Radio ShackメーカーPRO-2052の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 72
Owner’s Ma nual Cat. No. 20- 432 PRO-20 52 1000- Cha nnel Dual Trun king TrunkT rack er Home Sca nn er Please read befor e using this equ ipment. 20-432.
2 INTROD UCTION Your new RadioShac k PR O-2052 1000-Chan nel Dual Tru nking Trunk - Tracker Hom e Scanne r is one of a new gene ration of s canners d esign ed to track Motor ola Type I, Type II (s.
3 NWR-SAME/Weather Alert — you can set th e scanne r to sound an alert when it recei ves NOAA ’s Spe cific Area Me ss ag e E nc odi ng (S AM E) c od - ed weather emergenc y signal, pr ovid- ing mo.
4 Supplied Telescoping Antenna — provid es good r eception of strong lo- cal si gnals. External Antenna Terminal — lets you connec t an externa l antenna with a BNC co nnector to the s canner fo r improv ed recep tion of d istant/wea ker signals .
5 FCC NOTICE Your s cann er m igh t cau se rad io or TV interfer ence ev en when it is operati ng properly . To det ermine whether you r scanner is caus ing th e interf erence, turn off your scanner. If the interfer- ence goes away, your s canner is causing it.
6 CONTENTS Preparation ... ............. ................... ............. ............. .................... ............. ............. 8 Connectin g an Anten na ........................ ............. .................... ............. .............
7 PC Remote Function ............. ............. .................... ............. ................... ........... 4 6 Connectin g the Sca nner to a Comp uter ...... .................... ............. ................. 4 6 Setting th e Remote Communication F or mat .
8 PREPARATION This sc anner is designed pr imaril y for use in the home as a base stati on. You ca n place it on a des k, shelf, or table. Your s canner’s front fe et fold up or down. A djust them to give y ou the best view of the dis play. Your sc anner’ s displa y is prot ected during sh ipment by a piece of film.
9 • The anten na s hou ld be as high a s possible on the vehi cle or build - ing. • The antenn a and its cable s hould be as far as possible from so urce s of electr ical no ise (ap pliances , other radi os, etc.). • The ante nna sh ould be v ertical fo r the best p erforma nce.
10 Cautions: Y ou m ust us e a Cl ass 2 power so urce that sup- plies 12 V DC and deli v- ers at least 50 0 mA. Its cen ter tip must be set to pos itive and i ts plug mus t fit the s canner 's DC 12V jack. T he suppli ed adapt er meets these specifi cations .
11 Plug the s peak er cabl e’s 1 / 8 -inc h (3.5- mm) pl ug i nto yo ur s c anne r’s jack. Note: Connectin g an exter nal spea ker disconn ects th e scann er’s inter nal speaker . CONNECTING AN EARPHONE/ HEADPHONES For priva te list ening, you ca n conne ct an earp hone or headpho nes w ith a 1 / 8 - inch (3.
12 UNDERSTANDING Y OUR SCANNER Once you understa nd a few simpl e terms we use in this manual and familia rize yourse lf with you r scann er’s featur es, you c an put the scanner to wo rk for you . You simply determi ne the ty pe of communi cations you want to r eceive, then se t the scanner to scan them.
13 SCAN In conven tional sca nning, sc ans t hrough stor ed ch an- nels; in trunking mode, sc ans through the scan l ists and turns on/off the S-bit fea ture. MANUAL Stops s canning and lets you di rectly enter a channel number or frequen cy. TRUNK Selects trunk sc anning or convent ional mod e.
14 REMOTE/HOLD/ ▲ T urns the r emote funct i on on or off; holds on th e cu r- rent ID in trun k s c ann ing mode; s ets the se ar ch direc - tion an d holds t he freq uency s earch.
15 WX Indicate s (along wi th the act ivity indi cator) tha t the scanne r is sear ching th e weathe r servic e bank. TRUNK Appears whe n the scanne r is in trunk scannin g mode. 1–2 0 appear s as the bank number or list number . Sh o w s which ser vice bank i s currentl y activ e.
