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English R e f r i g e r a to r user ma nual imagine the poss ibi lit i es Th ank yo u for purc ha sing a S ams ung p rodu ct. T o rec ei ve a more c omp lete ser vic e, ple as e regi ster your p rodu ct at w w w .samsung. co m/ regist er Free Standing Appliance DA68-01817A-07.
2_ fe atur es f e a t u r e s o f y o u r n e w r e fr i ge r a t o r KEY FEA TURES OF YOUR NEW REFRIGERA TOR Y our Samsung Refrigerator comes equipped with various innovative storage and energy-efficient featur es. • T win Cooling System The Refrigerator and Freezer have separate evaporators.
safe t y infor mati on _3 safety information SAFETY INFORMA TION CAUTION/WARNING SYMBOLS USED WARNING Indicates that a danger of death or serious injury exists. CAUTION Indicates that a risk of personal injury or material damage exists. OTHER SYMBOLS USED Represents something you must NOT do.
safety information 4_ s afet y info rm ation SEVERE W ARNING SIGNS • Inorde rtoavoi dthec reat ionofa am ma bleg as -airm ix t urei fale akint .
safety information _5 safety information CAUTION SIGNS • T her efr ig er atormu stbeg rou nd ed. - Y ou m us t grou nd th e ref ri ge rator to pre vent a ny powe r le ak ag es o r el ec tri c sh ock s cau se d by cu rre nt le a kag e fro m the re fr ig era tor .
safety information 6_ s afet y info rm ation • D onots torevol atil eor am mab les ubs ta nce sinth eref ri ge rator . - T hes tora geofbe nze ne,th in ner ,a lco ho l,ethe r ,L Pga sandot he rsuc hpro duc tsmayc au se explosions .
safety information safety information _7 ADDITIONAL TIPS FOR PROPER USAGE • A ll owthea pp lia nc etosta ndfo r2hou rsaf terin sta ll atio n.
8_ contents contents SETTING UP YOUR REFRIGERA TOR 09 09 Getting ready to install the r efrigerator 10 Installation of the water line 13 Setting up the refrigerator 13 Removing the refrigerator doors .
_9 set tin g up _9 01 SETTING UP setting up your refrigerator Congratulations onyour purchase of thisSamsung Refrigerator . We hope youenjoy the state-of-artfeatur es and efficiencies that this new appliance of fers.
10 _ set tin g up INST ALLA TION OF THE W A TER LINE (AUTO ICE MAKER MODEL) Befo re you ins ta ll the water l ine • T hew aterli nei nst all atio nisn otwar ra ntedbyth erefr ig er atorma nu fac ture r .
set tin g up _11 01 SETTING UP Con nec t the water li ne to the fr idg e • C on ne ct the p la stic li ne on th eb ac kof you r fr idg e toth e ca r tr id ge ho ld er ou tle t (fu lly i nse r t th e pl asti c lin e to t he ca r tr id ge ho ld er o utl et) .
setting up your refrigerator 12 _ s et ting up Con nec ting t he water line to th e ref rig er ator 1 . Re move t he c ap fro m wate r li ne o n th e un it a nd i ns er t co mpr es sio n nu t to th e wate r li ne o n th e un it af te r di sa sse mb li ng fr om prov id ed wa ter li ne.
set tin g up _1 3 01 SETTING UP Now tha t you have your new Ref r ige rato r insta ll ed in pl ace, you ar e read y t o se t up and en joy the fea ture s an d fu nct ion s of the a pp lia nc e. By c omp let ing th e fol low ing s teps, yo ur Re fr ig era tor sh oul d be f ull y operational .
14 _ s et ting up setting up your refrigerator How to r everse the door (OPTION) Un plu g the r efr ig er ator or d isc on ne ct th e powe r . Th e nu mbe r on e ac h pi ctu re ind ic ates th e re leva nt lo cat ion of t he ref ri ge rator . Re fer to th e Refe re nce Pic turef ore achl oc atio n.
01 SETTING UP set tin g up _1 5 3 Cap Cover Cap Cap Rem ove 2 bo lt s of eac h hinge a nd rem ove bo th ri ght an d l ef t si de bot tom hinges. Se par at e l ow hi nge sha f t by usi ng 5 / 32 wr ench an d dis as se mble low hinge leg by tu rnin g i t co loc k wis e, a nd t hen as se mble the low hinge by tur ning it o v e r.
16 _ se tti ng up A ss emble t he le f t u pper h inge o n t he lef t si de by us ing 3 bo lt s a nd r ea t ta ch th e gro und wire usi ng 1 s cre w. Y o u ca n ge t th e hing e fr om t he i nst al lat ion to ol box s uppli ed wi th yo ur n ew S amsu ng re fr iger at or.
