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USER’S GU IDE MFC-8460N MFC-8660DN MFC-8860DN MFC-8870DW Versi on B.
If yo u need to c all Custo mer S ervice Ple ase com plete the fol lowin g inform ation for futu re refere nce: Model Number: MFC-8460N, MFC- 8660DN, MFC-8860DN and MFC-8 870DW (Circl e your model number) Ser ial N umb er: 1 Da te of P u rch a se : P lac e o f P urc h as e: 1 The seria l nu mber is on t he back of t he unit .
i Brother numbers IMPORTANT For t echnical help, y ou must call th e country wh ere you bou ght t he machine. Cal ls m ust be made fr om w i thin that country. Re gist er yo ur pr oduct By r egis t ering your produ c t wit h B rother Inter nat ional Corporation , y ou will be rec o rded as the original own er of the product.
ii Brot he r f ax ba ck sy st e m (U SA on ly) Brot h er h a s insta l l ed an easy-t o-use fax ba ck syste m , so you can get inst a nt answers t o comm o n technical questions and produc t i nf orm ation f o r all Brot her p r o ducts. T his s y stem is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
iv Br other ® One Yea r Limited W a rranty an d R eplaceme nt Service (USA on ly) Who i s covered: This limit ed war r an ty ( “warrant y”) i s giv en onl y t o the o rig inal end-us e/retai .
v discr etion . Brothe r res erves t he r ight to supply a ref urbis hed o r reman ufact ured r eplace m e nt Machi ne and/or ac company ing Cons umable and Acces sory Item s and use refur bishe d part s provided s uch re placemen t product s conf orm to the man ufacturer ’s s pecifi c a tions f or ne w pr odu ct /par ts.
vi BROTHER MULTIFU NCT ION CENT ER/FACSIMILE MACHINE LIMIT E D WARR ANTY (C an ad a only) Pursuan t to t hi s li m i t ed wa r r anty of 1 year from the date of purchase f or labour and pa rts, Brother I nt erna t io nal Corporation (Canada) Ltd.
vii Table of C o n te nts S ection I Gene r a l 1 General information Usi ng the docume ntatio n ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 2 Symb ols and conven tions used in the d ocumentation .
viii 4 Securi ty fea t ur es Secur ity . ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. 24 Set ting L ock .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .
ix Addi t io nal rece ivi ng operat ions . . . . .. . . . . . .. .......................................... . .... ................ 44 Prin ting a reduce d incomi ng f a x ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..
x Remote Re t rie val ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .. 66 Set ting a remote access co de ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .
xi S ection V Appe ndixes A S afe ty a nd Leg al Choosi ng a l o cation .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 86 To use the mach ine s afel y ... ..... ..... .... ........ ....
xii Machi ne Inf ormatio n .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ..... 1 34 Checki ng the serial number .... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....
Section I Genera l I General information 2 Loading documents and pa per 11 General setup 18 Security features 24.
2 1 Using the documen tation 1 Thank y ou for bu y i ng a Br other machi ne! Reading the docu m en tation wi l l h elp y o u make the mos t of your ma c h ine. Sy mbols and co nven tion s used in the do cumen tati on 1 The f ol l owing symb ols and conven ti o ns are used throughou t t he docum entation.
General i nf o rmatio n 3 1 c If the m o del name screen appears , click your mode l name . T he CD-R OM main menu w ill appear. If this wi nd ow d oes not appear, use Windows ® E x p lorer t o find and run the setup.exe program from the root directory of t he Brothe r CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 4 Viewing Doc um e nt a tion (Mac intosh ® ) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh ® . (MFC-8460N, M FC-8860DN and MFC-8870DW ) Insert t he Br o ther CD-ROM labeled Macintosh ® i nto your CD-ROM drive. (MFC-8660DN) Insert t he Br o t her CD-ROM into you r CD-ROM drive.
General i nf o rmatio n 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support (For Window s ® ) 1 You can fi nd a ll t he c ontacts y ou will need , such as Web s upport (Brother Solutions Center), Cu s t omer Service and Brother Authorized S ervice Centers on page i and on the Brother CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 MFC-846 0N , MFC-8660DN , MFC-88 60DN and M F C-88 70DW have si milar co ntro l ke ys. 1 One - Touch keys These 2 0 keys give you inst ant ac cess to 40 previ ously store d n umbers. Shift Lets you access One- Touch number s 21 to 40 when held down.
General i nf o rmatio n 7 1 8 Copy keys Duplex (MFC-8860 DN and MFC-8 870DW only) You ca n choose Duplex to copy on bot h sides of t he paper. Contras t/Quality (MFC-8 860DN and MFC-8870DW only) Lets you ch ange the qualit y or contrast f or the next c opy.
Chapter 1 8 10 Fax and teleph one keys Hook Press before di aling i f yo u want to m a ke sur e a fax machi ne answers, and th en p ress Star t . Al so, pres s t hi s key after you pi ck up the han dset of an exter nal telephon e d uring the F/ T r ing (fast doubl e-rings) .
General i nf o rmatio n 9 1 Stat us LE D i ndica tio ns 1 The Sta tu s LED (lig ht em itting diode) w ill flas h and change color depend ing on the machine’s stat u s . The LE D indicat i ons s h own in the t abl e belo w are used in the illustrations in this chapter.
Chapter 1 10 Note When the powe r switc h is off or the machine is i n S l e ep m ode, the LED is o ff. Red Servi ce er r or Follow the ste ps below. 1. Turn off th e power swi t c h. 2. W ait a few seconds, and then tur n it back on and try t o p rint again .
11 2 2 Loading do cuments 2 All fax, scan and copy opera t ion s can be performed from t he AD F or the scanner glass. Usin g the ADF 2 You can us e the AD F (aut omatic document feede r ) to fax, scan or copy sheets of pap er. The AD F f eed s eac h sheet one at a tim e.
Chapter 2 12 Us ing t he sc anne r gl ass 2 You can use t he scanner g lass to fax , scan, or cop y the pages of a book or single sheet s of paper. Doc uments can be up to 8.5 inches wide an d up to 14 inches l ong (215. 9 mm wide to 355.6 mm long). To use the scann er glass, the ADF must be empt y.
Loading doc uments and paper 13 2 Ha ndli ng and usin g me di a 2 Store paper in its original packaging and kee p it sealed. Kee p the paper flat and aw ay from m oi s ture, direct sunl ight and heat. Avoid touching ei t her side of transparenc ies, as t hi s can de c rea se the print qualit y .
