Lucent TechnologiesメーカーRelease 3 Version 8の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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585-21 5-105 Comcod e 108678 319 Issue 1 June 2000 CentreVu ® Call Management System Release 3 Version 8 High Availabi lity Connectivity, Upgrade an d Administration.
Copyrig ht© 20 00 Lucent T ec hnologi es All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A . Notice Every effort was made to ensur e that the info rmation i n this document was compl ete and a ccurate at the time of printi ng. Howe ver , inform ation is subj ect t o chan ge.
T able of Contents Centre Vu® Call Management Sys te m Releas e 3 Ver sion 8 High Avai la bility Conn ectivity, Up grade an d Admin istration CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Availabi lity Connectivi ty, Upgrade and Admi nistration iii Intr oducti on . . . . .
CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Availabi lity Connectivi ty, Upgrade and Admi nistration iv Upgra din g CMS to the High Availa bilit y Opt ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -1 Overv iew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 HA U pgra de Sc enar ios . . .
CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Availabi lity Connectivi ty, Upgrade and Admi nistration v Checking the Archive Int erval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 66 Admi nister ing the Switc h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67 Performing an Incremental Ma int enance Backup.
CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Availabi lity Connectivi ty, Upgrade and Admi nistration vi.
Introduction CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 1-1 Introduction 1 Overview 1 The CentreVu ® Call Manage ment System (CMS) High A vailabili ty (HA) option is a system of har dware and soft ware features desi gned to reduce potential loss of call c enter data.
Introduction CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Supported Def inity Switches 1-2 • if the custome r has the Ext ernal Call History Package, it should be instal led on bot h servers.
Introduction CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Required and O ptional Software 1-3 Required and Optional Software 1 The HA option is supported only for CMS servers using CMS software version R3V8, or later .
Introduction CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Special Upgrade Considerations 1-4 Special Upgrade Considerations 1 When an installed CMS HA system is subj.
Introduction CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Customer-Specific Roles and Re sponsibilities 1-5 Custom er -Sp ecifi c Ro le s an d Respon sibil itie s 1 Customers are solel y responsib le fo r several tasks re quired to support the CMS HA option.
Introduction CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion CentreVu CMS Helplines 1-6 Centre V u CMS Helplines 1 If an instal l ation problem ari ses that requires assi stance, custo mers or Lucent T ec hnologies techni cians can cal l the n umbers shown bel ow .
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 2-1 Connecting HA Serve rs t o the Swit ch 2 Overview 2 Connecting HA Servers to the Switc h describes connectivi ty requirement s and recommendations speci fic to CMS High Avail ability (HA) syst ems.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 2-2 2. Customize d software switch- over If the HA primary and secondary servers connect to CMS clien ts and other peri pheral s, such as NTS servers, print ers, etc.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 2-3 ACD traff i c is routed through dual contr ol C-LAN circuit packs on the switch.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 2-4 c. Dir ect connect to Customer LAN, wit hout private seg ment: — Lea.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Connecting to th e Defi nity Switch 2-5 Connecting to the Definity Switch 2 Overview.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Connecting to th e Defi nity Switch 2-6 A depicti on of an ideal HA syst em configurat ion for a si ngl e-ACD system is displa yed in the following figur e.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Connecting to th e Defi nity Switch 2-7 Distance Li mits 2 The maximum allowable lengt h for a single segment of Cat 5 cable is 100 meters (328 feet); a maximum of four hubs can be used in s eries to connect cable segments.