16 L/O (lockout) Appear s when you m anually select a chan nel, fre- quen cy, or ID that is loc ked out. ▼ SEARCH ▲ Lights s teadil y during a limit s earch, serv ice se arch, and ID search, and bli nks while HyperSear ch is active and w hen you mo nit or ID s.
17 UNDERSTANDING BANKS Channel Storage Banks To make i t easier to identif y and se lect the ch annels y ou want to lis ten to, chann els are divided into 20 b anks of 50 channel s each.
18 OPERATION T U RNING ON THE SCANNER AND SETTING SQUELCH 1. T urn SQUELCH and VOLUME full y counte rclockwi se. 2. T urn VOLUME back cloc kwis e u n til you he ar a hiss ing sound . 3. T urn SQUELCH clockwi se, t hen leave it set to a poin t ju st afte r the hissin g soun d stops.
19 quency o f 151.473 , your scan - ner acce pts it a s 151. 475. • If you ente red a frequency that is already stored i n another channel , the scanner beeps three tim es and disp lays the lowest ch annel number where the freq uency is alr eady stor ed.
20 Press SEARCH to s tart sear chin g im- mediat ely or to cont inue se arch ing if you want to skip a frequenc y. During ser vice-s earch, you can pr ess HOLD to pause the se arch ing. HOLD appears . Press ▲ or ▼ to move up or down on e step, or p ress SEARCH to resu me se ar ch ing .
21 • If you tune t o a search s kip fre- quency , L/O appears. Se e “Lock- ing Out Channel s and Fre- quencies ” on Pa ge 23. • T o skip data si gnals (s uch as modem sign als), press DA T A . S ee “Skipp ing Data Si gnals ” on Page 2 5. SCANNING THE STORED CHANNELS To begi n scanning channel s, pres s SCAN .
22 ority ch annel (for up to a total of 10 stored c hannels) . As the sca nner scans t he bank , if the pr iority fea ture is turned o n, the scan ner che cks the pri - ority chan nel for ac tivity ever y 2 sec- onds. Changing Priority Channels The sc anner au tomati cally desig - nates e ach bank 's first cha nnel as i ts priority channe l.
23 SPECIAL FEATURES DELAY Many agenc ies use a two -way r adio system that might ha ve a pe riod of 2 or more sec onds between a trans mis- sion an d a r eply. T o kee p from m iss- ing a re ply, you can p rogram a 2- seco nd delay in to any c hannel or fre- quency.
24 Locking Out Channels To lock out a c hannel while scan ning, press L/O when the scanne r stops on the cha nnel. To lock out a channel manu all y, select th e channel and press L/O until L/O app ears. Note: You ca n stil l manu ally se lect locked- out chan nels.
25 CHANGING SEARCH SPEEDS The PRO -2052 ha s two sea rch speed s for a l imit sea rch. To sw itch be tw een th e norm al an d Hy- perSearc h speeds during a l imit search , press SPEED . SEARCH fl ash- es during H yperSea rch. Note: Y ou can use Hyper Search onl y in the 5 kHz step bands (29–54 MH z, 137–174 M Hz, and 216–2 24.
26 Each FIPS code iden tifies a specifi c geograph ic area (def ined by the Na - tional W eather Se rvice), s o yo ur scan - ner sound s an alert onl y when a weather em er gen cy is de cl ared in that area. Th is helps you more effic iently track th e weather c onditio ns in a nd around y our area.
27 on Pa ge 28). For ex ample, th is le ts you avoid he aring an aler t tha t app li es to a n ar ea w ith in a 50- mil e ra dius but not neces sarily to your c ounty o r par- ish.
28 series of beeps and L3 (if the broad - cast is a statement) , L2 (if th e broad - cast is a watch), or L1 (if the broadca st is a w arnin g) appear s. Once the scanner recei ves a SAME - code d signa l, it retai ns the in formati on in its m emory .
