Lucent Technologiesメーカー555-230-220の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DEFINITY ® En t erp ris e Co mm u nic ati on s Se rv er Rel ease 6 CallVisor ® ASAI T echnica l Referen ce 555-230- 220 Comco de 1081 1 1279 Issue 7 May 1998.
Notice W hile reaso nab le effo rts wer e ma de to ens ure th a t the inform a tion i n this d ocu me nt wa s co mp let e an d acc ura te at the t im e of pr int ing , Lu cen t T ech no lo gies can as sume n o resp onsi bilit y for an y err o r s .
Contents Issue 7 May 1998 iii Release Notes xxxi i i ■ ASAI Features i n R elease 6 xxxiii Single-Ste p Conference xxxiii Un ive r s al C all ID xxxiv Phantom Cal ls xxxi v Expand ed ASA I Capacitie.
Contents iv Issue 7 May 19 98 Pre dicti ve Dia ling 2-4 Inbou nd C all Managem ent 2-5 A CD C al l A c ti vi ty Mo n ito ri ng 2 -6 Data Screen Delivery and Voice/Data Transfer 2-7 Data Screen D elive.
Contents Issue 7 M ay 1998 v domain 3-11 user to user informat ion 3-11 reason for redirection 3-12 II-digits 3-12 UCID (Universal Cal l ID) 3-12 ■ Answered E vent Report 3-13 Answered Event Report .
Contents vi Issue 7 May 19 98 Call Offered to Domain Report Items 3-21 callin g pa rty n umb e r/bi llin g nu mbe r ( CP N/BN ) 3-2 1 trunk group number/trunk group mem ber num ber 3-22 called party n.
Contents Issue 7 May 1998 vii called num ber 3-31 charging number 3-31 trunk group/trunk group mem ber 3-32 type of c harge 3-32 Intermedi ate charge 3-32 Final charge 3-32 Split charge 3-32 charge 3-.
Contents viii Is sue 7 May 1998 party_id 3-43 user to user informat ion 3-43 cause 3-44 ■ Entered D igits Event Report 3-45 Entered Digits Report Items 3-45 call_id 3-45 digits entered 3-45 ■ Hold.
Contents Issue 7 M ay 1998 ix called party numbe r 3-53 call_id 3-53 party_id 3-53 Trunk group/trunk group mem ber 3-53 Use of Event Reports in Associations 3-54 ■ Event Rep orting for M erging T wo.
Contents x Issue 7 May 1998 Other F ailure Conditions for Sw it c h -C la s s if ied C all s 4-1 9 2. User-Classified Call 4-19 Parameters for User- C lassified Calls 4-19 Call Classi ficati on f or U.
Contents Issue 7 M ay 1998 xi ■ T hir d Par t y Sele ct iv e H o ld 4-4 3 Informa ti on Flow 4-43 Third Party S e lective Hold Parameters 4-43 ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameters 4-43 Denia.
Contents xii Issue 7 Ma y 1998 ■ Third Party Merge 4-60 Informa ti on Flow 4-60 Third Party Merge Parameters 4-60 ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameters 4-60 Denial (NAK) Cause 4-61 Protoc ol .
Contents Issue 7 May 19 98 xiii 5 ASAI and D omain Control 5-1 ■ Domain (Station) Control Description 5-3 Station Dom ain 5-3 Spli t D omai n 5-3 ■ Dom ain Contro l C apabilit ies 5-4 ■ Third Pa.
Contents xiv I s sue 7 May 1998 ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameters 5-15 Denial (NAK) Causes 5-15 Protocol Error (NAK) Cause 5-16 Cons iderations 5-16 ■ Redirect Call 5-17 Informa ti on Flo.
Contents Issue 7 May 1998 xv Third Party Send DTM F Signals Parame ters 5-31 ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameters 5-31 Denial (NAK) Cause 5-32 Protocol Error (NAK) Cause 5-32 Cons iderations 5.
Contents xvi I s sue 7 May 1998 ■ S to p C a ll No ti fica t ion 6- 7 Informa ti on Flow 6-7 Stop Call Notification Parameter 6-7 ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameter 6-7 Denial (NAK) Causes .
Contents Issue 7 May 1998 xvii ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameters 8-3 Denial (NAK) Causes 8-3 Protocol Error (NAK) Cause 8-5 Cons iderations 8-5 9 ASAI an d Value Query Capabilities 9-1 ■ .
Contents xviii Is sue 7 May 1998 Station Feature Query ACK Parameters 9-10 Status of Message Wait ing Lamp fea ture 9-10 Status of Send All Calls f e ature 9-11 Status of Call Forwarding feature 9-11 .
Contents Issue 7 May 1998 xix Protocol Error (NAK) Cause 11-2 ■ Suspend A larms 11-3 Informa ti on Flow 11-3 Suspen d Ala r ms Param eter 11-3 ACK (Positive Ackno wledge men t) Parameters 11-3 Denia.
Contents xx Issue 7 May 1 998 ■ Attenda nts and Attendant Groups 12-6 Atten dant-Spe cific Button Ope ration 12-6 Advice of Cha rge (AOC ) 12-7 ■ Attenda nt Auto-Manu al Splitting 12-7 Advice of C.
Contents Issue 7 May 1998 xxi Adj unct Routing 12-23 Advice of Charge 12-24 Call Prompting 12-24 Look ahead Inte rflow (LAI) 12-24 Multipl e Split Qu euing 12-25 Network-P rovided Digits 12-25 Sel ect.
Contents xxii Issue 7 Ma y 1998 ■ Duplication 12-35 ■ Electronic T andem Network (ETN) - Privat e Network 12-36 ■ Expansion Port Netw ork (EPN) 12-36 ■ Expert Agent Sel ection (EA S) 12-36 Ski.
Contents Issue 7 M ay 1998 xxiii ■ Music o n Hold 12-49 ■ Personal Central Office Line (PCOL) 12-49 ■ Pr iorit y Ca llin g 12- 50 ■ Privacy -Manu al Exclusion 12-50 ■ Ringback Queuing 12-50 .
Contents xxiv Issue 7 May 199 8 14 Installation and T est for CallVisor ASAI 14-1 ■ Hardware I nstallation 14-1 ■ Software Installation 14-2 ■ CallVi sor ASAI Link A d minist ratio n 14 -2 ■ D.
Contents Issue 7 M ay 1998 xxv Call Coverage to AUDIX — St at i on Mo nit or ing A - 18 Adj unct Routing A-19 Mess age Desk — Incoming Call A -20 Mess age Desk — Mess age Retrieva l via Phon e A-21 Mess age Desk — Message Retrieval via Data T ermin al A- 22 VRU-assist ed Transac tion using Se lec t iv e Lis te nin g A-2 3 ■ 2.
Contents xxvi Issue 7 May 199 8 External Call to a VDN with a Forced First Announcement that ge ts Rout ed to a Second V DN A-58 Out going Call over Non-ISDN Trunk A-60 Out going Call over ISDN Trunk that Results in an ISDN Progress Message A-61 ■ 7.
Contents Issue 7 May 19 98 xxvii Reas on Codes C-4 ASAI Se le ctive L ist ening C-4 II- Digits C-4 Network-Pr ovided Digits (CINFO) C-4 R2 MFC Calling Party I nform ation C-4 Expansi on o f Agent Cap .
Contents xxviii I s sue 7 May 1998 GL Glossary GL-1 IN Index IN- 1.
Figures Issue 7 May 1 998 xxix 2 ASA I and Su pp ort ed Ap pl ic at ion s 2-1. Single Link — Single Processor Configuration 2-1 2-2. Multiple Link — Single Processor Configuration 2-16 2-3. Single Link — M ultiple Process ors Configuration 2-17 2-4.
Figures xxx I s sue 7 May 1998 A-1 1 . Call Fl ow for a Co n verse S tep t hat w ill not be Interrupted A-49 A-12. Call Flow f or a Call where RONA T ime r Expires A-51 A-13. Call Flow fo r a Direct Agent Call wh ere RONA T imer Expires A-54 A-14. Call Flow for an A gent who has a VDN in t h e Coverage Path A-56 A-15.
Ta b l e s Issue 7 M ay 1998 xxxi 3 Eve nt R epo rtin g and U-Abor t Capabi lities 3-1. Use of Event Report s in As sociations 3-54 3-2. Call Merge Su mmary 3-58 4 ASAI an d Call Con trol 4-1. Call Control Accep tance in V a r ious Ca ll/S tation States 4-3 4-2.
Ta b l e s xxxii Issue 7 M ay 1998 B AS AI and Release 6 Requirements B- 1. System- W id e ASAI Lim its B-1 B- 2. ASAI Limi ts p er Sta ti on B- 2 B- 3. ASAI Limi ts per ACD Split Doma i n B- 3 B- 4. ASAI Limi ts p er VDN Doma in B- 3 B- 5. ASAI Lim it s per C all B- 3 B- 6.
Issue 7 May 1998 xxxiii Release Notes This sec tion summ arizes major enh ancem ents for Rel ease 6 of the CallVisor ® ASAI. The se feat ures will be a vailable st arting w it h Release 6 .3. ASAI F eatures i n Rel ease 6 This document covers all the major ASAI features in Release 6.
Release Notes xxxiv Issue 7 M ay 1998 Uni versa l Call ID Universal Call I D (UCID) is a uniq ue tag as signed to e ach DEF INITY call. It is used by an application to track a call f or its li fe, fro.
ASAI F eatures in Release 6 Issue 7 May 19 98 xxxv NOT E: There will be no cap acity changes for R6vs or R6si. In addition , the per-system limits will remain unchan ged for all platforms.
Release Notes xxxvi Issue 7 M ay 1998.
Issue 7 M arch 1998 xxxvii About This Docu ment This reference manual provides deta iled information about the CallVisor ® Adjunct/Switch App lication Interface 1 for the D EFINITY ® Enterprise Commun icat ions Server (ECS). NOT E: The ter m switch is no l ong er used in this d ocume nt and has been replaced by the DEFINITY ECS or the ECS .
About T his Documen t xxxviii I s sue 7 March 1998 Intended A udience This document is written for t he appl ication des igner responsible for building/program m ing custom application s and feature s. This document is also helpful to any individual who needs a functional description of ASAI.
Conventions Used in This Document Issue 7 Marc h 1998 xxxix ■ Denial (NAK) Caus e(s) This heading designa tes a negative ackno wledgement (NAK) from the ECS. This means that the information provided by the adjunct to the ECS was inco r rect; for examp le, one of th e parameters , such as t he call_id, wa s incorrect.
About T his Documen t xl Issue 7 Marc h 1998 Rela te d D ocu m ent s DEFIN I TY Enter p r i se Commu n i cation s Se r ve r Re le a se 6 Call V isor ASAI Prot oc ol Reference, 555-230-221 The P rotocol Referen ce provides detailed p rotocol informat ion of CallVisor Adjunct Switc h Application Interface (ASAI) for the DE FINITY ECS .
Ordering Do cuments Issue 7 Marc h 1998 xli DEFINITY E nterprise Communi c ations Server Re lease 6 Ca ll Ve ct oring/Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide , 555-230-521 This m anual docum ents cal l vectoring for the DEFINITY E CS. Call Visor ASA I CD Document S e t , 5 85-246-801 This CD ROM con tains four Ca llVi sor ASAI release 6 document s.
About T his Documen t xlii Is sue 7 March 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 1-1 1 ASAI and Capabi lity Groups Intr o duc tion The purpose of this chapter is t o presen t an overview of ASAI and the servic e s it provides. ASAI serv ices are di vided into functional sets call ed capabil it y groups. Capability groups en able the adjunct 1 to comm unicate with and cont rol the DEFINITY ECS .
ASAI an d Cap ability Groups 1-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Cap abi li tie s While capabilities are grouped by the services they may provide, all groups divide their pa rticul ar capab ilities into t hree categories or t ypes. These categories ar e: initiating, co ntrol ling, and term inat ing capabilit ies .
ASAI an d Cap ability Groups Issue 7 May 1998 1-3 Cap abiliti e s and As soc iatio ns Central to t his i ntroduction of c apability groups and ASAI in g eneral i s the c oncept of an associ ation . An association is defined as a channel of communi ca tion between the adjunct and the ECS for messaging purposes .
ASAI an d Cap ability Groups 1-4 Issue 7 May 1998 Assoc ia tion s and Ca pab ility G roup s ASAI defines eight different types of associations, each of which corresponds to a particular capability gro.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 2-1 2 ASAI and Supp orted A pp lications Intr o duc tion This chapt er exa mines variou s configurations and applications t hat can be supported by the ASAI capabilities. The f irst part of this c hapter presen ts a sim ple configuration and s everal application sam ples.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-2 Issue 7 May 1998 The adjunct can be a personal computer, a mi nicom put er , or a mainframe. Applications o n the same ad junct mo nitor and control v oice calls or perform other operations on behalf of a telephone user .
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-3 Sam ple Ap pli ca tio ns The sample applications in the following section provide a practical, “real world” illu strat ion of AS AI ca pabili ti es .
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-4 Issue 7 May 1998 Prev iew D ialing 1. The agent u ses a d ata termina l to log i nto the out bound t elephone sup port application. The application establishes a Doma in (Station) Control association for the agent.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-5 4. The EC S provides the adjunct application(s) with event reports for call activity within the ACD split. The app lication, in t urn, might display informa tio n from the calling list to an agent when the ECS ACD s oftwar e connects an out bound c all to a n agent .
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-6 Issue 7 May 1998 The f oll owing sa mple scena rios illustrate th e operation o f sev eral ICM applications . ACD C all Activ ity Mon itor ing The ACD Call Activity Monitoring Application uses event r eporting to tr ack the call activity of VDNs, ACD s plits, and individual agents or users.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-7 Data Screen Delive ry and V oice/Data T ransfer A Data Screen Del iv ery and V o ice/Data T ransfer application may use CPN/BN or callin g pa rt.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-8 Issue 7 May 1998 Data Sc reen D eliv ery w ith Call Pr omp ting The app lication c an also u se the ECS-bas ed Cal l Prompt ing feature to ob tain additional informati on (for example, account num ber) from the call er .
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-9 2. The app lication uses the Event Notification Request capability to monitor all i ncom ing calls to t he A CD split associated with the V RU ports. 3. The app lication uses the Request Feature cap ability to log in , log out, and change work mode s of the VRU po rts.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998 3. The app lication selects the route for the call based on the call i nform ation passed and/or agent availability and sends a Route Select Capability with the route destination.The ECS then routes the call as i n dicated by the application.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-11 ■ Call Prompt ing i s collec ted from the caller u sing the Call Pr ompting ECS feature. Digits col lec ted through Call Prompting (for example, sales, parts, service, etc.) may be use d to select an appropriate route for t h e call.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-12 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Aut oma tic Ag ent R econf igu ration The Automa tic Agent Reconfiguration application uses the Reques t Feature Capability t o move agents (t hat is, login and logout) t o different ACD splits based on the call activity l evel s (for example, queue length, time in queue ) of the splits.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-13 ■ Initiate, terminate, and control (hold, rec onnec t , transfer , conference) calls at the user ’s phone ■ Invoke E CS features [that is.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-14 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Redirect calls to t he mes sage des k or coverage A sample scenario for t he Phone Manageme nt and Directory Services application is a s follow s: 1. The app lication uses the Domain (Station) Control capability to monitor all calls at a s tation.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-15 3. The application u ses th e dialed, cal ling party , and al erting station nu mbe rs to search and automatically display on the message desk data terminal the messag es left by the ori ginally called p arty for the caller .