LEVELING THE REFRIGERA TOR Af te r put ti ng th e doo rs ba ck o n the Re fr ige rato r , ma ke sur e the Re fr ige ra tor is leve l so th at you c an ma ke fin al ad ju stme nts. If th e Ref ri ge rator i s not le vel, it w il l not be p os sib le to ge t the d oor s pe r fe ctl y eve n.
o pe r a t i ng y ou r sa m s u n g r e f rig er a t o r Use this page to become more familiar with the parts and featur es of the Refrigerator . P AR TS AND FEA TURES Fridge Light Multi-Purpose Door.
02 OPERA TING ope ra ting _1 9 ( 1 ) Power Freeze Button Pressthisbuttontofr eezefoodquickly. (PowerFreezewilllast2andahalfhours.) ( 2 ) Freezer Button Freezer temperatur e set button. PressthisbuttontosettheFr eezertempbetween-14ºCand-25ºC.
o pe r a t i ng y ou r sa m s u n g r e f rig er a t o r CONTROLLING THE TEMPERA TURE Setting the fr eezer temperature - T he Freeze r te mp era ture will cha ng e d ep en din g o n th e n umb er of do or ope nin gs, qua ntit y of foo d, am bi ent te mp era ture, etc.
Wh en s el ec tin g the f ri dge te mp era ture, th e set te mp era ture i s di spl ayed in iti all y fo r 5 se co nd s, the n th e ac tua l tem pe ratu re is display e d .
22 _ operating o pe r a t i ng y ou r sa m s u n g r e f rig er a t o r Th e ic e ma ker w il l prod uc e 8 cu be s pe r cyc le - a pp roxim atel y 1 0 0~ 1 3 0 cu be s in a 2 4-h our pe ri od, d ep en din g on f re eze r co mpa r tm ent temp er atur e, roo m tem pe ratu re, n umb er of d oo r o pe nin gs a nd othe r us e c on dit ion s.
ST ORING FOOD IN THE REF RIGER A TOR Th e Sa ms ung R efr ig er ator ha s be en d es ig ne d to provi de yo u wit h ma x im um sp ace s av ing fe atu res a nd fu nc tio ns.He rea resom eofth ecus tomize dco mp ar tm en tswehavec rea tedtokee pyourfo odf re she r lo nge r .
o pe r a t i ng y ou r sa m s u n g r e f rig er a t o r REMO VING AND REL OC A TING THE FRIDGE A CCESSORIE S Du st re mova l met hod - Re move th e gua rd a nd was h in wa ter . Do n ot adj ust a b in f ul l of food s. 1 . D oor B ins T o re move - S im ply l if t t he bi n up a nd pu ll st rai ght o ut.
REMO VING THE F R EEZER A CCESSORIE S 1 . Pul l Out D rawer T ore move- Pul lthed rawe rou ttofullex te ns ion. Ti lt u p rea r of dr awer a nd li f t st rai ght o ut. (Re fer to pi ctu re 1 & 2) Op en t he f reeze r do or f ul ly a nd re move th e drawe r .
26_ operating Whe n the water d ispe nse r is not in us e, the foll owing is r ecom men ded 1 . F ix th e water s up ply d ev ice t igh tly i nto the fi xin g ho le.
02 OPERA TING ope ra ting _ 27 Cle anin g the Inte rio r Cl ea n th e ins id e wa lls a nd acc es so ri es w ith a mi ld d eterg en t an d th en wip e d r y w ith a s of t c loth. Y ou ca n re move the dra wer s an d sh el ve s for a mo re th oro ugh cl ea nin g.
Replacing the interior light For L ED la mp, ple as e co ntac t se r v ic e eng in ee r to rep lac e it. o pe r a t i ng y ou r sa m s u n g r e f rig er a t o r 28_ operatin g DA68-01817A-07.
troubleshooting _29 03 TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION Th e Re fr ig er ato r do es n ot wor k at a ll o r it d oe s not ch ill s uf ci en tly. • C he ckth atth epow erp lu gispr op er lyc on ne cte d.
memo DA68-01817A-07.indd 30 2010.10.7 2:28:42 PM.
memo DA68-01817A-07.indd 31 2010.10.7 2:28:42 PM.
Cod e No . D A68- 0 1 8 1 7 A R E V (0. 7) English Cor r ect D is pos al of Thi s Pr odu ct ( Waste El ect ric al & Ele ctr oni c Equi pme nt) (Applicable in the European Union and other European .
デバイスSamsung RL62VCRSの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Samsung RL62VCRSをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはSamsung RL62VCRSの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Samsung RL62VCRSの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Samsung RL62VCRSで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Samsung RL62VCRSを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はSamsung RL62VCRSの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Samsung RL62VCRSに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちSamsung RL62VCRSデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。