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2221544 CABINET DEPTH SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR Use & Care Guide For que stions abo ut featur es, operati on/performance, parts accessories or serv ice, call: 1-800-422-1230 In Canada, call for assist ance 1-800-461-5681 , for instal lation and service, call: 1-800-807-6777 or visit our website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGERAT OR SAFETY ................. ........... ........... ........... ........ 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................... ............. 4 Unpacking ............................. ........................
3 REFRIGERATOR SAFETY Proper Disp osal of Y our Old Refrigerator IMPORT AN T : Child en trapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or ab andoned refrigerators are sti ll dangerous – ev en i f th ey w ill s it f or “ jus t a few da ys.
4 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Unpacking Removin g packagin g materials ■ Remove tape and glue residue fr om surfaces before turning on the refrigerator . Ru b a small amount of liquid dish soap over th e adhesiv e with yo ur fingers. W ipe with warm water and dry .
5 Electrical R equirements Befo re yo u mov e you r re frige rator into it s fi nal loca tion, it is important to make sure you have the proper electri cal connection : Recommended gr ounding method A 115 V olt, 60 Hz. , AC only 15 or 20 ampere fused, gr ounded electrica l suppl y is required.
6 3. Open the freezer door and tur n on the ice maker by low ering the wire shutoff arm. Please refer to the “ Ice Ma ker and Storage Bin/ Bucket ” section for further instructions on the operation of your ice maker . ■ Allow 24 hours to pr oduc e the fir st batc h of ic e.
7 Custom D oor P anels Creating Custo m W ood Panels If yo u plan to ins tall c ustom wood d ecorat or pan els, y ou will need to create the panels you rself or consu lt your cabin etmaker or carpenter . See dimensi onal drawin gs for wood panel in serts .
8 7. Tighten the two top trim screws. Base Grille Styl e 1: T o remove the base grille: 1. Open the refrigerator and freezer doors 90 ° . 2. Remove s crews from t he base gril le usin g a scr e wdriver . NOTE : Do Not Remove T ech Sheet t hat is fasten ed behind t he base grille .
9 6. Adjust the front lev eling bolt to bring the refrigerator top parallel with the ca binet above t he refrigerator . For standard cabinet s, leave approxima tely ¹⁄₈ in . ( 3.18 mm) gap between the top h inges and the cabinet . For full-ov erlay cabin ets, leave ¹⁄₄ in.
10 IMPORT AN T : ■ Y our pr oduct will n ot cool when the Power Contr ol is se t to OFF . ■ The Refrigerator Con trol adjusts t he refrigerator compartment temperatu re. The Fr eezer Control adjusts t he freezer compartment t emperature. Press the UP A RROW to make the temperatur e warmer .
11 3. Remo ve the glas s to s top di spens ing. NOTE : The first few batches of ice may hav e an off-flavor from new plumbing and part s. Throw the ice away .
12 Changing a water filter cartridg e The water filter i s located be low the freezer compart ment door . 1. Loca te the wa ter filt er ca rtr idge cap in th e fr ont bas e gr ille below the freezer compartmen t door . Rotate the cap counterclockwise to a verti cal position and pull t he cap and filter cart ridge out th rough the base gri lle.
13 ■ Avoid connecting the i ce maker to a soft ened water su pply . W a ter softe ner chemicals ( such as salt ) can damage part s of the ice maker and lea d to p oor qualit y ice . If a sof tened w ater supply cannot be av oided, make sure the wat er softener is operating properly an d is well maintained .
14 Crisper Humi dity Control (on some models) Y ou can cont rol the amount of humidi ty in th e moist ure-sealed crisper . Adjust the control to any setting between LO W and HIGH. LOW (open) lets moist air out of the crisp er for best storage of fruits and ve getab les wit h skin s.
15 Freezer Basket (plastic bi n on some models) The freezer basket can be u sed to st ore bags of frozen fruits a nd veg eta bles tha t may slid e of f fre ezer sh elve s. T o remove an d replace the freezer basket: 1. Remove basket by slid ing it out to the s top.
16 4. W a sh stain less steel and pain ted meta l exteriors w ith a clean sponge or so ft cloth a nd a mild deter gent in warm wat er . Do not u se ab rasi ve o r har sh c lea ner s.
17 Power Interruptions If the power wi ll be out for 2 4 hours or les s, keep both refrigerator doors closed to help food stay cold and fr ozen. If the power will be out for m ore th an 24 hou rs, do on e of the follo wing: ■ Remove all frozen food and stor e it in a frozen food locker .
