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Photo Printer Photo Printer Photo Printer Photo Printer Direct Printing Guide Direct Printing Guide Direct Printing Guide Direct Printing Guide Series Series Series Series.
Cont ents 1 Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Co n t e n t s Ope ration Pan el and Menu Dis play Ope ration Pan el and Menu Dis play Ope ration Pan el and Menu Dis play Ope ration Pan el and Menu Dis play Operat ion Panel Names and Fu nctions .
2 Oper ation Pa nel and Menu Di spl ay Oper ation Panel and Menu Di spl ay Oper ation Panel and Menu Di spl ay Oper ation Panel and Menu Di spl ay The names and functions of the controls on the operat.
3 (9) (9) (9) (9) Buttons Buttons Buttons Buttons Pre ss to s crol l thr ough the option s or to sc roll the sc reen. (10) (10) (10) (10) Photo Viewer B utton Photo Viewer B utton Photo Viewer B utton Photo Viewer B utton Press to star t/exit t he Photo Viewer.
4 Menu Displays In sert ing a memory car d From the Men u Menu Menu Menu Print al l Print s all imag es. See “P rinti ng all images” on page 18. Specif y images Print s the sp ecified numbe r of cop ies fo r each i mage. See “Specif ying how many copies to pri nt fo r ea ch im age ” on pag e 15 .
5 Printing Flow Printing Flow Printing Flow Printing Flow This is t he procedure for pr int ing images from the memory card i nserted i n t he card slot of th e printer. Step 1 Turn o n th e Printer . Step 2 Loa d the pap er. Step 3 Insert the memory car d.
6 OK OK OK OK but ton Print an image Print an image Print an image Print an image Prints the ima ge di spla ye d on the L CD . Specif y Image Specif y Image Specif y Image Specif y Image Speci f y how many copi es to print fo r eac h imag e.
7 Us ing a Memor y C ard Us ing a Memor y C ard Us ing a Memor y C ard Us ing a Memor y C ard Le t ’ s take a l ook at di ffe rent t ypes o f memor y cards and how to inser t and re move the m.
8 1 T urn on the printer. 2 Open th e card s lot co ver . 3 Ins tal l the memory ca rd in the car d slot. The Indicator lamp ligh ts. • If you us e a CompactFlash (CF) card or Microdrive, insert i t as far as it will go as shown left. •If yo u use a SmartMed ia ca rd, in sert it until i t stop s wit h its end projec ting a s sho wn left.
9 Remo ving a Memor y Ca rd 1 Ensure that the In dicat or lamp is not fl ashing, then remove the memory card. Not e If you use th e prin ter conne cted to you r co mputer , foll ow the inst ructions for removal of the memor y c ard from the computer. F or the procedure, refer to the on-scr een User’s G uide .
10 Printing Photogr aph Printing Photogr aph Printing Photogr aph Printing Photogr aph Let’s selec t an imag e from the images stored on t he memory card of the di gital camera and print it. Printing an Imag e Displ ayed on the L CD 1 T urn on the prin ter and Load the Paper.
11 5 Chang e the s ettings. If ther e are no setti ngs to c hange, pr oc eed to Step 6 6 6 6. (3) Press the O K OK OK OK but ton or the button. Aft er th e p aper siz e i s set, the Paper T ype Paper T ype Paper T ype Paper T ype t ab is di spla yed.
12 Load i ng Pa p e r Load i ng Pa p e r Load i ng Pa p e r Load i ng Pa p e r This section descri bes how to load the p a per and select the paper sizes a nd types from the operatio n panel. Print Media to Avoid Do not use th e fol l owi ng types of pap er .
13 3 Preparing to Load Paper 4 Loading the Paper Note Do not touch th e printe d sur fac e until the ink dries. For specific dr ying times, refe r to the instructions pack aged with your m edia. (1) Open t he pap e r s upp or t . (2) Open the cov e r and pull out the paper output tr ay .
14 Media T ypes for Card Direct Printing Y ou can us e the fo llowin g Canon media: For instructions on how to display and set these se ttings, see “ Specif ying the Pape r and Optimizing Im ages” on page 23.
15 Printing Im ages from a Memory Printing Im ages from a Memory Printing Im ages from a Memory Printing Im ages from a Memory Ca r d Ca r d Ca r d Ca r d The follow ing fun c tion s are availab le wh.
16 3 Specif y the number of copies to print . (1) Using the buttons, select the image you wish to print. (3) Repeat steps 1 1 1 1 and 2 2 2 2 and specify the number of copies for each image you wish to p ri nt . (4) Press the O K OK OK OK butt on. The print confirmat ion screen is displayed.
