BrotherメーカーMulti-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Prの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Network U ser’s Guid e Multi -Protoc ol On- boar d Ethern et Mult i-fun ction Pri nt Serv er and Wirele ss E thern et M ult i-fun ction Pr int S erve r This Netw ork User's Guide provides usef ul information o n wired a nd wireless network setti ngs , security set tings and Internet fax settings using y our Brother machine.
i Applicable mode ls Th is Use r’s Guid e appli es to th e follo wing m odels. 5-lin e LCD mode ls: DCP -811 0DN/ 8150 DN/815 5DN /MFC -851 0DN/ 8520 DN/87 10 DW/891 0DW To uch s cr een m odels: DCP.
ii Section I Networ k Opera tion 1 Int ro du ctio n 2 Netwo rk f eatu res.. .. .. ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .... ....... ........ ......2 Othe r Netw ork fea tures .
iii MAC Addre ss .. ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. ... ....54 Set to D efault (For M FC-8710DW, MFC-89 10DW and MFC-8950DW(T)) .
iv 7 Interne t fax (MF C-891 0DW and MFC-895 0DW (T): standar d, MFC-8 510DN, MFC-8520 DN and MF C-871 0DW: ava ilab le as a download ) 112 Inter net fax Ov ervi ew .... ... .. ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....
v 11 Configu ring your mach ine fo r a networ k 158 IP addresses, subnet mas k s and gateways ...................................................... .................................. ..158 IP add ress .. ... .. ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... .
vi B Append ix B 174 Usi ng servi ces ..... .. ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..... .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. . .. ..... .. .. ... ..... ..174 Other ways to set the IP address (f o r advanced users and administrators) .
Section I Netw or k Ope ratio n I Introduction 2 Changing your machine ’s network setting s 5 Configuring your machine for a wireless network (For MFC-8710DW, MFC-89 10DW and MFC-89 50DW(T)) 10 Cont.
2 1 1 Network features 1 You r Br other m achine can be sh ared o n a 10/ 100 MB o r 1G B (For D CP-825 0DN and MF C-895 0DW (T)) wir e d, or IE EE 80 2. 11 b/ g/n w ire l ess (For w ire le ss mo de l s) E th er net n et wor k u s ing t he i nter na l ne twork p ri nt se rver .
3 Intr oducti on 1 1 No t av aila ble f or D CP m odel s. 2 B RAdmi n Light for M acinto sh is avai lable a s a d ownlo ad fr om http ://so lutio ns.brot her.c om/ . 3 B RAdm in P rofe ssi onal 3 is a vail able as a dow nlo ad fr om ht tp:/ /sol ution s.
4 Intr oducti on 1 Fax to S erver (MFC -8910D W and MF C-89 50DW (T): sta ndard , MFC -8510D N, MFC- 8520 DN and MFC-8710 DW: availabl e as a download ) 1 The Fax to Serve r featur e all ows th e machine to scan a document and sen d it o ver t he networ k to a se parate fax se rver.
5 2 2 How to cha nge your m ach ine’s network setti ngs (IP address , Subne t ma sk and G atewa y) 2 Th e ma c h ine’s ne twork setting s ca n be chan ged us ing the c ontrol pan el, BR Adm in Lig ht, Web B ased Ma nage men t, and B RAdm in Prof essio nal 3.
6 Changing you r machi ne’s net work sett ings 2 Setting the IP addres s, Subnet Mask and Gateway using BRAdmin Li ght 2 Note • You c an d o wnload Brother's latest BRAdmin Light utili ty from http ://solu tions.
7 Changing you r machi ne’s net work sett ings 2 c Do ub le- cli ck th e unc o nfi g ure d dev ic e. Note • If the pri nt serve r is s e t to i ts factory default set tings (i f you do not use a DHCP/BOOTP/RARP se rver) , the dev ice will ap pe ar as Unconfi gured in th e BRAd min Li ght util ity scree n.
8 Changing you r machi ne’s net work sett ings 2 Other Ma nagemen t Utilities 2 Your Broth er machin e has th e follo wing mana gement uti lit ies oth er than the BRAdmin L ight u til ity. You can change your networ k settin gs usin g these utili ties.
9 Changing you r machi ne’s net work sett ings 2 BR P rin t Auditor (Wind ows ® ) 2 The BRPri nt Audito r softwa re brin gs th e monitor ing powe r of Brot her netwo rk management tools to locally connected machines.
10 3 3 Ov ervie w 3 To connect y our machine to your wir eless n etwork, we recomme nd followi ng one o f the setup met hods out lined in th e Quic k Set up Guid e. The wir eless setu p method u sing th e i nstall er CD-ROM and a USB cable i s t he easie st method for set up.
11 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Confirm your ne twork env ironm ent 3 Co nnect ed to a co mpu ter wit h a W LAN acce ss po int.
12 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Conn ec te d to a wir el ess ca pa ble c omp uter wi th out a WLA N ac ce ss po int/r o uter in the ne twork ( Ad-hoc mod e) 3 This type of network does not ha ve a c entral WLAN access p oint/r outer.
13 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Wireless c onfig uration temporarily usin g a USB c able (Recom mended) 3 It is recommended t hat you use a co mputer wirelessl y conne cted to your netwo rk fo r th is method.
14 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings. Y ou will need th is i nform ation b efo re y ou contin ue w ith t he config urat ion.
15 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For an enterpris e wirele ss network configu ration 3 If yo u are configur ing yo ur machin e for a n IEEE 802. 1x suppor ted wir eless n etwork, r ecord yo ur Authe nticatio n method, E ncrypti on method , User ID and P assword.
16 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Note • If you config ure your machin e using EAP-TLS Authent icat ion, you must in stall th e Client Cert ifi cate issued by a CA (Certi fica te Authority) before you start confi guratio n.
17 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 (Ma cinto sh) 3 1 T he o penin g scre en w ill ap pear auto matica lly. Click Star t Her e OSX . Choose your machi ne and click Next . 2 C hoos e Wireless Network Connection and then cl ick Next .
18 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Configura tion u sing the m ach ine’s con trol panel Setup Wizard 3 You can us e the m achine ’s cont rol pa nel to co nfigure yo ur wir eless n etwor k settin gs.
