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Use and Car e Guide CO29 CO75 Combo ® Models: CO29 , CO75 ULI N _0 16357 _3008 9.fm Pag e 1 Monday , Mar ch 27, 200 6 10: 2 5 AM.
2 CO29, CO75 Cong ratu lati ons on you r pur chas e of a U- Line refri ger ation prod uct. A pi one er in the field f or mo re t han 40 yea rs, U-Lin e Corpo r atio n i s the world’ s numbe r one manufact urer of built-in , under-co unter , special ty refrigeration and ice maki n g produc t s.
CO29, CO75 3 Introduct io n . ................. ......................... ......................... ................. ......................... .... .............2 Warranty R egistration ........... ......................... ................. ........
4 CO29, CO75 This page intentio nally left b lank ULI N _0 16357 _3008 9.fm Pag e 4 Monday , Mar ch 27, 200 6 10: 2 5 AM.
CO29, CO75 5 IMPOR T AN T IMPOR T AN T PLEASE READ all instructions comp letely be fore attempt ing to insta ll, ope rate, or se rvice y our unit. • Proper ins talla tion p rocedures m ust be f ollo wed if th is unit is bei ng initia lly insta lled, or is move d to a n ew location after be ing in se rvice.
6 CO29, CO75 Origins Ice Maker/Refrigerator Models CO29, CO 75 • Bot h Or igins mode ls fea ture a manu al de frost ice make r with a daily pr oduct ion cap acity o f 18 lb s (8.2 kg) an d storage f or 13 lbs (5 .9 kg). • Mode l C O 29 provides 2.
CO29, CO75 7 T emperature Control Checki ng Product T emp erature Figur e 4 T o check the actual product temperatu r e, in refriger ator sect ion on ly , ins ert a n acc urat e ther mome ter i nto a p lasti c (non-b reakable) bo ttle that i s partially fi lled with wat er .
8 CO29, CO75 The ice bucket c a n be removed for empt ying and clea ning. T o r emove the ice b ucket, raise t he bin arm an d remove t he bucket from the ic e c ompartment .
CO29, CO75 9 Product Disposal If the u n i t is b ein g r em oved from service f o r dispo s a l, chec k and obey all Federal, Sta t e and/o r Local regulations rega rdin g the disp osa l and re cycl ing o f ref rige rat ion appl ian ces, a nd follow thes e steps comple t ely : 1.
10 CO29, CO75 • Do not use a ny solvent-based or abrasive cleaners. Th ese types of c l eaners may transmit taste to the i nterior products a nd damag e or discolor th e interior . Maintenance Pro per maint enance of you r U-Lin e produc t will ensure ef ficienc y , top pe rforma nce and long li fe.
CO29, CO75 11 Conde nser Cleaning Int erval - Ev ery Thr ee Mon ths T o maintain o per ational ef f icie ncy , keep the front g r i lle free o f dust and lint , and clean the con denser every three mont hs. De pen din g on env ir onment al co ndi tio ns, mor e or l ess freq uent c leaning may be necess ary .
12 CO29, CO75 Figu re 13 6. Plac e the two hook-hinges (Fig ure 13, 1) located on the rear bottom side of the grill e onto the f ront lip of the unit base. Tilt the grille up into pos ition a nd align the gril le mounting hole with the grille screw hole on the c abinet.
CO29, CO75 13 IMPOR T AN T IMPOR T AN T Use onl y ge nuine U- Line replac emen t parts. U-Line ice maker pa rts are not th e same as stand ard FSP Whirlpool parts. Using non U-Line parts can reduce ice rate , cause water t o overfl ow from ice maker mold, damage th e unit, a nd may v oid the warra nty .
14 CO29, CO75 Door R eversa l CO29: Dependin g upo n th e lo ca t ion o f th e u nit , it may be desir abl e to c hang e the si de on whic h the door is moun ted. NOTE: On built- in installati o ns, ch anging the door moun ting to the l eft s ide may int erfe re wi th ic e buck et remo val.
CO29, CO75 15 Figu re 25 6. Reloc ate plastic spac er/bushi ng (Fig ure 2 5, 1) on bottom of door to opposite side, and place door on bottom hi nge pin. Clean out bushing hole i n door bottom with a screw driver if needed. Figu re 26 7. Re move plasti c hole plug from door handl e and reloc ate on opposite side (Fig ure 26) .
16 CO29, CO75 CO75: NOTE: The grille should not yet be in stalled. If it h as b een installe d , rem o ve it f or doo r reve r sing. T o re verse the door on blac k models : Figu re 30 1. R emo ve top hinge from ca bine t (four screw s) (Figure 30) . Hold door to kee p it from falling.
CO29, CO75 17 8. Re locate plast ic spacer /bushing on bottom of door t o the oppos ite side (Fig ure 35) . Clean out bushing hole in door bottom if necess ary . Figu re 36 9. Plac e door on l ower hinge pin. Align flat edge of top hinge wi th outer edge of uni t and fasten upper hinge to unit (four screws).
18 CO29, CO75 Before Calling for Service If yo ur U-Lin e pr oduc t app ear s to be m alf uncti onin g, r ead thro ugh th e OPE RA TION s ecti on of th is gu ide to ensu re that the fun ctio n of al l con trols a re cle arly un ders tood .
CO29, CO75 19 T r ou bleshooting Guid e DANGER ELECTR OCUTION HAZARD Never attempt to rep air or pe rform ma intenance on the un it until the mai n electrical power ha s been disc onnecte d.
20 CO29, CO75 This page intentio nally left b lank ULI N _0 16357 _3008 9.fm Pag e 20 Mo nd ay, Marc h 27, 20 06 10:25 AM.
CO29, CO75 21 This page intentio nally left b lank ULI N _0 16357 _3008 9.fm Pag e 21 Mo nd ay, Marc h 27, 20 06 10:25 AM.
22 CO29, CO75 This page intentio nally left b lank ULI N _0 16357 _3008 9.fm Pag e 22 Mo nd ay, Marc h 27, 20 06 10:25 AM.
CO29, CO75 23 U- Line C orpo ratio n L imite d Warrant y U- Line Co rporati on warr ants each U-L ine prod uct to be fr ee from defect s in ma terial s and w orkmans hip f or a peri od of one y ear f .
For Gener al Inquiries : P .O. Box 245 040 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53224-95 40 U.S.A. Phone (800 ) 779-2 547 FA X (414) 354- 5696 www .U-Line.com For S ervice and Parts Assistance: Phone (800 ) 779-2 547 (414) 35 4-0300 FA X (414) 354- 5696 Email: OnLineService@U-Line.
デバイスU-Line CO75の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
U-Line CO75をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはU-Line CO75の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。U-Line CO75の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。U-Line CO75で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
U-Line CO75を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はU-Line CO75の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、U-Line CO75に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちU-Line CO75デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。