BrotherメーカーMFC MFC-250Cの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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USER’S GUIDE MFC-25 0C MFC-29 0C Ver sion 0 USA/CAN.
If y o u need to call Customer Service Ple ase c omplet e the fo llow ing info rma tion for futu re re fer en ce : Mo del N umber : MFC-2 50C and MFC -290C (Cir cle yo ur m odel num ber) Seri al N um ber : 1 Dat e of Pur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P ur ch as e : 1 The seria l numb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i Brother numbers IMPORTANT For technic al help, you must ca ll the country where you bough t t he machine . Calls must be made from within that countr y. Re gister yo ur pr oduct By register ing your product wit h B rot her Internationa l Corporat ion, you will be recorde d as the origina l owner o f the produc t.
ii Orde ring ac cessor ies an d supp lies For b est quality results use only genuine Broth er accessor ies, wh ich are available at m ost Br other retail ers. If you c annot find the accessor y you need and y ou have a Vi s a , MasterCard, D iscover, or American Express credit card, you can order accessories direct ly fr om Brother .
iv Br other ® On e-Year Limite d War ranty and R eplacem ent Se rvi ce (USA On ly) Who is covered: Thi s l i mite d w arr an ty (“ wa rra n ty” ) is giv en only to th e o rigina l e nd-us e/r.
v Brot her ® On e-Year Limi ted W arran ty and R eplace ment S ervice (USA Only ) discretion. Brother reserves the right to supp ly a r efu rbis hed or rem anu fact ured repl ac emen t Ma ch ine a nd.
vi BROTHER MULTIF UNCTION CENTER / FAX M ACHINE LIMITED WARR ANTY (Cana da only ) Purs ua nt to t he lim ite d wa rra nty of 1 ye ar fro m th e dat e o f pur cha se f or labo ur an d part s, B ro the r Int ernat iona l Corp or atio n (Ca na da) Lt d.
vii Table of Conte nts Section I General 1 Gene ral Info rmat ion 2 Usi ng th e docu me ntat ion ..... .. ... .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ... 2 Sym b ols a nd con ve ntion s us ed in t he doc um ent ati on .
viii 4 Secur ity featur es 23 TX Lo ck . ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .... 2 3 Setting and changi ng the TX Lock password ...... ....... ...
ix 7 Telepho ne Servic es and E xtern al devic es 39 Voi ce Op erat ion s . .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... ... 39 Ton e or puls e (Ca nada only) .. .. ... .... .
x Sectio n III Copy 10 Mak ing cop ies 56 Ho w t o c opy . .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .. 56 Ent e ring Co py m od e . .... ... .... ... .. .... .
xi 12 Pri nting ph oto s from a c ame ra 75 Print ing photos directl y from a PictBridge camera ........ ......... ......... ....... ......... ..... 75 Pic tB ridg e re quir eme nts ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..
xii B Trou bles hoo ting a nd Ro uti ne M aint ena nce 94 Troubles hooting ...... ......... ......... ......... ....... ......... ........ ....... ......... ......... ....... ......... . 94 If y ou ar e havi ng d iffic ul ty wit h you r ma chine .. ..
Section I General I General Infor mation 2 Loa ding paper and d ocume nts 8 General setup 19 Security featu res 23.
2 1 Using the documentati on 1 Thank y ou for buy ing a B rother m a c h ine! Reading the d ocumenta tion wi ll help you make the most of your machine. Sy mbol s an d co nven ti ons use d in the docu menta tion 1 The fol lowing symbols and conv entions are use d througho ut th e documentat ion.
General Info rmation 3 1 c If the language s creen appears, cli c k your langua ge. The CD-ROM Main Menu will appear . Note If this window does not appear, use Windows ® E xplorer to run the st art.exe program from the root directo r y of the Brot her CD-R OM.
Chapter 1 4 View in g Do cum ent ati on (For Maci ntos h ® ) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh ® . I ns ert the Brother CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive. The followin g window will ap pear. b Double- click t he Documen tation icon. c Double- click your language fol der.
General Info rmation 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support (For Window s ® ) 1 You can find all the contac ts you will need, such as Web s upport (Br other Sol utions Center) , Customer Service and Brot her Authori z e d Service Centers in Br other numbers on page i and on th e Brother CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 6 MFC-29 0C Contr ol panel overv iew 1 The MFC-250C and MFC-2 90C have the same contr ol panel keys. Note Most of the i llust rations i n this User’s Guide s how t he MFC-290C. 1 Fax an d telepho ne keys: Redial/Pau se Redials the la st number ca lled.
General Info rmation 7 1 Volu me keys d c Wh en the m achine is idle, y ou can pres s thes e keys to a djust the ring vol ume. d Pres s to scrol l backwa rd to a menu select ion. a or b Pres s to scroll through the men us and opt i on s. Clear/Ba ck Pres s to canc el the current s etting.
8 2 Loadin g paper and other print medi a 2 a If the p aper supp ort fla p is o pen, close it, and then close the paper su pport. Pull the pa per tr ay comple tely out of the machine.
Loading pa per and docume nts 9 2 d Fan the stack of paper well to av oid paper jams and mi s feeds. Note Always make sur e the paper is not curl ed. e Gentl y put the paper into the pa per tra y print si de down and top edge in first. Check tha t t he pape r is fl at in t h e tray.
Chapter 2 10 i While holdi ng the paper tray in place, pull out the pape r support ( 1 ) until it clicks, and then unfold the paper support flap ( 2). Note Do not use the pa per suppor t flap f or Legal pa per. Loading enve lopes a nd post cards 2 Abo ut en ve lo pes 2 Use envelop es that weigh from 20 to 25 lb (80 to 95 g/m 2 ).