19 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Manua l confi g ura tio n fr om t he con t r ol pane l 3 For 5-l ine LCD models a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings.
20 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Note When the SSID i s not b roadcast, se e Confi guring your ma chine w hen the SS I D is no t broa dca st uu page 22. h Enter the Network Key you wr ote down in step a .
21 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 c Press Netwo rk . d Press WLAN . e Press S et u p Wiza rd . f Wh en WL AN En able ? is displ ayed, press On to a cce pt. This will sta rt the wi r eless setup wizard.
22 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Conf igur ing your mac hine wh en the SSI D is no t br oadc as t 3 For 5-l ine LCD models a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings.
23 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 b Press Me nu . c Press a or b to choose Ne twork . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Set up Wiz ard .
24 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 n Enter the W P A key you wrote down in step a and p res s OK . Go to step o . ( For i nfo r mati o n o n ho w to ent er text: uu Quick Setup G uide.
25 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For Touchscre en models 3 a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings. Y ou will need th is i nform ation b efo re y ou contin ue w ith t he config urat ion.
26 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 h Enter the SSID n ame. (For info rmatio n on how to enter te xt: uu Qui ck Setup Guide.) Press OK . i Press Infra stru ctur e when instr ucted. j Ch oo se an d pr es s th e Aut he nt i cat ion meth od.
27 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Con figurin g you r mach ine f or an e nterp rise wi reless netw ork 3 For 5-l ine LCD models a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings.
28 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Note • If you config ure your machin e using EAP-TLS Authent icat ion, you must in stall th e Client Cert ifi cate issued by a CA befo re you start co nfigu ration.
29 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 k Choose the Aut henticati on method using a or b , an d pr es s OK . Do one of the follo wing: If yo u chose LE AP , go to step q . If yo u chose EA P- FAST , go to ste p l .
30 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 q Ent e r t he use r ID yo u wr ot e do wn i n s t ep a . Press OK . (For info rmation on how to ente r text: uu Qu ick Set up Guid e.) Do one of the follo wing: If yo ur Authe nticati on meth od is E AP-TLS, go t o step s .
31 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For Touchscre en models 3 a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings. Y ou will need th is i nform ation b efo re y ou contin ue w ith t he config urat ion.
32 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Note • If you config ure your machin e using EAP-TLS Authent icat ion, you must in stall th e Client Cert ifi cate issued by a CA befo re you start co nfigu ration.
33 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 k Choose the Aut henticati on method using d or c . Do one of the follo wing: If yo u chose LE AP , go to step q . If yo u chose EA P- FAST , go to ste p l .
34 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 r Enter the Password you wro te down in st ep a . Press OK . Go to step s . s To a pply the setti ngs, cho ose Yes . To cancel , choose No . Do one of the follo wing: If yo u chose Ye s , go to st ep t .
35 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 One push configu ration us ing WPS (Wi-Fi Protec ted Setup) or AOSS™ 3 You can use W P S or .
36 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For 5-l ine LCD models a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Ne twork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WP S/AOSS .
37 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For Touchscre en models 3 a Press Menu . b Press Netwo rk . c Press WLAN . d Press a or b to display WP S/AO SS , and then p r ess WP S/AO SS . e Wh en WL AN En able ? is displ ayed, press On to a cce pt.
38 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Configura tion using the PIN Me thod of WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) 3 If you r WLAN access point/ router su pport s WPS (PIN Meth od), you can conf igure t he machi ne easil y.
39 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For 5-l ine LCD models a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Ne twork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose WPS w /PIN Co de .
40 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Windows Vista ® /Windows ® 7 3 If yo u are using y our comput er as a Registr ar, fo llow th.
41 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For Touchscre en models 3 a Press Menu . b Press Netwo rk . c Press WLAN . d Press a or b to display W P Sw / P I NC o d e , an d t h en pr ess WPS w/PIN C od e .
42 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Windows Vista ® /Windows ® 7 3 If yo u are using y our comput er as a Registr ar, fo llow th.
43 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Configura tion in Ad-hoc mod e (Fo r IEEE 802.
44 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 d Press a or b to choose WL AN . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Set up Wiz ard . Press OK . f Wh en WL AN En ab le ? is di splayed, p ress a or b to c hoose On and pre ss OK to acce pt.
45 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 For Touchscre en models 3 a Befor e configu ring you r machine we recommend yo u write down your wire less network sett ings. Y ou will need th is i nform ation b efo re y ou contin ue w ith t he config urat ion.
46 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 f Wh en WL AN En able ? is displ ayed, press On to a cce pt. This will sta rt the wi r eless setup wizard. To ca ncel, pr ess Stop/Exit . g The m a chine will search f or you r network and disp lay a l ist o f ava ilable S SIDs.
47 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 Usin g a New SSID 3 If you are using a new SSID then all ot her devices wi ll connect u sing the SSID that you assig n to the machine in the follo wing steps.
48 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 k To a pply the setti ngs, cho ose Yes . To cancel , choose No . Do one of the follo wing: If yo u chose Ye s , go to st ep l . If yo u chose No , go back to st ep f .
49 Configu ring your mac hine for a wireles s network ( For MFC-8710DW, MFC-8 910DW and MFC-8950 DW(T)) 3 i Ch oo se an d pr es s th e Enc ry pti on typ e No ne or WEP . Do one of the follo wing: If yo u chose No ne , go to step k . If yo u chose WE P , go to st ep j .
50 4 4 Network me nu 4 The Net work menu selectio ns of the control p anel allow you to set up th e B r other ma chine for your network co nfigu ration. (For m ore inf ormat ion on how to use th e contr ol pane l: uu B asic User's G uide. ) Pres s Menu or Me nu , then press a or b to choose Ne tw or k .
51 Control panel set up 4 IP A d dress 4 This fi eld disp lays the cur rent IP a ddress of th e machine. If you have ch osen a Boo t Metho d of Stat ic , enter the IP address tha t you wish to as sign to t he m a chine (check wit h your networ k administrat or for the IP address t o us e).
52 Control panel set up 4 Secondary WINS Server I P Address 4 This fi eld speci fie s the IP addre ss of t he secondar y WINS se rver. I t is u sed as a bac kup to t he Primary W INS server address. I f t he Primary server is una vailabl e, th e machine st ill c an reg ister its elf with a s eco ndary server.
