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SIDE B Y SIDE R EFR IGERATOR Use & Care Gu ide For quest ions abo ut fea tures, operat ion/perfo rmanc e, parts, accessories or service, c all: 1-800- 44-ROP ER (1-800-44 7-6737) . In Canada, call for assista nce 1-80 0-461-5 681 , for insta llation and servic e, call: 1-8 00-807- 6777 or visit ou r website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGERATOR SAFETY ...... .......................................... ............. 3 Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator .................................... 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ....................... ..............
3 REFR IGERATOR SAFETY Pr oper Disposal of Yo u r O l d R e f r i g e r a t o r IMPORT ANT : Child en trapment and s uffocation are not problems of the past. Junk ed or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous – even i f they will s it for “ just a few da ys.
4 INSTALLATION INSTR UCTIONS Unpacking Removin g packaging m aterials ■ Remove tape and gl ue residue from surfaces before turni ng on the refrigerator . Rub a small amount of liquid dish soap over the adhesi ve with your fingers. Wipe wit h warm water and dry .
5 Electrical Requiremen ts Before you move your r efrigerator into its final locat ion, it is important to m ake sure you have the proper electrical connection . Recommended gr ounding method A 115 V olt, 60 Hz. , AC o nly 1 5 or 20 a mpe re fused, groun ded electrica l supply i s requir ed.
6 Door Rem o v al TOOLS NEED ED: ¹⁄₄ in. hex-head socket wr ench, ⁵⁄ ₁₆ in. hex -head socket wrench and a flat-bla de screwdriver . IMPORT ANT : Before you begin, tur n the refrigerator cont rol OFF , unplug refrigerator or di sconnect power .
7 Handle Removal (optional) 1. Apply f irm pr essur e with yo ur han d on the fac e of trim. S lide top tri m up and bot tom trim d own aw ay fr om handle. Lif t trim pieces off shoulder s crews (see Graphic 1 ). NOTE : Some models in clude accent pieces betwe en the handle and the handl e trim.
8 4. Align and r eplace the top l eft hinge as s hown (s ee Graphic 4). Tighten screws. Style 1 ■ Reconnect bot h ground wires. ■ Reco nnect wi ring pl ug. Style 2 ■ Reco nnect wi ring pl ug. 5. Repl ace left hin ge cover and s crews . 6. Replace the refrigerator door by carefully lifting the door onto the bottom right hinge.
9 Connecting to Refrigerator Style 1 1. Un plug r efrig erat or or dis conn ect p ower . 2. Attach the cop per tube to the val ve inlet using a compression nut and slee ve as s hown . Tight en the co mpressi on nut . Do not over tig hten. 3. Use the tube c lamp on the back of th e refrigerator to secure the tubin g to the refrigerator as show n.
10 2. Use a st ur dy conta iner to depre ss the wate r dispe nser b ar until t he water be gins to f low . Flush the water s ystem by dispen sing and dis carding 2 to 3 gal. (8 to 12 L) of wat er . Cleani ng the syste m will take app r oximate ly 6 to 7 minutes and wil l help clear ai r from the line .
11 Adjusting Contr ols If you need to adjust temperatures, adjust the refrigerator temperat ure first. NOTE : W ait at least 24 hours between ad justmen ts and then recheck the temp eratures. T urn the control right (clockwise) to make the compartment colder .
12 The Dispenser Light The dispe nser area has a light. It can be tur ned on manu ally by pressing the ON button (touchpad or rocker switch) . On some mo dels: Whe never you us e the disp enser , the lever wil l automat ical ly tur n th e ligh t on.
13 5. With cartr idge cap in th e vertical posi tion, push the new filter cartridge i nto the base g rille until i t stops. Rotat e the cartr idge cap clockwise to a hori zontal position. F lush the water system (se e “ Flus hing the W ater Sy stem Af ter Rep laci ng Filter ” lat er in this s ection).
14 REFR IGERATOR FEATURES Y our model may have some or all of thes e features. Features that can be purchased s eparate ly as product ac cessories are lab eled with the wor d “ Ac cessory .
15 Con v er tible V egetable /Meat Draw er , Cr is per a nd C o v er s (on some models) Crisper and Convert ible V egetable Me at Drawers T o r emove and replace dr awers: 1.
16 FREEZER FEATURES Y our model may have some or all of thes e features. Features that can be purchased s eparate ly as product ac cessories are lab eled with the wor d “ Ac cessory .
17 REFR IGERATOR CARE Cleani ng Both the refrigerato r and freezer sect ions defrost automat ically . However , clean bot h sections a bout once a month to preve nt odors fr om building up . Wipe up spills imme diate ly . Cleaning your refrigerato r 1.