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-16 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Add itiona l Co nfigura tions Figures 2-2 to 2-4 show addi tion al ASAI configurations support ed in Release 6 . The applications supporte d for these configurations are the same as those previously described in this section.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-17 Figure 2-3. S ingle Link — M ultiple Process o rs Configuration Figure 2-3 shows multiple adjuncts using their own ASAI li nks to communi cate with the ECS.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-18 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Figu re 2-4. Single Link — G at eway/Server Config uration Figure 2-4 shows multiple adjuncts communicating with a Release 6 ECS v ia a single ASAI link. Each adjunct is independe nt of each other and the ASAI link is managed by a single adjunct.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations Issue 7 May 1998 2-19 Figure 2- 5. ASAI Integration with a VRU Configuration In Figure 2-5 the appl ication shown use s ASAI together with voice response services to control calls. For ex ample, incoming calls might terminate o n the VRU where VRU software collects additional information.
ASAI an d Suppo rted Appli cations 2-20 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Contacti ng Lucent T echnologies Users should work with thei r account team to carefully e valuate the impact of ASAI applications upon the EC S processor . This impact is a f unction of the specific ASAI application a nd its interaction with E CS feat ures such as Basic Call V e ctoring.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 3-1 3 Event Reportin g and U-Abort Capabilitie s Intr o duc tion Com mon capa bilities are those c apabi lit ies us ed by mor e than one capabi lity group. T here are two com mon capab ilities : Event Re porting a nd U-Abort (User Abort).
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Ev en t Repo rt s Cap ability Gr ou ps a nd Eve nt Rep orting The E vent R epor ting capa bility can be inv oked from the fo llowing ca.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-3 Non- Cal l-Rela t ed Even t Rep orting An event repo r t t hat is not directly related to a spe cifi c call can also be generated. When an agent logs out of a split/skill t h at is u nder Doma in (ACD split) C ontrol, a Logout Event Report is generated.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-4 Issue 7 May 1998 In general, event reports are n ot sent for spl it or v e ctor announ cements or attendant group 0.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-5 Call Co nferenced ■ calling party number (conference initiator party numbe r) ■ called party number (newly added part y number) ■.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-6 Issue 7 May 1998 Call Orig inated ■ call_i d ■ party_id ■ calling party number ■ called party number ■ conn ected party number (party extens i.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-7 Connected ■ calling party number (CPN/BN) or ■ trunk g roup n umber an d trunk g roup m ember numbe r — on ly provid ed if the ca.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-8 Issue 7 May 1998 Logo ut ■ ag ent physical ext ension ■ agent log ical Extension ■ reason codes Queued ■ call ed party number (DN IS) ■ call _.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-9 Ale rt ing Ev e nt R epo rt ECS sends the Alerting Event Report for monitored, controlled, and domain-controlle d calls whe n the following even ts oc c ur: ■ When the destination of a call is an on-ECS station and ringing or zip tone is started.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Alerting Event Report Items The following is a list of items provided wi th this report: call ing p a rty num be r ■ For outgoing c.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-11 ■ For incom ing calls over non-PRI fac ilities, the called num ber is t he princip al extension [may be a group (TEG, hunt group, VDN) extension] 3 ■ For incom ing calls to PC OL, the called number i s the d efault ext ension value (**** *).
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-12 Issue 7 M ay 1998 “shared”. The UUI for ASAI is pac ked within the shared UUI b ef ore it is s ent over an ISDN trunk, a nd is unpacke d at the other end. This is transparent to the ASAI adj uncts, with two except ions: 1.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-13 Answered Event Rep ort The Answered Eve nt Report is only sent for the destination of a switch-classified call, a s fo llows : ■ Whe.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-14 Issue 7 M ay 1998 part y_i d The ECS identifier that uniquely identifies a party on a cal l. ECS provides the identifier and the adjunct should retain i t for future operations. The party identifier is unique within t he call ident ifier .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-15 Bus y/U nava ilable Ev ent Repo rt The B usy/Unavailable E vent Repo rt is sent when the destinat ion of a c all is bus y , as follows.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-16 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Busy/U navailable Repor t Items The following is a list of items provided wi th this report: call ed party numbe r (DNI S) ■ For out going calls ov er PRI or non -PRI facilities, the called number i s the default trunk value (#####).
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-17 Call Con ferenced E vent Rep ort The Call Conferenced Event Report is sent under the following circum stances: ■ When an on-EC S sta.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-18 Issue 7 M ay 1998 old party_id The list of all parties correspon ding to the calls prior to t he co nference. This report item is used in conjunct ion with the Party_id l ist to map the party ids prior t o conference t o the party id s after t he conference.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-19 Call En ded Ev ent Report The Cal l Ended E vent Re port appl ies to E vent Notification a ssociations only and is g enerat ed under t.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-20 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Call In itia te d Even t Re por t The Call Initiated Event Report is sent by ECS to an adjunct that has a Domain Control association .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-21 Call O ffer ed t o Dom ain E ve nt Rep o rt The Call Off ered to Domain Event Report is generated when a call enters a domain (VDN or ACD Split) f or which ev ent reporting has been requested by the adjunct.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-22 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ For incoming DCS calls, i f the DCS calling party information is available to ECS (if a station wi th a display get s it), this in formation is a lso made available to ASAI.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-23 lo okahe ad in ter flo w in form ati on This includes the name of the VDN t h at interflowed the call, t h e time at which t h e call entered vector processing, and the priority with which the call was queue d.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-24 Issue 7 M ay 1998 flex ible billi ng Specifies t hat the billing rate c an be changed for an incomin g 900-type call. Presen t if the fea ture is allowe d for the call and t he Flexib le Billing custome r option is assigned to ECS.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-25 Ca ll Ori ginat ed Even t Re port Starting with G 3V4, the Call Originated Event Report is sent to n otify the adjunct that th e originating extension is attem pting to establish a call.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-26 Issue 7 M ay 1998 the physical extension from which the c all wa s made. For cal ls originating from a bridged call appearance , this is the num ber of the p rimary extension on the phone where the call originat ed.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-27 Call Re directed Event Report The Call Redirected Event Report is sent to notify the adjunc t that event reporting for a call will no lon ger be provid ed. Th is event report is s ent unde r the circumstances d etailed below .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-28 Issue 7 M ay 1998 — The call was redirected using the A SAI Redirect Call cap ability . However , if the Redirect Ca ll request was sent over a d omain control assoc iation, the n that d omain association recei ves an ACK , but does not receive the Call Redirected Event Report.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-29 Call T ransferred Event R eport The Call T ransferred Even t Report is sent under the f ollowin g circumstance s: ■ When an on-EC S .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-30 Issue 7 M ay 1998 old party_id The list of all parties correspon ding to the calls prior to t he co nference. This report item is used in conjunct ion with the Party_id l ist to map the party ids prior t o conference t o the party id s after t he conference.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-31 Charging Event Report Sta rtin g wi th R5: Th e Advi ce of Ch arge (AOC) feat ure a llows ASAI to re ceive charge information about the cost of an outgoing call that is r o uted over an outgoing or two-way trunk group.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-32 Issue 7 M ay 1998 indicates to the a pplication t he num ber that m ay be use d as the devic e that i s being charged . NOT E: This number is not always identical to the CPN or SID that is provided in other event reports that report on the same call.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-33 cau se Indicates a possible error in the charge am ount and the reason fo r the error .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-34 Issue 7 M ay 1998 “automatic” on the required trunk g roup a dministration form s. See Cha pter 14, ‘ ‘DEFINITY E CS Adm inistration Forms’’ Section of this document.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-35 Switc h-C lass ifie d Ca lls Intermediate charges that are received before a switch-classified call i s routed to the split/VDN are not reported. However , final charges t hat are received before a sw itch-c la ssified c all is rou ted t o the spli t/V DN are reported .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-36 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Co nnect ed Event R epo rt The Connected Event Report is sent as foll o ws: ■ When a switch-classified call is delivered to an on-E.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-37 ■ For incoming call over PRI facilit ies — “c alling num ber” from t he ISDN SETUP me ssage 12 . ■ For incom ing calls over non-P RI facilities the calling p arty number i s generally not provided.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-38 Issue 7 M ay 1998 co nne ct ed p arty number ■ For outgoing calls over PRI facilities — “conn ected num ber” — from the ISDN CONNect message, if provided by the ISDN network; otherwise the default trunk value (#####).
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-39 UC ID (U n iversa l Ca ll I D) Starting with Release 6 , UCID is included in the Con nected Even t Report only if it exists in t he DEFINITY ECS and the “Send UCID to A SAI” 14 fiel d is administered to ‘y’.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-40 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Cu t-Thr ough Eve nt Repo rt The Cut-Through Event Report is sent when an ISDN PROG ress messa ge has been received for a call using the ISDN-P RI facilities. The ECS maps the PROGress message to a Cut-Throu gh Event Report.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-41 part y_i d The E CS-assigned identifier that uniq uely identifies a party on a call. The ECS provides the identifier and the adjunct sho uld retain i t for f uture ope r ations. The party iden ti fier is u nique within t he call_id.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-42 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Di sco nnec t /Dro p Ev en t Repo rt A Disconnect/Drop Event Report is generated for a party that disconnects from a call.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-43 ■ If the party being dropped is local to the ECS, then t h e extension of the party bein g dropped is p assed (primary e xtension f or TEGs, PCOLs, bridging).
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-44 Issue 7 M ay 1998 cau se Contains the reason for t he di sconnection/drop. Any caus e value passed from the network is included in an AS AI Drop Event Report. Fo r ISDN endpo ints, the cause value sent to the adju nct is the cause value received over the ISDN facility.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-45 Ente re d Di gits E ven t R epo rt The E ntered D igits Event Rep ort is o nly u s ed in c onjunction w ith the ASAI requested-digit collection feature (wi th adjunct rou ti ng/route se lect ).
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-46 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Ho ld E ve nt R ep ort The Hold Event Report is generated in the foll ow ing case: ■ When an on-EC S station places a call on ho ld.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-47 Lo gin Ev en t Re por t Starting with G 3V4, this e vent report is generated when an agent logs into a Domain Control ACD split/skill. I t is only provided with Link V ersion 2 or above.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-48 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Lo gout E ven t R ep ort This event report is g enerated when an agent is logged out of a Domain Control AC D sp lit/ skill.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-49 Queued Even t Report The Queued E vent Report is sent as f o llows: ■ When a switch - classified call is delivered t o a h unt group.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-50 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Rec onne ct ed Even t Report This event report is g enerated under the following circumstances : ■ When an on-EC S stat ion connect s to a call t hat h as been p reviously p laced on hold.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-51 Reo rder/D enial Eve nt R ep ort The Reorder/Denial Even t Report is generated: ■ When a call is trying t o terminate to an on-ECS d.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-52 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Incompatible d estination (CS0/ 88) ASAI-specific cause valu es for this repo rt are: Ag ent not m ember of spl it (CS3/1 1 ) and Agent not logged in (CS3/15). Both cause values are for direct- a gent calls.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-53 T ru nk Se ized Event Repo rt The T r unk Seiz ed Event Report is sent as follows: ■ When a call is placed to an of f -ECS des tinat.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-54 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Use of Event R ep orts in Ass oc iatio ns The f oll owing tab le shows the type of ass ociation(s) ov er which variou s event reports can be sen t. 1. Chargi ng Event Repo rts are se nt only on the Tr unk Group Event Noti fica tion associ ation.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-55 Ev ent R epo rt ing f or M erg ing T wo Calls This section covers the rul e s for sending events when two calls with di fferent characteristics a r e merged for a transfer or a c onference.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-56 Issue 7 M ay 1998 5. Me rging one Call Control association and one m onitoring associat ion ■ Both associations are retained and continue to provide subseque nt event repo rts for the resultant c all.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-57 For G 3V 3 and later , the Multiple Monitors fe ature impacts trans fer and conference situations as follows: ■ If the resultant cal.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-58 Issue 7 M ay 1998 T able 3-2 provides a summary of the call merging rules described above. * All owed vi a Thi rd Part y Merge o n Call Co ntrol † All owe d on a Th ird Par ty M erg e of a D om ai n ( Sta tio n) C on tro l Ass oc iati on Rule s for Me rging T wo C alls with UUI Informat i on 1.
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities Issue 7 May 1998 3-59 T ransfer and Conference Intera c tions Call associated information for e vent reports has the foll owing interactions: Be fore a trans fer h as c omp lete d, e ac h pa rt of the cal l w ill includ e infor ma tion on the callin g n um ber an d the c alled nu mb er .
Event Report ing and U-A bort Capa bilities 3-60 Issue 7 M ay 1998 U-A BOR T This capability is us ed by both the adjunct and the ECS t o i nform the other that an association is ab normally ending. It is shown here but m ay be use d in al l capability groups at any time during an association.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 4-1 4 AS AI an d C al l Con tro l This chapt er describes the Call Con trol Capability Grou p. 1 The cap abilities in this group are catego r ized b y their functions: initiating, cont rolling, and terminating. The adjunct uses these capabi lities to set up (place), take control of, monitor , or end a call on D EFINITY E CS.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Call Contro l capa bilities a re acc epted on ly when the call is in the proper c all st ate with respect t o the s pecified party . The following table sp ecif ies which c all control requests are accepted and which are denied, depending on the state of t he call or the affected party .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-3 1 If t he sta t e of the ot her ca l ls at the st ati on i s as speci f i e d and ther e is an idle cal l appe ara nce. 2 Call appear ance previ ously se l ecte d for call originat ion. 3 Call _id d oes not ex i st.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-4 Issue 7 May 1998 Thi rd Pa rty M a ke Cal l The adj unct uses this init iating capab ility t o es tablish a call betwee n two parties . Informat i on Flow An acknowl edgment (A CK) is optional for t he Th ird Party M ake Call capability .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-5 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s If t h e return_a ck is present in the adjunct’s reque st, the ECS returns an ACK containing t he part y_id, call_id, c onnected _number_id of the originator o n the call, and also Universal Call ID, if it i s present, (Release 6 or greater).
ASAI an d Call Control 4-6 Issue 7 May 1998 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses The following causes may be issued for non-Switch-Classified calls. For NAKs for Swit ch-Class ified calls, see ‘‘Third Party Mak e Call and Suppo rted Call T ypes’ ’ tha t fo l lo w s .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-7 ■ Outgoing c alls barred (CS0/52) The requested Third Party Make Call is being attempted over a trunk that has been restricted from use by the originator .
ASAI an d Call Control 4-8 Issue 7 May 1998 Thi rd Par ty M ake Cal l an d Su ppo rt ed Call T ypes The Thi r d Party Make Call ca pability is used b y the adju nct to reques t the ECS to set up a call between two parties (calling endp oint and the called endpoint).