53 Control panel set up 4 Et hern et (w ired netw ork on ly) 4 Et herne t link m od e. Aut o allo ws th e prin t serve r to opera te in 1000 BASE -T ful l duple x (F or DC P-82 50DN and MFC- 8 950D W( T) ), 100 BASE -TX ful l or hal f dup lex , or i n 10 BA SE -T fu ll or half dupl ex mod e by au to nego tiat ion .
54 Control panel set up 4 SSI D 4 This fi eld disp lays the cur rent wir eless n etwork S SID. The d isplay sh ows up to 32 cha racter s of th e SSID nam e. Comm. Mode 4 This fi eld disp lays the cur rent wir eless n etwork co mmunicatio n mode. MAC Ad dr ess 4 The MAC addre ss is a unique number assi gned for the machine’s network inter face.
55 Control panel set up 4 Se tup S erv er 4 SMTP SMTP S e rver Thi s f iel d disp l ays t h e node nam e or IP ad dres s of an SMTP mai l s er ver (o ut go i ng E-m a il s er ve r) on yo ur net wor k. (e. g . “ mai l h ost .bro th er mai l .n et ” or “19 2.
56 Control panel set up 4 Setup Ma il RX (For MFC- 8510DN, MFC- 8520 DN, MFC-8710 DW , MFC- 8910 DW and MFC- 8950 DW(T) ) 4 Auto Po ll ing When set to On , t he machine a utomati cally che cks the POP3 server for new messages . 4 Pol l Fr e que nc y Sets the interva l fo r checki ng for new message s on the POP3 server ( default i s 10 minut es).
57 Control panel set up 4 Notification The notif icatio n featu re al lows a co nfirma tion of r eceip t message to be tr ansmitt ed to th e sendin g sta tion when the In ter net Fax has been rec eived. This fea ture onl y works o n Int ernet Fax machi nes that su pport the “MDN” specifi cation.
58 Control panel set up 4 Fax to S erv er (MF C-8 910DW and M FC-89 50DW( T): stand ard , MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-85 20DN and M FC- 8710DW : a vailab le as a do wnloa d) 4 The Fax to Serve r featur e all ows th e machine to scan a document and sen d it o ver t he networ k to a se parate fax se rver.
59 Control panel set up 4 Settin g Fax t o Ser ver to On 4 You can sto re the prefix/s u ff ix add ress f or the fa x serv er in the machin e. For 5-l ine LCD models 4 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Ne twork . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose F a xt oS e r v e r .
60 Control panel set up 4 For Touchscre en models 4 a Press Menu . b Press Netwo rk . c Press a or b to choose F a xt oS e r v e r . d Press t o choose On . e Press t o choose Prefix . f Ent er the prefix usi ng the on- scree n key boar d. g Press OK .
61 Control panel set up 4 Ho w to op er at e Fa x to Ser ver 4 For 5-l ine LCD models 4 a Pla ce th e doc ume nt in t he AD F or o n th e s can ner gl ass. b Enter the fax number. c Press Start . The machine will send the message o ve r a TCP / IP network to th e fax server.
62 Control panel set up 4 Reset the n etwork se ttings to th e factor y defaul t 4 You can r eset the print se rver b ack to its default f act ory sett ings ( resetti ng al l inf ormation such as t he pas swo rd and I P addr ess inf ormat ion). Note • This fun ction re sets a ll wir ed and wi reless n etwork se ttin gs to the fact ory de fault.
63 Control panel set up 4 Printing the Network Configu ration Report 4 Note No de nam e: Th e No de name a ppea rs on the Netw ork Co nfigur ation R epo rt. The def ault node nam e is “BRNxxxxxxxxxxxx” for a wire d network o r “BRWxxxxxxxx xxxx” fo r a wirele ss net work.
64 Control panel set up 4 Printing the WLAN report (For M FC-871 0DW, M FC-89 10DW and MFC-8 950 DW(T)) 4 The WL AN R ep or t prints you r machine’s wir eless stat us report . If the wirel ess connecti on faile d, check the erro r cod e on th e printed rep ort an d refe r t o uu Q uick Se tup Guid e: Trou blesho oting .
65 Control panel set up 4 Function ta ble and d efault fac tory se ttings 4 DC P -8110DN, DCP- 81 50DN, DCP- 8155DN, MFC-8510DN and M F C - 8520DN 4 The facto ry setti ngs ar e shown in Bold with an asterisk.
66 Control panel set up 4 5.Network (DCP-8110DN, DCP-8150DN and DCP-8155DN ) 7.Network (MFC-8510 DN and MFC-852 0DN) (continued) 1.TCP/IP (continued) 8.DNS Server Primary [000-255].[000-255].[000-255].[000-255] [000].[000].[000].[000] * Secondary [000-255].
67 Control panel set up 4 5.Network (DCP-8110DN, DCP-8150DN and DCP-8155DN ) 7.Network (MFC-8510 DN and MFC-852 0DN) (continued) 5. E-mail/ IFAX (MFC-8510D N and MFC-8520 DN only) (continued) 2.Se tu p Ser ver (continued) 2.POP3 1.POP3 Server Name (Up t o 64 charact ers) IP Address [000-255].
68 Control panel set up 4 5.Network (DCP-8110DN, DCP-8150DN and DCP-8155DN ) 7.Network (MFC-8510 DN and MFC-852 0DN) (continued) 6. Scan To E-ma il (MFC-8510D N and MFC-8520 DN only) — Color 100 dpi.
69 Control panel set up 4 5.Network (DCP-8110DN, DCP-8150DN and DCP-8155DN ) 7.Network (MFC-8510 DN and MFC-852 0DN) (continued) 5. Scan To FTP (DCP-8110DN, DCP-8150DN and DCP-8155DN) 7.
70 Control panel set up 4 1 On co nnect i on t o the ne t work, th e mach ine wi ll aut o mati ca ll y set t he IP ad dre ss an d Sub ne t M ask to val ue s appr o pri ate f or your netwo rk . 5.Network (DCP-8110DN, DCP-8150DN and DCP-8155DN ) 7.Network (MFC-8510 DN and MFC-852 0DN) (continued) 6.
