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Models RD30 & RC25 Remote Slim - Line Sl ush F reezer Original Ope rating Instr uctions 051060 - - M 1 1/99 (Original Publication) (Up dated 6/1 1/12).
Com plete this page for quick r efer ence when ser vice i s requir ed: T aylor Dis tributor: Address: Phone: Serv ice: Par ts: Date of Installation: Infor mation found on the data label: Model Number:.
T able of Conte nts Models R D3 0/RC 25 T able of Contents Section 1 T o the Installer 1 ............................................ Installer Safety 1 ........................................................ Site P reparation 1 .....................
Mode ls RD3 0/RC 25 T able of C ontents T able of C ontents - - P age 2 Cleaning 21 ............................................................. Disassemb ly 21 .......................................................... Brush Cleani ng 22 ...........
1 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Installer 081208 Section 1 T o th e Installer The f ollowing are general installat ion instr uct ions. F or complet e inst allation det ails, pleas e see t he c heck out card. Installer Safety In all ar eas of t he world, equipment should be installed in accor dance with exist ing local codes.
2 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Installer 12061 1 Electr ical Connections In t he United S tat es, t his equipment is int ended t o be installed in accor dance with the Nat ional E lectr ical Code (NEC), ANS I/ NFP A 70-1987.
3 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Installer 12061 1 Refr igerant In consider ation of our envir onment , T aylor proudly uses only ear th f riendly HF C r efr igerants .
4 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Installer Singl e Dis pens ing Ins tall ations Suc tion Line - - Less t han 75 ft . (22.8 m ) t otal line length requir es 5/8” refr igerant grade copper tubing (hard or sof t ). M aximum 5/8” t ubing lengt h is 75 ft.
5 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Installer Installation Step 1 Inst all ref rigerat ion lines f rom t he dispenser t o the condensing unit . Do not creat e oil tr aps. Note: F or pr oper oil r eturn, ins tallat ion of horiz ontal suct ion lines are t o be sloped downward in t he direct ion of t he condensing unit .
6 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Installer Step 6 Check all connect ions for leak s. Step 7 Insulat e all expos ed suct ion line tubing and f itt ings. Step 8 Set t he pump down swit ch located in t he condensing unit. F or indoor condens ing unit application: Set cut in at 30 PSIG ( 207 kPa).
7 Mod el s RD30/RC25 T o th e Operator 081029 Sec tion 2 T o the Ope rator The f reezer you have purchas ed has been caref ully engineered and manuf act ured to give you dependable operat ion. The T aylor M odel RD30/RC25, when properly operat ed and c ared f or , will pr oduce a consist ent qualit y product.
8 Mod el s RD30/RC25 Safety 1 10824 Se cti on 3 Sa fety We at T aylor Company are c oncerned about the saf ety of the operator when he or she comes in contact wit h the f reezer and it s part s. T ay lor has gone to extrem e effort s t o design and manuf actur e built - - in saf ety feat ures t o prot ect bot h you and t he serv ice technician.
9 Mod el s RD30/RC25 Safety 081029 S DO NOT allow unt rained pers onnel to operat e this m achine. S DO NOT oper ate t he freez er unless all serv ice panels and access doors ar e restrain ed with screws. S DO NOT r emove any int ernal oper ating part s (examples : fr eezer door , beat er , scr aper blades, et c.
10 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n Section 4 Operator Parts Identif ication Model RD3 0 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 Cover- - Rear 049201 2 Cover- - Hopper 049081 3 Re tain er - - Clip 049419 4 Panel A.- - Rear X48983 5 Panel- - Side - - Right 048977 6 Leg A.
11 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erato r Parts I den ti ficat io n Beater Door A ssembly ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NO. 1 Door Asse mbly- - Complete X48768 1a Screw- - 1/4- - 20 x 9/16 Thumb 047632 1b Knob- - Draw V alve - - Black Pl astic 047358 1c Plat e - - Draw Spout Mount ing 049275 1d Spout- - Door Zero W aste 049276 1e O - -R i n g- -2 .