Loading pa per and docume nts 11 2 b Put envel opes o r post cards int o the paper tr ay with the add r e s s side down and the leading edge in fi r st as shown in the i llustr ation. W ith both hands, gen tly press a nd sl ide the paper s ide guides (1) and paper len gth guide ( 2) to fit the si ze of t he envelop es or post cards.
Chapter 2 12 Pri nt ab le ar ea 2 The print able area depe nds on the sett ings in the applicati on y o u are using . The figures below sho w the unprint able areas on cut sheet paper and env elopes. The machine can onl y print in the sha ded areas when the Border less p rint feat ure is available and turned o n.
Loading pa per and docume nts 13 2 Accepta ble paper a nd other print m edia 2 The print quali ty can be affected by the type of paper you are using in the machine. To get the best print qualit y for the settin gs you ha v e chosen, a lways set the Paper Ty pe to match the type of paper you load.
Chapter 2 14 Hand ling an d using pr int medi a 2 Store pape r in its ori ginal packaging, and keep it seal ed. Keep the pap er flat and away from mois ture, direct sunli ght and heat. Avoid tou c hi ng the shiny (coated) side of photo paper. Loa d ph oto paper with the shiny si de f acing down .
Loading pa per and docume nts 15 2 Ch oosing the right print m edia 2 P aper ty pe and si z e fo r ea ch ope rat io n 2 Pape r Typ e Pap er Size Us age Fax Co py Phot o Capt ur e Printer Cut Sh eet Letter 8 1/2 × 11 in . (215.9 × 279.4 mm) Yes Yes Yes Yes A4 8.
Chapter 2 16 Pap er w eight , thic knes s an d cap acity 2 1 Up to 100 shee ts of p lai n pape r 2 0 l b (80 g /m 2 ). 2 BP 71 (2 60g/ m 2 ) pa pe r is e speci ally desig ned f or B rothe r in kjet m ach ines . Pa per T ype Weig ht T hickness No. o f sheet s Cut Sheet Plain P aper 17 to 32 l b (64 to 120 g/m 2 ) 3 to 6 mil (0.
Loading pa per and docume nts 17 2 L oading docum ents 2 You can send a fax, m ake co pies, and scan from the ADF (automati c document feede r ) and from the scanner glas s. Using the ADF (MFC-29 0C only) 2 The ADF can hold up to 15 pages and feeds each sheet indi vidually.
Chapter 2 18 How to lo ad d oc ument s 2 Note To use the scanner glass, the A DF m ust be empty. a Lift the docu m e nt cover. b Using the docu m en t guidelines on the left and top, place t he d ocument in the upper left hand corner , with the document face down on the scanner glass.
19 3 3 On/Off key 3 You can turn the machine on and off by pressing the On /Of f key. Note • If you pres s the On /Of f key while the machine is in use it will finis h the operati on before going into the Off m ode. • If you have conn ected an external teleph one o r TAD, it is alway s availab le.
Chapter 3 20 Mode Time r 3 The mach ine has four temporary mode keys on t he c ontrol pa nel: Fax , Scan , Copy and Photo Captu re . You can c hange t he amount of t ime the machine takes after the la s t S can, Copy or P hotoCapture op erati on before it retur ns to Fax mode.
General setup 21 3 Vo lume Settings 3 Ring V olu me 3 You can choose a range of ring volume levels, from High to Off . While the m achi ne is idl e, press d or c to adjust the volume lev el. The LCD shows the current setti ng, and each key press will change the volu m e to the next level .
Chapter 3 22 Automatic Daylight Savin gs Time 3 You can set th e machin e to ch ange automat icall y for daylight sav ings time. It will reset itself fo rward one h our in the Spr ing and bac k w ard one hour in the Fall. Make sure you hav e set t he corr ect dat e and tim e in the Date&Time s etting.
23 4 4 T X Lock 4 TX Loc k lets you prevent unaut horized access to the machi ne. While TX Lock is On, the foll owing operati ons are a v ai lable: Receiv ing faxes While TX Lock is On, the foll o.
Chapter 4 24 Turning TX Loc k on/off 4 Turn in g TX Lo ck o n 4 a Pres s Menu , 2 , 0 , 1 . b Pres s a or b to choose Set TX Lock . Pres s OK . c Enter the reg istered 4- digit password. Pres s OK . The machine goes offl ine and the LCD shows TX Lock Mode .
Section II Fax II Send in g a Fa x 26 Receivi ng a Fax 33 Telephone S ervices an d External d evices 39 Dialin g and storin g numbers 50 Pr inting Reports 53.
26 5 Entering F ax mode 5 Press ( Fax ) to enter Fax mode. Whil e the ma c h ine is fax ing, the LCD will sho w the new job number and the memory ava ilable.The num ber of pages you ca n s can into the memory will vary d ependi ng on t he data t hat is printed on them.
Sen ding a Fax 27 5 Se ttin g sc an ne r gla ss siz e for faxi ng 5 When documents are A4 size, you need to set scan size to A 4. If you do not, the bottom portion o f the faxes will be mis s i ng. a Make sure yo u are in Fax m ode . b Press Me nu , 2 , 2 , 0 .
Chapter 5 28 C ancel ing a Bro adcas t i n pro gress 5 a Pres s Menu , 2 , 4 . The LCD will show t he Broadc ast job number fol lowed by the fax number (or name) being dial ed (for example, #001 0123456789) . b Pres s OK . The LCD will show t he fo llowing message: #001 012 3456 789 1.
Sen ding a Fax 29 5 Cont rast 5 If your doc um e nt is very light or very dark, yo u may want to change the contras t. Use Light when sendi ng a li ght docum ent. Use Dark when sendi ng a dark document . a Make sure yo u are in Fax m ode . b Load y our doc ument.