71 Control panel set up 4 MF C-87 10DW and M FC- 8910DW 4 The facto ry setti ngs ar e shown in Bold with an asterisk. Note (F or MFC -871 0DW) • LDAP, Int ernet Fax, Fax to Server a nd Scan to E- m a il Server f unctions a re availab le as a download.
72 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 1.Wired LAN (continue d) 1.TCP/IP (continued) 7.WINS Server Primary [0 00-255].[0 00-25 5].[ 000-2 55].[000- 255] [000].[000].[000].[000] * Secondary [0 00-255].[0 00-25 5].[ 000-2 55].[000- 255] [000].[000].
73 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 2.WLAN 1.TCP/IP 1.Boot Method Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP (If you choose Auto , RARP , BOOTP or DHCP , you will be a sked to ente r how m any times th e machine t r ies to o bt ain the IP addres s.) 2.
74 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 2.WLAN (continue d) 2.Setup Wizard —— 3.WPS/AOSS —— 4.WPS w/PIN Code —— 5.WLAN Status 1.Status Active(11n) Active(11b) Active(11g) Wired LAN Active WLAN OFF AOSS Active Connection Fail 2.Signal Strong Medium Weak None 3.
75 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 3. Wi-Fi Direct 2 (continue d) 6.Status Info. 1.Status G/O Active(**) ** = number of devices Client Active Not Connected Off Wired LAN Active 2.Signal Strong Medium Weak NONE (When Group Owner is On , the sign al is set to Str ong .
76 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 4.E-mail/IFAX (continue d) 2. Setup S er ver (continued) 1.SMTP (conti nued) 4.S MTP SSL/ TLS None * SSL TLS 5.V erify Ce rt. On Off * 2.POP3 1.POP3 Server Name (Up to 64 characters) IP Address [0 00-255].
77 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 4.E-mail/IFAX (continue d) 3.Setup Mail RX 1.A uto Poll ing On * Off 2. Poll Fr eque nc y 10Min * ( 01Min to 60Min ) 3.Header All Subject+From+To None * 4. Del E rror M ai l On * Off 5.No ti fica tion On MDN Off * 4.
78 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 5 . Scan To E -mai l — Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 300 dpi Gray Auto B&W 3.
79 Control panel set up 4 7.Network (continued) 6.Scan To FTP — Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Color Auto Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 300 dpi Gray Auto B&W 300 dpi .
80 Control panel set up 4 1 On co nnect i on t o the ne t work, th e mach ine wi ll aut o mati ca ll y set t he IP ad dre ss an d Sub ne t M ask to val ue s appr o pri ate f or your netwo rk .
81 Control panel set up 4 DC P-82 50DN 4 The facto ry setti ngs ar e shown in Bold with an asterisk. Main me nu Submen u Menu sel ections O pti ons Network Wired LAN TCP/IP Boot M ethod Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP (If you choose Auto , RARP , BOOTP or DHCP , you will be asked t o enter ho w many times the mac hi ne tries to obtain the IP address.
82 Control panel set up 4 Network (continued) Wired LAN (continue d) Ethernet — Auto * 100B-FD 100B-HD 10B-FD 10B-HD W ired St atus — Active 1000B-FD Active 100B-FD Active 100B-HD Active 10B-FD Ac.
83 Control panel set up 4 1 On co nnect i on t o the ne t work, th e mach ine wi ll aut o mati ca ll y set t he IP ad dre ss an d Sub ne t M ask to val ue s appr o pri ate f or your netwo rk . Network (continued) E-Mail (continue d) S etup Se rver (continued) POP3 POP3 Server Name (Up to 64 characters) IP Address [000-255].
84 Control panel set up 4 MF C-89 50DW (T) 4 The facto ry setti ngs ar e shown in Bold with an asterisk. Mai n Menu Su bme nu Me n u Se le ct io ns Opt i on s Network Wired LAN TCP/IP Boot Met hod Aut.
85 Control panel set up 4 Network (continued) Wired LAN (continued) TCP/IP (continued ) DNS Server Primary [0 00-2 55 ]. [000 -2 55].[ 00 0- 255] .[ 00 0-255 ] [000].[000].[000].[000] * Secondary [0 00-2 55 ]. [000 -2 55].[ 00 0- 255] .[ 00 0-255 ] [000].
86 Control panel set up 4 Network (continued) WLAN (continued) TCP/IP (continued ) IP Address [0 00-2 55 ]. [000 -2 55].[ 00 0- 255] .[ 00 0-255 ] [000].[000].[000].[000] * 1 Subne t Mask [0 00-2 55 ]. [000 -2 55].[ 00 0- 255] .[ 00 0-255 ] [000].[000].
87 Control panel set up 4 Network (continued) WLAN (continued) WLAN Status Status Active(11n) Active(11b) Active(11g) Wired LAN Active WLAN Off AOSS Active Connection Fail Signal Strong Medium Weak None SSID — Comm.
88 Control panel set up 4 Network (continued) Wi-Fi Di rect 2 (continued) Status Info. Status G/O Active(**) ** = number of devices Client Active Not Connected Off Wired LAN Active Signal Strong Medium Weak None (When Group Owner is On , the signal i s s et to Strong .
89 Control panel set up 4 Network (continued) E-mai l/IFAX (continued) Set up Server (continued ) POP3 POP3 Ser ver Name (U p to 64 ch a r ac te rs) IP Address [0 00-2 55 ].
90 Control panel set up 4 1 On co nnect i on t o the ne t work, th e mach ine wi ll aut o mati ca ll y set t he IP ad dre ss an d Sub ne t M ask to val ue s appr o pri ate f or your netwo rk .
91 5 5 Ov ervie w 5 A st andar d Web Br ows er ca n be us ed to man a ge yo ur ma chi n e u si ng t he HTT P (H y pe r Text Tran sfer Protocol ) or HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfe r Protocol over Secure Socket Layer). You can p erform the funct ion lis ted or get t he f ollow ing info rmatio n from a mac hine o n your ne two rk usin g a web bro wser.
