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LDAP Opera tio n Guide (Li ghtw eigh t Direc tor y Acce ss Pr otoc ol) To find basic information about network and advan c e d ne t work features of your Brother machine: See the uu Network User's Guide . To download the latest manua l , please visit the Brother Solutions Center at ( h ttp://solutions.
i Applicable models Th is User’s Guid e appli es to the f ollowing mod els. 5-l ine LCD mod els: MFC-8 510D N/ 8520 DN/8 710D W/8 910DW To uch s c ree n models : DCP- 8250D N and M FC- 8950D W(T) (F.
ii 1 Int rodu ctio n 1 Over view .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..1 Benefits to the custo m er .........
1 1 1 Ov erview 1 Th e LDAP p rotoc ol allo ws you t o searc h f o r info rmatio n such as fax numbe rs an d E-mail ad dres ses f rom you r server. When you use the Fax, I-Fa x or Scan to E -mail server feat u r es, you can use the LDAP search to find fax number s or E-mail a d d resses.
2 2 2 Changing the LDAP configurati on 2 Note W e recom me nd to use W indow s ® Inte r n e t Explorer ® 7. 0/8. 0 o r F ire fox ® 3. 6 for W indow s ® and Sa fari 4.0/5.0 for Macintos h . Please also ma ke sure th a t JavaScript a n d Cookies a re always enabl e d in whichever br o wse r yo u use.
3 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 h Make s u r e the machine is turne d o n and then cho ose A d v a nc e d Setting on the Prot oc ol pa ge. Y ou can configur e and change the followin g LDAP settings using a we b b ro wser. 1 This i s the l o ca tion of you r LDAP server.
4 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 i After yo u have conf i g ured the LDAP se t tings, cli ck Submit . Mak e sure th at t he Status is OK on t he Te st Re sult page . Note • The LD A P fu n cti on o f th is ma chi ne su p p o r ts L DA Pv3.
5 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 Configuri ng your mac hine to commu nicate w ith your E-mail serve r 2 You must a l so configure your Broth e r machine to co mmu nicate wit h your E-mail s erver.
6 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 g Ch ange the E-m ail ser ver set tin gs . 1 This i s the l o ca tion of you r SMTP server a n d associated S MTP port addre ss. The standard port number fo r SMTP is 25. 2 If y our SM TP serv er req uires au thenti cation , input the nece ssary inf ormat ion he re.
7 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 i After a short while y ou will be a sked if y ou want to send a test E-m ail to en sure a c o nnec tion ha s been esta b l ished with yo u r E-mail server. Do one o f the foll owing: If yo u want to te st the conne ctivity, enter an E-ma i l address a n d click S ubm it .
8 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 Synchr onize with SNTP server 2 If th e LDAP server supp orts Ke rbero s A uth entica tion, a nd if you choos e Kerb eros fo r the Aut hentic ation,.
9 Configu r at ion for LDAP us ing a Web Brows er 2 Prim ary S NT P Ser ver P ort , Secondary SNTP Serve r Port Ent er the Po rt nu mbe r ( 1 to 6553 5).
10 3 3 After yo u configure t h e LDAP setting s, you can use th e LDAP search to find fax n u mb e r s or E-mail a ddresses fo r the follo wing fe atures .
11 Machine oper ation 3 f Enter the initi al charact e r s for your se arch by u sing the dia l pad. Note You can ente r up to 15 ch a racters. g Press a or OK . The L DAP s earch re sult w ill be show n on the L CD be fore the local add ress bo ok sea rch re sult wit h c .
12 Machine oper ation 3 Sc an to E -mail s erve r 3 Note • F or info rmatio n on PD F/A, Se cure PDF an d Sign ed PDF , s ee PDF file f ormat uu page 2 8. • If you ch oose Se cure PDF, th e mac hine will a sk yo u to ente r a 4 dig it p assw ord usi ng num bers 0 -9 bef ore it star ts scannin g .
13 Machine oper ation 3 g Press a or b to choose PD F , PDF/A , Secu re P DF , Sign ed P DF , JPEG or XP S . Press OK an d go to step i . h Press a or b to choose PD F , PDF/A , Secu re P DF , Sign ed P DF , JPEG or TI FF . Press OK an d go to step j .