17 1 Set the T rimming Mode. (1) Display the setting screens for Print ing an Image, Spe cify images Specif y images Specif y images Spec ify image s and Select Sel ect Sel ect Sel ect layo ut layo ut la you t layo ut . See “Printing an Imag e Display e d on the L CD” on page 10.
18 Printing al l images Y o u ca n print all im ag es sav ed on a mem ory ca rd. 1 Pre pare to pri nt. (1) T urn on the printer and load the paper. See “Load ing Pape r” o n page 12. (2) Insert the memor y card into the car d slot. See “I nser ting a Mem or y Card” o n pa ge 7.
19 Printing an Imag e List - P ri nt Index Y o u ca n print a list of all im age s saved in the m emory car d known as an ind ex print. 1 Pre pare to pri nt. (1) T urn on the printer and load the paper. See “Load ing Pape r” o n page 12. (2) Insert the memor y card into the car d slot.
20 Speci f yin g t he layou t Y ou c an print the specified image in the specified layout (Border less or Bordered x2/x4/x8, postcard, album). 1 Pre pare to pri nt. (1) T urn on the printer and load the paper. See “Load ing Pape r” o n page 12. (2) Insert the memor y card into the car d slot.
21 3 Specif y the layout. (2) Press the O K OK OK OK butt on. The s cre en for spec if ying the im age to prin t is disp layed. 4 Select the image to print . (1) Using the buttons, select the image you wish to print. (3) Repe at steps (1) and (2) for e ach image you wi sh to print.
22 Printing Ac cor ding to the Settings Made on the Camer a - DPOF Printing If DPO F (Digit al Prin t Or der Form at) sett ings are m ade on the c amera , imag es are pr inted automatically ac cording to those settings. 1 T urn on the prin ter and load the paper.
23 3 Start printing. (1) C on firm the print setti ngs. T o c hange any of the se ttings, press the Set tings Sett ing s Setti ngs Settin gs button. See “Spe cifying the P aper and Optimizi ng Images ” on page 2 3. (2) Press the Print Print Print Print button.
24 How to M ake Settings 1 Select an item to se t. (2) Press the O K OK OK OK butt on. After the paper size i s set , Pa per type Pape r typ e Pape r typ e Pape r typ e tab is displaye d. (3) Repeat the same steps to set the ne ces sary items. 2 Finalize the Settings.
25 Borde rless Printi ng Borde rless Printi ng Borde rless Printi ng Borde rless Printi ng Borderless Borderless Borderless Borderless .......... Prints on the whole p aper without a border. Bordered Bordered Borde red Bordered .......
26 Printing Photogr aphs Directly from Printing Photogr aphs Directly from Printing Photogr aphs Directly from Printing Photogr aphs Directly from a Digit al C amera a Digit al C amera a Digit al C am.
27 Printing fr om a Digita l Camer a 1 Ens ure tha t t he pr in te r is tur ne d o n. 2 Load the paper. Load t he pap er as show n b elow. 3 C o nnect the digital camera and the p rinter. (1) Ensure that the digital c amera is turned off. 4 Start printing using the print fu nction of the digital camera.
28 (1) Display the image you want to print in the Replay Repla y Re play Repla y mo de. If the camera will not c hange to the Replay Repla y Re play Replay mode , re fer to you r di gital camera user's manu al's instruc tions for changing th e camera to t he Re play Repla y Re play Repla y mod e.
29 Other U seful F unction s Other U seful F unction s Other U seful F unction s Other U seful F unction s Us ing Photo View er The Photo Viewer a pplicatio n allows you to preview t he print image on the display of the com puter. In additio n, photos can be printed at high speed through th e use of the computer’s perfor mance.
30 4 Exit the Photo Viewe r. Not es Changin g the Display Mode T o c hange the di splay mode of the Photo Viewer , press the F3 F3 F3 F3 ke y on the k e yboard or cl ick the di splay selection b u tton on the screen.
31 Setting up the C ar d Slot as the M emor y C ar d Drive of the C omput er The memo r y car d sl o t can b e u se d as a me mor y ca rd dri v e o n t he comp ute r. W 1 Ensu re th at the printer and the com puter ar e turned on . 2 Open th e USB memory ca rd setup w indow .
32 1 Ensu re th at the printer and the c omputer ar e turned on. 2 Start the BJ Utility. (1) Ensur e that no memory c ard is in ser ted in the card s lot. If a memory c ard is inser ted in the card slot, remove it. See “Re moving a Memory Card” on page 9.