29 T esting NWR-SAME Code Detection 1. Turn on the SA ME alert function (see “Turning on the SAME and Weather Alert ” on Page 27) . 2. Hol d down ALERT for ab out 3 sec - onds. The s elected fre quency number an d TESt alternate on the displa y . Then , when the scan- ner re ceives a test c ode, TSt appears .
30 T RUNK SCANN ING Your s canner is designe d to track transmiss ions o n Moto rola Ty pe I, Type II, GE/Eric sson EDACS , and hy- brid anal og trunk ing systems . Re- member thes e importa nt points when track ing tran smis sions: • Y our scan ner monito rs T y pe II system s by de fault.
31 The fleets might be the police depart - ment, the fir e department, the uti lities, and city ad minist ration. T he polic e might dec ide to fu rther d ivide its fleet into subfl eets suc h as di spatch , tact i- cal oper ations, d etective s, north, south, east, a nd wes t side patrols , and superv isors.
32 We reco mmend you s et SQUELCH to the p osi tio n show n he re b efore sel ect- ing a t runked b ank. Note: Chang e this setting as n eces- sary to g et the best pe rforman ce in your ar ea.
33 4. Use th e num ber ke ys to en ter the trunked system’s frequenc ies, then press E . Note: If you enter ed an inval id fre- quency, t he scanne r beeps, the cha nnel number f las hes and Error appears . Press CLEAR to clear the freq uency, then rep eat St ep 4.
34 Hint: While sc anning, you wil l not know ex actly w hom the talkgr oup ID s are as signed t o until yo u listen awhi le or until you l ocate talk group ID lis ts in frequenc y guides or on intern et sites such as www.
35 Follow th ese steps to turn status bi t ig- nore on o r off. 1. Hold down SCAN until the cur rent status bit i gnore se tting ( ON or OFF ) appear s. 2. Press ▲ or ▼ to se l ec t ON or OF F , then press E . Identifying a T runked Frequency To identi fy a trunked frequenc y, press ▼ when the sc anner s tops on a tal k- group ID.
36 Note: If you consi stently m iss re- sponses even with trun k s canning scan delay set, yo u might ne ed to chang e the default sy stem type or the fleet m ap you are us ing.
37 MONITORING IDS You ca n use you r sca nner’s di spla y to monitor th e frequenc ies in a tru nked system for activity. You cann ot hear conver sations in this mode, but this is an excellen t way to deter mine whic h talk groups are the most activ e.
38 Scan li sts h elp y ou organi ze trun king system users into ca tegories . For ex- ample, y ou might use Lis t 1 for police IDs, List 2 for f ire depar tment IDs, Li st 3 for em ergency medic al ser vice ID s, and so o n. Once IDs ar e stored in lis ts, yo u can scan t hem l ike you scan conventi onal ch annels .
39 Automatically Storing an ID in a Scan Lis t Location To store an ID in th e first av ailable scan li st lo catio n during a searc h, press E at any tim e after th e scanne r stops on that ID. Or, follow these ste ps to stor e an ID in a spe cific sc an li st loca tion .
40 Press PR IO RITY to turn on priority scannin g. Note: Priori ty scann ing does not w ork if the I D is locke d out. SCANNING T YPE I AND HYBRID T RUN KED SYSTEMS Your P RO-2052 is set to s can Type II user IDs b y defa ult.
41 Each ID in the bloc k is uni que. The left-mos t digit is the bloc k numb er in the ID. The ne xt two digi ts identi fy whic h fl eet is acti ve, and the l ast d ig- it(s) (afte r the hyphen) ide ntifie s the subfleet . The si ze codes selec ted by a T ype I system designer de pend on the spe- cific n eeds o f the sys tem’s us ers.
42 E1P3 E1P4 Block Size Code Block Size Code 2S 4 2S 4 3S 4 3S 4 4S 4 4S 4 5S 4 5S 4 6S 1 2 6S 4 7 (S12) 7S 4 E1P5 E1P6 Block Size Code Block Size Code 0S 4 0S 3 1S 4 1S 1 0 2S 1 2 2S 4 3 (S12) 3S 4 4.