Chapter 5 30 D ual ac cess (B lack & Whit e only) 5 You can dial a number and star t sc anning t he fax i nto memory —even when t he machin e is sen ding from memory, recei ving faxes or pri nting PC dat a. The LCD shows the new job numb er and av ailable memory.
Sen ding a Fax 31 5 O ver se as Mod e 5 If you are having dif ficult y sending a fax overseas due to possible interferen ce on the telephone li ne, we recommend that you tur n on the Overseas mode. After y o u send a fax using this f eature, the feat ure will tur n itself off.
Chapter 5 32 Se ndi ng a fax at the end of a con ver sati on 5 At the end of a conver sation you can send a fax to th e other par ty before you both hang up. a Ask the othe r pa r ty to wait for fax ton es (beeps) and then to pre s s th e Start or Send key before hangin g up.
33 6 6 Re ceive m odes 6 Ch oosing t he Rece ive Mod e 6 The diagram bel ow will help you choose the correct mode. For more det ailed informat ion on the receive m odes s ee Using rec eive modes on page 35 and Recei ve mode setting s on page 36.
Chapter 6 34 To set the recei ve mo de fol low the instruct ions b elow . a Pres s Menu , 0 , 1 . b Pres s a or b to choose Fax Onl y , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual . Pres s OK . c Pres s Stop/Exit . The LCD will display the cur rent re ceive m ode.
Receiv ing a F ax 35 6 Using rec eive mod es 6 Some receive modes ans wer au tomaticall y ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). You may wa nt to change the ring delay be fore using t hese modes. (See Ring Delay on page 36.) Fa x Onl y 6 Fax Only mode will automat ically answer every call as a fax call.
Chapter 6 36 Recei ve mode setting s 6 Ring D ela y 6 The Ring De lay set s the number of times the machi ne ring s before it ans wers in Fax Only or Fax/Tel m ode. I f you hav e exter nal or extens ion t elephones o n the same li ne as the machi ne keep the ring d elay sett ing of 4 r ings.
Receiv ing a F ax 37 6 Easy Receiv e 6 If Eas y Rece ive is On : 6 The machine receiv es a fax cal l automatical ly, even if you answer the call . When you see Receiving on the LC D or when y ou hear ‘ chirps’ throug h the hands et you are usi ng, jus t replace t he handset .
Chapter 6 38 R eceivi ng f axes i nt o memor y whe n th e pa per tr ay is e mpt y 6 As soon a s the p aper tray b ecomes empty dur ing fax reception, the LCD will display No Paper Fed , ask ing you to put pape r in the p aper tr ay. (See Loadin g paper and other pri nt media on page 8.
39 7 7 Vo ice Operations 7 Tone or p ulse (C an ad a on ly) 7 If you are using an externa l tele phone and have a pulse dialing servi ce, but need to send tone sign als (f or exa m p le, for t elephone banking), foll ow the instruc tions below. a Lift the handset of t he ex ternal telepho ne.
Chapter 7 40 Telephone serv ices 7 Your mac hine supports the Calle r ID a nd Dis tinctive Ring subsc riber telephon e servic es that some telep hone companies of fe r.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 41 7 Dist inct ive Ri ng 7 Distinc tive Rin g is a function of y our B rother machine t hat all ows a pers on with one line to receive f ax and voic e calls through two different phone numbers on that one line.
Chapter 7 42 Be fore yo u choos e the rin g patt ern to regi st er 7 You can only r egister one Distinc tive Ring patt ern with the machi ne. Some ring patte rns can not be reg istered. T he ring pa tterns bel ow are supported by you r Broth er machin e.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 43 7 Caller ID 7 The Caller ID feature let s you use the Caller ID subscriber s e rv i c e offe red b y many local telephone com panies. Call your tel ephone com pany for details. This service shows the telephone number , or name if it is available , of your caller as the line rings .
Chapter 7 44 Connecti ng a n exter nal TAD (telephone answer ing dev ice ) 7 You may choo se to con nect an externa l ans wering device. Howev er, when you have an external TAD on the same t elephone line as the machi ne, t he TAD an swers all cal ls and the machi ne ‘list ens’ for fax c alling (CNG ) tones.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 45 7 Co nnect ions 7 The external TAD mu s t be plugged int o the jack labele d EXT. Your mach ine cannot work properly if y ou plug the TA D into a wall jack (unless you are using Dist inctiv e Ring). a Plug the telep hone line cord from the telepho ne wall j ack int o the j ack labe led LINE.
Chapter 7 46 Special line co nsid eratio ns 7 Ro ll over t elepho ne lines 7 A roll over t elephone syst em i s a group of two or more se parate teleph one lines that pass inc oming ca lls to e ach other i f the y are busy. The calls are u s u ally passed down or ‘ro lled ove r ’ to the next availab le tele phone line in a pr es et o rd e r.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 47 7 a Put the two-li ne TAD and the two-line telepho ne n ext to your machine. b Plug o ne end of the t elephone l ine cord for your mac hine into the L2 jac k o f t he triplex adapter. Plug the other end int o the L INE jac k on t he back of the machine.
Chapter 7 48 External a nd extens ion telep hones 7 C onnect in g an exte rnal or extens ion tele phone 7 You can connec t a separate telephone dir ectly t o your machine as shown i n the diagr am below. Connec t the t elephone lin e cord to the jack labele d EXT.
Telephone Services an d Ext ernal devices 49 7 Us ing a n on-B rother c ord less ex ternal teleph one 7 If your non-brot her cordless tele phone is connecte d to the EXT. jack of the machine and yo u typicall y carr y the cordless h andset elsewhere, it is easier to answer calls during the Ring Delay.
50 8 How t o Di al 8 Manua l dialing 8 Press all of the d igits of the fax or telephone num be r. Speed Dialing 8 a Pres s ( Speed Di al ). b Pres s OK and the # (poun d) key , and then t he two digit Speed Dia l n um ber using the dial pad.