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-9 If the outgoing t runk is admini stered as “network” [as in t h e case of a private networ k with cas ca ding E CS (s )], the call w ill fail; that is, th e “user” end will dr op the call be cause t he “netw ork” trunk of the E CS does not provi de a CONNect ACKnowledge ment.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998 service_c ircuit [optional] This param eter must be set to “classifier” if t he destination is of f-E CS and the trunk ac cess code is contained in the dest_route_s elect regard less of whether the option “Call Classification af ter Answer Supervision ” is s e t or not.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-11 uui_i nfo [optional] UUI inform ation received i n a successful Third Pa rty Make Ca ll on t h e ASAI link i s store d by the ECS with the c all for the life of the call or until overwritten due to a l at er UUI IE associated with t he call.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-12 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Call C lassi fica tion The ECS uses the Call Classification process, along with a v a riety of i nternal and ex te rn al ev en ts , to de t er mi ne a Sw i tch -C l as s if ied c all’s out c om e.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-13 The following lists the conditions that can be detected: Answer Cl assific ati on The A nswer C lassification applies only to the destination ( either internal or external).
ASAI an d Call Control 4-14 Issue 7 M ay 1998 a classifier is used only if answering machine detection has been requested for the c all. This f eature shou ld only b e used with trun ks that provide answer supervision. ■ Call Classifier — The call cl a ssifier detects an answer when: — V oice energy is detected by the call classifier .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-15 For calls placed over I S DN-PRI facilities, if t he ISDN ALE RT ing message is received from the network, the class ifier is expected to de tect the “in band” ringin g and provide the “no answer” classif ic ation indepen dent of r e ceiving an ISDN ALERT ing messag e.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-16 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Attempting to use a T runk Acces s Code (T AC) to access a PRI trunk (only Automatic Alternat e Routing/Autom atic Route Select ion [AAR/ARS] feature .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-17 The A lerting and Call Con nected Event Reports are sent to the a djunct whe n the call is being deli vered at a physical endpoin t (agent/extension ). The Connec ted Party number item and its extension are included in these e vent reports.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-18 Issue 7 M ay 1998 When the originator is a logged-in ACD agent, ACD call delivery rules apply . When the originat or is a station user (the call was delivered through a hun t group, not an ACD split) , norma l alerting and call deli very take place.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-19 ■ Service or option not subsc ribed /provisioned (CS0 /50) If an adjunct includes us er-to-user information and t he ECS field rele ase is not V3 or l ater , the ECS deni es the request.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-20 Issue 7 M ay 1998 priority_calling [optional] If present, a priority call is placed if the destination is a local exte nsion. If the priority flag is specified for an off-EC S destinat ion, the call is denied. The default is nonpriority.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-21 uui_i nfo [opti on al] UUI re ce iv ed in a success fu l Third Pa rty Make Call on the ASAI l ink is stored by the ECS with the call for the life of the call or until overwritten due to a l ater UUI IE associated with the call.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-22 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Call C lassi fica tion fo r User-Cla ssif ied Call s All call-pr ogres s audibl e tones are provided to the origina tin g user at the calling endpoint (except that user does not hear dial tone or t ou ch tones).
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-23 Aft er di aling is c om plet ed, the ca lling end po int h ea rs c all prog re ss ton es ( but no t dial tone or touch to nes). If the call was placed to a VDN extension, the calling endpoint hears whatever has been programmed fo r the vector associated with that VDN.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-24 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ The originator is a hunt grou p with no available A WO H members (cause=CS0/17). ■ The origi nator is bus y o n one cal l appearanc e in talking s tate (cause=CS0/17). ■ The originator has “hot line” adm inistered (cause=CS 0/58).
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-25 ! W ARNING: The custom ers should be c a r e ful when mixing voi ce call traffic with Phantom Call tr a ffic in a queue.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-26 Issue 7 M ay 1998 return_ack [optional] If this pa r ameter is present, it indicates that the ECS shou ld re tu rn an acknowledg ment to the request. If t hi s parameter is not present, then the ECS does not return an acknowledgmen t.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-27 Call Class ificati o n for Phantom Calls Phantom calls are not classified by the ECS; however , there are cases in which unsucces s ful Phant om Cal ls are clea red by the EC S.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-28 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Nega ti ve A ckno wle dgm ent of a Phant om Call A Third Party Make Call (Phantom Call) request is d enied (NAK/Return Error Component), if the request fails because of the following reasons: ■ Phantom Cal l request received on an EC S administered prior to Release 6 (cause=CS3/27).
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-29 th e ‘‘Expert A gent Sel ecti on ( EAS)’’ on page 12- 36 o f C hapter 12, ‘‘ASAI and Feature Interactions’’ for detailed information. Param ete rs for Direct -A gent C alls This sec tion contains the ASA I interface cal l parame ters for direct-a gent calls.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-30 Issue 7 M ay 1998 uui_i nfo [optional] The ECS supports receiving UUI in the Third Party Make Call request from the adjun ct. If an ASAI adj unct provide s UUI in a Th ird Party M ake Call, t hen the ECS stores t h at UUI wi th the call.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-31 Call C lassi fica tion All call-progress, audible tones a re provided t o the originating user (except that user does not hear dial tone or touch tones). Call progress tones are reported to the ad junct as events.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-32 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Aft er di aling is comp let ed, the ca lling en dp oint h ears call pr og ress to nes (fo r example, al erting o r busy). Dire ct-Ag en t Call D est inatio n If the dest ination ACD agent has a display , the display shows the name of the originator and the name of the specified split.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-33 NOT E: The superv isor-assist call is a fea ture activated th rough a but ton pushe d on th e A C D agent’s voice set.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-34 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Supervis o r- Assist Ca l l Param eters This section c ontains t he ASAI interface cal l parameters for supervisor-ass ist calls . orig_ add r [manda tory] Valid calling endpoints (originators) for this ty p e of call are A CD agen t extensions.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-35 service_c ircuit Mu st not be present return_ac k [op tio nal ] I f th is p ar ame te r is p re se nt, i t ind i ca tes tha t the ECS shou ld return an acknowled gment to the request. If t his param eter is not presen t, the E CS does not return an acknowledgment .
ASAI an d Call Control 4-36 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Supervis o r- A ssist Call Cl ass ificati on A classifier is no t used for t his type of call. Call progress feedba ck is rep orted to the adjunc t in ev ent rep orts. In addition, call-progress a nd a udible feedb ack is provided to the originating user .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-37 Once set up, this call may be controlled either by t he s tation user or by t h e adjunct. The adjunct must use the same association as that specified in the “ Third Party Make Call” request when requesting any Third Party Call Control capabilities.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-38 Issue 7 M ay 1998 NOT E: Direct Agent and Split parameters should only be included in a Phantom Call request if it is a Di rect Agent Phantom Call.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-39 Thir d Pa rty T ake Contro l The adjunc t uses this init iat ing capab ilit y to control a call alrea dy in progress . Informat i on Fl ow The adjunct expect s a response to its request. An acknowle dgement is sent to t he control ling adjunct if the request is s uccessfu l.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-40 Issue 7 M ay 1998 1. The field “Send UCI D to ASAI ” is adm ini stered on the feat u r e - re l a te d Syste m Parameters form.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-41 Denial NA K ) Cau ses The ECS issues the following reason for denying the request: ■ Invalid association (CS0/81) The association is already in existence. ■ Requested facility not subscribed/pro visioned (CS0/50 ) The user has not subs cribed for the req uested capab ilit y .
ASAI an d Call Control 4-42 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Consider at ions The ECS allows only one adjunct to control a call at an y given time. Subsequen t requests f or Third Party T ake Control from an adj unct while a call is already a ctive are denied by the ECS.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-43 Thi rd Pa rty Sel ectiv e Ho ld The adj unct uses this capability t o place a controlle d call on hold a t an on-ECS station.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-44 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Invalid Information Element contents (CS0/10 0) The party_id value of the request is invalid. F o r example, a Third Party Selective Hold is sent for the de stination of a ringing ca ll (the call is ringing and not yet answered at that endpoint).
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-45 1. If the hold request is for eit her call appearance alread y in the held state, nothing else is done (request is ACKed). 2. If the hold requ est is for CA1 (when CA 1 is i n the active state), the call is placed on soft (conference) hold.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-46 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Pa rty Reconn ect The adjunc t uses this cont ro lling capab ilit y to reco nnect an on-E CS party to a controlled call.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-47 ■ Mandatory Informat ion Element missing (CS0/96) The part y_id is m issing in the request. ■ User bu s y (CS0/17) The user is bu sy (active) on another call.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-48 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Redirect Call The adj unct uses this capability to re-rout e a c all that i s al r eady al erti ng a station extension.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-49 ■ Invalid destination (CS3/43) Invalid destinations include the following: emp ty (0 digits), u nass igned extension (invalid dial plan numbers), incomplete num ber of digits for AAR/ARS pattern, or non-AAR/ARS F A C.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-50 Issue 7 M ay 1998 redirected a gain. If the new (redirected-to) number is off-premises, the call is routed there and the caller he ars call progress tones.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-51 Thir d Pa rty Listen- Disco nne ct Starting with R5, Third Party Listen-Discon nect is on e of two capabilities avail able with the Selective L istening feature. Third Party Listen-Reconnect is the comp anion t o the List en-D isconnec t capabilit y .
ASAI an d Call Control 4-52 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s A listen-disconnected message is acknowl edged by the ECS if the request succ eeds.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-53 other voice paths rem ain (for ex ample, through the presence of a third party on the cal l). The level of “leakage” of tones o r voice varies with the type of equipment pre s ent on the call .
ASAI an d Call Control 4-54 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Pa rty Listen -Reco nnect Starting with R5, Third Party Li s ten-Reconnec t is one of two cap abiliti es available with the Selective Lis tening feature. Third Party Listen-Disconnect is t h e companion to the Listen-Reconnec t capability .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-55 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses The ECS issues one of the following reasons as the cause for denying the request: ■ Invalid as sociation (cau se CS0/81). ■ Request m ade on other than call control as sociations (cause CS0/ 1 1 1).
ASAI an d Call Control 4-56 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Pa rty Single -St e p Co nfer ence Starting with Re lease 6, this capability allows t h e adjunct to add a device i n to an existing cal l. This is accomplished with a s ingle request witho ut the ne ed for a local device to be previously connected into the call.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-57 Third Par ty Single-S t ep Conf erence Parameters ACK ( posi tive ackn ow ledge me nt) Param ete rs The DE FINITY ECS res ponds with a list of up to six party identifiers (pa r ty_id) for the pa rties on the call and a list o f up to six e xtensions of the parties on the call.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-58 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses ■ Invalid association (CS0/ 81) — Th e association does not exist. ■ Invalid num ber (CS0/28) — Called p arty num ber is not a st ation or an A WO H extension . Also sent, if the specified called number is not an administered extension in t he DE FINITY ECS .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-59 Commu nica tion s S erver Cal lVi sor ASAI P rotoco l Re fere nce , 555-230-221. Consider at ions If the Single-Step Conference is used to a dd a recordin g d ev ice into a c all , the adjunct has the responsibility of dropping the recordi ng dev ice and/or c all whe n appropriate.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-60 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Part y Merge The adj unct uses this c ontrolling capab ility to merge (for exam ple , conf erence o r transfer at a s pe cified station) two existing controlled calls into a single call on behalf of an on -ECS station.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-61 An acknowledgem ent (with party/extension inform ation) is sent to t he controlling adjunct when the conference/ transfer is com plete. Inc luded in t he acknowledg ement is a list of all pa rties on the call (in cluding ext ensions for local parties).
ASAI an d Call Control 4-62 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Message no t c ompatible with cal l state (CS 0/98) The com mon pa rty is not in a valid st ate for the operation (merge) to take place. F or exampl e, the com mon party does not have one call active (talking) and o ne cal l in the held s tate as required.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-63 The Third Party Merge capability can be also used by the adjunct to transfer a n ACD call to a s upe rviso r . A sample scenario is presented below . Note that this sample is not the only way in which to ef fect the transfer t o the supervisor .
ASAI an d Call Control 4-64 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thi rd Pa rty Sel ectiv e Dr op The adjunc t uses this c ont rolling capabilit y to disconnec t a specific par ty from a call. The party may be a station or a tr unk. For G3 V3 and later , a tone resource (other than ringback) may be dropped from a connection.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-65 Third Pa rty Sel ectiv e Drop P aram eter s par ty_id [optional] Identifies the party on the call to be disconnected.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-66 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s No parameters are contained in the acknowledgem ent for this capabil ity .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-67 Consider at ions The adjunct must kno w the assoc iation and the part y_id of the party on the cal l t o be dropped. When a party is dropped from an existing conference call with three or more parties (di r ectly connec ted to the ECS ), the ot her part ies remain on the call.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-68 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Pa rty Relinqu ish C ont rol The adj unct uses this capability to t erminate a Call C ontrol associat ion. The call itself is not affected by this capability . Informat i on Flow The adjunct expect s a response to its request.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-69 Third Party Clear Call The adjunc t uses this c ontro lling capabilit y to drop all par ties from a contro lled call.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-70 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The ECS issues the following cause for generating a protocol processing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS0/1 1 1) The Q.932 protocol has been v iolated or the capability invoked is not consistent with this association.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-71 Thir d Pa rty Send DT MF Sig nals Starting with G 3V4, this controlling capability is used b y the adjunct to transmit a sequence of DTMF tones on behal f of a party on t he call. Informat i on Fl ow The adjunct expect s a response to its request.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-72 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Den ial (NA K) Ca use The ECS issues the following reasons as the cause for denying the request and ending t he ass ociation: ■ Mandatory Information Elem ent missing (CS0/9 6) The char_seq is missing from the request .
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-73 NOT E: For m ore information regarding p rotocol errors and a complete list of reason codes (cause value s), see the DE FINI TY En ter pris e Commu nica tion s S erver Cal lVi sor ASAI P rotoco l Re fere nce , 555-230-221.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-74 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Pa rty Call En ded The ECS uses this terminating capability to inform the adjunct that a c o ntrolled call has e nded and to clear the cal l control association that was controlling the call.
ASAI an d Call Control Issue 7 May 1998 4-75 ■ Call rej ected (CS0 /21) The ECS drops the call due to an illegal ac tion and/ or reque st by the user (for example, attempting to merge two outbound calls without disconnect supervision). ■ No answer (CS3/19) The classifier does not detect answer within t he allowed number of rings.