Connecting HA Servers to the Switch CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Connecting to th e Defi nity Switch 2-8 Cabling Procedure 2 This procedur e describes the step r equir ed to make the connection between a dual ACD link and th e HA server .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 3-1 Upgrading CMS to the High A vailability Option 3 Overview 3.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion HA Up grade Sce nar io s 3-2 If eith er case a) or b) are in eff ect, the.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion HA Up grade Sce nar io s 3-3 Overview of the HA Upgr ade Procedure 3 The .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion HA Up grade Sce nar io s 3-4 5. On the day of the upgrade, the Lucent te chnician arr iv es onsite and performs a backup of sys tem and ACD-specific admin data on the origi nal ser ver .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion HA Up grade Sce nar io s 3-5 15. Run CMSADM backups on both servers . The CMS HA upgrade process is now complete. Customers shoul d initiat e a regular maintenanc e schedule.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Verifying th e Tape Driv e on an Enterpr ise 300 0 Server 3-6 V e rifying.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a CMSADM Backup 3-7 Performing a CMSADM Bac kup 3 A CMSADM file s ystem backup s aves all system fi les (excludi ng CMS call dat a) and is used to r estore t he system in the e vent of an upgrade failure.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a CMSADM Backup 3-8 Procedure C 1. Log in as root and enter: cmsadm The CMS Admini stration menu a ppears: 2. Enter 3 to sel e ct the backup option.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a CMSADM Backup 3-9 3. Enter a tape d rive sel ection from t he display ed list . The program responds: Note: If only one tape drive is availabl e, the outpu t shown above is not di splayed.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a CMSADM Backup 3-10 If you receive the message di splayed above, i nsert t he first tape used in the backup and pres s Enter .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a Full Maintenanc e Backup 3-11 Performi ng a Ful l Mai nte na.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a M aintenanc e Backup (Adm inistration Data Only) 3-12 Perfor.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a M aintenanc e Backup (Adm inistration Data Only) 3-13 The co.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-14 c.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-15 • Connected the NTS and the CMS comput er t o the n etwor k hu b unit .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-16 Procedure 3 1. Access the CMS Services menu by enter ing the f ollowing command: cmssvc The progr am responds: 2.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-17 If thi s is not an upgrade and y ou enter n , the program res ponds: 4.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-18 8. Enter y i f the customer purchased the Exter nal Call History featur e; otherwis e, press En ter .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-19 14. Enter the maximum possible number of split or ski ll members that the customer might use based on the swi tch agent size purchased.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-20 The progr am responds: 15. Enter the number of ACDs the customer purchased. The prompt displ ays and all authorizations have been set.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-21 Setting Up Data Storage Parameters 3 Overview 3 TSC personnel modif y specific data stor age paramet ers on the CMS computer so that the CMS applic ati on can operate properl y .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-22 • # Da ily s tart time (re gular ti.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-23 • # Weeks of weekl y tr unk groups .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-24 • # Days of daily VDNs (1-1825): 387 • # Wee ks of weekly VDNs (1-520): 53 • # Months o f monthly VDNs (1-120): 13 4.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-25 Procedures 3 T o set up a networ k connection to an HA-e nabled swit ch and other CMS computer peripher al s, the following step s are performed: • Edi t the /etc/h osts file .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-26 7. Add a line to this new file wi th the ho st name y ou added to the /etc/hosts file. F or ex ampl e: 8.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-27 Setting Up the CMS Applicatio n 3 Overview 3 Use the proc edure s in this section to set up the CMS appli cation.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-28 Setting Up CMS Interact ively from a Te r m i n a l 3 Overview: Using t he interac tive option, the progr am prompts you for the necessary informat ion.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-29 3. Enter 4 to sel e ct t h e setup option. If system setup has already been done, the program responds: 4.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-30 6. Press enter to accept the defaul t. The progr am responds: 7. Enter the number to s pecify the type of cart ridge tape you are using as the backup device.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-31 10. Enter the name f or the swi tch associat ed with ACD 1. The pr ogram responds: 1 1. Enter the option number ass ociated with switch model associated with this ACD.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-32 14. Enter y if the CMS is located in the U. S., then go to St ep 16 . If y ou ans wer n , the program r esponds: 15.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-33 17. Enter the remot e port or channel number on the s witch. Y ou must now select how the CMS platfor m is connected to the Definity switch for message t ransp ort.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-34 21.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-35 25. Enter the stop time for shift 1; for example, 05:00pm . The program responds: 26. Enter the number of agents logged in during th e shift.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-36 30.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-37 If the setup det ermi nes that you do.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-38 If you are not installing any other feature packages, perfor m the following step s to turn on C MS: 1.