92 Web Based Managemen t 5 How to con figure the m ach ine setting s us ing W eb Bas ed Manage ment (web browse r) 5 A s tand ard web b rowse r can b e use d to chan ge your prin t ser ver set tings us ing the H TTP (H yper Te xt Transfer P rotoco l) or HTTP S (Hyper Te xt Transfer Pr otocol over Secu re Socket Layer) .
93 Web Based Managemen t 5 d You ca n now chan ge the print serve r se ttings. Note If you have chan ged the p rotocol setti ngs, re start th e machi ne afte r cl icking Submit to acti vate the co nfig uration. Setting a pa ssw ord 5 We recommend se tting a login password to preve nt unauth orize d access to the Web Based M a nagement.
94 Web Based Managemen t 5 How t o c onf igu re t he Giga bit Eth er net an d J umbo Fram e se tt ings us ing We b Ba sed Ma nage ment (w eb b rows er) 5 a Click Ne twork on the machi ne’s we b page a nd choose Wi r ed . b Click Ether net . c Choose Auto fr om Et hernet Mode .
95 Web Based Managemen t 5 Secure Func tion L ock 2.0 5 Secure Functi on Lock 2.0 fr om Brot her hel ps you to save money and increase security b y re stricti ng the fu nction s availa ble on yo ur Brot her mac hine .
96 Web Based Managemen t 5 How to co nfigur e th e Secu re Fun ctio n Lock 2.0 se tting s us ing We b Bas ed Mana ge men t (we b br owse r) 5 Basic c onfigur ation 5 a Click Adm inistr ator on the mach ine’s web page, an d then click Secure Function Lock .
97 Web Based Managemen t 5 S etti ng up publ ic mo de 5 You can s et up th e publi c mode to res trict wh at funct ions are avail able f or publ ic users . Public users do not nee d to en ter a pa ssword to acc ess th e featu res ma de avail abl e throug h this s etting .
98 Web Based Managemen t 5 Synchr onize with SNTP server 5 SN TP is t he protoc ol used to syn chro nize the t im e use d by the ma chin e for au t hen tica tion wi th the SN TP tim e se rver (this t i me is no t the time di spla yed on t he LC D of the m achin e).
99 Web Based Managemen t 5 Synchroniza tion I nterval Enter the numbe r of hour s between server synchro nizati on atte mpts (1 t o 168 ho urs). Note • You m ust co nfigure Date&Time to synchroni ze th e time used b y the machine wi th the SNTP time server.
100 Web Based Managemen t 5 Store Print Log to Netw ork 5 The Store Print L og to Ne twork f eature a llows yo u to sa ve the p rint l og file f rom your B rother ma chine to a network server using CIFS 1 . You can reco rd the ID, type of p rint job, j ob name, u ser name, date , time a nd th e num ber of prin ted p ages fo r eve ry pr int job.
101 Web Based Managemen t 5 Auth. Met hod Choose the aut henticati on method r equire d for a ccess to the CIFS server Auto , Kerberos 1 or NTLMv2 2 . 1 Ke rber os i s an auth en tica tion pro toco l w hich allo ws devi ces or indi vidu als to secu rely pr ove their ide ntity t o net work se rve rs us ing a sing l e si gn- on.
102 Web Based Managemen t 5 Error D ete ction Se tt ing 5 You can ch oos e what action is taken when the p rint log c ann ot be sto red to th e se rver due to a n etwork e rro r. a Choose Cancel Print or I gnore Log & P rint in the Err or Det e ct io n Se tti ng of S tore Print Log to Network .
103 Web Based Managemen t 5 Un derst andi ng E rror Mess ages 5 You c an co nfir m t he error s tat us on th e LCD o f y ou r m ach i ne or Con nection Sta tus in Web Based Ma nage men t. Ser ve r Time out, co ntac t your ad mini stra tor. This messa ge will appear when you cann ot conne ct to the ser ver.
104 Web Based Managemen t 5 Us in g St ore Pri nt Lo g to Ne twor k wi th S ecur e Fu nct ion Loc k 2 .0 5 When Secure Function Lock 2.0 is activ e the names of the register ed users for copy, Fa x RX and USB Di rect Prin t (if a v aila ble ) f unc tions will be recorde d in the Store Pri nt Log to Net work re port.
105 Web Based Managemen t 5 d Click S can to FTP /Network Profile on Scan page. Now you c an conf igure a nd ch ange the follow ing Sc an to FTP set t ings usin g a web br ows er.
106 Web Based Managemen t 5 Changing the Sca n to Net work confi guratio n usi ng a we b browser (Wi ndows ® ) 5 Scan to Network al lows you to sca n documents dire ctly to a share d fold er on a CIF.
107 Web Based Managemen t 5 Kerber os Server Addre ss 1 For DC P-8 250D N an d MF C-89 50DW(T ) Note Sc an t o Net work is av ailable wh en Ne twork se rver pr ofile s are c onf igure d using We b Ba sed Manag eme nt. e After set ting, click S ubm it .
108 Web Based Managemen t 5 d Make s ure the ma chine is turne d on and then choo se A d vanced Sett ing on th e Prot ocol page . Now you c an conf igure a nd ch ange the follow ing LD AP set t i ngs usi ng a we b brows er. Statu s LDA P Se rv er Ad dr es s Port ( The defa ul t po rt n umb er is 389.
109 6 6 Ov ervie w 6 Th e LDA P protoc ol allo ws yo u to sear ch for info rmatio n suc h as fax nu mbe rs an d E-mail ad dres ses fr om you r server. Wh en you use Fa x , I-Fax or Scan to E-mail server featur es, you can use t he LDAP search to find fax num ber s or E-ma il addr ess es.
110 LDAP operation (DCP- 8250DN, MFC-891 0DW and MFC-8950DW(T ): standard , MFC-8510DN, MFC-8 520DN and MFC-8710DW: avail able a s a do wnload) 6 For 5-l ine LCD models 6 a Press a to se ar ch . b Ent er initi al charac ters fo r y our searc h by us ing the di al pad.
111 LDAP operation (DCP- 8250DN, MFC-891 0DW and MFC-8950DW(T ): standard , MFC-8510DN, MFC-8 520DN and MFC-8710DW: avail able a s a do wnload) 6 For Touchscre en models 6 a Press to search. b Enter init ial ch aracters for y our sear ch by usi ng t he butt ons on the LCD.