ASAI an d Call Control 4-76 Issue 7 M ay 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 5-1 5 AS AI and Do ma in Co ntr ol This chapter describes the Domain (Station or A CD Split/ EAS skill ) Co nt r o l Capabi lity Gro up.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Third Par ty Merg e T he a djunct uses this cont rolling cap ability to merge two calls at a controlled extension. Third Par ty Selectiv e Drop This controll ing capability lets the adjunct drop a controlled extension f rom a given call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-3 Do main ( Stati on ) C ontr ol De scr iptio n Domain (station) Control allows an adjunct to receive event reports and control all calls beginning at or coming to a s pe cific station extension.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-4 Issue 7 May 1998 Do main Co nt rol Ca pab ili ti es The following capabilities have the same function within Do main Control as they do in the Call Co ntrol Capability Group.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-5 1 User act iv e on any cal l appear ance or call 2 On a call app eara nce other than th e one in t he giv en st a te 3 User with at least one idle cal l appear anc e 4 Cal l ap pearance se lected f or ca ll ori ginat ion 5 An anal og st ation which is alert ing cannot be Sing l e -St ep Conferen ced.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-6 Issue 7 May 1998 Thi rd Pa rty Dom ai n (Sta tio n) C on trol Request An adjunct uses this capability to receive event reports and control calls at a specified extensi on. Informat i on Flow The adjunct expect s a response to its request.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-7 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The E CS issues the foll owing cause for a protocol proces sing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS 0/1 1 1) The Q.932 protocol has been violated or the capability invoked is not consistent with this association.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-8 Issue 7 May 1998 Th ir d Pa rty Domain Contr ol Re que st fo r AC D Spli t/E AS Sk il l Do ma in This capability allows the adjunct to receive event reports a t a specified domain. Only two reports are currently availab le: the Log out Event Report and starting with G3V4, t he Logi n Event Re port.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-9 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The E CS issues the foll owing cause for a protocol proces sing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS 0/1 1 1) The Q.932 protocol has been violated or the capability invoked is not consistent with this association.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Party A nswer This capability allows the adjunct to request, on behalf of a station user , that a ringing, bridged, or held call that is present at a station be “answered.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-11 ■ Invalid number/d oma in (CS0/28) The call_id contained in the request is invalid. ■ Mandatory Informat ion Element missing (CS0/96) A mandat ory p arameter is m issing from the req uest.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-12 Issue 7 M ay 1998 A multifunction station user can also have other call ap pearances with alerting, bridged , or held ca lls w hile r equest ing t he Third P arty An swe r capab ility on a call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-13 Thi rd Pa rty Sel ectiv e Ho ld The adjunc t uses this capab ility to place a control led extension on ho ld. The effect is a s if the specified party depressed the hold button on his or he r terminal to locally place the call on hold.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-14 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Invalid call t ype (CS3/4 3) The call cannot be held due to the t ype of call (for e xampl e, emergency , wakeup, o r service o bserved). Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The E CS issues the foll owing caus e for a p rotocol proc essing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS 0/1 1 1) The Q.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-15 Thir d Pa rty Reconn ect The adj unct uses th is c ontrolling capab ility to reconnect a held c all to a s tation.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-16 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The E CS issues the foll owing caus e for a p rotocol proc essing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS 0/1 1 1) The Q.932 protocol has been v iolated or the capability invoked is not consistent with this association.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-17 Redirect Call The adj unct uses this capability to re-rout e a c all that i s al r eady al erting a st ation extension.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-18 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Miscellaneous Restrictions (CS3/ 42) — The redirected-to number canno t be the same as the origi nating number o r the redirecting number . — The call is redi recting on the first leg of a switch-clas sified call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-19 There is a special case where an adjunct can receive a posit ive acknowledgm ent, but the redirect m ay fail. For exam ple, if the call is redirected to an off-premises number a nd the network t runk is s eized, the ECS c onsiders t his success ful redirection and drops the redirecting party .
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-20 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Part y Merge The adj unct request s that t wo c alls (already existing at the domain - controlled station) be merged.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-21 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses The ECS issues one of the following reasons as the cause for ending the association: ■ Invalid number/d oma in (CS0/28) The controlling party has not been specified correctly .
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-22 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Invalid association (CS0/81) The association does not exist. ■ Protocol error ( CS 0/1 1 1) The Q.932 protocol has been v iolated or the capability invoked is not consistent with this association.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-23 Thi rd Pa rty Sel ectiv e Dr op The adj unct uses this c ontrolling capab ility to drop a c ontroll ed e xtension f rom a call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-24 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The E CS issues the foll owing caus e for a p rotocol proc essing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS 0/1 1 1) The Q.932 protocol has been v iolated or the capability invoked is not consistent with this association.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-25 Th ir d Pa rty Auto Dial An ad junct uses this capabi lity to set up a two-part y call bet ween the domain-controlle d station and an internal or external destination. This capability can o nly be requ ested by an a pplication hav ing a n active domain-cont rol association.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-26 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Informat i on Flow The adju nct expec ts an acknowled gement to its request only if t he return_ack has been set to yes. Starting with Release 6, if the UCID (Un iversal Call ID) is present, it i s included in the acknowl edgment if adm inistered 1 to b e sent.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-27 return_ac k This param eter enables t he ECS t o ackno wledge th e request made by the ad junct. It can be set to “yes” for acknowledge men t or “no” for no acknowledgem ent . The default is “no.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-28 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s If th e return_ack was pres ent in the adjunct’ s request , the E C S wi ll return an ACK containing t he following : If t h e return_a ck is not present, no ACK is returned.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-29 Thir d Pa rty Relinqu ish C ont rol The adju nct uses this terminating cap ability to end a Dom ain Cont rol association. The ECS continu es to process all calls at the dom ain-controlled station or split or EAS skill normally .
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-30 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Consider at ions Ending one Domain Control assoc iation does not affect t he other active associations t hat may be controlling an exte nsion, or the state of any calls at that extension. This capabi lity doe s not d isconnect t he dom ain-controlled sta ti on o r any other station from any call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-31 Thir d Pa rty Send DT MF Sig nals The adjunct uses this controlling capabil ity to transmit a sequence of DTMF tones on behalf of a domain-controlled party on the call. Informat i on Fl ow The adjunct expect s a response to its request.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-32 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Den ial (NA K) Ca use The ECS issues the following reasons as the cause for denying the request and ending t he ass ociation: ■ Mandatory Information Elem ent missing (CS0/9 6) The char_seq is missing from the request .
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-33 NOT E: For m ore information regarding p rotocol errors and a complete list of reason codes (cause value s), see the DE FINI TY En ter pris e Commu nica tion s S erver Cal lVi sor ASAI P rotoco l Re fere nce , 555-230-221.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-34 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Thir d Pa rty Single -St e p Co nfer ence Starting with Re lease 6, this capability allows t h e adjunct to add a domain controlled device into an existing call. This is accompl ished with a single re quest without the need for a domain-controlle d devic e to be p reviously c onnected into the call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-35 Third Par ty Single-S t ep Conf erence Parameters ACK ( posi tive ackn ow ledge me nt) Param ete rs The DE FINITY ECS res ponds with a list of up to six party identifiers (pa r ty_id) for the pa rties on the call and a list o f up to six e xtensions of the parties on the call.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-36 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses ■ Invalid association (CS0/ 81) — Th e association does not exist. ■ Invalid num ber (CS0/28) — The spec ified call_id is within t he allo wable range but currently n ot active i n the ECS.
ASAI an d Domai n Control Issue 7 May 1998 5-37 Consider at ions If the Single-Step Conference is used to a dd a recordin g d ev ice into a c all , the adjunct has the responsibility of dropping the recordi ng dev ice and/or c all whe n appropriate.
ASAI an d Domai n Control 5-38 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Th ir d Pa rty Domain Contr ol E nded This capability is used by the ECS to i n form an application that a domain-control association has been termina ted because the domain was remo ved or changed to become an invalid domain by adm inist ration.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 6-1 6 Event Notifi cation Capabilities This chapter describes the Notification Capability Group. The capabi lities available in this group al low the adj unct to request and cancel event reporting on new calls.
Event Notification Capabilities 6-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Event No t ific ation Ended This capabi lity allows E CS to notify t he adjunct wh en a monitored domain becomes invalid (via administration) for even t notification. Event Repo rt See Ch apter 3, ‘ ‘Event Reporting and U-A bort Cap abil iti es.
Event Notification Capabilities Issue 7 May 1998 6-3 Ev ent No tif icat io n Req ue st This capability enab les the adjunct to request notifi cation for calls entering VDN or ACD split domains. T he requested ACD splits mus t no t be adjunct -controlled 1 or vector-controll ed.
Event Notification Capabilities 6-4 Issue 7 May 1998 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s No parameters are contained in the acknowledgem ent for this capabil ity .
Event Notification Capabilities Issue 7 May 1998 6-5 Commu nica tion s S erver Cal lVi sor ASAI P rotoco l Re fere nce , 555-230-221. Consider at ions When m onitoring is established for a V DN or A CD doma in, ECS ge nerates ev ent reports as cal ls arrive at the dom ain.
Event Notification Capabilities 6-6 Issue 7 May 1998 Ev ent No tif icat io n Can ce l This capabil ity enables the a djunct to cancel any n otification request (f or all calls) for a given domain only for the a ssociation that received the request. Informat i on Flow ECS always accepts the request.
Event Notification Capabilities Issue 7 May 1998 6-7 Stop Ca ll N otif ica tion This capabili ty enables the ad junct to r e quest that ECS should s top sending event reports for a particul ar call, identified by the c a ll_id parameter , over an Event No ti fi ca tio n as so ci at ion .
Event Notification Capabilities 6-8 Issue 7 May 1998 NOT E: For more information regarding protocol errors, see the DEFINITY Ent e r pr ise Co mmu n i cations Serve r Ca ll V isor ASAI Prot o col Reference , 555 -230-221. Consider at ions Only one call_id per request is a llowed.
Event Notification Capabilities Issue 7 May 1998 6-9 Ev ent No tif icat io n End ed This capability is used by ECS to notify t h e adjunct that, through ECS administration, a domain with monitoring has become an invalid doma in. Informat i on Fl ow The adjunct does not respon d to this capability .
Event Notification Capabilities 6-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 7-1 7 AS AI and C all R out ing This chapter describes the Routing Capability Group. The capabilities in this group allow the ECS to ask f or and receive routing instructions for a c a ll. These instructions, issued by the adjunct, are based upon the incoming call information provided by the ECS.
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Route This capability allows the ECS to req uest routing information from the adjunct. The adjunct prov ides it based up on incoming ca ll i nform ation. This feature m ay be used independently o f or i n conjuncti on with call monitoring (E vent Notificat ion t urn ed on ).
ASAI an d Call Routing Issue 7 May 1998 7-3 called p arty nu mber (DNIS) ■ [mand ator y] Fo r i nco ming ca lls o ve r P RI fac ilities , the Called Part y Number is from t h e ISDN SETUP messag e.
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-4 Issue 7 May 1998 uui_i nfo Th e UUI IE s e nt over an ISDN trunk can contain more data than the UUI IE sent to ASAI. This happe ns when the ISDN trunk group is admi nistered with suppleme ntary service protocol other than B, and the UUI IE T reatment is set to “shared”.
ASAI an d Call Routing Issue 7 May 1998 7-5 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses The adj unct m ight deny (NAK) a route req uest with a djunct-spec if ic causes. See the DEFINITY Enterprise Commu nications Server Call V ectoring/Ex pert Agent Sel ect ion ( EAS) Gui de , 555-230-521 , for a description of the a djunct routing vect or st ep.
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-6 Issue 7 May 1998 Ro ute Sel ect This capability allows th e adjunct to provide the E CS with the dest ination address to which the call should be routed. In addition, the adjunct can request the ECS to route the call as a direct -agent call and/or a priori ty call.
ASAI an d Call Routing Issue 7 May 1998 7-7 returns a Route End with caus e CS0/28 (Invalid number) and continues vector process ing (cance llin g any “wait” or “annou nc eme nt” steps in progr ess ). Route Sel ect Parameters orig_ add r NA (ignored) dest_addr [mandat ory] This parameter is the valid destination for the call.
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-8 Issue 7 May 1998 specific_even t [optional ] This param eter indicat es when t he tone d etector used by the ASAI-Re quest ed Dig it Collection feature should be relea sed. Option s are “far end answer/connect” and “party discon nect.
ASAI an d Call Routing Issue 7 May 1998 7-9 Den ial (NA K) Ca uses The ECS issues a route end with one of the f ollowing reasons as the cause for denying the request .
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Permission de nied (CS 3/ 43) Only incoming trunks (of a ny type, including ISDN, DTMF , an d R2MFC) are eligible f o r ASAI-Reque sted Digit Collection. If the originator is not a t run k, a R oute Select w ith the ASAI-Reques ted Digit Col lection option is de nied.
ASAI an d Call Routing Issue 7 May 1998 7-11 Ro ute End This capability is sent by t he ECS to terminate the routing association and inform the adjunct regarding the outcom e of the route. In a ddition, the adjunct uses this capability to terminate rou ting.
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-12 Issue 7 M ay 1998 A va cause (cont inued) ■ Receiving a V a lid Route Select (CS3/30) The ECS cancels/termin ates any outstandi ng Route Requests for the call after receiving the f irst valid Route Select m essage 2 .
ASAI an d Call Routing Issue 7 May 1998 7-13 Consider at ions ■ If a no n-ISDN PRI call is routed succes s fully , the Called Party Nu mber provided in the pertinent Event Report is the same number provided by the adjunct as the new destination of the call in the Route Select.
ASAI an d Call Routing 7-14 Issue 7 M ay 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 8-1 8 ASAI and Request Feature Capabilitie s This chapt er des cribes the Request F eature C apabilities G roup. Thes e capabilities al low the ad junct t o request or cance l ECS-cont rolled feature s .
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies 8-2 Issue 7 May 1998 Request F eature Ca pabilit y Group An adjunct uses this capability to request invocation of one of the following ECS features: ■.
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies Issue 7 May 1998 8-3 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s No parameters are contained in the acknowledgem ent for this capabil ity .
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies 8-4 Issue 7 May 1998 ■ Switching Equipment Congestion (CS O/42) The ECS is not accepting the request at this t ime becaus e of pro cessor overload. The adjunct or user may wish to retry the request but should not do so immedia tely .
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies Issue 7 May 1998 8-5 ■ Split not Administered Co rrectly ( CS3/41) A reque st has be en d enied by the E CS to log in, log o ut, manu al-in or change work mode to aux iliary wor k or after-c all-wo rk for a me mbe r of the auto-available split.
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies 8-6 Issue 7 May 1998 Login over ASAI is accepted only if t h e agent meet s certain state conditions. These state condition s must be the same as if it i s being done manually via a voice terminal. For example, if an agent is busy on a call, login is denied.
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies Issue 7 May 1998 8-7 When an agent does not have auto-answer co nfigured, they are not considered busy whe n they are: ■ off -hoo k and idle, or ■ off -hoo k and in a dialing mode on a call appearance.
ASA I an d R eq ues t Fe atur e C apa bilit ies 8-8 Issue 7 May 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 9-1 9 ASAI and V alue Query Capabilities This chapter des cribes the V a lue Quer y C apabi lit y Grou p. Th e capa bilities available in this group al low the adj unct to request and receive information abou t the status or value of ECS -con trolled features and services.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-2 Issue 7 May 1998 V alue Query The adjunct can use this capabi lity to inquire about specific resou r ces av ailable on the ECS . Each q uery is briefly described next: ACD Agent Login Query This query provides the physical extension for each agent logged into the ACD split .
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-3 Extensi o n T ype Query This query provides information about the type of extension. Starting with Release 6, in an EAS environment , i f the .