Dialing and s toring number s 51 8 Storing numb ers 8 You can set up your machine to do the followin g types of easy di aling: Sp eed Dial and Groups for broadcas ting faxes. When you di al a Q uick Di al number, the LCD shows the name, if you stored it , or the number .
Chapter 8 52 Setting up group s f or broadc asti ng 8 If you regula rly want to send the same fax message t o many fax number s you can set up a Group.
53 9 9 F ax repor ts 9 You need to set up the Transmi s si on Verifi c a tion Report and Journal Per iod using the Menu key. Tran smi ssion Ver if icati on Re port 9 You can use the Transmissi on R eport as proof th at you s ent a fax. This r eport li sts the time and date of tran s mission and whether the t ransmissi on was successf ul (OK).
Chapter 9 54 Reports 9 The fol lowing reports ar e ava ilable: 1.Tran smission Prin ts a Tr ansmission Veri fication Repor t f or your la st transmi ssion. 2.Help List A help li s t sh owing how to program your machi ne. 3.Quic k Dial Lis ts names and nu m be r s stored in the S pee d Di a l me mor y, i n n u me ri ca l or der .
Section III Cop y III Making copies 56.
56 10 How to copy 10 Enterin g Copy mode 10 Press ( Copy ) to ente r Copy mode. The defau lt setting is Fax. You can change th e numb er of sec onds or minutes that t he machi ne stays in Cop y mode. ( See M ode Time r on page 20.) The LCD shows the def ault copy setting : 1 C opy R atio 2 Qua lity 3 N o.
Making c opies 57 10 Copy option s 10 When you want to quickly cha nge the copy settings temporar ily for the n ext copy, us e the Copy Opti ons key. The machine ret urns to its def ault settings 2 minutes after it finis hes copying, or if the mode tim er returns the machine t o Fax m ode.
Chapter 1 0 58 Chan ging cop y quality 10 You can choos e from a rang e of qualit y setti ng s. The def ault sett in g is Normal . To temporarily change t he qual ity sett ing, foll ow the instruc tions below: a Make sure you are in Copy mod e . b Load your docum ent.
Making c opies 59 10 To enlarge or reduce the next cop y follow the instruct ions below: a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load y our doc ument. c Use the dial pad t o enter the number of copie s (up to 99). d Press Copy Options and a or b to choose Enlarge/Reduce .
Chapter 1 0 60 f Pres s Bl ack S tar t to scan the document . You can also press Color Start if you are using th e Poster layout. If y ou placed t he docum ent i n the ADF (MFC-290C ) or are making a poster , the m achine sc ans the pages and starts pri nting.
Making c opies 61 10 Sort ing co pies u sing t he A DF (Bla ck & Wh ite o nly) (MFC-29 0C only) 10 You can sort multiple copies. Pages will be stacked i n the order 3 2 1, 3 2 1, 3 2 1, and so on. a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load y our doc ument.
Chapter 1 0 62 Pa pe r opt ion s 10 Paper Ty pe 10 If you are copy ing on s p ec i al paper, set the machi ne for the type of paper y ou are using t o get th e best pr int quality . a Make sur e you are in Copy mode . b Load your docum ent. c Use the dial pad t o enter the number of copies (up to 99).
Section IV Wal k-up Photo Printin g IV Pho toCap ture Cente r ® : Pr in ti ng ph ot os f rom a memory card o r USB Flash memory drive 64 Pr inting photos f r om a camer a 75.
64 11 Note The MFC-250C only supports USB Flash memory drive s. PhotoCapture Center ® Operations 11 Pr inti ng fro m a me mory card or USB Flash me mor y drive without a PC 11 Even i f your machi ne is no t connected to y our comput er, you can print photos dir ectly from digit al c amera medi a or US B Flash Memory dri ve.
Phot oCapture C enter ® : Pr inting photos from a m emory car d or USB F lash memor y drive 65 11 Memor y car ds ( MFC-290 C only ) or a USB Flash memory d rive fo lder st ructu re 11 Your mac hine i.
Chapter 1 1 66 Getting star ted 11 Firm ly put a m emory c ard o r USB Flash memory drive i nto t he pr oper slot. 1 US B Fl a sh m em ory d riv e 2 SD, SDHC 3M e m o r y S t i c k ® , Memo ry Stick .
Phot oCapture C enter ® : Pr inting photos from a m emory car d or USB F lash memor y drive 67 11 How to print from a me mo ry c ar d or U SB F lash mem ory driv e 11 Before print ing a photo you must first print a thumbnail index to choose the number of the photo you want to print .
Chapter 1 1 68 d Pres s a or b t o choose th e type of paper you a re usi ng, Plain Paper , Inkjet Paper , Brother BP71 or Other Glossy . Pres s OK . e Pres s a or b to choose the paper siz e you a re usi ng, Letter or A4 . Pres s OK . f Pres s Colo r Start to prin t.
Phot oCapture C enter ® : Pr inting photos from a m emory car d or USB F lash memor y drive 69 11 i Do one of the following : To choos e the number of copies go to j . If you have fi nished choosing sett ings, pres s Color Start . j Enter the number of copies y o u want.
Chapter 1 1 70 f Pres s a or b to choos e the paper siz e you a re usi ng, Letter , A4 , 4"x 6" or 5"x 7" . Pres s OK . If you chos e Lett er o r A4, go to g . If you c hose anoth er size, go to h . If you have fin ished choosing setti ngs, press Col or S ta r t .
Phot oCapture C enter ® : Pr inting photos from a m emory car d or USB F lash memor y drive 71 11 Pr int Size 11 This setting is avail able only when you choose Letter or A4 in the paper size sett ing. a Press Me nu , 4 , 4 . b Press a or b to choo s e the print size you are using, 3"x 4" , 3.
