True Manufacturing CompanyメーカーPS/50の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 39 / 800.426.6570 / 1.636.272.7100 Recu mb e nt B ike Owne r’ s Gu ide.
Thank Y ou Fo r S e lectin g Tru e “Our ori ginal goal w as to build the wo rld’ s best fitness equipme nt , and to da y we b elieve we’re do ing it!” -Frank Trulaske In 1981, Frank T rula ske launched TRUE Fitness®, and be gan manufacturing hand- craf ted treadmill s .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 3 Review fo r Y ou r Safety I S I Whe n using this e x erc ise mach ine, b a sic prec autions should always be follow ed , which includes the following : Read and understand all instr uctions and war nings pr ior to use.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 4 St ar ting U p Qu i ck St ar t P aus i ng Y ou r Wo rkout Changing the Da t a D is pla y • Be ginp ed aling . • Thedisplaywilllightupandprom ptyouforyourweight, workout selection, and workout time.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 5 T ab le o f Co nte nts Quick Start .....................................................................................................................4 1.RidingY ourBike.............................
Chapte r O ne Ridin g Y ou r B ike In T h is Chapter: Gettin g Co mfo r t ab le Ri di ng Effi ci entl y & C omfo r t ab l y Us in g th e Ch est Strap Us in g C o nt act Hear t Ra te Gettin g th e .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 7 G ettin g Comfo r t ab le C O: R Y B Settin g You r Wei ght S e at Adjust ment The body weight setting do es not affe ct the calor ie expenditure calculation.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 8 Most riders w ill find a comfort/eff icienc y swe et sp ot at a pe dal cadence around 80 rpm. More ser ious riders desir ing maximum per formance typic ally pe dal at around 100 r pm.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 9 Us in g the Chest Strap C O: R Y B Mo nit o ring You r Hear t Ra te The PS50 bike ha s two ways of monitoring your hear t rate: 1. By using a chest strap thattransmit s your heart rat e tothe bike v ia radio.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 10 Us in g the Chest Strap C O: R Y B When you wear a Polar ® or com patible transmitter stra p, the bike will display your hear t rate as a digital b eats - per-min ute (bpm)re adout.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 11 Us in g Co nt act H ear t Ra te C O: R Y B The CHR sy stem lets you monitor your hear t rate without wearing a strap. Gently gra sp the contact heart rate pads a s shown below .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 12 G etting the B est Resu l ts Poss ib le C O: R Y B Fo r B est Resul ts 1. Exercise with smooth b ody motions . A void ex cessive bo dy motion, esp eci ally in your arms and upp er bo dy .
Chapte r T wo The D is pl a y In T h is Chapter: T he D is pla y T he U pp er P anel T he L ower P anel Chapter 1: R iding Y our Bike Chapter 2: The Display Chapter 3: Pre-S et W or kouts Chapter 4: H.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 14 Y ou r D is pl a y C T: T D The bike displa y has two j obs : to let you control t he bike operation, and to give you fee dback about your workout . The contr ols are simple and designe d to be foolpro of ; it’ s hard to press a “wrong ” ke y .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 15 The U ppe r P anel C T: T D T ime: The amount of time remaining in your workout. If you press , this becomes elapsed time: how long you’ve been working out so far .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 16 The Lowe r P ane l C T: T D Start : Starts a workout W orklo ad: Adjusts work - load up and down. Key s repeat if held down. Enter: Accepts the current data entry.
Chapte r Thre e Pre-S et Wo rkouts In T h is Chapter: Ho w T hes e Mo des Wo rk Wo rkout Pro fi les Chapter 1: R iding Y our Bike Chapter 2: The Display Chapter 3: Pre-S et W or kouts Chapter 4: Hear .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 18 How Thes e Mo d es Wo rk C T: P-S W F ivedifferentpre-setworkoutsarediscu sse dbelow(HRC Cruis eControliscover edinC hapter4): • Manual : this mo de changes workload in 10-w att increments .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 19 Wo rkout Pro f iles C T: P-S W Wo rkout Pro f iles C ard io Challe n ge F a t Bu rn H ills.