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-4 Issue 7 May 1998 UCID (Univ ersal Call ID) query Starting with Release 6, this query provides the UCID for a given c all_id, if it exists . This qu ery is i ndependent of the “Send UCID to ASAI” fi eld on th e Syst e m Parameters f orm.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-5 it em_pa r ams Additional para meters a re specific to th e following querie s: ACD Agent Login Q uery The ACD sp li t extension ACD Agent Sta.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-6 Issue 7 May 1998 1. Although in most cas es a lam p i s associat ed wit h the f eat ur e for vi sual status, t he query provi des the fe ature st at us i ns id e the ECS, not the lamp status .
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-7 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s The next p aragraphs describe the ACK pa rameters that are passed by the E CS to the adjunct in re.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-8 Issue 7 May 1998 — Dialing ( initiate): A s tation o n the call is o f f -hook origi nating a call or listing to dial tone. — Alerting: T he call is alerting (ring ing). This als o includes calls at simulated bridges of stations t hat are ringing.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-9 ■ V oice extensio n: The response f urther defines the endpoint as signed to the extension num ber into various station types: — Analog (i.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-10 Issue 7 M ay 1998 characters are ASCII characters). If f our t i ldes appear in a name sent by t he ECS, then the characters following th e fi rst and t hird .
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-11 ■ V oice M essaging ■ Leave Word Calling The MWL query is defined for the foll owing: ■ All types of st a tions ■ TEGs ■ Hunt grou ps Status of Send All Calls feat ure A positive acknowled gment indicates s tatus of the send all cal ls feature expressed a s “on” or “off.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-12 Issue 7 M ay 1998 UCID (Un iver sal Ca ll ID) Q uery A CK Pa rame ters The DEFINITY ECS responds with the Universal Cal l ID (UCID) s tored for the call_id. I f there is no UCID associated with the call, a positive acknowledgem ent will be returned without a UCID IE.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-13 ■ Service or Option not Implemented (CS3/79) — Station Feature Query This value is re turned whe never the queried f eature h as not been def ined for the specif ied extens ion. In addition, the fol lowing is a list of in stances where a CS3/79 is returned for a s pec ific feature.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-14 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause The ECS issues the following cause for generating a protocol processing error: ■ Protocol error ( CS0/1 1 1) TheQ.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 9-15 V alu e Que ry Re spo nse This capability is used by the E C S to provide the adjunct with multiple responses to requested ECS service information. Currently , the ECS replies to an ACD Agen t Login Query with up to ei gh t agent addresses p er V alue Q uery Respon se mes sage.
ASAI an d Valu e Query Ca pabilities 9-16 Issue 7 M ay 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 10-1 10 ASAI and Set V alue Capabilities This chapt er describes the S et V alue Capabi lity Group. The p arame ters available to this group enable the adjunct to set the value of certain ECS-c ontrolled services at an endpoint.
ASAI an d Set V alue Ca pabilities 10-2 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Set V a lu e The adjunct uses this capability to set the value of the me ssag e waiting Lamp (MW L) an d to set the billing rate of a 900-type call . Informat i on Flow The adjunct expect s a response to its request.
ASAI an d Set V alue Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 10-3 ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s No parameters are contained in the acknowledgem ent for this capabil ity .
ASAI an d Set V alue Ca pabilities 10-4 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Comm u nicati ons S erver Cal lVi sor ASAI P roto col Refer ence , 555-230-221. Consider at ions MWL System c old sta rts cause t he ECS to lo se the message MWL status. Hot starts (PE interchange) and warm starts do n ot aff ect the MWL status.
ASAI an d Set V alue Ca pabilities Issue 7 May 1998 10-5 3. If VDN Return Destination i s assigne d, the F lexible Billing f eature may not be able to function as desired because the new connect ion m.
ASAI an d Set V alue Ca pabilities 10-6 Issue 7 M ay 1998.
Issue 7 May 1998 11 - 1 11 ASAI Maintenance Capabiliti es This chapter des cribes the Ma int enance C apabi lit y Group. Th e capa bilit ies available in this group are used to di sab le and enable ECS-adm inistered alarms for periodic link main tenanc e and to obtain information about the condition of the ASAI l ink.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities 11 - 2 Issue 7 May 1998 Heartbea t This capability enables the adjunc t or the E CS to sen d an application-to-application m essa ge and receive a response in order to determine the sanity of t h e application on the remote endpoi nt.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities Issue 7 May 1 998 11 - 3 Susp e nd Al arms This capability enables the adjunct to disable the ECS alarms on an ASAI link for maintenance fun ction s.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities 11 - 4 Issue 7 May 1998 Consider at ions The S uspend Alarm s capab ility ov errid es any adminis tered alarms and ha lts periodic EC S main tenance for t he particular ASAI in terface over whi ch it is received.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities Issue 7 May 1 998 11 - 5 Protoco l Error (NAK) Cause(s) None for this cap ability Consider at ions If the adju nct does not acknowl edge a Heartbeat request after sending Resum e Alarms, the ECS restarts the li n k and generates an alarm, if alarms are administered.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities 11 - 6 Issue 7 May 1998 sends a Restart Ack nowledgement message i nsisting on a version not suppo rted by the ECS, the li n k is not i n itialized and an error is logged.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities Issue 7 May 1 998 11 - 7 ■ The link is now i n the “layer 3 r e started” state. If the adjunct t hen sends a hea r tbeat, the ECS will respond wi th a heartbeat A CK. A t that point, the li nk will go into t he “layer 3 established” state.
ASAI M aintenance Cap abilities 11 - 8 Issue 7 May 1998 Resta rt Para me ters ACK (Positive Acknowledge ment) Parameter s Ve rs ion [op ti onal] speci fies a link version sup ported by the sender of the Re start Reques t. Repeat ed once f or each supported version.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 12-1 12 ASAI and Feature Interact ions This chapter describes t he interactions between t he ASAI capabil ities and specific EC S fea tur es . Call Control and D omain Control do not prohibit use r s fr om acces s to an y enable d ECS features.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-2 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Stations AWOH do not have discon nect supervision. Therefore they cannot place calls to t run ks that do not have disconnec t supervision. When all the parties in a call that have disconnect supe rvision d rop, the AWOH will also b e au tomatically dropped.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-3 Number of Calls at Analog Sets A maximum of three calls (one sof t-held, one hard-held , and one active) may be present at the s ame tim e. In addition, the set m ay ha ve a c all waiting c all. A reque st to hav e mo re than three call s present is de nied.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-4 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Use r-Class ifie d Ca lls If a user-classified call is placed f o r an analog set user without a s pe ak er phone (or a headset), the user must either be idle or of f-hook with dial t o ne, or go off -hook within five secon ds of the call s etup reques t.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-5 trigger the bridging of a s ervice observer onto an outgoing trunk call, and 3) send a C onnected Event Report for ou tbound calls pl aced on non-ISDN trunks.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-6 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Att en dants an d At ten da nt Gr ou ps Individual attendants may be parties on adjunc t-monitored calls and are supported like regular station users (all e vents are reported). The Selective Listening feature is not supported with attendan ts because ASA I does not support attendan ts.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-7 the att endant a nd the at tendant t hen press es the release but ton, the calls are transferred from the at tend ant and a Call T rans f erred Event Report is sent to the association monitoring and/or controlling the calls.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-8 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Ad vice of Cha rge Starting with R5: If Call Detail Recording Outgoing Trunk Cal l Splitting is not enabled, and if an atte ndant originates a call and then extends (transfers) the call to a station.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-9 At tenda nt Contr o l o f T runk G rou p Access Third Party Make Ca ll capability with t he alert_order option (switch-classified calls) a nd Route Sele ct capability requests cannot be of fered to a T runk Group with active attendant control.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-10 I ssue 7 May 1998 sent. When the c all is dropped f rom the principal ’s set because the cal l went to AUDIX coverage, the Call Redirected Event Report is sent i f the principal is a Domain Controlled Sta ti on an d a sim ulated bridge appearanc e is n ot m aintained.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-11 than o ne split with direct-agent c alls waiting f or the s ame ag ent, then t he direct-agent call with t he longest queue waiting time is serviced first.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-12 I ssue 7 May 1998 Inter flo w This occurs when a spli t redirects all calls to anothe r split on another ECS by activating of f-prem ises call forwarding. This can also be done by vectoring with the ro ut e t o nu m ber c om ma nd to a destination off t he ECS .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-13 Queue Status Display s/Indica tions Adjunct-moni tored calls (ex cept di r ect-agent) are included in all existing measureme nts affecting queue status display and buttons. Direct-agent calls are not included in any of the existing measurem ent s affecti n g queue status displa ys and buttons.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-14 I ssue 7 May 1998 Br idged Call App eara nce A Domain Control station can have a b ridged appe aranc e(s) of its primary extension num ber appear at other stations. For bridging, event reports are provided bas ed on t he int ernal st ate of bridging parties with respe ct to the cal l.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-15 If a call alerts to a principal station A, as well a s to station B as a brid ged appeara nce of A, then a call cannot b e redirected from s tation A to a primary appeara nce on s tation B using th e Redirect Call Feat ure.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-16 I ssue 7 May 1998 If a call covers a nd rings at a s tation with domain-control , then the Alerting Event will indicate Call Coverage in a Cause IE. The pos sible causes are: Se nd All Calls Cover All or Go to Cover (CS3/31), P ri ncipal Station is Busy (CS3/ 26), and Principal Station Not Answering (CS3/28).
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-17 This report is only sent if the VDN in t he call coverage path has an Event No ti fi ca tio n as so cia t ion a ct iv e (i s bei n g m o ni tor ed ) . If t hi s is n ot th e ca se , the repo rt is no t sent.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-18 I ssue 7 May 1998 single call by CDR a nd by ASAI Advice of Ch arge. However , CDR Call Split ting will appl y if there are subsequent transf ers of the call, pro vided that CDR c a ll s p litting is enab led. AOC and CDR many both receive charge i nformation from the network about the same t runk.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-19 Call For ward ing Al l Ca lls Users at controll ed stations can activate and deactivate the Call Forwarding All Calls feature from the voi ce terminal or via an ASAI adjunct. Activation and deactivation from the voice set and an ASAI adjunct may be intermixed.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-20 I ssue 7 May 1998 Call Ma na geme nt Sy ste m (C MS ) When a device is added to a measured call via Sin gle-Step conference, CMS is notified in th e same way as when a device is a dded to a measured c all for Service Observing.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-21 picks u p the princi pal’s call , th e prin ci p a l’ s set (if multif u nct ional ) , may or may not maintain a simulated bridge appearance, depend ing on the administration of this feature.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-22 I ssue 7 May 1998 Call V ec tor in g A VDN c an be an active not ification doma in. It can also be the destination o f a call placed by Auto Dial, or of a User-Classified call placed b y Third Party Make Call. Also, a VDN can be the ori g inator of a switch-c lassified call by Third Party Make Cal l .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-23 A call m ay n ot be redirected via Red irect Call whi le in vector proc essing. If a call i s select ive disconnec ted, it cannot also be in vector processing. The reason is that a call in vector processing can only have one party .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-24 I ssue 7 May 1998 from the same vector . They must be specified back-to-back, without intermed iate steps (wait, announceme nt, goto, or stop).
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-25 adjunct-monitored. If t h e Lookahead I nterflow fails, then a drop e vent report is sent to the adjunct. If the LA I inf or mat io n is se nt in sh are d UUI or MSI , the rece i vin g EC S w ill c on v er t it to a codeset 6 LAI IE, when sendi ng it to ASAI.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-26 I ssue 7 May 1998 Single - Step Conferenc e A Single-Step Conference request is not allowed for a call in vector processing, unles s t he v isibili ty op tion i n the requ es t ind icate s “no visib ilit y” .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-27 For direct-agent c alls, t he agent ’ s COR is used f or the termination pa rty restriction checks, w hereas reg ular ACD c alls use the split’s COR for t he termin ation party rest rictio n checks .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-28 I ssue 7 May 1998 Conferences wi ll affect the charging nu mber prov ided in t he Charging Event Report in t he following wa ys (which are identical to Call De ta.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-29 Further , when CDR Call-Splitting changes the cha rging number, th e original charging number will receive a charging event with charge type, ‘ ‘ split charge.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-30 I ssue 7 May 1998 When an incoming DCS call uses an ISDN/PRI trunk, the following i nform ation is provided to ASAI : calling par ty i nf o r mati on, Look A head information and II Digits. The calling party information is provide d as the DCS extension if the c al l was originated on the DCS n et wo rk.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-31 — if the previous s tat e was in the manu al-in mode, then the agent returns t o the after-call mode for t hat split and is also considered unavailable for all o ther splits.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-32 I ssue 7 May 1998 ■ Ring ping — If t he agent has a m ultifunction set ■ Ring ping — If the agent has an analog set and is on-hook ■ 3-burst call waitin.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-33 Deliv eri ng D ir ect-A gent Ca lls Zip tone also applies to direct -ag ent calls as it does t o regular ACD calls.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-34 I ssue 7 May 1998 Direct-agent call s follow t he destination a gent ’s co ve ra g e p a th. N ote th at t his interaction is different from regular ACD calls. W ith regular ACD calls, the calls follow the split ’s c ov erage path rather t han the agent’s.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-35 Do No t Distu rb Do Not Disturb can be ac tivated by an ACD agent . Activation of this feature for the agent blocks both personal calls and direct-agent calls f rom terminating at the agent ’s station .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-36 I ssue 7 May 1998 Ele ctr onic T an d em Ne twor k (ET N) - Priv ate N etw ork Starting with R5: calls that are launche d over ETN pri vate network facilit ies will not receive charge info r mation even if t hose calls are even tually rou ted to a pub lic network over Advice of Charge (A O C) trunks.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-37 stations. L ogin IDs, h owever , are not valid domai ns for the Third P arty Dom ain Control C apabilit y . A req uest to domai n (station) c ontrol a login ID is denied by th e ECS with the cause value CS0/28 — Invalid Number .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-38 I ssue 7 May 1998 login ID t hat does n ot have a logged-i n agent follows t he coverag e path administered for the l ogin ID. Logical direct-agent calls follow t he format for user-classified calls g iven in Chapter 4 — t hat is, the direct_age nt_call flag and spli t_param param eters m ust not be present.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-39 Switc h-C lass ifie d Ca ll Switch-classified calls (Thi rd Party M ake Call with dest_alert first a nd service_ circuit options) may be orig inate d from skill hunt group extensions (orig_addr).
