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Model C 707 So ft S erve Freezer Original Ope ra ting Instruc tions 059060 - - M May , 2003 (Ori gi nal Publi cat ion) (Up da ted 7 /2 /12 ).
Com plete thi s page for qui ck r efer ence whe n ser vice i s re quir ed: T aylor Distri butor: Address: Phone: Serv ice: Par ts: Date of Installation: Infor ma tion found on the data label : Model N.
Model C7 0 7 T able of Cont ents T able of Contents Section 1 T o the Installer 1 ............................................ Section 2 T o the Oper ator 4 ........................................... Section 3 Sa fety 5 ..............................
T able of Cont ents Mode l C70 7 T able of C ontents - - Page 2 Rinsing 21 .............................................................. Cleaning 21 ............................................................. Disassemb ly 22 .......................
1 Mode l C7 07 T o the Installer 081208 Section 1 T o th e Installer The f ollowing are gener al inst allation instr uct ions. F or complet e inst allation det ails, pleas e see the checkout card. Installer Safety In all ar eas of t he world, equipment should be installed in accor dance with exist ing local codes.
2 Mode l C7 07 T o the Installer W ater Connect ions (Water Cool ed Un it s On ly) An adequate c old wat er supply mus t be provided wit h a hand shut - - off valve. O n t he underside rear of the base pan, two 3/ 8” I. P .S. wat er connec tions f or inlet and outlet hav e been pr ovided f or eas y hook - - up.
3 Mode l C7 07 T o the Installer 120702 Appliances that ar e permanent ly connected t o fixed wir ing and for which leakage current s may exceed 10 mA, part icular ly when dis connect ed or not used f.
4 Mode l C7 07 T o the Operator 080714 Sec tion 2 T o the Ope rator The M odel C707 has been car efully engineered and manuf actur ed to give y ou dependable operation. This unit, when proper ly operated and cared for, will produce a c onsist ent qualit y product.
5 Mode l C7 07 Safety 1 101 17 Se cti on 3 Sa fety We, at T aylor Company , ar e c oncerned about the safet y of the operator when he or she comes in cont act with t he fr eezer and it s par ts. T aylor has gone to extr eme effor ts t o design and manuf act ure built - - in safet y f eatur es to pr otect bot h you and the service technic ian.
6 Model C 7 07 Safety 080908 S DO NOT allow unt rained pers onnel to operat e this m achine. S DO NOT operat e t he freez er unless all serv ice panels and access doors ar e restrain ed with screw s. S DO NOT rem ove any int ernal operat ing part s (examples: f reezer door, beater , scr aper blades, et c.
7 Mo del C707 Op erato r Parts I den ti ficat io n 080715 Section 4 Operator Parts Identif ication Model C707 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 COVER-HOPPER COMPLETE 053809-1 2 PAN-DRI P 11-5/ 8 LONG 027.
8 Model C 7 07 Op erato r Parts I den ti ficat io n 1 10630 Model C707 S ingle Spout D oor and Beater Assem bly ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 DOOR A.- W/BAFFLE X56071-SER 2 HANDLE A.- DRAW-W ELDED X56246 3 SCREW-ADJUSTMENT- 5/16- 24 056332 4 O-RI NG- 1/4 OD X .
9 Mo del C707 Op erato r Parts I den ti ficat io n 1 10915 Br ushes ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 BLACK BRISTLE BRUSH 013071 2 DOUBLE END BRUSH 013072 3 WHITE BRI STLE BRUSH (1” x 2”) 013073 4 WHITE BRI STLE BRUSH (3” x 7”) 023316 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO.
11 Model C7 0 7 Impor ta nt: T o the Opera tor Sym bol Defi nitions T o bett er com municat e in the I nternat ional arena, sym bols have replac ed words on many of our oper ator switc hes, f unction, and fault indicator s. Y our T aylor equipment is designed with thes e Int ernational symbol s.
12 Model C7 0 7 Importa nt: T o the Ope ra tor 060518 AUT O Key When t he AUTO k ey is pr essed, the light com es on. This ind icates that the main re frigeratio n syst em has been acti vated. In t he AUTO m ode, t he W ASH or ST ANDBY func tions ar e autom atically canc elled.