Chapter 2 14 Paper capa c it y of the pa pe r tray 2 1 Fo lio size is 8 i n. × 13 in. Paper s ize Paper ty pes No. of sheets Paper Tr ay (Tr ay #1) A4, Le tter, Legal, Executi ve, A5 , A6, B5, B6 and.
Loading doc uments and paper 15 2 Loading pa per and other media 2 W hen printing on plain pa per 16 to 28 lb (60 to 105 g/m 2 ) or l as er t ransparen cies use the paper t ray. For p r i nt ing on other type s of medi a use t he MP t ray (Multi-purpose tray).
Chapter 2 16 Load ing e nvel opes an d othe r medi a 2 Use t he MP tr ay when p r i nt i ng envelopes, labels, and thick pa per. a Open the MP tray and lower it gently. b Pull out the MP tray s u pport. c Insert t he m e dia into the M P tray with the top edge first a nd t he printing side face up.
Loading doc uments and paper 17 2 Printab le Area 2 Printable Area for copi e s 2 The pri nt ab le area of yo ur m a chine begins at approx i m ately 0. 12 in. (3 m m ) from the top and bottom an d 0. 09 i n. ( 2 . 3 m m) from both sides of the paper.
18 3 Mo de timer 3 The m achine h as three mod e keys on the control panel: Fax , Sc an , and Co p y . You can set how much time the ma c h ine takes af t er the last Copy o r Scan operation t o retur n to F ax mode. If you select Off , the machine will stay i n the m ode you used last.
General setu p 19 3 Paper S ize 3 You can use n ine sizes of paper f or printing copies : A 4, Let t e r , Legal , Executive, A5, A6, B5, B 6 and F o lio, and four sizes for p r i nt i ng faxes: A4, Letter, Legal or Folio (8" × 13 ").
Chapter 3 20 Tr ay use i n Fax mo de 3 You can cha nge t he defaul t t ray t ha t t he machine will use for pri nt i ng received faxes . Se lecting T1>T2 1 >MP wi ll let your ma chine take p aper from T ray #1 f i rs t before the MP tray. MP>T1>T2 1 wi l l tak e paper from the M P tray fi rst.
General setu p 21 3 Volume Setti ngs 3 Ring volume 3 You can select a ring volume level from a range o f settings, f rom High to Off . W hi le in Fax mode press or to adjust the volume l evel. The L CD shows the current s e tting, and e ach key press will chan ge t he v olume to the next.
Chapter 3 22 Autom atic daylight savings time 3 You can set t he machine to chan ge automat icall y for Daylight Savings Time. It will set it sel f forward on e hour in the Sp r ing, and back one hour in the Fall. a Pre ss Me nu 1 , 5 . 15.Auto Daylight a On b Off Select ab & OK b Pre ss a or b to select On , or Off .
General setu p 23 3 Sleep ti me 3 Setting the sleep time reduces power consum ption by t u rning off the fuser while the ma chin e is idle. You can choose how long the machine must be idl e (f rom 00 to 99 m i nu tes) before it goes into sleep mode. When the machine receives a fax, compute r data, or ma k e s a c opy, th e tim er w ill b e re set.
24 4 Security 4 Sett ing Lo ck 4 Setting Lock lets you set a password to stop other p eople from a c cid ent a lly changing y o ur machine set t in gs. Make a c areful note of you r pass w ord. If you forget it, please call B rother Customer Servi ce.
Securi ty feat ur e s 25 4 Turning Setting Lock on/off 4 If you enter the wrong password when following the in s truc t i ons below, the LCD will show Wrong Password . R e- ent er t he correct pa s sword. Turning Setting Lock on 4 a Pr e s s Menu , 1 , 9 , 1 .
Chapter 4 26 Sett ing the p ass word fo r the administrator 4 The pa s sword you set in t hese steps is f or the admin i strator. This password is used to set up users and to turn Secure Function Lock on or off. See Setting up restricted users on page 27 and T u rning Secure Function Lock on on page 27 .
Securi ty feat ur e s 27 4 Sett ing up rest ri cted use rs 4 You can set up users with restrictions and a pas swor d. a Pr e s s Menu , 1 , 9 , 2 . 19.Security 2.Function Lock a Lock Off i On b Set Password Select ab & OK b Pr e s s a or b to select Setup User .
Chapter 4 28 Switchi ng Us e rs 4 This setting allows a res t ricted us er t o l og on the machine when Se c u r e Functi on L ock is turned on. Note After a restricted user has f in ished using th e machi ne, it w ill retur n t o the P ublic setting w ithin the same time as the Mode Timer s ett i ng ( Me nu , 1 , 1 ).
Section I I Fax II Sending a fax 30 Receiving a fax 40 Phone s ervices and external devices 46 Dialing and storing numbe rs 54 Remote fax options 62 Printing reports 69 Polling 71.
30 5 Entering fax mode 5 To enter fax mode press (Fax), and the key will glow blu e. Sen ding a single- side d f ax from the ADF 5 Using t he ADF to send y o ur faxes is the easiest way. To cancel a fax in progress press Sto p/ Exit . a Make sure you are in F a x mode .
Sending a fa x 31 5 Se ndin g a f ax from t he scan ner gl ass 5 You can use the scanner glass to fax the pages o f a book , or a single page at a time. The d ocuments can be up to Lett e r, A4, Lega l or Folio si ze. Press Sto p / Exit to c ancel a fax in p rogre ss .
Chapter 5 32 Broadcastin g 5 Broadcas ting lets y ou send t he s ame fax mess age t o m ore than one f ax nu mber. You can include Groups , One-Touch, Speed - D ial numbers and up to 50 manuall y dialed numbers in the same broadcas t . For information see How to Dial on page 54.
Sending a fa x 33 5 Additional s ending operations 5 Se ndi ng fax es usi ng mu ltipl e sett ing s 5 Before you send a fax, y o u can change an y combin ation of t he s e settings : contrast, resolution, overseas mode, d el ay ed f ax timer, p olling trans mis s i on, real time trans mis sion or cover page settings.
Chapter 5 34 Send a c ov e r page for t he n ext fax 5 If you want t o send a c o v e r page only f or t h e nex t fax , yo ur mach ine w ill as k you to enter the num ber of pages yo u a r e sendi ng s o it can be printed on the cover page. a Make sure you are in F a x mode .
Sending a fa x 35 5 Contras t 5 For m ost docu m en ts the def ault setting of Auto will giv e the best results. It automat ically chooses the suitable contrast for your document. If your document is very light or dark, chan gi ng the con trast may i m prove the quality of the f ax.