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-40 I ssue 7 May 1998 ■ The dom ain item in the Alerting and Queued E vent R eport for lo gical direct-agent c alls contains the ag ent’ s f irst Primary skill logged into. This is the skill hun t group that logical direct-agent calls queue to.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-41 ■ Beginning in R 5, up to 20 such e vents ma y be sent whe n an E AS age nt logs in or ou t, since an EA S agen t can h ave up to 2 0 skills. ■ Skill level is n ot included in login/logout events.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-42 I ssue 7 May 1998 V alue Quer ies for Logical Agents In ACD agent status, station status, or cal l query V al ue Query requests, the extension or age nt extension paramete r may c ontain ei ther a logical ag ent’ s station extension or a l o gin ID.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-43 Faci lit y Res tric tio n Le vel s (FR Ls) Third Part y Make Ca lls are pl aced u sing the originator ’s COR, the stat i on’s CO R, or the spli t’s COR.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-44 I ssue 7 May 1998 I nteg rat ed Se rvice s Di gita l N etwork (I SDN) ISD N/B asic Ra te Int erface (BRI) The Third Party Auto Dial cal ls follow I ntegrated S ervices Digital Network (ISDN) rules for the originator ’s name and number .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-45 All outboun d adjunct-monitored cal ls over PRI facil ities do not ge nerate the Trunk Seized Event Report. They may , however , gene rate the Alerting, Connected, Disconnect/Drop, and/or Call Ended Event Reports.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-46 I ssue 7 May 1998 If calls are to b e placed from a DEFINITY EC S running R6.3 software to a DEFINITY ECS running an earlier version, then t h e trunk group used for these calls should be administered with the ”UUI I E Treatment” set t o “serv i ce-provider”.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-47 Ad vice of Cha rge (AOC ) Starting with R5: In Germany a nd F r a nce, the public network does no t cut through the voice path to an i ncoming B-ch annel until an ISDN-PRI CONNECT messag e is received from the called party .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-48 I ssue 7 May 1998 Le a ve W ord Call ing When activated at the caller ’s ex t e ns io n, Lea v e Wor d C alli ng will a t tac h it s elf to the principal’s ext ension, ev en if th e call wa s redirected via Redirect Call.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-49 Mul tiM edi a Endpo int ASAI do es not support these e ndpoints. Mu ltip le Sp li t Queu in g When a ca ll i s queued in multiple A CD splits, the party query provides, in addition to the originator , only one of the split extension s in the party list .
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-50 I ssue 7 May 1998 A Third Party Auto Dial or Third Party Make Call originates at t he primary extension n umber of a user . For a call to originate at t he PCO L call ap pearance of a primary extension, that user must be off-hook on the PCOL call appearance at the time t he reques t is received.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-51 A Third Party A ut o Dial call to a station with the SAC feature active redirects to th e covering station. For incoming calls, the Alerting E ven t Report is sent only for m ultifunc tion sets receiving calls while ha ving SAC activated.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-52 I ssue 7 May 1998 receives the warning t one after the bridging is c o mplete (provided the warning tone op ti on is adm inistered s ystem-wide). For a u ser-classified call , the ob server is b ridged on the conn ection wh en the destination answers.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-53 Data Delive ry/Data Restri ction If a call is es tablished with Data Privac y , a reques t to a dd a part y using Single-Step Conferenc e will be denied.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-54 I ssue 7 May 1998 The call st a te provided to queries about extensions with temporary bridged appearance s is “bridged” if the extension is not active on the call or “connect ed” if the ext ension is active on the c all.
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions Issue 7 May 1998 12-55 If a party_id query is requested while the TEG is alerting or on h old, one party membe r i s reported f or the group with t he extension number specified as the TEG group extension (as the originator).
ASAI an d Feat ure Interactions 12-56 I ssue 7 May 1998 is recorde d as th e originating station in an y subs equent Charging Event Reports. Because CDR Cal l Splitting chang es t he charging number , the o riginal charging number will indicate a charge type of ‘‘split charge’’ in the Charging E v ent Report.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 13-1 13 ASAI -Ethe rnet Ov ervie w A new tr a nsport option, CallVis o r ASAI over the D EFINITY LAN Gateway , is available in DEFINITY starting with G3V4 , and in DEFINITY G3V2/G3V 3 with a field maintenance upgrade.
ASAI-Ethernet 13-2 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Figure 13 -1. DEFINITY LA N Gateway System Assembly in a DEF INITY ECS Ca rrier The system assembly i s inserted in to a DEFINITY E CS carrier using 5 cont iguous slots. Before being placed in the ECS carrier , the DEFINITY ECS can be administered using the chang e circuit-packs cab in et com mand.
ASAI-Ethernet Issue 7 May 1998 13-3 Cab le Co n nectiv ity for MF B The system ass embl y is provided wi th two special amphenol connectors, or cables, that are plug ged into the back of the EC S at t he locations occ upied by the TN2170 and T N2208 (see Figure 13-2).
ASAI-Ethernet 13-4 Issue 7 M ay 1998 NOT E: Lucent T echn ologies stro ngly recommends (both for security a nd performance reasons) that th e Ethernet c onnectivity b etween the M FB and the set of hosts with which it will communicate be a s e parate LAN segment.
ASAI-Ethernet Issue 7 May 1998 13-5 Phys i cal C onne c tiv ity fo r MA PD The MAPD system assembly that provides the DEFINITY LAN Gateway brouter application i s a single circuit p ack [a M ulti-Application Platform for DEFINI TY (TN801) ] that prov ide a process or , a ha rd disk, a PCMCIA disk , an Ethernet, an d serial ports.
ASAI-Ethernet 13-6 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Cable Connecti vity for MAPD The system as sembl y is provided wi th a special amph enol connector , or cable, that is p lugged into the back of the ECS at the location occupied by the TN801 (see Figure 13-4).
ASAI-Ethernet Issue 7 May 1998 13-7 and the set of hosts wi th which it will c om m unicate be a separate LAN segment . Customers who do not follow this recomm endat ion are subject to an unscrupulou .
ASAI-Ethernet 13-8 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Figure 13 -5. Overall System Connecti vity for M FB/MAPD Admi nist ration The DE FINITY LAN Ga teway application may be ad ministered using a terminal or terminal emula tor with the RS23 2 port, or using a terminal e mulator that supports TCP connectivity using the LAN port.
ASAI-Ethernet Issue 7 May 1998 13-9 ■ Ma intenanc e — P rov ides ac cess to m aint enance f unc tions , the abilit y to save an d restore con figuration info r mation, and to view error an d security logs. ■ Port Status /Control — Provide s access to port status a nd control dat a.
ASAI-Ethernet 13-10 I ssue 7 May 1998 Figur e 13-6 . Re lat ions hip of V ir tual BR I Ports , Brout er , an d DEFI NIT Y LAN Gatew ay Clients Due to the poi nt-to-point nature of AS AI, the brouter us es an admin istered table to deter mine the val id cl ient s fo r Cal lVi sor ASAI o ver the DEF INI TY LAN G ateway application.
ASAI-Ethernet Issue 7 May 1998 13-11 These ent ries are e xplained as follows: ■ Client Name or IP Address — The hos t name or IP address of the client authorized to use the specified DEFINITY E CS BRI port. If a client host name is provided, then a user must ensure that the host tabl e can resolve t he h os t na me.
ASAI-Ethernet 13-12 I ssue 7 May 1998.
Issue 7 M ay 1998 14-1 14 Installatio n and T es t for CallV isor ASAI Har dwar e I nsta lla tion Th e Call Vi sor ASAI li n k r equires the following hardware componen ts: 1. I SDN-BRI Circui t Pack (f or Cal lVi sor ASAI -BRI l ink) or ASAI -DEFINIT Y LAN Gateway syste m assembly (for Ca llV isor ASAI-Eth er ne t lin k).
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI 14-2 Issue 7 M ay 1998 ■ Exp ansion In terfa ce Circu it Pack — For new multi ple-port netw ork syst ems or upgra des.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI Issue 7 May 1998 14-3 Screen 14-1. Add Station (page 1 of 2) add station next STAT ION Exten sio n: 200 F1 PrevPg F2 PrvFld F3 NxtFld F4 NxtPg F5 Submit F.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI 14-4 Issue 7 M ay 1998 Scree n 14-2. Add Statio n (p a ge 2 of 2) For more information on CallV isor ASAI link administration, see the DEFINITY Ent erp ri.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI Issue 7 May 1998 14-5 T able 14-1 and T able 14-2 show how feature options are speci fied for d ifferent ASAI bu siness part ners’ equip ment. MIM Support? must a lways b e set to no. NOTE: For information on T a ndem Computer ’ s feature option specifications , call Magdy Bishara at 408 285-4123.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI 14-6 Issue 7 M ay 1998 T able 14-2. ASAI Feature Options Administratio n for Lucent T echnologies Business Partne rs over ASAI-Ethernet NOT E: See "Lucent T echnolo gies B usiness Partners" t hat follows in t his chapter for more i nformation.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI Issue 7 May 1998 14-7 DEF INITY E CS Adm inistra tion Forms In addition to the CallV isor ASAI link ad mi n istration, t here ma y be other DEFINITY ECS admin istr atio n f orms to be c o mplet e d fo r th e spe cifi c ASAI appl icati on.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI 14-8 Issue 7 M ay 1998 In the CDR S ystem Parameters form , t h e CDR Ca ll Splitti ng field must be enabled if charging number is desired in the Charging Event Report change to reflect transf ers and conferenc es.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI Issue 7 May 1998 14-9 ■ Status St ation ■ Status b ri-port ■ T est port In addition, check that D EFINITY E CS does not report any alarms or errors associated with the C allV isor ASAI p ort.
In sta l lation and Test for Call Vi sor ASAI 14-10 I ssue 7 May 1998 ■ Electronic I nf ormation S ystems (E IS), using t he CallVisor PC platform See Appendi x E in the DEF I NITY Communications S ystem CallVisor ASAI Planning G uide , 555 - 2 30-222, for Cal lV isor ASAI fu nctio nali ty s upported by Lucent T echno logie s business partners .
Issue 7 M arc h 19 98 A-1 A Call Scenarios and Applications This Append ix has the following sections: 1. B asic Application Ca ll Scen arios 2. Calls A cr os s Mu lti p le E CSs 3. E xpert Agent Selection Interactions 4. Convers e V ect or Command In teractions 5.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-2 Issue 7 March 1998 1. Basic Application Call Scenar io s The fol lowing cal l s cenari os show h ow ASAI ca pabilities can be used to implement s everal A SAI applications. Only s ample param eters are gi ven with the ASAI m essages; not all paramet ers are provided.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 Marc h 1998 A-3 Outbound Cal l Management — Prev iew Dialing (No n-IS DN F acili tie s) The appli cation in the adju nct proce s sor p rovides the ag ent and/ or user with a c all list. The agent uses the data term inal to sel ect the destinatio n to call.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-4 Issue 7 March 1998 Outbound Cal l Management — Prev iew Dialing (ISD N) Faci liti es or Loc al Exte ns ions ) The appli cati o n in the adju nct processor p rovides the ag ent and/ or user with a c all list. The agent uses the data term inal to sel ect the destinatio n to call.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 Marc h 1998 A-5 Outbound Cal l Management — Predi ctive Dialin g ( Destin at ion Busy and N o Ans wer) The app lication in the adj unct process or requests Th.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-6 Issue 7 March 1998 Outbound Cal l Management — Predi ctiv e D ial ing (Succ ess) The app lication in the adj unct process or requests Third Party M ake Calls with the al ert _d est _fi r st , service cir cuit = switch-cl assified , a nd max_ring_cy cles options set (that is, switc h -classified calls).
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 Marc h 1998 A-7 Call Mo nito rin g — VDNs and ACD Splits The application in the adjunc t processor monitors all calls entering a VDN or ACD split. All call s have a unique call identifier (call_id) that the adjun ct/application uses to track cal ls (call i d entifiers are not shown).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-8 Issue 7 March 1998 Mul tiple Q ueu ing and Call A bando n — A CD Split or VDN Mon itor ing The app lication at the adjunct processor monitors al l calls en teri n g a VDN or ACD split. This scenario shows a cal l receiving multiple annou ncemen ts and queui ng into different splits.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 Marc h 1998 A-9 Blind T ransf er — ACD Spl it or VDN M onit o ring The app lication at the adjunct processor monitors al l calls en teri n g a VDN or ACD split. This scenario shows agent A performing a blind transfer to agent C.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-10 Issue 7 March 1998 Cons ulta tio n — AC D Split or VDN Monitoring The app lication at the adjunct processor monitors al l calls en teri n g a VDN or ACD split. This scenario shows an ACD agent placing a customer ’ s c all on hold and consulting with another agent.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-11 Agent Confer ence Agent A performs a conf erence operat ion from the da ta termin al by us ing the Third Party Make Call and Thir d Par ty Merge capabilities. In addition, the agen t uses T hird Party Clear Call t o ter m ina te th e c al l.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-12 Issue 7 March 1998 Serv ice O bser vin g — ACD S plit or VDN Monitoring A supervisor service-observes an agent that receives calls monitored by the application in the a djunct proces sor . The service obs erving operat ion is requested manually by the supervisor at his or her station.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-13 Age nt Re c onfig urati on The application in the adjunct processor logs in agents to dif f erent split s and changes the work mode of the agents based on the call l o ads of diff erent ACD splits.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-14 Issue 7 March 1998 Incoming Call Monitori ng and Manual Conference — Statio n M oni toring The application in the adj unct processor monitors station A . T h e stat ion receives a call and c onferenc es another station to the c all.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-15 Screen-B as ed Di aling — Stati o n Monitoring A user at a m o nitored station initiates a call from the data terminal. The first cal l receives i ntercept treatm ent becau se the number p rovided is invalid.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-16 Issue 7 March 1998 Screen T ransfer — Station Monitoring A user at monitored station A pe rforms a screened transfer operation from the data terminal.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-17 Call C overa ge to Sta tion — St ation Monitoring A call t o a m onitored station goe s to coverage aft er alerting the station. Since the coverage point is another station, the monitored station (original destination) maintains a simulated bridged appearanc e for the call.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-18 Issue 7 March 1998 Call C overa ge to A UDIX — Stati o n Monitoring A call to a monitored station goes t o AUDIX after alerting the station.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-19 Adj unc t Routin g The ECS requests a route for a call t hat encounters an Adjunct Routi ng vecto r command . The ACD agent at the first destination selected by the application is not logged in. The second destination is an ACD split where t he call queues.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-20 Issue 7 March 1998 Message Desk — Incoming Call A call to sta ti on A redirects to the message desk after ale r ting the station ( original destination). T he a pplication only has control of the mes sage des k station (phone).
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-21 Message Desk — Mes sage Retr ieval vi a Phon e A user calls t he Mes sage Des k to retrieve his or her v oice message s. The messag e desk application kno ws that the user is requesting his or her messa ges because the user has d ialed the message center d irectly .
Call Scenarios and Applications A-22 Issue 7 March 1998 Message Des k — Message Retri eval via Dat a Te r m i n a l A user utilizes a data terminal to retrieve his or her m ess ages. The application displays a summary of all voice and text mes sages stored f or the user .
