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. Multi-CD control High power CD/MP3/WMA player with RDS tuner Operation Manual DEH-P4800MP Visit www.pio (or www.pion to register your product ENGL IS H Q sound.
2 ENGLISH Contents Thank y ou for buyi ng thi s Pionee r product Please re ad through these operatin g instructio ns so you will know how t o operate your model properl y. After you hav e finis hed r eading th e ins tructio ns, keep this ma nual in a safe pl ace for fu ture r eference .
3 ENGL IS H Connecting the Units Notes • This unit is for vehi cles with a 12 -volt ba ttery and n egative gro unding . Before inst alling it in a recrea tional ve hicle, tru ck, or bus , check the batte ry voltag e. • To avoid shorts in the electri cal syste m, be sur e to discon nect th e - ba tter y ca ble b ef ore beginni ng instal lation.
4 ENGLISH Connecting the Units Note Dependin g on the kind of v ehicle, the function o f 3* and 5* ma y be d ifferent. In th is cas e, be sure to connec t 2* to 5* a nd 4* to 3*. Connect le ads of the same color to eac h othe r. System re mote c ontrol Cap (1* ) When no t using th is terminal , do not remove the cap .
5 ENGL IS H Removing the Unit To remo ve t he fr am e, ex ten d to p an d bo ttom of t he fra me o utwa rds in ord er to unl ock it. (Wh en re attachi ng the frame, point the s ide with a g roove d ownward s an d attach it.) • It becom es easy to remov e the frame if the fro nt pa nel is released .
6 ENGLISH Installation 2. Faste ning the u nit to th e fact ory r adio m oun tin g brack et. Fixi ng the fro nt panel If you d o not operat e the R emoving and Atta ching the Fron t Pan el Funct ion, us e the supplie d fixing screw s and fix the fron t panel to this u nit.
7 ENGL IS H Before You Star t About this manual This un it fea tur es a num ber of so phi stic ated funct ion s ensur ing superi or re cepti on an d opera tio n. All the fu ncti ons ha ve be en des igne d for the ea siest poss ible us e, bu t man y are not se lf-explanato ry.
8 ENGLISH Before You Star t Protec ting your unit from thef t The fro nt panel can b e detach ed fro m the he ad unit a nd st ored i n the pro vided protect ive ca se to prevent theft. Impor tant • Never u se force or gri p the displa y and th e buttons too ti ghtly when removin g or attac hing.
9 ENGL IS H What’s What Optional rem ote con trol The rem ote cont rol CD -R 310 is sold sepa rate ly. Operat ion is the same a s when using the buttons on th e head unit. See t he ex planat ion of the h ead u nit abou t the o perat ion of ea ch bu tton with the ex ception of ATT , which is e xplain ed bel ow.
10 ENGLISH Tuner Listen ing to the ra dio These are th e basic s teps necessa ry to o perat e the rad io. Mo re adva nced t uner operati on is expla ined s tarting on thi s page. This un it’s A F (alt ernati ve freque ncies search) funct ion ca n be turn ed on and off.
11 ENGL IS H Tuner Tuning i n strong s ignal s Local s eek tuni ng lets you tune in o nly th ose radio statio ns wi th suff icient ly strong signal s for g ood re ception. 1. Pre ss FUNC TION to s elect LOCA L. Press FUNCTI ON until LOCAL appe ars in the di splay.
12 ENGLISH RDS Switching the R DS display When you t une in an R DS st ation its progr am se rvi ce na me is dis playe d. Sw itc h the displ ay to f ind out th e fr equenc y.
13 ENGL IS H RDS 3. Use VO LUME to adj ust th e TA volum e wh en a tra ffi c an nounce men t begi ns. Rotate it to in crea se or dec rease the volu me. The ne wly s et volum e is st ored in m emory and reca lled fo r subseq uent traffic announ cements .
14 ENGLISH Built-in CD Player Play ing a CD These are th e basic s teps neces sary to p lay a CD with your built-i n CD pl ayer. M ore advanc ed CD operat ion i s expla ined s tarting on th is pa ge. 1. Insert a C D into t he CD loa ding slo t. Playback wi ll automatic ally start.
15 ENGL IS H Built-in CD Player Playi ng trac ks in rand om order Random play let s you play b ack t rac ks on the CD in a ra ndo m orde r. 1. Press FUN CTIO N to se lect RDM . Press FUNCTI ON until RDM ap pears in the displ ay. 2. Press 8 to turn rand om play on.
16 ENGLISH Built-in CD Player • If a di sc con tai ns les s th an 10 track s, pr ess ing an d hol ding 4 recalls the firs t track of the d isc. A lso, if the re maining number of trac ks af ter searc hing e very 10 tracks is le ss th an 10 , pres sin g and hol ding 4 recalls the fir st trac k of the disc.
17 ENGL IS H MP3/WMA/W AV Player Play ing MP3/ WMA/WAV These are the basic steps ne cessa ry to p lay an MP3/WMA/ WAV wi th yo ur bui lt-in C D play er. More advanc ed MP3/W MA/W AV opera tion i s expl ained starting on thi s page . 1. Insert a CD-ROM into the CD loading slot.
18 ENGLISH MP3/WMA/W AV Player Repea ting pla y For MP3/ WMA/W AV playb ack, the re are three re peat p lay rang es: FL D (folde r repeat) , TRK (one-tr ack re peat) an d DSC (repea t all tr acks). 1. Pre ss FUNC TION to s elect RPT. Press FUNCTI ON until RPT app ears in the display.