43 Select ing a Preset Fleet Map 1. Se t the sc anner for c onvention al scanning, then hol d down TRUNK until the scanner beeps twice. BANK , TRUNK , a nd the bank numbers fl ash. 2. Pres s a numb er ke y to sel ect th e bank whe re you wan t to store th e pres et f lee t map.
44 Programming a Fleet Map 1. Se t the scann er for co nvention al scannin g, then hold down TRUNK until the scan ner beep s twic e. BANK , TRUNK , and the bank numbers flash. 2. Press a number key to s elect th e bank wher e you pr ogra mme d T ype I trunk freq uenci es.
45 3. Repe at edl y pres s ▲ or ▼ to sele ct E2-Hi or E2-UHF , t hen pres s E . 4. Press DA T A . T he pres et base fre - quency a ppear s. 5. En ter a d esired frequenc y , then press E . 6. Press DA T A . T he pres et offset f re- quency a ppear s.
46 PC REMOTE FUNCTION Your sc anner’s PC Remote function lets you c onnect the s canner to a comput er then u se the co mputer to operate most of th e scann er’s fu nc- tions, the same way as if you were us- ing the keys on t he scanne r’s front panel.
47 T URNI NG T HE REM OTE FUNCTION ON AND OFF To turn the remote fu nction on or off, hold down REM OTE until the scanne r beeps. SFT flashes whe n the remote function is turne d on. PC TO SCANNER COMMANDS Follow th ese steps to enter com - mands t o ope rate the scanner using your c omputer.
48 PC TO SCANNER FUNCT IONS LIST For the follo wing fun ctions, type th e comm and then pres s Enter on your co mputer’s keyb oard. Function Comma nd Check f requen cy st ored in a c hanne l # PM###.
49 Function Comma nd Check a bank’ s pr iority cha nnel n umber Not e: Enter a letter ins tead of th e bank num- ber . Example: “C” for ba nk 3. PC n Set a bank’ s priority cha nnel PC n## # w.
50 Function Comma nd T une sc anner to specif ic freq uency RF##### ### where ## ###### equals the frequency Check a T runk ID memo ry num ber IC Set a T runk ID me mory n umber IC x where x equals a .
51 Function Comma nd Check i f Frequ ency Iden tifica tion a ctive FI T urn Freq uency Ide ntific ation on/o ff FIN/FIF Check for Speaker Mut ing mode on/of f MU? Check S peake r Muting m ode s etting.
52 SCANNER TO PC RESPONSES The scann er some times returns response s vi a your com puter and softwar e. You might se e any o f the fol lowing c odes. Code Meaning NG Invalid co mmand ERR Command form.
53 SCANNER MODE CODES The scanne r sometim es retur ns infor mation abou t the mode it is opera ting in vi a your c omputer a nd softwar e. You mi ght see an y of the follow ing code s Code For this M.
54 Code For this M ode 19 EDACS ID Lo ckout Rev iew 20 EDACS Search Contro l Channel 21 VFO P age 54 Friday, July 14, 2000 11:3 0 AM.
55 A GENERAL GUIDE TO SCANN ING Reception of the freq uencies covered by your sc anner i s main ly “l ine-of- sight.” T hat means y ou usuall y ca nnot hear statio ns that ar e beyond the hori zon. GUIDE TO FREQUENCIES National Weather Frequencies Birdie Frequencies Every sc anner has birdie freque ncies.
56 GUIDE TO THE ACTION BAND S T ypical Band Usage (MHz) VHF Band Low Range 29.00–50 .00 6-Meter Amateur 50.00–54 .00 Aircraft 108.00– 136.00 U .S. Gov er nment 137.00–144 .00 2-Meter Amateur 144.00–148 .00 High Range 148.00–174 .00 FM-TV Audio Broad cast , Wide Band 174.