Chapter 5 36 Du al acces s 5 You can dial a nu m be r, and start scanning the fax into me m ory —even when t he m achine is sending from mem ory, receiving fax es or printing PC data. The LCD shows t he new j ob number. The n umber of pages yo u can sc an into the mem ory wil l vary depe ndi ng on the data that is printed on them.
Sending a fa x 37 5 Ov er sea s mod e 5 If you are having difficulty sending a fax overseas due t o a bad connect ion, t hen turnin g on the overseas mode may hel p. This is a temporary setting, and will on ly be active for your next f ax. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode .
Chapter 5 38 De layed batch tran smis sion 5 Before s ending th e delayed f axes , your machine will help y ou economize b y sorting all the faxes in t he memory by dest i nat ion and schedul ed t im e.
Sending a fa x 39 5 Se ndin g a f ax m a nua lly 5 Manual tra ns m is s ion 5 Manu al transmiss i on lets you hear the dialing, ringing and fax-receiving tones whil e send ing a f ax. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Load your docum ent . c Pr e s s Hook and listen for a di al t on e.
40 6 Rece ive mode s 6 You mu s t ch oose a receive m ode depending on the external devices and telephone subs criber services you have on your l i ne. Ch oosi ng t h e rece ive m ode 6 The d iagram below wil l help you choose t he correct mode. For more detailed information on the receive modes see page 41 .
Receivi ng a f a x 41 6 Using Recei ve M odes 6 Some rec ei v e m od es answer automatically ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). You may wan t to chan ge t he ring del ay before us i ng th ese mode s s ee page 42. Fax Only 6 Fax o nly mode wi l l automatically answer every call as a fax.
Chapter 6 42 Rece ive Mod e settings 6 Ring Del ay 6 The ring delay sets the number of times the machine rings before it answers in Fax Only and Fax/Tel mod es. If y ou have e x t ension ph ones on the same line as the machine or subscribe to the telephone co m pa ny’s Di s t i nc tive Ring service, keep the Ring Delay setting of 4.
Receivi ng a f a x 43 6 Ea sy Receiv e 6 Turning easy rec e ive On allows t he machine to recei ve fax calls aut omatically if you l ift a n y hands et on t he same lin e as th e machine.
Chapter 6 44 Additional re ceiving opera tions 6 Pr inting a redu ced inco min g fax 6 If you choose On , the machine autom at i c a lly reduces each p age of an incoming fax t o f i t on one pag e of A 4 , Letter, L egal or F olio size paper.
Receivi ng a f a x 45 6 Se tting the Fax R eceive Stamp 6 You can set the m achine to print t he received date and tim e in the t op center o f each receive d fax page. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 1 , 8 . 21.Setup Receive 8.
46 7 Phone line service s 7 Your machine supports the Caller ID and Distinctive Ring su bsc ri ber telephone services that som e telephon e compani es offer.
Phone servi ces and e xternal device s 47 7 Before you choose the ring pattern to registe r 7 You can only register one Dist i nc tive Ring pattern with the machine. Some ring patterns cann ot be registered. T he ring patterns bel ow are supported by your Broth er machine.
Chapter 7 48 Turning of f Distinctiv e Ri ng 7 a Pre ss Me nu , 2 , 0 , 2 . 20.Miscellaneous 2.Distinctive a Off b Set Select ab & OK b Pre ss a or b to select Off . Pr ess OK . c Pre ss St op /E xit . Note If y ou tu rn o ff D ist inc tive R in g, th e mac hi ne wi ll sta y in Manual receive mode.
Phone servi ces and e xternal device s 49 7 Connect ing an exte rnal TAD (telephone answerin g device ) 7 You can c onnect an ex ternal T elephone Answerin g Device (TAD) to t he same line as your m a chine. When t he TAD answers a call, your mac hi ne will “listen” f o r the CN G ( f ax calling) tones sent by a sending fax machi ne.
Chapter 7 50 Rec ordin g a n ou tgoi ng me ssag e 7 a Record 5 seconds of silence at the beginning o f your m essage. T hi s al l ows your machine time t o listen for fax t ones. b Limit your speaking to 20 seconds . c End your 20-sec ond message by giving your Fax Receive Code f or people sending manual faxes .
Phone servi ces and e xternal device s 51 7 Inst al li ng mach in e, ex tern al t wo -lin e TAD and two- line tel ephone 7 W hen you a r e in s t al l ing an ext ernal two-line telephone ans weri ng de vice (T A D) and a two-line telephone, you r m achine must be isolat ed on one line at both t he wall jack an d at the TAD.
Chapter 7 52 Extern al and ex tension phones 7 Ope ration from e xtensio n t eleph ones 7 If y ou answer a fax call on an ext ension teleph one, or an externa l telephone conne c t ed t o t he E X T. j ac k o f t he machine , you can make your machi ne tak e t he call by using the Fax Receive Code.
Phone servi ces and e xternal device s 53 7 Usi ng a co rdl ess ex ter nal han dset 7 If your cordless telephon e i s c onnected to the EXT. jack of the machine (see page 52) and you typically carry the cordless handset elsewhere, it is easier t o answer cal ls during the Ring Delay.
54 8 How to Dial 8 Man ual dial ing 8 Use the dial pad to enter a ll t he di git s of the teleph one number. One- Touc h diali ng 8 Press the One-T ouch k ey t h at st ores t h e number you want to call. To dial One-Touc h numbers 21 to 40 , hold down Sh ift as you press t he One -Touch key.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 55 8 Se arch 8 You can searc h al phab etically f or names you have st ored i n the On e-T ouc h and Spee d-Dial m em o ries. a Pr e s s Search /Speed Dial . b Press the di a l pad key f or the first letter of the name.
Chapter 8 56 Storing numb ers 8 You can set up your m achine to d o the following types of easy dialing: O ne-T ouc h, Speed - Di al and Groups f o r Broadcasting faxes. You can also specify the default resolution f or each One-Tou c h and Speed - Di al number.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 57 8 MFC-8860DN and MFC-8 8 7 0 DW: 8 a Pr e s s Menu , 2 , 3 , 1 . 23.Set Quick-Dial 1.One-Touch Dial One-Touch: Select One-Touch b Press the One-Touch key where you want to store a number. c Pr e s s a or b to select Fax/Tel , E-Mail or IFAX .
Chapter 8 58 Sto ring S pee d-Dial num bers 8 You can st ore your frequently used num bers as Speed-Dial numbe r s. T he m a chine can store 30 0 Speed-Dial numbers.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 59 8 f If you want to s ave a fax/scan reso l ut ion along wi t h the n um b er , cho ose on e of the op t io ns below: If yo u sel ected Fax/Tel in c , press a or b to sel ect Std , Fine , S.Fine or Photo . Press OK and then go to h .