18 ■ Has a larg e amount of food just been added to t he ref rigerator? Addi ng a large amount of food warms the r efrigerator . The motor nor mally will ru n longer t o cool the r efr iger ator b ack dow n. ■ Are t he doors opened often? The mot or will ru n longer when this occurs.
19 ■ Is the ice dispenser stalling whi le dispensing “ crus hed ” ice? Stop disp ensing i ce. Change the ice bu tton from “ crushed ” to “ cube d. ” Depress the ice dis penser arm using a sturdy glass. If cubed i ce dispen ses correctly , depress the button for “ crushed ” ice and begin dispen sing again .
20 The doors will not close comp letely ■ Are food p ackages blocking the door open? Rearrange containers s o that th ey fit more tigh tly and t ake up less space. ■ Is the ice bin or ice bucket out of position? For models with an int erior ice b in, push the ice bi n in all the way .
21 In Canada Call the Kitch enAid Cana da Customer Int eraction Cent er toll free: 1-800- 461-5 681 M onday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6 :00 p. m. (EST). Satur day 8:3 0 a.m. - 4:3 0 p.m. (EST ). Our consultants provide assistance with: ■ Features and speci ficati ons on our full line of app liances.
22 PERFORMANCE DATA SHEETS Base Grille W at er Filtration System Model WF-NL300/NL300 capaci ty 300 Gallons (1136 Liters) Model WF-L500/L500 capacity 500 Gallons (1893 Liters) This system has b een teste d according to ANSI /NSF 42/53 for the reduction of the subs tances li sted bel ow .
23 KITCHENAID ® REFRIGE RA TOR W ARRANTY ONE- YEAR FULL W ARRANTY ON RE FRIGERA TOR For one year from the date of purchase, whe n this refrigerator (exclud ing the water fil ter) is ope rated and mai.
24 S É CURIT É DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Mise au rebut de vot re vieux r é frig é rateur IMPORT AN T : L ’ e mpri son neme nt et l ’é touf feme nt des enf ants ne sont p as un probl è me du pass é .
25 INSTRUCTIONS D ’ INSTALLATION D é ballage Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ emba lla ge ■ Enlev er le ruban a dh é si f et tout r é sidu de col le du r é frig é rateu r avant de le me ttr e en mar che. Fro tter un e peti te quanti t é de savo n liqu ide à va issel le sur l ’ adh é sif avec les doigts.
26 Sp é cifi cations é lectriques Avant de placer le r é frig é rate ur à son emplace ment final , il est impor tant de vous a ssurer d ’ avoir l a connexion é lectri que appropri é e : M é .
27 2. Utiliser u n contenant solide p our appuyer s ur la barr e de distr ibuti on jusq u ’à ce qu e l ’ eau c ommence à couler . Vider le syst è me d ’ ea u en lais sant co uler et en jet ant 2 à 3 gal lons (8 à 12 L) d ’ eau. Le nettoyage du syst è m e prendra e nviron 6 à 7 minu tes et aid era à d é gager l ’ air du conduit.
28 Raccordemen t au r é frig é rateur 1. Enlev er le ruban g omm é d ’ exp é dit ion du tube gris, en serpen tin p our l ’ eau , à l ’ arri è re d u r é frig é rateur . 2. St yle 1 : Enfiler l ’é cr ou dans le joint à l ’ extr é mit é du tu be de cuivre.
29 Dimensions d ’ usinage pour les panneaux personnalis é s de pl us de 1/4 po (6 mm) d ’é pai sse ur Installation des panneaux de bo is sur commande 1.
30 Nivellement du r é frig é rateur Vo t r e r é frig é rateur comporte une r oulette à l ’ avant et à l ’ arri è re de chaque c ô t é à la base du produ it.
31 ■ À la fin de chaque p rogra mme, vous p ouvez entendr e un gargou illeme nt attribuabl e au r é frig é rant qui ci rcule dans votre r é frig é ra teur . ■ La contraction et l ’ expans ion de s parois i nter nes pe uvent prod uir e un bru it sec.
32 Ajustement des comma ndes Si vou s avez be soin d ’ aj uster les temp é ratur es, ajuster d ’ abord la temp é rature du r é frig é rateur . Att endr e 24 he ur es entr e les ajuste ments et ensuit e v é rifier de nouveau la temp é ratu re.
33 Le distributeur d ’ eau Si v ous n ’ avez pas la iss é coul er d e l ’ eau dans le sy st è me lors de l ’ insta llati on init iale d u r é frig é rateur , appuyer sur la barre d u distr ibuteu r d ’ eau a vec un verre ou bocal pou r puise r et jeter d e 2 à 3 gal.