Chapter 1 1 72 Borderless printing 11 This f eature expan ds the printable area to t he edges of the pap er. Printi ng time will be sl ightly slo wer. a Pres s Menu , 4 , 8 . b Pres s a or b to choose Off (or On ). Pres s OK . c Pres s Stop/Exit . Print Date 11 You can print the dat e i f it is alread y in the data on your photo .
Phot oCapture C enter ® : Pr inting photos from a m emory car d or USB F lash memor y drive 73 11 d Press a or b to choose Scan to Media . e Do one of the following : To change the quali ty p ress OK and go to s tep f . To start scanni ng go to step j .
Chapter 1 1 74 U nde rs t and in g t he Er ror Messages 11 Once y ou are f amilia r with the t ypes of er rors that can occur while you ar e using PhotoCap ture Center ® , you can easily ident ify and troubles hoot any problems . Hub is Unusable.
75 12 12 Printi ng photos directly from a PictBri dge camera 12 Your Br other machin e supp orts the PictBridge s tandard, allowing y ou to connec t to and print photo s direct ly from any PictBridge c ompatible dig ital camera.
Chapter 1 2 76 Pri nt ing Im ag es 12 Note Remove any memory cards or U SB F lash memory drive fro m the machine before connect ing a digital camer a. a Make sure t hat your camera is tu rned off. Con nect your camera to t he USB direct interfac e (1) on the machine u sing the USB cable.
Printing photo s from a camera 77 12 Printi ng photos directly from a digita l came ra (without PictBridge) 12 If your camer a is usin g the USB M ass Storage sta ndard, you can connect your camera in s torage mode . This en ables you to print photos from your camer a.
Chapter 1 2 78 U nde rs t and in g t he Er ror Messages 12 Once y ou are f amilia r with the t ypes of er rors that can occur while you ar e printing from a camera, you can eas ily ide ntify a nd troubl eshoot any proble ms.
Section V Software V Softwar e features 80.
80 13 The CD-ROM inc ludes the Soft ware U s e r ’s Guide for fea tures ava ilable when connect ed to a computer (for example, pri nting a nd scann ing). T he guide has easy to u se li nks that , when clicked, will take you directly to a par ticular s ection.
Section VI Appendixes VI Safety and Leg al 82 Trou blesh ooting and Ro utine Mai ntenance 94 M enu and Fe atures 121 Specifi cations 13 1 Glossar y 14 4.
82 A Choosing a lo cation A Put yo ur machin e on a flat, stable s urface that is free of vibr ation and shocks, s uch as a desk. Put the mac hine nea r a telephon e wall jac k and a st andard AC p ower outlet . Choose a location w here the te m pe r a ture remains between 50 ° F and 95 ° F (10 ° C and 35 ° C) .
Sa fety and Le gal 83 A T o use the m ach ine safel y A Please kee p thes e inst r u c tion s for later refere nce and read them before attempting any maintenanc e.
84 DO NO T put y our hands o n the e dge o f the mac hine under the docum ent cover or t he scann er cover. Doing this may cause injury. DO NOT put your hand s on the edge of the paper tray under the paper tray c over.
Sa fety and Le gal 85 A DO NOT touc h the area shaded in the illust ration. Doing this m ay cause inj ury. When moving the machi ne you must l ift it from the base, by plac ing a hand at each side of the unit as shown in the illus trati on. DO NOT car ry the m achine by holdin g the sc anner cover or the Jam Clear Cover.
86 If the machi ne b ecom e s hot, relea ses smoke, or generat es any strong smell s , im m ediat ely unplug the m achine f rom the AC pow er outlet . Call B rother Customer Servic e. (See Brother numbe rs on page i.) If met al objects, water or other liqui ds get inside the machi ne, immediatel y unpl ug the machine from the AC power outlet .
Sa fety and Le gal 87 A CAUTION Lightning and powe r surges can damage this produc t! We recommend that you use a quality surge protect ion device on the AC power line and on the telepho ne l ine, or unplug the cords during a lightning storm.
88 Import ant saf ety in struc tions A 1 Read all of these instruc tions. 2 Save them for later referenc e. 3 Follow all warni ngs a nd instruct ions m a rked on t he pr oduct. 4 DO NOT use this product near water. 5 DO NOT place thi s prod uct on an unstable cart , stand, or tabl e.
Sa fety and Le gal 89 A 13 To prot ect your product agains t power surges, we recomm end the use of a power protection devi c e (Sur ge P rot ector). 14 To reduce the risk of f ire, el ectri c shock an d injury t o peopl e, not e the followi ng: DO NOT use t his p r o duct near applianc es that use wat er, a swimming pool, or in a wet basement.
90 If trouble is experienced with th is equ ipment, for repai r or warrant y information, pl ease con tact Brot her Customer Service. (See Brothe r numbers on page i.) If the eq uipment is causi ng harm to the te lephone network, the tel ephone company may request that you disconn ect the equipment unti l the pr oblem is resolv ed.
Sa fety and Le gal 91 A This equipm ent has been tested and found to comply with th e limits fo r a Class B digi tal device, pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are des igned to provide reas onable prot ection against ha rmful interference in a residenti al instal lation.
92 Legal lim itations for co pying A Color repr oductions o f cer tain do c u m e nts are i llegal a nd may result in ei ther c riminal or civ il liabi lity. Thi s memorandum is intend ed to be a guide rathe r than a compl ete listing of every pos s i ble prohibit ion.
Sa fety and Le gal 93 A Tr ade m arks A The Brother logo is a regist ered trademark of Brothe r Industries , Ltd. Brother is a registered tradem ark of B rother Industries, Ltd. Multi- Function Link is a regi stered t rademark of Brother Inter national Co rporati on.