Chapter 8 60 Sett ing up G r oups f or br oadcas ting 8 If you often want to send the same fax mess age t o m any f ax n umbers you can set up a group. Groups are store d on a One-Touch key or a Speed - Di al number. Each gr oup uses up a One-Touch key or a Speed-Dial location.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 61 8 Note • If yo u have selected Fax/IFAX in d and added One -Touch or Speed-Dial numb ers that a r e stored as ‘I F A X’, you cannot select S.Fine . • W hen you creat e a group or broa dc a s t using Scan t o E-m ail only B/W200x100 and B/W200dpi are available.
62 9 Remote fax options let you receive faxes while you are away from the machine. You can on ly use one fax op tion at a time. Fax Forw arding The fax forwarding feature lets you automat ical ly forwa r d your received faxes to another mac hi ne. a Pre ss Me nu , 2 , 5 , 1 .
Re mote fa x opti on s 63 9 Paging W hen Paging i s selected, your machine dials the pager number yo u ’ve programmed , and then dials your Personal Identification Number (PI N). Thi s activa tes your pager so you will know that you have a f ax m essage in the m em o r y .
Chapter 9 64 PC Fax Receive If you turn on t h e P C-Fax Receive feature you r ma chin e will sto re re ceive d f axes in mem ory and send them t o your PC autom aticall y .
Re mote fa x opti on s 65 9 Changing Rem ote Fax Options If re ceived fa xes ar e le ft in your mach i n e’s mem ory wh en y o u cha nge to another remote fax optio n, the LC D will as k y ou th e follow ing mess age: 25.Remote Fax Opt Erase All Fax? a 1.
Chapter 9 66 Remote Retrieval The rem ot e ret ri ev al feature lets you retrieve your st ored f ax messages when y o u are not at the machine. Y ou can call your m achine from any touch tone phone or fax mac hine, then use the Remote Access Code to retrieve your message s .
Re mote fa x opti on s 67 9 Ret riev ing fax me ssag es a Dial your fa x number from a telephone or anoth er fax machin e using touch tone. b When y our machine answers, immediately ente r your remot e access code (3 di git s foll owed by l ). If you hear one long beep, you have messages .
Chapter 9 68 Remo te fax co mmands Follow the com m an ds below to access features when you are away fro m t he m a chine. When you call the machine and enter your Remote Access Code (3 digits followed by l ), the sys t em will give two short beeps and you must en t er a remote comm and.
69 10 10 Fax reports 10 Some fax reports (transmission verification and f ax journal) can be printed autom atically or manual ly. Tr ansmis sion verif icatio n repor t 10 You can u se the trans m i ssion report as proof that y ou sent a fax.
Chapter 10 70 Reports 10 The f ol l owing reports are available: 1 Transmission Displays t he Transmiss i on Verificati o n Report f or your last outgoing 200 f axes and prin t s the last rep ort. 2 Help List Prints a list of com monly used function s to help you program your machin e.
71 11 11 Pol l ing l et s y ou set up yo ur m ac hine so other people can rec ei v e fax es f rom you , but t hey pay for the call. It also lets you call s om e body else’s fax machine a nd receive a fax from it, so you pay for the call. The polling f e ature needs to be set up o n both machines for t hi s to wo r k.
Chapter 11 72 Polled trans mit 11 Polled t ransmit lets you s et up your m achine to wa i t wi t h a doc um e nt so a not h er fax machine can c al l and retriev e it. Se tup fo r polle d tr ansmit 11 a Make sure you are in F a x mode . b Load your docume nt .
Section II I Copy III Making copies 74.
74 12 How to c opy 12 Ente ring cop y mode 12 Press ( Copy ) to enter Copy mode. 1 Contrast 2Q u a l i t y 3 Copy Ratio 4T r a y U s e 5 Number of Copies Mak ing a sing le co py 12 a Make sure you are in Copy m o de . b Load your docume nt . c Pre ss St ar t .
Making cop ies 75 12 Copy options 12 W hen you wa nt to qu i c k l y change t he copy settings t emporarily for the next copy, us e the Copy keys. You can use different combin ations.
Chapter 12 76 Ch angi ng t ext cop y reso lution 12 You can change the tex t copy resol ut i on to 1200x600dpi i f you have se l ec t ed Text from the Qu ali ty or Co n trast/Quality options, and make a copy with 100% ratio using t he scanner g lass. To change the text copy resolution, follow the steps below: a Make sure you are in Copy m o de .
Making cop ies 77 12 f Choose one of the options below: Press a or b to sel ect the enlargeme nt or reduc t i on ratio you want. Press OK . Press a or b to sel ect Custom(25-400%) . Pr es s OK . Us e the dial pad to enter an enl argement or reduction ratio from 25% to 400% .
Chapter 12 78 If you a re copying from the ADF: 12 Insert your docum ent fac e up i n t he direction shown below: 2 in 1 (P) 2 in 1 (L) 4 in 1 (P) 4 in 1 (L) If you a re copying from t.
Making cop ies 79 12 Du plex (2-s ided) c opyin g (MF C-8 860DN and MF C-8870 DW o nly) 12 If y ou want to use the duplex copy feature, load your docu m en t i n the ADF.
Chapter 12 80 Advanced Dupl e x Copy 12 Advanc ed 2 si d ed i 1 si ded Portr ait Lands c a pe Advanc ed 1 si d ed i 2 si ded Portr ait Lands c a pe a Make sure you are in Copy m o de . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad t o enter th e number of copies (up to 99).
Making cop ies 81 12 So rtin g copi es using t he ADF 12 You can sort multiple copies. Page s will be stack ed i n the order 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, and so on. a Make s ure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docum ent . c Use the dial pad to enter the n um b er of copies (up to 99).
Chapter 12 82 Tr ay Sel ect 12 You can change th e tray use onl y for the next copy. a Make sure you are in Copy m o de . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad t o enter th e number of copies (up to 99).
Sectio n IV Software IV Software and Network fea tures 84.
84 13 The User’s Guide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User’s Guide and Net work User’s Guide for features available when conne c t ed t o a com put e r (f o r ex ample, Printing and Sc anni ng ). Prin ting (For Wi ndows ® , see Ch apter 1 in the Software Us er’ s Guide on the CD-ROM .
Section V Appen dixes V Safety and Legal 86 Options 97 Troubleshooting and routine maintenance 100 Menu and Features 136 Specifications 155 Glossary 167.