13 Model C7 0 7 Impor ta nt: T o the Opera tor 0501 12 Feed T ube Assem bly The f eed tube as sembly s erves two pur poses. O ne end of t he tube has a hole and t he other end does not . 1. Normal O perat io n During norm al operation, the end of the feed tube with t he hole is plac ed into t he mix inlet hole.
14 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Section 6 Operating Procedures The C707 unit st ores m ix in a hopper . I t has a 3. 4 quart (3.2 lit er) capacit y f reezing c ylinder and a 20 quart (18.9 lit er) m ix hopper . T his unit us es a f eed t ube to allow mix t o flow int o the f reezing c ylinder .
15 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res USE EXT REME CAUT I ON when handling the beat er ass embly . The scr aper blades are ver y sharp and m ay cause injur y . Step 2 In stal l th e beat er assembl y . If t he blades ar e in good condition, take one of the scr aper blades and slip it under t he hook at t he fr ont of t he beat er .
16 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res 080815 Step 4 In stal l the draw val ve. Sli de th e tw o o- -ring s into th e grooves on the dr aw valve, and lubric ate. Figur e 8 Lubricat e the ins ide of t he freez er door s pout, t op and bott om, and insert t he draw valv e from t he top unt il the draw valv e is at t he bott om.
17 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Step 7 Inst all t he front drip tr ay and t he splash shield under the door spout . Figur e 13 Step 8 Slide two o - - rings on one end of t he feed t ube. Slide two o - - r ings on the ot her end of t he feed t ube.
18 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res 080715 Sani tizing Step 1 Prepar e an approved 100 PP M sanit izing solut ion (exam ples: 2 - - 1/2 gal. [9. 5 liters] of K ay - - 5 R or 2 gal. [7. 6 liters] of S tera - - S heen R ). USE W ARM W A- TER A ND FO LLOW T HE MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICA TI ONS.
19 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res 0501 12 Step 5 Pres s the WASH key . This will cause t he sanit izing solution in t he f reezing cy linder to agit ate. Allow it t o agitat e for fiv e minutes . Figur e 23 Step 6 Wit h an empt y pail beneath the door spout , rais e t he prime plug.
20 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res Prim ing Step 1 Place an em pty pail beneath the door spout and lower the draw handle. Be s ure the prime plug is st ill in the UP position. Pour two gallons (7.6 liters ) of fresh mix into the hopper and allow it to flow into the freez ing cylinder.
21 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res 080908 Dr aining P roduct Fr om the Freez ing Cylinder Step 1 Pres s the A UTO key , cancelling com pressor and beater m otor operat ion. Pres s the M IX RE F key , canc elling the mix hopper refrige ration system.
22 Model C 7 07 Op erati ng Pro cedu res 1 10915 Disassem bly Step 1 Be s ure t he power s witc h is in the OFF position. Make s ure no lights are lit on the c ontr ol panel. Step 2 Remove t he handscr ews, f reez er door , beat er , beater, scr aper blades, and drive s haft fr om the f reez ing cylinder.
23 Model C7 0 7 Impor ta nt: Oper at or Che ck lis t 080401 Section 7 Important: Operator Checklist Dur ing Cleani ng and Sani tizing AL W A YS FOLLOW LOCAL HEAL TH CODES. Clean in g and san it iz in g sched ul es are g overn ed by fe de ra l, st at e, or loca l re gulat ory age ncie s , and mu st be f ol lo wed acco rdi ng ly .
24 Model C7 0 7 Importa nt: Ope ra tor C hec k list 080401 j 6. If y our machine is air cooled, c heck the condenser s for accumulat ion of dirt and lint. Dirt y condensers will reduc e t he efficiency and capacit y of the m achine. Condensers should be cleaned monthly with a sof t brus h.
25 Model C 7 07 T r ouble shooting Guide Section 8 T roubleshooting G uide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 1. No product is being dispensed wit h draw valv e open and the m achine in the AUTO mode. a. Fr eeze - - up in mix inlet hole. a. Call serv ice tec hnician to adjust the m ix hopper tem peratur e.