12 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Impor tant: T o the Opera tor Section 5 Important: T o the Operator Figur e 3 Contr ol Switch The cont rol s witch is located on the f ront of the machine. T he cent er posit ion is “ OF F” . The down position i s the “ W AS H” mode and activat es t he beater motor only .
13 Models R D3 0/RC 25 Oper ating Pr ocedur es Section 6 Operating Procedures We begin our instruc tions at t he point where the parts are disas sembled and laid out to dr y from t he previous night’s cleaning.
14 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 2 In stal l t he b eater assembl y . F irst check s craper blades for any nicks or signs of wear . If any nicks are present or if t he blade is wor n, replac e both blades. Figur e 7 If blades are in good c ondition, ins tall t he scr aper blade clip over the s craper blade.
15 Models R D3 0/RC 25 Oper ating Pr ocedur es Inser t t he tor que rot or (guide bearing end firs t) int o the pilot hole in the center of t he dr ive shaf t. The hole in the tor que rotor s haft s hould be rot ated t o the 12 o’clock position. Figur e 12 Step 4 Insta ll the fre eze r door .
16 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Place the door spout seal o- - ring int o t he groove in the door and lubric ate t he component s. Figur e 16 Align the dr aw spout assembly with the door . P lace the draw spout mounting plat e ov er t he dr aw spout assem bly and align the holes .
17 Models R D3 0/RC 25 Oper ating Pr ocedur es 081029 Step 6 Inst all t he handscrews on t he studs . Tighten the scr ews equally , using a cr iss - - cr oss patt ern. Do not overt ig hten th e han d screws. Figur e 21 Step 7 Insta ll the torque ar m.
18 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erati ng Pro ced ures 081029 Place the c ontrol swit ch in the “ W AS H” position. Press the f ill swit ch t o act ivat e the mix solenoid. The m ix solenoid will rem ain open unt il the mix level f loat s witc h is sat isf ied.
19 Models R D3 0/RC 25 Oper ating Pr ocedur es 081029 Step 2 Disp enser . Pr epare a pail of approved 100 PPM saniti zing solution (examples : 2- - 1/2 gal. [ 9. 5 liter s] of Kay- - 5 R or 2 gal. [ 7.6 liters ] of Ster a- - Sheen R ). USE W ARM W A T ER AND F OLLO W THE MANUFACTUR- ER’S SPECIF ICA TIO NS.
20 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Prim ing Step 1 Wit h a mix pail beneath t he door spout, open the draw valve. Press the f ill swit ch t o allow f resh produc t to flow into t he fr eezing cylinder . T his will force out any remaining sanitiz ing solution.
21 Models R D3 0/RC 25 Oper ating Pr ocedur es 081029 Rinsing Step 1 Remove t he upper rear cover, and open t he hopper cover . Step 2 Pour cool , clean water into t he m ix hopper and allow it t o flow int o the f reezing c ylinder . Wit h the br ushes provided, scrub t he mix hopper, mix inlet hole, and m ix level float swit ch.
22 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Op erati ng Pro ced ures Br ush Cleaning Step 1 Prepar e a s ink wit h an appr oved cleaning solution in W ARM W A TER A CCORDI NG TO T HE MANUF ACTUR ER’S SPECIFICA TIONS. Make sure all brushes pr ovided with the f reezer are available for brush c leaning.
23 Models R D3 0/RC 25 Impor tant: Ope rat or Chec klis t 051214 Section 7 Important: Operator Checklist Dur ing Cl eaning and Sani tizing AL W A YS FOLLOW LOCAL HEAL TH CODES. Cleaning and saniti zing schedules are gover ned by your S tat e or local regulator y agencies and must be followed acc ordingly .
24 Mo del s RD30/RC25 T rouble shooting Guide Section 8 T roubleshooting G uide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 1. No product is being dispensed wit h the dr aw valve open. a. Pr oduct f reez e- - up due to improper pr oduct mix ing. a. F ollow direct ions f or mixing pr oduct c aref ully .