94 B Troubleshooting B IMPORTANT For technic al help, you must call the count ry where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from with in that count ry . If you think there is a prob lem wi th your machine, check the char t below and follow the troubl eshoot ing tips.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 95 B P oor pr int q ua lit y Ch eck the pri nt qual it y. (See Ch eck ing t he pri nt qual it y on pag e 11 6.) Make s u r e that t he Print er Drive r or Paper T ype sett ing in the menu ma tches the t ype of pap er yo u ar e usin g.
96 The m achi ne pr in ts dens e li nes on th e page . Che ck Re ver se O rder in th e Ba sic ta b of t he pr inte r driv er. The prin touts a re w rin kled . In t he prin ter driver Advance d ta b, cl ick Co lor Se ttings , and unch eck Bi-Directio nal Printing fo r Wi ndow s ® or Bi-Directional Pri nting for Macintosh ® .
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 97 B Tel eph one Line or Con ne cti ons Diffic ulty Sugg esti ons Di al ing d oes no t wor k. (N o dia l to ne ) Ch eck th at t he m ach ine is pl ugge d in an d swi tc he d on . Ch eck all li ne c or d co nnec tio ns.
98 Po or fax s e nd qu al it y. Tr y ch an ging y our r eso lu ti on t o Fine or S.Fi ne . M ake a copy t o che ck yo ur ma chine 's scan ne r oper ati on. If t he co py qua lit y is not good , c lean t he sca nner . (See Clea ning th e sc anne r on pa ge 11 4.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 99 B Copy in g Di ff icul ti es Diffic ulty Sugg esti ons Ca nnot mak e a c opy Ma ke sure that the Cop y key i s ill uminated. ( See Enterin g Copy mode on pa ge 56 .) Ver tical stre aks ap pe ar in cop ie s If you se e ve rtica l stre aks o n co pie s, cle an th e scan ne r.
100 Ph oto Cap ture Ce nt er ® Di ffi cu l tie s Dif ficulty Sugg es tion s Remo va ble D isk do es not w ork pr oper ly . 1 Have yo u in st all ed the Wi nd ows ® 2 000 update ? If not, do the fo l lowing: 1) Unpl ug the U SB c ab le. 2) Ins tal l t he Wi nd ows ® 20 00 u pdate u sing one of th e fol low ing me tho ds.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 101 B Dia l Tone B Setting the di al tone to Det ection will shor ten the dia l detect pause. a Press Me nu , 0 , 5 .
102 Error and mainten ance messa ges B As wi th any s ophisticat ed off ice product, errors may occur. If this happens, your machine identif ies the err or and sho ws an er ror message. T he most common err or and maintenance m essages are sho wn b elow.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 103 B Cannot Detect Yo u installed a n ew ink too qu ickly and the m ach ine did not det ect it. Take ou t the new ink cartridge and r e-install it slo wly unt il it clicks. If yo u are not using genui ne Brother Innobel la™ ink the ma chine may not detec t the in k cartridge.
104 DR Mode in Use Th e mach ine i s set to Dis tinctiv e Ring mod e. You cann ot change the Receive Mode from Ma nual to another mod e. Set Dis tinctive Ring t o off. ( See Turning o ff Disti nct ive Ring on page 42.) Hi gh Temp er ature The print hea d is too war m.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 105 B No Paper Fed The m achine is out of paper or paper is not prope rly loaded i n the paper tray. Do one of the f ollow ing: Refill the paper in the paper tray, and then press B lack Start or Co lor Start .
106 Scan U nabl e XX The machin e has a mecha nical problem. — OR — A foreign object such a s a clip or ripped paper is in the m achine. Open the scanner cov er and look inside the machine for foreign objects and paper sc raps.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 107 B Tran sfer ri ng you r faxe s or Fa x Jour na l re por t B If the LCD shows: Clean Unable XX Init Unable XX Print Unable XX Scan Unable XX We rec ommend trans ferring your f axes to another f ax machi ne.
108 Do cument is jamme d ins ide the ADF unit B a Take out any paper f rom the ADF that is not ja mmed. b Lift the docu m e nt cover. c Pull the jammed docum ent out to the left. d Close the document co ver. e Pres s Stop/Exit . Printer j am or pap er jam B Take o ut th e jammed paper dep ending on wher e it is jammed in t he machi ne.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 109 B d Open t he Jam Clear Co ver (1) at the back of the machin e. Pull the jammed paper out of the machine . e Close the Jam Clear Cover . Make sure the cover is c l osed properly. f Lift the scanne r cover ( 1) f rom t he front side o f the m achine u ntil it locks securely into the open position.
110 Note • If the paper is jammed under the print head, unplug the ma c h ine from the power source, and t hen move the p rint hea d to take out the pape r . • If the prin t head is at the righ t corner a s shown in the illustr ation, you cannot move the print head.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 111 B Routine m ainten ance B Repl acin g the i nk cart ri dges B Your mac hine is equi pped with an in k dot counter. The ink dot counter automatical ly monitor s the lev el of ink in each of t h e 4 cartridg es.
112 d Turn t he gr een knob on the protective yello w cap cl ockwise u ntil it clicks t o release t he vacuum seal, then r emove the cap (1). e Each c olor has it s own correct posit ion. Insert t he ink cartridge in the dir ection of the arrow on the label.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 113 B CAUTION DO NOT tak e out ink c artridges if you do not need to replace them. If you do so, it may reduce the ink quan tity an d the machine will not know the quanti ty of ink l eft in the cartri dge. DO NOT touch the c artridge i nsertio n slots.
114 d Wipe th e inside and o utside of the paper tray with a soft clot h to rem ove du s t. e Close the output paper tray cover and put the paper tray fi r ml y back i n the machine.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 115 B Cl e an ing th e m a ch ine’ s pr int er pl at en B WARNING Be sure to unp lug the machine f rom the A C power outlet bef ore cleaning the print er platen. a Lift the scan ner cover until it locks securely into the open position.