86 A Choosing a location A Place your machine on a flat, stabl e surface that is free of v i br ation and sho cks. Put t he m a c h ine near a telephon e wall jack and a stan dard, groun ded AC powe r out l et . Choo s e a locat i on where the temperature rema ins be t wee n 50 ° F and 90.
Safety and L egal 87 To use the machine safely A Ple ase keep t hese in structions for later re ference and read them before attempting any main t ena nce.
88 To prevent injuries, be c areful not to put your hands on the edge of the machine und er the document cover. To prevent injuries, be c areful not to put your fingers in the area shown in t he il l us t ration s . DO NOT use a vacuu m cleaner to clean up scattered toner.
Safety and L egal 89 CAUTION Lightning and power surges can dam age t hi s produ c t ! We rec ommend that you use a quality surge protection device on the AC power line and on the telephone line, or u nplug the cords during a li gh tning storm .
90 Important I nformation A Stan dard t elepho ne and FCC Noti ces A These notic es a re i n effect on models sold and used in the United States only. When programm ing emer gency numb ers or m aking t e st calls to em ergency numbers : Remain o n the li ne and bri ef l y explai n to t he d ispatcher the reason for the call before hang i ng up.
Safety and L egal 91 If y our home h as specially wi red alarm equ ipment conne c t ed to t he telephone l i ne, ensure the instal l at i on of this equi pment does not disable yo ur a larm eq uipment. If you have que s t i ons about what will disable alarm equipment, call your telephone company or a qua li f i ed inst al ler.
92 Fe deral Com muni cati ons Com miss i o n (FCC ) De cla rat ion of Conf ormi ty (U SA onl y) declares, that the products Product Nam e: MF C- 8 460N, MFC-8660DN, MFC - 8 860DN, MFC - 8 870DW comply with Part 15 of t he F CC Rules.
Safety and L egal 93 Indu stry Ca nada Compli anc e Statem ent (C ana da only ) A This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES–0 03. Cet appareil numé r i que de l a clas s e B es t confo r m e à l a norme NM B–003 du Canada.
94 Las er sa fety A This e quipment is cert i f i ed as a Class 1 la s er product u nder the U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv i c es (DHH S) Radiation Performance Stand ard a c cordi ng t o t he Radi a ti on Control for Health an d Safet y A ct of 1968.
Safety and L egal 95 I m p ort ant saf ety in struct ions A 1 Re ad al l of these instructions. 2 Save them for later reference. 3 Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product. 4 Un pl ug th i s product from the wall outlet before cl e aning inside of t he m ac hine.
96 15 Unp lug t hi s produ ct f rom the AC power outlet and refer all serv i c i ng t o Brot her Aut hori z ed Service Person nel under t he follo wi ng c ondi t i ons : W hen t he powe r cord is damag ed o r f r a y e d. If liq uid has b een spille d in to the p roduct.
97 B Options B This machine has the fol l owin g optional accessories. Y ou can in c rea s e the c a pabilities of the machin e with these i tems. Opt ions B Lower t ray unit DIMM mem o ry LT-5300.
98 Optiona l Paper Tray (LT-5300 ) B An o pt i onal lower tray can be installed, and it can hold up to 250 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m 2 ) paper. When a n optional tray is i nst al led, the machine can hold up t o 55 0 shee t s of plai n paper. For setu p, s e e the User’s Guide that we ha ve supplied with the lower tray uni t .
Options 99 I n s tallin g extra m emory B a Turn off the machi n e’ s p owe r swi t ch. Unplug the telephon e line cord. b Disconnect t he interface cab le from the machine, a nd then unplug the power cord from the A C power outl et . Note Be sure to turn off the m achine’s power swi t ch bef ore you install or remove the DIMM.
100 C Troublesh ooting C IMPORTANT For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from within that country. If yo u ar e ha ving dif ficu lty wit h yo ur mac hine C If you think there is a probl em wi t h t he way yo ur faxes look , m ake a copy first.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 101 Phone Line or Connections Difficulties Su gges tions Di alin g does n ot work . Che ck for a d ial ton e. Ch ange Tone/Pulse s ettin g. (Se e th e Quic k Setu p Guid e .) Ch eck al l line co rd conn ect ion s.
102 Cu stom fea tur es on a s ingl e lin e. If y ou hav e Call W aiti ng, Ca ll Wai ting /Cal ler ID, R ing Mast er, Vo ice Ma il, an answ erin g machi ne, an a lar m system or oth er cust om feat ure o n a singl e phon e li ne wi th yo ur mac hine , it m ay c reate a prob lem s end ing o r re ceivi ng faxe s.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 103 The machi ne pr ints the first coup le of pa ges co rrect ly, th en some page s have t ext mis sing . Ch eck the s e tting s i n your a ppli cation to make s ure that i t is set up to work wi th your machi ne.
104 ‘U nabl e to wr ite to L PT1 ’, ‘LP T1 alr eady in u se’ or ‘M FC is Bu sy’ erro r m ess age appe ars. Make s ure that t he mac hine is on (p lugg ed in to the A C pow er out let and t.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 105 Pri nto uts are to o ligh t. If th is p roblem occurs when makin g co pies o r prin ting receive d fa x e s, tu rn T o n er Sav e mod e to o ff in th e ma c h ine menu s ettin gs. (S e e Tone r sav e on page 22.
106 Impr ovin g the p rint q ual i t y C Examples of poo r print quali t y Recommendat ion Faint Ch eck th e m ach ine ’ s enviro nment . Con diti ons such a s humi dit y, high temp era t u res , and s o on, may ca use t his pr int f ault . (See Choosi ng a loc ation o n pa ge 8 6.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 107 Ho llow prin t Mak e su re t h a t you u se pap er that meets ou r spe cifica tio ns. (S ee Acceptab le paper and other medi a on page 12.
108 White li nes across the page Make su re that you use p aper t hat meet s our spec ifi cati ons. A r o u gh sur faced pape r or th ick pr int med ia ca n cause the pro ble m.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 109 Cu rled or w ave Che ck the pap er t ype an d quali ty. Hi gh te mper atur es an d hig h humidi ty wi ll cause paper to cur l. If yo u do no t use t he mac hine of ten, t h e pap er may have be en in th e pape r tra y too lo ng.
110 Poor f ixing Ope n the ba ck co ver and ma ke s ure that t he t wo bl ue le ver s on the l eft an d ri ght hand side s are i n the dow n posit ion .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 111 Se tting Dia l To n e Detec tion C Setting the dia l tone to Detection will shorten the dial t on e detect pa use.