19 ENGL IS H MP3/WMA/W AV Player Using c ompressi on and BMX Using th e COMP (c ompress ion) an d BMX fu nction s let you adjust the so und pla yback qual ity of this pl ayer. Ea ch of the fu nction s has a t wo-st ep ad justment . The COMP functio n bala nces the outpu t of lo uder and softe r sound s at hi gher volu mes.
20 ENGLISH MP3/WMA/W AV Player When playing back a WAV disc * Press DI SPLAY. Press DISPL AY repeat edly to swit ch bet ween the foll owing s etting s: Play tim e – FOLDER (fo lde r nam e) – FILE (file na me) – Sam plin g freq uenc y • If specif ic informati on has not bee n recorded on a WAV disc, NO X XXX will be displ ayed (e.
21 ENGL IS H Multi-CD Player 50-dis c mu lti-CD playe r Only thos e functio ns descri bed in this manu al are supported by 50 -disc multi -CD play ers. Int roducti on o f ad vanced multi-C D player oper ation * Press FUNCTION to display th e fun ction names.
22 ENGLISH Multi-CD Player 4. When yo u find the desired track (or disc ) press 2 to tu rn scan p lay off . SCAN :OF F appears in th e display. The track (or disc) will c ontinue to p lay. • If the di splay h as automati cally returned to the playba ck dis play, select SCAN again by pr essing FUNCTION .
23 ENGL IS H Multi-CD Player 3. Select the desired t rack by pre ssing 4 or 6 . 4. Press 2 to eras e the track fro m your ITS play list. The cu rrently play ing sel ectio n is eras ed from your I TS playlist and playbac k of t he next tra ck from your ITS playlist begins.
24 ENGLISH Multi-CD Player Displaying text information on CD TEXT discs * Press DI SPLAY. Press DISPL AY repe atedl y to swit ch between the followin g sett ings: Play t ime – DISC TITL E (di sc ti .
25 ENGL IS H Audio Ad justment s Using ba lance adju stment You ca n select a fader/ balance setting that provides a n ideal liste ning environm ent in all o c cupi ed seats . 1. Pre ss AUDIO t o select FAD. Press AUDI O unt il FAD appears in the display .
26 ENGLISH Audio Ad justment s Fine-adjusting equalizer curve You can adj ust the cen ter frequ ency and the Q f actor (cu rve ch arac ter isti cs) of eac h curren tly selected curve band ( EQ-L / EQ-M / EQ-H ). 1. Press A UDIO and h old until fre quency and the Q factor (e .
27 ENGL IS H Audio Ad justment s Adjusting subwoofer settings When the su bwoofer outp ut is on , you can adjust the cut-off fr equency and the output level of the subw oof er. 1. Press SW to s elect 80 : 0. Press SW u ntil 80: 0 appears in the display.
28 ENGLISH Audio Ad justment s Adjust ing source l evels SLA (sou rce level ad justment) lets y ou adjust t h e volume lev el of each s ource to preven t radical ch anges in vo lume wh en switchin g betwee n sources. • Setti ngs are b ased on the F M tuner vol ume leve l, wh ich re mains un changed.
29 ENGL IS H Initial Setting s Switching Auto PI Seek The un it can automat ically searc h for a differen t station wi th the same pr ogramming, even du rin g pres et r ecall . 1. Press FUNC TIO N to sel ect A-PI. Press FUNCTI ON repe atedly un til A-PI app ears in the dis play.
30 ENGLISH Other Functions Using t he AUX source This unit c an control up t o two auxilia ry equipments su c h as VCR or por ta ble devices (sol d separat ely). When con nected, auxi liary e quipmen ts are automati cally read in as AUX s ource s and as signed to AUX1 or AUX 2 .
31 ENGL IS H Addition al Inform ation Under standin g built-in CD pl ayer erro r message s When you cont act your dea ler or your nearest Pioneer Se rvice Ce nter, be sur e to record the error mes s age.
32 ENGLISH Addition al Inform ation • If you in sert a CD-RW di sc into th is unit, time to playbac k will be longe r than w h en you in sert a conv enti onal CD or CD- R di sc. • Read th e precautio ns wit h CD-R/ CD-RW discs before usin g the m.
33 ENGL IS H Addition al Inform ation WAV additional information • This unit p lays bac k WAV files en coded in Li near PCM (LPCM ) forma t or MS ADPCM form at. • You can only play b a ck WA V files in th e frequen cies 16 kHz, 2 2.05 kHz, 24 kHz, 32 kHz, 44.
34 ENGLISH Addition al Inform ation MP3 MP3 is short fo r MPEG Audio Layer 3 . It is an audi o compres sion standa rd set b y a worki ng gro up (MPEG) o f the ISO ( Intern ational Standa rds Organi zation ). MP3 is abl e to com press au dio data to abo ut 1/10th th e level of a co nventional disc.
MAN-DEH-P4 Page 35 Thur sday, Sept e mber 29, 200 5 11:55 AM.
PIONEE R CORPORATION 4-1, MEGURO 1 -CHOME , MEGURO -KU, TOKYO 153- 8654, JAP AN PIONEE R ELECTRONICS ( USA) INC. P .O. B ox 1540, Long B each, Cali fornia 9 0801-154 0, U.S.A. TEL: (800) 421-14 04 PION EER EURO PE NV Haven 1087 , Keetb erglaan 1, B-9120 Melsele, B elgium TEL: (0) 3/570.
デバイスPioneer P4800MPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pioneer P4800MPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPioneer P4800MPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pioneer P4800MPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pioneer P4800MPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pioneer P4800MPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPioneer P4800MPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pioneer P4800MPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPioneer P4800MPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。