33 3 Select a language for display Adjusting C ontras t of the L CD Y ou c an adju st con tras t of the LC D, if it is too high or t oo low . 1 T urn on the printer. 2 Select Maintenanc e Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance from the Menu Menu Menu Menu .
34 Reduc ing the Sound of Print er Operation The Quiet Mode all ows you to signif icantly reduce the sound the printer generates duri ng ope ration. It is ideal whe n work ing at nig ht or in cr owded enviro nmen ts. 1 T urn on the printer. 2 Select Maintenanc e Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance from the Menu Menu Menu Menu .
35 R eplac ing an Ink T ank R eplac ing an Ink T ank R eplac ing an Ink T ank R eplac ing an Ink T ank When replacing an i nk tank, check the model number v er y carefully. The p rinter wi ll not prin t prop erly if the wron g ink tank is u sed, or ins talled in the inc orrec t po sition.
36 Rep la cing I n k T an ks When ink tanks run out of ink, replace them using the foll owing steps. 1 Ensure that the printer is on, and the n open th e front cover . The prin t head hol der moves to the c enter. 2 Remove the empty ink tank. (1) Push the tab in and remove the in k tank.
37 4 Instal l the ink tank . (1) In sert t he ink t ank in th e print head h older . (2) Press on the "PUSH" mark until the ink tank snaps firmly into place. 5 Close the front cover . The prin t head holder moves to the righ t. The ink tank installation process i s now com pl e te.
38 Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e Pri nt ing Ma in tena nc e When Printing B ecome s Faint or C olor s are Inc orr ect Wh en printin g bec omes faint or c olor s ar e incor rect (ev en if ink rem ains in th e ink ta nks ), se e if the print head nozzles are clogged and clean them first .
39 Printing the Nozz le Chec k Patt ern Print the nozzle chec k pattern to determine whether th e ink ej ects properly from th e print head no zzle s a nd to v erify print h ead alignme nt. Us e this functio n whe n prin ted resu lts are blurr ed o r th e col o r is i nco rr ec t .
40 Print Head C leaning Cle a n the p rint h ead if you suspect t hat the n ozzles might be clo gged. Cle a ning th e print head consumes ink, so per form pri nt head cl eaning only when necess ar y. 1 Ensure that the printer is on. 2 Print Head Cle aning.
41 Print Head Deep C leaning If print qua lity does not im prove by stan dard print hea d cleanin g, try print h ea d deep cle aning, whic h is a more powe rful proc ess. Print head deep cleaning c onsum es ink, so per form this procedure only when nece ssar y.
42 Aligning Print Head - Auto head align Alig ning th e print he ad allo ws yo u to print w ithou t shifts in the co lor regi strat ion. There are two ways to align the print head, automatic or manual . Fi rst, tr y adjusting t he print head automatically.
43 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Let’s take a l ook at countermea sures a gainst troubles which may oc cur duri ng use of the printer.
44 Photo Paper T ray is lowered. T urn the dial to use the sheet feeder . • W hen paper feeding is set to be done from the Photo Paper T ray, paper c annot be fed from the Sheet F eeder. T urn th e knob on the Photo Paper Tray to c hange the way to feed pape r.
45 Ink does not co me out/ Printing is Bl u rred/ C olors are Wrong/ Whit e St reaks Printed Sur fac e is Scratc hed Possible Caus e Tr y T h i s Ink tank is not seated pr op erly /Ink t ank is emp ty Check th a t the ink t anks are firml y seated in the print he ad a nd reseat th em if neces sar y .
46 C annot P rint Properly from the Digital C am era The following messages may be displayed on the cameras or camcorders when images are printed directly.
47 An Err or Mess age is Disp layed While Us ing the Photo View er If o ne of t he foll owing mess ages appears whil e using the Photo Vi ewer, print ing may be d isabled or t he Photo Vi ewer may be fo rced to terminat e. Error Messa ge Tr y T h i s Executing maintenance.
Index 48 Index A A Messag e is Displaye d on the LCD ... ................... ....... 43 Adjusting Contr ast ............. ................... .............. ....... 33 Adjusting the Pr int Head Manua lly ....................... ....... 44 Aligning Print Head .
Index 49 Print index ...................... ................... ................... .. 4 , 19 Print Media to Avoid ........ ................... ........................ .12 Print Quality ...... .............. ................... ................... ..
デバイスCanon 900Dの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon 900Dをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon 900Dの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon 900Dの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon 900Dで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon 900Dを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon 900Dの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon 900Dに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon 900Dデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。