Chapte r Fou r H ear t Ra te Co ntro l In T h is Chapter: HRC Intr oduc tio n Ho w T hes e Mo des Wo rk HRC Progr a ms Impo r t ant Po i nt s About HRC Chapter 1: R iding Y our Bike Chapter 2: The Dis.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 21 HRC I ntr o ductio n C F: H R C HRC Intr o ductio n TRUE’ s H RC workout lets the bike.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 22 How Thes e Mo d es Wo rk C F: H R C Constant HRC is the best-known typ e of HRC , and is the ea siest to use. The bike will gradually rais e your hear t rate so tha t you reach your target within 5 to 7 minutes.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 23 The PS50 bike has two typ es of he art rate contr ol: • Con st ant : pick a target he art rate, and the bike will contr ol your workout from the ver y beg inning so that you reach your target within five to se ven minutes .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 24 T ar g e t H e a r t R a te Tips The heart rate monitor transmit ter strap should be worn accor ding to the guidelines in Chapter 1 . If the transmitter stra p is adjusted or move d while exer cising , hear t rate monit oring may be temporarily af fecte d.
Chapte r F ive Crea tin g An E xe rcis e Progra m In T h is Chapter: Wha t is th e F .I.T . C o n cept? Us in g th e F .I.T . C o n cept Y our F .I.T .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 26 The workout por tion of your ex ercise prog ram consists of three major v ariables : Frequenc y , Intensity , and T ime. Frequenc y: HowO ften Y ouE xe rci se Y ou should ex ercise three to five time s a week to improve your cardiova scular and mus cle f itness .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 27 Wha t is the F .I.T . Co nce pt? C F: C E P As your f itness le vel improves , you w ill nee d to increa se your workout intensity in order to reach your target hear t rate.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 28 The F .I. T . concept is desig ne d to help you b egin a prog ram tailored to your ne eds . Y ou may wish to kee p an ex ercise log to monitor your prog ress . Y ou can get v aluable fitness b enefit s from your TRUE PS Bike.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 29 Y ou r F .I.T . Progra m C F: C E P B eginning Yo ur Exercis e Program In addition to monitoring your heart rate a s you exer cise, b e certain of how quickly your he art rate re covers .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 30 Y ou r F .I.T . Progra m C F: C E P W orkout :Br isk and Rhythmic E x erc ise W orking out trains and conditions your hear t , lungs , and muscles so your b ody c an operate more ef ficiently .
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 31 Est ab lishin g & Maint aining F itness C F: C E P Est a.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 32 We ight & S po r ts Training Programs C F: D E P S po r ts Training T r y to reach and maintain 60-75 percentof your ma ximum hear t rate with mo derate exer cis e.
Chapte r S ix C are and M ainte nan ce In T h is Chapter: Ho w t o Care fo r Y our Bi ke Chapter 1: R iding Y our Bike Chapter 2: The Display Chapter 3: Pre-S et W or kouts Chapter 4: Hear t R ate Con.
PS50 & PS100 Bike Owne r’ s Guid e 34 How t o C are fo r Y ou r B ike C S: C M Y our PS50 bike doe s not require any routine maint enance, including lubrication. Keeping it clean i s the most import ant ta sk .
Appe nd ix A T Arget Hear t R a te Char t Appe ndix A.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 36 Che ck wit h Yo u r Physi cian Appe nd ix A T arget Hear t Ra te Char t Remember to check w ith your physician before b eginning any exercise prog ram. Y our physician c an help de termine an appropriatetarget hear t rate.
Appe nd ix B Sp eci fica tio ns Appe ndix B.
PS50 Recumb ent B ike Owne r’ s Guide 38 Appe nd ix B Specif ica tions PS50 Re cumbent BrakeSystem Self-Generating W orkload Range 30 to 450 W at ts Belt Poly- V Display T y pe Led Data Rea.
©2008 TRUE FITNESS TECHNOLOGY , INC. TRUE is a registered trademark of TRUE FITNESS. Specifications subject to change. Founded 1981 865 Hoff R oad St.
デバイスTrue Manufacturing Company PS/50の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
True Manufacturing Company PS/50をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはTrue Manufacturing Company PS/50の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。True Manufacturing Company PS/50の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。True Manufacturing Company PS/50で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
True Manufacturing Company PS/50を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はTrue Manufacturing Company PS/50の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、True Manufacturing Company PS/50に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちTrue Manufacturing Company PS/50デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。