112 7 7 In te rn et fa x O verv iew 7 Intern et faxing (IFAX) allo ws you to send an d receive fa x doc uments usin g the I nter net as t he transp ort mechanism.
113 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 For war d i ng r ec ei v ed E -ma il an d fa x m ess ages You can forward rec eived E-mail o r standar d fax messages to anothe r E-mail add ress or fax machi ne.
114 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 How to Inte rnet fax 7 Before u sing In ternet fa x you must confi gure your Broth er machin e to c ommunicate with y our netwo rk and mail serve r.
115 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 Note • If you wish to manual ly enter t he Inte rnet fa x address, l oad th e document in to the machi ne and do one of th e follo wing.
116 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 How to r eceive an Inter net fax 7 There ar e 2 ways yo u can re .
117 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 Additional Internet Fax option s 7 Fo rwar ding rec eived E-mai l and fax m essa ges 7 You can fo rward received E-ma il or stan dard fax me ssages to anoth er E-mail address o r fa x machine.
118 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 Relay b roadcast fr om a m achine 7 1 Internet In th is example, yo ur machine has a n E-mail addr ess of FAX@br other.
119 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 d Press OK . e Ent e r t h e ph one nu mber of th e seco nd Fa x m ac hi ne U K FAX @br oth er. co. uk(f ax #4 56) .
120 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 Relay b roadcast fr om a co mputer 7 1 Internet You can also send E-ma il fr om your compute r and have it rela yed to a conventio nal fax mac hine.
121 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 TX Verif icatio n Ma il 7 Transmiss ion Verif icatio n Mail supports two separa te fu nction s.
122 Internet f ax (MFC- 8910 DW and MFC-8950DW (T): standa rd, MFC- 8510 DN, MF C-8520DN an d MFC- 8710DW: avai lable as a download) 7 Note To receive the TX verifi cati on mail p roperly, yo u mu st conf igure th e fo llowing settin gs. • Sen de r • Switch Notifi cation in t he Setup Mail TX to on.
123 8 8 Ov ervie w 8 In today’s wo rld th ere are many secu rity thre ats to your n etwork and t he data tha t travels o ver it. Y our Brot her machine empl oys some o f the latest network securi ty and e ncryption p rotoco ls av ailabl e today .
124 Securi ty feat ures 8 Managin g your networ k mach ine secu rely u sing SSL/TLS 8 To ma nage y o ur ne t w ork ma chin e se curely , you need to us e th e mana gem ent utilitie s w ith se curity proto cols .
125 Securi ty feat ures 8 g Make sure that the SNMP sett ing is enabled, and then click Advanced Setting of SNMP . h You ca n configu re the S NMP settin gs fr om the scre en below.
126 Securi ty feat ures 8 SN MP v3 re ad-w rite acce ss With this mode the pri nt server uses versi on 3 of the SNMP p ro tocol. If you want to manage the prin t server securely, use thi s mode. Note • W he n you us e the SNMP v3 re ad- wr i te ac ce ss mo de, pl ease not e the fo llow ing.
127 Securi ty feat ures 8 Printing documents se curely using SSL/T LS 8 To pri nt document s securel y with IPP pr otocol, you can u se the IP PS proto col.
128 Securi ty feat ures 8 Se nding an E-m ail wi th us er a uthent icatio n 8 Th is mac hine su pport s PO P before SM TP a nd SMT P-AU TH met hods t o send an E-ma il via an E-m ail serv er that requires u ser auth enticat ion. Th ese meth ods preve nt an u nauthorize d user from accessi ng t he E-mail se rver .
129 Securi ty feat ures 8 Se nding or Recei ving an E -mail s ecurely usin g SSL/T LS 8 This mach ine suppor ts SSL/TL S methods to se nd or recei ve an E-mail via an E-mail se rver t hat re quires secure SS L /TLS communicati on.
130 Securi ty feat ures 8 Using IEEE 802.1x auth entic ation 8 You c an co nfig ur e I E EE 80 2.1x au t hen t ic a ti on fo r a w ire d or a wir el es s ne tw o rk . I E EE 802 .1x au then tica tion conf igurat ion u sing Web B ase d Man age ment (w eb br owser ) 8 If yo u are c onfigu ring IE EE 80 2.
131 Securi ty feat ures 8 If you enable a NetBIOS n ame, you can also use the node name. • For e xamp l e: http:/ /brnxxxxxx xxxxxx/ The NetBIOS name can be se en in the Netwo rk Config urati on Report (See Pr intin g the Ne twork Co nfig uration Re port uu page 63) .
132 Securi ty feat ures 8 g After confi guring , cl ick S ubmi t . (Wir ed) After c onfigur ing, co nnect your machine to t he IEEE 8 0 2.1x suppo rted netwo rk. Aft er a few minute s, pri nt the Ne twork Config urati on Re port to check the <Wi r e d IEE E 80 2.
133 Securi ty feat ures 8 Ce rtific ate fro m a CA Th ere ar e two m et hods fo r insta lling a certific ate fro m a CA . If you alr eady ha ve a CA or if yo u wa nt to use a c er ti fi ca te fr om an ex ter nal t rust e d C A: • W he n usin g a CSR (C ertifica te Sig ning R eque st) from this prin t serv er.
134 Securi ty feat ures 8 Co nfig ure ce rtifi cat e us ing We b B ased Mana gem ent 8 This fea ture can be conf igured using Web Based Manage ment only. Follo w these st eps to access th e co nfigu re cert ificate pa ge us ing W eb Base d Ma nagem ent.
135 Securi ty feat ures 8 Cre ating and in stalli ng a certific ate 8 Step by st ep chart for cr eating and in stall ing a cer tificat e 8 How to cr eate an d insta ll a self-sign ed cer tifi cate 8 a Click Create Se lf-S igne d Cer tifica te on t he Ce rt if ic ate pa ge.
136 Securi ty feat ures 8 How to insta ll the self-si gned c ertifica t e o n you r comput er 8 Note The fo l l owi n g s te ps are f o r W i ndow s ® Inter net Exp lorer ® . If yo u use an other w eb brows er, follow the he lp te xt of the w eb br owser i t se lf.