26 Model C 7 07 T r ouble shooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 6. The dr ive shaf t is st uck in the dri ve coupling. a. Rounded corner s of dr ive shaft , coupling, or bot h. a. Call serv ice tec hnician to corr ect cause, and to replace t he necess ary component s.
27 Mo del C707 Parts Rep lacemen t Sch edu l e 1 10915 Section 9 Parts Replacement Schedule P ART DESCRIPTION EVER Y 3M O N T H S EVER Y 6M O N T H S ANNUALL Y Drive S haft Seal X Scr aper Blade X Fr .
Section 10 Parts List + A vai labl e Separat el y 28 Parts List Model C 7 07 1 101 18 DESCRI PTI ON P ART NUMBER C707 QTY . W ARR. CLASS REMARKS BEARING- FRONT 050216 1 000 BEARING- REAR SHELL *NI CK.PLATE 031324 1 000 +GUIDE- DRIP SEAL 028992 1 000 +NUT-BRASS BEARI NG 028991 1 000 +O-R ING- 1/ 2OD X .
29 + A vai labl e Separat el y Model C 7 07 Parts List DESCRI PTI ON RE MARKS W ARR. CLASS C707 QTY . P ART NUMBER COMPRESSOR PL35G 055187-27 1 512 SHR +RELAY-START- COMPRESSOR 055358 1 103 +CAPACITOR- START 60UF-220/ 275 047703 1 103 CONDENSER-AC- 15LX14HX2.
+ A vai labl e Separat el y 30 Parts List Model C 7 07 DESCRI PTI ON RE MARKS W ARR. CLASS C707 QTY . P ART NUMBER HARNESS-WI RE * C706*BEATER MTR 056328- 33G 1 103 208-230V 60HZ 3PH JACK A.- FLAVORBURST *C706* X56353 1 103 KIT- MOUNTING- COMPRESSOR 047704 1 000 KIT A.
31 + A vai labl e Separat el y Model C 7 07 Parts List DESCRI PTI ON RE MARKS W ARR. CLASS C707 QTY . P ART NUMBER +O-R ING- 3/ 8 OD X .070W 016137 1 000 PAIL- MIX 10 QT. 013163 1 000 PAN-DRI P 11-5/ 8 LONG 027503 1 103 SIDE PANEL PANEL A.- FRONT-UPPER * C706* X58950 1 103 PANEL-FRONT- LOWER * C706* 058942 1 103 PANEL A.
+ A vai labl e Separat el y 32 Parts List Model C 7 07 DESCRI PTI ON RE MARKS W ARR. CLASS C707 QTY . P ART NUMBER STARTER-3 PHASE 4 TO 6. 5 AMP 066794-33J 1 103 208- 230V 60HZ 3PH - REPLACES 041950- 33J SWITCH A. -DRAW * C706* X56147 1 103 ARM A.- DRAW *C706* X56253 1 103 E-RI NG 3/16 .
33 + A vai labl e Separat el y Model C 7 07 Parts List DESCRI PTI ON RE MARKS W ARR. CLASS C707 QTY . P ART NUMBER BRACKET-FAN * 453/750* 038641 1 103 +FAN-5 BLADE 10 " PUSH 013043 1 103 PANEL-REAR *C707/ 9* WC 056077-SP4 1 103 PANEL-SI DE-RI GHT * C706/C707* 064148 1 103 VALVE A.
+ A vai labl e Separat el y 34 Parts List Model C 7 07 DESCRI PTI ON RE MARKS W ARR. CLASS C707 QTY . P ART NUMBER 1 1/12/02 TO 12/ 04/06 DIAGRAM- WI RING * C706* C707* 064288-40 1 000 220- 240V 50HZ .
Model C 7 07 064288 - - 27 Rev . 6/1 1.
Model C 7 07 064288 - - 33 Rev . 6/1 1.
Model C 7 07 064288 - - 40 Rev . 6/1 1.
Model C 7 07 064288 - - 58 Rev . 6/1 1.
デバイスTaylor C707の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Taylor C707をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTaylor C707の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Taylor C707の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Taylor C707で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Taylor C707を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTaylor C707の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Taylor C707に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTaylor C707デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。