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-39 . # Enter a name for this UNIX system (up to 256 characters): cms3 # Select the type of backup device you are using # 1) SCSI QIC-150 cartridge tape - 150MB tape # 2) 40.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-40 # TCP/IP transport is only available with DEFINITY R7 and # later switch models. # Select the transport to the switch # 1) X.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-41 # Number of shifts (1-4): 1 # Enter t.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-42 . 8. Enter the appropriate val ues fo r your configurat i on. As shown in bold in the example s, the entries must be added on the blank li nes after each quest ion.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-43 Runn i ng Setup wi th a Flat File 3 1. Enter cd to change to the root directory . 2. Access the CMS Se rvices menu by entering: cmssvc The program responds: 3.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-44 4. Enter y . The p rogram responds: 5. Enter the numb er for the language used on this s ystem.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up CMS on an HA Server 3-45 7. V erify that the inst al lation complet ed successfull y by entering the follo wing: tail -f /cms/install/logdir/admin.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-46 Installing Feature Packages 3 Use the procedures in this section to inst all the followi ng feature packages: • Foreca sting • External Call Histo ry (ECH).
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-47 2. Enter 1 to select the auth_display o pti on. The sys tem li sts t he current au thorizati ons (for example): 3.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-48 5. Select the pkg_install opti on. The program responds: The pkg_install option menu displ ays only those feature packages that are aut horized but not yet instal led.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-49 7. V erify that the inst al lation complet ed successfull y by entering the follo wing: tail /cms/install/logdir/admin.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-50 Insta lling the External Call History Package 3 Overview 3 Us e these pro cedures to install t he External Cal l History (ECH) featur e package.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-51 Procedur e 3 1. Access the CMS Se rvices menu by entering: cmssvc The program responds: 2.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-52 4. Access the CMS Admini stration menu by entering : cmsadm The progr am responds: 5. Select the pkg_install opti on.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-53 7. Enter t he name of t he comp uter wher e c all reco rds will be col lected . The program responds: 8.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-54 12. Enter the speed that the connection between the CMS an d Call History Reporti ng machi ne will be using.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Installing Fe ature Package s 3-55 14. V erify that the inst al lation complet ed successfull y by entering: tail /cms/install/logdir/admin.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the Rem ote Console 3-56 Setting Up the Remote Console C Overview C This section descr ibes ho w to redi rect the remot e console p ort on the new HA se rver using t he Solaris software pack age .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the Rem ote Console 3-57 2.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the Rem ote Console 3-58 3. Enter y . The program responds : 4. Redir ect the console to the remote consol e port by entering the follow ing : /cms/install/bin/abcadm -c -b 9600 tty X The progr am responds: 5.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the Alarm Origina tor 3-59 8. Enter y . The system automaticall y reboots and the remote consol e port comes u p as a regular dial -in port wi th the l ogin: prompt displa yed.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the NTS 3-60 Y ou w ill need the fol lowi ng for the 64-port unit: • Console Cable • Adapter - part number 06-988-260- 20.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the NTS 3-61 The program responds: 5. Enter 1 to erase EEPROM. The program resp onds: 6. Enter y . The program responds: 7.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the NTS 3-62 10. Enter the appropr iate Subnet mask, or press Enter to a ccept the default . The program responds: 1 1.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up the NTS 3-63 16. Ent e r th e boot comm and at the monit or prompt to reini tialize the NTS with the new parameters.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Creating an Alternate Boo t Device for Mirrored Sy stems 3-64 Creating an Alternate Boot Device for Mirrored Syste ms 3 This procedur e creates an altern ate boot device.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Migrating CMS System Administ ration Data to the New Se rver 3-65 5. Spec ify System Adminis tration data as the the migrati on data types, and speci fy All ACDs for migratio n, as shown in the following example: 6.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Checking the Archive Interval 3-66 Checking the Archive Inte rval 3 When .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Switch 3-67 Administering th e Switch 3 After link s to the ori ginal server are busi ed out at the Defini ty switch, t he switch is r e-administ ered for R3V8 and the HA dual C-LAN opt ion.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Upgra de th e Or igin al CM S Serv er 3-68 The correct backup option selections are shown in the following example: 2.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Migrating CMS Historical Data to the New HA Server 3-69 Migrating CMS His.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Migrating Administration Da ta Back Onto the Original Serve r 3-70 6. The Status: field reports the progress of the migrati on.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Migrating Administration Da ta Back Onto the Original Serve r 3-71 3. Sele ct the System Setup -> R3 Migrate Data option from the CMS main menu.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a New Full Maintenan ce Backup an d Restore 3-72 Performing a New Full Maint enance Backup and Restore 3 These proc edures creat e a fu ll maintenance backup on t he new HA server .