137 Securi ty feat ures 8 c Type “https:/ /machine’ s IP a ddress/ ” into yo ur br owser to access your machine (where “machine’s IP addre ss ” is th e mach ine’s I P addre s s o r the no de name that y ou as s ign ed for th e certif icate ).
138 Securi ty feat ures 8 For Windows ® XP and Windows S e rver ® 2003 user s 8 a Start your web b rowser . b Type “https:/ /machine’ s IP a ddress/ ” into yo ur br owser to access your machine (where “machine’s IP addr ess” is the IP a ddress or the node name th at yo u assigne d for t he cert ifi cate).
139 Securi ty feat ures 8 f Choose Place all cert ificat es in t he fol lowing store a nd then cl ick Br ow s e. . . . g Choose Trusted Root Cert ification Aut hori ties and th en cli ck OK .
140 Securi ty feat ures 8 j Click Yes , if the f ingerpri nt ( thumbpri nt) is corre ct. Note Th e fing erprin t ( t h umbpri nt) is prin ted o n the Ne twork Confi gurat ion Rep ort (S ee Prin ting the Netw ork Co nfig uration Re port uu page 63) . k Click OK .
141 Securi ty feat ures 8 f The C SR is cr eated. Note • Follow your CA policy regarding th e method to send a CSR to your CA. • If you are using E nte rpris e root C A o f Win dow s Server ® 2003 /2 00 8, we re co mme nd usi n g th e Web Server for the certifi cate templa te when creating the Client Certifi cate for secure management .
142 Securi ty feat ures 8 How to ex port the self -sig ned cer tificat e, th e cert ifica te issue d by a C A, an d the privat e key 8 a Click E xport sh ow n w ith Certific ate List on th e Ce rt ifica te page . b Enter the passwor d if y ou want t o encrypt th e fi le.
143 Securi ty feat ures 8 Imp ort an d expo rt a CA c ertifica te 8 You c an st o re a CA c ert ifi c at e o n t h e ma chi n e by imp or ti n g and ex por t in g. How to import a CA ce r ti ficate 8 a Click CA Ce rtif icate on the Secu r it y page . b Click I mp ort CA Cer tifica te a n d choose t he certif icate.
144 9 9 Ov ervie w 9 Th is chap ter exp lains how to re solve typ ical ne twork prob lems you may encoun ter whe n usi ng the Brother machine. If , afte r r eading this chapter, y ou are u nable to resol ve your proble m, plea se visit the Brother Solutio ns Center at: h t tp://so lut ions.
145 Troubl eshoo ting 9 Are your security settings (SSID/Network Key) correct ? wireless Reconfirm and choose the correct s ecurity settings. • The m anufacturer's nam e or m odel no. of the W LAN acces s point/router may be used as the default security settings.
146 Troubl eshoo ting 9 Are there any obstructions (walls or f urniture, for example) between y our machine and the W LAN access point/router? wireless Move your Brother machine to an obstruction-free area, or closer to t he WLAN access point/router.
147 Troubl eshoo ting 9 Is your Brother machine assigne d with an available IP address? (continued) wired/ wireless 1 (Windows ® XP ) Cli ck the Sta rt bu tto n, All Programs , Access ories and Windo ws Expl orer , and then My Comp ut er . (Windows Vista ® /Win dows ® 7) Click the but t o n and Computer .
148 Troubl eshoo ting 9 Did your previous printing job fail? wired/ wireless If the failed printing job is still in the print queue of your c omputer, del ete it.
149 Troubl eshoo ting 9 I w ant t o kn ow t he necessary p ort number f or the securit y software sett ings. wired/ wireless The f ol lowing port numbers are us ed for B rother netwo r k fe at ures: .
150 Troubl eshoo ting 9 Is the Brother machine connecting to the wireless network? wireless Print t h e WLAN report to confirm the state of t he wireless connection. For how to prin t, see Printing the WLAN report (For MFC-8710DW , MFC-8910DW and MFC-895 0DW(T)) uu page 64 .
Section I I Network Glossar y II Types of network conne ctions and protoc ols 152 Configuring your machin e for a network 158 Wireless network term s and concepts (For MFC-8710DW, MFC-89 10DW and MFC-.
152 10 10 Types of netw ork conne ctions 10 Wi re d ne twor k con nect io n exa mple 10 Pe er- to- P eer pr int ing usin g TC P/ IP 10 In a Peer -to-P eer en vironm ent , each comp uter direct ly send s and re ceiv es dat a to ea ch d evice. T here is no ce ntra l serv er co ntrollin g file acc ess o r machi ne sh aring.
153 Types of net work connect ions and pr oto cols 10 Netwo rk Shared printin g 10 In a Network Shared environmen t, each computer sends data via a centra lly cont rolled compute r. This type of comput er is oft e n ca lled a “Serve r” or a “Pri nt Serv er”.
154 Types of net work connect ions and pr oto cols 10 Protocol s 10 TC P/IP pr otoc ol s and fun ctio ns 10 Pro toc ols are th e stand ardized set s of ru les for tr ansm itting da ta on a net wor k. Protoc ols allo w users to gai n access to network connected resource s.
155 Types of net work connect ions and pr oto cols 10 DNS c l ient 10 Th e Brot her pri nt server supp orts th e Dom ain Nam e Sy stem (D NS) cl ient fun ction. This fun cti on allows the print server to communic ate with other device s by using its DNS name.
156 Types of net work connect ions and pr oto cols 10 TELN ET 10 The TELNET pro tocol a llows you to co ntrol the re mote net work devices o n a TCP/IP net work f rom your comp uter .
157 Types of net work connect ions and pr oto cols 10 SNT P 10 The Simpl e Network Time Protoco l i s used to synch ronize compu ter cl ocks on a TCP/IP network. Yo u can co nfigu re the SN TP se ttings using W eb B ased M anage men t (web brow se r).
158 11 11 IP add resse s, subne t ma sks and gateways 11 To use th e machine in a net worked TCP/IP envir onment, you need to co nfigure its I P address and subn et mask. The IP address you assi gn to th e pri nt se rver must b e on th e same l ogical network as your host computers.
159 Configu ring your machine for a network 11 Sub net ma sk 11 Subnet masks restrict n etwo rk communica tion. Exa mpl e : C omp u ter 1 ca n tal k to Comput er 2 •C o m p u t e r 1 IP Add ress: 19 2.16 8. 1. 2 Subn et Mask: 25 5 .25 5. 25 5. 00 0 •C o m p u t e r 2 IP Add ress: 19 2.