57 Primar y Usage As a gener al rule , most of the radi o activi ty is conce ntrated on the followin g fre- quencies : VHF Band UHF Band Note: Remote co ntrol stat ions an d mobile uni ts operat e at 5 MHz highe r than the ir associ ated ba se st ations an d relay re peater un its.
58 Abbreviations Services AIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aircraft BIFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
59 HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) — (3 MHz – 30 M Hz) 10-Meter A mateu r Band (28.0–29.7 MHz ) 29.000– 29.700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H AM VERY HIGH FREQUENCY (VHF) — ( 30 MHz – 3 00 MHz) VHF Low Ba nd (29 .
60 VHF High Band (148–174 MHz) 148.050 –150.345 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAP , MAR, MIL 150.775 –150.790 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
61 FM-TV Audio Broadcast, VHF Wide Band (1 74-216 MHz) 179.750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TV7 185.750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
62 462.187 5–462.450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUS, IND 462.462 5–462.525 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IND, OIL, TEL M, UTIL 462.
63 FREQUENCY CONVERSION The tuni ng location of a s tation can be expre ssed in frequen cy (kHz or MHz) or in waveleng th (meter s). The foll owing info rmation c an help y ou make the n ecessa ry conver sions. 1 MHz (milli on) = 1,000 k Hz (tho usand) • T o convert M Hz to k Hz, multi ply the nu mber of m egahertz by 1,000: 9.
64 T ROUBLESHOOTING If your sc an ner i s not wor king as i t s hou ld , the se s ugg es tio ns mi ght hel p y ou el im i- nate th e prob lem . If the sc an ner s til l doe s n ot o per at e pr op er ly, ta ke it to y ou r loc al RadioShac k store fo r assi stance.
65 Scanner w ill not tra ck a tru nk ed sy stem (continu ed) The syste m yo u are tryin g to track is a T ype I Syste m, and the sc anner is set to scan T ype II sys tems. Set the s canner to receive T ype I trun ked freque ncies . See “S canning T ype I and Hybrid T runked Systems” on Page 40.
66 RESETTING THE SCANNER You might nee d to reset the s canner if: • the scan ner ’s disp lay lo cks up. • the sca nner do es not w ork prop - erly af ter you con nect power . • the scanne r is dropped or sub- jecte d to a phys ical or el ectric al shoc k.
67 CARE AND MAINTENAN CE Your Rad ioShack PRO -2052 100 0-Channel Dual Trunk ing TrunkTr acker Home Scanne r is an examp le of superior design and craf tsmans hip. The follo wing sug - gest ions wil l help you care for yo ur sca nner so y ou can e njoy it for ye ars.
68 SPECIFICA TIONS Freque ncy Co verage (MHz): 10 Meter Amateur Radio ................ .................... .. 29 .000–29.69 50 (in 5 kH z steps) VHF Lo .................. ............. ................... ............. 29.700 0–49.99 50 (in 5 kHz steps) 6 Meter A mateur Radio .
69 Search Speed : Normal .................. ............ .................... ............. .............. 100 S teps/Sec (Max ) Hyper .................... ............ .......... 300 Steps /Sec (Max) ( only 5 kHz step band) Scan Sp eed ..............
70 NOTES P age 70 Friday, July 14, 2000 11:3 0 AM.
71 P age 71 Friday, July 14, 2000 11:3 0 AM.
RadioShac k A Division of T andy Corpor ation For t W or th, T exas 7610 2 UBZZ01 307ZZ 09A99 Printed in the Ph ilippine s Limited O ne-Y ear W ar ranty This pro duct is warrante d by RadioShack aga i.
デバイスRadio Shack PRO-2052の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Radio Shack PRO-2052をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはRadio Shack PRO-2052の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Radio Shack PRO-2052の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Radio Shack PRO-2052で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Radio Shack PRO-2052を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はRadio Shack PRO-2052の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Radio Shack PRO-2052に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちRadio Shack PRO-2052デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。