116 C lea ning th e pr in t he ad B To mainta in good print qualit y, the machine will aut omatic ally clean the print head. You can start the clea ning process manua lly if there is a pri nt quality proble m . Clean t he prin t head and ink cart ridges i f you get a horizont al line in the text or graphics or blank text on your printed pages.
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 117 B g The LCD asks you if you want to st art clean ing. Star t Cl eaning? 1.Ye s 2. No Press 1 ( Yes ). The mac hine st arts c leaning the print head.
118 e For 600 dpi, pres s the number of the t est print t hat most clo s e ly matches the number 0 sample (1-8). 600dp i A djust Selec t Best #5 f For 1200 dpi, pres s the number of the test p rint t hat most closely matches the number 0 sample (1-8).
Troubleshooti ng and Rou tine Mai ntenance 119 B Packi ng an d ship ping the ma chine B When you transpo r t the machine, use the packing materia ls that came wit h you r machine. If you do not pack the machine properly, an y damage t hat may occur in transit will not be covered by y our warra nty.
120 g Lift the scanner cover ( 1) to releas e the lock. Gentl y push the scanner cover support down ( 2) and close the scann er cover (3). h Wrap t he machi ne in t he bag. i Pack t he machine and the pr inted material s in the original carton with the origi nal packing materi al as s hown below.
121 C C On-sc reen p rogrammi ng C Your mac hine is design ed to be easy to operate with LCD on-s creen programm ing using the menu keys . User-frie ndly programm ing helps you t ake full advan tage of all th e menu selections your machine h as t o offer.
122 To acce s s th e menu mode: a Pres s Menu . b Choose an option. Press 1 for G eneral S etup menu . Press 2 for F ax menu. Press 3 for Co py menu. Press 0 for Ini tial Se tup . You can scroll more quickly t hrough each menu level by pressing a or b for the di rectio n you want .
Menu and F eatures 123 C Menu Table C The menu table will hel p you unde rstand the menu select ions and options that are found in t he machine' s progra m s. The fact ory set tings a re shown in Bold with an a s teris k. Choos e & OK Choose & OK to accept to exit Ma in Me nu Submenu Men u S elect ions Optio ns Des cri ptio ns Pag e 1.
124 1. Gener al Setup (C ontinu ed ) 4.Volum e 1. Ring Off Low Med * High Adju sts the ring volu me. 21 2.Beepe r Off Low * Med High Adjust s the v olum e leve l of th e beep er.
Menu and F eatures 125 C 2.Fax 1. S etup Receive (In Fax mode onl y) 1.Ring D elay 00 01 02 03 04 * Se ts th e nu mb er of rin gs bef ore the ma ch ine ans w ers in Fa x On ly or Fax/T el mode. 36 2.F/T Ri ng Ti me 20Secs * 30Secs 40Secs 70Secs S e ts th e F /T pseu do /dou bl e-ri ng ti me in Fax/ Tel mode .
126 2.Fax (C ontinu ed ) 3. Report Setting 1.Trans missi on On On+Ima ge Off * Off+Im age Sets i nitia l setu p for Tran sm ission V eri ficat ion R eport and Fax J ourn al . 53 2. Journal Period Off Every 50 Fa xes * Every 6 Hou rs Every 12 Ho urs Every 24 Ho urs Every 2 Day s Every 7 Day s 53 4.
Menu and F eatures 127 C 4. Ph otoCapture 1. P rint Quality — Normal Photo * Ch oo se the print qual ity. 70 2.Paper Type — Pl ain P aper Inkjet Paper Brother BP71 Other G lossy * Ch oo se t he pa per and pape r t yp e. 70 3.Paper Size — 4" x 6" * 5"x 7" Letter A4 Ch oo se t he pa per siz e.
128 4. Ph otoCaptur e (C ontinu ed ) 0. Scan to M edia 1.Quali ty B/W 200x100 dp i B/W 2 00 d pi Color 150 d pi * Color 300 d pi Color 600 d pi Sele cts the Scan re so lu t io n fo r yo ur ty pe of docum ent . 73 2.B/W F ile T ype TIFF * PDF Sel ects the default fil e form at f or black an d wh ite scann in g.
Menu and F eatures 129 C 0. Init ial Setup 1. Receive Mode — Fax Onl y * Fax/Tel Externa l TAD Manual Choose the re ceive mode th at b est s uit s you r ne ed s. 33 2.Date&T ime — — Pu ts th e da te an d ti me on th e LCD an d in he adin gs of fa xe s you se nd .
130 Entering T ext C When you are setting certain m enu sele ctions, s uch as t he Stat ion ID, y ou may need to ent er text into the m achine. Most d ial pad keys have t hree or f our letters prin ted on keys. The keys for 0 , # and l do not have p rinted l etters be cause t hey ar e used f or speci al ch aracters.
131 D D Genera l D Specifications D Printer Type In kjet Print Meth od Black: Color : Piezo wit h 94 × 1 nozzle Piezo wit h 94 × 3 nozzles Memory Capa city 32 M B LCD (li quid crystal display ) 16 c.
132 1 Thi s de pend s on print ing co ndit ion s. Di mens ions (MFC-25 0C) (MFC-29 0C ) We ight 15. 4 lb (7 kg) (MFC -250C) 17.2 l b (7.8 kg) (M FC-290C) Noise Operating : 50 dB or less 1 Temper ature.
Sp ecifications 133 D Prin t medi a D 1 Use only t ran spar enci es re com men de d for in kjet print ing. 2 For gloss y ph oto paper or tr anspa r enci es, w e rec omm en d remo ving prin ted pag es fro m th e out pu t pap er tra y im media tel y aft er the y exit the ma ch ine t o avoi d smu dgin g.