112 Error messages C As w ith any sophistic at e d office product, e rro rs ma y occ ur. If t hi s happens, your mac hine will identify the error and display an error mes sage. T he most c ommon error messages are shown below. Error Message Cause Action Chec k Paper Size Paper is no t the co rrect s ize.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 113 DR Mo de in Us e The machine i s s et t o Di stinct i v e Ring mode. You can not change the Rec eive Mo de from Manua l t o another mode. Set Distinc t i ve Ring to O ff . See Turning o ff Di stinc tive R ing on pa ge 48.
114 Out of Memory The machine’ s memory is f ul l . Fax sending or cop y operati on in pr ogr ess Do one of the foll owing: Pre ss Sta r t to send or copy the sc anned pages. Pre ss Stop /Exit and wait until the ot h er operat ions in progr ess finish , and th en try again.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 115 Tone r Life End The toner car tridge and drum un i t assemb l y is not inst alled p roperly, or the tone r car tridge is used up and print ing is not possibl e. Do one of the foll owi n g: Re-inst all the toner car tridge and drum un i t asse mbly .
116 Ch ecking if th e mac hine h as faxe s in i ts m emory C If the LCD sho ws an erro r messag e then you can check to see if there are faxes in the machin e’s memory. a Pre ss Me nu , 9 , 0 , 1 . b Do one o f the following: If the LCD shows No Data , there are no f axes left in the mac hi ne’ s me mory.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 117 Docume nt ja ms C If the docum ent is jamme d, fo l low the steps bel o w. Document i s jammed in t he top of the ADF unit C The doc ument may get jammed if it i s not inserted or fed properly, or i f it is too l o ng.
118 Document i s j amme d at the out put tra y C a Take out any pa per f rom t h e A DF t ha t is not jammed. b Pull the j amm ed document out to the right. c Pre ss St op /E xit . Document i s j amme d in the duple x slot (M FC-8 860DN and MFC-8870DW only) C a Take out any pa per f rom t h e A DF t ha t is not jammed.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 119 c Press the cover release lever t o open the front cover. d Slowly t ake out the drum unit and t o ner cartridge assem bl y . The jammed p aper may be pulled out with the t oner cartridge and drum unit assembly, or this may release t he paper so you can pull it out of the paper t r a y open ing.
120 Paper is jamm e d at the ba c k of the mach in e C a Press the cover release lever to open the front cover. b Take out the drum unit and t o ner cartridge assem bl y . c Open the back cover. d Pull t he tabs at the left and right h and sides toward you to open the f us er cov er ( 1).
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 121 g Put the drum unit and toner cartridge ass emb ly b ack in t h e mac hine . h Close th e front cover. Paper is jamm e d in the dupl ex tray (MFC-8660DN, MFC-8860DN and MFC-8870DW only) C a Pull the duplex t ray completely out of the machine.
122 c Hold down the lock lever on the right and take the t oner cartridge o ut of the drum unit. Take out the jamme d paper i f there is any ins i de the drum unit. d Put the toner c a r t ridge back into the drum unit until you hear it lock into place.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 123 Clea n t he o utsi de of the mach in e as fol lows : C a Pull the pap er tray completely out of the machine. b Wipe the outside of the machine with a sof t c l o th to remove dust. c Remove any thing that is stuck ins ide the paper tray.
124 Cle anin g the s cann er g lass C a Turn off th e machi ne ’ s pow er switch. b Lift t he do cument cover (1). Clean the whit e plastic surface (2) a nd scanner gl ass (3) undernea t h it with isopropyl alcohol on a soft lint-free clo t h.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 125 HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac h ine, s ome internal parts of t he machine will be extremely hot. Whe n you open t he f ront cover of the machine, DO NOT touch the shaded parts shown in the illustration.
126 Cl eaning the coron a wir e C We recomm end t hat y o u pu t t h e drum uni t and t oner cartridge as sembly on a piece o f disposa bl e paper or cloth in case you accid en t ally spill or scatt er toner. a Open the front cover and take out the drum unit an d toner cartridge a s sem bly.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 127 Cl eanin g the d rum u nit C a Take out the drum unit and toner cartridge a s sem bl y , and then take o ut the toner cartri dge f rom the drum unit. b Pu t the p rint sam ple in fro nt o f the d rum unit, and find the e xact pos it i on of the poor print.
128 Re placin g the tone r cartrid ge (TN-550/T N-580) C The TN-580 toner cartridge can print appro x i m a tely 7,000 pages using a high yield toner cartridge.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 129 CAUTION To prevent damage t o the m achine from static elect r icity, DO NOT t o uch the electrodes s hown in t he illustration. b Hold down the lock lever on the right and take the toner cartridge out of the drum unit.
130 c Unpack the new toner cartridge. Put the used tone r cartridge i nt o the aluminu m bag and discard it according to l ocal regulations. d Gently rock t he toner cartridge fr om side to side f i ve or s i x times to spread the toner evenl y inside the cart rid ge.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 131 Re plac ing the dru m uni t (DR -52 0) C The m achine uses a drum uni t to c r e at e print imag es on pap er. If the LCD shows Drum Near End , the drum unit is near t he end of its life and it is time to buy a new one.
132 CAUTION To prevent damage to the printer from s t at i c electricity, DO NO T touch t he electrodes shown in t he illustration. b Hold down the lock lever on the right and take the t oner cartridge o ut of the drum unit. Note Discard t h e used drum unit a c cordi ng to local regul at io ns, keeping it sepa r a te from domest i c wa s t e.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 133 Replacing periodi c maintena nce parts C The periodi c maintenan ce parts wi ll need to be replaced regularly to maintain the print q uality . Th e pa r t s l isted b elow will have t o be replaced after printing a pproximately 100 , 00 0 pages .
134 j Pack the drum unit a nd toner c art rid ge assembly, AC power cord and printed materials in t he original carton as shown below. Note If you are returning your machine to Brother as part of t he Exch ange Service, pack only the ma c h ine. Keep all separate parts an d printed m aterial s to use with your ‘Exchange’ m achine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 135 C Ch ecki ng the r emain ing li fe of part s C You can view t he remaining life of these parts on t he LCD. a Pr e s s Menu , 7 , 3 . 73.Parts Life 1.Drum 2.Fuser 3.Laser Select ab & OK b Pr e s s a or b to s elect 1.
136 D On-scre en programmin g D Your machine has been desig ned to be e asy to use. The LCD provides on-screen programm i ng using t he menu k eys. We hav e creat ed step by s tep on-scree n instructions to help you program your machine. Simp ly follo w the steps as they guide you through the men u sele c t i on s and programm i ng opt ions.