14 Machine oper ation 3 LDAP operatio n using the c ontrol pan el for DCP-8250 DN and MFC-8 950DW (T) 3 Fax or I-Fax send ing (For M FC-89 50D W(T)) 3 Note • Fo r mor e inform atio n on Fax s ending : uu Basic User's G uide an d Advanc ed Us er's Gu ide .
15 Machine oper ation 3 h Press OK . The L DAP s earch re sult w ill be show n on the L CD w ith befo re the loc al add ress bo ok sea rch resu lt. If the re i s no ma tch o n the s er ver or th e loc al ad dre ss bo ok, t he LCD will show Re sult s can not be foun d.
16 Machine oper ation 3 Sc an to E -mail s erve r 3 Note • F or info rmatio n on PD F/A, Se cure PDF an d Sign ed PDF , s ee PDF file f ormat uu page 2 8. • If you ch oose Se cure PDF, th e mac hine will a sk yo u to ente r a 4 dig it p assw ord usi ng num bers 0 -9 bef ore it star ts scannin g .
17 4 4 Configu r e certificate for Signed PD F 4 If you choose Signed PDF, you mu st configure a certi ficate to your ma chine using Web B a s ed Management. To use Sig n e d PDF, you must i nstall a certifi cate to yo u r machine and yo u r computer.
18 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 Supported Certific ates 4 Th e Brothe r mach ine su pports the fol lowing c ertifica tes. Self -signe d certif icate This pri nt server issues its o wn certifi ca t e. Using this cert ificate, yo u can easil y use the S S L /TL S communicati o n without havin g a certi ficate fr o m a CA.
19 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 Digital Certifica te Instal lation 4 Sign ed P DF re qui res a di git al cert if ic ate t o be inst al led on bo th t he mac hi ne an d de vic e whic h is s end ing d ata to the mach ine, e.
20 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 Cr eati ng a self- signed cer tific ate 4 a Click Create Se lf-S i gn ed C ertifi cate . b Ent er a Common Nam e an d a Va lid Da te . Note • The lengt h of the Common Name can b e up to 6 4 characters. Th e node name i s displayed b y default.
21 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 Cre a ti n g a Certificate Sig n i ng Request (C SR) 4 A Ce rti fi cat e Si gni ng Re ques t ( CSR) is a r equ est sent to a CA in ord er t o aut hent ic ate t he cred ent ia ls contai n e d wi thin th e ce rtifica te.
22 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 c You c an choos e the Public Ke y Algorithm and Digest Al gorithm settin g s fr om th e p u ll-down list . Th e def a u l t settin g s are RSA(2048bit) fo r Public Key Algor ithm and SHA 256 for Digest Algorithm .
23 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 How to in stall the cer tificate to y our m achine 4 When you r e ce ive the cer tificate from a CA, fol low the ste p s below to i n stall i t into the print se r ver. Note Only a certifi cate issued with this machin e’s CSR can b e i n stalled.
24 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 Import and expo r t the certifica te and priv ate key 4 You can st ore the c ertifica te and privat e key on the mach ine and m ana ge them by imp orting a nd ex porting.
25 Digital Certific ate for Signed PDF 4 Imp ort and expor t a CA cer tificate 4 You c an st or e a CA ce rtif icat e o n th e ma chin e by imp ort in g an d exp ort in g. How to import a CA ce rtificate 4 a Click CA Ce rtific a t e on th e Secu ri ty page .
26 5 5 Ov erview 5 Th is chap ter exp lains ho w to res olve typ ical ne twork pr oblem s you m ay en c o unte r when us ing the Broth er machine. If , after reading this chapter, y ou are unable to resolve yo u r proble m, please vi si t the Brot her Solutio n s Center at: (htt p : //solutio ns.
27 Troubl eshooting 5 Error messag e s w he n using the LDAP operation Erro r Mess age Ca us e Action No LDAP Server The B rother machine cannot connect t o t h e LDAP serv er.
28 Troubl eshooting 5 Network terms an d PDF file form at 5 Ne twor k terms 5 LDA P Th e Ligh tweigh t Direct ory A ccess Pro tocol (L DAP ) allows the Brot her ma chine to sear ch for info rmatio n such as fa x numbers and E- ma i l addresse s from an LDAP se r ve r.
デバイスBrother MFC-8520DNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother MFC-8520DNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother MFC-8520DNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother MFC-8520DNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother MFC-8520DNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother MFC-8520DNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother MFC-8520DNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother MFC-8520DNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother MFC-8520DNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。