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing a New Full Maintenan ce Backup an d Restore 3-73 3. From the main menu, select Maintenance > Restore Data The Maintenance: Restore Data windo w is display ed.
Upgrading CMS to the High Availability Opti on CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Performing CMSADM Backups on the HA Servers 3-74 Performing CMSADM Backups on the HA Servers 3 Once both servers ar e ful ly operative, CMSADM backups must be performed on eac h server as soon as possible.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Overvie w 4-1 Admi ni st eri ng the Switc h fo r CMS High.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up Version and Release Values 4-2 Overview 4 Admi.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up Version and Release Values 4-3 Setting the Switch V ersion 4 Use Page 1 of the System Para meter s Customer Opti ons form to set the switch version.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up Version and Release Values 4-4 Setting th e Call Center Release 4 Use Page 4 of the System Parameters Customer Options for m to set the Call Center Release.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Setting Up Version and Release Values 4-5 Setting the Adjunct C MS Release 4 Use the Syst em Parameters F eatures for m to set the Adjunct CMS Release.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-6 Setting Up th e L.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-7 forms, wit h detailed ex planations f o r t he required fields. Us e the forms in the order shown.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-8 Adding a Second Packet In terface 4 This procedure is requir ed only f or Definity G3csi swi tches.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-9 Fiel d Defi nit ion Packet I ntf2 Enter y t o add a second packet interf ace.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-10 Adding N ode Names and IP Addresses 4 For the HA option, assign two switch node names and two CMS computer n ode names.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-11 Fiel d Defi nit .
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-12 Adding a C-LAN IP Interface 4 Use the IP Interf aces form to assign a C-LAN circuit pack as an IP interf ace.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-13 Fiel d Defi nit ion Network r egions a re interco nnected Enter n .
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-14 Adding an Ethern.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-15 Adding the Processor Interface Channels 4 Use the Proc essor Channel form to a ssign the processor c hannel attributes.
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-16 Adding IP Ro uting 4 Use the IP Routing for m to set up the IP route(s) fr om the swit ch to the CMS computer .
Administ ering the Sw itch for C MS High Availabili ty Systems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-17 Fiel d Defi nit ion Route Number If the li nk bet ween the switch and the CMS computer is a dedicat ed li nk thr ough a hub, you only ne ed to assi gn one IP r oute.
Administerin g the Switch f or CMS High Ava ilability Sy stems CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Avail ability Connectivity, Upgrade and Administ rat ion Administeri ng the Defi nity Switch 4-18.
Index CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Ava ilability Connectivity, Upgrade and Adm inistration IN-1 Index 5 A Admin ist er NTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -59 Remote Con sole Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 6 Swit ch LAN . . . . . . . . . .
Index CentreVu CMS R3V8 High Ava ilability Connectivity, Upgrade and Adm inistration IN-2 N NTS Adminis ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 P Platform s combinati ons sup ported by Hi gh Availab ility . . . 1-2 primar y server defined . . .
デバイスLucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLucent Technologies Release 3 Version 8デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。