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-23 VRU -ass ist ed T ra nsac tio n using Selec tiv e Liste ni ng In this scena rio, an incoming call is answered by a VRU ( u nder ASAI control).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-24 Issue 7 March 1998 PIN, etc.). T he VRU rem ains in the cal l. The cal l is pla ced through ASAI, the conference ta kes place and now t he VRU mus t send the sec ure information to the far end.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-25 2. Calls Acr o ss M ulti ple ECSs This section presents several scenarios for c a lls routed, transferred, or conferenced a cross ECSs. Figure A-1 shows the V DNs, vec tors, splits, and extensions fo r the following scen arios.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-26 Issue 7 March 1998 Extern al Cal l to V DN, A nswered by St ation and T ransferr ed to a V DN on A nother ECS This scenario shows the call fl ow for an incoming ISDN PRI call to VDN 5678 that is a nsw ered by extension 4555 in ACD split 3333 (see Figure A-2.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-27 Figure A-2. Call Flow fo r Blind T ran sfer to A nother ECS ECS A VDN 5678 Incomi ng Call call_ id=37 x4555 ACD Spli t 3333 Ve c t or J 1. Queue to Main Split 3333 2. W ai t 10 Secs 3. Announcemen t 4.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-28 Issue 7 March 1998 (ECS B) (ECS A) External Call to VDNs answered by ACD A gent, blind transf er to VDN on Another ECS Ho st EC S A EC S B Hos t Eve nt Noti f Requ.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-29 Extern al Cal l to V DN, A nswered by St ation, and T ransferr ed to a Station on A nother ECS This scenario shows the cal l flow f or an i ncoming non-I SDN call to V DN 5678 that is a nsw ered by extension 4555 in ACD split 3333 (see Figure A-3).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-30 Issue 7 March 1998 (ECS B) (ECS A) Host EC S A EC S B Host Ev ent N oti f Req uest (V DN =567 8, C R V= 9 8) Eve nt No ti f ACK Call o ffe red to VDN 56 78 e ven t.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-31 Exte rnal Ca ll to Lo oka hea d In terf low VD N This scenario shows the call fl ow for an incoming ISDN PRI call to VDN 5008 that looks ahead to VDN 1 1 1 1 on ECS B (see F igure A- 4 ) . The first lookahead interflow attempt is den ied by ECS B.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-32 Issue 7 March 1998 Figure A-4. Call Flow fo r Incoming Call to Lookahead Interflow V ector ECS A VDN 5008 Incomi ng Call call_ id=74 x4909 ACD Spli t 3999 Ve c t or L 1. Queue to Main Split 3999 2. W ai t 30 Secs 3 .
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-33 (ECS B) (ECS A) Hos t ECS A EC S B Host Eve nt No ti f Requ est (VDN= 500 8) Eve nt No ti f ACK Call o ffe red to VDN 50 08 Queued Event Alertin.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-34 Issue 7 March 1998 Exte rnal Call to VD N, Ans we red by a Lo cal Stati on, and T ransfer red t o a Lookahead Interfl ow VDN This scenario shows the call fl ow for.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-35 Figu re A-5. Call Flow fo r a T ransfer to a Lookahead Inter flow V ector ECS A VDN 5678 Incomi ng Call call_ id=33 x4909 x4555 ACD Split 3999 Ve c t or J 1. Queue to Main Split 3333 2. W ai t 10 Secs 3.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-36 Issue 7 March 1998 (ECS B) (ECS A) Hos t EC S A ECS B Ho st Eve nt Noti f Req ue st (V DN=567 8) Ev ent N otif ACK Call of fere d Queued Event Ho ld Ev ent Incomin.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-37 (E CS B) (ECS A) Hos t ECS A EC S B Host Call of fered (V D N 1111 e v e nt n o t i f a ss o c ) Queued (V DN 1222 ev ent no ti f as so c) Cal l.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-38 Issue 7 March 1998 3. E xpe rt A gen t Se lec tio n In ter acti on s This section presents call scenarios in the Expert Agent Selection Environment.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-39 Figure A-6. Call Flow fo r Incoming Call to Skill VD N DEFINITY ECS VDN 5555 Inco m in g Ca ll ca ll_id =37 x666 6 x9999 Skill 3333 Logica l id 8766 cal l_id= 45 Ve c t o r K 1. Queu e to Main Ski ll (Ski lls 33 33, 444 4) 2.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-40 Issue 7 March 1998 Host ECS Even t Not ificatio n Request (CR V=78, VDN 5555) Event No tif ACK Featur e Request-Login Featur e Request ACK Call Of f er ed Event (c.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-41 Exte rnal Ca ll to a L ogi cal A g ent’ s Sta tion T ransferr ed to Anot her Logi cal Agent This scenario shows an incoming ISDN PRI call to a domain-controlled station, 6666 (see Figure A-7).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-42 Issue 7 March 1998 Ho st E CS Domain Contr ol Requ es t (doma in=exte nsion 6666 , C R V = 56) Domain Cont rol Requ est Alert Event Connec t Event (d omain c ontro.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-43 Di rect Age nt Ca ll to L ogic al Age nt — Make Call to Login ID This scenario shows the call flow for a Third Party Make Call from logical agent 2345 to logical age nt 8766 (see Figure A-8).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-44 Issue 7 March 1998 Host ECS Make Ca l l (called= 8766, ca lling=2345 , ret urn ACK=y) Queued Even t Alert E vent Connec t Even t (call i ng=6666, called=876 6, con.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-45 V a lue Q ueri es for Log ical A gen t and Sk ill Hun t Groups This scenario shows the Login Audit Query , ACD Agent Statu s Query , and Extension Q uery f or skill hu nt group 4444 and logical agents 2 345, 876 6, and 6777 (s ee Figu r e A-9).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-46 Issue 7 March 1998 Host ECS V a lue Query - Agent Login Audit (d omain =spli t 4444) V alu e Query - Agent Status V alue Query Return Result V alue Query - Extensi.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-47 4. Converse V ector Command Inte ra ct io ns Extern al Cal l to a VDN that ha s a Co nverse Step that is Int erru pted This scenario presents the call f l ow for an incoming ISDN PRI call f or V DN 7000 that has a Converse vector comman d that can be interrupted (see Figure A-10).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-48 Issue 7 March 1998 connect ed=653 4) Host ECS Call Of f er ed Event (callin g= 90 8576-6 362, called=90 8957700 0, domain=VDN 7000) Queued Event Alert Event Alert .
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-49 Extern al Cal l to a VDN that ha s a Co nverse Step that is no t Inte rrupte d This scenario presents the call f l ow for an incoming ISDN PRI call f or V DN 7001 that has a converse vec tor command that is not interrupted (see Figure A-1 1).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-50 Issue 7 March 1998 (event no t if asso c) e v en t notif assoc) Host ECS Call Of fe red to V DN 7001 (event no t if asso c) Alert Event Alert Event Connec t Event .
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-51 5. Redi rect ion On No Answ er ( RONA) Inte ra ct io ns Call to Ag en t with RO N A This scenario shows an incoming ISDN PRI call t o V DN 7010 that is delivered to extension 6534 in split 6500 (see Figure A-12).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-52 Issue 7 March 1998 (co nnec ted=654 0) Host ECS Of fer ed Event (do m ai n=VDN 701 0) Queued E v ent Alert Event Queued E v ent Alert Event Comment Call Of fered t.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-53 Direct - Agent Call with RONA This scenario presents the call f low for an inc oming ISDN PRI call to VDN 8905 that gets routed, via direct-agent call , to extension 1234. The call is no t answered by the agent at extens ion 1234 before t he RONA timer expires (see Figure A-13).
Call Scenarios and Applications A-54 Issue 7 March 1998 Figu re A-13. Call Fl ow f or a Direct A gent Cal l where RONA Timer Ex p ires Agent Exte nsion DEFINI TY ECS Ve c t o r R 1. Adjunc t Rout in g VDN 8905 In comin g Ca ll call _id=57 x1234 2. W ai t 4 Seconds 3.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-55 domain co ntr ol assoc ) Host E CS Call Of fer ed (doma in=VDN 8905 ) Agent Status Query V a lue Q uery Res p onse Route S elect Route End Comme.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-56 Issue 7 March 1998 6. VD N in C o vera ge P ath Inte rac t ions Incoming Ca l l Routed t o a Stat ion that has a V DN in the Co ver a ge Pa th This scenario shows the call flow for an incoming non-ISDN call that gets routed to extension 1234 via the adju nc t rout i ng com man d.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-57 Host ECS Call Of f er ed Event (VDN= 8905, not if asso c) Route S elect Route En d Alert Event Alert Event Comment (called=1234 ) Route t o e x .
Call Scenarios and Applications A-58 Issue 7 March 1998 Exte rnal Call to a V DN w ith a F orced Fir st Announcement that gets Routed to a Second VDN This section p resents the c all flow fo r an incoming IS DN PRI call f or VDN 5678 that hears a forced first an nouncement (S ee Fig ure A-15).
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-59 Host ECS Call Off ered Event (ev en t not if a sso c) Route Select Route End Queued Event Comme n t Route to VDN 123 4 Route Request (domai n=sp.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-60 Issue 7 March 1998 Outgoing Call o ver No n-ISDN T runk This section presents the call flow for an outgoing call over a non-ISDN trunk.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-61 Outgoing Call o ver ISDN T runk that Results in an I SDN Pro gre ss M essa ge This sec tion presents the call f low for an outgoin g call o ver an ISDN trunk that traverses a non-ISDN network(s) before it reaches its destination.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-62 Issue 7 March 1998 Host ECS Call Initi ated Cu t Thr ough Ev ent Conn ected Event Comment (ca lled=99085 766362) Stat ion 4567 goes of f hook Auto Dia l Drop Event.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-63 7. User Scenarios — User to User I nformat i on (U UI) Figure A-18 shows a typical distributed call center configuration. An ASAI host is connected t o eac h of the ECS s and c alls are delivered to either ECS.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-64 Issue 7 March 1998 Call Se quence 1: Host A Host B Comment Call Of fere d (calle d=VDN1, domain=VDN1, tr unk gro up=AAA) Alert Event (connected= VRU Port 1, domain.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-65 Call Sequence 2 shows an incoming ISDN PRI cal l to ECS A , delivered to V DN1. VDN1 con tains a collect d igits vector st ep followed by an adjunct rout ing vec tor step. The host routes the call , including UUI information, to VDN2 that tr ies to interflow the call t o ECS B.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-66 Issue 7 March 1998 Call Sequence 3 shows an incoming ISDN PRI call to ECS A , delivered to V DN1. The incoming ISDN call contain s UUI data. While i n VDN1, the call is r o uted to VDN3 in ECS B incl u ding UUI information and a return call destination (VD N1 1).
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-67 8. User Scenarios — Connected IE for No n-IS D N T run k s T able A-1 shows the Event Reports provided for a monitored call that i s routed over an outgoing non-ISDN trunk.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-68 Issue 7 March 1998 9. User Scenario s — ASAI -Provid ed Dial-Ah ead Dig its This is a simpl e scenario in which the host provides dial-ahead digits via a Route Select. After the dial-ahead digits are s tored by the ECS , the digits are collected using call prompting vector commands.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-69 10. U ser Scenar ios — ASAI- Requested Digi t Coll ec tion This is a sample scenario for an in coming IS DN call that is routed via Adjunct Routing to an external destination. The user has subscribed to receive 4-digit DNIS numbers.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-70 Issue 7 March 1998 1 1. User Scenar ios — VDN Return Dest in ati on A custo mer may us e th e VDN Return Destination f eature (G3V 2 and l ater) to provide a more flexible remote a ccess feature together with host-based call security .
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-71 3. Wait 6 seconds hearing silence . 4. Disconnect af ter announc ement 10 03 (“We a re sorry , but we are experiencing techni cal diffi cultie s at this t ime, please try again later .
Call Scenarios and Applications A-72 Issue 7 March 1998 12. ASAI Messaging S cenarios — VDN Retu rn De st inat ion This is a scenari o where a call to a vector is rout e d using Adjunct Routing to an external d estination.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-73 13. U ser Scenar ios — F lexible B illing Call Sequen ce 1, s hows an incom ing call on an ISDN-PRI t runk delivered to Split A. The ISDN trunk is con fi gured for MultiQuest service. The incoming call indica tes in it s SET UP m essage t hat Fl exible B illing is sup ported.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-74 Issue 7 March 1998 Call Sequence 2 shows an incoming call on an ISDN-PRI trunk delivered to VDN A. The ISDN trunk is configu red for MultiQuest service. The incoming call indicates in its S ET UP mes sage th at Flexible B illi ng is suppo rted.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-75 Call Sequence 3 shows an incoming call on a n ISDN-PRI trunk delivered to VDN A. (This call sequenc e uses the same VDN as c all sequence 2.) The ISDN trunk is configured for MultiQuest service. The incoming call indicates in its SETUP messag e that Flexible Billing is NOT supported.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-76 Issue 7 March 1998 14. U ser Scenario s - In formation Ide nti fi er (II ) Digi ts The first sc enario shows an incoming ISDN/PRI call that includes CPN/BN (and II-Digits) in the SETUP message. A Call Of fered Even t report i s generated when the call is offered to a split (the split has even t notification).
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-77 The second scenario is similar to the first, e xcept that the CPN/BN (and thus the II-Digits) i s not i ncluded in the S ETUP message. Instead, DEFINITY ECS decides on a call-by-call basis wh en to ask the network for t he CPN /BN.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-78 Issue 7 March 1998 15. U ser Scenario s - Pha ntom C alls If agents are h andling faxes or email in addi ti on to voice c alls, then ph antom calls can b e used to queue thes e jobs f or agents, along with any e xisting voice calls.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-79 Call Se quence 1: Host ECS 3r d Party M ake C all (CR V=1, Calli ng=3700, call ed=3802) Queued Event Rep ort Alerting Event Report Comment App l.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-80 Issue 7 March 1998 In call sequence 2, remote agent A is c onnected to the ECS by a t runk. Agent B is a local station connected to the ECS. Agent A is speaking on a call, and determines that the agent B should handle this call.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-81 16 . Sing le-St ep Co nf erenc e In call s equence 1, a s ervice obs erver is adde d to the call using Sing le-Step Conference. The observe r is fir st added in a listen-only mode , using Single-Step Conference with no visibi lity .
Call Scenarios and Applications A-82 Issue 7 March 1998 In call sequence 2, remote agent A is c onnected to the ECS by a t runk. Agent B is a local station connected to the ECS. Agent A is speaking on a call, and determines that the agent B should handle this call.
Call Scenarios and Applications Issue 7 March 1998 A-83 In call s equenc e 3, a rec ording d evice is added t o the c all usin g Single-Step Conference.
Call Scenarios and Applications A-84 Issue 7 March 1998.
Issue 7 Marc h 1998 B-1 B ASAI and R elease 6 Requirements This appendix provides capac ity requirements and con straints for ASAI on Release 6. NOT E: See Appendix C for capacity requirements for previous r e leases. Cap ac ity R e quir em en ts and Co nstr ai nts 1.
ASAI an d Releas e 6 Re quirements Issue 7 M arc h 19 98 B-2 ■ S yst em li mi ts — The maximu m number of ASAI links is eight f or R6v s, R6si, and sixt een for R6r . — The maximum nu mber of active-notification associations is 300 fo r R6si, R6v s, and 10, 000 for R6r .
ASAI an d Releas e 6 Re quirements B-3 Issue 7 M arch 1998 — The m axim um nu mbe r of active domai n-control assoc iations per station is t wo fo r R6vs, R6si, a nd four for R6r .
ASAI an d Releas e 6 Re quirements Issue 7 M arc h 19 98 B-4 — The m axim um num be r of active-notification associations per call is t hree for R6vs, R6si, and s ix for R6r .