18 Crisper Lights ■ If necessa ry , remove the top crisp er drawer to acces s the crisp e r light sh ield. Rem ove the light shield by li fting the end s out of the brackets as shown. ■ Repl ace the li ght shield by in serting the ends into the brackets .
19 Moving When you a re moving your refrigerator to a ne w home, follow t h e s es t e p s t op r e p a r ei tf o rt h em o v e . 1. If you r ref rig erat or has an aut omatic ice m aker: ■ T urn off the wa ter supply t o the ice maker at l east one day ahead of time .
20 ■ Is an ice cube jammed in the ice maker ejector arm? F o rm o d e l sw i t has t a n d a r di c es t o r a g eb i n , r e m o v et h ei c e fr om the ejector arm wi th a pla stic utens il.
21 ■ Is there a water filter installed on the refrigerator? The water f iltrati on syst em may have ai r in the lin es, caus ing water to drip . Addit ional f lushi ng may help c lear air f rom the lines. Normal dis pense r use should flu sh air fro m the lines wi thin 24 to 72 hours.
22 ■ Accesso ry and repair parts s ales. ■ Specialized customer a ssistance ( Spanish s peaking, heari ng impai red, limit ed visio n, etc. ). ■ Referrals to l ocal deal ers, repair pa rts dis tributors, and service compan ies.
23 PR ODUCT DATA SHEETS Base Grille W ater Filtration Sy stem Model WF-NL300/NL300 capa city 300 G allons (1136 Liters) Model WF-L500/L500 capacity 500 Gallons (1893 Liters) This system has been teste d according to ANSI/NSF 42/53 for the reduction of the substances listed below .
24 R OPER ® REFRIGERA T OR W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY O N REFRIGERA TOR For one year from the date of purchase, when this refrigerator (exclu ding the water filt er) is operated and main tained.
25 S É CURIT É DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Mise au rebu t de v otre vieux r é fr ig é ra teur IMPORT ANT :L ’ emprisonneme nt et l ’é touff ement de s enfants n e sont p as un probl è me du pass é .
26 INSTR UCTIONS D ’ INSTALLATION D é ballag e Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ e mbal lage ■ Enleve r le ru ban adh é sif et tout r é sidu de coll e du r é frig é rateur avant d e le mettre en marche. Frotter une petite quanti t é de savo n liqui de à vais selle su r l ’ adh é sif avec les doigts .
27 Sp é cificati ons é le ctr iqu es Avant de placer le r é frig é rateur à son e mplacement f inal, il e st impor tant de vo us a ssurer d ’ avoir la c onnexion é lectrique appropri é e.
28 Enl è ve m e n t d e s p o r t e s OUTILS REQU IS : Cl é s à doui lles à t ê te hexagonale de ¹⁄₄ po, ⁵⁄₁₆ po, et un tou rnevis à lame plate.
29 Enl è v ement de s poign é es (f acultatif) 1. A p p l i q u e ru n ep r e s s i o nf o r t ea v e cv o t r em a i ns u rl as u r f a c e de la garnit ur e. Gli sser la ga rnitur e sup é rieur e vers le haut et la garnitur e inf é rieur e vers le bas hors de la poign é e.
30 4. Aligner et replacer la cha rni è re s u p é rie ure gauc he tel qu'indi qu é (voi r dessin 4 ). Serrer les vis. Style 1 ■ Reconnect er les de ux fils de l iaison à l a terre . ■ Reconnect er la fiche d es fils. Style 2 ■ Reconnect er la fiche d es fils.
31 6. Fixer le robin et d ’ arr ê t sur la cana lisatio n d ’ eau froide avec la b r i d ed et u y a u . V é rifier que l e raccord du r obinet est bien engag é dans l e trou de ¹⁄₄ po per c é dans la can alisat ion et que la rondelle d ’é tanch é it é est pl ac é es o u sl ab r i d ed e tuya u.
32 7. Brancher le r é frig é rateur ou reconnecter la sou r ce de co urant é lectrique. 8. Vi de r l e sy s t è me d ’ eau. V oir la sec tion “ Pr é parati on du syst è me d ’ ea u ” . REMARQUE : Attendr e 24 heu res pour prod uir e la pr emi è re quanti t é de gla ç ons.
33 Ne pas obs truer l ’ une ou l ’ autr e de ces ouve rtu r es d ’ a é rati on a v e cd e sa l i m e n t st e l sq u eb o i s s o n s g a z e u s e s ,c é r é al es, pain, etc. Si l es ouvertu res d ’ a é ration sont obstru é es, le d é bit d ’ air sera bloq u é et le r é g l a g ed el at e m p é rature ne fonc tionnera pas bien.