25 Models R D3 0/RC 25 T rouble shooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 4. The f reez ing cylinder walls are sc ored. a. Br oken beat er pins. a. Repair or replac e the beater ass embly . -- -- b. T he gear unit is out of alignment .
26 Mo del s RD30/RC25 T rouble shooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 8. The unit is not freez ing product when placed in the “ AUTO” m ode. a. T he tor que rotor is bound, leaving the t orque ar m in the cold pos ition. Ther efore t he com pressor will not run.
27 Mo del s RD30/RC25 Parts Rep lacemen t Sch ed ul e Section 9 Parts Replacement Schedule P ART DESCRIPTION EVER Y 3M O N T H S EVER Y 6M O N T H S ANNUALL Y Scr aper Blade Inspec t & Replace if .
Section 10 Parts List + Avail able Separ ately 28 Parts List Mo del s RD30/RC25 RD30 DESCRI PT IO N P ART NUMBER RD30 QTY . W ARR. CLASS REMARKS P ARTS UPDA T E ARM-TORQ UE *340-1- 2* 014500 1 103 BEA.
29 + Avail able Separ ately Mo del s RD30/RC25 Parts List DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RD30 QTY . P ART NUMBER DECAL-REFRI GERATION-LI QUID 049205 1 000 DECAL-REFRI GERATION-SUCTI ON 049204 1 000 DIAGRAM- WIRING * RD30* 049179-12 1 000 115V- 60-1 DIAGRAM- WIRING * RD30* 049179-40 1 000 220- 240V-50- 1 DOOR A.
+ Avail able Separ ately 30 Parts List Mo del s RD30/RC25 DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RD30 QTY . P ART NUMBER LABEL-WARNI NG-COVER 51433 3 000 LE G A.
31 + Avail able Separ ately Mo del s RD30/RC25 Parts List DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RD30 QTY . P ART NUMBER PULLEY-AK30 X 5/ 8 033559 1 103 BEATER MOTOR PULLEY-AK64- 5/8 007.
+ Avail able Separ ately 32 Parts List Mo del s RD30/RC25 DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RD30 QTY . P ART NUMBER BRACKET-CONTROL * RD30* 049047 1 103 BUSHING- 1/2OD X 3/8I D-PLASTIC 014474 2 000 PIVOT HUB BUSHING- CONTROL *RD30* 049046 1 103 TORQ ADJUSTMENT SCREW HUB A.
33 + Avail able Separ ately Mo del s RD30/RC25 Parts List DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RD30 QTY . P ART NUMBER VALVE-SOLENOI D-7/64ORF X 1/ 4S 043449- 1 103 J8012411/ UP (FOR L.
+ Avail able Separ ately 34 Parts List Mo del s RD30/RC25 RC25 DESCRI PT IO N P ART NUMBER RC25 QTY . W ARR. CLASS REMARKS P ARTS UPDA T E BOOT-ROTOLOCK VALVE 037116 1 000 J7032493/PRI OR (TECUMSEH) B.
35 + Avail able Separ ately Mo del s RD30/RC25 Parts List DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RC25 QTY . P ART NUMBER +FAN-BLADE CONDENSER * RC25* 049515 1 103 MOTOR-FAN 050265- 27 1 .
+ Avail able Separ ately 36 Parts List Mo del s RD30/RC25 DESCRI PT IO N P ART S UPDA T E REMARKS W ARR. CLASS RC25 QTY . P ART NUMBER +CAPACITOR- RUN- 45UF/370V 52400 1 103 +CAPACITOR- START-145-175U.
Mode l RD3 0 049179-12 Rev . 8/ 1 1.
Mode l RD3 0 049179-12C Rev . 8/ 1 1.
Mode l RD3 0 049179-40 Rev . 8/ 1 1.
デバイスTaylor RC25の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Taylor RC25をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTaylor RC25の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Taylor RC25の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Taylor RC25で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Taylor RC25を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTaylor RC25の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Taylor RC25に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTaylor RC25デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。