34 cong é lateur . T our ner le cou vercle dans le sens antihoraire jusqu ’à ce qu ’ il soit en position ve rticale et retirer ensuite le couvercle et la cartouche d e filtre à traver s la g rille de la b ase. REMARQUE : Il y a ur a de l ’ eau dans la cartouche et un d é versement es t possibl e.
35 Pour enlever et r eplacer le bac à gl a ç ons : 1. Retirer le pan neau qui recouvre le bac à gla ç ons en le retirant à la ba se et ensu ite le gli sser ve rs l ’ arri è re. 2. Soulever le l evier de command e en broche jusqu ’à ce qu ’ il s ’ enclenche à la position OFF (levi er lev é ).
36 T ablettes et cadres de tablettes Pour retir er et replacer une tablette/un cadr e : 1. Enlever la t ablette /le cadre en la/l e relevant à l ’ avant et en la / le sou levant v ers l ’ ext é rie ur hors des su pports de ta blette.
37 Ti r o i r à boisso n Pour enlever et r eplacer le tiroir à boisson : 1. Enlev er le tiroir à boisso n en le g lis sant di rectement vers l ’ ext é rieur jusqu ’à la but é e. Soulever le deva nt et gliss er le tiroir à boisson pour le sorti r compl è tement.
38 Panier du cong é lateur (bac en plastique sur c ertains mod è les) Le pani er du co ng é lateur pe ut ê tr e utilis é pour entreposer de s sacs d e fruit s et de l é gumes surgel é s qui peuv ent glisse r hors des clayet tes du con g é lateur .
39 ENTRETIEN DU R É FRIG É RATEUR Net toya ge Les se ction s de r é frig é ratio n et de con g é la tion se d é givrent automatiqu ement. T o utefois, net toyer les d eux sect ions au moins une f ois par m ois pour em p ê cher une accumu lation d ’ odeurs.
40 Lumi è r e du tableau de comm ande Sais ir l ’ a mpoule en arri è re du tableau d e commande du r é frig é rat eur p our l ’ enlever et la remplacer .
41 D é m é nag eme nt Lors que vou s d é m é nagez votre r é frig é rateur à une nouvelle habita tion, suiv re ce s é tap es pou r pr é parer le d é m é nagement.
42 La machine à gla ç ons ne produit pa s de gla ç ons ou tr op peu ■ La machine à gla ç ons vient-el le juste d ’ê tre install é e? Atte ndre 72 heures p our le c omme ncem ent de la p roduct io n compl è te de gl a ç ons.
43 ■ La glace a-t-elle fondu autour de la tige en m é tal dans le seau à gla ç ons? Vi der les cube s de gla ce et nettoy er le se au à gla ç ons compl è temen t. Ac corder 24 he ures pour q ue la machine à gla ç ons regarnisse le stock. Ne pas essayer d ’ enlever la glace fondue avec un obje t pointu .
44 La temp é rature est tr op ti è de ■ Les ouvert ures d ’ a é ration sont -elles bloqu é es d ans une section ou l ’ autre? Ce tte obs truct ion emp ê che le mouvement de l ’ ai r froid du cong é lateur au r é frig é rateur . Enlev er tous le s ob jets pl ac é s en avant des ouv ertures d ’ a é ration.
45 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Avant de demander un e assist ance ou un servi ce, veuill ez v é rifier la s ection “ D é pannage ” . Cett e v é rification peut vous faire é conomiser le co û t d ’ une vi site de r é pa ration. S i vous avez encore beso in d ’ ai de, sui vre les instru ctions ci-d essous .
46 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PRODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Mod è le WF-NL300/NL300 Capacit é : 300 gallons (1 136 litr es) Mod è le WF-L500/L500 Capacit é .
47 GARANTIE DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR KITCHENAID ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN SUR LE R É FRIG É RA TEUR Pour une p é riode de un an à partir de la date d ’ ach at, lorsqu e ce r é frig é rat.
2221544 © 200 3. All r ights re served. Tous dr oits r é se rv é s. ® Registe red Trad emark /TM T radem ark of Kitchen Aid, U. S.A., K itchenAi d Cana da lic ensee i n Canad a ® Marque d é pos é e/TM M arque de comme rce de Kitche nAid, U .S.A.
デバイスWhirlpool WF-NL300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool WF-NL300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool WF-NL300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool WF-NL300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool WF-NL300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool WF-NL300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool WF-NL300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool WF-NL300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool WF-NL300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。