134 Fax D Com pa tib il ity ITU-T Group 3 Coding System MH/MR /MMR/JPEG Modem Speed Aut om a ti c Fal lback 14,400 bps Docum ent Size ADF Width : (M FC-290C ) 5.8 in. to 8. 5 in. (148 m m to 215.9 mm) ADF Length: (MFC-290C) 5.8 in. to 14 in. (148 mm to 355.
Sp ecifications 135 D 1 Bl ack & Whi te on ly 2 ‘ Pages ’ ref ers to t he ‘Bro th er Sta ndar d Ch art No. 1’ (a typi c al bu si nes s l ett er , St anda rd r es olut ion , M MR c ode ). Sp ecif ic at ion s an d pr int ed mate ria ls ar e su bj ect to chan ge wit hout pr ior no ti ce.
136 Cop y D Color / Black Yes/ Y es Docum ent Size ADF Width: (MFC-2 90C) 5.8 in. to 8.5 in. (148 mm to 215.9 mm) ADF Length: (MFC-290 C) 5.8 in. to 14 in. (148 mm to 355.6 mm) Scanner Glass Width: Max . 8.5 in. (215. 9 mm) Scanner Glass Length : Max.
Sp ecifications 137 D PhotoCapture Ce nter ® D Note The MFC-250C only supports USB Flash memory driv es. 1 Memory cards, Adapters and USB Flash memor y drive are not incl u ded.
138 PictBridge D Com pa tib il ity Sup ports the Camera & Imaging Produc ts Associati on Pi c tB ridge s tandard C IPA DC-0 01 Vi s i t http://www.
Sp ecifications 139 D Scanne r D 1 Wind ow s ® XP in this Use r’s Guide i ncludes Window s ® XP Home Editi on, Wind ows ® X P Prof essi on al, and Wi ndow s ® XP P rofe ssion al x64 Ed ition .
140 Printer D 1 When you set the Borderl ess feature to On. 2 See Paper type a nd s ize f or ea ch o per atio n on pa ge 15 . Prin te r D riv er Windo ws ® 2000 Pr o fessional/ XP/XP Profession al x64 Edi tion/Window s Vista ® driver s upporti ng Brother Nati ve C omp r es si on mod e Mac OS ® X 1 0.
Sp ecifications 141 D I nterface s D 1 Yo ur ma chi ne h as a US B 2. 0 Fu ll-s pee d in te rfa ce. This in ter face is co mpat ib le w ith USB 2. 0 Hi -Spe ed ; how eve r, t he max imu m data t ran sf er ra te wil l be 1 2 Mbi ts/ s. Th e mac hine can al so be co nn ecte d to a c omput er t hat has a USB 1.
142 Computer requireme nts D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCT IONS Computer Platf orm & Oper ati ng Syste m Version Su pported PC Softwa re Fu nctions PC Int erfa ce Processor Minimu.
Sp ecifications 143 D Consuma ble i tems D Ink The machine uses indi vidual Blac k, Yellow, Cyan and Mage nta ink cart ridges that are separ ate from the print head assembly. Serv ice L if e of Ink Cart ridge Star ter ink ca r tr idges are in th e box.
144 E This is a comprehe nsive list of features and terms that appear in Brother ma nuals. Avai lability o f these features depen ds on t he mode l you purc hased. Gloss ary E ADF (auto matic document feede r) The do cument can be pl aced i n the ADF and scanned one page at a time automati cally.
Glos sary 145 E ECM (Error Correcti on Mode) Detect s errors during f ax trans mission and r esends the page s of the fax that had an erro r. E xten sio n te leph on e A telephone us ing the same line as your fax but plugge d i nto a separate wall jack .
146 Pause Allows you to pla ce a 3. 5 second delay in the dial ing seque nce while yo u are dialing using the dial pad or you are stori ng Speed Dial numbe rs.
Glos sary 147 E Temp ora ry s ett ings You can choos e cert ain options for each fax trans mission and copy withou t chang ing the default sett ings. Tone A for m of dialing on the telephon e line used for T ouch Tone telephon es.
Index 148 F A Acces sories and supplie s . .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... .. i i ADF ( automat ic docume nt feeder ) .. .. 17 , 26 Answeri ng machi ne (TA D) .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .. 44 conn ecting ... ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .
149 F E Easy Receive .... ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... . 37 Envelopes ..... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. 1 0 , 15 , 16 Erro r mess ages on LCD .... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. 10 2 B &W Pri nt Onl y . .... ... .. .....
150 L LCD ( liquid crys tal displ ay) .... .. .. ..... .. ..... 121 Contras t .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. 2 2 M Macintosh ® See Softwar e User's Guide on the CD-R OM. .. .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ...
151 F R Receive Mode ... ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... . 33 External TAD .... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... . 33 Fax Only .... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... . 33 Fax /Tel .... ... .... ... ..
152 W Warr anties .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. . iii Canada ..... ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... . vi Notice-D isclaimer .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. . iii USA .... ..... .. .
EQUIPM ENT AT TACHM ENT LIM ITATIO NS (C anada o nly) NOTICE This product meets the appl icable Indus try Canada technical s pecificat ions. NOTICE The Ring er Equi valence Number i s an ind ication o f the maximum n umber of devic es allowed to be con nected t o a teleph one interface.
Brother Internat ional Corp oration 100 Somerset Co rporate B oulevard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3H6 V isit us on the Worl d W ide W eb http ://ww w.
デバイスBrother MFC MFC-250Cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother MFC MFC-250Cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother MFC MFC-250Cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother MFC MFC-250Cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother MFC MFC-250Cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother MFC MFC-250Cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother MFC MFC-250Cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother MFC MFC-250Cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother MFC MFC-250Cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。