ASAI an d Releas e 6 Re quirements B-5 Issue 7 M arch 1998 ■ If the CRV values are administered to a single byte, then the adjunct may initiate and have active 127 simultaneou s associations on any given ASAI interface (subject to ava ila bility o f re sour ces set by the ot her s ystem pa ram ete rs) .
ASAI an d Releas e 6 Re quirements B-6 Issue 7 M arch 1998.
Issue 7 M arc h 19 98 C-1 C ASAI Release History This appendix provides a summary of the features and system capaci t i es for past ASAI releases, and is organized as follows: ■ Release Features M atrix This table shows which features have been supporte d for each release.
ASAI Rel ease History C-2 Issue 7 March 1998 Mu ltiQu est Fle xibl e B illin g x x Redirect Call x x ASAI-Acces sed Integrated Directory Database xx Agent Login Event Report x x Call Originated Event .
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 Marc h 1998 C-3 Summary o f Past Rele ase Notes This sect ion co nt a ins co mp l ete rel ease notes fo r pr e vio u s ASAI rel e a se s. ■ Release 5 ■ G3V4 ■ G3V3 ■ G3V2 NOTE: A brief description of the Release 6 features appears at the beginning of this document .
ASAI Rel ease History C-4 Issue 7 March 1998 Reason Co des ASAI al lows adjuncts to enter a reason code wh en an agent ’ s work m ode changes to AUX work or when a n ag ent logs out . In a ddition, the adjunc t can a lso query f or an age nt’s reason c ode s tatus.
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 Marc h 1998 C-5 NOT E: ASAI d oes no t support Rus sian I ntrusion, Russ ia MF Shuttle Signaling, a nd Re -ring. Expansio n of Agent Capabiliti es Up to 20 sk ills can be assigne d to agents. As a result, ASAI has been enhanced to support 600 active split domain controls on Release 5r .
ASAI Rel ease History C-6 Issue 7 March 1998 Mul tiQu es t Fle xible Bill ing Thi s fe atu re is an in t e rfac e t o the A T & T Mu lti Qu es t 90 0 V ari- A - B ill S e rv ic e , an inbound call ing capability that allows an ASAI adj u n ct to c hange the rate at which an incom ing 900-t ype call i s billed.
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 Marc h 1998 C-7 done only through ASAI .) Notification of manu al login events allows adjunct applications to maintain accurate views of current agent login/logout status.
ASAI Rel ease History C-8 Issue 7 March 1998 G3V 3 Re lease Note s The following enhancement s were included in CallVisor ASAI G3 V3: Ans we ring Ma ch ine Dete ction (AM D) The A nswering M achine De.
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 Marc h 1998 C-9 Mul tiple M on itor s Th e Mult iple Monit ors f eatu re provi de s the abi lit y for up to thre e ASAI appli cations to monitor the sam e ACD Split o r VDN domain. Prior t o G3 V3, only one application cou ld moni tor a domain.
ASAI Rel ease History C-10 Issue 7 March 1998 ASA I-Re qu ested Digi t Co llec tio n ASAI-Reques t ed Digit Collection gives an adjunct the ability to request that a DTMF tone detector (TN744) be connect ed to detect user-entered digits. The request is made via a n option of the Route Select messa ge.
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 March 1998 C-11 G3 V2 Re le ase No tes The following enhancement s were included in CallVisor ASAI G3 V2: Inter nat ional Address T ype for ISDN Calls The international a.
ASAI Rel ease History C-12 Issue 7 March 1998 based on their l o gin identifiers (loginIDs) and to incoming calls based on the vector directory number (VDN) associated with the c alls. Incoming calls are then delivere d to the appro priate agent by mat c hing the call’s assigned skills and the agent’s skills.
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 March 1998 C-13 Connected Party Numb er in Third P a rty Make Call Acknowledgeme nts - G3V2 includes t he connec ted pa rty number I nformation E lement i n the Th ir d Part y Make Cal l -ACK.
ASAI Rel ease History C-14 Issue 7 March 1998 Sy stem Ca pa city Re quir em en ts fo r Previous Release s T able C-2. S ys tem-W ide ASAI Limits for Releas e 5 Capacity R5s i - 8MB R5s i - 12MB R5r AS.
ASAI Rel ease History Issue 7 March 1998 C-15 T able C-4. System -W ide ASAI L imits f or Re lease G 3V3 Capacity G 3sPBP G3 i G3r ASAI L in ks 4 8 8 Notification As sociations 50 1 70 46 0 Adjunct-C .
ASAI Rel ease History C-16 Issue 7 March 1998 T able C-6. S yst em Capacities for G3V1 Capacity G3sP BP G3i G3r ASAI Li nks 4 8 8 Notification As sociations 50 170 4 60 Adjunct-C ontrol Associat ions .
Issue 7 May 1998 GL-1 GL Glossary Numeri cal 1T R 6 The G erman Nat ional Integr at ed Se r vices Di gita l Netw ork (ISDN) . A ACD Automatic Cal l Di stri bution ACD agent /extens ion A station ext ension that is a membe r of an Aut om at i c Call Dist ribution (ACD) sp l it/ sk i ll / hu nt gr oup.
Glo ssary GL-2 I ssue 7 May 1998 must have been ta ken control of via the Third Party T ake Control or Domain (Stati on) Control capabil ities . Adjunct -Contr olled Split An ACD split admini stered to be under adju nct c ont r ol.
Glo ssary Issue 7 May 1998 GL-3 AP Adjunct Pr oce ssor (or Applica t ion Proc essor) Appl icat ion An adjunct e ntit y that req uests and receives ASAI service s or capa biliti es.
Glo ssary GL-4 I ssue 7 May 1998 A vaila ble Agent An agent available t o r e ceive a call throug h an ACD split ( ACD call); th at is, an agent who/whi ch is logged i n and not on a cal l, and in the aut o-in or manual- in work mode. A WOH Adminis t ration Without Hardware (extensi ons admi nistere d wit hout as signment of a physical port).
Glo ssary Issue 7 May 1998 GL-5 Ca lling Par ty Num ber ( CPN) The 10-di git number (Nort h Am eri ca) of the sta t ion th at is cal ling. The CPN is not always iden ti cal to t he bi l ling number (B N); for example, a company may have a BN of 55 5-7000, y et an i ndividual at tha t company m ay have a CPN of, f or e xample, 555- 7335.
Glo ssary GL-6 I ssue 7 May 1998 ced See Customer-e nt ered dig i ts . charg e advice See Advice of Charg e charg e uni t s Used in co unt ries ou tside the US, this is a net work char ge f or a cal l based on the num ber of ch arge units used. A charge unit i s of variabl e len gth of ti me a ssociat ed wi th a f ixed cost .
Glo ssary Issue 7 May 1998 GL-7 Covera ge call A call that is redi rect ed from the cal led ext ension t o another extensi on or gr oup of extensi ons when certa i n cr iteria are m et.
Glo ssary GL-8 I ssue 7 May 1998 Domain An entity tha t can be con trolled or monitor ed. A vail abl e domain s are VDNs, ACD splits, and stati ons . The VDN domain is used only for act i ve-not i fi .
Glo ssary Issue 7 May 1998 GL-9 Fa cili ty IE A Q.931 Codeset 6 Informati on Element contain ing informat ion to be passed between communi cati ons entit ies. Thi s IE can be included in sever al Q.931 messages and, as a parameter , contai ns addit ional IEs wit hi n i tsel f.
Glo ssary GL-1 0 Issue 7 May 1998 Logic al Agen t A logi cal extension assi gned to an age nt when the EAS featur e is enabled on the ECS. A logica l agent lo gs into a ski ll , and by so doi ng, maps the lo gic al exten sion to a physica l extension .
Glo ssary Issue 7 M ay 1998 GL-1 1 O Observer A pers on allowed to monit or t he cal l-handl ing ac tivity of agent s. See a lso Servi ce O bserv i ng .
Glo ssary GL-1 2 Issue 7 May 1998 R R2-MFC A mult i frequenc y-compelle d signal used p rimarily in nati onal and inter natio nal v oice-s witche d network s as a robust and f lex ible signa l ling scheme. Recei ving En dpoi n t For t he Send DTMF Digi ts feat ure, an endpoint t hat can l iste n to DTMF s ignal s on b ehalf of a sender .
Glo ssary Issue 7 M ay 1998 GL-1 3 Se rvice Ob servi ng A featur e t hat allows the a c tiva ting user ( cal led t he observe r ) to l i sten in on a ca ll con nect ed to the observe d stati on or VDN. Or , a feature that allows desi gna ted telephon es to audibly moni to r (on a lis ten - only bas is) calls being handl ed by anothe r extensi on.
Glo ssary GL-1 4 Issue 7 May 1998 Ta l k e r In the Sel ec tive Listeni ng featur e, t he part y from who t he l ist ener has been l i st e n-di sconnec ted (or reconnec t ed ). TEG T erminati ng Ext ension Group Ti m e d c o l l e c t i o n Digit c ollection with a 10-second i nterdig it time o ut.
Glo ssary Issue 7 M ay 1998 GL-1 5 V VDN V ector Dire ctory Number V ecto r comm and A command used i n cal l vectori ng t o spec if y th e tr eat m ent a cal l wi ll rec ei v e.
Glo ssary GL-1 6 Issue 7 May 1998 W Wo r k m o d e An ACD agent ’ s work stat e: manual- in, aut o- i n, aft er-ca l l- work, or aux (auxil i a ry) .
Issue 7 M ay 1998 IN-1 IN Index Nume r ics 27 c haracter display, 9-9, C-5 3rd Part y Answe r capabi l it y, 5-10 consi der a tions , 5-11 denial s, 5-10 paramet ers, 5-10 proto c ol e rror, 5-11 3rd .
Ind e x IN-2 Issue 7 May 1998 acknowl edgements, 4-43 capabi l it y, 5-13 consi der a tions , 5-14 denial s, 4 - 43 , 5-13 info rmatio n flow, 4- 43 paramet ers, 4-43, 5-13 proto c ol e rror, 5-14 pro.
Ind e x Issue 7 M ay 1998 IN-3 Agent Reco nf igur ation scenar i o, A- 13 agent status displays , 12- 11 agent work m odes ACD, 12-30 EAS, 12-31 agent , assign i ng sk i lls, 3- 48 agent s, 2-5 differ.
Ind e x IN-4 Issue 7 May 1998 Atte ndant Consol e fo r m, 14-7 Atte ndant Contr ol of Trunk G roup Access , feature inte rac tio ns, 12 -9 att endant gro up 0, and eve nt r eports, 3-4 att endan t st .
Ind e x Issue 7 M ay 1998 IN-5 Call Cover age, Stat ion s cenario, A-1 7 call cove rage, VDNs in path, 12-16 call dest ination , swi tc h- c las s ifi ed, 4-18 Call Detai l Rec ording feat ure int er .
Ind e x IN-6 Issue 7 May 1998 number hel d, on analog sets, 12-3 number in que ue, 12- 32 oldest in queue, 12 -32 on hold, 12 -43 outboun d, 2-4 resul ting in e vent repo r ts, 3-2 Ca lls a cro ss Mul.
Ind e x Issue 7 M ay 1998 IN-7 conf / trans_f l ag pa r ameter , 4-60, 5- 20 Confer ence butto n, 12-29 featu re inte rac t ions, 12-27 int era ctio ns , 3- 59 confe r ence ca lls, Fle xib le Billi ng.
Ind e x IN-8 Issue 7 May 1998 denial s, 4-32 desti natio n, 4-32 EAS, 12-37 or igina tor , 4- 31 Dire ct-Agen t Coverage, 12-33 dir ect-ag ent, priori ty callin g, 12- 33 dir ectory names displ ay, 9-.
Ind e x Issue 7 M ay 1998 IN-9 event repor t, cal l orig i na ted , C-7 Event Report, logi n, 3-47 Event Report, logout , 3-48 event report, reo rder/ denial , 3-51 Event Report, trunk seiz ed, 3-53 E.
Ind e x IN-10 Issue 7 May 1998 Send DTM F, 12-51 Servi ce O bser ving, 12-51 Singl e-Digit Dial ing an d Mixed Station Numberi ng, 12-52 Temporar y Bridged Appeara nces, 12- 5 3 Termina t ing Ext ensi.
Ind e x Issue 7 May 199 8 IN- 1 1 II- D i gits par am et er , 7-4 Inbou nd C all Ma nagement appli cati ons, 2-5 scenar i os , 2-6 tele marketi ng benef its, 2-5 Inco m ing Cal l I dent i fi cation ap.
Ind e x IN-12 Issue 7 May 1998 call cont rol associa ti on and monito r ing asso ciation, 3-56 call -c ontrolled cal l s , 3- 55 call -cont rolled calls wi th no n- cont rolled calls, 3-55 call s no n.
Ind e x Issue 7 May 199 8 IN- 1 3 outbo und calls, placi ng, 2-4 P paci ng al g ori thm, and pr edictive dial i ng, 2- 4 Packet Control l er ci rcuit card , 14- 1 Packet Maintenan ce ci rcuit p ack, 1.
Ind e x IN-14 Issue 7 May 1998 Phone Ma nagem ent and Di rect ory Servic es appl i ca tion, 2 -13 Phone Ma nagem ent and Di rect ory Servic es, sample scenar io, 2-14 port s admini strati v e acces s .
Ind e x Issue 7 May 199 8 IN- 1 5 proto c ol e rrors, 8- 5 Request Featu re Capabili t ies G ro up, 8- 1 Request Featu re capabi lity, 2- 12 reque st, agent log in, 8-6 requi rements, sy st e m cap ac.
Ind e x IN-16 Issue 7 May 1998 sel ec t iv e lis t eni ng, C-4 Se nd A l l C al l s , 9- 3 Send Al l Calls denials, 9 -13 Send Al l Calls feature i nteract ions, 12-5 0 Send Al l Call s st at us, 9-11.
Ind e x Issue 7 May 199 8 IN- 1 7 Answered Eve nt Report, 3-13 EAS, 12-39 servi ce circ ui t opt io n, 2-4 sw it ch- hook, analog cal l s , 12 -3 syst em assem bl y , 13 -1, 13-5 , 13-10 syst em cold .
Ind e x IN-18 Issue 7 May 1998 proto c ol e rror, 5-16 proto c ol e rrors, 4- 47 Thir d Party Recon nect capabi l i ty, 5 - 15 Thir d Party Redirec t Call acknowl edgements, 4-48 capabi l it y, 4-48 c.
Ind e x Issue 7 May 199 8 IN- 1 9 U-Abor t (User Abor t), causes f or end ing the associ ation, 3- 60 UDP, s ee Uniform Dial Pl an undupl icated syst em , 14- 1 Unif orm Dia l Plan, 4-8, 4-33 Unive rs.
Ind e x IN-20 Issue 7 May 1998.
デバイスLucent Technologies 555-230-220の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lucent Technologies 555-230-220をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLucent Technologies 555-230-220の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lucent Technologies 555-230-220の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lucent Technologies 555-230-220で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lucent Technologies 555-230-220を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLucent Technologies 555-230-220の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lucent Technologies 555-230-220に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLucent Technologies 555-230-220デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。