Menu a nd Feature s 137 To ac c ess t he m enu mode: a Pr e s s Menu . b Choose an option. Press 1 for General Setup menu. Press 2 for Fax menu. Press 3 for Copy me nu. Press 4 for Pr i nt e r menu. Press 5 for Pr i nt Repo r ts menu .
138 Menu T able D The factory settings are shown in Bold with an ast eri s k. Choose & OK Choose & OK to accept t o ex i t Ma in Me nu Subm en u Me nu Se lec tio ns Op tio ns D es cri pti ons Pa ge 1.
Menu a nd Feature s 139 1. Gene ral Se tup (Co nti nued) 3.Paper Size 1.MP Tray A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Folio Any Sets the size of th e pape r in th e MP tray. 19 2.Tray#1 A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Folio Sets the size of th e pape r in t he pape r tray .
140 1.General Setup (Con ti nued) 5.Auto Daylight — On Off * Ch ange s for Dayl igh t Savings T ime autom atic ally. 22 6.Ecology 1.Toner Save On Off * In crea ses the page yiel d of the toner c artridge. 22 2.Sleep Time (0-99) 05 Min * Co nserve s pow er.
Menu a nd Feature s 141 1.General Setup (Co nti nued) 9.Security 1.Setting Lock — St ops un author ize d users fro m chan ging th e mach ine’ s curr e n t setti ngs. 24 2.Function Lock — Can restrict se l e ct e d mach ine op era tion f or up to 2 5 indi vidu al us ers and all othe r non -auth ori zed Pu blic use rs.
142 2 .Fax (Con ti nued) 2.Setup Send (In Fax mode on ly) 1.Contrast Auto * Light Dark Ch ange s the lig htn ess or dar kne ss of fax es you se nd. 35 2.Fax Resolution Standard * Fine S.Fine Photo Sets the defa ult res olution for outg oing faxes. 35 3.
Menu a nd Feature s 143 2. Fax (Co nti nued) 4.Report Setting 1.Transmission On On+Image Off * Off+Image Sets in itial setu p fo r Tr ansmiss ion V erifica tio n Re port an d Fax J ourn al. 69 2.Journal Period Off Every 50 Faxes * Every 6 Hours Every 12 Hours Every 24 Hours Every 2 Days Every 7 Days 69 5.
144 3.Copy 1.Quality — Auto * Photo Text Yo u can ch oose the Copy re so luti on fo r you r ty pe o f do cum ent. 75 2.FB Txt Quality — 1200 × 600dpi 600dpi * Yo u can ch ange to t he hi gher Copy re solu tion whe n you m ake a t ext c opy with 1 00% r atio us ing the scan ner gla ss.
Menu a nd Feature s 145 6.LAN (For MF C-8460 N , MFC-86 6 0 DN an d MFC-88 6 0 DN) 1.TCP/IP 1.BOOT Method Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Chooses the BOOT met hod that best suits your n eeds. Se e Net work Us er’s G uid e on the CD-R OM. 2.IP Address [0 00 -25 5].
146 Ma in Me nu Subm enu Menu Sel ection s Optio ns Descr iptions Pa ge 6.LAN (F or MFC -8460N , MFC- 8660 D N and M F C -8860 DN) (C onti nued ) 3.Setup IFAX (MF C-8860DN ) 1.Setup Internet 1.Mail Address Enter the mail addres s. See Network User’s Guide on the CD-ROM .
Menu a nd Feature s 147 6.LAN (For MF C-84 60N, MF C-86 60DN a nd MF C-886 0DN) ( Conti nued ) 4.Scan to Email (M FC -8 860 DN ) 1.Color PDF * JPEG Choose s the file forma t to send t he scanned da ta. See Network User’s Guide on the CD-ROM . 2.B/W PDF * TIFF 3.
148 6.LAN (MFC-8 8 7 0DW) (C ontinued) 1.Wired (C ontinu ed) 1.TCP/IP (Co ntinu ed) 8.DNS Server (Pri mary) 00 0.000.000 .000 (S econ dary) 00 0.000.000 .000 Specifie s the IP addr ess of the pri mary or second ary DNS se r ver . Se e Netw ork Us er’ s Guide on the CD-ROM .
Menu a nd Feature s 149 6.LAN (MFC- 887 0DW) (C onti nued ) 2. WLA N (Co ntinu ed) 1.TCP/IP (C onti nued) 7.WINS Server (Pri mary) 000 .000.000. 000 (Se con dary) 000 .000.000. 000 Spec ifies the IP address of the pr imary or se c on dary WIN S serv er.
150 6.LAN (MF C-8870DW) (Co n tinued) 3.Setup IFAX 1.Setup Internet 1.Mail address Enter the mail addres s. See Network User’s Guide on the CD-ROM . 2.SMTP Server [0 00-255] . [000 -255] . [000 -255] . [000 -255] Enter the SMTP ser v er addres s. 3.
Menu a nd Feature s 151 6.LAN (MFC-887 0 D W) (Contin u e d) 4.Scan to Email 1.Color PDF * JPEG Choose s the file forma t to send t he scanned da ta. See N e t wo r k User’ s Gui de on t he CD -ROM. 2.B/W PDF * TIFF 5.Scan to FTP 1.Color PDF * JPEG 2.
152 Main Menu S ubmen u Menu Se lectio ns Options De s c ript ions Pag e 7.Machine Info. 1.Serial No. —— You c an check th e s e rial number of your ma chine. 134 2.Page Counter — Total Copy Print List/Fax You c an check th e number of total p ages the m ac h ine has pri nted during its life.
Menu a nd Feature s 153 Entering Tex t D W hen setting c ert a in menu s el e ctions, such as the S t a ti o n ID, y ou will ne ed to type text chara c ters . Th e di al pad ke y s hav e l et t ers pri nt ed on them . T he k e ys: 0, # a nd l do not hav e printed le tters because they are used for speci al characters.
154 Spec i al ch ara cters and symbo l s Press l , # or 0 , then press d or c to move the cursor under the symbol or character you want. Press OK to select it. 1 m is n ot av aila ble for I-Fa x setti ngs. Press l fo r (s pace) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) l + , - .
155 E Ge nera l Sp eci fi cat ion s Memor y Capacity 32 MB AD F (auto ma tic do cume nt feeder) U p to 50 p ages (Staggered ) D upl ex , up to L et t er/A4 (MFC-8860 DN/ 88 70DW) R ecommended E nviron.
156 Print media Pap er Input Pap er Tray Paper type: Plain paper, Bond Paper , Recycled pa per or Tr a nsparencies Paper size: Letter, Legal , A4, Executive, A5, A 6, B 5 , B6 an d F oli o .