34 Certains mod è les dis tribu ent des gla ç ons en cubes et de l a glace concass é e. Av ant la di strib utio n de glac e, chois ir quel le sor te vous p r é f é rez. Les boutons de commande sont con ç us pour une util isatio n et un netto yage fa ciles .
35 Apr è s avoi r chang é la cartouche de filt re à eau, r é gler de nouveau le t é moin lumineu x de l ’é tat d u fi ltre à eau ea u en appuyant sur le commutateur 5 fois en l'espac e de 10 secondes. Le t é moin lumineux pass era du rouge au v ert lorsque le syst è me est r é gl é de nouveau .
36 Machine à gl a ç ons e t bac (sur cer tains mod è les - Accessoire) Mise en marche/arr ê td el am a c h i n e à gla ç ons : Le commutateur marche/arr ê t pour la mach ine à gla ç ons est un bras de commande en broche situ é sur le c ô t é de la m achine à gla ç ons.
37 T ablett es du r é fr ig é rateur Vo t r e m o d è le peut ê tre dot é d e tabl ettes en verre ou de cla yette s. Le remi sage d ’ al iment s sembl abl es ens embl e et le r é glage des tab.
38 L e sc o u v e r c l e sd ub a c à l é g u m e so ud ut i r o i r à l é gu mes/vi ande Pour enlever et replacer les couver cles : 1. Enlev er le bac à l é gumes et le t iroi r à viande . App uyer au c e n t r ed el ’ encart de verre du bac à l é gumes jusqu ’à ce qu ’ il se soul è ve au-des sus du cad re en plasti que.
39 Casi er à v i no up o r t e - c a n n e t t e s / bou teilles (sur certains mod è les -Accessoire) Pour r etir er et r é installer le ca sier à vin ( à gauche) ou le porte-canne ttes/bouteilles ( à dr oit e) : 1. Retir er le casier en l e tirant to ut dr oit hors de la table tte.
40 2. R é insta ller les trin gles e n al ignan t les extr é mit é sd e ss u p p o r t s avec le s attache s de chaque c ô t é de la pa r oi de la p orte . Enclencher fermemen t le support et l a tringle dans les attaches au-dessus d e la tablet te tel qu ’ in diqu é .
41 Alumini um brossé : Laver avec une éponge pr opre ou un ling e doux et un d étergent doux da ns de l 'eau ti ède. Ne pas utilise r de nettoyant fort ou abrasif , ni de nettoyan t conçu pour l'acier i noxydable. S écher à fond ave c un linge doux.
42 Style 2 ■ Enleve r le p rotecteur d ’ am poule en sai siss ant le s c ô t é se t e n pre ssant v ers le centr e tout en tira nt le prot ecteur vers l ’ avant, t el qu'ind iqu é . ■ Replacer le p rotecteur d ’ ampoule en i ns é rant les langu ettes dans l es fentes s ur la pa roi inter ne du c ong é lateur .
43 2. Retirer tous les a liments du r é frig é rate ur et placer tous les aliments con gel é sd a n sd el an e i g ec a r b o n i q u e . 3. Vi de r l e ba c à gla ç ons. 4. T ourner la commande du thermostat (ou la commande du r é frig é rateur , s elon le mod è le) à OFF (arr ê t).
44 ■ Le commutateur de la machine à gla ç ons est-i l à la position O FF ( à dr oite) (sur certains mod è les) ? D é pl acer le commuta teur de la m a chine à gla ç ons à la p osition ON ( à gauch e ). V oir la section “ Machine à gla ç ons et bac/s eau d ’ entreposage ” .
45 Le bac à gla ç o ns est d if ficile à enlev er ■ Est-ce que le seau à gla ç ons est d ifficile à enlever (sur certains mod è les )? Sur les mod è les avec bac à gla ç ons dans l a port e du con g é lateur , choisir “ gla ç ons ” .
46 ■ La pi è ce est- elle humide? Il est normal que l ’ humidit é s ’ accumule à l ’ int é rieur du r é fri g é rateur lorsque l ’ air de la pi è ce est h umid e. ■ Les ali ments so nt-ils bi en embal l é s? V é rifier que tous les aliments son t bien embal l é s.
47 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PR ODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Mod è le WF -NL3 00 /NL3 00 Capaci t é : 300 gallons (1 136 litr es) Mod è le WF-L500/L500 Capac.
GARANTIE DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR R OPER ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Pend ant un a n à c o m p t e rd el ad a t ed ’ a c h a t ,l o r s q u ec er é frig é rateur ( à .
デバイスWhirlpool RS22AQXKQ02の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool RS22AQXKQ02をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool RS22AQXKQ02の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool RS22AQXKQ02の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool RS22AQXKQ02で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool RS22AQXKQ02を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool RS22AQXKQ02の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool RS22AQXKQ02に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool RS22AQXKQ02デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。