pending on the ty pe of average print job printed.
APPENDIX A-3 Functions TrueType Fonts on CD TrueTy pe-compati ble soft-fonts for Windows are provi ded on the supplied CD. Quantity of fonts is 35. Emulation Brother Printing S olution for Windows ® Automatic emulation selection among HP LaserJet 6 P (PCL 6), Brother BR- Script Level 2, EPSON FX-850 or IBM Proprinter XL .
A-4 Electrical and Mechanical Power Source USA and Canada: AC 110 to 120 V, 50 / 60 Hz Europe an d Australia: AC 220 to 240 V, 50 /60 Hz Power Consumption Printing (average): 340 W or less Stand-by: 80 W or less Sleep 12 W or less Noise Printing: 49 dB A or less Sleep: 27 dB A or less Temperature Operating: 10 to 32.
APPENDIX A-5 Parallel Interface Specifications ✒ Note • To ensure b e st qual ity perf ormance use an IEE E 1284 compl iant parallel cable between the prin ter an d your computer. On ly IEEE 1284 cables support all of the advanced printing capabi lities, such as bi-direc tional communication.
A-6 ✒ Note To use bi-directional comm un ic ation, yo u must set up an interf ace cable that has the pin connections li sted above. Pin 1 18 2 19 3 4 20 5 6 21 7 8 22 9 10 24 11 23 12 13 14 25 16 15 17 Shield Pin 1 19 2 20 3 21 4 22 5 23 6 24 7 25 8 26 9 27 10 28 11 29 12 17 13 15 14 30 31 33 32 34 36 35 18 16 Shield Fig.
APPENDIX A-7 USB (Universal Serial Bus) Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interface 4 3 21 Fig. A-2 USB interface connector Pin Assignment Pin No. Signal 1 Vcc (+5V) 2 - Data Serial Data - 3 + Data.
A-8 Network Interface Network Interface Fig. A- 3 10/100Base TX Port Pin Assignment RJ45 pin Signal 1 TX+ Transmit Data + 2 TX − Transmit Dat a − 3 RX+ Receive D ata + 4 N . C . 5 N . C . 6 RX − Receive Data − 7 N . C . 8 N . C . For more informatio n, see th e “Network User’s Gu id e ” on the CD-ROM.
APPENDIX A-9 Emulation Modes This printer h as the followin g emulations modes: HP LaserJet Mode This printer uses the HP LaserJet mode (or HP mode) that emulates the Hewlett- Packard LaserJet laser printer.
A-10 Resident Fonts The following bitm apped fonts are resident in this printer. Bitmapped Fonts This printer has the fo ll owing bitmapp ed font s . They can be used in the HP LaserJet 6P, EPSON FX-850, and IBM Pr oprinte r XL mode s . They have the f ollowing characteristics.
APPENDIX A-11 Scalable Fonts The following scalable fonts can be used in the HP LaserJe t 6P, EPSON FX-850 and IBM Proprinter XL m ode s . 75 Scalable and 12 Bitmapped Fonts This printer h as the following scalable fonts and bi tmapped font s . The fonts t hat can be used will vary according to t he current emulation mod e .
A-12 ■ BR-Script 2 Mode Scalable Fonts: • Atlanta Book, B ookOblique, Demi, DemiOblique • Alaska, Extrabold • Antique Oakl and, Oblique, Bold • Bermuda Script • BR Dingbats • BR Symbol �.
APPENDIX A-13 Symbol Sets / Character Sets OCR Symbol Sets When the OCR-A o r OCR-B font is selected, its correspondin g symbol set is always use d . • OCR-A • OCR-B HP LaserJet 6P Mode • Roman .
A-14 EPSON Mode • US ASCII • PC-8 • PC-8 D/ N • PC-850 • PC-852 • PC-860 • PC-863 • PC-865 • PC- 8 Turkish • German • UK ASCII I • French I • Danish I • Italy • Spanish �.
APPENDIX A-15 ❏ HP LaserJet IIP / HP LaserJet 6P.
A-16 The following table s hows characters availabl e o nly in the corr esponding character set. The numbers at the top of the table are c ode values with which characters are to be replaced in the Rom an 8 character set. For oth er characters , see the Roman 8 character set.
APPENDIX A-17 ❏ HP Laser Jet IIP/6P , EPSON FX- 8 50, IBM Proprint er XL ❏ EPSON FX-850.
A-18 The following table s hows characters availabl e o nly in the corr esponding character set. The numbers at the top of the table are c ode values with which characters are to be replaced in the US ASCII character set. For othe r characters, see the US ASCII character set.
APPENDIX A-19 Trademarks The Brother logo is a registere d tra demark of Brother Industries , Ltd. Apple, the Apple Log o, and Macintosh are trademarks, registered in the United States and other countries, a nd T rueType is a trademark of A pple Computer, Inc.
A-20 REGULATIONS Federal Communications Commission(FCC) Declaration of Conformity (For USA Only) Responsible Party : Brother International Corporation 100 Somerset Corporate Boulevard Bridgewater, NJ .
APPENDIX A-21 Industry Canada Compliance Statement (For Canada Only) This Clas s B di gital apparatus complies wi th Canadian IC ES-003. Cet appareil numéri que de la class e B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du C anada.
A-22 FDA Regulations (For 110-120 V Model Only) U.S. Food and Drug Administratio n (FDA ) has implemented regulation s f or laser products manufactured on and af ter Au gus t 2 , 1976. Complian ce is ma ndatory for p roducts marketed in the United States.
APPENDIX A-23 IEC 825 Specification (For 220–240 V Model Only) This printer is a Class 1 laser product as de fi ned in IEC 825 specificatio ns. The label shown below is attached in countri es where it is required.
A-24 IMPORTANT - For Your Sa fety To ensure safe operat io n the supplied th ree-pin el ectrical plug must be inserted only into a standard three-pin powe r point th at is pr op er ly groun ded th rough normal household wiring.
APPENDIX A-25 IMPORTANT - Wiring Information (For U.K. only) If the power cord sup pli ed with this printer is not suitable for your electrical outlet, remove the plug from the ma ins cord and fit an appropr iate three pin plug. If t he re placement plug is intended to ta ke a fuse then fit a fuse with the same rating as the original.
CHAPTER 2 OPTIONS I-1 INDEX -A- advanced photoscale technol ogy........ 1-5 Alarm lamp ........................................ 4-2 Alarm LED ...................................... 1-31 APT .................................................... 1-5 auto-emulation switching .
1-2 -Q- quick print setup................................. 1-4 -R- Ready LED ...................................... 1-28 resident font .................................... A-10 resolution ................................... 1-3 , A-1 -S- scalable font .
デバイスBrother HL HL-1270Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother HL HL-1270Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother HL HL-1270Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother HL HL-1270Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother HL HL-1270Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother HL HL-1270Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother HL HL-1270Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother HL HL-1270Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother HL HL-1270Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。