Specif i c ation s 157 Fax 1 ‘Page s’ re fe r s to t he ‘ Broth er Stand ard Ch art No . 1’ (a typ ical bu sines s lette r, Stan dard resolut ion, JBI G cod e). Spec ifi cati ons an d print ed ma teria ls ar e subjec t to c hange witho ut pri or no tic e.
158 Copy 1 W hen m aki ng a cop y from the sca nner glas s in text qu alit y mo de a t the 100% ra tio. Color/Monochrome Monochrome Duplex Co p ying Yes (M FC-8860DN and MFC-8870DW on ly) Sing le-Sid e d Documen t Size ADF Width: 5 .8 t o 8. 5 i n. (148 .
Specif i c ation s 159 Scan 1 Max i m um 1200 × 1200 dpi scan ning wi th th e WI A driv er i n W ind ows ® XP (res ol utio n up to 19 200 × 1920 0 dpi ca n be chos en by using the B rothe r scann e.
160 Print 1 If you use the h igh qual ity 1 200 dpi s ettin g ( 1200 × 12 00 d pi) th e pr int spee d wil l be slow er. 2 Fro m stan dard pa per tr ay an d opt iona l pa per t ray. Interfa ces 1 You r mac hine h as a Hi- Speed USB 2.0 inter face. T he mac hine can also be conn ecte d to a compu ter that has a USB 1.
Specif i c ation s 161 Comput er requiremen ts 1 F or WIA , 1 200x 1200 reso lut ion . Bro ther Sc anne r Uti lity enab les to en hanc e up to 1 9200 x 19 200 dpi 2 De dicate d " S can to" ke y fun ctio ns o nly in the Ma c OS ® X 10.2.4 or gre ater.
162 Consumab le items 1 W hen p rinti ng Le tt er or A 4 s ize pape r at 5 % pri nt cov erage Toner Cart ridge Life TN-550 : St andard Toner Cartri dge: Approx. 3 , 50 0 pa ges 1 TN-580 : High- Yield Ton er Car t r idge: Appr ox. 7,0 00 pages 1 Drum Unit Life Expect ancy DR-520 : Approx.
Specif i c ation s 163 Ethernet wi r e d network (MFC-8 460N, MF C-8660 DN and MFC-8860 DN only) 1 PC Fax S end for Mac ® 2 Mac OS ® 9.1 - 9.2 (Br oth er La ser Driv er o ver T CP/I P) Mac OS ® X 10.2 .4 o r g r e a ter (m DNS) De dic ated ‘S can ’ key an d direc t N etw ork S can ning s uppo rted i n M ac OS ® X 10.
164 Ethernet w ireless netw ork (MF C-887 0DW only) 1 PC Fax Send for Mac ® 2 Mac OS ® 9.1 - 9. 2 (Br othe r L aser Driv er ov er TCP/ IP) Mac OS ® X 10.2 .4 or gre ater ( mDNS ) De dica ted ‘ Sc an’ k ey and d ire ct Ne twor k S cann ing supp ort ed in Ma c OS ® X 10.
Specif i c ation s 165 Au thent icatio n an d en cryptio n fo r wirel ess u sers on ly Authentic a t ion method The Brother m ac h ine supports the following methods: Open s ys t em W i reless devices a r e allowed to access the network without any a uthentication.
166 Net wor k key There a r e some r u les for eac h security method: Open system /Shared key wi t h WE P This key is a 64-b it or 128-bit value that must be en tered in an ASCII or hexadecimal format. • 64 (40) bit A SCII: Uses 5 text charact ers.
167 F ADF (automatic document feed er) The doc ument can be placed in the A DF and s canned o ne page at a time aut oma ti cal ly . Auto Reduction Reduc es the s i z e o f incom i ng f ax e s . Automatic fax transmi ssion Sen ding a fax without picking up the hands et o f the external phone or pressing Hook .
168 Easy Receive Enabl es your machi ne to respond to CNG tones if you interrupt a f a x call by answe r ing it. ECM (Erro r Corre ction Mode) Detects errors during fax transmission and res ends the pages of the fax that ha d an error. Ext ensio n phone A t el ephone on t he f ax numb er that is plugged into a sepa rat e telepho ne wall ja c k .
Gl os sa ry 169 On e- Touc h Keys on the m achine’s control panel where you can store numbers for easy dialing. You ca n store a s econd number on ea ch key if you press Shift and t he One-To uch Key t og ether. Out of Paper Recep ti o n Rece i v es faxes into the machine’s mem ory when the machine is out of paper.
170 Tempo rary settings You can sel ect certain options for each fax transmi ss i on a nd c op y wi t hout c hanging the default settings . Tone A form of dialing on the telephone line used for Touch Tone telepho nes. Trans mission The process of sending faxes ov er the phone lines from your machine to the recei ving fax m achine.
171 G A Accessori es a nd sup p li es . .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ii ADF (automatic do c um ent fee der) ..... ..... . 30 using ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... 11 Answerin g machine (T A D) connecting ... .... ...
172 E En la rg e/R edu ce key ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 76 Envel opes . ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... 1 4 , 16 Equal i z at i on ... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... 1 11 Error mes sages on L CD ...... ..
Inde x 173 Jams document .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... . 117 paper .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . 117 Job Cancel key .... ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... 8 L Labels ... ..... .....
174 Post e r ... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... .. 77 Powe r fail ure .. ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... .....136 Pri nt difficulties .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. 100 drivers .... ..... .
Inde x 175 T TA D (teleph one answering device) connecting; .. .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... 49 external ... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... .... 40 , 51 OGM .. ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .
EQUIPMENT AT T ACHMENT LIMITAT I ONS (Can ada only) NOTICE This product meet s t he appl icab le I ndu stry Ca nada technical specifications. NOTICE The Ringer Equivale nce Nu mber is an indi c ation of t he m a ximum number of devices allowed to be conn ect ed t o a telepho ne int e rf ac e.
Bro the r In tern ati ona l C orp orat ion 100 S omerse t Corp orate Bo ulevar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idgewa ter, NJ 0880 7-0911 USA Brot her Inte rnatio nal Corp oratio n (Cana da) Lt d. 1 r u e Hôtel de V ille , Dol lard- des-O rmeaux , QC, Cana da H 9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the Wor ld Wid e Web http: //www.
デバイスBrother MFC-8660DNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother MFC-8660DNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother MFC-8660DNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother MFC-8660DNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother MFC-8660DNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother MFC-8660DNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother MFC-8660DNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother MFC-8660DNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother MFC-8660DNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。