160 Configu ring your machine for a network 11 IEEE 80 2.1x Authe ntication 11 IEEE 802. 1x is an IEEE standa rd for wir ed and wi reless netwo rks th at l imits acc ess fr om unauthor ized network devices.
161 Configu ring your machine for a network 11 EAP- TTLS EAP-TTLS (Ext ensible Authentica tion P rotocol- Tunnele d Transpo rt Laye r Securi ty) has been devel oped by Fu nk Softw are an d Cer ticom.
162 12 12 Specifying your network 12 SS ID (S ervi ce S et Ide ntif ier) a nd c hann els 12 You need to conf igure th e SSID and a channe l to sp ecify the wir eless net work you want t o connect t o. SSI D Each w ir eless network ha s i ts own u ni que network name a nd it is technically refe rred to as S SI D.
163 Wirele ss net work t erms and c oncep ts ( For MFC-8710DW , MFC-89 10DW an d MFC- 8950DW(T)) 12 Au the ntica tion and Encry ption me thod s for a per sona l w irele ss ne twork 12 A personal wirele ss networ k is a small network, such as a home wi reles s network, wi thout I E EE 80 2.
164 Wirele ss net work t erms and c oncep ts ( For MFC-8710DW , MFC-89 10DW an d MFC- 8950DW(T)) 12 Netwo rk key 12 Open system/S hared ke y with WEP This key i s a 64 -bit o r 128-b it va lue that must b e entere d in a n ASCII o r hexade cimal for mat.
165 Wirele ss net work t erms and c oncep ts ( For MFC-8710DW , MFC-89 10DW an d MFC- 8950DW(T)) 12 Encr yption metho ds 12 TKIP For TKIP, see TK IP uu pa ge 163. AES Fo r AES, see AE S uu pa ge 1 63 . CKIP The orig inal Ke y Integri ty Protocol for LEAP b y Cisco Systems, Inc.
166 13 13 Types of additi onal network s ettin gs 13 Th e follo wing fe atures are av ailab le to use if you wan t to con figu re addi tional ne two rk setti ngs.
167 Additiona l net work setti ngs from Windows ® 13 d (Windows Vista ® ) Click , then choo se Network . (Win dow s ® 7) Click , Cont r ol Panel , Network and Inte rnet , an d th en View network computers and devices . e The ma chine’s We b Se rvices Name w ill be sho wn w ith t he p rinte r icon.
168 Additiona l net work setti ngs from Windows ® 13 Network print ing a nd scanni ng in stall ation for Infras tructure mode w hen u sing Vertica l Pairin g (Win dows ® 7) 13 W indow s ® Vert ical.
169 14 14 Securit y fea tures 14 Se curi ty term s 14 CA (Certif icate A uthorit y) A C A is a n entity t hat issu es dig ital cer tifica tes (esp ecia lly X.50 9 ce rtificat es) a nd vouc hes fo r the bind ing bet wee n th e d a ta it ems in a cert ifi cat e.
170 Securi ty terms and co ncept s 14 Secur i t y p rotocol s 14 SSL (S ecure S ocket Laye r) / TLS (Tran sport Layer Secur ity) 14 These secur ity commun ication protoc ols encryp t da ta to pr event secu rit y threa ts. HTTP S 14 Th e ver s i on of the int ernet pr otoco l Hyp er text T ransf er Prot ocol (H TTP) th at uses SS L.
171 Securi ty terms and co ncept s 14 Secur i t y m ethod s f or E-ma il Se nd ing an d Re ce ivi ng 14 Note You can c onfigu re the se curity m ethod s se t tin gs usin g Web Based M ana gem ent (we b brows er). For t he details, see How to conf igure the machine se ttin gs usin g Web Based Mana gement (web b rowser) uu page 92.
Section II I Appendix es II I Appendix A 17 3 Appendix B 17 4.
173 A A Supporte d protocols and secu rity features A 1 F or DCP -825 0DN an d MF C- 8950 DW(T ) 2 For MFC-8 710DW, MF C- 89 10D W and MF C- 89 50D W(T ) 3 For DCP-8250DN, MFC-8910DW and MFC-8950DW (T): st a ndard, Fo r MFC-8510DN, MFC-8 5 20DN a nd M FC-8710DW: available as a down l oad.
174 B B Using servi ces B A service i s a resou rce that can be acce ssed by comput ers tha t wish t o print t o the Bro ther pri nt se rver. Th e Brot her pr int se rv er pro v ide s t he fo l low i .
175 Appendix B B Usin g RARP t o c onfigure the IP address B Before yo u confi gure the IP addr ess usin g RARP, yo u must s et the ma chine’s Boo t Method to RARP.
176 Appendix B B Usin g BOOT P to c onfigur e the IP addre ss B Before you configure the IP address using BOOTP, you must s et the m a chine ’s B o ot Method to B O OTP.
177 Appendix B B Usin g ARP to con figure th e IP address B If you are una ble to u se the B RAdmin appl icatio n and y our netwo rk does no t use a DHCP server, you ca n als o us e t he A RP co mmand. The A RP com man d i s av ai l ab le on Wi nd ows ® systems th at have TCP/IP ins talle d as we ll as UNI X syste ms.
178 Appendix B B Us ing the T ELNET c onsole to co nfig ure the I P ad dre ss B You can al so use the T ELNET comma nd t o ch ange th e IP ad dress . TELNET is a n eff ectiv e method t o cha nge th e machine’ s IP a ddress . But a valid I P addres s must a lready be prog ramme d i n to th e pr i nt ser ve r .
179 C C A Ad-hoc m ode ... .. ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... .....12 , 43 AES .. ........ ....... .... ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... 1 63 AOSS™ ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......
Ind ex 180 C P PBC .. ..... ....... ....... ........ ....... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. .....35 , 53 PCL_P 1 . ... .... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .... 1 74 PEAP .. ....... ....... ....... .....
デバイスBrother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother Multi-Protocol On-board Ethernet Multi-function Print Server and Wireless Ethernet Multi-function Print Serverデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。